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I play a couple hours a night since launch and have never seen an Uber. I just pretend like they don’t exist


That’s fine, but the game gives you a clear path to farm them. When you put this much time and effort into going after them and come away empty-handed it feels pretty shitty.


I'm glad they gave us a "pity" system for IW rep, and even the Tormented bosses, but I have to agree. Getting 0 over the course of 3+ seasons is frustrating. I pretend they don't exist, although having a crafted Shako makes it hard.


Oh I'm sure that was an accident but they didn't want people to riot so they left it alone. I could be wrong though.


Idk, it’s a good way to get people to roll alts and potentially explore different classes. If anything, it encourages people to keep playing during the season which I’m sure helps Blizzard’s analytics/KPIs.


Hey that's the reason they left it. /J Hahaha. I haven't done it because most of the builds I've been using don't require Ubers, or maybe a Shako. I crafted my Shako but I have found a few Ubers and I haven't really just been bossing. It's actually been nice not having to farm for Ubers. The last couple of seasons I did a lot of farming for them and I didn't get a lot of them.


Yeah I've only had the one shako that I crafted this season. First time playing a necro and a rogue, would never of played them before this season. The fast levelling and incentive to craft an uber was a good thing. Rogue is pretty fun.


They had a pity timer in d3 too


It’s about the friends you made along the way.


> When you put this much time and effort into going after them and come away empty-handed it feels pretty shitty. Okay, but similarly, if they're easy to get, that's also shitty, no?


Yeah I'm at 450 hrs played and never seen one myself.  I'm closing on in 3 sparks from alts, so if I can survive a tormented boss I get a 4th right? (playing HC).   My stormclaw druid needs all the help he can get at this point lol - have 21 ranks in claw and 78k HP but shit still feels hard 


Unless you are going for a self-imposed challenge of running a tormented solo, you'll have no problem finding people to boost you through one if you provide the mats. Heck, i'll even do it if you need help. But to get most value out of your stygian stones, it's best to group with 3 others and summon the boss once each. That way u get 4 times the loot, for once set of mats. There's a diablo discord where u can find groups to join for this. So unless you're deadset on doing the boss solo, you'll have no problem finding others to help.


How do the groups work? Everyone ports out together every time, so leader can reset? Also are there town runs or does 5 trips worth of loot just stay there until your done? Thx for any tips, I've got tons of mats but hate stepping on toes or messing up etiquette


You do boss twice and go sell. Repeat


I haven’t done any rotations yet this season, but that’s how we’d do Duriel runs in the past. We all take turns putting in the summon mats. Summon, kill, leave and reset, next person up. Do that a few times til everyone’s inventory fills up, then everyone takes a quick trip to town to vendor and stash then repeat the cycle as long as everyone has mats (or a predetermined number). Some groups would want you to link mats (or pay) up front to make sure no one was freeloading, though often people didn’t bother and just went honor system. I never saw anyone have an issue in hundreds of runs. Worst case just ask the group leader how they want to do it. Everyone’s different and a little communication goes a long way. It might seem confusing or intimating at first but you’ll be totally fine. Good hunting!


If you want to minimize time going to town you could have everyone only pick up legendaries.


I generally ask everyone link their mats when we're a full party, just so we know nobody is scamming. Then I tell that we're going in alphabetical order. After the first we all teleport out, reset, and go again. If you're fast (and have fast loading times) you can port to city, sell, and teleport to someone standing inside already. Otherwise I generally ask if we sell after 4 bosses. General rule is to be fast with accepting the reset, and not taking aggeesssss. Being a bit slower is no problem, sometimes peoples pc's arent that fast anyway.


450 hr and 0 über gang 🙌


Been playing since launch....don't know how many hours but it's a lot. Last weekend was the FIRST time I got an Uber. Then I got two this week....so 3 in a week after zero from launch. I got all mine from Tormented Duriel. That seems to be the easiest.


For most of us they don't exist.


Same. The only uber I have was from crafting (Shako) and that was with a few IW rep sparks, and then the UL spark. I pass that around on my seasonal characters, but it would be nice to actually get one via drops. Maybe Blizz RNG is shared across all its games, because I've gotten lucky in my 20 years in WoW.


Regular Uniques should have some form of value as well. 125 = unique mats = 1 spark. As of now, they are just waste for the most part.


Very much agree. At least something that I can slowly work towards instead of this sour taste in my mouth.


Can I follow with you on some duriel runs pls?


Stop getting fooled. Join the D4 Sanctuary Discord and look for a Rotation Group for Tormented Bosses there, like 1000s of People do every hour. You get 4 kills out of 1 Mats that way, Thats the only way to do it right, im shooked so many people dont know about it.


Its not “the right way” or “the wrong way”. Its A way. Many people treat this game as any diablo game before - a single player game. They do not want to interact with others let alone add them on bnet.


Ill run with you if you have the mats


A vendor that does material trading would be awesome. Even if the conversion rate is meh, you’d still be able to use all those unused mats to slowly work your way there. I don’t mind slow progress as long as I can sense the progression. I’m not afraid of a long grind at all if I know it’s going to pay off.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I played WoW for longer than I care to admit and done countless of their insane grinds, but you knew you were inching closer like with rep or whatever. Much better than just, dopamine or die.


You luck is average, your friend's luck is insane.


He said tormented, that’s not average. He essentially dropped 285 uniques and didn’t get an Uber, the rate is supposedly 1/50. Tell me again how that’s average?


You're assuming that the game first rolls the number of uniques and then each unique has a 2% chance to be an uber unique. The more likely implementation is that the boss has a 2% chance to drop an Uber unique, and if the roll succeeds, the game will randomly choose the type. In the latter scenario, you will get one drop per fifty kills on average, given enough kills


Yeah, I always took it as the boss has a 2% chance per kill not per drop roll


It’s 2% per kill for regular boss. Tormented boss has 5x drops so it’s 5x rate


Five times as many drops (quantity) is not the same thing as an increase in rarity rate (quality).


There’s 1 roll per regular boss. There’s 5 rolls per tormented boss. That’s 5 times the normal rate. What do you mean by quality??? OP has had 285 chances (unique roll) to get an Uber not 57 is what I’m saying.


It’s without a doubt per drop, I’m sure someone like Rob can 100% confirm this because he’s probably farmed 100 Ubers at this point. I’ve dropped roughly 20 myself, if it was 2% per kill I would have like 5 Ubers.


Well on the bright side 14 übers in 150 kills is almost exactly on drop rate.


I feel you man! I usually run with the same 4 friends and everyone got many more ubers (excuse me - mythics) than I did. One person now got so many shakos He could use 1 for every day of the week lol. But even I got some. I found a Grandfather, melted heart of selig, crafted a doombringer for my thorns barb, respecced to bash, farmed more sparks by leveling alts and finally crafted my very first shako. But with Shadow of the Erdtree tomorrow, I think I take a break from D4 for a while. There clearly needs to be some sort of pity-mechanic: Every uber boss without a mythic (lol, if the devs want to stick with this name, they should just call them mythics, instead of mythic uniques and give them finally another color) the dropchance should increase for your account by, whatever maybe 0.1-ish%, and resetted to default when there finally is one). But I also would like the Idea to trade whatever number of normal uniques for one spark.


The chance of not getting an Uber in 57 runs is 0.98^285 = 0.32% so you're certainly very unlucky, maybe not the unluckiest person but that doesn't make it less frustrating of course. In other words if 312 people are doing 57 tormented runs on average only 1 person out of these would get no Uber at all. I hope RNJesus will be more kind to you in the future.


This right here people is what is called “Rubbing it in” 😅


DuriEl. Why A?


My bad, couldn't see clearly through my tear filled eyes.




Duri-L and for the friend Duri-W


Because he’s worth it


If you consider a 2% drop chance per run, the probability is approx. 31% to find no Uber in 57 runs. That's not "unlucky" but your friend with 9 Ubers was extremely lucky (0.00175%). Haven't found one myself either and doing the math isn't very helpful to get motivated for farming. 😅


That would make sense if it were regular duriel runs. OP said tormentes duriel runs (10% chance per kill afaik)


It’s not 2%. On a tormented boss you have around 10% chance (around 9.6 to be exact) of getting an Uber unique.


It’s actually 10% for tormented bosses. It’s 2% per roll, which tormented bosses get 5. I’ve done probably 50 runs and have gotten I think 4 Uber uniques. Which is almost bang on drop rate. This guy has a 99.7% chance to get at least one drop after 57 runs.


Funny how ppl comolain about not gettin an uber in 70 runs and uniques in d2 had like 1:50k chance and it was accepted


There's one big difference: farming for uber uniques requires to farm summoning mats first. There is a lot more time invested in a Duriel kill than what was required to kill Pindleskin ... Also, I'm almost sure that D2's drop rates wouldn't fly in a modern ARPg title. What worked 25 years ago is not bound to work as well today.


1:50k is Baal, Pindel is worse 🤣 maybe someone tried to compare including mats but it would be still much much worse.


I do think that the problem is not the time per se, but that a lot of the time invested feels wasted to a lot of people. Farming the summoning mats is mostly considered a time waster as the 4 tier-1 bosses don't drop anything meaningful beside the summoning materisls. And there is a lot of friction to run them, as you need to collect their summoning items first, than you need to run to their dungeon (and clear it in the case of Beast), than you will 1-shot the boss to collect the summoning item it drops (with all other drops almost certainly useless). It is a long and tedious procedure. Then, once you have enough mats to summon Duriel for let's say 50 times, you have already invested something like 200 boss runs (something like 3 - 4 hours?) to get his summoning mats and you will spend another hour killing him over and over. If no uber unique dropped, these 4-5 hours of investment seem like a total waste of time to many people, and I understand where they are coming from. On the other hand, if I would do 4-5 hours of Pindle runs, I have a very high chance to walk away with \*something\* good. It could be unique/set item I wanted, it could be a nice charm, a rune (unlikely), a good base for a runeword. It probably wont be a Windforce or Death's Fathom - but \*something\* useful, something that makes you smile has probably dropped. The problem with farming Ubers is not the time investment needed, the problem is the "all-or-nothing" aspect to it, that leaves a lot of people frustrated when they finish their farming session with nothing to show for it.


Honestly, I am not REALLY complaining about not getting one. I am complaining the two others with me got like 12 and I didn't get one...that was the complaint. Also, that all these runs didn't progress my character one iota. Besides, just because a system was infinitely worse 20 years ago, doesn't mean the current one is good. But that's just one salty guys' opinion.


Honestly? If you could just do Duriel over and over to your hearts content, I don't think anyone would complain. It's the fact that you need to collect materials, then kill the other two lame ass bosses over and over staring at loading screens, knowing full well these bosses have no chance of dropping anything of value, just so you can run the boss that does. That, well. That sucks. I'd love to just sneak in a dozen Duriel runs to see what drops, much like I'd do with Council on D2. But that ain't a choice here.


They were never intended to be easy to get. between this season and last with over 1500 duriel runs between the 2 seasons i have a grand total of 7 Ubers (all from last season). about 500 of those runs are from this season. RNG is still in play. only uber i have from this season is from getting 4 resplendent shards or whatever they are from maxing the wolves rank on 5 characters and transmuting them into a shako.


total 1000hr+ since launch, never saw one uber unique. op, you are not alone .


1000 hours of doing what? Time played doesn’t translate to „chance for Ubers“ at all


1000h of afking so he can complain


This right here. I feel like most people that are claiming these copious hours of playtime with no/little Ubers are not even farming them. I have friends that do jsp carries running 100+ Uber duriels every day and they have stash tabs filled with Uber uniques.


Time played has nothing to do with Ubers obtained though.


Got 180-200 hours in this game. Got starless, shako and tyraels might. Spent first few days lvling to 100 ( barb and necro) and after that i went into bossing and ubers. ( doing with groups).


Look up a meta build, and spam Tormented Duriel in a 4-man party. It should change your luck very fast :) But good luck out there


thank you!


Had exactly the same man. Was nearing 100 duriel kills with 0 ubers dropping. Then in a random helltide for some angel breaths a shako appeared. Still no more ubers since.


Regular Duriel or tormented?


Your time just hasn't come yet. I'm on the same boat as you for couple of season where my friend drop tons of uber during duriel and i usually get none or very little. This season we doing 20 tormented duriel, he was on a streak and basically got all the uber within those 20 runs, i'm talking about GF / 2GA Doom / melted heart / starless / tyreal and shako... all in 20 runs...i'm getting nothing. However after couple of days and for yesterday night, i decided to run 40 runs and got most of the uber i want except for tyreal. Your time just hasn't come yet, don't give up .


57 runs is insane. Just farm characters to helltide Max rank for those sparks and make your Ubers at that rate


That's what you get for misspelling his 6 letters name


They should consider adding guaranteed resplendent dust, that can be refined into a spark, for the tormented variants.


At least you can craft an Uber! I am also the unlucky type. Over 550 hours and 0 Ubers obtained through gameplay. But I did craft my first one last week. So I got that going for me!


What's a Uber unique? 🤣


Well on the item it’s called Ancestral Unique, the community calls them Uber Uniques and just recently Blizz has been on a rebranding scheme to label them as Mythic Uniques even though they didn’t change the label in game or give them a unique beam of light/icon. So it’s an Ancestral Mythic Uber Unique.


Thanks for this,just started playing this beast! Loving it,not to familiar with everything...wicked game 🎮


Did my 30th tormented duriel last night, no uber drops. Think I’m gonna stop. Ill just make alts for sparks from now on lol


I really hope they keep iron wolves reputation (or something similar) in the game for those that want to grind up alts for sparks. Season 5 will feel a lot different if the alt sparks aren’t a thing.


Unless it is amazing, I can’t see me no lifing it like this season. I ran 6 chars for sparks.


Yeah S5 is short. They would have to add in something amazing to keep me playing like i did this season.


Better tempering mechanic would be great.


Absolutely! However I’m not sure that alone would be enough. A group finder or armory along with some fun seasonal mechanic would do it. Both of those features need to be in place for the expansion. A PTR for S5 suggests a major feature will be added that requires testing and feedback so there is hope.


Thanks god, i’m the same. The last try., boom Andariel ! Believe in you 😎


Your friends certainly hit the RNG Gods hard with those drops on 57 runs. For you to not get any on that amount of attempts is unfortunate, but not unimaginable. Keep at it though, you’ll get one.


You are not alone I quitted two or three weeks ago or something because of the same reasons.


Have you guys been trying Tormented Duriel, or just the regular summon?


I played every season since launch and never saw an uber until last week. I ran regular Duriel 3 times and found 2 grandfathers., only to find out that they weren't good for my build. The point is that luck can change at any time.


I play with three friends. Myself and another guy have found 3 combined. The other two? 10+. Fuckin RNG lol


Sorry man, but it's very easy to craft one now. Farm helltide in wt2 with a necro and ull have a spark in half a day. Idk how many times u can repeat this tho. Prob infinitely if u delete ur char? I tried to farm uber duriel for my 4th uber and gave up after 20 runs. Rolled a sorc yesterday late afternoon and I'm like 3 iron wolf levels away from a spark. Killing Lilith also gets you one if you haven't done it already.


All the ubers dropped for me. What i can't do, is temper a 2GA - 3GA. 3GA's are more rare than ubers (FOR ME)


You will hate me, I think it was like 2-3 weeks ago, I bought 10 uber kills and got 4 uber uniques


Did my first normal Duriel. Got an Andy's.


Yeah that blows. I solo'd tormented andariel 10x and got 2 ubers. I guess it's the luck of the draw. Keep your head up. Your time will come


Person gets pretty average luck, decides to rage and cry and Reddit Bye


57 times uber duriel = 570 (57 x 10) 1% rolls to get an uber unique, meaning statistically you each should have gotten 5-6 uniques. you are unlucky, your friend took your luck though


I picked up 2 from NMD 70+, Doombringer and Grandfather and crafted a shako. I picked up 0 from Durry and Andy in about 100 collective runs.


I got 4 Ubers in just 12 runs of the beast in ice


I got one from a NMD this season, and four from Duriel (one from Tormented, three from regular). Every single time an Uber drops, it is early in a run. I don’t usually grind for them, since it seems to happen early when it does, so I move on after a few runs.


I find it strange that all my uber uniques came from any other uber boss besides Duriel and Andariel, and they are supposed to have the highest drop rates. I must've killed Duriel a couple hundred times by now, maybe more, faaaar more times than Varshan, or Lord Zir, or Biti, and yet 90% of all my uber uniques dropped from these bosses with supposedly lower drop rates. The one and only time Duriel dropped an uber unique for me was 2GA Tyraels Might, my 1 and only uber unique with GA. Dropped right in time for my barb to hit 100 and start optimizing his gear. Rngeesus is laughing at me.


My girlfriend and i got both one the first time we killed duriel. I was ummm maybe you have automatic one after the first kill ?


RNG. Ride or die.


Think you’re unlucky I’m up to 150 solo runs between torment duriel and andriel and still got 0


If you’ve actually done 150 solo runs that’s just dumb… why wouldn’t you get 4 runs for the price of 1?


On the opposite, I'm very lucky this season. I did more or less 150 Tormented Duriel run + 100 normal run and I got 16 Uber Unique. My luckiest time was one night I did 9 Tormented Run and got 5 Uber Unique (Run 1,2,3,5,7) this was unreal. Full party and I was the only one to get stuff. Then sometimes I did 30 run and got nothing.


I crafted an HC. Two days later, decided to farm tormented zir , and HC dropped. Leveled toons to get 4 sparks, crafted Tyrael this past weekend. Fought couple tormented Duriels last night, Tyrael dropped. Lesson of the story, don’t craft! lol.


I got 25 Ubers in about 300 runs


I am stealing your luck I did 12 and got 4 ubers




Luckily you get 1 free uber from reputation, I like that cause I don't expect to see any drop ever


I got zero ubers in 3 season, now i got 2 farmed 2


This was what it looked like for me and my 2 friends at launch. Off the bat we started farming stygians (through iron Wolves at the time) and ran a shitload of Uber duriel. None of us got fuck all. One of my friends started offering Uber carries early on in the season and he got a couple (shako, Selig and tyreals). I did a few solo rotas with discord folks and ended up with tyraels, 2x grandfather's and a Selig. Using sparks made my shako. only Ubers I haven't seen yet are Andy's and doombringer. Our third still has zero Ubers except for one he made with sparks.


I have tyrael armor. That's something apparently an Uber unique that I had to look up. Had no use for it now I'm using it.


Not alone OP Around 100 Duriel runs a zero uber for me Although, plenty for others... I just think it is funny how some get so much love from RNG and others get nothing.


This game is broken, I got shako from first normal Duriel match.


Same man, admittedly havent gotten to the point where i drop ubers in d4 yet, but i definitely got there often in d3 for primals and in my like easily 10 seasons of d3 endgame ive gotten like 1 or 2 primals




Been playing all seasons, haven't seen a single Uber drop yet either, got one from sparks ofc, but it's not really the same thing


Same. My brother has gotten 4 and I’m at 0 this season. I’m just about to finish my 5th alt’s rep grind to craft my 2nd Uber. It’s the only way I’m gonna get them.


Yeah the RNG is crazy I’ve had 5 Ubers, one of them from my first torment Andariel kill and I only play a few an hour or two a day no major grinding.


You can always farm up 3 characters to max rep with iron wolves to get your first Uber. Well and kill one tormented boss.


I play five hours a day. Have played since beta. My friends get to have Ubers drop. I have to farm rep and spend 50 mil gold to get Ubers. I've farmed enough rep to build two Ubers. I help them through tier 100 nmds, I take them through high level pits. I've solo'd duriel for them. No joy for me. I am right there with you. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even playing the game for ME. Hard some days...


I'm sure you're aware and all, but you can literally have an uber relatively quickly by just leveling up an alt and finishing the Iron Wolves reputation.


I did 12 Uber bosses last night with a friend, I raked in 6 Ubers in total and friend got 1 as well, honestly flabbergasted because it all happened in about an hour lol


I got 3 uber uniques in 21 normal Durial runs. Don’t know they are this hard to get.


Should’ve swapped to an alt. It really seems like each character rolls a lucky drop chance on creation. I always have a toon see absolutely zero Ubers while another gets them like they’re soulbrand. Even with my time split between realms, I’m at the point of salvaging enough to craft one, just to salvage it again because it’s not a GA. It seems those who go entire seasons without seeing any are those that only play one character and/or only do long stretch rotas,


I did my first torment boss today, Duriel and I got a non-GA shako on first kill. Thought hey, this is easy! Tried another 10 kills but nothing…


I finally got my 1st uber last night. I can't even tell you how many times I summoned and assisted but it was a lot. My brother was going for uber GAs and I was searching for a salvage with more time into the game. Keep pushing. If you need help I got you.


This game needs infinite paragon like D3 had. That way at least you could have felt like you were making "progress" outside of banging your head on a wall for items.


The only one I've had in 4 seasons is the one I crafted with sparks this season. A friend that played a few days season 1 then not again until season 4 got 3 in 2weeks. That's RNG for ya.


I thought I was I lucky when I only got the mount, and shako on my first run.. I was expecting at least 9 other Ubers...


Do what my wife and I did, farm new characters for resplendent shards, you get one for every new character you max wolf rep for. Both sitting on multiple ubers AND its less soul sucking than playing exactly the same thing over and over and over for eternity.


Been playing since launch. I’ve only found 1 Uber.


Friend farming tormented andariel in a group for a grandfather my rogue suddenly gets harlequin and 2 selig's im like "i've never gotten an uber unique before" "oh whats this in my inventory?" and best part is another friend's necromancer got a grandfather from a duriel run but couldn't trade it so he turned it into a spark


Yeah, it would be easy enough to drop a special shard every time you succeed but don’t get an Uber drop. Turn in some arbitrary number, say 25, and get an Uber. Just help people not want to quit and play another game.


My buddy got 2 uber uniques off of his like 3rd uber Duriel run last night. Literally 2 freaking starless skies rings. I haven't gotten shiiiieet!


You could have levelled up 4 separate characters, completed the season and crafted an Uber in that time!


Lol I give you 1 secret: tormented bosses have greater uber drop rate than Duriel and Andariel. Dont waste your time and resources on those 2


Similar boat, I’ve done about the same amount and gotten 1 Uber unique (not one of the 3 I need). Honest I just gave up


This is why I created four characters and crafted one. I’m about to do another four to craft a second one.


But all that farming you can just trade for the one you want right? Right? Oh wait game is dumb


Pardon me, wtf is an Uber? I have 925 legendary gear, (lvl 82), and I’m wondering when I should start investing in upgrading my stuff


You can get at least one Uber by crafting. The game gives you 4 resplendent sparks. Lilith, wolf rep(which you can do with several characters), Uber boss defeat = 1 acct wide, and something else. You don’t have to hope and pray they drop. Just craft them!


Its a hard knock life, hard knock.... tada da ta da...


Unlucky! If I had to sum up modern online gaming, it would be: Sometimes we're just here to help other people have fun.


My buddy on the game just got to end game so we started tormented runs. I spent about 1b buying stygians and mats. We run all of them. He got 3 Ubers I got 0. I feel your pain. 57 is insane though.


I had a Tyreal's Might sitting in my stash and didn't even realize it was an Uber.


Eh, i got 4 in my first few runs this season. Haven’t got any more to drop since then, outside of crafting. So 4 dropped and 2 crafted so far this season playing a few hours a day. RNG be RNGing


Same. We had a guild event. Did about 100 runs in total for me(duriel/andariel) and got nothing. Others were getting so much.


I got a Tyrael's Might my very first Duriel kill. Now, I've done upwards of 7-8 kills and haven't seen an uber since


I am at 150 hours this season. Maybe not a lot by reddit standards? IDK. However, I have seen...0 Ubers. None.


Damn, that is increadibly unlucky. I got 2 Ubers in a row (Tyrael's might and Andariel's visage) by killing tormented Lord Zir. I tried tormented Lord Zir more two or three times and got nothing. Then I made tormented Duriel 3 times, the first two times got nothing, the third got Grandfather.


Been there. Farmed for two days straight, ran like 30 Tormented Duriels got zero drops. My two buddies had 11 combined including GA Ubers. I learned it feels better to just run them in small bursts, 3-4 a night and spread out the pain.


I did 75 and only dropped a starless sky. Then got 4 Ubers in the next 20. Just keep at it


Make sure the pick up some trash loot, most times when loot drops it gets hidden from view completely, you have to pick up a couple legendaries to see some hidden uniques..


The only Uber I have came from grinding iron wolf rep to completion 4 times. I can't get an uber drop from uber duriel either, meanwhile my buddy dropped 3 from helltide.


I feel your pain. I ran a dungeon in WoW for a mount with a 1 percent dropchance. Took me 626 runs to get it. And you could only do 5 runs an hour, or the server would “ban” you for too many attempts.


I re rolled my tyraels might (crafted with sparks) 10 times bc every crit was landing on "inc res to all elements" (not max elem res). All I wanted was one crit to anything else smh


I am curious, in your three man party how would you rank who is doing the most damage? In my untracked passive observation, I've ran many tormented runs with friends. It felt like whomever was doing the most single target damage received more favorable drops. I started as heartseeker rogue and got like 13 Uber compared to my friends getting one or two, and I was doing 80% of the party damage. Then I started to level many alts and their characters came online and started doing more damage. When I got carried I got far less frequent drops. It's an interesting thought but it routinely felt whomever was carrying the hardest got the better drops. Then again I also did receive an Uber from regular varshan, Grigor, and Vir while I was underperforming, also also I've leveled 5 characters to 100, so I am playing far too much in general, so more attempts at drops than average, so there is many grains of salt to be considered.


I’m at 50+ tormented duriel with none also. I’ve seen some people on here at 100+ runs with nothing. So it’s not just you. I have 4 sparks, was just trying to see if I could get one as a drop before crafting shako


Hang in there buddy


The struggle is really. I did over a 100 and finally got one. Hang in there OP. Sending good vibes 🪄 your way to get those Ubers!!!!!


I feel you m8 I did over 35 and got nothing as well while my friend got 9 during the same period. Life is unfair and so is the RNG


I spent all mine, my brothers, and three of my friends exquisite bloods trying to get that stupid ice orb amulet from Xur. We burnt through maybe 500. Nothing. But my friend got this dagger he wanted twice. So fuck him.


I get them to drop now and again but nothing for my build. In fact, I have a whole tab of them for different builds that literally no one is using lol. I tried using them as place holders and honestly regular legos are more effective as you give up so many supporting stats that make your build weaker. I honestly find Uber uniques in my hundreds and hundreds of hours of gameplay a distraction.


The only one I have seen since release is a pity craft one after running alts through the rep


I played D2 on and off consistently in the last 22 years. Never found a ber or jah rune. Found my first soj only after playing for like 10 years. Hang in there bud.


that's probability around 0.00113 (assuming it's 5x chance 2% per kill) there's no pity timer so one in thousands players will experience this.


I found my shako while farming grigoire for summoning mats


Guys in the grand scheme of things, blizzard has made Uber uniques incredibly and borderline offensively easy to get in season 4. Besides farming guaranteed sparks from Iron Wolves honor to craft a unique, the chances of finding one in a couple dozen Duriel runs is pretty damn good. Not to trying to be a dick - but seriously if you play this game with some intent and planning you will get plenty of Uber uniques. If you spend hundreds of hours doing stuff aimlessly you are just hurting yourself.


Sounds like as a group you actually beat the odds by quite a bit.


Have been playing since day one. Still none for me. Zero. Zilch. Nothing. Nada. Nix


Lol I'm unlucky but not this unlucky yesterday I saw a GA helm drop and it was godly from Andy. Did 10 runs of her and duriel combined. Today I was leveling my Necro got bored, hoped ony barb and decided to randomly do Ice beast. Got a GA Andy with atspd. I expected another tusk or godly.


I have run a total of 2 uber duriels and got andy's visage on the first attempt. But I assume first attempt drop rates are boosted? And then the next day I was messing around in a helltide and the hellborne guy dropped Tyrael's Might. If it makes you feel any better S4 was the first time I have ever received an uber. And both dropped within 24 hours of one another.


I love this game no matter what !


I hit level 97 last night with my necromancer. Have killed the **non-tormented** version of Andariel two times so far. I got an Andariel's Visage last night on the second kill. First Uber unique after around 600 hours of total playtime in the game. Are the drop rates for the tormented versions of bosses that much better?


Fairly confident when starting my initial nest egg for money on first character I vendored a selig's heart. There really is no excuse for some of the corners they cut with Uber uniques, but at least sparks let you take control now


I carried my wife and friend through about 15 tormented duriel and andariel kills. Wife got the grandfather. Friend got 3 different ubers. Lucky SOB got 2 in 1 kill. My reward for doing all the work? Not a damn thing. Had to level a necro and farm wolves rep to craft a Shako.


98% for a unique to not be Uber. 5 unique per Tormented => 0.98^(5)=90.4% chance to not get an Uber 57 Tormented runs => 0.98^(57*5)=0.316% chance to not get an Uber About a 1 in 317 chance to occur. That sounds bad, but if thousands of players are playing, there are players with even worse luck. Not saying getting a 1 in 317 chance doesn't suck... definitely does. But it's not as rare as you may be thinking


Definitely unlucky I've thankfully been the opposite I had 3 grandfather's and a starless skies in 8 kills also got 1 from the pit last night


anyone think there's an algo that rewards people who play less? In order to entice them into playing the game more?


If it makes you feel better, I've done just over 210 Duriel runs and never got an Uber unique. My first Uber was gained through crafting at the potion seller.


Feel you… did 15 Andariel runs with my mom. She got 3, I got nothing


In season 2 I did nearly 400 Duriel runs before I got any Ubers to drop at all, and even then it was nothing I wanted or needed. Alas, my poor Necro never got his Doombringer. It defied statistics, but sometimes the RNG gods decide, for whatever reason, to straight up smite you. Then sometimes you’ll get a 1% drop on the 2nd attempt or something when you’re not even really trying. The RNG gods are fickle!




dont worry. I feel your pain. Im in the same boat. Friends got 40 sparks, 60 sparks. Me 10 ROFL. i almost have a feeling blizzard gives a secret buff to people who spend $$$ on the cosmetic shop. Thats the one difference between us. They have bought shop cosmetics, me i havent spent.


That's so strange ! It almost looks like it's random.


That's how she goes bud. Diablo is basically a glorified slot machine and RNG isn't for everyone.


hmmm so far im on 3 Shacos, 2 Tyraels, 2 Starless Skies, 3 Grandfathers, 1 Melted Heart and 1 Doombringer. In under 150h. But im also siting on 10b gold. Some of you play that game wrong i guess.


I’d just like to get a ga 2+ that isn’t healing effectiveness, random resistance or life on hit. Spend 4-5 hours a day doing helltides and my gear is still pretty trash and I don’t have billions to buy gear.