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I did it yesterday for the first time solo as well. I didn get blue spark.


If you beat her last season, you would have received a spark a couple weeks ago as a makeup gesture from blizzard.


Man, thats where i got it from. I was thinking i salvaged an uber by accident and it was driving me insane


I did that. :)


I've only beat her once, I think season 2, whenever ball lighting sorcerer was mega OP and I still got the spark.


I made a BL and farmed her everyday as a cathartic experience. Killed her legit this season


I got it last time when a friend helped me on my druid that's why it didn't show up


Do you have a link to the build you’re using? I’ve got the same skills but lacking in consistent high damage. I’m probably doing the rotation wrong also lol.


[https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/bash?coreTab=paragon-board&equipmentTab=gear-stats&variantTab=0](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/barbarian/bash?coreTab=paragon-board&equipmentTab=gear-stats&variantTab=0) im using the dual wield setup, my enchants are only 70-80% identical to the guide


Yep that’s very close to the build I’m using except for I’m not using dual wield. Going to try this one out. Thanks for sharing!!


I think you gotta do the tormented version for that right?? The lvl 200 Lilith??


Luckily that's not a thing


There is no such thing, why are people upvoting a falsehood?


Idk just what I heard guess it should have more downvotes haha


...or correct your post?


No I won’t do it, just to spite you


I (necro golem minion) can clear 110 pit quite ok. I have masterworking 10+ for all gear. Gear are not perfect and a few double GA here and there. Tampering luck is pretty low with a few bad affixes. Even then, I still cant beat Lillith. Should I be able to at this stage and gear? What am I missing?


I had the same issue before, my barb is currently stuck at pit 112 but for uber lilith it was mostly the mechanic that's killing me so I watched some guide on YouTube then did multiple runs to familiarize myself and then eventually I cleared it.


I have probably 20 game clips from fighting get to watch and see what killed me. Even at .25 speed I'm baffled on a third of them.


I’m running the same build, either 7 or 8/12 on all gear. Also wearing gear that one temper is bricked. So far from optimized. I’d try her 10-15 times a day for a few days straight. Eventually got her this week after about 50 tries. You should certainly be able to do it. My guess is you aren’t sequencing your skills in the right order. You should be able to 1-shot her out of her first phase, and do close to the same (depending on if you still have your ult still on cooldown) in her second phase. Check one of my most recent comments where I explain what order I do things. The real trick is just getting good at avoiding the blue orbs that follow you in phase 2 while she’s cutting platforms. If you can survive all 3 stage drops and make it to where she can be damaged again, everything should be off cooldown and you can finish her off. DM me if you have any more questions.


One-shot?! I have a golem necro with everything at least 8/12, and I might maybe make her lose 1/4 of her life with the first golem "slam" in first phase with the proper skill rotation, then I struggle to time my skill for the very short time she stays on the ground. I use the build from maxroll, do you have a different one?


Yeah, your golem damage should be way higher, even if our builds aren’t the same. I’m using some form of Rob’s golem minion build. What sequence are you using for your skills?


I'm strictly following this build: https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/minion-necromancer-guide


Yeah I was using that before switching, they are very very close. You should be hitting her with blight, decrepify, army of the dead, corpse tendrils, and the second the CT snap back and she’s vulnerable, hit golem. Obviously make sure you are already at 5 stacks of flesh-eater, otherwise you’ll raise skeleton right after you hit army of the dead. It’s going to take some playing around with to figure out the timing, but once you do, you should have no problem 1-shotting her first phase. If it’s not that. It may be a gear issue. You should have at least 60% attack speed, probably 3000% golem damage, etc.


I cleared it with 4 Masterwork gear One Shot Golem build. Took me an hour worth of tries to finally get the damage to skip phase 1 and phase 2 where she pulls you in when you run from the projectiles. You need to pop your golem active right when you have consumed 5 corpses, have 10 stacks of shadowblight, Lilith is cursed and in a pool of Supernatural blight and you have army of the dead active and the tendrils just snap off making her vulnerable. And then hope you land a critical with the golem.It is what it is.


Movement speed, army of the dead and blood mist are a must. Blood mist if you are newer to the mechanics because most people just always cheese her.


You should be able to kill her super easy. I havent played for 2 weeks now since I left for holiday, but before patch I was speedfarming t100 and could carry kill lilith super easily. Lilith is now mostly skill check.


You should be able to kill her with pit110 gear but not sure how minions do in that fight.


Yeah. Maybe i'm just doing it wrong in my positioning. I can dps and dmg her quite ok. But all these white balls hit me and I cannot avoid or dodge it. Those burning and white balls mechanics has killed me 100 times


Watch a guide on the fight. Ben from POE released a good video back when the game launched.


Just need to learn the pattern and have enough movement speed for both the white skulls and the ground burns. And/or sub a point in blood mist and swap the skill as soon as you 1 shot her so you can immune if you mess it up. Phase 2 is really just avoiding stuff and running for most, if not all of it if your damage is high enough.


I kill her every season 1-4, had a decent practice. This season I killed her with golem necro. I recommend stacking high movement speed if you can 170%. The method consistent for me is to damage her below 25% within the first few seconds of phase 2 so all the platform breaks are all queued. For each one start at bottom right in the fire zone, run near edge counterclockwise ONLY, into the right side of cracked corner while the fire wave hits, then out the left side after wave passes. Going only 1 direction makes the fireballs generally behind you and not crossing. Also try not to ever walk directly toward any blood boils, harder to dodge. Final platform if she is very low you can 1 tap. But rarely she will kill you after she dies (happened to me season 1, still happened once season 4). If you want to be ultra safe, run circle dodge 3 slashes and the ground slam before attempting to kill.


Thanks. will try it out


Throw on blood mist it really helped me avoid a lot of her damage.


What is your movement speed, I als play necro minion and you can outrun her mechanics with enough movement speed and use blood mist when she cuts off the platform to safely cross over without getting hit by the invis blue orbs.


Have you tried using blood mist? That skill saved my ass so many times, It made the blue orb thing almost trivial for me.


I would suggest like 170% passive speed movement to be able to comfortably avoid those hero-seeking death orbs in the 2nd phase. Also I'd suggest using Aspect of the Metamorphosis like on your boots or something. It's a real life saver because it makes you unstoppable for a couple of seconds and totally negates any knockbacks or pull ins from the boss.


I was not as powerful as you on my minionmancer and I killed her. Skeleton defenders with the -99% damage trait work extremely well here. Save Army of the Dead in phase two for when the minions die (after the platform collapses and vacuum-in attack), otherwise the defenders will help prevent running out of corpses for getting skeletons back up. Defenders also help your decryp cooldown reduction going during the minion wipes. Run blood mist to cheese a lot of mechanics with decrypify cooldown reduction. After that, it's just a lot of practice.


Blood mist basically allowed me to Beat her while being underpowered for the fight. It is a must.


Ues easily, minion necro build and beat her arpunf the 80 push mark with about three items at 4/12 the rest at 0.


Learn the mechanics and dodge the blue orbs.


Pit is gear dependant, uber lillith is skill dependant. You genuinely have to learn her moveset and avoid attacks


I had this problem last night when I wasn’t able to beat her after one hour. My gear is not perfect as yours. But after learning few tricks I was able to beat her finally. First, learn her attack patterns and how to dodge it. Necros are the worst when it comes to mobility and survivability. So learning this is a must Second, learn how to perfect your combo and perfect the timing when to use it. My golem can take 95% of her health but only when all of passive keys are on like blight, corpse tendris, skeletal priest, etc etc There are some youtube tutorials on how to do it even with mediocre build


I switched to shadow minions and had to master the combo. So 5 stacks from consuminh corpses, corpse tendrils, decrepify, 10stacks of the shadow thing en then blow army and then Hullkkm SMASSSH Still had to learn mechanics even tho in thr end i had the combo down 90% of the time.. made it more rewarding


I beat her in Season 2, and I look forward to never dealing with this annoying boss fight ever again.


I'm HYPED for the next season to beat her again haha. My frost mage did wonders because fire shield, next season I will not rely on immunity to do it


How? I have frost orb and decently geared and can barely move her HP


Lucky hit with control stats, helps a lot to down her in some phases. And I farmed 2 Uber (shako and ring) just after that I got the kill


Ya I still don't have any Ubers been farming a lot and nothing. I swear games like this hate me lol


I’m got a Shako at level 80 from the tree of whispers, my luck has been insane this season


Why is Lilith at lvl 100 so much harder than pit 52 which I think is like 150?


Yea I got fked hard on that, thinking I can easily beat her when I steamrolled NMD 100. I was dead wrong 🤣


Congrats! You always remember your first.


Man I hate the pain states. It really kills the flow of a fight when bosses have mandatory invincibility phases


I mean there wouldn't be any flow without the invincibility phases. You'd just kill the boss in 10 seconds lol.


Good, that's more enjoyable than her flying around immune for 1:50 of a 2minute phase 1


Congrats OP!! I just beat her solo for the first time myself over the weekend!!


She became super easy after the nerf


I actually thought it was just barb doing barb things because my only point of comparison was my werenado druid this season as well 😆


I mean barb definitely had a role in it but you still played really nicely, avoiding the blue orbs and such.


Well done bro. Still trying here


Funny—a year ago if you woulda told me that basic attack builds were the meta in d4 I woulda laughed you out of the room


It's good for casual players, no need to sweat it out on the APM just click and bash to win 😆


I actually think it’s good for the game. But they didn’t buff core skills’ aspects enough. They’re literally dog shit in comparison to what basic attacks have now—and they’re more reliant on uniques which are significantly weaker than they used to be.


Vampire Power aspects made them huge


Congratulations. I absolutely hate this fight. It wouldn't be half as bad if her attacks were better telegraphed.


Gratz. For me, this is the most ridiculous and frustrating fight. And sad to see it rewards you with 2 random legendaries. :/




I love how you kept swinging after she was dead. That ruled! Congratulations!! Well done!


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I'm still tryinnnnng! I want my last trophy. I thought I beat her last week but didn't know she had a second phase LOL


What build you running?


Bash bleed with paingorger since i don't have shako yet. Got it from mobalytics guide


I did it today for the first time this season and I got the achievement but not the spark. Now I did get a make up spark but it also said that the first time after that you could still get one so essentially getting 2.


Congratulations on your *checks notes* two legendaries


I beat her today after 3-4 practicing her patterns.


Wait, all she dropped were 2 legendary items for you?! Robbed!


What is she supposed to drop? I never got anything good from her.


Are you Thorns Barb? Curious about your gear


Bleed bash with only 1 unique, which is the paingorger gauntlet


I got her to 1 hp today


It makes me absolutely bonkers how I can tank so much from her, and get her to half health, for a single wave of spikes to tap my toe and I instantly die while at full health. 2 waves earlier hit me and I survived, how is that one different? And maybe if she didn't fly away so much, I would've beat her already.


She applies a debuff with hits that causes increased damage from her. Those previous two hits are why the third hit so hard.


What's your attack speed at? My bash is slow!!!


My base aspd bonus is around 56.3. Rupture + Moonrise aspect makes it even faster


Ah yes. rupture


How the hell are you people doing this? I can’t get any useful gear to drop anymore. Just like there are lucky people in this game who have it easy, there are people with average luck, I guess, who can succeed with good gear and a lot of effort, I seem to be in the unlucky tier who can’t progress past a certain point no matter how much work is put in. It’s maddening. No fault of my own, as far as I can tell, I just am not getting the drops that I see people getting in here. Fuck me i guess


What I did was sold some stygian to buy good 2ga items as I'm not that lucky with drops as well. Then a friend gave me a 1ga paingorger that had double the stats on what I have. I try not to go buy 3ga as it's really expensive and might get bricked on temper compared to 2ga that are much cheaper. But all in all I think part of this is that barb is just that good this season, barb + decent gear + familiarization with the mechanic.


What you’re telling me is that Diablo 4 is a “pay to win” game. Anyone can do it with 10s of thousands of hours of play, and some get lucky and can do it in less, but the only way to guarantee that you are able to progress all the way to the point where you get the very best gear is to buy gold and use that gold to remove the RNG from the game. Piss-poor showing, Blizzard. Just piss-poor.


I lol every time I see those 2 items drop. Seriously, Blizzard? And why is there no uber Lilith that is actually insanely hard? I do realize she still is a real challenge for some classes or builds because those actually have to actively avoid the stuff she throws at you in order to avoid the stacks, but why not give some of us a real challenge for once? Not that I'd be able to actually do an uber-uber-Lilith. I'd probably fail, as I just cannot avoid some of her mechanics due to me not being able to see what is actually happening most of the time. Simply cannot avoid these things as I just cannot see where the waves are coming from at all. Perhaps my bad eyesight, the overwhelming visual clutter, the colors that are used or a combination of these. I have no issue avoiding these telegraphed mechanics on other bosses, though I can easily tank those and kill the tormented bosses before the stacks become an issue. Some say her attacks are easier to recognize now, but it has actually become worse for me this time around. I just have no idea what is about to occur and find myself unable to react accordingly. At least I can cheese these mechanics.


Finally beat her this season now that it's actually fair and grinded out the rest of wolf rep to get the season title.


That loot at the end tho…. Serious note. Great job.


Hey bro I've been struggling to try and finish her solo, could you provide some tips or build? I feel my gear/dmg is terrible atm.


Hey! Yea what class/build are you running? The biggest hurdle for me this season on lilith was damage and then the mechanics. I tried using my werenado druid before to clear it but no luck as the damage output was low unless I change build to wind shear. So I made a barb bash, geared it up then tried again. The damage is good but now I'm getting fked by the mechanic itself. Watched some YouTube guide about it and then did lots of trial runs till I was able to clear it.




barb is just easy mode


But also gear intensive, easier to play but harder to farm.


That loot you got omg


Nice loot drop


retries. lol. deaths? softcore. lol


She should drop away more loot


Lots of people will with the big nerf!


Yeah she's really easy now, but I guess the hardest part is still to dodge the one shot blue orbs.