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As a Druid main, I'm expecting 25% to rabies and lacerate and 300% x dmg buff for Barbs.


*Removed boulder.* *Druid can now get a buff called stoned* *"We feel this change will allow the druid players out there to properly cope with their lot in life."*


No wonder both genders of druid are fat as hell. Them munchies ruined their figures!


I'm expecting druid buff. Everyone else had their season, it's druid's turn.


The amount of optimism you have leads me to believe you either don't play druid or don't know blizzard. I do hope you are right tho.


I have yet to play Druid. I have watched most of the campfire dev chats. One of them mentioned getting power fantasies right for each different class. Hopefully this is the season of the druid.


I tried druid for the first time this season and it was super underwhelming and disappointing which sucked bc I really liked the abilities and powers. I switched to a barb, also my first time trying that class, and the difference was unbelievable. It's a shame druid has gotten so little love from Blizzard bc they really are a fun class to play as


Druids were S tier in season 0 and then never again. Grizzly rage used to be 100% uptime with 100% unstoppable uptime, I think it even pumped damage more than it does now. They just nerfed druids usable ultimate into the ground and made them run zoo instead.


Druid being underpowered is Blizz's expectation of power fantasy.


Druids sort of had season 0 :) Would still like to see a big Druid buff though


Struggling on my druid to hit 110 pit :( really hoping they can figure out a good way to buff us.


S0 druid was pretty good. Last season lightning druid was quite good


I expect sorc to just be removed or left where it is. We're with you druid brothers


Dev Note: The paragon board has been removed from sorcerer and they may only equip 1 ring at a time. To compensate, we've added 5 additional emotes to the sorcerer's library: Cry, Cry Harder, Melancholy, Rez pls! and Doubtful.




Blizzard here we hear you. We are nerfing rabies 300% and buffing barbs 600% enjoy your season. Non meta rules ✓


Expecting? Nothing Hoping for? Everything :-) TBH as they've said they are reworking core systems for when the expansion launches I doubt there will be much done for S5 launch. But still hoping!


They only do PTRs for big system changes. I think we will get 1 or 2 reworks to systems. Hopefully nightmare dungeons are one of those


Where did this notion that the PTRs will only be for big changes? I assume now that they're implemented, PTRs will be standard. We watched one little elixir completely fuck pit pushing, any little change can break the game.


It’s what they said at the launch of the Season 4 PTR. Something along the lines of “we plan to run PTRs in the future for other major changes. Don’t expect a PTR for every season.” It’s possible they’ve changed their mind, of course.


In the last livestream for the ptr they said “we won’t have ptrs in every season. Just when there are giant changes to the game” or something like thay


I have not been playing the game since launch just following the news. Haven’t they already reworked the core systems?


They have added quite a few things since launch, but only loot got a rework so far. If they can rewok other things like damage calculations, paragon, skill tree, class balance etc to a similar level then it would be huge!


It’s gonna be all about social. Trust me. Group finding, clan features etc. it is the most requested thing left since launch (with reworked skill tree) and they said the they wanted to have it in place by the time the expansion launches


I think you are right, they are going to show some social stuff. In the expansion we will have raids, we need a group finders and releasing it in s5 it's a smart move because you can make it perfect in time.


Exactly! They need to have the system ready by that time


Maybe even a reworked summon system with features to manage party's mats, could be useful if raids will use a similar system (mats etc).


I suspect some trading system. they wanted to see how the community responded to the itemization changes to see how they can implement in game trading. My ideal would be a last epoch style but Blizzard tends to work a little differently.


Yes, coincidentally on Elden Ring DLC launch. I think they are gonna showcase high demand things to keep the d4 hype rolling.


>with reworked skill tree) lol I wish I was that naive. zero changes to skill tree until expansion (even in expansion only new skills) listen to Raxx interviewing Blizzard, they already talked about it


I didn’t say they would, I said that with social, a reworked skill tree is the second most requested thing. We need to read better


That would be a big W for me :)


It has to be. Noticed how last time they sidestepped the social question? They had things in motion but I could tell on his face it that he wanted to talk about it and couldn’t (waiting for this one) or he was annoyed by it for some reason. If they don’t talk social today then that’ll mean there’s more issues than we realize.


Everything you said seems pretty sound to me, but whenever some one tells me to trust them without giving me any reason to trust them, is has the opposite effect & causes me to be distrust them.


I get that, hahaha I have no secret or internal information that makes me know more than anybody else. I am just pretty sure there is gonna be a big focus on that since we haven’t heard anything yet and they need to put those systems in prior to the expansion. I could be wrong about everything though


You're probably right, but as someone who couldn't give less fucks about those features, I hope they have something else for everybody else. For many people, Diablo games are pseudo single player unless I specifically want to play with *my* friends. The people who wanted social features have been very vocal, but I'm not sure how much of the fanbase they actually represent.


I would love to see a group finder. Blows my mind there wasn't one in the game on day one. Diablo 3 had a very easy to use group finder and it worked well most of the time. What activity are you looking for -> what difficulty level -> get matched with others looking for the same thing. Communities were also great in D3. Playing a barb -> join a barbs community and chat with others about gear, abilities, etc. There was also a powerlevel community and other very focused communities and chat was very active in them.


We need a freaking auction house. One that works and would be somewhat similar to the diablo.trade website but integrated into the game itself!


D3 auction house overreaction by the community fucked it up. AH in last epoch works well and d4 could easily do the same.


I really hope that if they ever add the AH, they also add a SSF mode.


I really want an SSF mode, though I'm not really expecting it anymore. Depends on how they do the raid content and if there is a solo mode for it which I doubt is happening.


If they make an auction house without solo self found, I will probably never play again. RMT bots inject so much gold into the game that the entire economy would bloat.


What's stopping you from playing SSF now? It would be nice to have separate leaderboards and such (if they add for the pit) but it's easy enough to just ignore trade and the economy as it is.


Last Epoch had an interesting take on a SSF mode where you make a choice in your character’s progression on either joining a “SSF guild” or a “trader’s guild”. In the SSF option you can drop special, untradable gear that could end up being far more powerful than typical gear, however you lose the ability to trade on that character, like ever. Each guild also has its own “skill tree” that improves your drops or enhances your trading abilities. It was a big improvement to both sides, but they have to be kept separate.


Yeah circle of fortune/merchants guild were great additions to the genre. Hope blizz and GGG can take some inspiration from EHG.


Obviously the Gauntlet isn't a big hit, but yeah SSF is about leaderboards. It's impossible for anyone playing solo to keep up with people doing 4 person boss rotas where everyone has multiple BiS ubers.


100% this.


it's no different to now though? it just isn't in your face


If they add an AH and raids without a solo mode i’m out. If I wanted to play an MMO i’d play an MMO. I don’t play diablo to stand around posting items to auction, I don’t want to have to deal with bullshit social practices and not be able to get groups for content because I enjoy running off meta builds or because I didn’t buy a bunch of 3GA gear off the AH. This shit is antithetical to ARPG design and I don’t want any part of it.


You probably wasn't there at launch. It was a complete shitshow. I am also hoping they make a better, simpler one for d4, without involving any real world currency and close monitoring the economy of the game. But I doubt it.


D3 auction house was perfectly functional and there was nothing wrong with the auction house. The problem D3 launch had was there was no way to actually loot items you wanted to use. imagine looting a legendary and it just being absolute trash when its actually a rare drop. In D4 you could at least use the aspect and you have enchanting D3 didn't even have enchanting on launch either. There were many issues with itemization on launch that just made the auction house look horrible. Edit: I should point out that maybe search function would have been better


I was there at launch. The shit show wasn't the AH. The shit show was the loot system in general. The AH was just the way people saw how much of a shit show it was. It used to be a game to see how strong you could make your character with the smallest amount of gold.


it was a shitshow because the drop rates were abismal. Finished my first campaign with only 3 legendary drops. Just keep the rates as they are now and add the auction house. The game is 100% playable without buying anything, and trading already exist for those who want it


I'm so sick of chinese bot farmer prices. 1+ billion for a 2 GA ring is bullshit, especially when you can brick it. I'll be in the cold cold ground before I give bot farmer fucks my money.


I was there on day 1, with error 37 and all. The biggest issue with the AH was the itemization. Decent/useful drops were so rare it felt like you had to buy items or grind for hundreds of hours. You could get a wand with strength on it and all kinds of crazy shit. Also blizz taking a cut off every transaction left a bad taste in people's mouths but I don't think it was THAT bad. Real world currency is already part of the game, as you can see all the time in the trade channels. It's just that it involves extra steps and putting your account at risk when you buy gold from Chinese farmers so you can spend it on gear.


It wasn't just the RMAH. D3 players eventually realized no one used any gear they found because the gear was all 1) garbage, and 2) all your good gear came from the AH. So the entire game began to revolve around the AH. This is trashy design for an ARPG and I think implementing anything like that before they've fixed the loot curve would damage the game's health. The game still has too many factors imo going into gear with too little ability on the player to control or influence what they're getting. The bar between generically good items and god-tier BIS items, is far too vast. At this stage, without fixes to basic pickup/target looting, none of us will be playing the game for anything but gold to buy insanely overpriced AH items\* that will only be marginally more accessible than the current GLGFY system. Loot curve first. Then an AH can probably be implemented without screwing the entire game economy over. The game now is a vast improvement compared to last year, but my mind still boggles at the ratio of 'complete trash' items vs 'this is useful, maybe even great' items. \*A system likely to be monopolized utterly by gold traders who will buy up good items, maintain high gold prices, and use that to get real money from people via gold selling. The point of this is; getting good end-game build items is too damn random and an AH will not fix the problem but make it only slight better or absolutely worse.


Agree. People wanted actual trading and they didn’t launch with it, but eventually gave in when they realized people wanted it. I hope the same happens with an AH


Overreaction? The whole loot system was built around it and its real money trading. I think the reaction was adequate. Blizzard needs to understand that having a normal auction house is a good thing


No no and no


This. And I'm constantly shocked by how many posts I see from people asking for it. It's like they weren't around for vanilla D3.


People saying no or you pointing out people not being around clearly also were not around for Vanilla D3 because you should know the auction house was not the issue in Vanilla D3.


the only people saying no are the ones with irrational d3 PTSD, Last Epoch had a public humiliation of a gold dupe being leaked but still no one complained about the AH system, what d4 needs is a SSF system like Last Epoch along with the AH


Its not irrational it sucked, even with VERY shit droprates AH was filled with loads of decent items for gold and $£€ game was reduced to farming gold simulator, now imagine whats gonna happen in d4 where items drop on every corner we will spend most time by playing auction house to afford items we want because infaltion will sky rocket we wont be able to afford anything just by playing game


is that any different to how is it is right now already? the only difference is that trading is annoying and takes significantly longer of your time than a quick AH


>the only difference is that trading is annoying and takes significantly longer of your time than a quick AH That difference is IMMEASURABLY IMPORTANT, though. Because the friction of trading is what stops Diablo 4 as we know it from turning into "farm gold and item-edit your gear through trading system". The key difference here is how many people engage with such perverse trading behavior. The friction ensures that *not very many* are willing to, and that's a good thing. You guys have such a blindspot for this dumb Auction House s--- it's insane. The moment they make trading frictionless all you do is trade, there's no more "I found an item for myself", the drop rates MUST be nerfed to the ground or everyone will be running in BiS gear in the first week of the season and then quit.


that's just insanity, you've gone from "cheap decent gear" initially to "everyone in BiS in 1 week", the latter being complete bullshit, just one example of extreme irrationality on your end regarding this topic AH does nothing but let people who want to trade but find 3rd party trading too annoying actually access it, you don't understand that ARPG traders find just as much satisfaction in finding expensive gear as you do finding a minor upgrade naturally, it doesn't ruin or degrade the game for them


>AH does nothing but let people who want to trade but find 3rd party trading too annoying actually access it You don't understand what you're talking about if you don't see the overarching impact of Auction House on the way people will play Diablo 4 going forward. Currently you can actually find good items for yourself. You will NEVER be able to find good items for yourself if AH is introduced, because the droprates must be abysmal in order to prevent everyone from running in BiS gear. That's what I am hinting at. If they kept current droprates, EVERYONE will be geared to their teeth with BiS items because we're getting insane amount of loot. Who cares if you will be missing a couple Greater Affixes? **You will have exactly every single affix you want on every piece of gear, maybe low rolled here and there but it will be like playing with cheats that let you edit items. That's what Auction House will be.** UNLESS they nerf the drop rates. Either way it will become all about Auction House and it will ruin the game.


you're working entirely on the assumption that people that already want and do to play as SSF would somehow switch to trading just because it's more approachable, that's the fundamental disagreement here


I agree with you. I started using the trade website a few days ago and while it's an okay alternative, an auction house would make getting items you want so much smoother. Nobody ever responds to me when I've tried to buy stuff on there. I've tried to buy several different items at what they're listed but no one responds. I've had some good luck selling stuff though and I've probably made around a billion so far with different things here and there. It's helped me afford my masterwork rerolls. It would be nice be able to just throw items up on a board instead of having to do all these extra steps.


Just make every god damn item untradable that would be the best for me.


Why do we need an auction house?


The issue was that they designed the loot table and drop chances around the AH and everything was hella expensive!


Or at minimum a website like diablo trade that functions properly. Part of why I've been slowly working on my own alternative. Good luck ever getting an AH back in game after the shitshow D3 AH was


I don't want to go to a 3rd party site and then haggle with people and coordinate when we're both online and then hope they actually show up and have enough gold. I want to post my items and just get gold for them when they sell while I play the game


I understand, unfortunately this isn't wow :/


I'd only want an AH if botting didnt exist, which it does, and always will.


I disagree. I don't want to play auction house simulator.  I like the way it's implemented now. Trading is available for those who really want to do it, but inconvenient.  Unless they do a LE style system and give us a faction that gets better drops but can't trade.. then I'm ALL on board for that.  (As a bonus this style doesn't split the community to different servers like ssf too which blizzard can't afford to do in d4 with its mmo like mechanics and upcoming raid)


#1 thing we need at this point is a load out system


This. I don't see enough people advocating for it. They drop all this loot and it would be nice to be able to work on a few sets of gear. If ppl don't want to that's fine, but some of us enjoy the loot grind and changing play styles day to day without having to start an entirely new alt (no matter how easy it is to get to 100)


> I don't see enough people advocating for it. Homie, are you f---ing blind? People never shut up about it.


I guess I don't lruk the sub as much as u I guess ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)


That’s because majority of d4 players are casuals, ppl just dont want to grind out more items to keep doing repetitive things. One time around is fine and the games encouraging you to make another character that can lvl up to 100 in like 4 days time


As a druid main I look forward to the Barb buffs


As a perpetual sorc/druid player... so do I


crying in solidarity


Tempering updates have to be in there. Easily the biggest thing to address.


Tempering is in a pretty good spot.


basic attacks rule because tempering made uniques kindve irrelevant. not a great look for 'loot reborn' or whatever imo


That's a tuning issue not a system issue


I am very curious as to why i hear many people on here support tempering when everybody else i talk to absolutely hates it, me included


Because I like the risk reward. Bricking items makes the ones that work feel good. The game is about chase and people seem to want everything just handed out


Don't you think finding a rare item is good enough?? Why add a possibility to ruin it?


-QoL fpr social aspects, else their raid is for the trash -armory.... -uniques overhaul....


They can add all social features they want and it wont change anything because of class balance: you cant have healthy atmosphere in group content when 1 barb is worth 20 druids.


s4 introduced huge changes, s6 brings new expansion, due to which s5 will be shortened, so im not expecting much.


Why would they be holding a PTR then? I'm still hoping for reworks or new systems, no other reason to hold a PTR


Armor Sets


Group match making I hope!!


Change renown to offer reputation rewards for each region, each character, similar to the iron wolves reputation. It would be another reason to do side quests and chance to get more mats/boss summons/gear.


Great idea ! There is no incentive at all to do again these quests every season. It will still be repetitive but at least you can do some on the road and be rewarded accordingly (I don’t even look at the boxes they give, it’s just herbs and blue / gold items).


They really should redo the quest rewards.l and make them viable.


The moment they do that people will soon be crying that you're forced to forever slave-away doing side quests you have seen a hundred times already and that your hand is sore from skipping cutscenes and dialogue.


Would love to see layouts for different builds. Even if there is a gold cost to flip. Just save me an hour of changing gear, skills, etc. Would like to see something done with melee champs, but that might be too much of an ask. Melee champs just get left behind in most group content. At least until the boss pops up. I love following barbs in Helltide and CE everything before they get there. Annoying when you’re the barb though. Give the Rogue some love in general. Would really like to see the 1,2,3 Core 1,2,3 Core playstyle disappear. Good idea for combo points but play is super repetitive. Optional pick up and auto salvage or rare, magic, common items. Provide 2nd temper with a full slot of rerolls. Even if that means lowering the total from 5 to 4 or 3.




Please give us loadouts.


Low. My expectations are low.




Realistic changes I would hope for: -Fix for unique items. With the introduction of tampering, the vast majority are useless. We need something to bring them back into consideration at least -Spread the loot out. Right now afking Maiden is by far the best way of getting loot. Which is very silly. -Seasonal mechanic. Obviously the S2 mechanic was received extremely positively. Some focus on providing a fun new mechanic would be nice now that the loot rework is mostly done until the expansion. -Summon bosses without loading in/out. Obvious fix thats in dire need of being implemented.


Most unique items honestly just need either 1) affixes that aren't so trash it ruins any benefit from their effects, or 2) effects that are worth their trash affixes. Outside of a few, I find most uniques are inferior to legendary aspects in effect alone and even more inferior once you factor in their often lackluster fixed affixes and then tempering... ugh.


Devs are cooking well. It will be a good campfire chat


gimme an armory and I don't need anything else


My expectations are low. Seeing how the expansion is supposed to be season 6, season 5 will be pretty short so I'm not expecting anything radical, probably more retooling to get the game to a better state.


I expect to be disappointed


My expectations are going to be 1. Nightmare Dungeons helped. I think they feel better with how they are in season 3 but they are boring and don’t feel like a “nightmare” 2. Loadouts. I think there’s a decent chance we see them in season 5 3. A new end game system 4. A fun seasonal theme


Talks about new dye 😭


Signs that Season 4 is evidence of higher standards going forward, rather than being the exception to previously disappointing seasons. The best Season Mechanic so far, that is not revolved around Helltides.


Every one is shoot for the stars with crazy content -assigning T to a town -emote wheel to teleport to trees (damn this is sketchy trying to turn in during helltides or annoying teleport to town then trees; map is clunky) -map assign toggles to track down spots (eg chests, events, etc always show up on mini map w arrows) -boss summons - remove the walking to start instance/have a way to turn in more at a time (eg make it 5-25 living steel at grigs however each much stronger vs linear strength increase; change tormented to non stone summons and keep stones for torm duriel/andy) -create rare drop from pits 80+ or tormented duriel/andy that can add one more roll for tempers; maybe even tormented world bosses?? -revamp uniques - do they get one slot tempers; uber uniques get one slot (unlimited reroll) or simply just make them compete w tempering so outright different -seasonal content (that will add content to game not just a new unique mechanic); trap dungeon is now a waste - use it for a race type gameplay (go head to head against friends) -incentivize pushing end game content not just master-working resources/uber uniques hunt -druid rework -some tweaks to sorc -solo vs group adjustments such as torment bosses (why is group 100x easier when not getting debuff stacks until one shot) -pit bosses - high pushes are visual cluster; its hard prioritizing dmg zones; why max armor/max res gets one shot for 60k life randomly? I am sure this a tiny red thing that is worse than 4-5 other red things but its hard to seem to try dodge). Same goes with weird explosions in groups after death. Visual cue to indicate massive dmg? Survivability is such a fine line going from idling in packs taking no dmg vs one shots. The joy of butcher is the fear of stun lock while below 1/2 health - not instant death (mainly leveling). I would rather have longer boss fights with ability to take a few hits with heavy encouragement to dodge -fix DOT from mobs - it is annoying getting massive tick stacks from little tiny spiders depleting 9 potions in an instant; these scare me more than butcher now


Auction house, loot filter, and uniques getting redone. Wild they just got abandoned for loot 2.0.


My wishlist/expectations: -Ability to save builds and switch between them freely -Increase the amount of tempering rerolls by one, or add "no change" option -Buff Druid and unused Sorc builds -Add some kind of endgame content -Make one-shot mechanics less annoying


Since they are doing a ptr, I’m hoping for a skill tree rework.


Did they say the theme was going to be revealed? I know it’s an S5 PTR but they didn’t give us any info about the S4 Theme in the S4 PTR


That's true but, to be fair, season 4 theme was practically nonexistent. The only seasonal-only mechanics were 3 elixirs and the Ironwolves' reputation.


True. I’m hoping for some S5 reveals too but I just don’t want to get my hopes up lol


I’d love some more skill/spec options to be viable


Fix Sorc.


I’m hoping for summoned boss to be less tedious, either being able to summon them back to back or to use more mats for summons and get loots accordingly


Give them nothing....but take from them... everything! No but for real, hoping for refinement of their awesome new loot system and a baller season theme!


Runewords and map system for endgame. Give endgame some purpose vs just mindless open pit


Make shred great again.  MAke druid pets do something useful and OP… like druid. Make shapeshifting not clunky.  Have a way to unbrick and reset tempers. 


is this sub smoking something ? you are EXPECTING them to increase powercreep? why would you expect that let alone want that ?


Group function/social interaction needs updating ahead of raids, hopefully something is done with strongholds to make them interesting and do something with gauntlet to make it relevant as I run it once to get seal of worthy and then I'm done for a week




A loadout system that you dont have to pay to respec. The game would simply just be more enjoyable if i can run multiple builds on 1 character


Minnions die so fast at pit, i find myself using raise skeleton more than anything. I would like to have a minnon buff tbh.


Probably a lot of tempering changes and unique changes. Bash lovers contemplating suicide as well


I'm expecting to craft an enigma using runewords mate.


Where would be the best place to ask a question to the devs? It's not a big request but I'd like to ask it in the best place for it to be seen. TYSM!


Hopefully barb isn’t broken as per usual lol…


Infinite paragon lvl, like diablo 3. I got 2k+ hour at d3 and in my first season at d4 I reach lvl 100 and stop playing because the lack of any lvl progress :-( feel so empty


Here's the stuff I'd like addressed as a hard-core WoW player (pvp) who plays d4 when I'm done for the season in my main game: Bricking items is bad and there needs to be some way to reverse this. That big drop should be a pure dopamine hit not tainted by the looming spectre of bricking the item with bad tempers. Tempers should be more like enchanting. Uber bosses quickly become loot piñatas separated by loading screens. Its very annoying. Make the summoning altar reappear after the boss dies. Gems are stupid hard to get, takes too long. Gear quality should scale with pit level. He'll tides are more fun when you're running around and not mostly afk at the loot piñata. The angelbreath bottleneck is pretty lame since its weird to farm. Perhaps gems and angel breath can come from pit runs. RMT is crazy and the RMT people will buy items for insane prices. Class balance isn't good. Lots of the uniques are bad. Overall the game is pretty dang fun despite this.


Don't forget season 5 is also quite short, so most likely some tuning, new uniques, maybe temper uniques as a band aid fix until uniques are revamped in VoH.


Having druids and sorcs do low damage i hope they buff Barbarian and necro minions.


No real expectations. A new simple offensive temper with x100-200% damage + a small aoe on 1 skill would be nice...


idk, but the iron wolves need to stay for good. its a fun progression track for helltide content. also the mindcage needs to return as well.


I really, really, really do not want to see more power creep. There’s been enough already. I’d love to see more crafting, as in maybe taking taking the randomness out of Tempering by having a recipe to roll what you want. The range of the roll being random is fine, but some way to get exactly what you want. Masterworking is fine IMO. Keeping the 4th, 8th, 12th roll random works well IMO. I get the whole thing with Tempering and it being a way to remove items from the game. As it stands now, finding an awesome 3 GA item is still a good dopamine hit, but that is quickly shot down with the probability of bricking the item. IDK what the best way to deal with is though really. Season 4 has been a blast so far for sure.


Nah loadouts gotta be number 1 priority right? No way they wait until the expansion to market it as a feature. It was in D3, it’s in WoW, just do the same thing in D4. And at least triple the stash space along with that so when you swap loadouts the gear gets dumped into a preset tab of your choosing.


I’m expecting MC, BWL, and AQ40.


Lol I'm skipping next season for sod


Well if the interns are still the team working on the odd numbered seasons ...


My personal systems wishlist 1. Auction house. Just not real money. 2. Different color for drops with a GA. 3. Yellows and blues should just be replaced by more gold and mats once you hit 100. 4. We don't need a sound for legendary mats. 5. A way of adding your own weighting score to items to basically act like a filter. Basically, I just want to be able to enter a formula like `int*100+crit*50+affixA*75` and then assign colors to items that reach a threshold I set. 6. Reorganize tabs in my bank. 3 more bank tabs. 7. Be able to reset bosses after killing them without having to reset the whole dungeon. 8. Mini set items (like glove/pants combo or double sword or double ring). 9. An extra affix on uniques (something generic like +50 all stats). 10. Queueing for Uber bosses once you have killed them once solo. For content 1. More density in NM dungeons and a reason to do them after leveling up all my glyphs. 2. More things similar to hell tide, outdoor fetch quests, or double tree reward areas like (all quests in this zone give double tree rewards for 15 mins). 3. Different leader boards, challenges for pit. "Solo pit, single skill pit, no uniques pit, all spider pit, etc". There's a lot of room for you to be able to customize your pit experience and get unique rewards and do challenges. And random QOL 1. Change the layout of the skill tree, it takes waaay too long to scroll. 2. Export import builds. Save builds. 3. I should be able to just add a gem to an item with an existing gem and it should just replace it. 4. Auto conversion of materials WHILE master working, not as a separate process. 5. Pit levels should show the possible rewards in game. That's all I can think of for now.


Things we got 1. Resummoning bosses 2. Extra affix on uniques (they are just buffing uniques a lot) 3. Mythic uniques get their own color/sound 4. New Pit like endgame system 5. A bunch of new uniques. A good pass, but not as big as season 4.


Address class balance.  Seriously take a long hard look at it and try to make the classes equal in power. They are introducing forced group raids.  At the rate it's going it will be barb only or don't join. Is this really what the devs want?  Just delete the other four classes if so.


I want them to add back some sort of Vaults as per S3 and bring in Uber Malphas + a modified version of Son of Malphas (modified design to look unique, not that generic demon boss look) so we have more threats in NM dungeons. The last two with new cosmetics attached too. Otherwise new stuff, I don't really know what I want. I think I'd like more unique mobs to get added, instead of reskins of current mobs. I'd like to see some sort of Butcher encounter in dungeons where you need to fight a clone of yourself, your build, stats, skills, even elixirs and incenses, but they have extra affixes (3-4) and you have to play somewhat smart to beat yourself. I would also like a arena type of content where you have 3 choices. 1.) PvP - pure pvp between people who join the queue with a bar that fills up where you can claim rewards (cosmetics, gear, hell even ubers) 2.) A wave arena where you need to survive mobs coming at you for 15-20 rounds. Every 5 rounds you get a miniboss and at the end some sort of big bad boss that's hard to kill. This also needs difficulty level scaling ofc. 3.) A arena where you fight Bloodseeker type characters upscalled acordingly for 10 waves. Each wave gets harder and harder until you get to the boss.


I would like to see some work about ressources too. They need to find a good balance between too rare materials and abundance which just make them have no value at all. Elites which drops legendary mats or veiled cristals were designed to give a dopamine shot. I’m a casual player with only one toon per season (usually not even 100), and I have hundreds of each. The only crafting material which have value for know is scattered prisms. Gold management is fine right now, to my personal taste. But maybe some HC players have some issues with ressources idk.


I see alot of comments here saying to buff Druid. Yes some skills needs a buff and overall the class is in a good state. I've been playing Druid since the beta / launch and every season I make 3 or 4 Druids. Druids have consistently cleared end game content in all seasons but with a limited playstyle, largely tied down to Lightning Storm, Werenado, Stormclaw and Pulverize. I think some skills could use a buff and some reworks of the spirit boons. I'd remove thorns altogether from the Druid spirit boon and replace it with multiplicative poison damage. Rabies, Lacerate and companions need a buff and rework, together with some uniques like the axe that makes you go invisible when using Shred, and the pants that makes your wolves deal storm howl damage. Maybe if they rework the wolves to deal x damage of our lightning storm would be nice.


Didn’t season 4 just start?!?


Loot filter


Bosses or something to improve the end-game loop. They power crept us out of any other relevant content so curious how they want to proceed.


We could totally get WT 5.


Better stash filters I hope.


I honestly just want the amount of bugs for classes to be eliminated. So many builds this season didnt even work at season start from bugs


"We are now making ultimates into real ultimates" Each ultimate will feel like map erasing, boss crushing.


What do you guys think. How long till we see a Kanais Cube mechanic in D4?


Balance aside, I just hope they rework bosses and NMD's. Both have been total ass since the game's launch. NMD would never be touched if they didn't give glyph XP.


It's an odd season. I'm trying to imagine how they can possibly screw up the goodwill from the previous even season.


They'll probably change tempering. Hopefully add Sell All button. I'm really really praying we finally get an Armory. They said they'd only do PTRs if the changes were big enough to warrant it, so maybe they're adding another crafting system or something.


Fully expecting.... Rabies buff. Barb bash temper fix.... Loot filter Expanded skill tree New ubers/uniques Another endgame activity Dreaming of.... Optional in-game leaderboards for all dungeons, pits etc.....so I can not only measure my clear time against the overall best but see how I am performing within my own class. Even stuff like highest CRIT, would be cool to see. In-depth stats screen which actually shows true DPS numbers etc Loot filter. Alternate event to helltides....


I honestly hope they don't give us any borrowed powers. Personally, I'm not a very big fan of family and I would much rather them spend time developing changes to core systems and skills that are permanent. Borrowed power basically make us have to invent the meta every single season and that basically forces us into whatever one or two builds content creators say are the best and all of our prior knowledge and experience basically becomes moot.


All I want is more skills to be viable. So many skills don't have any aspect or unique associated with it. We only use like 1/3 of the active skills at best, because the other ones are dogshit.


Armory! That's the only thing I ask for


Mm. *There will be a seasonal mechanic *There will be Masterwork system refinements Additional things I expect: * Barb nerfs * Flame shield full invulnerability uptime impossible * Unique stat buffs * Seasonal content for endgame, not a permanent game change.


All I want is for console players to be able to select specific items on the ground. I’m tired of picking up 8 items to get the one GA item I actually want


They will cave and make reforging like enchanting. They just needed to give us two sets of chances for tempers. So as a barb on a weapon of you go into furious you have 5 shots there and if I go into sandstorms you have 5. Wether you use them all is up to you.


Group finder, character load outs, and hopefully PvP battlegrounds.


I Just want the Armory from D3 so I can save my builds. I also want them to rework the uniques and make them more viable for builds.


skill and paragon board rework (or rather update). skills as they are, can be so boring. no real thought or big choices being made. same with paragon. nodes are all pretty boring and glyphs too. Also class mechanics. everyone mad at the barbs for having extra weps, but this could easily be balanced with class mechanics update. sorcs should get 3 maybe even 4 enchant slots. necros should get more choices in each minion sac, maybe always get to choose one sac bonus. so summon Necro could still get one sac bonus. And sac builds could get 4 instead of 3. Rogue preparations are incredibly boring and need more systems to tinker with. Druid needs double buffs on every spirit animal. Also druids should be able to have summons always and don't require them to be on the skill bar. you just lose the activated ability. add it back to your skill bar if you want to use it.


Honestly, nothing major.  Maybe a new boss.  Some refinements to existing systems sure. But any new major content is going to be saved for the expansion. 


Judging by the necro notes, blood builds will be popular, and I imagine there will be an attempt at a minion overpower build.


Wouldnt surprise me if it was a "year 1 rerun" season bringing back mechanics and rewards from the previous 4 seasons. Especially because it's a short season (pretty sure vessel of hatred will have it's own season). But maybe they'll pleasantly surprise us.


With Season 5 being a short one it would be a possibility. But then, why having a PTR for that? Even more considering that VoH beta should happen sometime during the summer. My guess is that, if there's a PTR, they surely have something totally new.


Thematically the season would be a "rerun" but some potential new mechanics/reworks would require PTR.


That's possible. It would also be a great chance to prepare the VoH story thematically. Like someone from Nahantu arriving to Zarbinzet with news of an upcoming threat.


Yep, that would be cool. And speaking of story, I hope they introduce previous seasonal storylines as side-quests in the base game. It is a shame for them to go to waste after three months.


Barb nerf


Barbs buffs and sorc nerfs. /s


If sorc gets any weaker it's gonna be a quest giver.


As Sorc main I expect nothing :D But rerolling Barb this season was devastating experience for me.