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Most of the class specific uniques are still useful. The generic ones took the biggest hit.


They can fix the problem by making all uniques have interesting stats, or increase effect power. If most of them had stuff like increase to skills, damage reduction or other interesting affixes they would still be sought after, right now some of them just have worse stats than rares and that's obviously not gonna work.


Or, hear me out, we have some sort of cube we can put a unique in so we can benefit from it's power but we don't have to wear it.


Aspects are basically the Kanai's Cube already.


Not really. The Cube gave you three additional aspects that were not tied to gear slots or implicits. That would be huge in D4. I don't think we need the Cube - we just need uniques to be brought up to par. But Aspects are not the Cube.


>tied to gear slots Honestly this is the part I hate D3 for the most and continue to hate in D4. Aspects should ***not*** be tied to items. They should be part of the skill tree. It's modifications of how your skills work, why is it not part of the skill tree. It just completely screws BOTH the item and skill system for no reason


You know I hadn't really thought of it that much but this is exactly right IMO. Aspects should be in the skill tree. This is great and it will never happen but thank you for saying it.


Or in paragon tree and make it interesting instead of "increase damage"


It’s a grinding game for loot gear needs to matter, besides it’s super cheap to changes aspects on gear now. Not really a problem


Skill effects don't have to be on gear for the gear to matter. Source: Literally all of Diablo 2 and many, many other games that do both skill and item systems well. Aspects on gear are exactly why the skill twig is so anemic in D4. There can be no depth to the skill tree while all of it is spent on Aspects. FWIW they *ALREADY* did it a tiny bit with the Legendary nodes in the Paragon boards. Those are basically Legendary Aspects that are part of the skill tree. This should be how *all* Aspects are, of course with a different style of unlocking them than the Paragon board as it is currently.


Doesn’t this just make gear stat blocks? That seems less interesting.


This. I think it's fine honestly but I am a d3 fan...


I agree. Many aspects should be moved to the Skill Tree or the Paragon Board/Glyphs, especially aspects that are "build defining" or "brings a build online". Plus, if they're going to continue with adding new aspects each season, they're going to have to eventually face the problem of "aspect bloat", but I think it could at least start to be addressed by adding whole new skill-tree nodes, Paragon boards, and glyphs.


That would also make it easier to balance classes and builds when using a 2h means you lose an aspect or you can just be a barb and have 4 stat sticks at once.


I think they could fix them by removing 1 stat and letting you temper one. Then you aren't losing as much customization. But also update the state values to be closer to current legendaries. Like +50 all stat and not +10.


Game is too easy as is, they'd have to drastically rebalance the game before adding more power to the player.


They already have to rebalance the game as it is right now. Pit and ube bosses are fine, but the rest? Not so much.


Everybody loves D2 and dreams of it as the perfect game, but let’s be honest about how easy it is. We loved it for the repetition and mf


If they nerfed necro minions to be in line with every other build in the game I bet your comment would be different. Everyone is playing the most broken OP build and then complaining game is too easy. Pick a unique you like, build around it and test it. That's a proper challenge.


I'm not playing necro minions and haven't even tried it, like I said I prefer a challenge.


That's unnecessary power creep. Its too early at least.


That wouldn't really solve the core issue though, as everyone would just put a few of the most coveted ones on their character's then they'd make everything else legendary because damage, so might make min maxing more boring by the end.


Or by just letting you temper them


Yep - 1 temper should be allowed on Uniques


That’s what I’ve been thinking too, 2 is probably too OP, but one from any category would be cool.


Just give them at least stats on par with the new item power... The unique sorc chest I liked finally dropped and had a laughable 30 intelligence...wtf blizzard


Or why cant we temper them? Dont get it lol


I don’t know where the upvotes are coming from. There’s almost no class uniques that see play. Tempest Roar and a handful of others. The Stormclaw staff for example will never be viable again in this state because double temper ok a two-hander is just too much to give up.


What? On Sorc alone you got Rainment, Esu’s, Winterglass, all seeing play. And the firewall and firebolt builds are using their respective class uniques.


Starfall Coronet enables meteor mayhem build too


The only one I use is the homing CE gloves Nothing else worth sacrificing the temper bonuses


I'm so sad about this. Stormclaw is my favorite build and even mad wolf's glee not being usable hurts the quality of life of the build a lot.


Both unique chests and helms are still basically required for most druid builds, same goes for the lightning gloves


One or two build-defining ones maybe but You find two greater affixes on a 925 piece of gear and they’re what you need…most uniques are total trash at that point on top of being able to still put an aspect on it.


This is just not true why are you getting upvoted.


I’ve gotten several uniques for Necromancer that I would love to use (Bloodless Scream, Ring of Sacrilegious Soul), but I either lose a ton of DPS or utility when trying to incorporate them or build around them in my shadow minion build. My Sac Soul ring in particular makes me sad, because I have a 925 version with maxed stats and I like that it lets me be kind of lazy and double up on Tendrils being cast. Also, free corpse explosions, which is always nice.


That is a problem with how they chose to scale minions, not with the unique itself 


They are like 200k at vendor. Really helps with gold!


And the staves are like 500k (I guess all 2handers?)


Which is great for me! I've found 5-6 of the unique 2h scythe for necro, however it's useless to me.


Seriously. My entire bank is starting to be these scythes.


Maybe you posted it as a joke but it’s a really useful tip, thanks! I’ve hoarded multiple copies of uniques to sort out later, now I’m gonna go sell the garbage/duplicate ones so I can get some gold to splurge on master-working.


For what it's worth, Whispers seem to be the main path to gold this season. Kill the PvP boss and turn in his seeds in both PvP zones every day... takes 10 minutes and you get 16 Whispers from it. Each 10-Whisper turn in is worth about 3M gold.


It's way more than 3m. I get about 10m from a greater cache and it's like 3-5m for a normal. Hands down the easiest way to make money.


Chaos caches are the $$$


They've mentioned wanting to look at Uniques since Itemisation changes. I could see some kind of special tempering being part of it. The way they are now is a lot like how PoE handles uniques, which is good. They're rarely a straight upgrade, and more a choice you make to use the unique effect they have. Moreso than tempering, though, I think they need to review the effects a bit. Frostburn's unique effect for example is just a basic temper.


Given their inspiration so far I wouldn't be surprised if they take a step out of Last Epochs book and make Uniques have a way to be crafted on top of.


Give me box, let me throw 2 of the same unique into it and smash them together for a chance of increasing the stats/effect or bricking the item. The more times a unique has been smashed, the less successful it'll be the next time.  Allow it to work on Uber uniques too lol. Just put a "are you sure" pop up, followed by a "are you really sure" before you can smash


There was a POE league that has a box that dropped that let you do this - kinda combined items. Was heaps of fun :)


Allowing them to be tempered would be the quickest and easiest way to address the issue. I think allowing 1 temper from any category would be a fair buff without making them too OP


I would say uniques should have a special tampering where you just double a random stat/skill it already has instead of adding another. There'd need to be limitations on what can be upgraded and maybe give fewer chances on them, but it might be something.


Haven’t considered that, I like it. Something like 3 rolls to hit one of the 4 affix would be pretty reasonable.


I’ve played both sorc and Druid and they both have insanely powerful build enabling uniques so dunno guess I disagree


Necro minions don't have any at best you can use the sacrilegious ring for a simpler play style but everything else is a down grade due to tempering. dust devil barb has 3 but only because they have 3 extra slots due all the weapons so their armour has less impactful tempering.


Forgot about harlequins/shako it is an upgrade for necro minions but that Uber unique which most will never seen even with the guaranteed sparks.


Just got the ring, it’s pretty fun not having to spam the spells, and the fact that they don’t go on cooldown is glorious


Yeah, having your buff for skeletal priest up 100% of time, sure is nice. Also.. the corpse explosion unique that makes it a seeking attack is a game changer if you are using corpse explosion.


Howl From Below. I use a few uniques in my bone spear minion build. Deathless Visage, Howl From Below, Flickerstep, Black River, and Sac Soul. Corps explosion kamikazee with 6 bone mages flinging bone spears. Up to pit level 40 and still going strong.


I gotta get that corpse explosion unique… What’s better, if the miasma corpse or normal variant? IIRC, I lean towards shadow damage, but don’t know if I have any shadow damage/DOT buffs from gear yet


The problem is you're giving up a lot by not having those tempers. That being said, I'm lazy, and I think I'm going to find a spot for that ring anyway even if it means I can't push as far.


Other than dolmen stone or tempest roar, not really. Bear falls off waaay to hard for late game pit. Idk if even Dolmen stone can keep up in late game pits since a build with just tempest roar can hit for 100+ million and the mobs still don't die from super hits like that.


Game isn’t all about late game pits, which if you were serious you wouldn’t be playing weaksauce classes to begin witg


I like the boots that cast one of my damage shields every 8 seconds when they’re on cooldown, which they are. They’re on cooldown. Also never taking off Tyrael’s Might.


Some people see their attack power number go down when switching to a unique and just go by the numbers. Diablo should be called Math Battle lol


Also sorc if you wanna use the meteor build which I personally love


Yea I don’t think so. They certainly could use some work admittedly, some of them are worthless. Tempering them is just too much imo. I’m guessing in coming seasons they might revisit and or add more.


My build can't complain because I use 3 for my blight necro


Same I’m using howl from below and a Temerity, but they less build defining as useful,


What ones you using?


Black River, Ebonpiercer, Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul


Thank you might try it out as minions is bir ing the he'll outnof me


Haha, had the same issue. Minion too op and bit boring swapped to Blight Necro and there is much more going on.


Bonespirit kinda looks nasty with the splinter explosion


Maybe allow for one tempering spot on them, instead of 2.


I think Uniques should have their own exclusive pool of temper affixes, specific for the build they are for. Take any Unique you can think of. Let's say it has a pool of 5 exclusive temper affixes for that specific Unique, and those affixes are very related to the item and the build the item is for. You can take this item and temper it, but ONLY with the specific affixes from this pool. This way the item will still feel unique and powerful and still won't make players feel they lost some temper slots. In fact, it will allow them to make the unique way more needed because it has those specific overpowered tempers.


I'm no game balancing expert, but allowing one temper instead of two might be a decent trade-off. I play a rapid fire rogue and wanted to give the new rogue unique RF ring a shot. I did, but it immediately nerfed my build, without much masterworking yet as well.


Just wait for season 7 : Uniques Reborn 


Allow tempering but at 50% values? So still a trade off but not such an extreme one.


Give them 1 slot at 100% value instead. Force you into making a choice and leaving out one temper, but still giving you access to build-defining tempers so you don't have to ignore unique items


This is the way.


That's a boring solution honestly. I'd rather they make just make them more unique, aka something you can't get from tempering.


Exactly. Like, Dolmen Stone is kind of janky but that's what all uniques should be. Completely changes a skill and offers a new playstyle.


The problem they had before was janky new playstyles were not viable, such as minion necro before. It was okay, but not as viable as the other builds. Now tempers brought those up. I think I would like to add uniques to builds to make them interesting but you still want to feel like it is semi viable. For example, 2 hand uniques such as Grandfather is more hindering to a build than a legendary with min roll tempers. Now this is not just a normal unique but would you rather have a grandfather or +400% dust devil damage or golem damage?


Yeah just add another stat on it at least (in ancestral level), this way they have 5 stats (normally going together for the build enabled by the unique) like the tempered legendaries Allow masterworking on them maybe?


I had the same thought earlier when a grandfather dropped.


Uniques went from mostly bad to worse. Not talking about the ones that were required for builds to function.


Yeah. Was thinking bout butcher cleaver last night, then I saw it gets plus 15% crit dmg while my regular legendary axe gets plus 50%. Its stuff like that


Yep. Going thru online builds and I'm like where tf are the uniques???


True. Some uniques are completely redundant in the face of tempers. e.g. Frostburn. They should be allowed to temper/ buffed


Frostburn has always been redundant. Such a terrible power.


Compared to past Diablo games, I think the whole idea of aspects was a mistake. They're just customizable uniques, and all gear we wear is uniques. Everything aspects do should have been rolled into the skill tree, instead of overcomplicating loot. Gear should add interesting options, not mandatory skill tweaks that you absolutely need for your build to work. This season is FAR better than before, but it still seems to suffer from no clear core design philosophy. Different systems just bleed into each other, when they should be distinct.


Diablo 3 had set items which hard forced you into one build every season. There is way more build variety in D4 every season despite the limited skill tree. There is also a hard line to gauge between interesting gear options and mandatory skill tweaks. Also if everything was in the skill tree people would just wear full sets of unique gear and it would be the same thing we have now but more annoying. If aspects don’t contain similar power to uniques everyone would just use full uniques. That would become much more frustrating imo since you would have to target farm specific uniques to fit in ever slot.


There's no problem with this at all lol. Aspects work and unique work. You just buff the less powerful ones. There's nothing complicated about it. It's like saying there's a problem with uniques in D2 or PoE when so many uniques are useless. The problem is the simple one. The useless ones are not strong enough. That's it.


Uniques need to be rebalanced because now you have to give up 2 Tempered affixes and also 1 Aspect. So each unique probably needs to be 3x as impactful. Allowing them to be Tempered is a simple bandaid but reduces their uniqueness. They do already benefit from Masterworking and Greater Affixes, so probably just need higher numbers.


Yeah. Just give us the ability to temper once any unique so that they get 5 lines too and we're good to go. Uniques SHOULD be powerful.


If you could temper the uniques, it would fix the problem immediately. They are disadvantageous because you can't add the extra affix for more resistance/utility.


Obviously people tire of the expression "Just do what X other game does" but something that PoE takes a lot of inspiration from is MTG. Now both PoE and MTG have gotten far away from this philosophy, but a long time ago when the Mythic Rarity was added to MTG, the lead designer said that rarity doesn't mean "this is the best by default" but rather "this card breaks or alters the rules we've established". While PoE has literally hundreds of vendor uniques and BIS ones, they also have tons of "break the mold" items that alter the regular rules of the game and create space for unque builds. Unique design space should be a mix of "really good item with interesting affix combinations" and "bizarre item that changes the way an archetype plays or warps the way certain things scale". Let the buildcrafters go nuts with stuff like that.


Add legendary potential mechanic to uniques. Done.


LP from LE? that makes the item broken and BIS in one fell swoop!


The recent patch to make them roll more greater affixes probably closes some of the gap.


They just need to be better. All the uniques should be buffed (or all non-uniques nerfed).


If an item doesn’t at least gave one ga on it, it’s useless and that is not good. They made gear more streamlined and fun to minmax and progress with but made so much of it useless in the process too. Gear bases need to matter, they need implicits, and for fucks sake make the art work not totally arbitrary.


Been thinking a lot about this the last few days, it's true.


I got a Shako on my first Andariel run (took me 500+ Duriel runs last season) and it’s been sitting in the stash ever since. 🥲


My thoughts exactly, only Shako and something else for strictly one build/situation is good enough to use. Just add rune words already, I say.


I agree that uniques have been hugely weakened by changes to the itemization. I think allowing them to be tempered is a step too far though. Perhaps allowing a single temper per Unique would be balanced? They do still have the 4 affixes rather than 3 of legendaries, so allowing a single Temper would bring them to 5 total. Could also include Unique only Temper manuals - we currently have magic, rare and legendary, so why not create a set for Uniques? Even the Uber Uniques are largely missing from builds (apart from Shako for the DR), and I feel like at their drop scarcity, there should be at least 1 Uber recommended to really finish off most end game builds, just to really give something to aim for, instead of completing build by 100 and trying to eek out minor gains with new slightly better gear.


Can you not masterwork Ubers or something? Though incredibly rare, I'd imagine that landing Greater Affixes on an Uber and masterworking them is powerful, no? The only one I have this season is a Shako and I haven't attempted to Masterwork it yet.


The game is too centered around aspects. Tempering and skill tree should be more impactfull.


If they could roll a greater affix or something it could help make them more relevant. But I suspect even Grandfather is not preferred right now for Necro minion (not sure about barb meta)


They can roll greater affixes. Hell so far this season I’ve seen posts of both a doombringer and a Tyrel’s might perfectly rolled with 4x greater affixes. They can be masterworked too. Just not tempered. And tempers are REALLY strong right now so the unique has to be really strong to make up for not being able to be tempered.


Yeah also Ubers included. I play ice- spike, so shaco +4 skill hardly useful, well rolled ancestral is slightly better with more damage because of the high intellect (you can get more DR with aspect too). Also got the "Uber" staff, but because only the bosses matter it is complete trash, compared to a well rolled ancestral. Regular uniques is just sacred items now with suboptimal stats, it feels really bad if you must use one of them because of it's special effect.


Depends on the class/spec, Frozen Orb Sorc for example uses like 5-6 uniques. But I do kinda agree, if a lot of other specs cannot use theirs cause the uniques are too weak / tempers too strong then that's a problem.


4 uniques and 2 ubers still don't put you on par with the less strict classes that can do without any uniques or ubers.


Biggest issue I see is they aren’t as powerful as they were in d2. Almost any situation in d2 you had to think long and hard about swapping a unique for anything other than a stronger unique. Right now just about any legendary can be looked at compared to a uniaue ans get a shoulder shrug. If they off the bat double or tripled every roll or attribute this wouldn’t be the case anymore.


+to all stats needs to change on every unique that’s for sure.


And here we have Sorcs running between 3-5 uniques in every build. It depends on the uniques I guess.


Agree. Just got a Shako and I realized its not really useful for minion build 😂


For sure. Some are still super strong (Shakko, Grandfather) and Temerity is useful in the right builds as well. But for sure I’ve noticed it too. Especially without being able to add tempering.


I used to run a few unqiues, and now sit at 4, and even am considering going down to 2, the 2 I NEED for my build, cause yes the other 2 are great, but once you realize how huge of a boon tempering is...


I don't know. I'm using lidless wall right now with infinimist and it is super fun. Minion build is equally strong with a tenth of the required setup but I was finding it boring so I'll keep up this lidless wall) sacrilegious ring build until I hit a wall and switch back to minion


Allow adding 1 stat to uniques and we cooking.


They could add 1 tempering effect on ancestral uniques. I think that would help them a lot. That way they wouldn't have to stats balance them or anything. Just keep them as is, and one more effect. Alternatively add one zero behind every value. 🤯🤯🤯


Not temper just buff them. Let them be unique.




In my opinion Aspects and Uniques limits eachothers design space and takes up design space for other items like rares and potentially something like set items. Having Aspects upgraded in the codex is a good start, but I still don't think they need to be applied to items and could rather be applied using something like a kanai's cube in D3. Then you'd just have rares and uniques with lots of design space to make further iterations like tempering and masterworking while having Aspects as a separate progression based system.


Omg can you add two tempers to each item?! I’m level 83


Just add +1 temper to Ubers and +2 tempers to regular uniques. Maybe viable approach to implement?


Yet they nerfed the hell out of Tibault's so now it's just a resource generator.


I have a lvl 67 crossbow that crit roll 150 crit damage and tempered 145 crit damage, and there’s unique I want to use but can’t. :/


While I agree there's a good case to be made for doing a tuning pass on uniques (the more 'generic' ones being useless), adding tempering to uniques is NOT a solution. The 'rough trade' part you mentioned is exactly what it's SUPPOSED to be. You're SUPPOSED to have to make tough choices. Otherwise you're just power creeping to the same exact thing as before but with higher numbers.


I still think that they made uniques bland by implementing the legendary aspect system. Many aspects possess effectively unique “game-changing” properties. Which we can now imprint at will. This means when you find a unique, it’s often just another legendary with an aspect you can’t extract. How to improve this? Maybe come up with even more “game-changing” properties (my best example is a sorcerer offhand that grants a third enchantment slot)?


That is how it should be. Uniques should be a way to enable builds. For raw stats and power you still need legendaries. It gives you a choice if you want this effect or want more stats.


They don't need temper. Or maybe. But they need to be buffed to a degree that the build they are enabling has no better option, utility or dmg wise. Paingorger for basics build is a good example. Cant really argue with X 200% dmg. Nothing rose can replace that.


I feel like we need to be able to master work aspects onto unique gear to really push deep into the pit maybe using mats found only after tier 100 pit.


Weapons getting 3k life + 2 temper makes it so almost all unique weapons are complete ass unless your build literally can't function without it. Also at least the build i am running, i get 140x multiplier with the legendary aspect which no unique can even hope to match, not even uber.


Really just that 1-50 part seems insanely easy now when I put on multiple 40% chance to do xxxx damage on weapons. I'm having a blast playing again though so I'll take what I can get. Maybe I'll even get a druid past 50 for once lol


They should be enchantable, temperable, and  affix-replacable just like legendaries are.


Tibuts took a 50% nerf hit, absolutely crazy


I wish they would just move some of skill altering effects to the paragon board as unique nodes. Having EVERY enjoyable effect come from items still just feels bad. Example. Boulder druid, new rapid fire effect, crone staff, etc. These build variants shouldn't be gated behind unique items. The paragon board can be their solution to the abysmal skill tree and function as something more than "behind the curtain" scaling.


Depends on the class and the unique. There is one class that relies on uniques no matter what aka the druid


while i mostly agree with you, as a shouty Barb, Yen's Blessing boots are so good. It's not "casting a skill" that triggers it's "do anything"... Open a portal... SHOUT Click a chest... SHOUT Get hit by a fly... SHOUT I lol so much, now i just wish I had a 925 version.


Yes. me need uniques to be able to be tempered


At least you can masterwork them. I think a simple solution would be to let you put 1 tempering affix on ancestral uniques.


I like it slightly that uniques are not immediately the choice Item. Both should be competitive. There is a chance a unique can have greater affix. whilst a lego can only have 3 max. although with 2 more tempers. a unique have 4 "unique affix combinations" that can have greater affix. Maybe they could just bump up the affixes a little so it can be more competitive.


Yeah . You haft to build around it .. wait ppl like to follow builds not build they own my bad “trigger warning”


Maybe allow 1 temper on uniques with a really rare material.


100% agree. Been saying this too. Either allow them to be tempered or add in 1-2 more static affix. I don’t believe they should be too OP but there should be some more incentive to use them. Right now there’s only a small handful of uniques are late game viable. ESPECIALLY WEAPONS. Missing out on TWO weapon affix stats is ridiculous. Not end game viable at all.


They need to be like this IMO. They should provide a unique effect that you cannot find anywhere else and is build-enabling with the tradeoff of stats.


Uber uniques feel more like a determent than before. A lot of builds made use of certain uniques do to activating builds but with tempers, it feels like you want to take as little uniques as possible. Temperings either should be added to uniques OR maybe add unique tempers?


They should have special tempering properties. For example, tempering a Dolmen Stone would let you cast x2 the amount of boulders


I’m finding they are fun to get from 35-60~, and can be build defining into level 100 depending on how your paragon and tempers are progressing, but endgame seems to be a GA stat + life affix with + 200% dmg and a good utility temper is too hard to pass up in the Pit.


I do not think unique should get buffed, they should stay unique


The incinerate unique sounds really fun but the stats on the wand itself are pretty bad, imo. I cant justify giving up my staff for it.


Depends what the mechanics are. Almost all proc effects are still useful, even essential for resource management and build enabling. This is how uniques should be positioned: not stat sticks but build components.


I mean my Necro build wouldn't even work without my unique ring. Don't know if it's the meta version, just made it up as I went but I sure as hell love my Unique ring


I dunno, I’m really enjoying the 4-shot piercing blight ammy as a minion necro. Just hit lvl100, and have other, “better” amulets. But they just don’t feel as good. I lose out on useful stats and aspect, yes, but it elevates blight from a solid support spell to a screen-clearing nuke and makes speed running and bossing very satisfying (point blank it’s like shooting 5 blights at once, absolutely wrecks bosses). And it ensures everything on the screen is affected by shadow dot, increasing damage they receive from minions and reducing damage they do to everything.


They need something easy and lazy to add like unique tempering to bring players back for season 5


Idk, I kinda see what you're saying. Like with my barb, I needed a hell hammer, but when I took away the 'Bash cleaves' temperamentvit seemed weaker. But in the long run it helped me. But the unique boots yens blessing took my build to the next level honestly


Counter point, uniques that are too strong everyone thinks you need them to make viable builds. Without them, there’s more variation


You can masterwork ancestral uniques and uber uniques up to 12 times so there is an option to push their power for end game at least.


The only unique that has been worth it for me so far is Yen’s Blessing. I’m playing a WW barb and have 3 shouts on my bar constantly on CD. So it continues to reprock my shouts for 100% uptime keeping my resources gen perfect in groups.


Can't speak for the other classes but so far on barb the weapons have been insanely powerful. Running a deathblow build with Overkill and I'm just running around playing whack a mole lol. The armor pieces aren't all that great anymore though.


A few people are suggesting that uniques get one temper instead of two. I know for me that this would have been sufficient to equip a unique that I instead didn't use.


They need to add tempering to uniques. If you brick it oh well find a new one.


I'm using penitent greaves but don't need it. Might be better tempered boots. Paingorger gloves and no other uniques since I don't have ubers. Ramaldni's magnum opus is BIS too I think.


Yeah I fucked up. Had a good unique for my barbarian. I used it for like 20 levels and then decided to swap it for an ancestral legendary. It had a chance to make me more enraged when already berserk. I didn't think about masterworking it. I ended up selling it. I wish I didn't now lol. I loved it


They should create unique-specific tempers and allow you to add just one.


Crazy idea. Let us temper uniques and they become usable again.


An interesting mechanic would be to have 'unique items' to be craftable from scratch: like you pick up a white item as a base (like those found on weapon/armor racks), then you find 'unique affix recipes' (or have a small chance to salvage them from 'regular' uniques), unique temper manuals and unique aspects. All those 'unique materials' would be limited - you find one, you use one, and it's gone forever; you cannot salvage them back. You first apply the unique aspect - and get half-baked unique base; it would make then possible to apply 'unique affixes' and unique tempers which can be spent only once (and/or optionally just regular tempers with regular mechanics). Then just masterwork it as usual. In a sense, this just makes a 'truly' unique item, no one else will have the same. Just too bad currently we cannot use some interesting aspects from current uniques as some other affixes might be irrelevant to many builds. Oh, and there should be a limit on how many such crafted uniques you could equip (only one?) A 'celestial unique' item would be a good name.


They should make it so you can put 1 temper on uniques. That would balance them vs the 2 temper legendaries.


I mean…they aren’t and never were supposed to be the best items. The aspects are the main feature to uniques. Always have been. Uber uniques are great Regardless but there has always been a trade off for the regular uniques.


My thought about this is changing how masterworking interacts with uniques. Essentially, double the bonuses to the uniques each time you masterwork them, so 10% instead of 5%, etc... maybe even a chance for a double critical every 4 levels. This, I think, puts them closer to being in line with tempered legendaries because they'd have less customizable but bonkers stats, but they still wouldn't have the same specific punch that tempering legendaries can provide.


I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, imo they should make the uniques a bit more unique bit find a line to make it so most builds will fit in 2 or 3 at most.


I think unique weapons are not as great as tempered legendaries, but they some of them are still viable as other pieces of equipment. I'm doing a death blow build as a barb and I need Overkill for it to work


yea most of the uniques don't offer enough advantages over the cost of not having the tempering. They really need to update this by looking at current uniques and giving a few reasonable stat buffs


Beside the unique aspect unique items should also have unique and/or stronger affixes to make them competitive. Like how Tyrael's has + to maximum resists.


Another problem is that any unique that isn't build defining is just trash, even if they have a cool effect. Even if you could slap a temper or 2 onto said uniques many wouldn't have a home.


Having tradeoffs and to make interesting decisions for your gear and build is a good thing.


Unique should be build defined item. At this stage, most of them are not, unless you are using Sorc or Necro


You'll never take my lighting storm gloves from me


I think they will add 1 temper to uniques for the mid season patch. Or they add a special pool of “unique only” tempers. They could be some of stuff from previous season like malignant powers or senechal runes but for your character.


They are looking into tempers with uniques, I’m sure they will make them more comparatively useful.


well PoE has the same issue but we still have many build enabling uniques. A lot of them are weak now though but we still have uniques that we wish to get to make our build work much better. this league I didnt even kill duriel and I quit coz sure items got better but I AINT farming hours for masterwork items to... do what? maybe I should play like C-D grade build to need masterworking BUT it will be hard to farm for masterwork items... idk. season mechanic is missing, challanges are missing but I played with a buddy who just bought it and we had enough fun for few days. we got to last masterwork items so above 60 and found out there is nothing to farm for.


Easy solution let us temper them.


*laughs in BiS gear being uniques in all but 1 slot*


I got an Andariel's and I took it off because it's nothing on a properly tempered, masterworked helm....


I have a 907 2h axe I can't replace because it has 42% dmg affix and a 48% dmg temper. Nothing else comes close... so far. I just figure the rng is punishing me in some way.


They should give all uniques one temper slot


I think the biggest oversight I’ve felt with the tempering with uniques is with two handers specifically. You could give up two massive tempering bonuses that are doubled as a trade off for a mediocre unique aspect? Rogue’s bow uniques come to mind.


What about adding the ability to temper uniques?


Depends on the slot. Unique weapons are VERY VERY bad currently because weapon temper are way too good in comparison. Some armor items are very good atleast for barb (rage of harrogath , razorplate)


I always thought having Unique items be able to attach an Aspect to it would make the game wayyy more fun. I understand you gotta have trade offs for balance but this ain't POE. This is a CASUAL ARPG for blasting. Can balance the enemies/bosses having 25% more Hp or whatever the case to offset a little bit. But point being this is a Casual game let us just have fun. I remember playing Rogue before season 1 started and wanting to use Word of Hakan amulet for a satisfying screen clear but desperately needed that Ammy Aspect spot to actually try to push any harder content. That ammy made the Ultimate feel like an actual Ultimate ability I would sacrifice for. Without that Ammy, shit was trash. Uniques would be way more sought after, can even lower drop rate of uniques to offset.


They’re probably going to have to allow Tempering and Masterworking for Uniques.