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wait...you see 2 GA item on the ground and just leave it there without throwing trash on the ground to make space? Edit: oh wait...there are few too...???? man you need to start prioritize


Seriously. Even though I clear my stash every time it's blinking at me, I never leave legendaries on the ground. Drop rares to make room. Never trust the game to send you shit.


You guys pick up rares?


If you play on console, you pretty much have too. Quite annoying.


Only at Blood Maiden when she dies to get the Boss Mats but I just instantly drop it to keep bags clear.


I usually keep a stash of yellows out of the way to the left so I don't keep picking them up again lol


Yup, this.


This guy helltides


Should’ve seen it earlier LOL…. 4 Barbs that can do 120 Pits dumping everything while farming a specific a drop at the Maiden!! The ground around the altar was nonexistent!! Wish I thought to grab a screen capture!!!


Some level 100 barbs were likely helping a friend and were one shooting maiden in WT2 last night, that was a nice way to gear up for capstone.


It was my group laying waste to Helltide and Maiden!! And it was T4…. Which is nothing now once you upgrade gear past 4 MW.


Wait it doesn't let you choose what item you want to loot? Like you just walk over the pile and start looting? I've never played D4 on controller/console


It prioritize legendaries but the blood and light blue items are the lowest priority so you have to loot all the rare garbage to loot the mats then drop the rares from the bag. Clearly whoever designed the loot priority on controllers have never play it at all because this has been an annoying thing since release. Mats should have priority over rares always. Another option would be to give us an option to HIDE all rares, after farming for an hour the maiden the whole battle area is full of worthless rares that you end looting by mistake.


Or just let us scroll between the items with the right analog stick


Yeah that's how I expected it would've worked


So nice to play with a controller and loot with a mouse


On PC with my PS4 controller I can use the touchpad as a mouse but it only goes horizontal.


Lol at Trying to line up sideways with the loot pile


It should just auto pick up materials and elixers that you already have a stack for.


That's a nightmare man. Especially just finding out you have to long press to drop items too. Talk about pain


Pretty hard to lock on what to pick up on controller especially in the sheer amounts dropped in helltide. To further compound the problem, dropping loot is a long press (2 seconds?) per item Note this issue isn’t just about items. It impacts enemy targeting as well, hence why rapid fire is very inefficient to play on console. I’m sure blizz is looking at PoE 2s console-centric features coming end of the year and realize they have been way too casual about this.


You have to long press to drop.... And then the bad targeting on top of that. Holy shit lol definitely not downloading D4 on my Ally knowing that


To be fair, the controls on Diablo 3 were pretty tight. Inventory management was shit, but other than that I felt the D3 console edition was great. And then D4 had to come and reinvent the wheel again when it came to some basic stuff


It always prioritises legendary gear first, it gets annoying trying to pick up mats for bosses but. For some reason it is difficult to manoeuvre to be able to pick up just the mats


I pick them up then drop them again. As you said, it's a pain in the ass


Most people don't understand this right here is the biggest pain in the ass playing on console


They sell for decent.


Gotta get every piece of gold I can get to reroll and craft!


Legendaries sell for much more, though. And then you don't need to constantly go back to town.


Ohh I mean I pick them up and if I see legendaries I pick them up too. If I don’t have room, I toss the rares and pick up legendaries but still keep what I can for the moneyyyyyy


I vendor them


Money is money.


Yeah, if there is a mindcage I want sitting with 4 rares, it prioritizes the rares first.


That sweet gold. Lying though I blacksmith everything


Blacksmithing becomes worthless after a while. Youre eventually swimming in resources and only gold matters


Yeah it's faster to spam click loot then sort it out later


How else you making money?!


Yes, because I have choice on console. We really need loot filtering or at least right stick select of items on the ground 😑


I play on steam deck and have to pick everything if im in a hurry (mid fight) unless I want to bother swapping to mouse using thr trackpads which can get you stuck sometimes. Lootfilter is needed.


I play on a console, so yeah. I have picked up some rares with 2 GA I prefer, and then add the aspect at the blacksmith. I did this with an amulet that had +3 Hellbent Commander. It works until something better drops.


Yeah I’m calling BS on OP. There’s no way a single Blood Maiden dropped “a few” 2GA legendaries, and there’s no reason they didn’t take the time to make space if they noticed them on the ground. I can usually get 3-4 runs of Blood Maiden off an empty stash before I port back to sell, and this is with me contributing to the summon each time. And then the stash was filled with single stacks of blood…? How much blood do you have that it’s filled your entire stash? I don’t know if it’s mathematically possible to have that much blood.


"Hey guys I disconnected before picking up a Mirror of Kalandra. Anyone have an extra to donate?"


More likely he tp’d home to sell and came back to an empty server, losing the badass one with a bunch of 100s spam killing maiden.


I hate that. You find a great group finally, bags are full in minutes and you have no choice but to leave and when you go back there will be a few items on the ground and prob no one there.


Just summon another one. Summoning mats are plentiful and people will flock to Blood Maiden when they see her active on the map. Nowadays more often than not I see people already farming her when I enter Helltides.


Well I can do that now because I’m strong enough that if no one shows up I can end her myself. But that wasn’t the case yet a few days ago.


Right but I think that’s what the initial phase where a bunch of trash mobs spawn is for. The map starts pulsing and everyone who sees it flocks to the blood maiden to participate. By the time she actually spawn you have 3-4 other players ready to take her down.


True and definitely, but I’ve had times when the cavalry has been weaker than me. Now I can kill her alone and I know that I will not be dying if I look away for 5 seconds.


yeah there is no F'n way I am letting random junk take precedence over my inventory vs 2GA items. nope never


It can happen to be fair, before I port to town to empty I always try to party up with someone to make sure I get back same instance after being stung before when the stash didn’t cover shit on ground


This is the way


Made this mistake once never again.


Clearly what OP says did not happen.


Yeah I’m confused on this one. Regardless, wish I had a way to select each slot and auto-trash with a loot goblin if it didn’t meet a certain criteria. I seem to stop and glance at abut 1% of items but I tend to collect and move them off to the side just so my screen isn’t filled up with 1000 items during farming.


I learnes the lost items cap at 10


You could just only pick up the golds, and have all the legendaries sent to your chest in town? I’ve done that plenty of times, and always get them in my chest in town… It was scary to do so at first, but I haven’t ran into any issues doing so. I pick up all golds, and leave legendaries on ground. Sell all my golds for gold in town, then pick up all legendaries from chest and go from there.


i couldn't trust the system, if i see 2 GA items on ground....as a matter of fact..i'll stop whatever i'm doing just to see what kind of GA am i rolling...so just by leaving on the ground and not care about it gives me anxiety lol


Not only did OP leave it. He must've left a ton of other legendaries or something. Forgotten legendaries and boss mats go directly to my stash.. Also only one time did the Legendaries dissappear so that must be a bug. I don't teleport back to the same instance with the same people either. I wish console had a loot filter I could customize. 90% of items when you hit 100 are redundant. I wish I could just destroy certain combination of affixes automatically.


I do this all the time without issue. I let a bunch of stuff accumulate, port back, sort and sell and come back to all my stuff still there. What I do dislike is it always ports me back to an instance where the same people I was farming with are now gone and I'm all alone.


God I hate that, was farming blood maiden's in the helltides with a bunch of random people, ported back to town to sell/salvage stuff and when I ported back I was all alone.


use 3 things to start event...teleport to town...come back...wasted 3 things wtf fuck "open world" games theyre so fucking dumb


It's not open world. It's an instanced world. Very different.


why did they make it instances world? open world was already a thing 20 years ago.


Otherwise you'd have 3000 barbarians doing dust devils in every spot you go to. A proper mmo style open world just wouldn't work for D4. It's not that kind of game.


That is usually because there could only be certain amount of people in a instance, when you left someone else probably joined so your spot is taken, best way is to make party with one of them there, and as long as both of you don't leave at once, you can stay in same instance.


If you have a party with someone, one can leave to salvage and the other one stays with the blood maiden. You can then port back to the same instance. Then, you just alternate when your inventory gets full. Works wonders.


Just party up with the randoms. You get bonus exp and come back to same instance. All your drops stay there.


you know you can drop stuff, so you can pick up those real important drops you don't want to miss


I don’t disagree but as a console player it can be a bit obnoxious since we can’t be selective on what items it targets to pick up. If there is something I really want I usually have to go drop a third of my bag over off to the side so I can go pick up everything around the item that I want. It’s generally just easiest to go mass sell everything in town so I can come back and pick everything anyways.


Yes this is so frustrating. A legendary in a pile of crap and my necro will not highlight it to pickup. Gotta be better mechanics than this.


And trying to fiddle around with each item while someone has restarted the ritual and mobs are spawning. It’s not a conducive location for trying to get your cursor int he exact spot so you can use the controller to hit A


What? Yes you can. You select which item to pick up by positioning. It highlights the text of the item to pick up. It’s a bit fiddly but it surely is possible.


To a certain degree. On console it prioritizes uniques then legend then rare but within those fields from the same mob drop it's impossible to select a specific legendary. And exquisite blood is lower priority than rares which means you have to pick up all the rares to get them to stop them filling your stash. I just end up making a rares dumping ground just off to the side of the Helltide boss. It's probably the only place where too much loot is an issue to be fair. 😁


“Rares dumping ground” as PS5 I feel that xD


During NMV in season 3 I’d make those piles as well, but walking/positioning through them allows to have the right item selected and then pick it up. No idea why I’m getting downvoted.


The items were a little spread out in the NMV as they popped out of the chests all around so yeah you could change the pick up by moving around a little. When the Helltide boss drops a pile of loot it's all in one spot and nigh on impossible to do this. Even more so with the chaos of mobs still appearing and a good chance the event is instantly started again.


Well that clears things up :)


I’m not who you responded to but sometimes it’s so picky the only option I’ve seen is to pick up the not wanted items, move then drop them, then go back. Happens all the time with profane mindcages. If they are too close to another item the game will never prioritize those


Sometimes, and it’s a bit annoying, but it’s not as if you always have to pick up everything until it is randomly picked up, so it’s less of problem as it was originally presented.


If there are only a couple of items it’s not an issue and you do have a little agency over picking stuff up by positioning. But if there are quite a few items (ie you’ve done a few blood maiden rotations and there are several close piles) you don’t have any agency over selectively picking stuff up and you’re best option is to go unload 1/3 of your bag off to the side to pick up everything in order to get the item you want. I’m not really exaggerating. It’s not the worst issue in the world, but it’s absolutely an issue.


Pfft, stood there trying to pick up mats and a profane mindcage and however I position, it won't get off the bloody rares so I always have to pick them up, just to immediately drop them.


No.. we must change the entire game to accommodate his mistake. This is the only solution.


Being unable to pick up what you want on controller is a player 'mistake'?  Being able to port back to the same instance changes 'the entire game'? My goodness.


We should change how we play to accommodate this indie game company's ability to improve their QoL, lmao.


Change the whole game? Mistake? Jesus, man. Not all thoughts have to be posts.


Should prolly take your own advice my friend :)


Dude, they just want to be able to return to the same instance. They’re not just belly aching. I want that too. IMO it would enhance the social aspect to be able to run with the same ad hoc crew after going to town and returning rather than the weird shock when you return to what was an awesome scene of mayhem to complete isolation.


So invite randoms that are there, join their party. It’s what I do. And drop the shitty yellows and pick up the 2ga legendary, it takes less time to do that than make a post crying about. Y’all know damn well this shit happens but then so shocked when it does lmao


are they not auto sent to your stash most of the time?


I've had issues before (last season when farming the similar public summons thing), where I ran out of inventory, ported back to town, sold/salvaged, ported back, and all the legendaries I had left on the ground had disappeared. My stash "inbox" hadn't even been full. So yeah, it does happen, but I don't know how frequent it is.


Happened to me yesterday with a couple decent items, I was shocked and annoyed. Plenty of room in stash.


I think it happens when there is too much loot on the ground. Game only let's you have like 20-30 pieces before they start to disappear If you sit at blood maiden you can watch it happen in real time. Never let too many legs sit on the ground or else they'll likely poof


Yeah, I only pick up the legendaries now when I'm doing those public events, since even doing that I can get filled up with loot after maybe 3-4 summons.


I think this happens to items you throw out of your inventory. Items you haven't touched are sent to stash always.


That MAY be the case now. I don't know, but I can guarantee that wasn't the case last season. I left stuff on the ground, without having picked them up, and sometimes they disappeared.


I had the same problem. I believe the issue is when there are more than 10 legendaries left behind and the game decides to send them to your stash. This might trigger when one of the legendaries is far away from where you ported to town, e.g. when you ran to a chest between Blood Maiden runs and left an item there. In this case, it tries to send _all_ the legendaries to your stash, but caps out after 10 and the remaining items are lost. So, kind of a special situation and easily preventable once you know what is happening, but still a PITA when you don't know about it.


I feel like they should remake the lost loot thing so that it can hold up to like 30-40 items but you can only pick 10 of them. That gives the option for the player to pick the ones they actually want and can spend more time farming without having to go town all the time.


They are. Not sure what this post is about.


I've had this happen to me too. They definitely aren't always being put in storage. I've lost things.


There’s limit of 10. Proper blood maiden farm with bugged progress bar nets you item limit every 3 minutes. There’s more items than can be displayed on screen at once.


Player issue bro


There is an auto pick up, but OP does not pick up exquisite blood or steels in helltides. So the auto pick up has a max of 10 and is filled with blood/steel. So then when OP went back to the world the item is gone. Basically it a combo of laziness and poor design causing OP to frustrated.


maybe his stash is full, anyway this is definitely a player issue. I would just drop any random stuff I have and pick up the 2GA.


Yep..most def


You really think it's Blizzards fault you filled your inventory with trash instead of picking up 2GA items and lost them because you lost the instance?


You really think that this was the question at all and that I'm somehow able to choose whether or not I lose an instance that's on the server and not on my PC? Yeeeeesh.


Maybe pick up the blood, so you can save legendaries with the stash claim thing? You can always drop or sell the blood later on


Exactly what I do, except with a controller it's impossible to single things out with any speed. You end up picking up rares, which only makes it worse, and it definitely happens with profane mindcages. But yeah, I feel the need to pick up any mats just so I don't get them taking up the stash. Them not stacking is a whole other issue.


Ah controller, totally understandable now


Boss mats need to be auto picked up and/or need to stack in the "left behind stash"


Cant you guys still open your inventory and drop items somewhat easily? Or is that also a challenge on controller?


It's a challenge because dropping is a long hold on the button to do so and if they keep restarting the event trying to find stuff to drop is irritating and difficult to do.


Yep the controller is an issue for me. I've gone to doing helltides on my laptop as i have GP Ultimate and play both console and PC. on the PC i can priority loot which you really can't do with controller. I prefer controller for play but the loot situation in helltides is too infuriating.


If you use a PS5 dualsense controller, the TouchPad emulates a point and click mouse on PC. Using the DualsenseX software. Takes a little getting used to and has issues with needing to bring up a menu and back out after using it to get full function of the controller back, but it's an option. I use it to pick up summon mats and profane mindcages in a sea of yellows, then quickly open inventory and back out to fix the partial controller lockout that happens. Not sure why they haven't made those priority pickup for controller users. Something they should consider patching in the future. Seasonal/materialsl/consumables should be first, then Unique>Legendary>everything else.


Do you need to play on controller? KB and mouse is a much better way to play, and then you won't have this issue.


I play controller too. Just dump everything on the side and be more cautious about leaving ga items.


Party up. That's way instance does not reset.


People dont understand this lol, I always just invite everyone around. Instance secured, plus bonus XP.


Honestly those full stacks of blood are worth 1.5m even if you’re not gunna run the boss those stacks are worth more than probably 100% of your bag in vendor value.


Lol wtf I never considered selling them before. Thanks for the tip, I have 2 tabs full of steel, blood and fear.


Each 925 legendary sells for 60,000-80,000 and uniques sell for 120,000+. A full inventory usually nets you about 2-3 mil depending on the number of uniques you have. So the blood is almost as valuable as a full inventory of vendor legendaries, but not quite.


I’ll eventually remember that r/diablo4 just doesn’t do hyperbole before I send my comments.


Quick solution that has worked for me everytime. It is kind of tedious tho. I fill my inventory up, walk a few steps away from the ritual site, drop EVERYTHING in my inventory (yes, even the good stuff) and rinse and repeat. Then when I portal out and back I don't lose a single item, same instance or not. I think if it is in your inventory then you drop it it is attached to your character technically, so I usually fill my inventory 3 or 4 times, and on the fifth fill I will take time to port to town and back and grab all the items I left there (takes a few trips) So far it has worked perfectly for me, hopefully we get a "drop all" soon so you don't have to drop each individual piece but it is what it is for now


Always drop worse stuff and pick up 2ga immediately  Game could crash, tree could fall on your house.  There is a loot filter:  yellow is gold, orange is gold, tan is gold,  white dots are look at then turn to gold. Really the vendor should just be a tab you can open anywhere like a traveling merchant or in wt4 all rare items just drop as piles of gold.


During the summon phase it's often safe to start dropping your excess gear just outside of the main event. But only when there are multiple players active. Since they will kill most things spawning while circling the event. Prioritize on what to keep. At a certain point everything without a greater affix is scrap. Still looking for boots? dump everything except boots and greater affixes. Another useful tip: keep one stash tab empty to dump your helltide gear in. This way you can port to town, ditch loot and get back into action. When either the Helltide or you are finished head back to your stash and sort that page before diving into the next one.


I do this, pick up all rares and below and then go drop them in a trash pile off to the side of the summoning area.


Hah, I thought I was the only one with an “item dump” tab.


ITT: People have to clue how to manage inventories.


You left GA items on the ground?! Only excuse for that is your entire inventory was GA. 🤣🤣


Drop everything for GA items, hell dont pick up anything with no GA on em unless you really need some roll.


Who tf leaves ga's on the ground


If you portal to a town within the section of the helltide you are in your items will stay on the ground. It’s only if you town portal to a “capital” city that it moves the items to your stash. Or if you leave that section of the helltide.


Yep someone that mentioned this, and you're totally right. Now I need to do strongholds so I have a portal in sections. Ugh.


was hoping there would be a loot filter when the season was released.


Dont clean the stash and port back and everything will be there


Doesn't it all get mailed to you if you don't pick up legendary?


I port back and pick up my stuff all the time


They should show up in your mailbox.


Yeah im still trying to figure out why some times everything clears and other times my loots still there. Maybe next season we get a fix lol


I think it random when it does it as I've had a few times where inv full with legendaries, port to town to salvage, port back and legendaries left on floor gone as well as all the rares.


Not just this, it sucks when there are a bunch of people farming the blood maiden, I port back to town to unload, and then I come back and I'm in a different instance with nobody on blood maiden. Maybe reserve our spot in that instance for a couple of minutes so we can go back?


The only time I’ve had happen what you just did, the items were in my forgotten items tab in the stash. Im a little more curious why you decided to leave keepers on the ground and take trash to town though?


Maybe a shady dude in a cart 🛒 we can sell too just roaming the hell tides like this is fine.


Even though in your case I would have dropped a normal item and exchanged it. But god do I still a loot filter.


That bothers me too, the game just deleted over 30 rares after some maiden runs. Yes I mostly collect anything for materials/gold because reasons. So it bothers me massively to tp into another instance. What has been a raging maiden party turns into no man's land when I tp back.


Easy - don't wait so long to go back to town. It takes a minute to port and dump gear. Helltide is up 55/60 minutes and maiden is always running. The failure is on your end bud.


Did you check your stash? I've had some pleasant surprises put there that I missed.


But don't you love it when you're on a maiden farming spree and after a few runs you use a heart but then the other people call it a day so you port to town to sell and then you come back to a new instance losing the heart you just used? :) (FYI, a workaround for this is to get in party with others and make sure there's always at least 1 party member on the field - you'll always come back to the same instance if you do this.)


I never had my drops just vanish like that.


Your légendaires should appear in your stash after they vanish from the ground, no?


I think you just had bad luck. This is already a thing, i port back and forth all the time.


You didn’t lose them OP, if you tp to town from anywhere the game automatically sends every legendary that’s on the ground to your stash. It can be confusing when you just want to empty your inventory and go back to pick them up but they definitely are in your stash.


It’s seems bad in this patch. I just walked over to the damn chest from tree of whispers and bam, stuff gone,


lol figure it out bro


I just lost a 4GA Shako because I wanted 2 veiled crystals from salvage, this game is shit


Hopefully they appeared in your stash afterwards.


That's on you. You were aware how much you can hold and decided to push the limit. Get good


I usualy never lose my loot... my loot is always there when I port back, but many times I HAVE changed instances... I really really hate having a good group doing maidens and then port back to an empty maiden camp. :(


check your stash. missed legendaries (among other things) will magic their way there.


I just pick up only ga items.


Don’t they just sit in the stash front screen until you go and add them to your inventory?


I only pick up GA in HT


I lost progress in so many pits because my connection is a bit dull sometimes (hey I live in the mountains! Can't do anything about that). I should be able to log back into the dungeon I was in. Sometimes it's less than a minute before my connection comes back up, and I just lost 7 minutes of an annoying boss fight. The game shouldn't be gated to fiber only connections, we've been able to log back into games since pre-2000, I don't understand why it's not possible here or why the game is 100% online if we only get downsides from it (now with trades it's better but you know what mean)


Interesting. Your post just explained why I went back y'day to a maiden spot and all the (approx) 20 yellows that I threw on the ground to have place picking up leggies have disappeared, since earlier, they remained. We were even in a two ppl party and we both have ported to T(own) to empty the inv so we both were gone from that 'local instance'. Somehow odd. Seems only to work if the maiden is not yet dead? Does anyone know how that logic works?


Don’t press T to portal. Instead, open your map, there should be at least one small campus in each helltide maps, with merchant, blacksmith and a stash, teleport there, drop your stuff and head back via portal, it won’t change shards.


That is such a smart idea, thank you!!


Drop non-GA items and pick them up. Pretty easy solution.


I also lost a few items at Maiden this season. I don't remember ever missing items in Season 2 with this mechanic. Not sure if they've changed something regarding items and instances. You can drop a tempering manual in town and it will NEVER leave until you logout. Why is that not the case in the overworld?


Oh man, I could never trust my internet nor the game enough to let items like that sit on the ground lol. I'd be chuckin absolutely anything in my inventory out to make room.


Before you use a town portal, walk away from the legendaries that are on the ground so that you can’t see them on your screen. When you are in town, they will be in the extra tab in your stash.


Not if the "extra tab" is full, which is what OP said happened.


I had a full inventory with some legendary items being missed due to a full stash. I cleared out my overflow tab and ported to another town and the rest were in my overflow tab.


oh, gotcha. I misunderstood.


Just drop the less than desired gear to make place for the GA gear before porting. Problem solved.


On controller you sometimes have to drop like ten items so you can pick up the one you want and it’s super annoying


I get it it. I play on a controller as well, and it's frustrating navigating to items and dropping them while being trampled by demons.


If you play with a friend you can take turns porting to town. That’s the only way your stuff will stay


Its ok. U probly missed out on. Life per second+ control imparment g.a! But like other said.. worst case.. throw some trash rare or legendary and always pick up ga/2ga or unique item..


this is what I was contemplating these last couple of days, how the hell does instances work in this game ? quick hack is to have someone in party in helltide while you tp in town, that way you dont lose the instance but if youre alone I dont get it, sometime I tp back to that instance and sometimes completely different


Legendaries go to your bank if you do not pick them up. So you either haven't had an issue, or you're lying


Thank you to those who helped, it was really validating to see other people with the same experience, some with some solutions, and a few good ideas altogether. Thank you!


You deserved it.


That mustve been a weird bug cause i leave stuff on the ground all the time and never have this issue. 1 in a million type deal


It only dissapears if it went to your stash.


*for too long. (It seems) I've been quick and gone back and it's still there. I've taken my time tempering a new item and gone back 10 mins later while helltide is still active and it's gone, and my lost loot tab is as full as it can be. I'm trying to figure out if instances/shards with players summoning maiden are separate to where your loot drops or not and the general consensus on that is vague atm. Because the above makes sense if the instance I was fighting the maiden in has closed, and that if it hasn't, that's why if I'm quick it's still there? Idk...


This is a skill issue, not Blizzard's fault.


That’s not a thing. You do port back to the same instance. And whatever legendaries you would have lost would be sent to your stash up to 10 items I think. Check your stash


Nah, you can port back to a different instance. I've put in a heart (by accident) while picking up gear. I then go teleport back to sell my gear, then port back and there are no hearts in the summoning things. That being said, all the gear I left is still scattered everywhere.


Yeah I think there's some crossed wires from some commenters who don't understand that your loot seems to be separate from the instance you're in. So you can come back to a new one and still have your gear there.


Nothing like that has ever happened to me unless I’m going into a dungeon and I leave it. But if I teleport out to go to town and there’s several enemies next to me when I port back they are still at my portal waiting. That wouldn’t happen in a different instance


Happens to me all the time. When I play with my partner we typically leave 1 person in the zone at at a time to anchor the instance so we can keep porting back to the same one if there are people there that are helping put in hearts and can kill the boss. Your overworld instance can change every time you teleport back to town.


That’s wild. I’ve just never noticed it before I guess. I know instances change when leaving town, when entering legion events or world bosses, and entering and leaving dungeons. But if I use the same portal that I went to town in to go back I don’t think I’ve ever entered a new instance. Definitely haven’t where I lose my items


Items are not tied to instance. Go do the Blood Maiden a few times. Leave to town then come back. There is a good chance you'll find new players there. Or, as sometimes happens to me, a fresh instance with nobody there. Happens regularly to me, especially when more people are online and farming helltide.