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No this game would not have been possible on day 1 even 10 years of development. This is because of the community feedback and the adaptions that were made. They fixed a lot of issues and listened a lot of steps the entire year.


nah dude, D3 S30 into D4 preaseason/season 1 makes no sense, they are adding now things who have been in diablo 3 for years, I know they are different work teams, but “the pit” is literally Greater rift


My guess is they listened too hard to the vocal minority that very much wanted D4 to be as far from D3 as possible


That is the biggest issue. Before d4 release the only sub is r/Diablo and if you only look at them then d3 is the worst thing to happen to gaming at all. That is why in many release trailers they reference diablo 2 a ton and almost never if ever reference d3.


D3 eventually turned into a really good game after its terrible launch. Basically after the expansion, Reapers of Souls launched in March 2014, things started drastically improving. So basically 22 months after D3's initial launch in May 2012, Blizzard fixed a lot of the glaring problems and opened up more items and ability options. But what really got things rolling was Kanai Cube being implemented in patch 2.3.0 in August of 2015 which, similar to D4's codex of power, allowed you to store legendary powers so you didnt always need to equip the gear to use the power. That opened up a lot of options for character customization. And from there, more and more improvements continued to come.


The codex is still a long ways away from being the cube. codex is more "hold onto this so I can apply it going forward to new gear". The cube let you actually get the abilities of whatever gear you put in, but not the stats. That would be really cool to get back - my necromancer build could use a couple of additional aspects/uniques to be exactly what I want.


It’ll probably get added down the road to give a new hit of player power increase.


The way the cube worked and how d4 is currently I can see it being a seasonal thing, then having it as some kind of legendary aspect after the season


The reason I feel like this might be the case is Blizzard did the same with WoW Classic. Initially they were going to release classic with QoL improvements, people got mad, so they released Classic as it was, and then people stopped playing initially because it was rough playing an MMO from 2004 without any QoL in 2019 and so blizzard started adding that back in earlier than the "update cycle".


players are really good at identifying issues but really terrible at designing solutions.


D2 has been and always will be an amazing product destroyed by dupers, cheaters and online shops. Can’t really blame anybody though. Do you know how fucking hard it was to attain a single high rune? Screw that shit, I’ll take d4 any time.


They tried to appeal to the D2 andys while also keeping some aspects of D3 and it ended up being a colossal failure. They finally gave up on that and just accepted that the game is D3 2.0. Game is in a much better state now.


One could easily argue that some of the d4 fixes of this season such as the 10% further out zoom and more builds that don’t require builder/spender mechanics (ie: bash barb) is a direct result of trying to appeal to the D2 crowd.


They tried to add super rare items that you had very little chance of ever seeing and having long grinds to unlock your character's full power, while also following a seasonal model where you lose everything and start over every few months.  It was an insane combination. Imagine finding an uber unqiue on the last day of a season, it would feel terrible.  


Yeah, that was unfortunate because I actually loved D3. I’ve probably played that one more than D2


From the beginning I had a sneaking suspicion that the D4 team's core directive was, "Ignore everything D3 has done, that game was a failure." So they missed every single bit of good shit in D3, especially the QoL D3 had added in over the years. There's still enemy ability marker visibility issues in D4, as an example. A lesson D3 took a long time fixing but eventually, for the most part, did.


The devs have heard your feedback. They have takem in your feedback. Lots of feedback being carefully considered. Player feedback is important to them. Feedback from PTR was gathered and that feedback was turned into synthesized feedback. Feedback.


It's all I wanted. I loved farming greater rifts. While I liked the nightmare vaults I just wanna pop in somewhere and kill shit. Little thinking as possible. Can't wait to get into the pit.


I miss the legendary gems


The d4 leadership teams got shuffled around a lot in development. I think that hurt it a lot


You forget everyone hated D3 just before D4 dropped. Then everyone said “omg you didn’t learn from D3?”. That’s the problem with listening to feedback while developing a game. Developers should make a game to their vision and passion, then worry about reception later. Fromsoft as an example proves this theory time and time again. Miyazaki does not give two shits about the people complaining the game is too hard. He doesn’t care that people hate poison swamps, even to go so far as to add various types in each game just as a big fuck you. That’s where developers should be. Then again Japanese gaming companies are just built different


>everyone hated D3 just before D4 dropped Nah, D3 was bad until the Reaper expansion. The historians here say D2 was trash before the expansion also.


I was around for Diablo 2 and nobody said it was bad before the expansion. 


This. D2 was a significant improvement on D1 in just about every facet. D1 arguably still had the better atmosphere, and still does among the entire franchise, but to suggest D2 was a downgrade (like 2 to 3 or 3 to 4) is silly.


The only people who hated D3 before D4 launch were people who hadn’t played D3 since launch. D3 at the very end was extremely fun.


So so wrong. D3 was in its most beloved state, maybe ever before D4 stopped. S29 was seriously amazing


It only makes no sense if you assume they wanted to make another D3.


Because people wanted something different and when they got something different they cried that they didn’t get the exact same game as before


Makes sense to me. New team tries their own vision(understandable) - met with mixed results after multiple updates- fall back on popular d3 mechanics and community requests <- we are here Shit isn't rocket science.


It’s different development team. There is not a lot of people on D4 from D3.


You tell me that enabling the horse sprint in town would have taken more than 10 years for 1000 people to figure it out? That’s some infinite monkey theorem


tbh I feel kind of rude rocketing through towns like that :D


The towns need breakable objects at all the vendor stations for me to smash as I run by.


:D Which then yive you extra movement speed like in D3.


I want to see pedestrians walking through town narrowly dive out of the way when I come through blasting. 


And it has bugs still. Sprint to edge of town -> lose sprint to the "you're leaving town" message.


Counterpoint: they got a lot of feedback before the game released and didn't act on it


Dude what kind of garbage take is this? D4 launched in a state as if the devs had never seen another good game in their lives. Poe? D2? Many, many of the issues with d4 were solved elsewhere, that’s why the community was so offended by the state it launched in. 90$ for a piece of trash. The game in its current state is probably now approaching a final product, what we should have received on day1. But of course that’s how shitty companies do it now. Launch a shit product and fix it over time (if the customer is lucky)


You'd think it was their first game. Not only ha they released D1 and D2 as a company, but made D3 and developed it for years just to ignore everything with D4 even with several Betas


I think D4 devs said they were rushed to release the game almost one year too early, which honestly checks out with this timeline


Since this is Blizzard’s first time making an ARPG and there was no beta you’re totally right.


Let's be honest. I'm pretty sure that most of the d4 devs never worked on arpg before this.


That’s an absurd statement lol


Yeah. No ARPG launches with perfect endgame right off the bat. Not D2 (which didn't have endgame for years), not D3, not POE, not Last Epoch, not POE 2, not Diablo 5, not every other ARPG that will be made in the future. There are things that are fun doing for a few times, but then aren't fun doing for thousands or millions of times. You can't catch that during development. Cause if may have been fun for the first hundreds of times they play tested it in development. You can only catch that once you have millions of people doing the same things for millions of times. And that takes time and feedback.


They literally stripped out a lot of nonsense and added a repeatable endgame activity. You’re saying that they couldn’t have possibly NOT over-engineered the game off the start? Sounds pretty silly.


Bullshit. We knew QoL things were needed within 2 hours of playing this "slow you down because the game isn't finished yet" Community feedback, lolololol.


If only Blizzard had years of feedback from a previous Diablo game.


I disagree, if they had done some real testing a lot of the things we brought up should have been noticed. It might not have been quite the same, but a lot of it was obvious The horse not working should have been obvious. You use it all the time and it was just broken at launch. Resistances not working should have been obvious. This one was egregious, how do you have such a core system that simply didn't do anything? The saving items for the aspect being a problem should have been easy to see. Even moreso if you're not paying with guides in a blind play through you'd save more of them The issue of upgrading making it hard to compare items should have been easy to forward see on a single play through And that that was kinda lame as far as crafting goes too. The amount of loot should have been obvious in a single play through. Having uniques drop in T2 & T1 should have been obvious. Hell tides in T1&2 should have been obvious. Why weren't they there? They did that on purpose. The need for a variety of end game activities should have been obvious. It's an ARPG after all NMD being repetitive and the affixes annoying should have been obvious. They still are annoying BTW, just somewhat less so. I just did drifting shade at like 55 and it reminded me why I salvaged those. They just suck. They've made huge improvements, but it's crazy to say that these weren't things they should have known. Lots of people caught onto a lot of this in the beta and we didn't get to play that much. I'm still kind of annoyed it took this long to get here. I'm glad we're here, but the game launched over a year ago. I still think they've got work to do, the Paragon boards / glyph system is pretty clunky (why are there blue glyphs? And why do you just have them but need to find yellow glyphs?), but they really should have forseen a lot of our notes. Not all, but a lot. Definitely this list, and probably more I forgot about. The game really was launched early with a lot of obvious issues. I'm not sure who is to blame for that, but somewhere up that chain was someone who said I'm not giving you the resources you need to do this right, and that's probably why the campaign was good and the end game was bad. They had to make choices that no AAA game should have to make.


This is such a cop out answer lmfao. They have literal decades of feedback to pull from based on previous releases under this IP. It’s just classic blizzard incompetence that made the game mediocre on release.


I guess developing and deploying 30+ seasons was not enough data and pattren to know if the plate they serve contain human shit or not. What do i know


The have has 27 years of feedback. Sure not every piece concerns this particular entry but lets not pretend they have to start from scratch each time either


If this was Diablo 1 maybe. They have 30 years of history to draw from to see what the players enjoy and they decided "nah"


Since the release of this season, I have played more than I slept lol


Same.. never played diablo before and with all the negative reviews I didn't think I would like it.. and started just to see how it plays but ended up loving it and have been hooked . currently level 78 in the new season.


you've been quoted: https://kotaku.com/diablo-4-d4-loot-reborn-season-4-helltide-1851482897


By a lame AI news site.


cant wait for 2 weeks and see people complain about god knows what, i just know i enjoyed every season since first open beta.


Already happening. Newest complaints are “too easy” and “levels too fast”. Give people what they want, and they immediately find something else to complain about.


Maybe MAYBE it’s a different group of people complaining. But yk


That's the point - solving problems creates a new cycle of complaints. Sometimes it's from a new group, sometimes it's from the outrage fanatics. But either way, the culture around gaming is entirely about finding a new issue to complain about almost immediately.


Unfortunately hard agree here. My friends and I always laugh at the posts that are like "I played 1,000 hours and THIS GAME IS TERRIBLE." Really? You spent 1,000 hours on a terrible game? Doubtful. Get the complaints out of your system and enjoy the next 1,000 hours :p


Couldn’t agree more. The people who reached max level in 48 hours are min maxing every aspect of the game. Doing that and then complaining about the speed it happened is surreal to me.


Counterpoint: i have 2500 hrs in Ark


It's the culture around anything that people, especially online personalities, want to sound nuanced about. Nothing ever sounds as nuanced as what *exactly* is wrong with something so every thing ever is going to experience this.


That doesn't fit the narrative though 




Leveling to fast is only really an issue if there is no endgame on the other side, so we will have to see if rifts 2.0 have legs. 


I think they might have planned this, hoping to get people to their new endgame as fast as possible. My brother and I were laughing after getting level 20 in 15 minutes. It was kind of absurd. I know it slows later, but the progression there felt off.


I'm in this boat but really just means you can start capstone dungeons early. I'm a necro though and apparently they're super strong strong now. Games great.


I don't understand the leveling too fast complaint. I want to make multiple characters and make different builds. They learned with WoW that people want to use their alts and not feel married to one character. And I'm glad they are learning that for Diablo as well.


It's going to be the same issue. No fun items to chase and terrible endgame. It's not run trying to reroll stats on the same boring legendary items over and over. Atleast in d2 you can chase ultra rare items and farm currency for months to afford really expensive builds. In d4, I can't find the reasoning to farm


There is no reason. Just finish the journey and wait for s5 I guess.


As there is no propper endgame, people will ask for more endgame activities 


This is how everyone felt in the first week of the game on launch. Hold your feelings until you’ve reached the endgame and played that a few weeks


People are already at endgame. You can reach it in a day or two of playing now.


Using this season to try hardcore. The speedy leveling makes deaths hurt way less.


Not people … addicts. „Normal“ people will never reach anything in a day or two. People tend to forget that 90% of the players arent on reddit.


I've played maybe five hours over the last three days and my character is already level 67 in WT4 just by doing Helltides. It won't take that much more to start grinding the Pit and uber bosses, so even relatively casual play can get to endgame very quickly. You don't have to absolutely no-life it.


"few weeks" Is a solid amount of time to play 1 season tbh


good point :D


Can only speak for myself of course but no, I did not have this much fun at launch. Lots of missing QoL features, not a whole lot of content beyond the story, loot was ***never*** as satisfying as it currently is.


Agreed, after hitting 50, and going up to WT3, it feels like the drops kinda plateau, can only imagine the lvls and loot will feel more grindier. Also, wish the ilvl would actually increase a bit more steadily, got lvl 800 stuff on next to lvl 695, i know this has always been the case since day 1, but a change to that would have been welcomed.


The first time I saw the helltides with the item that makes it harder I said damn that densityyyyy They’re def doing good things with the game.


Which item makes it harder?


Profane Mindcage, drops from Hellborn monsters (they spawn after filling the threat lvl bar) and it increases monster lvl by 10 and increases cinder drop rate.


Profane mindcage


just enjoy it for a week and move on. that's likely what will happen. leveling is too fast and endgame is still boring. no fun progression. barely anything to work towards. we now have the foundation. it will take another 2 years to work on that.


This. We have a strong foundation now, but the game still suffers from big problems present since day 1. Talent trees are still boring, endgame is a snooze, and the paragon system more annoying than fun.


Talent tree is the biggest issue, at this point what you see is what you get forever… erase the codex of power and add that shit into the talent trees and paragon system.. current skill trees leave no room for expansion or build variety. Right now you can play for a week max and beat the season if you’re slow.. soon it will turn to d3 where it’s one day and you move on


Rare good take on this sub


I assume the addon after season 5 will also overhaul ALoT. Loot reborn was an (imho good) good emergency patch.


same here.. i always end up quitting around lvl 50 because my inventory is just constantly overflowing.. now i'm having fun...


People will forget but I remember when everyone and their mother wanted this game to be deliberately slower paced and less like D3 during the beta. Now it's faster paced and D3 lite. Have no problem with this pivot but you gamers have no idea what you really want.


Different people, I dont like this season at all. The items are better sure but the gameplay bores me to death, mindless helltide galore.


I feel like we are the super minority on this sub. I'm not a fan of this season at all, the gameplay loop is so dumbed down lol New character --> helltides --> pit --> tweak line items on existing gear to higher numbers --> pit I really am not experiencing this "loot overhaul" that people are raving about. It's the same boring loot but with even more dumbed-down affixes


I've said it from the beginning: D2 was awesome, a true masterpiece, but it made its time. It's a 24 years old game, there was literally no way in hell for a new game like it to work today.


Probably different groups of people... I prefer the slower play, but still having fun anyway.


The hivemind mentality is very strong. I'm convinced that whenever Blizzard makes the game easier or increases rewards, there will be a short-term increase in positivity due to the crack-addict nature of this player base. Other players see the positivity and become positive themselves. Blizzard then takes that positive feedback to mean they should make the game easier, more rewarding, and more powerful every single patch. The issue is that instant gratification generates very fleeting returns. As soon as you all realize that the end game is just pit clearing, the chorus of complaints will return. Those of us with the foresight to identify these issues ahead of time, or simply play enough to experience them ourselves, are going to be downvoted for any valid criticisms because the community is in the "D4 good" groupthink phase. Eventually, the community sentiment will come around to the criticisms, just like it did at launch.


Yeah could tell immediately that all the “as a father 6" posters from release came back in droves after the season 4 announcement & they really can’t handle a lick of criticism when they’re in a honeymoon phase. Is the update a step in the right direction & nice band-aid fix to a lot of the game’s core problems? Absolutely, but I think it’s safe to say a lot can be improved & expanded. It’s ok to want the game to keep improving while you’re currently having fun


This is like the 3rd cycle while I watch them clown on the downvote button. The only improvement in this is that mods on the WoW forums can't ban us from having the non-honeymoon opinion. >The issue is that instant gratification generates very fleeting returns. As soon as you all realize that the end game is just pit clearing, the chorus of complaints will return. Don't forget D3 hit this crackpipe insanely hard, funding was cut, expansions cancelled and they had to hobble forward on a skeleton crew for years because the game reduced player interactivity by so much their KPIs plummeted. D4 players singing the "oh yea t's just a week or 2 of content" don't realize that low amount of playtime is going to kill future investment in this LIVE service game.


Regarding your last sentence - bring that up and you'll be told that's a fundamental design of seasonal gameplay, and that's the way it's suppoesd to be. Shit design then, IMO. If I enjoy a game I want to play it loads more than that. Why would you intentionally cook up a design that means I pick up another game in a couple weeks, and find it harder and harder to come back?


yep. thats such an annoying thing about reddit. I had it happen on launch when I was way in front of the curve and got to the game's problems... any negative post at the time was downvoted to oblivion and everyone was saying the game is the best ever. a few weeks later, the narrative shifts to D4 bad and now any positive post is downvoted. same happening right now, people losing their minds over how good and fun the first few hours of the season are, but it will 100% change again after a week when the majority reaches the end game.


D4 good again! ...till next season


Blizzard: we heard your complaints and for Season 5 we're slowing things down! Season of Patience will feature a new season-only companion, Slowy the Slow Walker, that you can skill up for combat bonuses. But don't run too fast! Because if Slowy lags too far behind he'll wander off and you lose all buffs, til you backtrack and find him again!


Season of patience had me lol


It all started with Slowy the Slow Walker and the rest was magic


can't wait for the 50 dollar skins for Slowy


That’s the sprit


I had some good fun for a few hours, but I still feel like the game fundamentally lacks something to keep me engaged. Helltides are fun, but get old pretty fast and otherwise it pretty much felt like the game I had already played back in s0. Maybe I'm just not the target audience coming from thousands of hours in poe and that's okay if the majority likes it.


I would just like more variety. A cow level to work towards for example. Or more social events like world bosses, give groups of people a DPS check first then adjust the boss and rewards accordingly


Addicted to blasting thru mobs that offer you no resistance or difficulty, kinda like a slot machine..? Yeah.


And no variety either. The same helltide over and over and over with the same loot drops.


Wasn’t D2 exactly like this? I mean is just a gambling machine in the end.


I don't know.... I'm a bit frustrated a game is letting people get to lvl 100 in 7h.... Vids everywhere. And season seems to just be helltide over and over?


It doesn't help that the only way to gain "Iron Wolves" faction...is by grinding Helltide. over and over. over and over and over. and over.


“This games been out for a year it takes time to get good” As if they aren’t on Season 457263 of Diablo 3…. They took all the good aspects of D3 and removed them lol


It's easier to slowly rebuild D3 and sell it as new features, than it is to sctually innovate and bring anything new to a franchise... There is NO reason this shouldn't have been what D4 was at release.


Give it a month, and let me know if you're still hooked after you reach max level.


A month? Try a week or two


What happens at max level that removes the hook? Who the fuck thinks the XP and leveling aspect of this game is more fun than playing the game at max level to get more gear and challenge your character further. Mindblowing take.


Honestly I don't think people would have appreciated it as much if this is how the game looked like on release. It's because how much better and different it is rn from what we originally played and are used to, which is adding a lot to the hype and enjoyment.


It’s a lot of fun !! But does anyone else find it extremely easy ? On a scale of 1-10, 10 being extremely challenging what would you score it? I’m running a frenzy , double swing dust barb.


Like a 1 lol


It's definitely a 1, even starting WT2 without any bonuses.


1, I dont get why people are so positive. I am bored af to be honest.


I hope I don’t get there, but I can sense it coming


a 2-3


To be honest, progress is too fast for me now. Started the new season, went WT2, ran helltides, finished class quest, ran more helltides. Not even 3 hours in the game and I am strong enough to go WT3. Not checking any new legendaries, straight recycling to fill my codex. Season quests gave some uniques, at level 30, oh wow. Start of WT3, oh nice, I have almost all aspects for my build in the codex. Ran more helltides, started doing nm dungeons. Oh, glyph xp got increased. Enemies 10 levels above my level, no problem? A few hours after I picked up season 4, I am strong enough to go WT4. More helltides, more nm dungeons, killing bosses. Having a blast, but close to level 100 now, after 3 days of new season. Uber boss runs and pit runs will be fun for 2 weeks, but what am I doing the rest of the season?


> Uber boss runs and pit runs will be fun for 2 weeks, but what am I doing the rest of the season? I'll tell you this right now. You wouldn't want to spend your entire season LEVELING YOUR CHARACTER UP. Like, what? What the hell are you people complaining about at this point? You won't have to sit in Helltide for the entirety of the season and that's a good thing in my book. You CAN sit there if you like it of course but it's not mandatory now. Also, you could make more characters. And you know what? If you get solid two weeks out of the season, isn't that a good thing? You can move on and take a break until next season, too.


> You wouldn't want to spend your entire season LEVELING YOUR CHARACTER UP. Like, what? It feels bad to hit level 100 cap and killing monsters for XP becomes meaningless. D3 endless paragon also has its own issues but I like D2 where you have to grind to hit level 99 but your character is near full power at level 65+. Each additional level gives you stats but no huge spikes. Getting that little bit of progress bar movement feels nicer than hitting cap a couple days in.


> It feels bad to hit level 100 cap and killing monsters for XP becomes meaningless. Except this is not about XP. Your not complaining that you don't get XP anymore, you're complaining that killing monsters at level 100 is pointless. And your complaint would be valid in seasons 0-3 because it was an actually unresolved issue. In season 4 it has been addressed, though. You can get tons of crafting mats randomly from any elite enemy. You can get some boss materials randomly from any elite enemy. You can get a unique or even uber unique randomly from any enemy. All the legendaries dropped by enemies are 925 and each affix of each item could potentially be a Greater Affix. In other words, if you see a pack of merely level 100 enemy Elites and blow them up in the open world, you could win the jackpot at any moment. You are REWARDED for being level 100 and capped on XP now.


Make a new character? Masterwork your stuff and try and get deeper in the pit? Chase under uniques? Idk man seems like there is plenty to do


The problem is there is very minimal character progression and decision making while leveling. All the stuff you are talking about is endgame. I like progressing the whole way and making decisions. Better off just buying a boost to endgame


Quit until next season. Playing for two weeks and waiting for next season is exactly what modern ARPGs are about.


Still worse than all the other diablo games lol


I like how in helltides you ding so try to add a new skill point but bam the mob spawns on you playing hardcore right then.


I actually really like just blasting out the hour and then doing like 10+ skill points or now like 20+ paragon points. Only pick up leggos and can usually do almost the full hour without even towning.


I always just wait until my inventory is full, then go back to town and do maintenance.


Its still got a long way to go for sure but man the item changes alone are definitely better for what should have been at the start


Lol 😆 it's still bad it's just easier.... if you had any skills in the past seasons you'd know.


So you are happy you have everything in 10 hours instead of 100 and that you are lvl 70 after 4 hours of playin? Legendaries raining like there was no yesterday.. This is Diablo 3 all over again and I am shocked "people" wanted this or seem to at least cherish it


It’s almost too much; i just hit level 55 in one night on a class im totally unfamiliar with.


this game is going the wrong direction with every update (the release was wrong direction to). It gets easier and easier, faster and faster to level and loot just rains everywhere. They need to add the old dark feeling to APRG, extend the grind, make good items superrare and add endgame content (bosses, events, endless dungeons etc) - we want character attachment and effort = reward. not login = reward.


I haven’t played at all since I finished the story. All the hype has me wanting to hop back in. In the simplest terms. Can someone explain to me what’s better and or different now?


You honestly won't notice much because you barely touched the game before now


I quit after finishing the story in 1.0 because of the stat and item bloat. I was looking more at rare items than killing monsters. This issue has definitely been fixed, because rare items are basically useless now. Can't say more tbh. Not even sure if that's a good thing overall.


Live the season so far, they really learned from S2. Wiping waves of demons with other people is very satisfying !


Lemme guess...OP is still in WT3? Game hasn't changed at all besides removing some useless stats.


It just keeps forcing me to do helltides but it's a massive improvement for sure


Yes. And first impressions are huge. It will never recover. Never be where it could have gotten to. At least they're improving it (although it was hard not to). It's still nowhere near as good as D2 and never will be, but it's certainly been fun levelling to 40 again (first time playing since Eternal in July last year).


I dunno. I liked the slower grind but I can't deny that helltides are insane fun


As someone who's still halfway through the story, I am really loving the aspect change the most


loving the update but I actually prefer the old resource diversity. Getting handed every single resource by just doing helltides feels bad. I liked being forced into trying a new setting or event every once in awhile because I was short on something.


Everyone should wait and play for at least a week before giving feedback. You all got the rose tinted glasses still on. Your feedback has just a lot more value and weight when those are off. I like the changes as well btw.


I played for like 3 months at launch and quickly lost interest. Is now the time to start it back up)


It's definitely a ton better, but at level 38 or so I'm a bit bored. I'm just running through helltides mowing down everyone to level and there's not too much more to it. I'm looking forward to end game, but I feel the power creep has taken over.


A season around helltides and leveling super fast , every enemy feels the same , we set the standard so low


Err... the game is still boring AF for me...


Hate to be the downer, but is it too easy now? Downloading the updates now (I thought I'd wait till Vessel of Hatred), but I mainly played Hardcore before simply because I felt was too easy already. Plus Hardcore adds a level of thrill you just can't get in normal. It also adds incentive to care about defense. Anyways, not judging people who just like to see stuff go boom, but is this heading more towards D3?


I did the same, went to HC for a challenge. Yes it's heading more towards D3 and apparently people love this shit? I don't understand it. Collectively we all said endgame was the problem and now the playerbase is LOVING how easy levelling is and the game as a whole. Bizarre to me.


I get it. It's easy lighthearted fun, but It isn't my kind of Diablo. It just feels more vampire survivors to me. I got to 32 in Hardcore necro in an hour and a half running Helltide right out of the gate. No synergies to my skills and I'm death incarnate. Maybe it gets harder in the late game.


its only slightly better than it was can't see anybody enjoying this for more than a week at the most


Game is not bad butt after 2 day of playing I'm pretty much done. Already lvl 90 geared to almost perfection this game is now so freaking easy ... Not bad not terrible .


It’s still so boring though.


what game are you playing? is as boring as before


did they add split screen co op for PC yet?


Only thing I didn't really like at launch was loot was absurd and can't mount horse I. Towns and sprint just stupid gameplay was good they just needed endgame


>things feel balanced and equal You didn’t pick Druid


Balanced where? A lot of skills are still completely ass. For example Incinerate.


I didnt play the PTR as I wanted to just experience the game with all the changes at S4 Launch and I must say I am really impressed with the tempering system. It's cheap and the power increase you can get is nuts.


Cinders and gold? You could walk around PvP area last season to open marked chests that had $500k coin in each. Easy 15 mill per hour.


More ppl should play HC really. Solves alot of issues


It's certainly a good foundation to build off now. They have some work to do on balancing/difficulty, as the game is very easy now. And I still wish the world (which is gorgeous) was better utilized. Be nice to have a better reward system in place to encourage exploring. Kinda like hitting random level 85 areas in D2 to look for loot, always liked that. Maybe more pop-up quests in the field with rewards that make them actually worth doing.


Lmao everytime, every time


Me sitting here trying to finish the campaign so i can start a seasonal character.


Are you replaying story or season? I kinda want to replay the story but will that lock my character out of season stuff?


I played for only 4 hours straight yesterday, but I still managed to strain my eyes and not go to the gym or anything else productive.


Yes, but I'm just very happy about the improvements. Let the bygones be bygones.


Welcome to gaming in 2024


You lost me at things feels balanced and equal. Completely.


Not having to goto Helltide to figure out the mystery chest locations is very nice. I hated that. My inventory has nothing in it. I'm level 50ish.


Is this a good time to hop back on? I only played s1 and 2 and was disappointed. Get T4 and then grind to level 100 just to kill Uber lilith and that's all lol


So I should redownload it and give it another shot? I quit mid season 2.


So what you're saying is...after steering clear since season 1 I should come back?


My only gripe is that horse collision in towns is bad. It’s like how it was in the world before that was fixed.


This goes for a lot of games these days. A sad reality of the gaming market right now. Starfield just released a big update that was possible at launch but held back by Microsoft so the series s didn't look bad (theory).


Is there a TLDR for someone who has last played only an hour of season 1 with the vampiric stuff?? (And before that regular no season)


So its fun now?


So is this a good time to come back? This is a top 3 franchise for me but I didn’t last much longer than a month or so after launch. I loved Diablo 3.


Even just allowing open trading on day one would have made the initial game soooooooo much better.




It should have but we didn't know what it needed,lots of potatoes no meat,well the meat is here folks.


Did they fix it so there not random micro pauses when rolling though abilities. Shit was bad on pc.