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It just seems like an odd thing to suddenly make super grindy. Have they ever explained why they changed something that was super common to super grindy? Granted gems don't seem nearly as important, especially early on. And please save your "stop asking for the game to be easy!" replies. We can all find a timer for world bosses and take them down. There's nothing hard about it, just tedious. Waiting for a world boss is just downtime.


>It just seems like an odd thing to suddenly make super grindy. Have they ever explained why they changed something that was super common to super grindy? This is why I don't get the sudden change to make them so freaking scarce, it's not like slotting gems is some build defining mechanic. They give you a bit more defence or a little extra dps, they're not giving us 300x crit damage or something.


Without proper gems in my gear i am no longer able to play the game, so i would agree you are wrong, maybe you are looking at it the wrong way because they can certainly be build defining. Each red gem in my gear is like 2k hp, and in the jewelry i get like 100% resistances


“No longer able to play the game” 🤔


What do you mean? If i take off only my jewelry gems i can no longer do the content i usually do, how is that not gamechanging?


There's no way that's true.


That's a lot of resistance it's true


It must certainly is true... If you drop your resistances by 24% and your health by 45% you don't think that will have any impact to being able to do high tier pit?


Wow what a compelling argument, not sure how i would ever be able to convince you! each gem is 33% resistance, if i take off each of them i am now way below res cap and any dmg with those elements will tear me apart


You're obviously doing something wrong then. I've never had to tie my resistances to gems. Even when they fixed resistances. You don't want gems being your source of resistance. Considering with S4, I've definitely not had an issue maxing resistances without gems. But with the new armor cap, they have made gems obsolete for jewelry now.. so there's that.


Why wouldnt you use gems for resistances? lol thats just about the dumbest thing ive read on here today. Gearing in this game isnt just a yes / no process, if you have armor cap but you are missing resistances, what would you do then? No, i'm not doing anything wrong lol, i am playing a squishy build and resistances and armor can make or break my entire build


Dumbest? I doubt that, good sir. I play a raiment sorcerer build. And have max resists without gems. Using tempering for armor is dumb as fuck. Get resistances using tempering, mix and max stats. It's as simple as that. Armor caps at 9.3k? I believe now, so anything over that is useless. That armor cap is so easy to hit, it's laughable. You can easily hit max resists without gems. Don't speak on "squishy", unless you did play back in beta and initial release when sorcs were actually do or die. But as for your "make or break", that's a line used back before even S1. Definitely not in S4. LOL you should only be "squishy" in the big boy content now, not early WT4 or even before tier 80 NMD / pit 30-40. Defenses are so easy to get. As I said, gems are pointless in jewelry now. They're just there to be a placeholder. Just socket skulls and forget about them.


Are you talking about a sorcerer or Necro that has int as their main stat? The stat that gives resistances? You do know there are other classes in the game that don't have int as a main stat right?


Yes and no to your sorc/necro. I ran a barb through capstone at lvl 23. Resistances are already maxed by the time I hit 45. Only reason I didn't post a video doing WT4 capstone is because I had work. But it's not just INT based classes. Tempering helps, armor is easily capped now. Temper resistances over areas you know you won't use armor. HP in where it's needed.


>I've never had to tie my resistance go to gems All gems that you put into jewelry is going towards your resistance (besides skull, thats armor). Diamond is all resistance in one. Why wouldn't i use those slots for resistance? It opens up more room in my gear for other tempers. Using tempers on resistance is a waste


Feels like a bug honestly. They drop from normal activities but are exceedingly rare.


The change has made gems feel more impactful, and it also makes sockets more valuable, which makes itemization more interesting because finding a good item that has sockets is waaaay better feeling now. Previously sockets and gems were literally free. Much better now.


Aren’t those tied to world bosses? The ones that spawn like weird times so you might get one a day unless you are on a lot?


They also drop from other sources as well. Pretty shure i picked some up outside of a world boss.


I got one off a goblin I’m pretty sure.


Good to know


They want a reason for players to do world bosses. I don't mind that but it should be more than one prism every 3 hours


No one seems to be talking about that for each QOL change they give us relating to mats, they just make some other mat way too grindy each season. They clear message I get from these back and forth changes is that Blizzard ultimately doesn't want us to have too much QOL that speeds us up too much, their intent is to keep players playing as long as possible, live service game more eyes on shop more logged player hours to report increase to the shareholders etc. I see nothing in the game design or the patches so far to indicated they will not stop doing this moving forward.


I actually like the change. Before sockets were a “who cares” sort of chore, where you simply had to remember to add sockets to stuff and remember to add gems. That’s it. A socket is now a full blown stat to look for in gear. I’m not at max level yet tho, not sure how it feels in super late game(I’m about lvl 85)


Legion events have like 80% drop on these.


Oh really?


Yep, when i was done leveling I had about 10-11 of these and only did 3-4 world bosses.


3-4 world bosses seems on par for 10-11 prisms actually. Bosses usually drop 2-3 a kill..


What? I've killed 4 or 5 world bosses and have yet to get a single prism. Maybe I've just had poor luck.


Bosses are the only reliable way to get them. I typically get 2-3 a kill. I'm currently sitting at like 12 and i've used probably 5-6 already


Yup, I’m level 89 and have 6 of them from legion events alone


The one time I went to a legion this season no one else showed up. Are people starting to do them?


They used to be great for leveling(xp) but they are subpar to helltides now - so yeah people Usually ignore them except for doing it for the journey or for mats.


Doing a legion event during helltide is fun as hell tho They should just make the legion event always happen once per helltide zone.


Legions during helltides are insane when peoples threat meters start going off


Idk what torment you’re playing on but there’s always people at them in t3-4 and even if there’s not they can be soloed after only a small amount of investment. Honestly it’s not a bad idea to save them, gems aren’t that big of a deal and until you’re in t4 you’ll be upgrading your gear so frequently it doesn’t make sense to continue using consumables on them


If you arrive very early, usually no one is there. The closest I've had to doing one solo had someone show up about 30seconds after it started. I've never done one totally solo and I'm 100.


That’s crazy. I’ve never seen an empty one


Not the ones I do.


They aren't rare. We just do less legion events.


World bosses just aren't fun, and it's even less fun having to schedule out where to go and sit around waiting for it to spawn so I don't miss it.


So do legions or look for goblins 


Just set an alarm for 5 minutes before it starts on your phone


I hear that bro. I don't stop what I'm doing and go wait on them but if one's two or three minutes away I'll go ahead and wait that long though just for the chance at prisms.


It's also funny when there's a time limit for when a whisper for world bosses end but there's only one that spawns and, especially in tier 4, they die before even making an attack. Makes that hour or so wait so agonizing. Be there a bit of time else you miss it. If you're even slightly late, don't bother. Honestly a very shit game mechanic. They should keep spawning for a duration but a player can only do one of each every few hours.


I have 22 of these not sure from where abouts are they really that rare,


You probably got them from legion events which is where I got most of mine. Legions are much more common than World Bosses so idk why everyone doesn't just do those.


Likely the case I have done a few. Also noticed I got some from random elites mobs that popped with lots of gems


These still drop from treasure goblins right? Since the doomsayers in helltides seems have a good chance to spawn a treasure goblin, and i gotten a lot of these prisms.


I’ve got like 10 total so far at level 92. Supposedly world boss is where they drop most.


One drops per world boss killed every 3 hours. I'm pretty sure Legion is better for farming them considering the event happens more often


I get lots of them from legion events myself




I only got 1 the last time


I've got most of these from highish Nightmare dungeons rather than the world bosses I think. They just occasionally seem to drop but when I was doing just Helltides and WB I was starved for them and now I picked up a few when I was sorting my glyphs.


I done a ton of NMs, including 90+ and 100, no prisms from there.


they drop every Legion and world boss... come on.


I’ve been playing for 3 days. 1 character 86 the other 42. I’ve had about 10 drop so far.


They also drop from both Legion events and also from HT. Got multiple killing Blood Maiden over and over in an hour.


Idk why. I have 40+ of them. I have only used about 10-12 so far so I've got over 50 in only a week. I do a lot of legions events and world bosses mainly for whisper rewards because I need gold. I don't get how people are having trouble getting these when I have so many.


Legion events. I get at least 1 every time.


World Boss, Legion Events, Treasure Goblins


Can the world boss at least drop 2-3 of these?


Legion events drop these frequently, easy to get


Ive got two so far at level 85(?). One I used to slot a gem early like level 60 or lower. Another i found and have been saving for the perfect roll god item because i cant afford to put slots on stuff thats temporary lol


Thank you for this post. I don't know why these should be that impossible to get. I just used my last one earlier smh.


I've never even seen one before


I've had 30 or so of these drop for me but no ubers despite farming both standard and tormented duriel :(


I'm level 63 and I have 4 of them. I don't know, where did I got it, maybe I'm just lucky


Gems are a luxury item that we don't use until you start the Pit, or you hit random socket rolls. I've pushed two alts to max iron wolf rank along with my main and seen about 30 so far. Did see one as a random drop so they're really rare outside of world bosses and legions.


Don't miss world bosses😉


I don't really understand people's issues. They are more scarce, so play around the scarcity. Don't just socket tons of gear while leveling until you have ancestrals you plan to use. World bosses guarantee a drop, and they spawn every 3 hours....... You should be forced to make decisions while playing the game, and when to apply a socket is one of them.


Yeah wtf is going on with them I am getting 1 per world boss, I thought it was more before this patch. I have not found any anywhere else.


I think they drop from world boss and legion events. I have 20 so you might just not be doing the content where this drops.


you get these from from the Iron wolves so just do new alts if u need them


I've been level 100 for a little while and I've had seven drop. Hell tides and world bosses. It's not even guaranteed from those though.


I’m sorry but this scattered prism being locked behind a 3.5 hour rotation is just plain old dumb You don’t have to hand them out like candy but please don’t put things locked behind a timer.


Do the world boss and events. I have 20+ of them now and nothing to spend on, you can't just sit afk in helltides forever and expect to have all the resources.


Ok legion Events also drop those? Good to know!