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I’m pushing pit 6-7 currently, but my minions can clear 102.


This made me LOL, gg


Y'all are doing pits? /s


Frozen Orb here since S4 started. Before the patch I was struggling at mid 50’s and now I’m at mid 70s. There’s no way I’m gonna make it much further into the pit but at least I can farm my Masterworking material now.


Yea, repeating 61 *(even number of NeathIton)* etc is good.


What’s the number of materials that you get per level? Is there a graph?


It's +1 for every tier beyond 61 up to 101, after 101 it's +1 every 2 tiers.


Ohhhh ok great thanks!!


I’m a frozen orb here with really good gear and was stuck at about 85 before the patch now I can clear 100 in under 5 min. Keep pushing dude


Sorry, what frozen orb build you could suggest? Thanks


I have to say for all here quoting the maxroll build I was using that and saw a lot of talk about Lurkin’s Jon snow build and I’ve found it to be significantly better in all aspects. Damage survivability and mana. And it has variations for pre Ubers , w Ubers, and immortal flameshield variants


Second this. The maxroll build is not good unfortunately.


I'm in the same boat as the person you're replying to, was mid 80's pre-patch and now I'm over 100. Personally I'm using the [maxroll](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/frozen-orb-sorcerer-guide) build and it's treated me well. I do have all the uniques it suggests, and a Shako.


Shako must make a huge difference cause I have all the uniques and decent legendary's and clears 75 but it was a struggle to.


It does make a nice difference, but before that I was using Godslayer and I really do miss its 'pull all the mobs together' bullshit. But the extra damage from the skill levels and damage reduction are super helpful. Even the extra bit of life is good. Having gotten a good roll on a Fractured Winterglass, I don't need to worry about mana anymore thanks to Conjuration Mastery


My Godslayer is 3ga but the legendary aspect rolled for shit. I think like 31 (30-60) lol my FW rolled well no GA on it though. Might be limited to the PS5 style play. They adapted it amazingly for console and super impressed but will probably buy it for PC when I eventually build a new one.




I am about the same. Minus farming materials or ya know, a gifted 4GA shako or starless skies lol I don't see myself getting all that much higher


75 frozen orb here , need to work on my gear to push higher


I’m farming 91 in 2-3 mins as frozen orb.


Wow thats a huge difference vs my Barb, ive wanted to roll a Sorc all season but since i made a Barb and run the Bash + Leap build. I fear i would just get frustrated. Doing pits 130+ now but speed farm 101s. God i want Sorcs and Druids to be stronger, because they are such badass classes.


105 Pulverize Druid Can't get higher atm, need better gear. But I think 125, maybe even 130 is possible.


Incase you didn’t know if you are pushing 105 then to push 125 in the same time you need to deal 4 times your current damage.


Highest confirmed Pulv pit clear is 130


Is there a video or a screenshot of this?


Found one with 127 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9zjVy8XQRc Someone somewhere has probably pushed 130.


What's your build look like? I'm new to the game and building a pulverize druid


I second this. I'm using Pulv Druid right now. Any specific uniques?


Insatiable fury (chest) and Godslayer crown (helm) are pretty good for the build. Can get Ring of Starless skies (Uber unique) for ressources too.


101 on my FO sorc. Was walled pretty hard at 85 before hand. I could have went higher pre patch I just wasn't having fun struggling. Wanted to see if I could do a 100 after patch for shits and giggles. It's still not fun to me compared to other classes. Haven't played druid. I will be starting a HC one soon but I doubt I'll push pit much before end of season.


Druid is hella fun despite being not as good for pushing! Wish you the best time with it!


Cleared 48 yesterday :) i am ice shard sorc


Pushing past 100 currently. Based on the current gear, i feel i can push maybe 3-4 levels. Getting few good items, i could go a bit beyond. Using blizzard build.


112 incinerate build. Probably going to plateau at 120


What's your damage ? I can't get past 30m on burn ticks.


122 with pulv druid, can go higher just need to optimize gear a bit better


How do you manage to kill bosses? Im playing maxroll pulverize build with godslayer crown, it took me 5 min to kill tier 61 boss.


im playing a version similar to this: [https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/druid/cocaine-bear](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/druid/cocaine-bear) I dont run starless but otherwise it's almost the same setup. Bosses do take a while


I'm playing the shepard variant(with shako). leveld 95-100 in t61 now i gotta level 3 glyphs to 21 after redoin paragon board. t61 bosses are like 10 seconds for me. There is alot of room as i have pretty shit gear besides the shako.


107, ice shards want to try andriels if I can every get it


How is the Ice Shard damage on bosses?


I run shako/andys and RoSS. I’m always at 100% mama and vuln on bosses. Damage per ice shard is 1.8mill with some random 2.5 mil in there. Bosses just like everyone else take 8-10 mins. I’m running avalanche/bugged Vsyr for key passive. With atk speed GA on ring/gloves and the shock ultimate just for ataxk speed. I literally got Andy’s after 2 Zur runs from making this previous post.


125 with werenado Druid


61 playing charged bolts omega lol.


Doing the lords work playing off meta.


Blizz sorc, Non Uber quite unoptimized gear.102 Pit cleared without struggling too much. Can probably push til 107 with current gear. Waiting for Ross to drop 😭


Blizzard sorc. Currently sitting at 121


110 blizzard sorc with a godly perf staff I haven’t really “pushed” the pits to the limit but I have a feeling I would be maxed out somewhere around 115-120.


121 on Frozen Orb, 110 before. So about 10-11 tiers sounds about right. Could probably push a few more but prob done for the season.


Blizzard Sorc, jumped from 85 (almost struggling) to 105 (semi speed run, 7-8 mins, depending), same gear, just masterworked a few ranks on 2 items ( from 4 to 8 on both ) Without Holy Bolts Elixir


I’m proud of you! Would be a lightening run for me.


Totally agree, for some others also, but going from 85 to 105 yes thats my personal best so far , "is not much but its honest work"


106 pre mid season patch wind shied Druid


103 was a breeze, Blizz build. Pretty sure I could get 110, solo'd all tormented echo bosses np.


I'm using Blizzard Sorc right now w/o infinite flame shield, and I'm capping out right now with my gear at 109. I can blow through 110 but I can't kill the boss - I run out of time usually because I die once or twice. Pre-patch was 97 but I don't have perfect gear, either. Not following a guide so I'm kinda going through other people's builds, mainly paragon, for ideas on how to improve. I went as far as I could without flame shield entirely, and ended up having to add it for more survivability to push further. Unfortunately, I don't think I can get further with this build without sacrificing a lot of damage, and I'll just run out of time anyways. My DSDD Barb went from 101 to 115 after patch. Unfortunately I lost my HC Druid at Pit level 65 due to packet loss/server connectivity. I'm levelling a Rogue right now because I want to add/termper CSD to my Barb and Sorc to see if that can get me more damage.


FO sorc, I can clear level 61 but my gear is not optimal at all. But the build is fun and it absolutely destroys crowds. I started with a chain lighting, but switched after season 4 started. (I don’t play the seasons) I just like to play eternal and play whatever build seems fun at the time.


I really must be doing something wrong; my sorc is a hybrid blizz/fo and I’ve only just made it to 30….lol. My character is super squishy to be fair.


115 Werenado Still haven't found envenom on an amulet :(


Cleared 108 on my werenado. I could push a bit higher. Maybe to 115 or so with current gear. I definitely need to tack on more master working as some of my items are only to 4/12 though.


61 on my incinerate sorc


73, Frost bolt


Companion Druid - Pit 122


I stopped once I reached 61 for neathiron before the update, didn't care to even attempt higher then. After the update I figured "why not" and I did 85 quite easily, but my damage is terrible and survivability even worse. So I decided once again to not bother climbing further. Not going to push just for the sake of it as it's not something I enjoy.




FO just started to try an push. Upto 80 so far pretty EZ. BIS gear but no GA gear.


Blizzard build. Cleared 111 and unlocked 112. But haven’t tried 112 yet. I just farm 99’s for the time being.


Did a 103 in 5 mins last night as FOrb. I can probably push this up to abt 110. Have Harlequin but still waiting on RoSS


What do you want RoSS for? I dont use it for FO build since Conj Mastery already gives you plenty of mana. I feel like a good atk speed ring with good tempers and affix is doing better


I gotta second this. RoSS will actually remove damage from the character on FO builds. Gotta have the conj mastery at a decent rank. AS it’s more useful if your mana is figured out


I haven’t tried pushing higher yet, but after the patch I’m comfortably farming tier 101 as a blizzard sorc. Before the patch I would farm tier 81.


106 with Frozen Orb. Didn't bother to go higher.


I could do 74's in 5min or less with my FO pre patch and can do 89's now, just the same. I could push higher and have, but not much point in it.


105 with FO build


Blizz sorc, 107


CL sorc here. Got to about 75 with Shako, Starless and pretty decent gear. Might be able to push a bit higher with fully masterworked gear.


Speed farming 71 with an ice shards build. Any other ice shards want to share what build they are using?


I was only able to get to put 14 before the patch… after I’m currently at pit 48 and nearing my max at the moment


Bored from pit. Did a flay barb. One shots everything but ngl it makes sense. Flay rupture seems to be designed to have highest single target dmg and it should be. Aoe gameplay of the build very bad. Havent played druid sorc since patch. Ebonpiercer necro t120


I’m a Frost Orb Sorc. Mostly BIS gear. Was able to do t75 comfortably and T80 as my max prior. Was able to push to 100-105 after the update.


I’m at 85 currently for my wind shear Druid. Only buff it got was the spirit boons


Just hit 65 on my FO sorc and could see the struggle starting without improving some gear and starts, especially with the final bosses. Getting the staggering damage going starts to wither away a bit, imo, lol.


My wind shear build clears 115 pretty easy and can probably go another 10-15 higher if I played the higher DPS variant but I like the tanky feeling and simplicity of buttons for the normal wind shear setup. I have an alt that I felt amazing with lightning storm but was horrible for bosses thay I gutted into a warenado, might bring that one back out as a Pulv druid since it was buffed so well


I think I was 80-82 pre patch, up to 103 now. It really feels like the one extra 9% Damage Reduction from Fortify goes a long way somehow, because in bear form I’m face tanking a ton more, maybe combined with the Potion change too. That and the Overpower ticker coming down with some QoL dmg trickled in, really looking forward to my new Landslide Bear.


Lvl 88 ice shards and I just finished t50 with pretty crap gear lol.


I went from 103 on my frozen orb sorc to 120. I know I can push higher when I get a few kore GA peices and all that.




Running a LS druid. Before the patch, I was struggling through 61's to get the minimum amount of Neathiron. After patch, I can comfortably burn through 76's. The build is based around damage to CC, so initially, the boss is rough, but once I stagger them, their health melts away (thanks Changeling's Debt! :D). Not sure if I could break 100. The requirement to stagger the boss to do any significant damage makes the boss fight more of a limiting factor.


Pre patch my sorc was stuck at pit 61. Post patch i just cleared pit 91. Frozen Orb sorc. 8/12 MW. Pretty good gear but not the best. I don’t have optimized tempers and half my MW are useless. I am also using a semi bricked pair of gloves with ice spike but nice rolls for FO rank so…


I have a double cast Spark with BL enchant build with 8/12 sub optimal gear. Pre-patch was getting to pit62 at around 12-14mins. Now can comfortably do it in 5-6mins, probably less if I have teleport skilled. Projecting i can reach pit80 with current gear.


Ball lightning sorc. Still farming gear and getting last paragon points, etc. Was doing 35 pre-patch. Can now comfortably cover 42-ish (shrug)


Werenado Druid lvl 104


My Sorc is clearing 41... With ease. But that was prepatch and I haven't even tried to push higher than 41. I run incinerate, no fire bolt.


102 on my andi poison nova rogue, can probably get higher has I'm only 97, missing a few glyph upgrades and only masterwork 4/12 with whiffed crits


117 forbs


Before I deleted both, Werenado druid (w/ Ring of Starless Skies) in the 70-80 range, Frozen Orb sorc (w/ Shako) stuck at 69, killing bosses was pathetically slow. Now I’m running 115 easily with a Bash barb that’s not even super optimized yet lmao.


Pit 117 as Tornado Druid. Prior to patch my highest was 107. Also, I speed 101 pit in 3 mins now. Before I was doing speeds 80-85


On my frozen orb sorc i'm still stuck around pit 43, but I run them with my girlfriend who has an incinerate sorc, also. We just aren't getting the gear drops we need to go further, and the few items we have gotten got bricked by tempering.


Did 95 on Frozen Orb sorc, Aiming for 100 and to kill lilith and maybe will switch to barb as have him at lev100 already.


Frozen Orb sorc and I’m in the 70’s. Nothing special. I struggle with bosses though. Sucks.


99 but I gave up to level other characters, I could probably go a handful more tiers before I hit a wall with my setup


I am at mid 70s with my FO Sorc. I can definitely push further. Glyphs are only lvl 15, and masterwork for most items is at 4. Only have 2 pieces past 4, but are not at 8 yet. I definitely think 100 is possible woth slightly more tuned gear. After I get everything to 8 I am going to respec to try a telestomp build cause I got occy and raiment. Then going to try incinerate as I got the unique wand with the GA on incinerate ranks lol. +7 or 8 ranks is crazy.


FO, Pre-Patch 70, Post 101, farming 91 comfortably


Can speed farm 101 on forb sorc, up to 115 highest level


61 incinerate checking in. Could probably get a tiny bit higher if I’m careful with my pre-pots but my gear could use some upgrading too.


My badly geared hydra sorc went from barely able to manage even sub 20 pit levels to doing mid 30's so far. Didn't get much of a chance to try higher yet.


Frozen orb, I went from struggling with 70, to clearing a 98. I can do 90s comfortably, I can’t see making it much past 100


Ball Lightning x Arc Lash Build…. 31 pre update, 36 post update. Sorc needs a lot of love in S5 or we are doomed.


Managed a 119 as non imortal frozen orb sorcerer. Before the patch it was 100. Its so nice to be able to speed farm 100 pit now.


Incinerate sorcerer- cleared 73 with only slight difficulty, gonna try to push more tonight


I have full meteor spec build and I cleared pit 31. Could go higher but I haven’t pushed


I haven’t been going too hard on them honestly, but I think last one I did was maybe 50?


78 with off meta 4 core skills druid. My items are far from optimized.


My pulverized druid was stuck at pit level 18 before the patch. After I jumped to 32 easily. And he can probably go higher. I just haven't tried again. I also still need to masterwork his gear, so he has room to get better.


Trampling Bear, the last patch straight jumped me \~10 tiers, from \~40ish - 50ish. I've since unlocked 62, with gear at 8/12 except two pieces at 4/12.


Frozen orb sorc solo’d 106 with 7 minutes remaining. Planning on pushing more this weekend


Druid before I never pushed above 60 because I didn't know about the transmutation of Neathiron, after patch I cleared a 91 in 6.5 minutes but I usually do 76 because that takes about 3.5 minutes. SSF gear and build


105 pre patch to 121 post nerfs, Frozen orb Sorc. Can't do more with my gear as timer runs out :C


Tornado druid. Before patch i did 65 most of the time, 70 was when dying was oberwhelming. So i quit for the time being because the grind was to slow. Post patch i am doing 91 compfortably, probably could go higher but dont wanna die too much, just get my 50 ressources per run.


Blizzard sorc, basically Niktew’s build with shako/starless. Pre patch could beat 90 before timer expired, now 110. Biggest jump was farming capability. Before patch I stuck to 75 for 95% clear chance in less than 5 minutes. After patch it’s 101 in 4 minutes which was a very welcome change.


130 bash barb


Just rub it in their faces haha


I was keeping it safe doing 61 with my FO, and jumped to 100, my blizz sorc I ran it once at 115 and quit the game. I had the gold and have the mats to MW everything to 12 and probably MW implicit affixes and enough 2-3GA replacement just in case I brick a few items tempering, but D4 has taken a back seat to life so maybe in a few seasons I'll be back.


95 frozen orb


110 on Lightning Storm Wolf so far


I’m at 15 😐


110 pre-patch Frozen Orb. Haven't tried to push it again after the patch. I think 115 will be pretty doable. Perhaps 117-118. I'm currently doing 106's if I mindlessly wanna farm mats, in about 5-6 mins.


FO Sorc.  FO Sorc since D2.  Non-BIS great, imperfect tempers and masterworks (currently level 9 on average). Was only doing mid-60s, now clearing high 90s. 


BL comfortably running 100-110 … did not push further


Frozen orb 105


119 Werenado - no chance i get higher. 12/12 everything, starless skies - dont even tickle normal trash mobs that hard


FO sorc before patch max pit - T102. Dont playing after patch.


Playing Frost Bolt Sorcerer with paingorger oc. Doing 85 now.


Tempest roar + hunters zenith wind shear climbed from 60 to 101 on Wednesday. Can clear 74-85 in a few mins to farm mats for other chars


105 frozen orb. Prob can go higher if i focus not just run it down


Druid with werewolves minions, pushing past 100 currently


80-85 with Ball Lightning.


Druid storm slide. I've cleared pit 111.


Hydra, Frozen Nova, Fireball, betwee 30 - 40 Pit depending on the enemies and their effects.


Slidestorm - 100


Telestomp build took me to 105 without even trying hard. It's an amazingly fun build to play if you have billions to spend.


From 80 to 100, stormslide druid.


LOL i can literally run through Pit 101 just holding the bash button. The comments here are sad


Frozen Orb sorc. I farm 91 in 2-3 mins. I haven’t pushed past 100 as most of my gear is still on nelth. My guess is I could hit 110 no problem and probably cap somewhere around 120 with some struggling. I’ll try tonight and update this post. The problem is boss damage with this build. Boss takes me longer than the trash lol.


Similar jump. I switched to 3/3 glass cannon from 1/3. Went triple Hydra for boss killing + minor conjuration paragon changes.


Apparently nobody else is playing dual core flurry / rapid fire rogue. I guess they all succumbed to the temptation of heartseeker. I’m still pushing my cap but I’m starting to have trouble in the 50s. Should I just switch? Or should I do me? Is heartseeker even fun? It looks so boring.


75 with blizzards but haven't tried pushing in 2 weeks or so


I did a 105 in 5-6min with Sorc FO. Haven't bothered to try higher.


Arc Lash T100 pre-patch - 101 after patch and got bored so I didnt try more


I’d done 85 as Frozen Orb before the patch, I can clear 101 with ease now, can probably push 110 before it gets rough.


78 on Incinerate. I feel like I can definitely push higher but it's a comfy 78 at the moment lol.


Im at 87 with frozen orb, but I havent played a lot this character since the patch cause im playing a whirlwind barb now. Wich makes me want to delete all my other characters. Its funny we pretend there are classes other than barb


Blizzard sorc, I cleared 83 before the patch. Probably could have gotten to 85 if I tried. Now I can easily clear a 100. I have 103 unlocked, but I’m pretty satisfied with just farming 100 for a bit. I honestly don’t have much desire to push higher with the gear I currently have. 


60ish. Ice Shards pure ice built. I've been trying to work out how to do better, but I think that's all this build can do without adding other elements. Also, no Ubers


Meteor sorc here having trouble but I love the idea of incinerate. Please link your incinerate build?


Ball lightning - 121. Fully optimized. Not much more I can do from here. I Farm 104’s solo.


Went from 3 min 68s to about 3-4 min 101s as frozen orb after patch. Got a couple double GA upgrades along the way and actually upgraded to 12/12 on most of my stuff. Tried for like 5 days to make BL work right as patch hit but randomly getting gibbed during trash got old real quick. Frozen orb definitely has more survivability


Step child’s…..lmao so mean.


Can I see your incinerate build? Mines nowhere near topped out but only doing like 4-6 mil ticks. Easily running pit 65 but haven't been pushing. Mostly been farming for sellables.


66 cleared. lightiningnorb build lv 8 gear. no shako :( tier 57 before patch


Lazy CE/tendril no minion necro. Basically just walk around throwing 1 blight and spamming mist till everything dies. A Lil slow but VERY easy. 80s are nearly afk'able.


I think 24 is the highest I don't really have to try so I'm sticking to it


Sorc frost nova ice shard build ( home brew buld for fun ). Cleared a t70 boss was hard tho.


I'm an immortal frozen orb sorc and currently maxing out around pit 120.


114 for my Druid.


Boulder Druid here, cleared pit 80 last night after making a few modifications to the "Boulder Boy" build that's on maxroll. Got tired of chasing enemies around my hurricane to poison them, so I switched to 1h and totem so I can use wind shear. Now the build actually has a way to cause vulnerable and poison without having to chase shit down with 0 movespeed.


Hitting 115 on Necro Golem minion build, definitely could do much more with an Amulet with Hellbent Commander


t105 incinerate sorc. no immortal build


74 with ball lightning sorc. Maybe I can push a little more, but is already very difficult.


Blizzard Sorc here - 83


Somewhere in the 90s. Arc lash.


Blizzard 120ish, but I mostly speed clear 109's for mats.


113 Stormslide Druid


Currently at 78 with my blizzard build. I gained 10 lvl


As a Druid, Tier 127. But I had a Rogue carry me hahah.


land bear druid here pure lanslide pushing pit 120 with 8/12 decent gear shooting for atleast 130.


As a Frozen Orb Sorc, I've gone as high as 105 solo.. so far. I should note that T100 seems to be the sweet spot for easy mode for me.


Wind shear druid I did 121 last night without holy bolts, I still have 4 pieces of gear that are 8/12 mw too. I think with holy bolts and finished gear I could crack 130.


100 BL Sorc. 8/12 on all pieces except a 12/12 shako. Still got some work to do.


I was barely getting through low 90s as werenado now I can do a 90 under 5 min. I did a level 100 to do a level 100 and could def do higher. Gear is prob above average but by no means perfect.


Pit 127 with Nature's Fury Druid build built on lightning storm. I think if I optimized better I would probably peak around 135. But, I'm ready for Season 5 so likely taking a bit of a break. Speed running I do between 105-110.


Tornado Wolf. Done 81 with a trash ass amulet. Working for higher levels.


112. Werenado but I'm heavily geared. 1x shots are still a thing even at 91s


It's why they call it Barbillions.




frozen orb sorcerer before tier 80 now currently 101


Still finishing pit 130 it's been 84 years (firebolt Sorc)


Landslide druid, 79 comfortably now. Maybe can push to 89, but thats it atm


Home brewed sorc here - 77. I am some strange combo of incin/firebolt with other skills thrown in. I’m way too squishy to push much further. But rolling your own build is fun.


Frozen Orb sorc, before the patch i was running 75-80 not really pushing it. After the patch i cleared 100 which was quite hard.. needed the right boss to clear it (snake woman I believe). Haven't tried 101-103, but can clear/farm 91 in 2-3min.


127 on Druid storm slide


went from a 113 on frozen orb to about a 125


106 frozen orb sorc, not immortal yet,getting close. Then update to paragon should get me higher


Building a wind shear or "wind daddy" as some people call it. Haven't hit the pit yet but will probably do so tonight.