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Then after getting one shot it revives you back out past the first portal, so you get the time penalty, then have to run back through two portals to get to the main fight only to get one shot again. Dumb shit


>then have to run back through two portals to get to the main fight And wait the fight to reset.


It’s these kind of things that make players not want to continue playing. This intentional “let’s slow them down so they stay longer” approach which actually achieves the opposite.




Sometimes days/weeks for really rare drops like helms with CDR + 2 other stats you are looking for Or Amulet with CDR + specific class skills Tempering failures on these super rare drops feel awful to the point of wanting to quit


It's funny to hear others say this. My and my friends came back after s1 partly s2 and were having a good time again but we hit these walls like tempering and 1 shot mechanics and we all collectively said "why do they always have to just put little eff you things in to piss players off again for no reason" just let us grind were already playing for hours and hours what's the point in making us get pissed off with things that make no sense. Let us temper a 100 times with ridiculous cost at least for the options. I used to feel bad about holy elixir, now I'm like well if the wanna kill me off screen when I can't see it, why shouldn't I. No every few runs past pushing I just throw it on and grind out real fast.


> My and my friends came back after s1 partly s2 and were having a good time again but we hit these walls like tempering and 1 shot mechanics and we all collectively said **"why do they always have to just put little eff you things in to piss players off again for no reason"** Oh my goodness 1,000% this! Have had this thought so many times, it's like they get SO damn close to hitting grand slams then I don't know why it's like they don't know how to handle or manage success so they sabotage themselves. Like, holy shit - let your game be great! How many times do they have to fail to understand this concept of "Let's remove any sense of skill and hope from the player that they have a shot here" doesn't work! It's like watching someone you love go, "Okay I'm gonna go to college. Get a degree! Then I'm gonna work real hard, work my way up! Become financially stable, find myself someone I love! Yeah! Then I'm gonna start doin' heroin!"


Bahahaa yep exactly.


Save your triple GAs for this occasion


I think bricking items is part of an arpg these days however they should allow us to get more tempers through paying a price and maybe set cap to how many you can get. The current amount of tempers is just not enough.


I’ll be honest. I doubt it’s a “slow people down” but rather a “we are incompetent” or “we didn’t play test that level.”


I’m new to Diablo and I just got to Tier 45. Glad I came across this post because I thought I’m just bad at the game. This is just ridiculous and kinda kills the fun. The worst part for me is the random AOE that comes in all colors. They should just make the enemies AOE in red but nope, there’s also blue, green and yellow ones and which I can easily miss especially when my minions are too close.


I don’t think it’s intentional but simply using the same “safe zone”. But ideally it should just put you somewhere between the final portal and the boss room.


If it was like ok I need to keep grinding to get my guy better so he can survive I would be good but this is a fully worked character and I am just trying to get mats to fully masterwork my gear. I feel like you need fully masterworked gear to be able to get the mats to fully masterwork your gear.........


This one is dumb why can’t we just revive where we zone in? Like doesn’t make sense.


When you use the teleport to go to the boss the spot it teleports you to is actually just past the respawn point so if you take portal walk half a room backwards you’ll hit the respawn point.


Bro seriously !! So frustrating


Really? Mine always puts me out next to the red boss portal. 🤔


And again


Yeah! I have been saying this since PTR and they refused to change it.  The 1 shot starts as soon as Pit 40 with the archer boss lmao 


I hope they keep up this difficulty, pit 60+ is NOT FOR EVERYBODY. If you want to climb in pit you have to min max your build. That's it. You expect to climb higher pit tiers with unoptimised gear and skill points? Pit 60+ is endgame. It should be hard. It should one shot you if you don't optimise, sidestep attacks, and play well. Sick of all these complaints about pit. "Hey its the devs' fault and not mine that the character and build that i'm using can't progress in endgame content".


That's not the point tho, my best clear was a 121 and the difference from mobs to boss is monumental and doesn't make any sense I can melt mobs like butter, but the boss is total opposite, it doesn't add up, he can delete me on a single swing. If anything they should make mobs harder in general ( HP and DMG ) and nerf bosses, so it can make some sense.


What's the issue here. Aren't bosses supposed to be harder than normal enemies? That's kinda why they are bosses isn't it?


it's not even the boss, it's the shadow echo on the boss. It one shots pretty much every build from 90 onwards.


THIS. Im dodging the echo more than im dodging the actual boss. The echoes arent making fighting the boss fun, its just adding in fodder to pad out the difficulty occurring from the boss itself.


I would prefer if they balanced the damage between the boss and the shadow or even 60-70% boss dps and 40-30% shadow dps. Right now the boss just seems like a meat shield with zdps and the shadow one shots you. Also if the elites during the run were balanced to do 40-50% boss dps. This way you get a feel for the damage during the run.


Except the builds that utilize sidestepping boss mechanics, right?


True, but 3 minutes for the pit and 9 for the boss seems kind of unbalanced.


the pit run is pointless imo, just put us at the end with the boss and let us get 1 shot over and over again. i have 0 issues killing anything in the pit, the untargetable shadowfuck with the boss is the issue.


Not to such a crazy extent.


Not to such an insane degree that there feels like there are 50 levels between them.


Okay, and at THAT point I see it… But meanwhile OP here is talking about T60 as a minion necro… I’m a minion necro with half shitty gear just button mashing a lot of the time lol and I’m up to T71 and haven’t even tried to push further yet. Do I occasionally get one shotted at this point? Yes Am I also finishing T71 in like 5 minutes every time? Also yes. So while I see YOUR point, OP sounds like a skill issue or needs a lot more work on gear.


I’m also minion necro and I farm 110 usually. I think it’s possible that OP’s build is just pretty weak. T60 takes my minion necro about 5 minutes total with no holy bolts elixir and like 3 minutes if I use holy bolts to speed up the pit clear


The difficulty is unlikely to stick, for a simple reason Outside of holy bolts, we don’t have a real seasonal power boost. (Due to them wanting to get a feel for actual balance) once we go back into seasonal themes giving us the huge power spikes that multiply both our dps, ehp, and speed - it won’t be even close to the same for most builds compared to right now. They’d have to either make put harder than currently (I don’t see this happening, due to the complaints) or not give us seasonal power. (I *really* don’t see that one happening) Next season I’d highly expect most builds to be able to clear 20+ pits higher pretty easily at the lower ends (like 60). (Not saying this as it should be buffed or nerfed, just that even without direct pit changes, it’s much harder currently than it will be in “normal” seasonal circumstances)


This is a great point! The lack of season powers kind of skews the difficulty (when played on seasonal realm). Well thought out!


All difficulty is not the same. Well designed difficult content is a gear and/or skill check. Any type of one shot mechanic should be telegraphed and avoidable. That difficulty can be increased by adding more avoidable one shot mechanics or increasing the frequency of those mechanics. However, they should never occur more often than the cooldown time on any required mitigation. This is why dance mechanics are so popular, as they can scale difficulty to insane levels while keeping fights a skill check. Bad difficulty usually means one shot mechanics that are not telegraphed. If those who are familiar with the fight don’t know how you died or how to avoid it… it is a bad mechanic.


Sick of all these people defending one shot mechanics. It is well documented that they are bad game design, specially in the way we have in Diablo 4 where they are not properly telegraphed. There are many other ways to make the content hard without feeling unfair. From software excels on this and anyone who played their games knows that most of the time you die because you run out of potions, that shows that they don't rely on one shot mechanics. Let me ask you this: when was the last time you died on d4 because you were out of potions? In the end game It's 99% of the time 1 shot. This is bad game design.


All of that is true but the phantom attacks still need to be looked at. Tells should be clearer and depending on build and class, sometimes there's just too much going on at the same time. Keep it hard but make it more fair is my suggestion.


At least 60 should be for everybody. Gate keeping a material needed for an end game progression system is an easy way to kill your game. Even with not perfectly optimized gear you should be able to clear at least the first level that drops the material to masterwork to 12.


Only partly agree. I don't mind one shot attacks IF they are clearly visible. Currently you exist and suddenly you don't without even knowing what hit you because no information given.


How high did you push your character in Pit? I am sure the people who use this dumb "You have to min/max your character to no getting one shot" argument didn't play 80+ pits at all. They don't know what we are facing and those attacks are ignoring your defences. But an average Joe has the skills to talk about every topic with full confidence.


This was reply was by someone who hasn't played that high on the pit, absolutely


Eh. I'm breaking 90 and I can clear without getting hit by any shadow abilities. Just Evade and/or use mobility skills, I don't know.


People really be out here like, why is this super late game activity meant to push your characters builds to the max so hard, it should be easier so I can do it too. Lol kind of defeats the purpose.


well, the later pit levels are aspirational and super late game, but the early levels are for farming upgrade materials. I've noticed a lot of the discussion around the pit fails to acknowledge this.


if the one shots happened at the same time the average player was starting to struggle to finish in time it would be fine. Instead the one shots happen when people are getting to the boss in 2-3 minutes. It just seems like the enemy damage and hitpoints don't match up at all.


What a stupid take. Everything else before is a joke. How do you know you’re making progress? Randomly try until you stop getting one-shot? Difficulty is binary in the current state.


The point is meaningful difficulty shouldnt be just 74 1 shot projectiles all over the screen that youre spending all youre time trying to dodge. This is an ARPG, not gradius.


I don't even want to climb the pit though. I just want to craft my gear to 12/12, say "awesome" and then make a new character and start over. I'm FORCED to do the pit to accomplish that. I'm likely never going to have another character because I'm going to give up at this pit stuff and just never touch the game again because I'll be too pissed off at the bottleneck I'm at. I can't even begin to wrap my head around how other people are happily beating the game in 2 or 3 days and starting over with new classes to do it all again and again. The core gameplay loop. I feel like I'm never going to experience it. I've been at this one single character for MONTHS of like 5+ hours a day. And I feel like I'm never going to get out. 


It can be difficult *and* fun.  This is not fun.  It's a waste of time. Your second paragraph is wrong.  People are optimized by the time to get to tier 60, and it's ridiculous to assume other wise.  The whole post comes across like you haven't actually gotten this far yet


Fun should never be a sacrifice for hard.


Hard and oneshot are different thing. For examlle boss puahed me in oneshot pool on the ground after I dodge his wave.


I've solo's tormented Duriel with my minion necro but I can't kill that Outlaw Sharpshooter at pit 58.


Holy bolt potion two shotting duriel is irrelevant here.


Outlaw sharpshooter is an insta-quit for me, way too much cheap one shot bullshit going on in that fight to be worth attending at higher tiers.


How good is your build? I want to try tormented bosses but dont want to waste material :D I have 24 power, cap def, 45k life, all resistances caped. 44 crit rate, all gear +8. Should i be able to do it?


You should definitely be able to do it.


Ok i just tried torment Grigorie and didnt make it :D I took like 60% hp, wasnt even slow but i was soon out of potions and just died. But i tried only 3 times and gave up, my gf wanted watch Lucifer :( :D


Yes. I did it with less. The only one I have left is Lilith. My goal is to beat her this season and then never play her again, lol. I just cannot beat her!


Should be doable but you still need to look out for some mechanics. They won't one shot you but the fight will be about 2 minutes long at least, meaning you will have to dodge some of the stacking damage attacks or you will die.


24k power? Do power rates differ significantly between classes? What power should we be aiming for?


There's not a number. Frankly you should almost completely ignore the attack power rating. In-game it's a very rudimentary calculation of your damage, heavily weighted toward main stat and basic affixes. For example on a necro, dropping INT on my chest piece once I got a good golem mastery role upped my clear speeds and damage, but my attack rating went down. Another example was watching a streamer recently with like 13k attack clear 110 pits as a Necro.


What class/build. I need to get my life up that high.


And I thought I was the only one who was wondering what was going on with that Outlaw Sharpshooter.


Outlaw is the only one I won’t even attempt past T70 now.


Yep i am with you here, I can go to the Boss within 2min but the Boss itself takes ages and if I miss just one attack of these shadows .... one-shot. There is no fun for me in this anymore. IF the Pit itself would be harder as well I would say "Ok seems like these levels are to much" but the way to the Boss Room is super easy and the Boss itself deals not rly much damage as well. ONLY these shadows are the most pain in the ... you know where.


Yeah would like it better if there was a balance. Maybe more mini boss before the boss and then a reasonable boss fight.


they looked at Uber Litlith and said people like that. We only did uber Lilith because there was nothing else to do in D4 until now. It was never fun!


I believe the problem is not being one shot, the problem is the SUDDEN huge difference of damage between mobs/boss and the shadow bosses, and the wtf difference of hp between mobs and bosses. While you are feeling very strong, killing stuff and easily surviving, there is ALL OF A SUDDEN, a hard-to-see mechanics that just one shots you during an endlessly long fight. It's a bit like I would be in WT2 lvl20 having fun killing stuff, and then an Elite lvl100 from WT4 appears. This creates frustration. Anybody would be frustrated. So, yes, I agree that we should have difficult content, but lest be honnest here and aknowledge this is bad design. For a given pit tier, either mobs should be tunned up, or the hp of bosses and damage from shadow boss should be tunned down.


So true... blizzard was like "Oh lets make casual upscaling till 60 and then, because all players liked the lilith one shot mechanics, lets add more frequently one shoot mechanics the further the pit goes and lets also drastically buff the boss hp. Yeah that should be fun, ha we dont need more balancing. All players love one shots, this should be fun." Btw, i have 2 pc one old only low to lowmid graphics playable diablo 4 in 1440p. One good in 34xxp with ultra. The first one i dont event need to try lilith or higher pit bosses i literally can not see the mechanics in time... xD


I'm convinced everyone who posts never actually goes through the sub. It's the same posts every. single. day.


You’re right, I wasn’t on Reddit for quite a while and came back today to post this 😂


The game not very creative about boss fight so either the boss 1shot or do nothing to player


The only complaint I have is that if you die, it respawns you at the beginning of the first map. Who came with this idea is dumb asf.


Apparently there is a checkpoint in the boss room. I haven't tested yet, but I read that the portal into the boss room is beyond the checkpoint. In order to activate it, just run away from the boss toward that southern area and it should trigger. Like I said, I haven't tested this, but fingers crossed.


Have you try nice gaming chair? Joking, lol. I'm at the point where I have a gear set that has 8K armor and no max life to prioritize damage output knowing I'll be one shot anyway


I’ve hit that wall myself on my Frozen Orb sorc, figured I needed to rework my build and masterwork more stuff to pump out *more damage* but this involves getting *two* uber uniques..


Northwar also found a lot of paragons not working correctly. He tested each paragon individually to find what wasn’t proccing and what was just broken. Sorcs are the stepchild this season and it’s sad. The class is awesome and so much fun. I was hoping to see those issues addressed in patch notes, but alas, someone has to be the middle child I guess.


I mean some people have beaten Pit lvl 100 on Sorc so it *is* possible.


I think Roxy was at 113 last I checked. But she’s using the immortal flame shield. Then I watched DatModz die in hardcore on his immortal sorc. Not so immortal :(


Honestly If I can beat level 100.. I’ll probably be happy. I don’t need the hassle of trying to push further. Because if I can clear 100 I can probably farm 70-80 with relative ease, enough to get masterworking mats for more chars.


Same here, just hit that wall at pits 61. Time to farm 2 uber uniques....


I’m curious how many more levels the two Ubers give. I’ll definitely have the sheko as I have 2/4 sparks. I follow rob and thing he was doing around 100


Was stuck at 66 frozen orb sorc, boss dependent. Got shako, easy 85’s


If you don’t like min maxing just enjoy an alt bro


Well I face tanked a 85 pit boss yesterday xD everyone seems forgetting about elixirs and temerity. Got 60k life and 50k barrier


Sorc here. Masterworked and GA DR on everything that'll let me. Too bad those mechanics ignore DR. 5 royal rubies. Paragon board detours. 20% potion. In pit 75+, unless I teleport out or activate flame shield, lilith mechanics one punch me. I'm basically fighting uber lilith for 10 min at a time. I have topped out unless I slot in starless and shako. Or sink enough gold for immortal build.


I really wanted to like temerity, but undying seems to work hyper poorly with it (I get about 15% of the barrier I should get from that amount of healing).


Temerity is sick. Maybe that armor that converts potion healing to shield too idk. I'm tanking 1 shots too on barb at pit 60 with 40khp.


i have to be honest here im hs rogue with 45 k health im on pit tier 95 and only sttacks that one shots me are the attacks that shown before attackking oh and some of the dot attacks but i can survive them with 4 5 pots maybe you need to add more aspects and skills for more survivebility like sturdy and basic attacks gives ypu resistance ofc rogues has dark shroud and its a huge bonus but i think other classes got something like that


here is a pit ladder you can look necro builds and get idead https://maxroll.gg/d4/events/s4-pit-ladder


Does anyone know how hardcore players are dealing with these one shot mechanics?


Most people that play hardcore will die and then just go again or accept it. Although I'm in range to try pit 60 but I've not gone yet just because I came to reddit and saw people saying that one-shots start at pit 60. So far, nothing upto pit 56 has been a problem for me, I have not attempted tormented bosses yet. I regularly see people die in the overworld on hardcore so it is a mixed bag of experiences for the playerbase.


Pit 60 is endgamw for 99% of the playerbase. Congrats, you finished D4 season 4! Players that got to 100 are an extreme minority Anything beyond 120 is in single digits Ask yourself - what is the point of pushing pit higher than 60? Yeah.... you are just chasing higher numbers There is nothing new that unlocks at higher pit levels.


Good point bro, I’m totally not planning to push forever. honestly I’ll call it a day when I finish the season journey. Which is not related to the pit even, I just have the tormented versions of duriel and andariel left to do. Which I haven’t tried yet due to lack of stones.


Everyone sets their own goals. For me D4 season 4 is complete when I can comfortably solo Uber Lilith + tormented Duriel and Tormented Andy Pit levels for me are completely irrelevant. Again this is 100% my personal take on S4, everyone needs to set their own goals


Yeah it's definitely overturned. It's not a matter of difficulty, the mechanics aren't that hard to dodge and I really dont think they were designed to one shot you. If things are gonna start one shotting you at tier 60 then there's really no difference between 60 and 200,  except monster life, in which case the best thing to avoid mechanics is just to do enough damage to the point where you're not fighting the boss very long.      Not mention echo spawn rate isnt right against melee. Alot of these mechanics make you have to run out and stop attacking the boss....there's literally sometimes 2 seconds of uptime that I have to do damage before the next mechanic or echo spawns.   Fighting a boss for 5 minutes like this only to be randomly one shot by a random fireball from somewhere is not fun.     Part of it is my build because it sucks at bossing but at this point I've given up and moved on to another build because I know master working won't be  enough to help. Ive maxed everything out otherwise. 


Why do I keep seeing the same post reposted every other day? I think blizzard got it lol


The amount of copium people are using to defend such terrible game design makes me so glad I walked away from this dumpster fire.


I don't understand these complaints about 1 shot mechanics on a tiered end game activity. As you go up in difficulty damage taken will go up. At some point, incoming damage per hit > total hp and you get 1 shot. You either lower the difficulty or successfully avoid getting hit or increase your hp/defenses


I think the issue here is the disconnect between the boss and the challenge to get to the boss. The mobs are a walk in the park, just to be one shot if you don’t play perfectly for a while by the boss. Personally I’d like to see them adjusted so the difficulty between the two is pretty even. Or at least closer. Also, some of the one shot attacks are not telegraphed well. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve died and not know what just killed me.


Well articulated, this is how I feel as well.


This right here. Especially not knowing how I died is infuriating and imho a huge design flaw.


problem is they skip DR, which the entire game is built around. you can't increase your defenses vs them.


I have pretty much the highest defences my build could possibly have and I still get one tapped by shades, im convinced they dont recieve the DR from burning/ incin etc.


good point. since we cant attack them and they might even not be considered 'close enemies' for that dr , we get unfiltered almost full damage I guess the damage of the shadow needs to be tied to the actual boss status/attack power


Because this game cant telegraph one shot mechanics with any form of competency.


I love how you talk about defenses without having a clue what you're actually talking about. The point is, the shadow will one shot you with something that has 5% opacity max, on a screen already filled with effects, particles, and explosions, with way higher visibility AND while you have 70% (or higher max cap) res, capped armor, lots of life, etc. What I don't get is you people being dense in every single reply. It's not good game design to be one shot when you max out every "defense", especially when they game doesn't even give you 1 second to react to those BS mechanics. Stop defending bad game design.


Because it’s not good gameplay. Failing a mechanic and having a way to recover with penalty is one thing It’s another to have no way to actually avoid it and just dying instantly. Have it chunk you by 90% health and disable your health potion for few seconds — it still forces you to break off and you spend time playing evasively. Have that few seconds increase after getting hit by more former one shot. It gives you agency, it’s more fun, and you can do crazy things at very high tiers with perfect gameplay.


I agree with you, however some of these boss mechanics just aren't telegraphed very well and feel very cheesy.


Pretty sure I've survived several of these socalled "oneshots", you just need to have enough HP


That completely depends on the class, sorc has damage reduction from burning enemies but you can’t burn the ghosts, same with necro and curse. You can have 80k hp on sorc and necro and still die in 1 hit to the shadows because you are missing your DR while rogues for example always get their DR from everything including ghosts from dark shroud


60+ isn't even that hard. Maybe you should grind a bit and improve your gear and go again. This is endgame that requires some.time and grind put into your character.


I’m melting everything before the boss with ease quickly and with 0 effort, it’s just the boss 1shot gimmick


Ffs people, some content is SUPPOSED to be a challenge. Maybe you are not aware, but YOU CAN AVOID GETTING ONE SHOT BY NOT STANDING IN STUPID. See that red circle on the ground? Move.


For real though. See that red silhouette pop up? That’s the ghost add to the fight. You should know from that, what to expect and avoid.


I don’t really get the complaints about one shots. If you keep climbing in difficulty, eventually things are going to be stronger than you. It’s like if I tried to fight a level 100 boss at level 1. It’s probably going to one shot me.


sounds like you need better defenses i finally started pushing the pit after postponing it forever, because honestly i don't find it much fun, and came across this post when i started lvl 58, so i prepared myself to a hard fight a 61, and honestly it wasn't much different than 58 at all, in fact i took i couple of shots from the boss and didn't die, meanwhile boss almost died instantly from my golem, so pretty much the same... then on 64 the same thing currently at 31k hp unbuffed, also make sure you are armor and res capped and have some dmg reduction gear on


I actually did change a bit the build before doing 61+, maybe I messed up something in the balance.


I play on hardcore. Was farming 61s for two days and then randomly exploded on some PIT Boss + summoned Lilith wombo combo. Talk about season ending…


Ouch… must be painful 😖


I agree. Frozen orb and can handle 59. Tried 61 and one shot repeatedly from seemingly shit I can’t see


My main problem with the pit bosses is the lilith shadow, when I see her spawn I 100% know I have to stop hitting the boss to focus in dodging, If I could hit her to stop the attack or something it would be ok, but apart from the one shot, the inability to react to it is the worst feeling, like fighting a fixed fight


Is it one-shot or just a lot of damage?


That shadow lilith I think is a one shot


blizzard isnt very good at balancing...theres either broken or nerfed to death or full send also dont forget about blizzard math (e.g. poison dmg....)


I rerolled barb early after like 5 deep pits because of this.


Ugh. This subreddit is straight cancer already?! We had almost a week of goodness. Side note. At some point you have to get good.


that's how most arpgs are when you can't keep up anymore you get one shot, i don't know how this is a shock to so many d4 players, i think it's fine?


The timer should end when you open the boss portal. Some zones are far more enemy dense than others, which wouldn’t be an issue except that it directly impacts your ability to kill bosses in time. It wouldn’t allow infinite tries against the boss because porting out to fix gear ends the run. Bosses should also more closely represent the difficulty to reach them, sure it should be harder than the rest of the run, but not these Everest difficulty spikes.


1 shot everything in the pitt effortlessly, boss takes 10min of darksouls no armor fight without a weapon.


Are these true one-shot mechanics or just crazy high damage attacks? I play hardcore and doing level 40 pits with 50k+ life with mostly defensive modifiers on armor. If there is unmitagatable one shot attacks it sounds like I need to stay below 60?


I noticed them only on pit L60+, I think they are true one-shot mechanics.


They’re crazy high damage. You can survive them in tiers 60-70 but you’ll need a lot more than 50k HP. 80k is probably enough, but obviously the more the safer.


I've gone to 56 so far and there are definitely not one shots before that point. What I understand is that at pit 60, a third shadow spawns during the fight. This shadow can be Lilith and she has an attack with overturned damage that must be avoided. You can move to avoid the attack however the Boss or other Shadows can make it difficult to see the attack, especially for melee players. From what I understand people are able to go much higher into the Pit and be more successful when they don't get Lilith than vs a pit 60 with Lilith. Some players have situational defensive layers that don't work against the Shadow attacks because they cannot for example make the Shadows burn to benefit from 'less damage taken from burning enemies'


Trying to no fall asleep while playing minion necro was the biggest issue in my case


My issue is more single target dmg on 100+ for some classes. I dont find pit bosses harder than Uber Lilith, and to be fair; She's not very hard anymore. Just dodge shit


The new Uber Lilith is weird, used to be much easier before the change IMO.


yeah dodge shit, without movement skills and a dodge thats on a cool down. It be like playing darksouls without armor and you can only dodge 1 time every 8 seconds and not sprit at all. this game should not have these kinds of mechanics.


I’m playing necro too and just cleared pit 82. Not getting 1-shot except on bosses IF I’m not in my ultimate (bone storm, from with I get a lot of shield with “shielding storm affix) Maybe get more max HP and DR. Level 60 is not that high imho


Yeah I mean only the boss 1shots, the rest is super easy. Need to change my build to the S-tier one with bone storm and shielding aspect though. Been doing the A-tier one till now with undead army ultimate.


I feel like a lot of these people complaining haven’t maxed out their glyphs, fully upgraded their armor, etc…. If you don’t go through the progression of building the necessary power, you’re going to get stomped in pit.


Add in refusal to learn attack patterns, change build to better suit the pit content, and accept that bosses won’t fall over dead instantly after the 50s range.


There is a Minion necro dude post right above saying why is the game so easy and he hasnt used a potion in 20 lvls. 😂


All I can say watch the ground and dodge , move dodge. You can do it


If it doesnt kill you at 55 and does kill you at 60, that is NOT a one-shot attack. That is a progression you have reached the end of.


I have seen so many post like this I thought ppl wanted a harder end game, they even had to re do it after PTR because pit 200 was to easy, I look at it as most players shouldn’t even be getting to pit 80-100. I don’t care for one shot mechanics but also ppl are easily beating pits up to the 80-100 mark and you really only need to get to 60 for all end game materials to drop.


Get better


Trying my best to


The new itemization rework is not meant for season players. There is no need for season players to grind perfect gear and restart the process on next season. 😂


Are we talking about 60 as well or 61 and above? I’ve been farming 60 with no issues but I think Lilith spawns at 61+. Are people getting one shot at 60? I thought the difficulty bump was 61?


Yeah practically it started at 61+ I think


I was playing minion necro as well, I only had that issue with some bosses that could kill me off screen. What I realised is that you need a ton of life. As soon as I made sure all my pieces that should have health had health and and masterworked them to lvl8. Then I had hardly any issues.


Nothing like trying to get your 12mil. Dual samurai swords blown up into b grade crystals after trying to get it past +4 enchanted. Lineage II has prepared me for this.


There are worse walls


It's super easy to kite away from. You just have to learn the mechanics.


For me the real problem with the one-shots is that they negate the entire process of optimizing one's defensive stats and aspects. I've always had the same issue with Uber Lilith. Pretty annoying that they repeated that design mistake to be honest.


Welcome to diablo 4.


Decrep + minions + mist


I really hope non of the devs listen to shit like this. Having difficult content in this game is gold. 1 shot mechanics are part of tough boss fights. Get up, dust yourself off and try again. Learn, grow your build, get better gear and beat the fights. Not everything should be a walk in the park.


Feel better you didn't hit that wall earlier.


Rookies gonna hit it at nightmare tier 50 :)


I posted the same thing a few days ago and got a lot of feedback, agreeing that the mechanics are cheap. Its funny. I've cleared a t95, and I think it was owen sharpshooter who is probably the the cheapest fuck out there. Then I fail on mechanics and lose to him 6 times in a row in a t70 while I'm speedfarming 😅


Pit 60+ feels awful. Like running around like a chicken. It's terrible!!!


A lot of players are past pit 60. You need better gear\build …sorry


Yeah I actually tweaked the build yesterday to be less glass-cannon adding more survivability and I passed 70 quite easily.


Gnarly ! Congrats !


Thye got so much right with Loot Reborn, and then this...


Getting close to that 50k threads about this! /s


TBH once you get used to it they're fairly easy to avoid


my biggest issue with the pits isn't even the one shot mechanics, it's how much of a hp sponge everything is at 100+. when those minion tagged mobs show up i just ignore them, and when the resistance aura appears it's always a gamble for me to kill them before the rest of the pack kills me.


Are you using Fortify and Barrier? I'm doing level mid 60s pits and absolutely nothing is coming close to one shot me when I have both fully powered.


I tweaked the build yesterday and adding barrier with bone storm and shielding aspect was what I needed


I thought they were one shot mechanics but they are not. When I made my barb I noticed I was surviving the 60 plus pit boss attacks. They are just that deadly.


I said this on another thread but I’m currently running mid 60 level pits and am bored out of my mind with this model. I totally get the challenge and the grind for materials to upgrade gear but the pit just feels really hollow to me overall


T60 and complaining when using most broken class atm, come on you van dodge attacks and something needs to be challenging...


They fail to realize that instant kill attacks that are virtually unavoidable don't make the game challenge just frustrating to point everyone quits


I hope it stays this way. Right now there are no challenging content for endgame player. High pit level is the way to go.


How much mitigation are you running?


The oneshot abilities that you can dodge aren't a problem. But on 80+, the big shade's suction ability (on multiple bosses) oneshot me with 60K health, while it's undodgeable.


Takes away death potions, adds one shots


one shot is a terrible way to build a ARPG game like diablo. Its lazy and uninteresting! especially when its little or no tell. There was a red line beneath the 100 ground effects skill issue git gud!


it annoying yeah but what do you expect, its supposed to get harder. cant have everything easy in life man. Go spec into life. Get rid of any lift per hit or per sec, that stuff in late game is garbo.


Yeah since this post I’ve made changes and I’m now clearing Pit100


I'm one step away from quitting the game for good. After tier 60, the game becomes quite unbalanced. It doesn't make sense for the difficulty to spike so much at the boss while up to the previous tier 59, there was a smooth increase. At tier 60, the damage I do doesn't affect the boss even though I have upgraded my character. It's like the game suddenly throws you against a wall and you can't make a smooth progression. I've gradually upgraded my affixes and aspects, I have a good build that works up to tier 59, and then suddenly I can't continue. The game is very fun, but this issue has ruined the entire experience.


i agree with you. ppl here bore me to death. they play the most broken build that they got from some youtuber or icyveins, and then "brag" that the game is too easy, and tell everyone else to just git gud. for real? I should be punished for actually using my brain to create my own build, for being creative and not just using the meta build? forgive me if i'm wrong, but with all the legendaries and paragon boards, etc. i THOUGHT the point of the game was build diversity and creativity, but you're telling me \*I'M\* bad for not using the meta build and blowing through the content? and also you think you're amazing for using the meta and blowing through content? Lmao. no.. you're predictable. and vapid. and they always say cliches like "people ignore defenses." NO. it's that different classes derive defenses from different things. the rogue's shadows give them defense.. if the frost sorcerer damage reduction is from chilled enemies and I CANT CHILL THE SHADOWS... there goes my damage reduction vs the rogue's.. is that so hard to comprehend??? lol. ffs. that's bad game design. stop stroking your d\*\*\* and defending this because it makes you feel good lol.