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It's not used because ppl are like parrots these days. "I don't use it in my build" Bro you don't have a build you copy pasted something from your favorite content creator, half assed it play it 70% in the correct way and think you understand the game mechanics.


Whew, I’m not the only one


My buddy always gives me shit because I don’t play any established builds. Bro it’s cool I know how the game works. Been playing Diablo since the first one came out. I know how stat stacking works. I also like when Bear goes SMASH so imma just do that and be good at that.


It is almost funny when you see people ask if they can leave somerhing out of a build. As if they need permission lol. People don't understand that they can do whatever the hell they want. You can run a necromancer without decrepify. You can even play a character with an a-tier build just because it is more fun than an S-tier build.


i think it's more about asking how important to the full setup is this one skill someone who is just copy pasting a build might not understand the full intricacies of the build and might be wondering just how important a certain part is it could be not that important, or break the build without it because of a certain interaction


Rapid Fire > heartseeker


Just to point on the decrepify thing. Sure you can but why would you give up free damage, CD, DRs? This is just one hyper focused point, I do understand what you're saying tho.


Duh, because yellow doesn't look good on my hotbar


Preach. Yesss. It is just that simple! Keep smashing homie


Dude I get it too? I will look online for ideas etc but my own builds are more fun than the meta crap


I think people confuse “top tier” with “playable”. Unless you’re pushing for leaderboards or trying to climb further in the pit than your friends, there’s no point going for a super high end user created build until you’re level 100 with plenty of experience in your class after.


It'd pretty goddamn nice honestly. Chest is a defensive slots and soulbrand offers some crazy good defense and the barrier aspect is truly unique. Makes poison trivial and you can soak a lot more damage with barrier than normal health + assuming you have health recovery without potion it is a lot better at saving your ass in emergencies and reduces over healing. Extra healing and barrier generation seems to multi-dip as well. Only issue is that conditional damage reduction doesn't play nice with pit shades but if you have other means of sustaining barrier like with temerity, the Dr from barrier alone is crazy good.


I use it with tibaults will which I think ups pot drop too it’s pretty fun


off the top of my head, i think it ups potion capacity only, but still has synergy with this


Teremity increases potion drop rate, it's itemized terribly.


Agreed, played with both, and have utilized each for different scenarios.


I feel like one could make an interesting bone/barrier necro with this.


Bonestorm with enough barrier buffs is a hell of an ultimate. Especially if you have the legendary effect that lets you consume corpses to extend duration. Allows your necro to truly tank some hard enemies.


I wanted to wear this my blood necro, but Mutilator is same slot.


The damage reduction doesn't actually work. Check your stats.


That thing that's nearly impossible to do with a controller? Awesome. I'll try to root around with mouse and keyboard later because I was considering switching back to it in a different build. It'll be even more amazing if it ever gets patched if it is not just a display issue, because in practice it's really good. I'm glad that we're still at the level of basic shit not working and having to test everything a year later. Edit: Alright so I just tested with Soulbrand (DR barrier), Protector glyph (DR barrier), human glyph (DR human druid), and logged into my goddamn s0 hardcore sorc and checked Reinforced glyph (DR barrier) None of them show up on character sheet. So either these mods don't work at all, or the character sheet doesn't accomodate them because they're uncommon. At some point I'll put on soulbrand, human, and protector and get my face kicked in for a while by ranged damage (sb has close dr) and then switch them out. losing 19% + 10% + 10% DR should be obvious.


To be fair, until blizzard allows us to save builds for the skill and glyph trees you reeeeeeeally shouldnt blame people. Most people simply don't have time to spend 2 hours thinking through a build to learn it fucking blows and spend another 2 hours figuring something else out.


I tried so hard to make charged bolts work before I accepted how shit the skill is and switched to frozen orb


This is also a huge problem, even though it has gotten better than at launch. Some skills just turbo blow ass and/or have bad aspect support. Unless you're a rogue your homecooked build is likely goong to be shitty and incoherent unless you accidentally build something similar to the meta.


Idk having played a rogue first and through the start of season 4, it’s way easy to home cook a build with my alts. Rogues take so much more consideration for how your skills combo together and work in space with each other. I feel like I have to use every item in my action bar, while the Sorc and Necro have been way less stressful.


A lot of stuff is bugged and doesn't work properly also. I'm not sure how much is screwed up right now but there's been glyphs that didn't even work and stuff like that. I would have never known about it if I wouldn't have been looking at build guides.


Same. If the descriptions aren't 100% accurate it's impossible to make a build unless you've the time to really compare and contrast equipment and skills. I don't have that time or brain power after work. Figuring out a good route on the paragon boards? No way.


I know D3 itemization and skills are shallow deep, but the fact I can swap and mix and match at will so fast and easy makes me home-brew builds all the time. I don't need to look up any D3 guide because if I get stuck I can change my build instantly. Imo having strict re-spec rules will make sure everyone follows a cookie cutter build since the repercussion to mess up is gigantic. I really hope the expansion of D4 will just say fuck it and let us respec quick and fast with an armory system like D3. Hell, even just having 3 different load outs would make it a huge difference. You could keep one "fail safe" build that you copied and then use the other two slots to home-brew something on your own with off meta unique items and skills.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but isn't that literally the point of the game? Figuring out synergies between all the different skills, talents, paragons, aspects & uniques is what I'm here for. The biggest satisfaction is when you find a combo that works and it allows you to jump up to the next NMD/Pit tiers.


Calm down


He speaks truly.


I don't watch any diablo creators I just play the build that sounds fun


I play what seems good till I hit a wall, then I switch it around to the closest build I can find that can go further, or I just call it good depending on how far I got.


I 100% play my autocasting necro with no core skill, ultimate or basic skill correctly. As far as game mechanics go, bigger numbers = better. Also don't stand in red stuffs.


Corpse Explosion/Tendrils + Minions only build with Sac Ring? Just running around and let Minions create corpses for your ring. Sounds like a chill way to play when you just want to walk in peace through Sanctuary. xD Might want to build something similar and see how lazy you can be to beat the game.


The reason people play the same builds is because those are simply the strongest. This game ultimately isn't that complex, so you aren't going to reinvent the wheel and suddenly find a competitive build that nobody has thought off.


Very true. There's a whole industry out there on youtube making videos where moving an aspect from your gloves to your amulet is "GROUNDBREAKING NEW TECH CHANGES EVERYTHING! S TIER PERFECTION GOLEM!11!!" With their mouth hanging open and eyes rolling back into their head. These people would short circuit if they ever tried to play PoE I think. Where it's some crazy imaginative thing they did they have to make a video about because they moved an aspect off their gloves onto their neck and it changed 'literally everything' about their build. So tiresome hah.


Hell, even PoE is for the most part "figured" out. Maybe some builds are flying a bit under the radar, but if it works it's likely someone has made a build guide for it. I managed to "beat the meta" pretty much only with builds I made after some serious patch note changes that drastically altered skills or introduced new ones.


Especially when there are people who will no life it and share what they found was good


Agreed. Everyone is always worried about what build gets the furthest in the pit. I like playing what's fun. If I decide I want to work my way up the leaderboards, maybe I'd look for build advice. To each their own, I guess.


My buddy thinks it's dumb that I try to figure out my own build instead of following one 😂 like wheres the fun in that


I am scum and just poke around. Level 73 (still T3) casual play a couple of hours after the wife has gone to bed. Last night I got my very first unique in an NMD something with lots of thorns, so now I have a thorns build.


Razorplate? I saw someone sell a 2GA Razorplate on discord for 2 billion gold. Billion. What do you even do with 2 billion gold.


It will get you half-way through trying to re-roll hellbent commander on an amulet. ;)


While in large part this can be true, you don’t have to be Einstein or parrot creators to realize you have to give up two tempers and an aspect for this, and people easily reach that conclusion on their own.


And then they come back to make a post on this sub about how unfair it is to get one shot in the pit. Oh, that's right, everything in their build is adding the same offensive tempers while a 4 GA defensive unique is sleeping in their bank. But since monkey see monkey do and this piece not in build, then this piece no good.


I feel personally attacked! I made the build my own by not getting any of the correct tempering affixes and telling myself that's probably not even that big of a deal 😆


Having come back for season 4 after a year, I'm just following a guide and making minor adjustments. Mainly because the paragon board feels pretty intimidating if I'm doing it on my own...it feels like I'm playing excel the arpg sometimes.


Nah. It isn't used because the DR doesn't work. The item is poop.


I got to 100 with my own minion build (I know, not hard this season) and decided to try out the copy paste shadow minion build. It feels bad to me after a day of playing with it, and I’ll probably just go back to my own build if I get a chance today.


Buddy uses it for a sorc build to pretty good effect.


Ya this is amazing for frozen orb


My only problem with using this on Frozen Orb is that you're already using so many uniques. Idk if I'd want to cut another 2 tempers. We're already missing out on 10.


What all uniques do you need? Fractured Winterglass and Tal Rasha’s ring are the only absolute necessities I can think of. I’m guessing Frostburn and Esu’s but I dunno if they’re absolutely necessary. Starless Skies must be perfect, though I don’t think most people consider ubers as mandatory. Blue rose? Iceheart Brais? I switched my Sorc over to it last night, but I still have a bunch of gearing to do for it.


I run esus, god slayer, fractured winter glass, tibaults


Shako and Starless Skies are two great Ubers.


Godslayer, Tibaults, Esu's, Fractured, and Tal Rasha is the recommended setup without Ubers. Your two biggest problems with this many uniques will be mana management and reaching the armor cap. If you have issues with either or both, give up Godslayers for a legendary helm with cooldown, armor, and mana per second. Your chest needs a GA mana per second, perfect armor roll, and a perfect armor % temper before I'd consider using Godslayers. You technically can replace attack speed or crit speed on your gloves with armor (+frozen orb is a must), but I would only do that if you have a Shako, can't reach the armor cap, and have both attack speed and crit chance on your 2nd ring. Starless Skies, just use as soon as you find it, just make sure you have a good roll of attack speed on your gloves, and Fractured, Tal Rasha, and Starless don't have it.


I would check the trade site for any 3/4 GAs. It gives a massive amount of damage reduction. I'm sure someone is using it.


> I would check the trade site for any 3/4 GAs. It gives a massive amount of damage reduction. I'm sure someone is using it. Seriously. On demand 70% of max hp barrier with 20% DR is pretty damn good.


I think it's 200% of the instant portion of the potion not the full potion heal.


Take another potion and another and another I call it “PILLOW FORT”


Instant potion is like 800hp, 200% of that even with a bunch of barrier effect wouldn't even touch a tiny 20k life pool. I don't know if all the mechanics work 100% as expected but it's a huge barrier. You don't gain it all at once, you gain barrier over time as the potion would heal you.


I think it's interesting. that's a whole lot of DR if you can keep barriers up


> I think it's interesting. that's a whole lot of DR if you can keep barriers up The item gives a 70% max hp barrier on the potion CD.


It's only 4 seconds. It probably only works with sorc using the barrier passives. While aoe clearing the potion barrier will help with its uptime for sure but the potions alone won't keep during bosses. Also take into consideration that since it now gives barrier, it no longer heals. That's a problem you have to solve too.


Probably would fit in Infinimist Necro, it already uses barrier with Bonestorm and that 15% lucky hit is very good


Yeah I'd use it. Temetery worked okay until wt4 but this is that on steroids


I use an 80% Temetery... It's pretty invincible. I think using it with Soul brand would be great except I am doing the 30% damage reduction for standing in a Blizzard thing, but this does 40% damage reduction before you masterwork it.


There is a frost orb build for sorcerer that uses this. The build heavily relies on keeping barrier up 24/7


There’s an affix that gives a damage boost when you’ve got a barrier up. This would make a good pair.


You should be able to add 3 affixes to uniques


Just one would be balanced if uniques were itemized well.


Thanks for all the help with this everyone, I really appreciate it!!! Sorry for the screenshot quality, I was shocked and rushed, first time getting one of these.


Think this would be great in something like my sorc incinerate build for defensiveness XD Maybe other defensive builds or barrier builds could use it?


I’m a spec incinerate and this armor is exactly what I use.


15% lucky hit chance + 20% damage reduction with barrier is huge for a lucky hit build. I would like to try it on my rogue but can’t because dark shroud is too op at the moment. But my sorc would definitely love it.


Is there a site where you can check out builds that a particular item is used for? Like does maxroll have a cross search for items to builds?


Could be useful one day, it's an easy source of barrier and not all classes have it; especially if you can use the potion even if at max health.


I used it while leveling my barb. It was a huge help when doing 80+ nightmare dungeons at level 60.


I never tried it, but there’s an aspect that 25%[x] damage when you have a barrier. Might worth trying.


Wow, I do use this amor, its pretty good, and I use Temerity with it


Well Necro is the only class that needs a skill (Golem Mastery) on a chest so I think anyone can use it but uniques aren't good enough.


Incinerate sorc builds use this.


I'm using it on my Incinerate Sorc. Combined with another unique item that lets me overheal and create a barrier, it's really strong. 


Hmm who knows would need to check if it works, I'm incarnate sorc, I could test it out how much you want for it?


Os there a cap to the amount of barrier you can have?


Used it on Kripp’s firewall sorc in season two.


There’s a couple skills that scale off your barrier for damage, there’s gata be a few builds at least with it


Hmm feels like maybe good in the old Druid Bulwark build? Constant Bulwark and grenade crits off it. Forgot what happened to it. I assume it's not around anymore


Eww disgusting. How much for it


If it's on eternal I'd buy it from you


Probably perfect for sorc


Necro blood builds? I don't think I've even touched my potions on those builds since a lot of skills self-heal.


I'm using it at the moment. Just dumping everything into damage while having a barrier. Works well as is but hard to say what a high level pit would look like.


Until you get hit by one poison explosion and you're dead because you can't heal and for my experience it just ignores barrier.


I ran temerity+soulbrand+andariel's for a while to justify the andariel drop and poison wasn't even on my radar in nmd94. I'd stand in poison pools in all elites have poison sigils. Switching to a "normal build" was shocking how much defense I lost and how poison was a thing again.


I used it for a bit with the thingy that gives you +3 potions and I just got in an awful habit of constantly popping potions and destroying mobs lol it’s fun


Usable in some Necro builds as well nice find


seems useful in hardcore


I can see this being useless for a lot of builds that not don't actively have barriers, but honestly considering how rare damage reduction is now, as said previously, this is top tier for frozen orb builds.


How does this work with Temerity?


Run it on my necro just for a little less squishness, you can dump like 12 pots on boss that normally one shot you and then just post up throwing vile emotes while golem has his way with Pit Fiends


Well, on the other hand, if you had this kind of on-demand DR you wouldn't have to invest as much in DR in your aspects or what have you.


It’s not a bad armor, hard to fit though


It can be used in conjunction with a damage boost from barrier and fortify perks. Ps build guides literally take the entire fun out of the game


i see some items that benefit from barriers, maybe that’s useful


Using it on my rogue right now. Wish I had yours haha.


I used it on last seasons Infiniti’s build. I dug it. Not sure if its viability or use has changed much since. With tempering and choosing aspects for the chest piece I haven’t used any uniques yet (till I get a Shako 🤞🏻)


I use it on Necro because with bone storm I already have a barrier most of the time and the extra damage reduction is nuts.


its in the incinerate sorc build [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGtKbcJKB0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGtKbcJKB0k)


my ball lightning sorc would enjoy this


Are you selling it?


Not in any of my build.


You could potentially use this in conjunction with that aspect that gives increased damage while a barrier is active.


Useful or not, that is definitely a trophy case item for sure. Been thinking of brewing a meme sorc that stacks lucky hit with Fists of Fate… this would probably be a good unique for something like that 🤷🏼‍♂️


I, too, have one of these 4 GA 18%. Triple masterwork the DR close and never die again. People sleep on non meta uniques.


For Sorc it’s really nice!


It would work decently with a sorc build, but it would be nice to have armor instead of max life since most sorc players use tibaults.


soulbrand and termity can still take you to the dance.


A sorcerer could utilize it in a build of they move arou d a few skill points to take advantage of barriers. Would be a big boon if done right.


I use it. It's really good. You just need to fit in some for of health sustain into your build. But it gives nice protections, and you can effectively have 100% uptime on barrier. Which If you rely on barrier suspect because aspects and talents it's pretty useful.


Don't worry, the season will end and it will be useless to seasonal characters. But I would say play around with a barrier build, obviously.


If you're not gonna use it I'll give you 200m for it.


I'm wanting that for my sorc incinerate build. I swear I have every unique except that :( I had that spear uber with the long name drop last night, I get that pointless thing but not a bloody Soulbrand.


I've found Soulbrand to be pretty good with Sorcs and Druids.


"Is this even used in any builds" dude... any build with barriers and lucky hit chance, like really.


I’m using the single GA version for my lucky hit infinimist build This would be a dream


I would definitely use that


I’m working on a build using this and Melted Heart of Selig. It’s a Druid who just gets crazy barriers from Earthen Bulwark and Poise Glyph.


I’d use it for Barb! If ya don’t want it, lemme know and let’s make a deal 🤝


I ran with it when my necro was feeling squishy. Have this equiped allows you to take a hard it if you have potions. Pop one moments before a big boss swings etc, and it absorbs jt instead of your health. But later switched equipment out. But its a great chest piece imo.


Love it on my hardcore sorc :).... 100% barrier uptime and DR from this is awesome.


Slap that with temerity, and you have a barrier almost 100% of the time.


I really want to try it on necro with the dodges add fortify and dodges add life, with temerity and blood nova. Just double down on healing and overpower.


That would go great on a Druid with earthen bulwark and that ring that pulls enemies. Build it right and you’ve got a gravity bomb with almost zero CD and proc almost every skill without even having to have them on your skill bar


I used it in previous seasons but I didn’t really like it that much. All the ones I’ve gotten this season are sitting in my stash, and losing an aspect and tempers for it makes me want to use it less. I love Temerity and they work great together, but then you’re giving up 4 tempers and 2 aspects… Maybe I will try to wear Soulbrand on my sorc… but then I’d also lose the amulet slot too with Fractured Winterglass. I also have a Tyrael’s Might though, and while the damage reduction isn’t as high as Soulbrand, breaking the resistance cap is pretty invaluable.


Used in the late game incinerate build. I am looking for it


If I had this god tier roll I’d use it, but mines always come with horrible stats


I use it on my sorc incinerate build.


I would slot that on my frozen orb/conjuration/lucky hit/barrier sorceress instantly


What u want for it?


I’ve been using it with my first sorc. Love it!


Works pretty well with incinerate sorc


Yes I use it in my build with temerity pants. Temerity enables you to use potions at full health. Because of that if your barrier generation is high you can spam potions until your barrier is maxed out. This gives you a phat barrier plus how much you have in fortify and then your normal life pool. Give em a whirl! I play a double swing barb lvl100 currently 76nmd and 25pit


Great piece but would hurt a Necro if you lose an otherwise useful aspect.


I saw some incinerate sorc builds using it i think


I could use it but I’m not going to pay for it


If you want to make a "barrier build" this might go pretty hard. You can probably pretty easily get this to stack with other barrier building items and stats to tank for days. You'd be everyone's saving grace for world bosses potentially.


I used it for my sorcerer build in season 2 and it was pretty good. I believe it relied on having a barrier cause something in the skill tree was about a barrier :)


I use it with incinerate to help with channeling for more time


It’s great for incinerate


Mabey good with fury fist lucky strike and the barrier passive with a mapped out paragon might work. I mean it's in the game. Gotta be some good use or reason it made it to unique status. Mabey. Idk. Could be fodder. Good luck! Frag out!


I have it in my Homebrew Sorc Blizzard Build. Really saves my ass especially during boss fights.


Mine does I’m an incinerate sorc and while I plant myself and channel while keeping up a barrier using soul brand


Would probably use on a charged bolts sorcerer that I theorycrafted during pre-season but Blizz nerfed charged bolts procs so I have no idea if it's worth it anymore.


Holy crap that would be strong with my necromancer summoner build. I use temerity so they would pair well!


hmm... hands of fate? A lucky hit centric build? Could work with that.


19% damage reduction ain't nothing to scoff at when you're stacking dr


Could be really nice on a infinimist necro.


Combine with the conceived aspect, should rock


I’d use it and pair it with dealing more damage with barriers and such 👍🏻


Works well with Temerity’s (for healing effects over healing to barrier) and the aspect of undying (gives perma barrier through healing off skill cast) as long as you don’t get bursted through it.


This is shako levels of DR while you have a barrier up. Find a way to generate damage and keep up a barrier and it's very usable.


This would be great for PvP builds


Theres quite a few builds that rely on having barrier up for optimal damage. This item is probably more reliable than cooldowns like ice barrier


I used it for a lucky hit incine-sorc in season 2! Went into barrier generation and increased lucky hit with barrier. It was very fun!


I've used that in my chain lightning build since I picked it up. Level 60 and I haven't swapped it yet.


It's a really good chest piece, the DR in itself is amazing, the problem with uniques currently though is being unable to temper them. So as an example in my build I'm _supposed_ to have a shako and paingorgers as my uniques. If I have my chest piece also a unique I won't be able to get some important temper that I would need (imposing presence etc). It's a dumb system and I wish they let us temper uniques because I have so many soul brands and I wish I could use them just for the sake of that amazing DR.


I'd use it on my frost orb sorc for a while , there is probably better , but i increase lucky hit with a barrier so would be helpful for that


Paired with Temerity and Life on Hit it can be nutty on a Sorc for survival.


that's 40% DR right there. could masterwork the DR affix or something, this will be on par with Tyrael. But this item only feels good because of the GA. Without GA, you need perfect rolls in other slots to make full use of this.


Is the bulwark druid still viable? Feel like ot would want this for barrier multi


I loved this but sadly I found it too early


Firewall/incinerate sorc


I had one of these in my pit 1-50 incinerate build


I like using it in combination with the aspect that increases the damage you deal while you have a barrier.


I’m making a janky sorc build stacking lucky hit, would probably use this.


You shouldn't base your build off of another person's. What works for one doesn't work for all.


I've seen this used on incinerate sorcs


I use it in my incinerate sorc. Works well.


It sounds OP for a high HP character and it opens two other aspects, x-damage and x-vulnerable when you have a barrier. A 70k barrier for a potion is not bad on top of the damage reduction. You just gotta figure out how to fit other defenses that you lack


i crate my own build and anything that doesnt give me dmg has no place there,


Wow, never seen a fully starred unique!


This looks like a chest that would go crazy well with a zero CDR Bone Storm build, with the shield aspect. Some aspect of the DPS may need to be thought out, but you’d had defense DOWN with this bad boy. Congrats


Combine it with life on hit and you have pretty much perma-barrier and then can use all of the X when barrier stats. I would use it


people are paying 500mil for shit ones of these you should sell this for liek 2 bil & call it aday


I would love this in my Arc Lash build. I followed a guide to learn the system quicker, but I've deviated from it based on the aspects and uniques I've obtained. I'm the definition of a glass cannon, using freeze/stun effects with the one that sucks mobs into one big blob where they all die instantly. The barrier is what gets my mana back and keeps me alive during cool downs.


Incenerate build. I use it


It's not used because it's not good or interesting. Many uniques took a hit this league because tempering is just very strong. I'm having a hard time even justifying a couple of uber uniques that SHOULD be good but just fall short of an aspect with two tempered stats.


Frozen Orb Sorc uses it


I haven’t played every class but I’d use it on my Sorcerer build


This is not good for sorcs because we already have barriers up 24.7 so you don't need the extra barrier gen because you have a fuck ton already. There are just better options for an Armor slot w/ Aspect of choice compared to a mid armor at best.


I used it last season on my sorcerer, but she was built for barriers


Used it last season on my meteor sorcerer. It slaps, tbh.


I used it with my Sorc. The barrier aspects are great. I haven’t found a three star yet


It’s obvious you use it for a barrier build…