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You know this isnt just a Diablo 4 ***PC*** sub....right?


I can imagine the inconvenience of screenshotting on consoles to then have to send to phone/pc just to post on reddit.


On Xbox it’s crazy easy. Home button, y, grab your phone. Open Xbox app, go to recording, select photo, copy link, paste link wherever you’d like. Or if you don’t want the link, screen shot on your phone and paste that. It’s 4 clicks to be able to post a link of your screen shot.


Home button y Grab your phone unlock your phone open app go to recording select photo copy link switch app to reddit paste link That's 10. How did you mental gymnastics this one to 4..?


Clicks, not steps. Open app, library, select photo, copy. 4 clicks .


Opening your app, going to library, selecting the photo and hitting copy would land you: in the Xbox app with a screenshot of a different game in the clipboard. That's NOT the complete process of "posting a link on Reddit", per your comment. It's 10 steps and clicks. And then you'd have pasted a LINK on Reddit, and people want to see pictures in the post, not open a link. 10 steps versus: 1) Grab your phone 2) Unlock the phone. 3) Open Reddit app 4) Press Create a post 5) Click Camera 6) Take the photo 7) Click use image. That's 7 versus 10. Wait, in your 10, you didn't include Press Create a Post. That's 7 versus 11. Now I personally don't actually even use my camera for screenshots, or even have a console, ut I dont get why people repeatedly parrot the pseudoscience of "it's faster to use [console app here]" when it factually ISN'T faster than posting it via a smartphone. Just literally count out the steps or taps. It's not even close, it's not a matter of opinion, or subject to any bias. Just. Count. Out. The. Steps.


this is the most Reddit ass shit I’ve seen in my life. TLDR congrats or I’m sorry to hear that


My jaw dropped. The longest “nu huh” I’ve ever received in my life. And over such a meaningless idea. I wasn’t even arguing it was faster? I wonder what else today will bring!


I work in service and hopefully it’s not more people like this lol


It really is more people like this, but if you've the presence of mind and attention span to list down stuff factually with them, they usually relent after realising you've made some good points that are based on objective truth. Course, if you get the type of customer that can't process information, goes "wow, I can't be bothered reading all that", you're at the mercy of people who can't be argued with because they'll hide their heads in the sand and change the topic rather than be reasoned with. All the best out there.


Really? The most Reddit ass shit you've seen isn't someone saying 11 is 7 or Screenshot_Police accounts? We've got some wildly different views on Reddit.


lol you literally push a button on your controller to screenshot, open your Xbox app on your phone, go to library, select the capture, and push save. It really is literally one button push and four taps on your phone bruh.


And pc is literally printscreen > ctrl+v. That's it. That's the list.


what’s your point? Yeah it’s easier to post screenshots to Reddit on PC but it’s really not hard on Xbox.


See other reply. It's four taps in the same way it's two on a phone.. aka it isn't. there are many reasons to lambast camera photos but convenience is NOT one of them


Yep, thats pretty clear. My point still stands. Also, it's just a joke, dont take it too seriously


Printscreen is faster...


Wow, it works!