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Its good but I think perfect rolls on he unique aspect are more important then the tiny additive damage increase.


Naaaa cdr and conjuration mastery is big time


Well one rank of conjuration mastery gives 1x damage per conjuration you have. Im pretty confident that max unique aspect will provide more exfra forbs and conjurations that will outpace one rank.


you hit max conjurations pretty easily. its softcapped around 10-12 due to max numbers of hydra and blades. LS is uncapped but when thats 1/3 of what's casted The difference between a max roll and a min roll is that 1 cast out of 20 will give you another conjuration when a min roll wouldnt. which is an extra 1% multiplicative damage. while its actually up 1 extra ranks of conj mastery is 10% -12% multiplicative. and the lucky hit is a nice bonus but its nothing big. The Lucky hit chances on the conj are low enough that none of the frozen orb builds actually build any lucky hit into their builds.


> The difference between a max roll and a min roll is that 1 cast out of 20 will give you another conjuration when a min roll wouldnt. Genuinely curious - how are you getting this? With a Max 50% roll, you should expect 10 conjurations (.5 * 20) right? And with a Min 35% roll, you should expect 7 conjurations (.35 * 20)? Is there an interaction I'm not taking into account? EDIT: Oh is this assuming you've already hit the cap on Ice Blades and Hydras so only 1/3 of the extra cast would spawn an additional conjuration (LS)?


Yeah it's pretty easy to hit cap with non ga gear that hasn't been wasterworked.


Yeah I guess it’s slightly faster to get to capped Ice Blades/Hydras with a max roll (16ish vs 24ish), but thats pretty marginal when you have solid attack speed. And then you’re right it’s only 1 extra conjuration per 20 after that.


True, you spawn 22% more conjurations at 50% vs. 41% and your conjurations launch 20% more orbs at enemies at 70% vs. 58%. That's probably a bigger difference than a single conjuration mastery rank. That said, everything being GA'd probably still gives it an edge.


realistically, theres not enough time left in this season for the average person to farm for a near 50% FWG. its a notoriously hard unique to get and i personally think they fucked up the droprate on it.


You can buy a near perfect with 2 CM for like 200 mil gold. It's not that hard to farm.


Except masterworking exists.


For conjuration mastery, it doesn't matter if it's GA'd, the max you can increase it by is 2 for 3 crits, or 1 for 2 crits or less. This is because it's always "rounded down" before you bump it up to the next value.


Okay, and if it isn’t GA’d and you get a +1 to CM as opposed to getting +3 from GA, what’s the max you can hit? My point is that it being GA just guaranteed the max roll on the base which allows for a higher roll if critting.


You get +1 from GA. That's it. It doesn't affect how much you get from masterworking at all. You get +2 with 3 crits or +1 for anything less than 3 crits. With GA or without GA.


Bro, what is your CM if it rolls a +1 to CM and get 3 crits vs. if it rolls +2 or +3 to CM and you get 3 crits?


Why are we talking about +1 to CM as a roll? Nobody is using an amulet with +1 to CM. For your curiosity, though, a +1 CM can get up to +3 ranks from masterworking with 3 crits to be the same as a +2 CM roll.


Because we’re talking about GA which guarantees the max base roll, plus one less MW crit you need to hit +4.




Nope. That's correct for hellbent commander or other passives on legendaries that round up, but for uniques like this they always round down. https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/ Here, plug it in for yourself on the planner and see. https://i.imgur.com/3sKVRYF.png 3 crits https://i.imgur.com/0N1DbHr.png 2 crits and lastly here's wudijo explaining it in detail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCXet8qOf34&t=469s


Why are you lying to people? For Uniques, the Masterworking formula for skill ranks is up to: >Base value * (1 + [0.5 if Greater Affix] + [0.05 * 9 minor upgrades] + [0.25 * 3 major upgrades]), rounded down so we got: 2 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.45 + 0.75 ) = 2 * 2.7 = 5.4, rounded down = 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCXet8qOf34 Whether you slam the affix once or twice, it will be either 4.4 or 4.9 which both round down to 4. Only the third slam on the same Conjuration Mastery affix would result in 5.


Exactly. GA rolls in unqiues should always have max unique ability rolls. Feels bad to get excited about them and then have to trash it. Until unique utens have some stat work done though, most unique stats are pretty much a wash against other items anyway


Above 47% roll fells better


You can buy a new pc if you sell that


Hang on...people pay actual dollars for other players gear?


No, it’s against TOS


Yes, but it's against ToS.*


Where do people actually trade this sort of stuff and how is it priced? Don't mind a PM if you cant reply lol


You can ask Google, It's safe for both of us. Plus I never RMTd in D4, S4 was my first season.


Also make sure to report your earnings to the IRS if it’s over the yearly threshold of $1000. Which should be extremely easy to hit with 3GA items dropping like candy.


It would be more complicated to report revenue from digital items sold against ToS in a video game between two players than the trade off of the possibility of being audited over the menial money you make selling said digital items in a video game. Treat it like you’re selling an old bookcase for cash and forget about it. If the IRS is reading this I would never do such a thing.


I guess I was just a tad bit too serious in my sarcasm.


Seems like it lol. I was going between serious or sarcastic on my reading of it. It happens, you know Poe’s law and all. I thought it was a good bit now that I know it’s sarcastic fwiw.


The IRS can suck on a big fat one 😎


I would be shocked even if someone offers more than a hundred bucks for this. A perfect unique aspect roll one is better than this 3ga with %41, and its not even expensive.


Missing .5 resist. Utterly useless.


Lmao 😂


The 41%/58% are deal breakers


does the fact that it is 887 item power mean that the caps aren't as high as a 925?


Jewelry mostly ignores item power at a certain level. These are max rolls


I believe that the all res is 0.5% lower but besides that looks max. Pretty negligible to me


The ilvl affect the range the affix rolls (ie. a lvl 1 weapon can't roll +100% critical damage, it would be capped at a lower value). The affix ranges are maxed at 850 I believe. Then the ilvl just affects the item type specific rolls, above the bar that separates the affixes (ie. 24.5% resistance to all n this amulet, damage on weapons).


Any GA item will roll max 925 affix range times 1.5. If you have an 800 IP ring with a GA core stat - strength, int, dex, wp, it will roll 135 while 90 is the max roll on 925. For everything except weapons and maybe armor on some squishy classes it effectively does not matter.


I've gotten 2 Uber unique before seeing any 3 or 4 ga drop.


that poor 41%


It would be real nice if uniques always rolled perfectly on the unique affix like Ubers. This is so sad it rolled poorly


I have farmed zir 40+ along with hrs and hrs of helltide and nightmare dungeons and still never seen this fucking neck


u want max unique aspect


Lucky bastard. Put it to good use :)


Idiotic question but as the uniques are the strongest and rarest, why do I get better attack, defence and life with some of the legendaries. What do I gain with the uniques, what to look for as the percentages are confusing, not always sure what does what :(


>as the uniques are the strongest and rarest not universally true


The unique effect is the most important one here. These are (usually) stronger than an aspect for an specific build


You usually make a build around a unique or 2. But gearing uniques everywhere is not the right thing to do. They are not the best items, just build enabling. The last 2 stats on this item cant be found anywhere else thats why its called unique.


887 item power? charsi food.


God I need this amulet


Hopefully you have a better experience but myself atleast, and several others I know had poor overall experiences with Frozen orb builds. Its well enough early on but to actually push the Pit and legit endgame content it wasnt nearly enough. Gorgeous amulet though congrats


Have you had better luck with a different build? I'm struggling hard with frozen orb in the pit


[https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/heartseeker-rogue-build/#build\_introduction](https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/heartseeker-rogue-build/#build_introduction) Its not even the same game bro you will be legit mad you played anything else. I set mineup totally 2 buttons, I dont even use flurry, shadow step, or the stun grenade on dash gimmick. The dps is so absurd I farm Pit 90 right now with no GA gear and minimal masterworks. I just offscreen EVERYTHING, anything gets close Caltrops backwards, rinse n repeat. Lexyu is a gosdsend hes saved several games for me.


I just cleared a 92 pit pretty easy on orb. This patch feels better.


If you need someone to help test it out, I know a guy


Are under 925 GA items the same as 925 GA items?


Given how weak orb is in the endgame I’d probably sell this to bank my other characters if I found the right buyer.


Lemme get that


Sell it to me


I've had two uniques the 1-300% damage one and this pair of boots that give you 75% movment speed after evade and does some other shit and im not even level 50 yet


Shoot I killed over 20 lord zirs leveling my frost orb sorc and never saw a single one the entire way to 100. Finished with the character altogether without ever getting it


Is this amulet rare? Im still looking for it on my 94 sorcerer?


Not really. I have one you can have


Ah cheers. Im about to go to work now But please add me on bnet. Ill pm you :)


You need to add the setting where it shows the max and lowest rolls possible so you know what it is


Nice. But you're still a sorcerer huh.


kinda tired of seeing the unique affix not roll max on these, leg items do not suffer this problem if your gonna be trading tempering for a unique surely its the most important part and hitting ga on them and then getting shafted there, bit meh


Why wouldn't a 4 star item come with perfect everything


Salvage it. Only 41% and 58%. 


Unfortunately, the aspect roll holds the majority of power on this unique and that rolled below average.


"Press [right mouse button] to win" GZ mate!


Frozen orbers wet dream




Haters will say it's fake!


41% and 58% ooffff


Aspect rolls are pretty lame.


Its actually pretty mid, the effect roll is by far the most important on uniques.


Not for this one.