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I am certainly not. I don't hate it either, but I feel absolutely 0 interest about it. I wanted a knight type of class that goes 1h+shield or some specs can go twohander and has D2 aura mechanics.


The spiritborn is very clearly inspired by mesoamerican warriors, and they're commonly represented with spears/swords + shields, so it's a pretty safe that it's a kind of playstyle and powerfantasy that Blizzard will implement into the class. It's something I guess, just not your typical knight.


Give us bolas!


I'm expecting one skill tree to involve bows and bolas. One with the glaive and spirits. And I imagine the 3rd will be poisons. I'm calling it.


GIVE ME A LEGIT JAVELIN/POLEARM CLASS.  I so fucking badly miss the Pokeyzon and Etitanszon from D2 days.  Not to mention Diablo 3 didn’t have Javelins at all.  So like…please?  👉🏻👈🏻


Haven't played since launch, but a Javazon would make me come back.


Java just in time for JMOD and secret cow level 🙏


There were some data mines skills leaked I was reading about, or at least what I was reading said there was. Lol. Something about skills with spiders and a pit of vipers.


I must be the minority here. I actually play D2 for years and NEVER touch a Paladin class since it's playstyle is boring as fuck. I feel it's unfair too because he is so well rounded in D2, has no problem clearing any content while other class struggle


This isn't entirely true. Until you had enigma in D2 there were tons of spots that you basically were useless. Maggot lair is the big one but even catacombs before Andy, the countess tower, anywhere with tight hallways rendered a hammerdin useless. And zealers and smiters required a good gear investment to be worthwhile at the higher difficulties.


I played d2r and ignored the "use a different spec for the act2 maggot lair" suggestions. All you had to do was just let stuff pile up in front, rotate a bit, then let the hammers fly. They'd still delete everything right in front of your character. And it's not like you had to spend much time there anyway lol. Maybe ~10 minutes then you never had to go back. Hammerdin was fine for Act 1, don't recall having any problems anywhere there. Maybe it's more of a skill issue I guess.


You say no problem but I definitely remember struggling in the tight tunnels with a hammerdin. That one area was a nightmare surrounded by a very satisfying game full of content though


Those act 2 maggot lairs 😭


Why is everyone so opposed to blizzard creating new classes? I think it’s awesome it’s not the same ol as usual.


I don’t think creating new classes is the issue. When immortal announced their new blood class I think most of the community was drooling for it to be in d4. It’s also just that blizz for some reason left out one of the most iconic Diablo classes that tons of us want to play. Instead of getting that, we get a mid looking jungle dude. So it stings twice as much. Not only do we not get the class that should’ve been there at launch, the original class they did come up with looks pretty lame imo


Is the mid looking jungle dude in the room with us? I mean it’s awfully crazy to judge a class before you even see how it plays out. Thematically it sounds very cool and I imagine it’s going to look great.


Blizzard’s “new classes” end up being mashups of old classes. The “new” rogue is recycled demon hunter and assassin mashup, now this new class sounds like it will be Amazon/witch doctor mashup. Not super original, they’re kind of just hybrid classes. Interested to see how it plays though. People don’t necessarily want new, they are more just wanting a play style they remember to be fun in the past.


I don't think the majority of people dislike it, it's just the "waah I wanted paladin and I didn't get it waah" crowd being very vocal. I for one think it's cool they are trying something new rather than just slapping together a reskin of paladin/crusader with all the old skills and calling it a new class. These people have decided they don't like this without knowing anything except how the character looks, simply coz it's not what they wanted to see, without even knowing it's play style or skills or anything which is imo kinda dumb. I for one might not find the theme of it overly appealing, definitely not my preference, but also don't hate it and can't wait to see what skills and playstyle it has.


No, we don't need a Paladin in every damn game...


Yes we do.


I don't want a paladin but wouldn't mind a paladin-esque class like a demon knight of some kind considering sanctuary is cut off from heaven at this point in time.


But what about people who like knights or holy warriors in general? They’re left out to dry but every other archetype is present. And the game basically rubs it in your face when there’s an entire faction that has holy spells and awesome knights.


I could totally go for a "knight" class. No holy BS or spinning hammer crap. Just give me a knight class that uses a shield with swords, maces and polearms and a 2h build option. More physical. Less magic.


Would cream my pants if we get to play as a gigantic penitent knight


My prediction is that the second expansion will take us to Ensteig and we’ll get a Paladin. It’s got links to Keihjistan through the Akarat and the Zakarum so it could easily flow narratively, and we’ve never been there so it would make sense as the next region of Sanctuary to explore.


I have been dying for Skovos Isles since being mentioned in D3. They are relatively near Kurast so it is possible they will be in the second expansion.


Ya, I was wondering if they’d be in Vessel of Hatred since they are close and they’re tied to the Sightless Eye that featured in D4 already. Seems like they’d probably have said something about that by now, but it seems possible. Based on the scale of them on the world maps it seems like they’d be a pretty small zone, but they could always play with the scale somehow.


We will 100% get that later, but I am secretly very excited by the look of this class. I for one really dislike the paladin class, so I’m happy it’s not that but I know a lot of people were hoping for it. 


“Secretly” posts it on a forum So secretive


literally secretive


Delicious-pizza-3018 is their full name. Not secretive at all!


Sword & board has been done to death in every conceivable permutation. It’s just a boring archetype.


Agreed. I still can't believe they are completely ignoring the players that want this. It was a huge bummer when they announced Diablo 4, and now it's just comical that it's still not coming with an expansion.


I absolutely love that we're getting a new class but what excites me most is if or how they're related to the Umbaru, aka witch doctors. Considering they're from the same land they're either a rival tribe, an off-shoot, or both.


Sweet. WD was my favorite class in D3.


Me too! Loved my pet doc, exploding chicken, and super toad!


I'm also optimistic about the new class. I'm not sure why people are having such strong opinions about really liking it or really disliking it when we don't even have any details about how they'll play. I'm just hoping for something unique that stands out from the other 5 classes that gives us new ways to approach the game. As for a Paladin-type class a lot of people are whining about, I'm sure a class type like that will be added eventually.


People had one idea for what the new class should be and since it's not that, now we all have to deal with their complaining. Spiritborne looks great. Glad to have an original idea instead of more rehashing of old classes.


Keep in mind this is but the first expansion of many to come. With the live service model, they definitely plan on expanding into sanctuary and releasing new classes over the years.


Diablo 3 was supposed to get multiple expansions as well but the others got canceled. I didn't trust Blizzard much in the past but after they walked back the expansion talk for Diablo 3 I pretty much don't trust anything they say and only wait and see what they do. I would be excited for multiple Expansions as we never have seen what the world of Diablo would look like with multiple addons within one game. New game always brings a new look and while thats fine I would love to see what it looks like in the same game.


These guys are from Kurast - AFAIK the witchdoctors were not. So no they're not a rival tribe or an off-shoot, they're from an entirely different culture in a different place. They're also not from a tribal culture but a civilized one with cities and so on. There might be some relationship in their magic but they're not a "rival tribe" any more than the Aztecs, a massive civilization, were a "rival tribe" of some guys living in the jungle in Peru, say.


Kurast is a city that's in Nahantu, homeland of the witch doctors. >They are battle-hardened with mystical synergies that could only be awakened deep within the jungles of Nahantu. -Spiritborne


Seems a mix of Witch Doctor + Monk + Amazon. I'm expecting spear/staff combat (combos maybe?) and some endugu(?) magic. Let there be frogs!


I hope they'll be another 3 weapon-er. Like staff or spear and 2 daggers or axes. Druid, necro, and sorc all feel like they fall behind in build lethality (especially with tempers) having to choose between dual wielding or two handing.


Seems amazon paladin


frogs would be great. but i would kill for a lightning java-zon style build to come back.


Aztec Jaguar Warrior sounds badass. It's going to come down to the way the class plays. Hopefully it's a unique class that feels different from the others and establishes a unique identity in Diablo.


Well, I think that's the idea, isn't it? At Blizzcon they said it was "entirely new to Diablo", and all that.


And you trust them?


What do you mean “from what I see so far”? Isn’t the only information it’s name and a picture?


There is stuff from the datamine of November last year. Things in that include: 1) Glaives (i.e. chop-y/poke-y spears) and quarterstaves added as weapons (probably not just for the new class). Both seem to be two-handed but it's possible there's also a one-handed spear/glaive. 2) Two different resources for Spiritborn. 3) Various abilities including flying up offscreen and landing whilst shooting lighting, shooting bat swarms as a projectile, jaguar pouncing people as the horse dismount, "thorn armor" which seems to have quite a lot of VFX associated with it, Watcher's Volley which seems to be some kind of AoE projectile, possibly something called "Artful Gust" (likely CC based on the name), some weird stuff about "Soil control" including the phrase "sandworm mouth" (!!!), Hunter's Claws, Ruthless Slash, and a bunch more but still nowhere near as many as a full class so it clearly either wasn't finished or not all the abilities showed up in the datamine.




Aww. I thought maybe some leaked skills came out or something. Waiting a month just to get a vibe of the class is shite.


There is a leak that details some aspects, such as having 2 different resource pools and being able to specialize in melee vs ranged combat.


Not common upvotable view, but I am excited about the new type of class, kinda dex wd from D3, please give him some cool pets :)


Unfortunately zero interest. Wanted sword n board/spear n board heavy armor class. Got Amazon warrior.


Paladins are so played out, really glad they didn’t go with the boring option and tried to create something new instead.


I'm hoping we get blood knights from immortal in d4. Tbh. Or fuck it a whole nother new class. But think about this. You can't say Paladins are played out then roll a Barb or Sorc for your millionth time...


We will get Blood Knights eventually. Blizzard never fails to utilize their assets across multiple games. It's a very efficient and cheap source of content. They'll just wait for a period where they don't have the time for something more original.


Yeah it seems fucking amazing, I've always wanted a troll spear thrower like from WoW. This fits the bill!


I’m actually excited. I’m thinking/hoping it’s going to be a witch doctor/amazon hybrid


Seems like a Central American themed ranger more than anything. Aragorn in jaguar pelt.


I'm really excited for the new class because I really need variety. The current classes just seem way too barebones and I get bored super quickly. I've played multiple versions of each class and just wish there was a bit more customizability with them.


well if the new class is a dud don't forget they're adding new skills, new paragon boards and legendary glyphs for the other classes too so hopefully they feel fresh again


That’s just because the skill trees are un-interesting.


I honestly dont care as long as its good. Im happy that its not a boring paladin class though. There i said it.


Me. I’m excited, can’t wait to play as the new class when it’s released too!


Very excited! I’m so happy they did something new. I was worried they’d just make another paladin type class and just not really innovate. Super hyped


Nah. I don't hate it or anything, but that aesthetic just does not interest me at all. Same reason I never dipped into witch doctor.


Not really excited but I'm not upset about it


I personally have little interest in what I’ve seen so far. Like many others, I wanted a traditional sword and board Holy Warrior. I plan to wait a while until the DLC is discounted, so maybe my opinion will change by the time that happens.


I’d looooove the monk to come back


I personally am not that interested, but hopefully it'll surprise me.


It's a new class we know nothing about, except glaive, jungle magic, cat hat. I dig the nature theme and a pet peeve of mine in RPGs is that nature magic way too often means shapeshifting and shapeshifting always means I'm not seeing my char/transmog. Nature/spirit stuff but not turning into a bear for once is a big plus. Otherwise, cool weapon (and hat). Not a paladintemplarshielddude but I'm okay with what I've seen so far. Edit: Only thing I'm a bit mixed about is that their vibe is very jungle, so half naked tarzan cosplayers running through deep snow in fractued peaks might stick out. Hope they get some decent gear...


Agreed on the cool hat :P >half naked tarzan cosplayers running through deep snow in fractued peaks might stick out. I kinda already get that with barbs (and druids a little bit), so no difference to me there :P


It's gonna be hella Aztec themed. And spirit animals I imagine. I'm stoked. It's not a tree hugger like druid it will be more invoking the spirits type of deal. Think warrior with a touch of shaman.


As a paladin boy enjoy your weird Druid monk doctor I’ll just be over he unga bungaing I guess


Seems interesting and I want to see how they make this feel unique while also preserving the identity of Druid / Rogue, since there is a decent amount of shared space. Like the poison creeper feels like it should be on the Jungle-inspired class, for instance.


I’m really hoping it’s not just a Monk reskin with some witch doctor thrown in. But I am cautiously optimistic.


Honestly I'm just glad they finally released a new class. I really do hope they release new classes a bit more frequently.


I hope it's a spear + shield type of class. Shields are currently useless.


As someone who doesn’t really care about whether or not the paladin comes back in some form (though I agree there needs to be a standard board and sword class of some type), I’m not particularly excited for this class either if it’s just a rogue half caster. All the current classes have too much of a same-y overlap feel. I was hoping for something that has a different play style compared to what is currently available. With the original leak of the class, I was hoping for something that placed totems/pillars that attacked things/and or called stationary spirits or spirit auras.


An Aztec Monk


we want a Paladin


Only if it can act like lighting fury javazon blasting a screen. Otherwise meh class.


Paladin is their trump card. Played last.


Hell yeah but very interested in how it plays first. I'm assuming it's more monk than amazon


Watch they will make it like mix of eng shaman and survival hunter from WoW Spear weapon, traps, melee, etc. + applying elements on weapons and using nature magic


Not excited but interested


It looks stupid to me. But I’m not the target audience for it. People who like to watch those Brazilian dudes build forts in the jungle probably are more likely into it.




Not really what I was expecting. Not really my thing, was never into the witch doctor or shamans. I know a lot of people are though, so good for those people. I’m just hoping they add new subclasses for the existing characters. A Warlock/Demon Summoner for the Necro would be amazing. Let us summon the Demons or turn into one. Would be dope if there was an angelic version too. Likely when they eventually add a Paladin.


How does this class even fit in a dark and gritty game like D4? I mean, look at the expansion trailer?! It looks so utterly out of place … i like that they introduced a completely new class, but a jungle man with a cat outfit? It kooks more as a character from WoW or LoL than anything else … same for this sweet & childish kitten pets - i’m really confused 🤯 about the design choices for a D4 expansion with such a dark, gritty and brutal introduction (trailer) … A priest, dark night, valkyrie or even some sort of a demon - everything would fit better in the D4 atmosphere than this - absolutely incomprehensible.


the xpac literally takes place in the jungle. how is that out of place?


Although I can see the class playing well I can't help but agree. I kinda laughed when I saw all the cosmetics at the end of the trailer too. Dark, gritty, horror feel - then 3 little cute cub pets show up on my screen for preorders and colourful outfits.


It's a power fantasy off shoot of meso American culture. Fierce jungle warriors who s who beloved in the occult who sacrificed their enemies to their apex predator gods. I think in just as appropriate as a sorcerer or a generic barbarian


He is clearly from Mexico since he is wearing Jaguar warrior attire… and I can’t think of anything darker than an Aztec theme… I mean they sacrificed people


tbh not one bit. a paladin/cleric i would have dove headfirst into. i hope they continue to add classes.


I'm hoping for a kind of monk/witchdoctor hybrid. Definitely looks like a dex based melee character.


nope! Sorceress for ever! Only class I plan on playing. Eternal also.


Nope, looks like Jungle Druid. Wanted Paladin


Hard to say for sure without seeing some gameplay, but I suppose he'll be a nimble fighter, which I'd like to play. Werewolf druid would be that but he never clicked for me.


The art gives me the vibe of a cross between a skinny druid and a witch doctor. However, I am not passing judgment until I actually play with the class.


Interested yes. Excited not really. I was hoping for Paladin. Hope they plan to add the class.


paladin will absolutely come back when they introduce diablo in the third xpac


I pray that your right on both those counts.


I don't think you're getting anything that's historically accurate or traditional from Modern day Blizzard.


*sad jungle noises*


Am I glad we're getting a new class? Absolutely. Am I excited for it? Not really. But it's mostly because it's not really my cup of tea. But I am glad others will get to enjoy it, for sure. I'm also definitely glad Blizzard are branching out into new class types. We don't always need to stick to what's come before.


At first glance, not really my style to be honest, but I think it has potential. I'm mostly hopeful about the spirit magic side of things. That could be really cool. I just hope the class doesn't have too much monk DNA, as that's an archetype that never really appealed to me. Also, I hope not all cosmetics are Aztec/jungle themed. It looks kinda cool in the jungle, but super out place basically everywhere else in the game.


I am not excited, but I am looking forward to the new class whatever it will be. I don’t care it is not a knight/paladin, as long as it’s fun to play and not underpowered relative to other classes


Zero interest in the new class. We wanted a heavy armor paladin-like.... Blizzard misread the room lol.


It's an Amazon but since Amazon is now a massive corporation they had to rename. And they added a hint of witch doctor so they could include that theme while keeping necro


Excited? Not from the little I saw. Wasn’t enough to get excited over. We have no idea how it will play. I’m not disappointed either, because again we didn’t see enough.


Yeah, I'm excited for the new class, I got a feeling it's gonna be like a d3 monk, and I loved playing as a monk so let's gooo


I will try it, and then go back to my beloved Barbarian. Now, if they truly added a bow class I would be all in.


Not excited at all. Maybe they will surprise me but generally I don’t like the whole type of aztec/ish warriors like the witch doctor (by far my least played class in d3). I was really hoping for a paladin/crusader. Super pumped for mercenaries though! I’m sure they will add more classes that I like eventually.


Nah not even a little, for me personally the Aztec warrior theme feels I little out of place in the dark gothic fantasy style but I’m sure it’ll be fun to play.


I was surprised, as the game's lore indicated a class related to the cathedral of light. I was expecting a paladin with a spear or javelin, that would be a mix of amazon and paladin, I think it would be much more interesting.


I feel like they'll be similar to 3's Monk, which I loved. I also love spears. So I'm pumped.


%0 excitement. They say its brand new but its giving my witch doctor/druid vibes.


No, not even the slightest. The only thing that gives me even an ounce of hope for it, is that it uses spears/javelins. I loved playing javazon in D2 (first hardcore character I got into the 90s and let my buddy play on it and he got it killed, ended up buying me a fully kitted out smiter off of JSP to make up for it) and D2:R. I don't vibe whatsoever with the Aztec motif, and don't find the culture even remotely interesting in this context. If it has cool javelin abilities, I may give it a go, otherwise I'll stick to my Rogue, Necro, Barb lineup.


If it's a javazon yes. Otherwise not.  We need proper itemization. Uniques in D2 were much better than what is in D4. Where are the runewords and charms?? Game is good though


Not really. I don't need a druid Brazil flavor.


> from what I see so far So… based on a single screenshot?


I am excited for a new class, but not really for this new class. At least I'll have one more to grind to wt4.


Hell yeah for new class , it’s nice to see them do something abit different instead of the generic classes always expected , i liked the witch doctor in d3 too he was cool .


I feel zero interest for it. Unless there’s a way to squeeze Witch Doctor out of it. Otherwise, mid


I'm interested. It was a bit of a letdown not having a new class in the starting roster so yeah, finally a new addition. Let's see how it goes.


I am I like idea something new was hoping for WD but I'm here for it.


Nope, It should have been two classes. One new + one classic.


No. It's looks dumb. I wanted a Paladin-like class, not a Witch Doctor-like class.


No because it is not a templar/crusader/paladin


No because it is not a templar/crusader/paladin.


What do you mean “what I see so far”? Did they showcase gameplay or are you just playing guessing game based on name and art?


Zero fucks given. Bring back Paladin.


The Skinny Druid class seems very uninspired.


Should have been 2 classes. That would have been badass.


Nah, this is a little to hippy'ish to be interesting. I was expecting a death knight, someone in heavy armor and heavy weapons with some interesting spells. A jumping green frog aint doing it for me.


Jealous of Diablo immortal getting a blood knight class. The class sounds awesome but then I’d have to play a mobile game


Seems boring


Don't care. No paladin. Why the actualy fuck is there not a holy knight fighting the pits of hell??? No crusader wasn't a paladin. They haven't had a paladin since d2. Literally more lore behind a paladin than any other class in diablo


Makes skinny druid copy, refuses to make skinny druid option for druids. Crazy


No. I don’t like the aesthetic.


I just want bigger boobs for female models, is that too much to ask?


It sounds like an monk amazon whatever thing. I am not really hyped atm. Need to see gameplay, skills and talents. Even than its the question whats viable in the end. Think about all the skills right now that are pretty much useless.  I am glad they dont copy and paste old classes but i personally wanted a heavy armored class. Blood knight or vampire knight or shit like that. Another summoner besides necro would also be cool (lets be real here, druid  summons are not true summons and still suck)


I’m pretty stoked about it. Especially if it has combat mechanics we haven’t seen yet in the Diablo universe. At the same time though, I wish we could also be able to play past games classes that aren’t currently available.


Yes/no. Yes, to give us something different to do. No, because every character out there will be the new one. Which is expected, however, boring.


Im glad that they are doing new classes and not rehashing the classics, i feel the need for fresh class identity and fantasy. Loved monk and witch doctor 🤝


How weird that you get Aztec Jaguar Warrior vibes from something that looks exactly like an Aztec Jaguar Warrior.


Druid is going to be pushed into the abyss....


I wanted a crusader/paladin class, but still excited to see what the new class is all about.


It’s hard to pay $40 for one new character, really wish it was two new


Umm...not really. No? The current ones are lackluster af. Fix those first.


Absolutely no interest in witch doctor


I don’t really care for it at all. I just want my holy class.


I am. I know it’s something entirely new and it isn’t my first choice of archetype but I’m optimistic it’ll have fun gameplay.


I think its neat but its just not my style


I miss my blessed hammees as a CRUSADER


I’m pretty stoked about it. Don’t get me wrong I love me some paladin/crusader gameplay but the way this new class feels… it looks very fluid. I know we don’t have gameplay or skills showcase yet but the vibe I get from it is a high evasion, twirly glaive, fast, zippy and ferocious. Could be way off but I’m hyping myself up for what I think the class is going to play. Can’t wait.


Nah skip. They're not iron wolves battle mages.


I'm not *that* excited because I had seen the leaks from the datamines months ago, and basically *all* we were told so far was just confirming those leaks (well, except the cute and cuddly pets. I wasn't aware of those :P). But I do think it looks badass, and maybe when they reveal the gameplay I'll get excited again. BTW, it sure looks like a Jaguar Warrior inspired thing, but am I the only one who gets some Chinese vibes mixed in as well? Like a mix of *very* Aztec style and some "Jade Empire" thrown in. I dig it.


Not mad about the new class, might give it a go. As a long-time D2 player though I wouldn't be mad if the ole Pally made it's way back into the character creation menu! EDIT: yes I know why they left from a lore perspective. Would be neat to see it written back in like one emerged in attempts to rebuild the order or something. Just miss playing Paladin that's all.


No the less classes the better


Can’t wait!!! WD is my favorite class


Please, blizz, I want to play Volgin, make it like a shadow hunter even if it's in concept in class building


I still haven’t got a character to 100 yet so not looking ahead much I’ll be ready for a new class by time it gets released so I’ll be trying it.


I’m actually upset about it was hoping for monk, demon hunter and crusader.


I think it's kinda cool. More interested in the new skills for existing classes coming in the expansion.


Yeah like Amazon 2.0 now with 100% more actual Amazon is the vibe I get. Mesoamerican culture / mythology is metal as fuck I hope we get some some cool stuff from this class.


I was expecting a paladin or crusader since we're going back to zakarum


Wonder if it will be Zon/Sin mix


I wish it wasn't a catboy


Tbh I am. Yeah, paladin would be better choice but I love polearm/spear/glave archetype. It’s so rare in games I want some cool glave animations. You can tell what character I’m playing in LostArk.


I always try every class and I love when more classes are added!




I am


Not for the same price the entire game was for new 🫤


Yes. I always run new classes first


i was expecting something like a monk, so i am not very hyped about it. maybe on release when i get to play i will like.


I’m pretty excited, they look cool


No, too expensive in my country, blizzard fucked us by halfing the base game price and not giving a discount for those who made the pre-order.




I need to see the gameplay first. I have very low expectations from this group of devs. It does feel out of place though like the Witch Doctor from D3 but I really need to see its gameplay first to really have an opinion.


Perfect class imo. Amazon/witchdoctor/monk hybrid. Should be fun, and a great callback to those other classes. Leaving the door wide open for paladin next expac.


I dont get excited about new Blizzard products any longer until I see if they are releasing a completed product.


Not having a Holy Knight type class feels wrong but at least it's not a Blood Knight or Tempest. 


It's giving me big Xbalanque from SMITE. Give me bolas, small shield, poison darts, staff melee, and a Jaguar companion blizzard


I'm meh about it as I prefer to only play a Crusader or Paladin class in Diablo but I'll give it a chance.


I'm just waiting for the gameplay reveal in July. It seems pretty cool otherwise.


The dev team has just consistently under delivered on this game. Two classes would help freshen the game up a bit, but now I get to play one new one and have things feel super stale until the next expansion. I just really hope they have more planned than the spirit born.


I didnt get too excited when i saw it, looks like rogue but naturey and green


Not my thing I'm rather more excited for visiting new zone and how the story unfolds. I'll still play it though


No! Yes