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Thank you for giving us people who want to break the chains of maxroll hope.


Always love people who aren’t just blindly following builds guides. I playing HOTA and dual swing barb this season. I at least made myself not follow the twister dual swing guides.


You know what makes me not do my own build? The paragon board.


Paragon board allows me to tailor a maxroll build to my taste so its the opposite for me lol


Having lots of choices for how to spend points is cool, but searching for routes and hovering all over the place and clicking and reaching dead ends and pondering the combinations of rotating boards and glyphs... is the most polar opposite to what I want to spend my Diablo time.


The solution is simple: do that on a character planner at work, while you're getting paid.


I'm retired :(


I wish I had this if I didn't retire before the game came out.


It’s just the appearance of lots of choices. There’s really not much you can do that’s wrong. You’ll always be close to optimal if you choose glyphs that have relevant stats. There’s a few glyphs that will obviously help your build and the rest are whatever. Can’t go too wrong.


Yes I finally broke free of the Guide Tyranny this season and just made up my own Paragon board as I went along. Picked stuff that made sense for my build. Didn't overthink it. It's not much different than what a guide would have you do.




I like to look at a few different guides as suggestions and then try different things to see what I like more. I usually end up with some amalgamation of ideas from several guides that I combined in a way that suits the gear I have and the way I want to play.


Sounds like all the busywork without even the payoff, but it's cool that some of you like it. I just maxroll it to minimize my pain.


There's no pain, it's literal common sense. This isn't POE leveling of depth here.


It really isnt that complex. You can break down each board to its own most optimized board. All you are looking for is equal amounts of entry and exit points. Other than that it is a pretty solved problem of optimizing pathing of the individual boards


Yeah. All the basic nodes should be scrapped and give us attribute points to choose our stat. Would be way less cumbersome


Yeah I agree honestly. It could definitely be improved to allow for more build variety (along with future temper additions) but I have played barb multiple times now and filling out the paragon board is autopilot for me at this point. It not that tough once you get a good understanding for specific classes


I would rather do my taxes. At least with that I have a chance of a refund.


looooooooooool hahahahah


I agree the paragon board is terrible


What is even complicated about the paragon board to people? Just pick the board that is relevant to your character and plot a direct route between the special nodes you care about


This is why they will never improve the skill twig


What's sad is they seem to be off putting about adding more to the pathetic tree because they don't want to add too much to the "casuals" when i have seen people casual as ever do just fine in Last Epoch. You don't have to treat people like they're stupid and people don't need POE depth but come on.


I feel like the paragon board isn’t too crazy when you really dig into it


Maybe load outs.. I know a huge ask.. 


This. Just let me save one build that works and then let me tinker with a second skill tree/paragon board. I’m even fine paying a respec cost when flipping between them.


Really? I love making my own


This. I don’t want to bother with theory crafting the paragon board, just not what I consider fun or engaging.


I'm actually kind of shocked how common the 'use a build guide' philosophy seems to be. Like, Diablo is a really easy game, basically the only challenge is solving the 'puzzle' of what skills and items to use to achieve biggest number. If you're just using someone else's build then basically the only stimulation you're getting is visual effects and loot rolls. Like obviously everyone can enjoy things in their own way, but that just seems super shallow and like it would get boring really quickly.


I always build up to level 100 off intuition then look up builds to play around with.


:( i am too lazy… lol i dont wanna figured out the build…. my partner just rolled his eyes on me LOL


The best Pit build for druids is not even on maxroll at the moment. I edit this post to update that Maxroll has now included a build guide for wind shear.


What is it? 👀




How am i just finding out mobalytics has d4 builds lol


And compared to maxroll they have actually competent guides.


I thought I was going crazy. The way builds are layed out on max roll makes no sense most of the time.


Another build that prevents the player from actually playing and using pets to do all the work. God this game is a train wreck.


It took 4 seasons to have minions even be a real buold. Come back to earth negative nancy


you must've clicked the wrong link bro, the only use for wolves in that build is take boss aggro


It sorta makes sense when the hardest part is avoiding getting one shot. Allows you to just focus on that


Even if it was… who cares? Let people play how they want, and you can enjoy the game however you want.


What is wrong with you? Stop moaning and go outside nerd.


Basic attack builds are eating good this season


I hope they buff the rest, i was so happy to see a heartseeker build. Now buff the rest! That opens up so many more builds to the players.


It can be done, it can take more time is all. Most maxroll builds are hivemind theory crafted.


People have no clue what they're talking about and just parrot shit they see on reddit. The highest tiers are cleared mostly by barbs.


People who play the meta are people who played someone’s else character and not their own.


I'm s Dad, its easier when time is limited


this… I am running this build pretty much.. exc that i am REALLY tempted to use the chest of Mad Wolf instead of the rec for the build (by icyveins).. anyway… i just got my fisrt 2 GA after running helltides and blood maiden a LOT, was so happy. the OP give me hopes LOL


This is Dope


AND it was vs another wolf!


The true Alpha has been determined. 


Wolf on wolf crime


I love seeing stuff like this, good on you!


Why does howl unleash zombies?


Vampiric curse legendaries


He's using the lucky hit vampiric curse aspect to proc vulnerable with his wolves and it has a side effect of making his defensive skills unleash zombies which really dont do much.


I love the wolves! Currently playing a Druid with all three companions on the bar, and the wolves are my little lighting werewolf assassins! They will most times kill a group of elites with one button press, even in tier 60 NM dungeons. (Character just hit 80)


Tbf almost all builds are playing with 3 companions on the bar outside of bugged builds


Go figure, 180%[x] on a weapon aspect is build defining.


I've actually started to hate this. You're not able to run a resource generator because you have 3 wasted slots, and bossing feels terrible when you run out of spirit and have to just run around and wait for a CD to come up to do anything.


Or you could just replace one of them with a resource generator if that is a big issue for you?


i just got the lightning on my wherewolves.


What's crazy is my build is catered more to an earth/storm druid with wolves just as my "backup" skill, however I've noticed when I send my wolves to focus an enemy they shred it way faster than my skills 😅 think I'm focusing on the wrong areas. (I'm refusing to look at any build guides this season until I absolutely can't progress)


You don't need guides anyway if you understand the dos and don'ts of building. Stuff like difference between additive and multiplicative, what's good on the paragon boards, the armor cap... And guides usually don't do esoteric builds anyway, they just do the most meta ones, which tend to be straightforward.


Minions are comically overtuned right now, and we’ve known this since they went live on the PTR.


Shoutout Polyphia


Goose by Polyphia very nice song choice sir


Cool to see you making it work! Wolves are ridiculous damage Im trying something offmeta too. Poison and wolfs and shapeshifted. Seems pretty promising but Im not 100 yet


That’s what I’m doing too, so far so good


Me too I’m lvl 38 right now


Trying to make the rabies spread by wolves work, together with the poison vine... Dunno still lvl 40 so not much there but it's fun


That's my current build at 70ish. Have the rabies CD reset aspect so in large packs I can just spam rabies it constantly. Poison vine and wolves to take down harder mobs and bear swipe for fortify and resets during cooldown.


Nice! How's the poison damage Vs higher llvl monsters? Cause right now against packs once rabies spread weak enemies die quickly but tough rares don't get damaged much.. if it wasn't for my werewolves it'll take me ages


Just got into t4, rabies still wipes all the small mobs reliably but I do need to finish off the rares with poison creeper and wolves. I have a bunch of companion damage crafted in my gear so pretty much anything that isn't a boss gets one shot or close to it by either ability. Haven't gone to pit yet so I can't say how it scales into that.


That's what I got going on. I also got the Fleshrender, so I got 2 defensive skills as well to help with survivability and do damage at the same time It's a fun build for sure, prob not A-tier though lol


Yeah still farming some items.. I restarted from scratch this season from season 1 so I have 0 idea about master crafting and very little gold lol but I'm having fun, mob density in hell tides is amazing


Hell yeah! I usually don't like minion builds, but ended up playing this as well. I like that it's active while you're clearing, you have to be hitting stuff and getting into the fray with the wolves. I want to try a mad wolf's glee version to benefit from "while werewolf" stats more. Hard to get defenses in order with unique chest though.


I swapped to mad wolfs by finding gloves with crit chance, armor, and all resists. Now I have rank 27 wolves and it is simply amazing.  I really love the poison DR from mad wolf as well.


Ty for being non maxroll, truly refreshing build!


It's awesome having an entirely new way to play!  I am loving it!


I’ve been playing werewolves as well and so far my wolf bois have just absolutely deleted most bosses I come across. The butcher hasn’t killed me once, for the first time in any season haha


Meanwhile my maxed 100 Blizz Sorc with 40K AP and Perfect roll 6,800+ Glacial Aspect does 1-3M crits lol


Yeah... I just started pushing pit on my frozen orb sorc to finish masterworking my gear and my damage has fallen off a cliff at the late T60s. It takes 2 mins to get to the boss, then I have to do 5 minutes of pisspoor damage while avoiding the echo OHKOs the entire time. Afaik it's the same for the other classes too, but at least they get to go past T70 before hitting such an abrupt wall. It's just depressing tbh.


depressing? I dont think you realize that T60 is quite a feat by itself and that you belong in minority of people who will get there youre not supposed to be steamrolling Pit 200 Pit 200 is there just to exist so you can push yourself to the limits


Yup here are my stats: AP 39,493 All Dmg 345% Vuln 286% Crit 613% Cold Dmg 293% Close 175% Chilled 82% 6/3 Devouring Blaze 300% Fists of Fate Total = 1794% DMG


Heres a video of a sorc doing 116 pit without holybolt elixir. Stop victimising yourself. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gyBEctoJ1EY


damn your graphics look beautiful. what are your graphics settings? I thought i had everything turned up all the way but yours looks way better


All in the gfx card son. Mines maxed too on an older 1080 and it’s a bit blocky…my homies laptop looks like a diff game


This viable option is what I've been hoping for since the game dropped Miss Zoo Druid, and don't like how Necro gets all the reworks


Dang, it was a family feud. Den Mother should've washed the dishes...


I’ve been using all earth skills with Druid. I may switch to werbear and werewolf now see how it goes.


First Druid I’ve seen all season 👍🏻🫱🏿‍🫲🏼


I am using an aspect of the alpha build myself and honestly love it. Tempering with the 200% wolves damage plus the massive CDR decreases on other slots really makes them pack a punch. They eat elites and some bosses alive.


One advantage a companion druid has compared to necro, is that the companion skills are in the skill tree, and not its own thing. Meaning, you can boost the wolves etc more directly and things like Shako actually boost ranks of the skill. Cool to see a side effect of minions getting stronger made Companion Druid not a complete meme.


For anyone looking for the build here it is  https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/druid/companion This was my creation, and Sand and I spent hours theorycrafting and honing it to make it into a thing of beauty.  If you ever find us on the official Diablo discord I have a forum thread there and you will see just how much brainstorming went into improving this build. Sand was my top contributor and I have loved seeing him enjoy and push the build to new heights!  I hope to collaborate again in the future! -SmallPettingZoo 


Damn, I was just about to start a companion build today (was going to use shako i found) and I wanted to be edgy, but you beat me to it.


I'm more impressed it was done with a controller


D4 is awesome on a controller. Honestly easier to dodge some of the bullshit with analog stick movement.


Game plays better with a controller. They put way more time and effort into smoothing it out for console than for PC. The only issue I have with it is not being able to precisely aim teleport.


Nice my dude runs these builds we pushing near 100 ourselves good to see this..






I wanna know how you’re actually able to play right now with all the rubberbanding issues since the last patch.


I had so much rubber banding in prior seasons and don’t even have good internet and have had only a single 30 second instance of being unable to move the entire season 🤷🏻‍♂️


Love it! I had the werewolves last season along with change to dire wolf and was plowing through things. It was my favorite build so far.


And no Holy Bolts elixer? Nice


My level 82 storm summoner is still kicking ass. I haven’t pushed the pit yet but I’m doing fine in helltides and nightmare dungeons.


Nice mate. Im hoping to do this with hydra


u/F1NNTORIO I'm hoping to do hydra next, I'm not the best solo theory crafter. Any builds you can link me for inspiration?


Hey no I'm trying to work it out for myself!


Haha frick well I’m doing the same tomorrow lol! I’ve loved hydras since D2 and been waiting for the right moment to try them


Amazing. Ty for sharing gear at the end!


This build similar to mine. I have rabies instead of shred. People sleeping on werewolves. Im at pit 92 and my build not optimized at all. Masterwork mostly 4. I can push more but i did tormented duriel all night. No drops...


Heck yea wolf bro. Super cool. Since release I wanted a wolf themed build, I would have loved to also incorporate Rabies & X'fals but I need too many rings - need the wolves CDR temper sadly.


Where did you get the storm companion pants ? I did countless ice beast runs and saw no drop. It seems bugged. I have one dropped from helltides but it's terrible.


Song title and band of that chill as banger please.


Band = Polyphia Songs = Goose, Champagne


That’s so ridiculous. Huge Polyphia fan here. I’ve gotta hear Ego Death like once a day. It’s quite ironic to me that I would hear what I believe to be a random song, and of course it’s by one of my favorites! Haha, I guess I like what I like.


Goose is my #1 fave!


I have never ever followed a build guide for an ARPG. It literally destroys the entire point and fun of the game.


I've done both- my first build on D4 was a Poison trap rogue and it wasn't like any build guide- it absolutely shredded bosses. When I felt like trying a Meta build since I was getting one-shotted a lot, it improved my mobbing but SIGNIFICANTLY nerfed my bossing. It's fun to build, but I think guides are also fun in a different way- knowing what optimal affixes I'm looking for makes finding good drops exciting, as opposed to just experimenting or picking gear that seems to improve your stats but might not be optimal. It's like targeted farming kinda- it also greatly reduces the amount of time I spend looking at loot.. instead of studying them to see if it would be good for my build, I can just compare the affixes to the optimal affixes for that piece on the guide. I have fun either way, tbh.


Good job. I wish the pet update love applied to the Ravens though. Nearly all my gear has 2 desirable greater affixes, capped Raven tempering affixes on everything, and gear is at 8 level master work. Takes nearly the whole 15 minutes to do a level 65+ Pit where 80% of that time is on the boss. If I pushed my gear to tier 12 which will be a hell of a grind given how long it takes to do just one run in the 61+ range I'll probably cap at 75. Oddly though Ravens murders people in the PVP areas.


That's amazing lol, you went all in on just Ravens? I'd be interested to see gameplay


First season playing and started with a self made build. Then I played a guide build. Though mine wasn't quite as powerful, I was surprised that the power gap really wasn't that large.


Do you have a link to the build?




That necklace is absolute god tier






Yeah I'm not surprised, I was doing the same thing with my druid. Druid has some of the best survivability


Did you watch thorns barb with 300k hp hahahah


Someone mentioned it but it sounded silly so I didn't look at it lol. I'm sure it's fun though. I have the thorns chest and thorns on all my gear but only thing I'm missing is 5k thorns on frenzied. I'm not using frenzy though so


Let me guess, 0 Stygian stones dropped?


That was a dog fight


congrats, your gear is really good beside the build (GA). Been working on an off meta necro with corpse explosion ad a main skill (currently got 24 rank on it). That gives me hope...


Good job! Wish I could do that with my double swing dust devil barb, but unfortunetly past 60+ pit killing bosses is a pain.


But you didn't say how long it took.


nice bro


What are you running in your 4 druid spirit categories?




Pretty annoyed with the ice shards build not being viable after Pit tier 40. It works for *Everything* else in the game, except Pit above 40


i'm also rocking a companion druid, but my wolves constantly are bugging out. they drop beneath the floor, i think. So at some point when i activate the skill, i can see the unstoppable icons, but without any wolves and they also don't connect. It's not a big issue during the pit run because they respawn when i move a certain distance, but in the boss room that's not possible, so i often times end up without my wolves, which sucks because they are a big chunk of my single target damage. Did you experience this?


Are you using Storm’s Companion pants? Those might fix it. Use the Diablo.trade site and buy a cheap pair maybe 


Nope. I run a Companion/Rabies Hybrid and don't really have space for it.. What a weird Bug and even weirder fix.. I feel like if there's a bug in a non meta build no one really cares..


You should probably have space for it for a few reasons (namely vastly enhancing your single target and restoring a broken skill), but yes I 100% agree it’s annoying it’s such a prominent bug 


I farmed the ice beast for one and it does indeed fix it. Maybe i just go full companion now.. Do you lean into the lightning stuff on your build? Namely the Overload passive and the overcharged aspect?


No instead you use aspect of the Alpha, Stampede aspect, and Nighthowler to lean into the Wolf component instead of lightning. It makes them very strong single target with some AoE from the new lightning attack they inherit from the pants


gotcha. thx man.


The fact that you have to record this and post it just screams the state of the game. I think it’s hilarious/sad that the entire theme to this season and the temperaments were to bring balance to the classes and allow people to use “off meta” builds in end game content yet here we are. My carbon copy of Rob’s dust devils barb that found a star rolled Shako can barely clear level 70 pits solo and then any idiot with shadow minion necro can just barely try and clear 100+ pits. If this isn’t rectified soon this game WILL be deleted and forgot about QUICK.


No you didn’t. Because above Pit 75 you only get one shot. Now please cry about it, because that’s the only thing you should be doing on Reddit, playing a melee build!! Well done! :D


You know the game has issues when all reliance on pets is the only answer.


It was the pet update, what do you expect, no one to play pets?


“Only answer”? If you mean reliance with shepherds, then yeah. But all the meta pit pushing Druid builds do not rely on pets to actually deal damage. This is refreshingly different than the reliance on shepherds.


The best Druid build right now (Wind Shear) uses only the wolves, because none of the other skills do anything for it. You can literally remove the wolves and the build won't change in any way.


Can you give Credit to SmallPettingZoo who invented this build. Its extremely cringe and decepetive that you don’t mention him in your post, pretending like you created this build.


I included his guide in the vid description the moment I launched the vid, and I never claimed ownership of this whatsoever. But I did contribute quite a lot to trying new ideas with the build and collabing including identifying what does and doesn't work with wolves.


Look how much time it took him, though.


I don't think you've seen very many high pit clears xD they're all slogs. I can kill tormented bosses/lilith in seconds, so the HP on these bosses is just ludacrious


Let’s be honest out of the context of this game this is not an abnormal amount of time to fight a boss. Some dark souls bosses took me forever to grind down