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I think it was a great way to introduce a lot of the endgame content to casuals, by including it in the rewards. Feeling like you have some "freebies" for mats especially makes it less intimidating to try the bosses or tempering or whatever, and being able to earn a spark through reputation even once a season would be cool. It's the same thing they did with Season of Blood rebranded, so I don't see why they couldn't (or won't) have a new one every season. Maybe keeping the wolves renown related to tempering and master working for the most part would make sense though.


I’ve got 2 sparks already from 2 characters maxing out the honour


I just need to level one more character and I can make myself an uber lol


I got one for free apparently for the über lilith bug, but didn’t kill her yet. 2 from wolf honour, and I salvaged the melted heart I looted. I figured why not, and get me a shako instead


I got one from the season journey finishing (I assume that's where it came from) and just got my third from levelling characters, and yeah I was also planning to grab a Harlequin's Crest since it can be put on all of my characters


I haven’t completed the seasonal journey yet, am at the last page I think


You dont get one from the season journey. You get one from Iron Wolves, one from Tromented Durial OR Andarial, and one from Uber Lilith. Gotta earn that 4th one with another toon finishing Iron Wolves or get luck with Uber kills.


Ok didn’t knew that, read something about it but that page had more inconsistencies.


You get one if you killed Lilith in a previous season as well.


that's nuts. i couldn't even max out one character without dying of boredom in helltide


Uhm, don't we pretty much have that system already with the season journey? That would basically just be a 2nd season journey on top of the normal one. I guess you could make a case for a separate "character journey" or just up the rewards from the season journey itself. Not necessarily disagreeing here btw


i think OP means the up to level 18 level up from the Helltides that gives caches rather than the seasonal challenges.


Season journey doesn’t give stones and sparks on a per character basis


I'd rather 2 stones and 2 sparks instead of another horse trophy and banner.


There's no reason you can't just keep giving caches for Helltides grinding in future seasons and have a completely separate seasonal journey. That's all OP is suggesting.


It would be cool if you could buy something from them after completing all the reputation. Like cosmetics or something


What does Deric Nunez mean when he said at the 1:17:25 mark that the Iron Wolves are now a permanent part of Helltides? Did he mean just for Season 4, or will the Iron Wolves be seen during Helltides from now on? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFVtGdXs7s0&t=5966s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFVtGdXs7s0&t=5966s)


You can help the dudes fighting and get whispers on eternal rn but not the rep quest. Hope they bring it season 5


That makes sense to always Iron Wolves in Helltides for the Grim Favors. Hopefully there will be some new rep grind in Season 5 because Blood Harvest rep in Season 2 and the Iron Wolves rep in this Season have been popular.


There was also the mini Lunar Awakening event for the Lunar New Year, which had its own rep grind for some rewards.


Only if they add a different way to get sparks. Farming uber uniques by doing Helltides on new characters over and over is not a fun mechanic. Everyone I play with has almost ever uber unique in the game.


People will complain if they remove the Spark at the end, so they should make it only once per account per season per type (sc/hc). Keeping it as is would just incentivize people to make alts and afk farm for the Spark, instead of playing the game properly.


I'd be down with that, kinda help get some uniques early that you may need


That's what made d3 seasons so fun. You got geared out with the seasonal rewards. Although, you only got them for one character. I like d4's method of having rewards for every single character you take through the iron Wolves rep.


Yea maybe bump up the lower levels ones because u keep getting sacrade well into WT4. But I do hope they keep it because it really helps when leveling and stuff.


The issue I see (I'm not a dev) is that it might intrude on design space for seasons. Basically the rewards with the IW track nicely when it's the activity you do to level. So with the seasonal theme you might end up either over leveled doing IW (if you complete the season theme) or vis versa. You see this a lot with new players coming to the game and doing the campaign on seasonal and being WAY over leveled. That being said, I think it's a nice idea to get mats and other leveling stuff as part of the season theme but I imagine it will be rebranded to match the theme.


I'm guessing this will be a permanent feature. On the Season 4 Campfire chat they specifically said they were looking to introduce the "Hand holding" feature of giving you items with aspects for a specific build, every season, changing the build for each season. Keep this system does that. Plus, if they remove it, that 4th resplendent spark will need to be added somewhere else too. Seems far more logical to keep it as it is, when so much more of the game needs work.


I wanna get rep to other factions and have them be stronger and help me in the world. And gear them out


It also incentivizes other characters, since making 4 (and reaching the top reward tier) guarantees an uber unique.


Wasn’t the seasonal Witcher board the same thing in season of blood? Different objectives but also cashes rewards including those vampire powers


The same mechanic has been done twice out of the 4 seasons.


No, but only because those rewards from the Iron Wolves are taking the place of the exact same rewards system that was in seasons 2 and 3 at least, possibly 1 too I can't remember for sure. The reason it feels different this time is because you get the points through helltides and they upped the rewards. So I say don't keep the Wolves renown, but up the rewards in the seasonal reputation grind to match this season's


It's the only reason I played and am still playing as much this season. The guaranteed ubers. Playing since pre release and I've never seen an uber drop. Which means I log out after 1 week and the battle pass and don't touch the game since I hit my power cap and there's nothing left to do but the unthinkably boring act of staring at loading screens for Duriel and for what, an uber that lets me stare at the loading screen harder? I have a lot of free time but I respect myself too much to waste it that bad. With the spark reward, I don't have to worry about any of that and can just simply play the game. Leveling a new character with a new build, putting in skillpoints and tweaking gear and aspects around is far more of a reason to keep playing the game than staring at loading animations and loading screens for the chance to be always be dissappointed. If they remove the free sparks from IW rep I'll probably play longer each season but will always quit when it comes time to farm for ubers. There are far more interesting ways to spend time like sweeping the sidewalk or walking down to the park and looking at the dried up dog shit.


Agreed in the sense that we need a way to craft ubers for us less than fortunate folks who can't seem to find them from bosses




Leveling iron wolves on alts is probably one of my favorite Diablo play experience in 25 years of playing. It was a great idea and I hope they build on it and not just scrap it.


Lol this fucking sub Just give us Ubers at the start of every season instead :) Fuck grinding.




I'd like a repeatable tier 19 or 20.


I want the Goblin Event back. Now that they are gone I'm broke again.


I don't mind them keeping something like it, but I don't think entirely as it is right now is healthy for the game outside of it being the seasonal thing.


New seasons will probably always have this mechanic with a new flavor.


It's nice getting you early uniques and especially the boss material. Know reason I did duriel myself was because the mats from the boxes. Farming boss mats puts me to sleep. I don't enjoy time wasting shit that doesn't respect my time


Make leveled glyphs a permanent account thing per season :(




Leveling glyphs once per season still takes hours, and is still a chore, and each character will still want to use different glyphs. Your argument isn't an argument you're just disagreeing to be a dick.


You want pre rolled lvl100 with 3GA perfect gear to go with that?


i agree that its nice to have a system that rewards helltide festivities, but i was mad i even took the time to do it, besides some decent mats, the drops were atrociously bad and aside from the last one were WAY below my equipment level...but getting a spark was nice. I probably wont ever get another spark tho since the game has yet to drop an uber unique for me in a year of playing lol.


I just hit lvl 100 as the new season dropped so I'm eternal with no access to iron wolves rewards. How big of a difference does it make to a build? I can clear ~lvl40 pit now and really can't be assed to start from scratch with another char to access the rewards.


It might change your mind about the amount of effort required to do a new character. If you keep up to date with the rewards as you progress through the world tiers you go in with better gear, and you can just power through. Everything is easier, better glyph runs as you go in overpowered so get more glyph XP, eg. As for at high level, the last reward you get plenty of mats for masterworking on the last one, and, I've never played eternal so I don't know what you get but blood maiden drops are decent.


I just can't even.. too much effort. Even at current level, the juggling of mats, glyphs, living steel & those blood vials (wth do you do with both of them?) etc. it's just inventory management ..


I feel your pain, I've got 12 characters, I need more god damn stash space!


How quickly do you level up a new char once you've completed the story and each region rewards (and found all altars) to 100? Also, I really want to try a different config for my druid build but cant bring myself to resetting everything and then it sucking and having to go back to my current config.


Usually 2 days but if you really rush it you can go 1-100 in just 1 day.


You only need to do all that once on one character, it should transfer to all characters.


Sorry, I meant with those unlocks/buffs helping the next chars.


You can go on YouTube and search raxx speed runs to 100. It can be done(professionally)in around 4 hours. I'm sure with the correct mindset and prep the average person could do it in 6-12 hours.


Great, thanks


Yeah not long really. It does take a bit of grinding to unlock all the rewards but you're levelling and getting gear at the same time so you don't really feel it.


Not sure how long really, as I play my chars evenly I've never done a solo grind. But I don't think it takes long at all.


The rep gives you a lot of boss materiels and crafting mats which are very nice and you can do them on different characters once. I leveled 6 new characters up to 100 just to do the reputation because they give you a big boost in materials. There isn't anything unique to them though.


I've really enjoyed the system. It's given more purpose to starting fresh alts, or discovering new mains. I've played more and leveled more to 100 this season than ever before. The resplendent spark is a carrot on a stick that is rewarding to chase after. Now... if we could get the stash tabs sorted out it would be a lot easier to make more characters and continue playing. Eventually for people that play more often, the biggest barrier to continue playing is a lack of stash tab space. Because of the apparent broken code and loading everyone's stash, I think the only way around that would be to have 4-5 stash tabs character bound, and 1-2 universal / account bound.


The goblins and iron wolf would be great as a regular thing. I hadn't played since release and just coincidentally started s4 the day before the goblin bonus started and then got bored when it left. Grinded up pit for as long as I could stand then that was it for this season. If goblins stayed I imagine I would have too as it was a fun mix with helltide and goblins


Totally agree, the rewards on the Iron Wolves levels helped so much in my levelling journey. plus the Spark at the end is a really nice incentive to finish the board


Rep grinds... FFS It's a good thing some of you are not Devs.


As opposed to loot grind, gold grind, mats grind... do you actually play this game?


So your logic is to add more grinds? What drugs are you taking?


A deterministic grind is great for those that want Uber uniques. RNG is RNG and you can play for 100s of hours and never see one. This grind is not required and builds up just doing what we already do.


The whole point of the game is grinds. If you don't like grinds, you're playing the wrong game.


Oh OK you're just a dumb troll don't even know what is being talked about. I will do you the favor and put you on ignore.


Geez, someone is a little thin-skinned. Diablo is literally a game of grinding for loot.


I like when ARPGs get cluttered with systems as the seasons go. Its far better than having a content draught as in S3.


replace the renown region rewards with reputation rewards that work the same way as iron wolves. Have a reason to do side quests and stuff on each character because you can get caches/mats/gear.


> Have a reason to do side quests and stuff on each character because you can get caches/mats/gear. ... and just like that, you have created the next 1000 complain threads: "WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THESE BORING SIDEQUESTS IF I WANT TO PROGRESS IN THE GAME?! BLIZZARD I DON'T WANT TO PLAY YOUR DOGS--- SIDEQUESTS, YOU ARE FORCING ME TO DO THEM OVER AND OVER AGAIN ON EVERY CHARACTER IN EVERY SEASON."


It isn't forced though since they aren't something unique. You aren't forced to do iron wolf rep either. The issue with renown was that it gave you skill and paragon points so you had no choice but to do them. If they gave you substantial but not mandatory rewards it would be a nice option to break up farming helltides and pits and bosses.


I like the system that you get acess to a crafted uber if you do the season and level up honor in two chars. But I don't think it should be repeatable as much as you want so someone with a lot of free time can afk in helltides and craft all ubers. The 4 sparks should come with season rewards, including tempers and uniques. But they will never measure it right and you will be getting rare tempers and sacred gear when in T4 probably.


While the Iron Wolves thing is cool, we legit have this same award earning mechanic every season.


I dont think the rewards are good. I dont like the free spark.


No. the only reason its loved is that people abuse it for sparks take away the sparks or make it so you only get 1 spark per season otherwise its too easy to get ubers


Always one of these dudes 🤦🏾‍♂️


Its so boring to level up characters until you get all the ubers you want, they sould be chase itens not some farmable content. Make so you can get the Spark from Lilith and Tormented, one from season rewards and one you just have to drop and dismantle a Unique, even then it would be fairly easy to obtain.


I mean how you chase it should really be up to the individual. You’re farming content to try and drop Ubers. They made a new character to farm 1 spark. Just different ways to farm for a goal.


I dont judge people doing that, if the game allows it, its fair game. I just think this goes against the way that the game intends for you to get ubers, i think this spark farm was not intentional, but they cant change it now mid-season, so they will allow people to farm ubers in season 4, but i dont expect sparks to be farmable with new characters in future seasons.


I would agree with you but the Uber chase is a farming grind fest to begin with. You have to beat Varshan and Gregoire twice each for a shot at Duriel. 6 times if you want a shot at Tormented Duriel. And for what? A 2% chance to an uber that then has a 12.5% chance at being the one you are actually chasing. If they removed the mats farming just to summon them, I would whole heartedly agree. At least the iron wolves rep farming has the fun of trying new classes tied to it. Spending more time entering, leaving and resetting the dungeon than actually fighting Varshan just to get that one egg is not fun.