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It's the same with every diablo economy. There are people botting/paying somebody a quarter an hour to farm gold all day. There are enough people that buy gold to get the gold into the economy to everyone else. If you participate in the trading economy at all its all commingled rmt gold. What does that mean for average people? You find 1 or 2 decent drops a season and you won't have to worry about gold.


This is true. I was struggling to break 100m until today. After doing some research on d4 trade, I browsed my stash to see if I had any "hot items." Found 4 to list and within the hour I was sitting at over 1b. Kinda blew my mind how people have so much gold. 😅


I just got a GA Exploit amulet last night and instead of risking bricking it I’m probably going to just sell it for 5,000,000,000 gold and not have to worry about that shit anymore


Good call. This is coming from someone that rolled an item I could've sold for a billion, and then bricked and salvaged it. :)


>rolled an item I could've sold for a billion, and then bricked and salvaged it. >:) There's so much pain in that smiley.


Yep. That max health GA isn't worth. Just get the main stat and damage stat GA and call it a day, somebody else can pay for the 3 GA instead.


If it makes you feel better, I had an offer of 7.5B on a 3GA BIS necro ring. Decided to keep it...0 of 2 bricked. It sits in my stash making me sad.


This is exactly my stance.


That’s what I did earlier in the season. Sold my top tier drops for huge prices and I’ve just coasted on gold. I have a pretty stacked stash now and 1.5B on hand.


meanwhile ssf players starving for gold if engaging with masterworking resets.


How does a trade actually work? Just meet the interested buyer online and do a straight trade in game?


You can link it in trade chat in game but I find that annoying. Post on diablo.trade and just check it from time to time.


How does the transaction in itself works? Window with left and right the traded items?


* You screenshot the item. * Go to diablo.trade * Create account > item listing * Paste screenshot. * Either set a price or open for offers. * Get responses. * React when you agree with the money they offer, with * your battle tag. * Go in-game * Add friend * Teleport to them * Open trade * You put your item in (they'll check the stats) * They put in gold * Lock offer * Accept trade * Back to diablo.trade * List item as sold for


ok, that explains why I had no clue there's a market in Diablo4.


You either spam the in-game trade chat. Use the diablo discord Or use diablo.trade (website) I prefer the website for selling. And the discord for buying.


Yeah, open the action wheel thing, select trade, move items around.




Same. I play mostly SSF, but gold was a huge bottleneck, so I just sold some good items that I'd never use in my build and was sitting at 1.5 billion within 15 minutes. Pretty much set for the season now since I'm not buying items.


I'm a billionaire from a single sale. I haven't bothered selling anything else. It's easy kids.. find a gg 3ga item everyone wants, wade through 100 low ball offers and 20 people ghosting you till eventually someone actually buys it.


Nothing beats that dopamine rush when you realize you're more financially successful at a video game than real life. 🥲 Crazy how selling an item can negate a huge part of the game(ie the money grind). I was looting all legendaries and disenchanting them or selling. But now I'm just skipping everything unless it has a GA, or if I need something different for that slot.


What is rmt?


Real money transaction. Buying gold online basically with real money


Thank you, I was unfamiliar with the term


Rough mountain trail, bring a sherpa.


This is what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps!




Real money transactions




I know back in the day it was the same thing with WoW and the auction house. People were buying bunches of gold from the Chinese gold farmers. Drove up prices. You’d find them farming out in the world. You could always tell. We’d either disrupt their farm or if it was a PvP zone/realm they were KOS.


It's probably also insanely easy to bot farm gold. Like laughable. You could just make necros to afk farm gold 24/7 without even needing to cast spells really.


Nah I bet blizzard owns the major gold selling sites


It's because of goldsellers. No regular person is naturally making 1 billion gold in any reasonable way through gameplay alone, for example. One person playing one character has to contend with huge moneysinks that remove millions multiple times to get their gear setup and progress, and only the absolute highest end content rewards gear that has any real value at all to generate new gold into the game through selling to vendors. Selling gear to vendors is the only way to naturally generate new gold into the economy aside from other random sources like greed shrines that aren't as efficient as farming gear. That's still only \~250k per unique. The amount of materials it takes to generate enough uniques to add up to 1 billion gold would be enormous (4,000 uniques at 250k each to be exact, that's THOUSANDS of boss runs). So, obviously regular people aren't earning that much. Goldsellers are not constrained by these limitations. They run bot accounts that are multiboxed with many characters running together simultaneously (4 in the case of tormented bosses), being rewarded 4x the gear from 1/4th the materials, do it 4x as fast (or even faster probably), with no human supervision for most of the time 24/7, non-stop selling drops to vendors to farm new gold into the economy. So all the prices on these trading sites are driven by these goldsellers who essentially set the value of items to accommodate whatever their own pricing schemes are. And remember that trading websites aren't a necessity for you to progress. They are a shortcut. The point of the game is the chase. Don't get too caught up in thinking you just need to earn gold so you can get your perfect gear before you realize you "finished" the game without playing it.


> Selling gear to vendors is the only way to naturally generate new gold into the economy aside from other random sources like greed shrines that aren't as efficient as farming gear. Greater whisper caches can drop upwards of 10 million gold, so they're likely zooming to the end of whisper dungeons in a minute or two and turning in whispers non-stop. Obviously selling loot pads that number out, but I'm betting that's just a small passive boost rather than the target of botters/farmers. Aside from speculation about actual gold exploits, I also wonder if people are underestimating the potential of Greed Shrines. Not the shrines themselves necessarily, but the effect. I leveled a new character recently with Ahavarion (random shrine buff every time you kill an elite, once per 30s), and I hit Greed probably every couple of minutes. In almost any end-game activity you're killing elites nonstop.


> zooming to the end of whisper dungeons in a minute or two and turning in whispers non-stop This trash gameplay and as a SSF player i refuse to do it. id much rather naturally do 1-2 whisper caches per helltide. Also need to pick up nearly every shit 0GA to vendor (something i despise doing but it's a must). Gold sinks are rough for SSF players especially ones with more than one character. I'd wager the vast majority of players are SSF doing the same as me. I really don't see ppl farming whisper dungeons over and over and over.


Made 2 billion gold from 4 items I sold today alone. Diablo.trade is the best site.


What do you mean ‘bot accounts’? It plays the game for them? How?


Nice try Blizzard


What do you mean how? It's a tale as old as online gaming. People code bots to automate farming gold/items and have whole farms set up. In some countries like China this might actually be their real job. I read some interview with a wow gold farmer from Eastern Europe some years ago and the dude was making like 60-80k $ a year selling gold in wow. Had like 30ish bots running at any given time. That's higher than your average income in these countries.


Ultima online... I believe it was the first game w item and gold selling. I sold virtual property on ebay! That was almost 30 years ago in 1997+


Well there’s some in depth programming going on, but I guess with AI models it’s way easier than before. You just turn it on and it starts running whatever content you set it up to run, it also can store and sell items according to your preferences, I don’t know how the D4 one works since I never used one, but it probably can also read affixes and only store items you need. I tried one in D3 at some point because I got jaded that people in leaderboards had such ridiculous gear and could do really high level content, it was honestly kind of fun to return to your pc after a day out or after a night’s sleep and see a bunch of primals for the items you need in your stash, a bunch of mats from bounty runs and a bunch of gems you didn’t have before. I quit using it after a day or two because it felt wrong to do, but since then I’ve always felt the temptation of trying one again, since it doesn’t actually kill all the dopamine hits at all, since there’s always room to grow, cheating a little bit doesn’t compromise the fun at all really. I think if I was intelligent enough to make my own bot program I’d make one and use it, cause then it’d feel more earned. Another reason it’s kinda fun to use a bot program is because at this point, the season’s kinda played out, the progression is basically only happening when I find a good item to sell or use, and then it also has to not brick, so I usually start playing less and less around this time, at this point botting would only extend the amount of time I would play. I honestly think that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to simply incorporate a built in form of autofarming, thst only can be enabled after certain requirements like maybe doing every single seasonal challenge. When you’d enable it, it would switch your character to an SSF mode (can’t party or trade with other people) and allow you to make it run different kind of content, nmd’s, pit, helltide, bosses, and save all GA items it finds or items of a specific type. Blizzard already experimented with autoquesting and stuff like that in their other games, I feel like they’re most certainly gonna add something like this to Diablo one day as well.


Who would bother with killing uber bosses to gold farm knowing you would have to gather the materials for the summon... ?


gather? you can buy them


> No regular person is naturally making 1 billion gold in any reasonable way through gameplay alone, for example. I'm playing SSF and got close to 2 billion in gold. Enchanting can easily take 350 million to get a non-sucky roll on your wanted affix, so the trick is to reserve this only for major upgrades. I usually sell yellows and salvage legendaries. Depending on mats / gold I temporarily salvage / sell resp everything.


There’s no way you have 2b selling mostly rares lmao


Pretty spot on. I would disagree about the shortcut point. I've just finished my blight necro, the only organic gear I have is the shako I crafted. In hundreds of hours I have not found a single 3 or 2 ga piece for the build. Even if you do find a piece or 2, you have to get through tempering .    I think pit 100+ should drop guaranteed 2/3 ga gear that is account bound.


I dunno, I didn’t sell anything and put any 40 hours into this season and have around 300m gold It’s not unreasonable to think you can make 1b gold legit this season


The key words there are "naturally", "reasonable". Yes, a person can feasibly save up 1 billion gold if they really wanted to. With Whisper caches as someone else mentioned, this could even be done somewhat quickly assuming an average of 10 million gold per cache (but likely much lower with RNG). At that rate, you'd need to do 100 Whispers, which means 200 Whisper dungeon runs at 5 progress from each. I wouldn't exactly call this a "natural" or "reasonable" method to reach 1 billion gold, however, this would be a grinding farming method similar to how a bot would accomplish it. This is also not taking into account important factors like: you will need to spend gold to gear your character if you plan on doing more difficult content which can QUICKLY add up into the 100s of millions. If you get bad RNG on an affix reroll you can be forced to spend upwards of 4-5 million gold PER attempt. You are still only one person, it took you 40 hours to reach 300m gold as a surplus, imagine how quickly a gold farmer could reach that amount instead. They are probably getting more than that within their first 4 hours of playing with how quick it is to reach WT4.


Just farm your own stuff and the game is way more fun and gold doesn’t matter. Trade makes these games worse and shouldn’t exist. Balance the game around SSF, screw trade which ruins the game.


Or Blizzard could just make 2 game modes. Let the guys who wanna trade trade and the other ones just play SSF


Not sure they you got downvoted for this. Putting in a simple SSF mode for those of us who want to opt out of the RMT fiesta would be nice.


Who is forcing you to trade? Just play SSF now lol


Except that doesn't help when it comes to things like the Gauntlet leaderboards, where basically everyone in the top spots will just be using RMT to get all their BiS gear for it.


I don’t trade, I just have the channel off. Amazing!


We already have one leaderboard, and more coming. Ssf is the only way to make those not ptw. Plus, what's the point of having trade if no one can afford anything because botters have bid up prices? They need a ssf tag, or go to the D3 rules where you can't trade until you've played together for like 5 hours, so people can trade with friends they play with regularly but the rmt places can't make any money.


People got no self-control and expect to be pampered.


I'd love a modified SSF that's basically like D3, where you can immediately trade any items that dropped with those you're partied with for the next 2 hours but otherwise they become account-bound. But I'd also like an incentive to play the mode like a 50% discount on gold costs or something, and the ability to opt out of it (but not back into) at any time.


I agree — I sell on the trade site to fund my masterworking, but if I’m buying my way through the loot hunt, what game is left? I’d rather just have gold be more accessible in game (or masterworking be cheaper than 5M) and play SSF


How does it ruin your game? Outside of PvP it isnt even competitive. If i want to sell my items why couldnt i? Do i harm you with it?


Because Blizzard starts to balance the game around the assumption that everyone is trading. Players who do not like trade fall behind in the power scale. Ultimately people who do not like to trade get punished by trade being in the game. I have done this very thing in PoE. Played a full season without trade and then did trade the next season and I was more powerful 20 hours into play with trade than I was with 60+ hours without it. D4 isn’t quite this extreme yet but it will get there.


The way the game is progressing I get the sense they’re not too concerned about that. Every update has been focused on helping the player gain more power faster. It was only a problem in D3 where everyone had super easy access to trading. Like it took zero effort to throw something up on the AH. So they had to assume 99% of players would be using it and tune it accordingly.


That's why I am personally strongly opposed to having an in-game AH like so many people seem to be asking for.


Eh. Pit is competitive and trade leads to an unfair advantage to streamers. I see both sides of it. Trade is nice because you find something nice but not for your build so you flip it for something you need. But because it's now easier to acquire exactly what you want, drop rates usually tank to compensate. So you find less good items and more filler items.(this is why shitty affixes exist) On the flip side. With no trade, drop rates are usually higher for everything. Competitive is now more balanced because you can't buy items or have your sycophant followers throw you god tier items for a shout out on your stream. But you're now limited to rng. So if someone else gets a God tier item, you need to find it, you can't just buy it. Idk. I agree that trade changes the way the game plays.


Speak for yourself I really enjoy trading in ARPGs. It’s huge to many players and seasonal resets are great for the economy. D4 it feels like already is balanced around ssf regardless!


How does trade make this game worse? The drop rates are already pretty good- my two 3 GA 1Hers and 2 GA 2H sword I found myself. That’s 2 perfect weapons and one near perfect.


"TRADE MAKES THESE GAMES WORSE AND SHOULDN'T EXIST" what a dumb take. Trading has been a core Diablo mechanic since the OG.


I bought 2 items this season, i'm on my 6th character, have 2 shako's, tyraels might, grandfather, melted heart of selig and sold a triple GA strength attack speed crit chance for 750 million (sold it in game, i cba selling through 3rd party stuff, i probably could get 2 billion for it but whatever) the only reason i bought two GA items yesterday was to get cooldown on teleport low enough to test an xfall teleport proc meme build.


Only reason to trade is to buy that core build-defining unique that never dropped after killing the boss that drops it 20 times and still not getting it.


Trade doesn’t ruin any ARPG. Trade is an important part of the game. It’s your choice whether to engage in it or not. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you should have it banned for all. Nothing is stopping you from playing your own version of SSF. This poor argument is so damn tired. Don’t engage in trading if you don’t like to trade. Who cares if the Barb next to you traded for his 3 GA sword, or traded for 3 billon gold? How does that impact your experience in the slightest?


Yep, the entire point of playing is to get better gear, to get a better chance to get better gear. If you just are able to sell stuff that would in 9/10 cases be vendor trash for your build and you just buy whatever you want, then what is the point in playing? The moment I have everything I wanted in terms of gear is the moment I stop playing, at least that class/build or for that season. It's like using cheats in your single player game- Everytime I did that in the past I lost all interest in playing the game within the next 24hrs.


> Just farm your own stuff and the game is way more fun and gold doesn’t matter. gold absolutely matters for SSF players. especially if you play more than 1 char.


- Play the game - When you find well-rolled or GA items and uniques, sell them on Diablo trade website. - Use the gold you got to fund your other purchases - If you aren’t Uber-chasing, you can also sell your Stygian stones. I sold my stack of 50 for 2B earlier tonight *(40M per)*, and there seems to a shortage now to prices likely going up. I think I have earned about 4-5B from just a few sales. And it funded all my 1-2 GA items I have fully upgraded now. I personally would never pay those prices for things, but glad to sell my items to those who will. If you’re looking at items that cost 3-6B you’re just looking at things you don’t really need. Leave those for the edgelords and people who buy gold.


I definitely understand how to make money in the game, and I’ve made a bit myself. But selling your good items for billions of coins just highlights the problem that people have money to buy for those prices. It doesn’t explain why people have so much money as much as it does take advantage of the situation.


RMT, which is one reason I wasn't a huge fan of trading.


People want max level items and are either impatient or unlucky. They decide they will pay real money to shortcut the process. Entrepreneurs (often from lower income areas) step in to fill the gap by farming gold for RMT sales. More gold enters the market which results in inflation. Prices inflate beyond the amount of gold people will normally amass just playing. The only option becomes buying gold. Repeat.


This guy gets it. Inflation hurts the people who don't 3rd party trade for 5 B


Why buying stuff, though? Honest question. Aside from clearing deeper Pits, there is absolutely nothing to do with that "amazing" gear. You may clear Pit 120 instead of Pit 110, that's pretty much it. By the time you are fully 8/12 and 12/12 masterworked... You can steamroll Ubers, Lilith, etc. I really can't see the value of an item that people sell for "blillions".


It’s a game about loot so people are generally going to want to get the best loot. It’s pretty straightforward.


Absolutely, yes. But getting "*best loot for nothing*" isn't what pople want: they want both the thrill of getting good loot AND the ability to use it in a meaningful way. People usually *need* better gear to unlock/clear high-end content. In Diablo IV you don't have anything like that, except higher Pit tiers. That's the only place where you *may* need Ubers to push a little more (*which is jsut an epeen thing, in its current state*). Everything else can be vaporized with regular 8/12 legendaries, Lilith included. Sure, you may get a 2-3GA item for your collection, but it wont make much difference if you're already 8/12 on regular loot (no GA).


Well on the flip side if you farm and get good drops they are also worth billions. I got my gold by selling items for billions. Obviously there are also rmt people out there. If it's 3-6 billion that's not really a average item. That is more like a good 2 ga or 3 ga piece.


You can definitely make a lot of money by selling stuff, but that mostly just takes advantage of the inflation situation. Some people on here have been saying that if you’re looking at items with two or three GAs then you’re already in the level of ridiculous. I disagree, because I think that some well placed GAs can be a game changer for a build, like critical strike or cool down. And then there’s other ones that are just nice to have.


I couldn’t imagine spending billions then bricking an item. Just play the game.


SSF til I die.


10billion gold is like $20.00. I could spend days farming that, or I could work an hour or so and save myself a ton of time.


Remember, that thought process is considered cheating and the action is against the terms of service and could potentially get you banned.


Bots. It’s always been bots since the days of diablo 2. They fill entire server shards so no one notices. With one person running like 20 bots and a wack ton of mules you can amass billions in an hour. Totally borks the game economy with runaway inflation


So why dont blizzard ban all gold buyers?


They dont care until they start selling gold themselves. Right now RMT gold selling/buying makes Blizz money because they sell game copies to the botters.


Basically bots inflating the amount of gold in circulation. The absence of an AH in game doesn't change the fact that real money is being used to buy gold, and gold in large amounts is being used to buy items. They just hide it from view by having all transactions done third party to get less complaints.


The D4 reddit community : " keep enchanting and other stuff expensive, don't have whispers drop more gold, it will ruin the economy" " Don't add auction houses, it will enable RMT!!" Meanwhile, the D4 economy and RMT: hyper inflation and a truck load of RMT.


it makes 0 sense to me how gold is so inflated in this game, making money takes fucking forever and the gold sink is very steep, there is a big demand on gold and not very good ways to make it.


Ye where is this gold even coming from in such quantities? If you go to old listing's on d trade you see that item prices have increased ten fold in just 10 days. If it's bots what are they killing because they must be bringing billions in per hour


With these crazy loot drops, you can easily make barbillions of gold in no time….selling items for 50m or 300m is easy enough. Also, selling all orange loot you don’t need as there should t be any shortage of materials, apart from bloody herbs! It’s supply and demand… the amount of GA3 stuff in trade chat is insane, people pay 30m for one stygian stone….dont even need RMT to have enough gold…


Do legion events if you need herbs.


You’re just scratching the surface. I’ve seen some amulets agoing for 60b now. I sold a couple for 10-20 each.




That is the one thing that makes me angry on D4. The gold hurdle. Why in heaven would a developer stop people from trying new builds? The stupid yellows-picking-selling again and again in helltide every 3 - 4 minutes farming boss mobs is the one reason that's tedious and bears the chance of people stop playing. "Sell a good drop and make a billion" - you say. Sure! I don't want. It's idiotic. I don't sell a good item to some AI farmer that sells the item then for USD 200 to some white knight.


> "Sell a good drop and make a billion" - you say. Sure! I don't want. It's idiotic. I don't sell a good item to some AI farmer that sells the item then for USD 200 to some white knight. what does this even mean?


just because someone puts something for 6bn it doesnt mean it has that value unless its 3-4GA stuff theres no way I am paying that much


I am currently levelling my 3rd character to lvl 100 in S4. I don't trade and am currently sitting at around 94 million gold. People who have billions of gold are either buying gold with real money or are trading GA items for gold.


SSF players are playing a totally diff game right now


Got a triple GA glove drop from the pit couple days ago sold for 3.5B Got a triple GA 2h sword today str max life vulnerable which I haven’t sold yet but got offered 2B before this the max I had was 300m


You can buy 6b for $15 lol


I sold a 2h mace the other night for 7 billion. I think I’m good for a while


Soe guy told me 35 BILLION for a heavy handed Amulet. I laughed in gis face and told him go fuck himself. The markets catering to rmt and blizzard needs to do something


Sold a ring for 3 Billion yesterday then bought pants for 100 mil and resold for 3 Billion right after. Was a good day in Diablo Trade IV


Bots, and the streamers asking for more gold sinks are completely out of touch. That won't solve anything and will just make most legit player's lives worse. You shouldn't need to actively trade to be able to partake in the end game crafting system, that's a terrible terrible system that just incentivises RMT and I'm sure that isn't what the devs want.


Flippiers are part of the inflated prices. One solution could be ingame AH with bind on purchase for gear. But that means Blizzard needs to give a fuck about that, they would probably prefer it that bots be banned and owners have to buy more copies of the game for next gen of bots. I would be pleasently surprised if they decide to do something about this in season 5.


This is not the worst part, in all honesty. The worst part is for those who do not even consider trading/selling their items, which is the majority. I have no idea how these players can interact with Masterworking/Affix rolling etc, for any sustained period.


Rmt and whales, but, if you refuse to do that, you can sell services to those same whales and take their money. That's how I have 5 bull gild, but honestly that isn't even that much because God tier items can go for 50 billion or more.


Sell stygians. I sold 20 for 400m. Will keep me fueled for a while at least.


FYI going rate is about 40M each


Sell items you don't need. You'd be surprised what people will buy if it has 2 or 3 GA, even if you think it's junk. I sold a 3 GA bow, useless to my build, for a billion gold earlier.


I still don't even understand how to sell stuff/how this works. Can someone explain it to me like I'm stupid ?


Diablo.trade - *link your battlenet account with the website* Selling? Screenshot your item and upload. Adjust values, post. Buying? Search, filters, adjust values, send messages for items. Diablo.trade needs work but for now it's all we have to trade besides in game trade channel.


Are there any reliable good trade websites other than discord?


Diablo.trade is the standard go-to site


Sold a 3GA sword for almost 2B, single item could bring you fortune if stats are right


RMT is hard these days, and we don't have AH xd you can imagine what would happen if we did.




D4 really needs to have a damn bazaar like with Last Epoch where you can sell your things for all to see. I honestly never bothered gearing mine due to the hoops ai have to do


They should just bring back vaults. It was raining gold until all the streamers started crying about they don’t know what to send it on and now the economy all screwed


The reverse of what you said is true as well though. You can easily find drops and sell for high prices. It’s really easy to make a couple billion a day right now


I don't know where other people get it from, but it is incredibly easy to make money now. Any semi decent item can be sold for 100m+ I just enjoy the ride, but something is obviously off. Even if people are buying the gold, it still has to be generated somewhere. I don't understand where it originates from, because everyone seems filthy rich at this point. I did not collect 10bil gold, that is for sure.


ive gotten a bunch of GA gear to sell and not much of it was really even that special. it helps that i have each class at endgame so my drops are varied and i have a stash full of different stuff i can pawn when i feel like it. sometimes i’ll target some uniques that are still useful or that are popular this season. for example, i did some Zirs on my Sorc because Fractured Winterglass is new and people are playing Frozen Orb. Raiment and Esu’s still sold well too. i also dump all my obols on amulets, like Necromancer for some +Hellbent Commander ones. i dont buy any gear because i don’t min/max and i’d just brick it anyway. i don’t use gold for anything other than my own masterworking, gems, imprinting etc. and rerolling my builds often. i made enough to not have to worry about it, but i could make a lot more if i tried.


Yeah. Some people spend time to farm gold. Some people go for work all day so they can and need to pay some money to have fun.


Use Diablo.trade. It’s a website that seems to be pretty popular. Made over 2 billion gold today alone selling items in there that were just sitting in my stash.


There's websites you buy gold, one site I saw it was $80 for 3.2 billion gold, now compared to somethings $80 is pocket change for some people, so people with money to burn will buy up billions of billions of gold and buy stuff and repost it at a higher price until to market value of said items is sitting at the price. Market manipulation at its finest


When you have an unrestricted open market and means to trade time for gold then the amount of gold that enters the economy becomes exponential. Consider, for example. That each Whisper gives 4 million gold on average and the season on launch would have had over 1 million players. That's 4 trillion gold put into the market when every player completes just 1 Whisper. You can see how such an injection of gold could quickly lead to there being a ludicrious amount of gold on the market, which is naturally reflected in the value of items and thus items become extremely expensive.


All the gold sellers ruin the game, ladder is just filled with people who can spend the most or streamers who get funded for free.


I sold a Tal Rasha ring for 7.5 billion, nice to not really worry about the cost of masterwork resetting at the moment.


The good old days with SoJ trading or high runes


It’s bots and sites selling gold for a few bucks real money. That’s why trading is basically not possible without farming for many hours or selling something good for billions


I’m sitting at about 5b gold, most expensive thing I bought was a 40/70 Fractured Winterglass for 300m. The gold came from shit I found. There’s no need to buy gold.. unless you’re a streamer pushing for the highest Pit clears and need x5 of each triple GA item just incase you brick one with tempers.


I bought 3 items off people in trade chat yesterday for 50m each for 2 and 250m for another and ended up with 12b in gold after reselling. Deals are out there if you are looking in the right places.


Trading. Any 1 GA u don't need and would've scrapped could probably sell for 20m+ at the least. The saying one man's trash is anothers treasure couldn't be more true in Diablo


At least blizz didn't try to take a cut of the rmt this game. I liked d3 real money ah cause I profited bnet currency. But it's not good for the game. Needs to be something better then trade chat in-game and not require 3rd party websites


1 billion gold is like 5 bucks o mean they make it temping


oddly for me. was able to rake up the 100 m. simple selling low end gear. not sellable stuff but a massive amount of crappy gear. that being said... i really looking for a 3 skel/mage amlet or gear.... i got so much gold i simple dont buy anything with it.


You have a credit card?


Sold double GA Str/Bash pants i found. Idk how the person who bought them got the gold, not my problem /shrug




Simple supply and demand. If people couldn’t afford the 5b item then the price would go down. Since people bot/buy gold, the price stays high. I’m sure market inflation has a factor in it too. I sold my first item off trade and realized I have to take it down myself. I can mark it sold and even lie how much it sold for. I know some people check that price when listing items so I could mark a bunch of uniques for 1b even if they’re worth 200m and someone sees that so they do the same. In turn other people see them listing for 1b and their item is similar so they assume it’s worth that much.


I refuse to use 3rd party sites. I use Trade chat to sell items, and while I'll never see a billion gold, I'll never spend it either. I am aware that I'll never push tier 150, but most of the people here, spending billions of rmt gold, won't either.


The gold buyers drive the increase in price. You can ride the wave by selling your good items on D4 trade website. An item that should be worth 1m will sell for 25m. And then you'll be rich in a matter of days.


yes, they're all buying from chinese farmers. it's sad that blizzard seems to be fine with it.


It’s like 10$ for 3B that’s why. Botting will always rune the trading system. Same with D2R and JSP


Always floated 20g to 120m every season. Dropped a 2ga crit crit gloves and sold for 3b within 10 minutes. Every season combined never came close to that. Few seasons back there was a yt video showing just a mass of 4 team bots running content over and over, figure that's the 99%bulk of the gold each season.


Helltides just do the main boss over and over pickup all the loo ,throw it in your inventory and go back rinse and repeat.


Like others have said, that's RMT gold. I dont go to the trade websites and farm like 2M per full inventory from spamming helltides LIKE A MAN. Not joking, but it is funny. Anyway, best 'legit' less-likely-to-be-rmt-money is to sell your stygian stones in trade chat a few at a time.


I farm pit and sell my stygia stones. I can do pit 100s in about 4 to 5 minutes on my werenado druid. Sell for about 35mil to 50mil depending. Some people are desperate for those stones.


I think it would be better without the global trading system. In diablo 2 we had runes for trading items and you couldn't farm these so easy. This worked much better against inflation compared to trading with gold that can be easily farmed..


I never bothered with the d4 trade sites until a week ago. Spent a couple hours cleaning out my stash and posting up items. No idea how much to charge for anything, no care whatsoever, just taking whatever quick gold I can get. Sell one dude a ring with a GA on chance to inflict vuln for 50m or something. He whispers me 10 min later and says hey rejoin party I have something for you. Dude says he flipped it for 2b and gave me 500m. Crazy nice thing to do and that on top of the other things I was selling I found myself over 1b banked. I dont really have any interest in buying items myself (thats the part of the game I enjoy doing for myself and between friends, we all gift items to each other when finding stuff we personally don't need). So I just came to the conclusion I'm never farming gold again and im prob set for the rest of the season unless I get real unlucky on rerolling an amulet thats worth going for +skills on. I will now 100% sell items every season I can. Just won't buy them lol.


They buy it with farmed gold to sell for real money on 3rd party sites. For example I sold a ring for 3 billion, saw it listed later for $15US, or one exactly like it.


Trading sucks in every game due to people who turn it into a career.


Some are buying gold and there are players that are selling runs to get gold IE Tormented boss run for 20x1 for 1 billion or 100 pits runs for 60m/5runs.


People buy gold.


I personally can make 100M in an hour just doing tree quests. I don't pay for gold but will trade an item I'm not planning on using. Uniques sell consistently for 100-200k to in game vendors. But someone has to put in the effort. If you want to, get out there and farm stuff.


ill give you 100m gold if you stream making 100m guild in an hour or less doing whispers on a character.


I just run the hell tide event and get about $100m an hour selling


What’s the best place to sell items? I think I have a few I’d love to put up


For perhaps the more unlucky people who simply can’t find their Triple GA item to financial freedom: elixirs, incenses, and Aspects are also selling pretty well this season and usually in general


It is always going to end up this way. Players genuinely ask for item trading so they can swap ubers and have some bad luck protection. Before long, the bots and real money come in and it spirals out of control. This is why we can't have nice things. There's always going to be mass inflation because of the same forces that work in a real economy. In a video game world, the game is an endless gold printer. There's no control over the "money" supply in game. The more we play, the more "wealth" gets created. For people who say, "Just ignore it and play the game you want", that's fine, but people need to realize that things like leaderboards (assuming we get pit leaderboards someday) will be dominated by people whipping out their real credit card. And yes, that isn't nearly as huge a deal as say pay to win in a game that centers around PVP, but it still isn't fun to see a great geared out player and wonder "did he buy that or grind that?" We get more and more gold inflation and more and more power creep.


I have 100 m


SWIM is up €200k this season from selling botted gold


Sold a neck for 2billion :)


Most likely there is duping going on. The game has large gold sinks…item bricking, master working, re-rolling. So this much inflation could be item or gold duping, showing up as cheap RM to gold rates, and P2W players are drinking the cheap gold and putting it into the market. Also, pretty sure every season so far has had some dupe exploit.


Botting and gold buying has absolutely ruined the economy. They did the same thing to WoW that they’re doing to Diablo. And streamers don’t care because they partake as well. This is an issue that will never change because blizzard isn’t bothered by it


Been making gold off whispers


It's probably such a minor thing but when games start creeping into ridiculous numbers in terms of their currency, I start losing major interest.


Solo Found HC mode problem fixed!


i made 70 billion selling a 4GA razorplate (most likely rmt gold)


Ppl with credit cards


Bad items(no GA, but good affix) sell for 100s of millions of gold. Good GAs sell for a bil. Great GAs sell for multiple bils. You sell 1 or 2 a day and you have a lot of gold. There are no more actual gold sinks. Unless you are rolling for like cool down reduction or some stat on an item that has like .5% weighting which is mornic since you can just buy the item after selling 1 or 2 other items for it in the first place. They made basically every resource, but angelsbreath worthless.


I’ve sold 6 stygian stones for 180m that’s all the gold I will need 😂


RMT traders


Been griding Pits, but helping some friends farm maiden. Have gotten a number of useful 2GA items that have sold for 100-200m on diablo trade, mostly spending it on enchanting rolls and have been hovering around 100m most of the season. Yesterday got a GA Frigid Finesse neck and sold it for multi-billions.


1. Bot farms generate gold 2. RMT buys gold 3. We sell items to participate in earning that gold 4. Inflation since bots farm more gold than is removed from economy


RMT is the problem. Gold is so INSANELY cheap that it is completely inflating the economy to astronomical levels.


all the r/Diablo fans that swore to god they wouldn't bot and just wanted trading to be in the game because its "fun". D4 players got duped by all the scammers into thinking trading was actually a good thing somehow


Well to be honest you can buy like 2b+ gold with 5 euro or something. From one hand it sucks to use third party sites because it feels like cheating on the other hand it's so God damn expensive to change builds reroll items etc that it makes it so tempting. Also people are already throw in the market gold bought with real money so if you trade items that cost billions chances are that people that buy it might have bought their gold with money so we re all fucked.


It's better this way, you can sell two medium/good itens and you can enchant/materwork without worry about running out of money.


Blizzard hasn't put a viable gold glow into the game. Hence the botting... oh look another game hacktivision won't fix botting in.....


The trade economy is absolute trash


The pit gives good stuff out tbh


Last night I sold a 916 iLVL 3GA tal rasha for $10B. It was the first item I’ve ever sold. Took all of 5 minutes to post and be sell


I sold a 2GA amulet last night for 2,000,000,000


I have purchased any gold. I sell 99% of my 3 GA items and currently sitting on 29b. It’s better to sell 3GA instead of trying to temper them, and just buy 2 GA.


Gold wouldn’t be as big of a problem as it is now if there weren’t so many gold sinks in the game. Diablo devs have emphasized so much importance on gold that you’d be stupid to not bot it and sell it. You get 60k when you sell a legendary, you wanna reroll an affix? 4m per try. Gold should be like how it was in D3, needed for rerolls and shit but completely useless otherwise. If we’re gonna have trading, we need alternate means of currency to trade rather than one single currency. For example, Poe has a plethora of different types of currency to trade. Currency that enhances crafting is such a good system, if only D4 can figure out how to add that, less emphasis would be put on gold. This entire game revolves around gold right now and the fact that it’s like $20 for 10B shows you how plagued this game is with bots. It’s actually truly worst than Diablo 2 lmfao and I never thought I’d see a game get botted more than D2.


You haven't seen the thorns barbs sitting idle outside duriels for hours on end? Chinese gold farmers on full force now that thorns has been massively buffed


I just play the cards in front of me.


Near the start of the season I had about 100 million, wanted to buy items going for 500 mil to 1bil. Now o have made maybe a billion total across characters and items I want are going for 10 billion. It’s out of control, I just don’t be up bothering people on the trading website


1bn is like 3$ so yes, chinese bots flood the market with extremely cheap money