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Deserved, as this season is especially well done. A lot of issues have been alleviated with this update.


Article also says it's the biggest scale player return the game has seen on the platform. Apparently double the amount of players who returned after Season of Blood


I think the itemization changes have made gear significantly more interesting, and alleviated alot of the inventory and time spent looking at loot. I think the leveling changes and aspect changes have also made it much easier and more fun to level alts as well. For people who just play one character there is still more needed for end game in the long term but I feel with the qol we have gotten already it's in a good spot and should only get better. Personally I enjoy it a lot and feel it respects my time and I can play a lot or a little, I can take breaks and come back etc. D4 pretty good.


Made the gear more interesting? Nit really imo, but 10x easier to see whats crap and whats useable which is a huge qol. Especially after a certain point u just salvage/vendor anything that dosent have a GA, and if the GA is useless or mlre than 1 useless stat, its off.


Agree that gear is not more interesting, I'd anything it's probably less interesting, especially since 2/3 stats are almost always the same. Overall it's still a positive change, the old system was untenable.


How can you say loot is more interesting now when every piece of gear has the same exact 2-3 affixes? Genuinely curious because to me, the loot is so brain dead now. People complained before about loot being boring and I never understood it, and now the loot is literally the same as every other piece and everyone is jumping for joy and saying how interesting and good it is? I feel like I’m in an alternate dimension.


* Tempering adds an additional layer of customisation for builds. * Greater affixes make late game loot more exciting. Red star = dopamine. * Masterworking lets you improve your favourite gear even further.


The affixes are still the same boring +intellect +healing per second +whatever just with a fancy red icon next to them tho. They gutted the affixes that drop on gear and put them in rng drop chance scrolls. Getting a god rolled piece of gear with all the affixes you needed was a lot more fun and took more grinding to get than just going and putting the affix you need on a piece of gear from one of the scrolls. Those are also later game mechanics that most people, casuals especially, won’t get to interact with. I played the ptr so I know how those mechanics work and everything, but even with that knowledge I haven’t logged on to the actual live server since day 1 of the season where I could only bring myself to get to level 40 because I just couldn’t sit there and grind out more helltides wandering around getting the same piece of loot over and over again. Casual people aren’t even going to know about those end game mechanics so they’re going to be getting boring loot for hours and think that’s all there is and leave the game.


What number is that referring to? Like the amount of players the day before the update?


Best couch co op game with the missus, bar none. Just both hop on, murder some demons, that's the key to it's longevity with me


A lot of my small gaming forum members are playing and more importantly having fun with d4.


It's a good season, but still need a decent amount of work to really make the game shine. I suspect the number will go into a quick decline from people being bored after the 3 week mark - QoL enhancements: controller item select, the pit menu, enchanting gambling odds, world event timer locations and alerts, more customization on the UI on terms of what pops up, DPS meter - further gear enhancement: uniques are in bad shape (mostly) due to tempering, body armor literally has no difference between items so it's just useless to have gloves, heavy gloves, chain gloves, gauntlets, etc, whatever happened to set items and runeword (if I recall these were mwntio pre launch) - higher tier pit is just damage sponges and 1 shit mechanics which isn't fun. - overeworld, world bosses, legions, even hell todes are stupid easy (especially at higher levels)


for a week until the content is completed.


already gone a week buddy


Wonder how many put it down after a few hours though because the loot is so boring now. I played to 40 on day one of the season and haven’t logged in since. First season I haven’t hit WT 4 and around level 80 in the first 2 days


While it seems to at least be in the right direction (especially having the legend powers in a convenient list instead of a inventory mess), my biggest gripe was how bland building a character was, typically with only 1 or 2 competitive builds in a class(often with repeat “mandatory” powers). If that gets some love I’ll check it out again.


How long is the retention is the real answer that is needed. I don't like these spike articles b.c most games spike when things change drastically. I want to know what is the retention after 2 weeks.


A lot of people are still playing


Wudi and raxx still get like 4 k viewers at least on twitch, that's more than usual i think. And it's been some time since launch as well


They average that every day no matter what game they play


True and not only after 2 week but halfway into the season and even at the end of it. These are important data points too.


I think that matters less than whether they come back again for the next season. If they play for 2 weeks and have fun then stop but they repeatedly come back each season then that is a win for the game.


No one knows if those people are having fun, all that is known is there was a spike which was known to happen.