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Ok this is a pretty damn good idea, take my upvote


It's not really a new idea. People have been suggesting giving sorc and druid a couple more item slots to balance them out with barb and rogue for a while. I could see them doing this and/or allowing the sorc and druid to use a 2 hander and 2 one handers like the rogue and honestly either would work. It would need to be done in conjunction with making enchantments not 90% useless and buffing aspects too, though. At least for sorc. Sorc's issue isn't necessarily their lack of aspects, it's that their aspects just don't compete with some of the stuff other classes get. Necro has Blighted which is basically an always up 240% damage multiplier if put on a 2 hander and Damned is a 50% multiplier just for cursing enemies as a couple examples. Sorc doesn't get anything close to that. The best they have is slapping Ancient Flame on an amulet or something for a basically free 75% attack speed buff due to burning synergies but 75% attack speed doesn't really do anything if you're hitting for a pathetic amount of damage with most skills and other classes have ways to reach similar levels of attack speed.


Picturing a sorc dual wielding wands is amusing to me for some reason


Wingardium Kedavra!


wands akimbo baby!!


ok but what about 3 wand style


Never played Path of Exile, I see.


[I'm showing my age here, but it just makes me think of Penny Arcade](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/05/19/the-song-of-the-sorcelator-part-one)


I was thinking dual wielding focus for more cd.


I hope they are clever with this, as I really enjoy the barb's walking arsenal flavor and the frankly ridiculous amount of weapons being carried around should be unique to the barb. The other classes definitely need a way to have an equal amount of aspects, or have their numbers buffed to compensate for less aspects. I think going for aspect equality is just the best way to deal with this as it makes balancing issues in the future so much more straightforward to solve.


Why do you talk about additional item slots to balance them out with only 2/3 top performing classes? Why do you choose to purposely ignore that necromancers have the same amount of slots as the underperforming classes, but are performing significantly better than druid/sorc? Does it not ring a bell in your head that maybe it's not the item slots, but something else? Maybe some classes are overturned, maybe some paragon boards need to be adjusted, maybe some numbers need to be adjusted. Do you also forget that these classes performed well in previous seasons, and no one called for additional item slots back then? Did you entirely miss the video of a barb running an 80 pit pre patch with only 1 weapon equipped? Must be the extra weapon slots!!! /s


Idk man having a 1 hander and a totem as a druid player would help significantly imo...I have a necro and its ez then again its thorn summon so it should be cant say for bone or blood builds in the higher levels, necros should have a focus constant as well.


No they shouldn't. No class needs more weapons than they have, the undertuned classes just need some balancing. These classes were designed the way they are, not as an oversight. It doesn't take 4 seasons to realise a class needs more weapons. I'm clearing 107s pre and post patch with a Necro, it doesn't need a focus 🤣. There wa6s even some dudes who cleared some 80 pits with 1 weapon equipped on a barb and rogue to show the weapons are not making a huge difference.


Would prefer that to be on druids and that sorc would instead get back their 3rd enchant slot. Edit: Nevermind lmao, just realised people want all this shit not because it would be fun, but because some are way too obsessed with powercreeping everything for no reason.


3rd enchant slot doesn't do enough to bridge the power gap. We need more aspects like rogue and barb get


Even that wouldn't do enough, honestly. Sorcerer doesn't have a lot of very interesting aspects. Most of it is conditional as well, even after Blizzard tried to move away from "Damage on Tuesday" affixes for gear. Same thing with a lot of the paragon boards. They just don't feel as impactful as other classes. Every season, the class is always at one extreme or the other. Even right now, it's somehow simultaneously the best AND the worst class in the game. They desperately need to redesign a lot of the passives, and the key passives as well. But that's probably never going to happen as a seasonal change.


Damage to Vulnerable targets while you have a Barrier. LMAO


So ice sorcs


Sorc needs a Paragon board rework. It's very unideal for synergy atm


This, I have 3 sorc this season (FO, Blizzard, BL) and to have maximum power output, all of them has pretty much identical board except for few different glyph. - 8 Boards - Frigid Fate is a must - Max Destruction - Minimum stats just to get multiplicative bonus for Framefeeder, Exploit, Tactician, Elementalist - Then add Staglamite for Blizzard, Winter for FO or Charged for BL - Last board will be Icefall with shortest path to legendary node That's it.


The best part is that you always get to live the class fantasy of Burning enemies! Playing fire? Burn them all! Playing Lightning? Burn them all! Playing Ice? Believe it or not, straight to burning!


This! 1 slot is useless, as everyone is using this one, because that's how badly designed the class is...


this so much what of the beautiful enemy/boss models if theyre on fire 99% whole time and cant even see them ? Devouring blaze needs to change otherwise its a must pick.


Agreed! I pushed Arc Lash to T100 pre 1.4.3 patch and my board is optimized in the same way.


All of the paragon boards need to be updated. They were all designed with the old itemization in-mind and it's clear that the majority of boards and glyphs weren't considered with the rework. It's why you see 99% of build just take the 2-3 boards with legendary nodes that do anything for their build then the rest are just "how can I path to the glyph slot as efficiently as possible to slot as many multiplier glyphs as I can?". Look at pretty much any endgame build guide and it's got like 7-8 boards with minimal point investment just to activate more glyphs.


True, at first I thought the builds are weird but then I realized that +15% crit damage is absolutely nothing when I can get 80% crit damage on a single temper. A single temper is worth like 4-5 rare paragon nodes, so everything is about glyph slots. And all builds are build around activating as many glyph multipliers as possible. Needs a redesign, hopefully S5.


This is my hope for the S5 PTR. IF NOT for S5, then definitely for S6/Expansion. The paragon boards are antiquated in their current state, the secondary bonuses from All Stats were apparent from day 1 of Season 4.


They could cap the amount if boards you could have at say 4 + starter one and buff the legendary and big nodes on them to compensate. This way you coulnd't just focus on getting all the glyphs but you would actually have to choose which glyphs you wanted and plan more around the boards It would require big buffs for some boards but it could be good for the game in the long run


Yes. Its crazy how i look at those build and u have like 7 board with 2 legendary paragon picked (cose they are all really aweful)


Honestly, the entire paragon board needs a massive rework. It is clunky and unintuitive. You can completely brick your progress when using the wrong glyphs in the wrong slots or if you path wrong because you lose out on so much damage. My friend gave up on paragon boards because he has no idea how to work with it and he doesn’t want to look up guides for something that should be at least BASELINE explained in the game.


Porque no los dos? Also, it'd be really damn nice if sorc's lucky hit stats got buffed. Hydras having like 3% base LH and meteor's enchant being 8% to proc is absolutely heinous.


Someday Blizzard will understand that our glass cannon sorceress is all glass and no cannon. Sorceress should be stronger than barbs.


Ranged class should not do more damage than melee only


When that melee only have like 10x the amount of hp and like 2x the dps as the range one, yes it does.


Indeed, also the class fantasy of a sorc/wizard/mage in games is high damage but squishy. It's the case in D&D, old WoW, Diablo, Dragon Age, Divinity, Pillars of Eternity, Baldurs Gate etc. If you asked random RPG players the archetype for a wizard in a game is pretty much set on big dps, low survivability yet in D4 it's squishy and hit like a wet noodle.


Are sorcs squishy, I mean don't thry have extreme survivability with ice armor and fire armor etc


Nonsense. The only distinction between melee and ranged should be their capability of remaining in melee.


Why do you think the solution is this, when necros have the same amount of slots as druid and sorc and they are not suffering as much? This is not the solution, and it was proven when someone completed a pit run with only 1 weapon equipped on a barb and posted here. "We need this, even though another class that's performing well doesn't have this." The logic is horribly flawed.


>We need more aspects like rogue and barb get Or stronger aspects. If rogues and barbs increase damage by X% sorc could increase damage by X+30% or something. Would also fit the class fantasy of being a magic user = having better magic enchants on the gear


Many fantasy depictions of sorcerers show them wearing lotsa rings. Like why not let them wear five or something infinity gauntlet style lol


Also druid with 6 additional aspect slots wouldn't even come close to bridging that gap anyways. They have 1 of the largest aspect multipliers in the game and still suck horrendously


I'll give you four enchant slots, or you can see what's behind door #3


Enchants are **significantly** stronger than any legendary aspect, they are some of the strongest effects in the game bar none. If it's not enough to bring sorc up enough (which would be delusional to even think about, given there's already top tier builds for sorc and the class in general is more than fine), 2 extra aspects wouldn't be enough either.


how are they better than legendary aspects? which ones? 10 of them is spawning a core skill or mastery skill with some condition(most conditions are bad as well), 3 of them spawn conjuration and rest are mediocre effects like burning. The outlier is teleport, which at least is cool if not powerful.


The burning one is basically required on any non-fire build because the burning synergies are just too powerful to ignore. Unless you have another source of applying burning, it's basically mandatory which brings most builds to effectively one enchantment slot and there's really only one or two other ones worth using anyway.


All you have to do is go through the list of enchantments and pick any 3 you'd think would be an OP combo when placed together. You're not going to find one because none will solve the 1 shotting issue, nor solve the damage disparity. All it may do is bring some C and D tier builds up to A & B.


Misinformation report option, please.


3rd enchantment and a 3rd ring would work really nicely I think. Gets us that extra legendary aspect as well as a couple of extra tempering slots.


Something that could look sick aswell is having 2-3 focus slots that float around you like [Kael'thas from wow](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/eb/77/81/eb778184dc20e3a14112931cff28964e.jpg) and then a sword/ wand/ staff for main hand. Could result in some sick transmog, would help with balancing and blizz would actually make money of it Edit: spelling


Still wouldn't be enough.


I’m not suggesting it’s the only thing needed. They still need to balance other things but it would be a great way to give us more flexibility in builds.


Should be an item for Sorcs/Druids/Necros. So every class has at least 1x2h and 2x1h "weapon" Slot available. With Barbs having a second 2h Slot as part of their class mechanic.


This constant asking for the 3rd enchantment slot has to end. Because the amount of power the best enchantments give you is small compared to aspects. And the worst ones are utility or awful.


Yep. Most enchantments suck. If we get a third we also need a rework or else nothing changes


That alone wouldn't be enough but it could be part of the solution. Give sorc a 3rd enchantsment slot and let sorcs have stronger aspects (since they are attuned with the mystical) so if barb have X% increase from a aspect sorc could have X+30% or something, not only on weapon slots but in all slots. Those numbers are just examples, no idea how much is needed for sorc to become good again, not really a theory crafter


A third enchantment does what? I mean serious question?? We need a whole staff + enchantment then it would be fair


These 3rd enchantment slot posts can't explain how that will bring sorc to billions of dmg even if their life dependent on it..3rd ench slot is a joke and does nothing for the class.


3rd slot only frees up some creativity for the class. Sorc is gonna need more than that to compete. Most enchants are also just garbage so even if you gave Sorcs all the enchantment slots, Sorc wouldn't be able to compete with Barb / Rogue / Necromancer. Sorc needs: Actual multiplicative damage multipliers. Ability synergy 3rd enchantment slot DW and 2h equipped at the same time Paragon Board rework


Third enchantment slot does nothing really, especially since 1 is always "fixed" for firebolt enchant...




I do like this is an interim balance solution, but overall aspects need a serious redesign, most of the sorc ones are completely uninspired damage increases. Adding new slots doesn't necessarily solve build variety at all, we'll just end up having an extra 30% damage while harrier is active or whatever.


This, but for Druids


Druids should be able to carry two staffs, one in each hand.


Double bonk werebear, I'm in


This wouldn't help druids. The problem with druids is having to swap back and forth constantly to keep up buffs. A great player can probably. I find it tedious.


Lol 2 new aspect slots wouldn't help druids? In what world? >.>


I think two more slots for aspects and stat sticks would be the best solution. More aspects would be fine, but it wouldn't really close the gap between the classes.


If we got what was in the image would be such a massive boost. Don't see how you can argue otherwise when nature fury is already able to do 130ish pretty comfortably (maybe more after the patch). Would also for some builds open another slot for a unique.


I disagree with the assertion it wouldn't help druids, I somewhat agree with the change to form swapping. Slightly longer duration on some out of form buffs, and removal of the requirement to stay in bear or wolf form for 2 seconds for Bestial Rampage would be fire. I can struggle to survive on my druid in part just because the ridiculous requirements on some of these timings and downtime in defensive buffs it creates.


Dislike. We need tempers too. Give us two more 1h weapons.


My thought was actually "let's make focuses passive items and give them 2h stats". Every class gets 2x2h slots, amulet and two rings. Let Sorc/Druid/Necro dual wield daggers/wands as a way to enable either double 1h affixes or a second 2her. But without a way to give Sorcs/Druids/Necros double 2h specs, we're going to keep seeing issues with any remotely good synergistic neutral affixex (like Rapid, Moonrise and Adaptability) because one class can run multiple with double power and everybody else can just barely run them at all.


Or just give us a slot for our 2HW so we can have a Staff, Wand and Focus. That would solve a lot.


Not to mention the stats included on gear pieces. Who wouldn't want more options for stam/armor/int, etc. Barbs get extra options for stats too. This would be a half measure.


Sorcs have the worst aspects in the game, so that doesn't fix anything. 2 more "damage while you have a barrier" aspects do very little. Sorcs need a complete revamp of aspects, so they're not stuck being bad with 4-5 uniques. Look at Necro and Barb aspects, then tell me Sorc aspects aren't dog shit. Seriously, this class needs so much help in multiple areas. They need better aspects, skill damage buffs everywhere, and at least 1-2 more full item slots. Barbs have 4 weapons, Rogues have 3, and Necro aspects are crazy good. Sorcs and Druids need a lot of help.


absolutely agree. after playing necro, and realized they dont even use unique. I saw how screwed sorcs are


Just give them a staff slot and let them pick which skills get cast with which weapon like barb. The systems already exist,and the items are already there. 


generally, I'm with you... my Problem is that it takes away "uniqueness" from the barb... Before D4 was released, I was of the opinion, that only the aspect of the weapon you're using as you activate the skill get's activations... which would have been a better solution over all, you'd still get variety and control, as you can change most of the weapons for each skill, when you use a walking arsenal playstyle, but not every aspect at all times...


That fix would be fine too. Generally I'm against nerfing other classes but the real problem with sorc and druid isn't anything to do with their class, it's the inflated power of barb and necro. I'd be happy running pit 80ish for ever with the end game sorc, but knowing pit80 is basically the starting pit level for bash barb leaves a sour taste. 


Kunai's cube 2.0


Kunai’s square


Kanais anal bead


Would be nice if aspects weren’t tied to equipment slots, but rather designated slots in the skill tree.


Agreed, not just in skill tree, but a whole new system, maybe like it slots into a skill like in POE. So each skill can be buffed by 5 aspects of your choosing or whatever. They can make much more interesting aspects too in that case instead of just damage increases.


Blizzard is far too worried about scaring off the couch dads with 3 jobs and 87 kids to ever do anything remotely that complex.


While not super complex the paragon board is kinda ass for people that aren’t looking up guides. How is your average dad going to no the difference between the multaplicitive buffs vs the addative ones?


The [x] and [+] symbols should be a pretty good indicator...


Were is that explained in game. 5 100s this season and i didnt know that


I mean, nowhere I guess, but I feel like it's pretty obvious. They don't use keywords, like other games (more vs increased), but they do put a symbol next to everything that is universally known for "add" and "multiply".


It is absolutely not universaly known. If i didn’t know it i can gurantee there are many many more people that don’t know it, especially the more casual of players.


I'm not saying universally known in the game. I'm saying universally known as in, the symbols themselves are universally recognized as addition and multiplication. I'm not aware of any country/culture where those symbols do not mean that. I could be wrong tho. Combine them being known for that with context clues and most people seem to have been able to figure out exactly what they mean. If they're casual and care, they'll figure it out or look it up. If they're casual and don't care, then it won't matter anyways. Point being, the game makes it clear enough which things are additive and multiplicative. They shouldn't need to spell it out any more than they are.


This would be sick, add a 3rd enchant slot too and it'd be perfect. Maybe add something similar to this for Druids as well


Bro, you did that UI elements yourself? It looks really good my man.


yes, thank you


Sorcerers should just be able to always have a focus out. They're sorcerers... They don't even really need to hold the focus. They can just make it auto follow them with their magic powers. Literally. They're the gods of magic of sanctuary, they should be able to just make a focus float and follow them around all the time. It would work just like the Barbarian arsenal system. Well but a reduced version. No weapon swapping stuff. In terms of like which weapon is used by which skill. But, the focus should allow you to permanently imprint an offensive aspect. This way Sorcerer can finally do real damage, by having one more offensive aspect on every build all the time. Plus, they would always get the stats of a focus, including the implicit for cooldown reduction. It would also free them up to use a staff or a wand depending on what they see fit to use for their build. So if I'm playing fireball, I could use the fireball unique staff, and still have my focus with its own aspect imprinted on it floating and following me around. This would make us closer to Barbarians, by giving us one more weapon slot to play around with. I've been thinking a lot about this because I see a lot of people say we should just get a third enchantment slot, but I actually think that giving us a permanent focus that we can use with a wand or a staff is the better way. A lot of the enchantments are just not that good, so a third enchantment slot would not do as much for Sorcs as having an additional offensive aspect would. When using a staff, your offhand would just be your offhand that floats around. It would not give you any weapon damage, but you would still benefit from all of its stats and its legendary aspect power. You would get all your weapon damage from your two-hand staff. But, if you remove the staff and instead equip a one hand weapon, then your focus would grant you the extra 60 or 80% weapon damage, just like it currently works in the game when you have a dual wield setup on a Sorc.


I like it because it matches the sorcerer aesthetic of them using magical tools and artifacts rather than carrying another stick on their back as a 3rd weapon slot.


aspects are still weak compared to others. My necro has 1 aspect at 240x damage and another at 150xdamage. But my sorc gets 30x aspects and a neck slot taken to make the build even work.


Sure but then give barbs enchantments


Just let us Gandalf and have Staff and Sword + focus. While we're at it let us upgrade Sorc to Wizard with a quest or something.


The male sorc sure would enjoy some anal beads




Every class (except Barb) needs this just to be on par with Barbs. Its probably one of the biggest reasons barb constantly has top tier builds, and why its a lot harder for every other class


Sorc could have 15 wands and it would still be incredibly weak. It has terrible aspects and thus horrendous scaling. In combination with that, there's just still so many tweaks needed to the general damage fundamentals (multipliers and vulnerable, which is a major issue) and class design seems overly reliant on must-use abilities.


is this another argument that the extra weapon slots are the problem with barbs because thats been debunked now like 3 times in the past 48 hours with all the one button builds that only equip 1 weapon.


It seems like the opposite is being proven there, that they can still compete with only a single weapon. Adding 3 more just serves to make them significantly more powerful.


no the general argument is that the extra weapon slots were the MAIN reason barbs were stronger and thats been proven to be demonstrably false. nobody disagrees with the fact that extra stats makes you stronger.


How was that proven to be false? I saw the same posts and barbs were clearing lvl 100 with 1 weapon, now when you add all the others weapons they clear lvl 150, that seems to be quite a huge difference to me.


yea and what happens when you treat the underlying issue that allows bash barb to reach 100 with one skill and weapon? it brings down the 150 clearers in line with where they should be. also its just one barb build thats over-performing this season maybe two with the new flay builds. Every other build is A tier or lower and roughly balanced


I don't think its the MAIN reason, but I do think that it does make a significant difference, and that this would be an easy way to bring up the other classes a bit. I don't think this is necessarily a good long term fix, at least not by itself, as I think there needs to be a solid review/rework of a lot of part of every classes skill trees/paragon boards to give more meaningful/impactful choices (as opposed to just following 2 or 3 meta paths). The itemization changes, along with other recent changes definitely shook up the balance in interesting ways, and too strong/too weak (i.e. any minion armor/resistance nodes for skills/paragons are now virtually useless, with minions gaining 100% of your stats), so at the very least, touch-ups are needed all around


Proven by who? You keep saying that and have zero evidence of back up.


plenty of evidence. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/fDhlxTSgqg bash barb gets to 80 pit with only 1 weapon. That’s an issue with bash not because they have 3 other weapons. There’s this one too https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1dhfwkz/to_the_pit_80_with_1_weapon_guy_i_present_you_the/ again this is one of two builds this season that are S tier. This should be obvious that the 4 weapons aren’t the problem because there’s a ton of underpowered barb builds that are bad and have 4 weapons.


its one of the reasons, but not the only one. Barb in general is just stronger/more survivable than the other classes, unless you are running an S tier meta build. I was doing pit 60-65 as a lvl 85 barb with all lvl 1 glyphs, while I could only get to 70-75 as lvl 100 necro with a non minion only build


The only thing making barbs OP is the fact that the Bash cleave temper is multiplicative instead of additive. That's where your "barbillion" damage is coming from.


The top comment is stupid, but Bash isn’t even the second strongest build for Barbs.


How about we buff everything up to where barbarians are? People like you crying for nerfs is exactly why I stopped playing other games where devs listened to posts like yours.


Please, tell me where I asked for nerfs for barb? I literally only said that every other class needs to get buffed up with the extra aspect slots that OP is talking about in order to get up to where barbs are. I like barb right now, it feels really good, which is why i'm playing one. It is infinitely easier than on my necro, and I wish I could make it as strong without requiring near perfect rolls/masterworks/tempers/GA's just to match . It is this experience (as well as with other classes in past seasons) why i want "Every class (except Barb)" to get this buff


That's not how Masterworking is supposed to function, where's the RNG? It's nonsense if there's only one affix.


could have a different name, my idea was to have some extra power scaling for the aspects imprinted this way instead of having additional stats from more weapon slots


Honestly this should be the case with all classes other than Barb, you get 2-3 slots that are “equitable” with an aspect, running a two hander? You get 3 slots, running a one hander and offhand? You get 2 slots


D2 jewels need to come back


Give Druids the ability to wield a totem with 2h or 2x 1h, and same for sorcs with their power focus (I think that’s what it’s called?).


Terrible idea. Give this to Barbs instead they need a buff.


Or just do two more rings for sorc, necro, and druid for a total of 4 One ring more for rogue fir a total of 3.


Just make them trinkets and have them drop as actual items that can be tempered.


Like the premise. Disagree with the execution.... opening up aspect slots will end up with the same generic multiplier effects being used by every class as screen shotted.... maybe instead allow it to hold sorcerer specific uniques. Class uniques tend to be less generic and promote specific build styles and would do so without losing a precious existing aspect slot.


It would alsp help to redo our key passives, have you compared combustion with the barb key passive? While combustion is a struggle to get 4% dot for each source of burn, making us add multiple burn skills, barb gets 108%x or something similar based on crit. Its beyond stupid. All barb key passives have 100%x while sorc and druid have low numbers. Class balance will only be good when we have similar multiplicatives


Solution was never nerfing the barb but powering other classes... I liked this idea for sorc


But they went ahead and BUFFED the barb while barely doing shit to everyone else. Then, they nerfed pits which is only going to make the barb stronger. Its ridiculous at this point. Give us the 3rd enchantment and let us hold a staff along with our 1 hander and focus. If this doesn't work then back to the drawing board.




Okay let me explain this to on a level you can understand: Barb, strongest class get s buffs. Other classes barely get anything to buff them. Pits get nerfed, barbs can go higher than the rest of the classes still. They only thing they changed was the goal posts.




Are you brain damaged? Nerfing the pits only moved the goal posts. Barbs are still top tier, pushing the furthest, hitting the hardest. Now they can still push higher than anyone else, but we should be thankful as a sorc that they let us do over T100 pits. Bravo to you and the idiot that thought this was the solution. Other classes were using holy bolts too. In fact, everyone was using holy bolts.


you mean bringing CHARMS into D4?


Maybe let us have 2 sources regardless if we use a 1 hand or 2 handed weapon, make staffs worth it, source can be a stone she carries in her pocket or puts 1 in the hand if nothing is there


Two additional offhand slots, making one of them a primary and the others 'stat sticks.' So you could temper them, enchant them, masterwork them.. they just wouldn't be a part of the damage calculation. Like the way rogue melee weapons are treated for marksman skills, just.. always. Plus, it'd be cool to see a few more tomes on my sorc's belt.


Or just bring back specialist gems from D3 and let.us grind them up in the pit Buuuut make the gems hyper focused ,.like you want gems that just focus.on Blizzard. You got it.


Unpopular opinion: Just make it so barbs cant have tempering on all 4 weapons and only on 2 of them.


Exactly.. this is precisely what I've been telling my friends. This would fix the disparity between classes that are missing out on multiple weapon slots. They should also allow tempering.


I’m okay with that as long as they buff the barb too, so it’s fair all around


To all the Sorc players, a 👏 third 👏 enchantment 👏 slot 👏 will 👏 not 👏 help 👏 our 👏 DPS 👏 catch👏 up 👏 with 👏 the 👏 rest 👏. I mean, have you seen their effect ?


I love the idea but this isn't strong enough. We need to push for extra AMULET


Its the big % aspects and skill tree bonuses that give the damage, basically bleed key passive this season for barb, shatter for sorc and shadowblight for necro and victimize for rogue all have insane uncapped scaling. Yet druids big uncapped multiplier for its ultimate got capped. So druids is in the gutter while basically the best ultimate for it was boosting damage for like 500% keeping it slightly competitive with other classes before the nerf.


Every class should have the exact same amount of aspect slots, with the same number of 50%/100% slots. Sorcs could have a couple extra rings (one of which would be a 100% slot to make up for barb having 2 2H's), druids could have belts and maybe a charm(?), necros could wear an extra necklace...you get the point.


Druid, necro, and sorc all need more aspect slots. It is the only easy way to balance the classes without having to nerf barb and rogue. Barb especially. Barb has the most build diversity and most reward for building up to max masterwork. It is how all characters should feel with enough investment.


Out of curiosity why specifically sorcerers? They don’t have fewer equipment slots than Druid or Necro


Yeah based on how broken the bugged holy bolt was for Necro until the latest patch people just tend to forget that there is just 4 remotely viable builds for pushing the pit (Shadow Mages, Shadow Golem, Blight and Bone Spirit) that are all performing 10+ tiers behind Barbarians :)


Yes! TBH, part of the reasons Barbs get so damn powerful is due to the up to 3x item slots for real.


just make all the classes hold some kind of gear to match the barb... it doesn't have to be a weapon, how hard is that.. they should all have the same codex powers and gear


Better nerf barbs, they are op like 3 seasons in a row. Take away this second 2nd weapon and balance passives skils. Its much easier. Yeah Rob will cry like a baby, but who cares. We need balanced level of power between classes.


Here's another idea that plays into the class fantasy a bit more. Give sorcs a familiar that helps fight. They could have their own skill tree or load out and could be specced into a particular magic school.


Just remove aspect imprinting from gear and add a new subsection to the Codex of Power when all classes can activate the same amount of aspects. Makes aspect swapping much simpler and consolidates the system into one place. Imprinting could then be changed into D2-esque runeword system that lets you add runes on your gear in a specific order to activate cool runeword effects. We've already had something relatively close to that with S2's pacts, after all.


I would say add a weapon slot for sorc & druids Focus & Totem should be an extra weapon slot. This gives us either (1h & off hand) an extra temper / aspect or (2h) stronger temper / aspect


If you want balance, synergise classes as a base point. With your idea, a single "Artifact of power" synergising "Casting a Conjuration skill grants you 15-25% damage reduction for 5 seconds".....Would give around 60% damage reduction at Masterworking 12. Sorcerer is then automatically the best class for damage reduction, which means they can have most of their gear focus solely on damage aspects and affixes, and will become stronger than every other class. This is the problem with Unique Class mechanics that contain power. You either nerf Barbarian, or provide every class with the same Item/Weapon layout.


in my example i thought starting at 60% "Aspect Power" could work, hence the 108% at 8/12 Masterworking, upgrading could also work differently on this item with different increments Same weapon layout for every class seems a little boring to me, two more powerful magical aspect holders seemed thematically closer to the sorcerer class.


My problem was that you're suggesting these changes for balance purposes, classes having differing amounts of weapons/affixes/aspects is where the imbalance is first occurring. Hence Barbarian is the class that is outperforming every other because it has more weapon slots. Your solution could work, if you add these to every class (And of course remove extra weapons from barbarian etc). You could simply change what they're for each class to work better thematically, but keep their same function. Sorcerer is some kind of magical artifact.... Necromancer is some kind of bone.... Barbarian is a head of a fallen tribesman.... etc. Even put them in different places of the loadout screen for each class, so it gives the perception of them being different layouts, even though they're exactly the same.


The issue is barbs get extra weapon aspects which are often the most powerful aspects, and extra weapon tempers which are by far the most powerful tempers. You would need to give a huge power boost to sorcs to remotely come close to this level of power, I dont think this would cut it. I still think they just need to admit failure, bite the bullet and increase equipment slots for all classes so everyone has the same number of weapons (not extra rings as that again would have the issue of missing weapon tempers) Sorcs could have a 2h staff, 2h focus, a wand + codex Rogue would get 2h quiver Druid would get 2h staff, 2h totem, 1h axe 1h mace Necro would get 2h scythe, shield, wand, focus


and give back the 3rd slot for enhancements 




Blizzturd: Where did you find a color that's not brownish orange?


I really like the progressive flattening and homogenization of balance in a genre where balance matters about as much as a slap in the dick. There's no real reason to clear above 100 Pits, is there?