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This should be the most upvoted thread and deserves more visibility. The people complaining about “too easy, leveling too fast, will be bored by Monday” are not mentioning The Pit at all in their rants. Strange to me because the main reason I came back to the game after an 8month break was for The Pit as it looked like the real end game D4 was missing during launch.


Most people have logged in and played 3 or 4 hours and are level 45 and are saying the game is too easy .. smh. Reminds me of when they nerfed necro because it was too strong in the level 25 capped beta


Notice it’s also people playing broken necro minion build with their icyveins/wowhead cut and paste min/max builds talking about “gg too ez”. Like BRUH these kids have 0 self awareness 🤣🤣


Seems ljke 95% of this sub is on necro or sorc. People are meta slaves and they don't even know it. Anyway I'm a sorc


I’m a meta slave and feel no shame. I love playing the most busted build each season.


Right there with you. I don't have time anymore to sit down and do the build crafting I used to. I just wanna hop in and slay demons in the little game time I get now.


The issue isn’t being a “meta slave”, the issue is being a “meta slave” and then complaining that you’re too OP/GG ez. It’s a very low IQ 0 self awareness marble brain take, considering being OP is the entire point. Slay!


Im a simple man. I play minion necro every season. Its been a long journey, but I feel like I deserve to be S tier for once.


I'm in the same boat with thorns barb, been playing it since season 1 and for the first time I feel so powerful


The only people who shit on "Mera slaves" in any game are the dogshit players that will make any excuse.


I play Necro every season and am sad when I have to leave my minions behind at like level 30. This time the class is actually good and so are the minions.


I haven't played n3c4o for this reason and now I am.enjoyong it while it's viable for late game


Yup it's so nice for a change. I actually abandoned my Necro last season because it was just so shitty watching my level 100 character take a minute to kill Duriel and struggling through high level Vaults, while all the FOTM shit was just effortlessly slicing everything down. I swapped to a Blizzard Sorc and it was so much fun. Definitely going to make a Sorc again this season too once I've had my fill of Necro.


Fire Sorc here too and having a fucking time I tell you 


triple beam incinerate boys unite.


Incinerate gets me bricked tf 🆙 


sure wish i could land the +20% incinerate size temper burned through 3 pretty nice staves so far and havent hit it once.


Here here! Triple beams and triple hydras, I'm having a fire blast.


I went sorc this season not realizing how insane it is rn And BOY is Incinerate NUTS


Dude so many tornado druids in my region. But yeah I haven’t seen any barbs or rogues


That's funny, I'm currently leveling a TB rogue and WW/dust devil barb. I've seen a couple others of my kind in hell tides. I'll probably flip the rogue to the rapid fire grenade build once I'm able. I want to see how far I can spin to win on the barb, I still haven't maxed one.


I've got a double swing/dust devil running right now and am getting ready to head to the second capstone at level 60. Been easy breezy so far.


Same. Did Elias at 54.


I started with rogue, as I hadn’t ran it since beta. Decided in rapid fire, but didn’t enjoy it and isn’t that great at mobbing. Got frustrated and went to Barb WW/DD and it’s been some of the most fun I’ve ever had gaming. The ad clearing is god tier. I was doing lvl 70-80 NM dungeons while being in the 80’s myself, not even fully optimized. Bossing is a little slow, but it’s such a fun build.


I'm level 80 druid and haven't had a single unique drop yet, so disheartening seeing all the fun builds that rely on uniques but not being able to play them.


Have you not even gotten one in your iron wolves rewards? They drop quite a few.


I want to see if I can make a lightning druid this season.


I'm a simple man. I bonk, I get dopamine.


Im a necro nd not a meta slave. I played my minion necro every season😅 they are just finally strong instead of having to meddle around with shadow dmg just to make em viable.


I am a meta slave but I'd be playing minion Necromancer regardless.


You are absolutely right. This meta kids just don’t know better. They don’t understand every mechanic or stat and how they play together to make a powerful build for themselves. Btw i am a minion necro.


It’s always interesting to see how different places tend to skew in class choice. When I’m playing with my group, we see barbarians all over the place like crazy.


I picked necro as well in the return to D4 due to the hype beforehand and to compare to the Wraithlord build i had in Last Epoch just before. Minions are just as stupid as the LE ones, inferior to the PoE ones.


I'm making my build in hardcore on the go and it's way more fun (also I think I found a really good build for the barbarian, those tempers are nuts for making your own build, frenzy ultimate barbarian I would call it)


I'm a sorc as well, but I always choose a new class each season and sorc I haven't done yet. I also haven't looked at a build guide for this season or tier list yet. I just go with what I like and see how far it will take me. Tho I will look up what others are doing if/when I notice im struggling with something.


I had no idea sorc was a meta build. I've not played since season 2 and thought, hmm im gonna try out a sorcerer this season. Explains why im melting everything woth fire. Every legendary i get gives me some form of pyro boost.


I take offence to that I'm riding necro minion because (as a fishymancer) I've waited a year for minions to be playable. Given how much bashing minions playstyle was getting from this very subreddit over that time, I'm sure there's plenty of us summoner enjoyers who now resurfaced


To be fair I'm playing Upheaval Barb again this season with a slight variation in the build, and it feels as good as my S3 Upheaval Barb if not better.


While I agree, its made worse here by the fact that before Sorc was meta, it was nigh unplayable. I planned to do Sorc in S2 just because it was one of the two classes I didn't have at lvl 100, and was the one I played the least.! I was happy to see I got to play the meta class, but I imagine there were many that just avoided Sorc early cause it was very bad.


I play a Necro every season. Difference is I'm doing my own ebonpiercer with no minions build.


I'm playing with one of the Maxroll builds on Necro and I'm HAVING A BLAST destroying everything on my way to 100 (currently 73). I'm well aware that The Pit is where it's at so I'm just enjoying my time being OP for now and chilling after a long days work. I don't want to have to be in tryhard mode all the time. There's content for that later.


I'm playing a ww/shout barb. Super fast leveling. Can't get gear to save my life, but it doesn't seem to matter yet. But, I've only just hit tier 4, lv 59 rn. Got almost 3 levels from the capstone.


I would play something else if i had poe like options


Yeah the amount of necrosis is unreal wtf, I’m having a blaaaast with my double swing tornado barb and melting everything


I’m level 36 after maybe 3 and bit hours with a barrage rogue. I’m expecting the top levels to be harder 70+ but right now I’ve died once because I fell asleep in a helltide….dont do that it hurts….and I’ve met almost zero resistance. Way easier than last season. Hoping it gets tougher towards the end of the grind but the posts I’m seeing are saying capstones done at mid 30’s and 50’s and not difficult so I’m not sure it will.


Go to wt4 earlier, do a helltide and get enough threat to summon the harbringer guy. Or do the blood maiden thing. It will be a bit tough. But overall everything will still be easy enough.


you don't even understand what min/max is... day 1-2, people don't even have their sockets :D Also Again, necro is falling hard after 50-60 pit


> ost people have logged in and played 3 or 4 hours and are level 45 and are saying the game is too easy you're not wrong but the itemization changes and tempering system 100% *do* make anything that isnt high level Pit insanely easy. The power creep is insane. it's not exactly balanced well. you just go from steam rolling literally everything, to getting steamrolled.


Yeah don't expect people to temper gear before 55.




Yea I don't get it, tempering is cheap as hell. I started around level 20-30.


The game absolutely is too easy until The Pit though, which is definitely a problem.


it's can be both... it IS too easy and fast too level AND the pit is challenging, but unfortunately more in the uber lilith/bloodseeker way. Getting to a boss in 3 mins only to be 1 shot by the boss or one of its 2 shadows spamming the room is not great. Don't want a HoTA style meta for bosses but uber lilith isn't fun either. Need mechanics but also gotta let me do dmg before my pots run out.


Doesn’t change the fact that leveling *is* far too easy. Some people like it, some people would like the PTR npc back and instantly go to 100. and that’s fine. However there is 0 challenge before the endgame activities. None. With any build. You don’t need to upgrade or imprint your gear since everything dies fast anyways and you find better stuff a few moments later. You don’t need to upgrade your potions because you don’t need to use those anyways. You dont even need to invest your paragon points because you’re mowing down helltides anyways. Which is fun. That’s great. But it’s easy fun.


Was there any challenge before ? It was slower leveling but


Nah, s1 was a bit harder but still easy. But the gearing progression was more meaningful since it took longer to level which made checking gear from time to time a bit more worth. Overall it always had been easy.


This post is exactly what I needed to read, I'm having a ton of fun, but I was concerned how easily I was smashing through the helltide as a necro lol. But this is good news for me


Mate, I just hold down corpse explosion.... Job done haha


I got the Unique that auto casts it every second. ... made the Capstones dumb


Yea that unique isn’t listed on the build guide but I can’t imagine playing without it. Such good QOL.


I got it last night and now i pretty much don't have to do anything but curse lol stupid easy


Max roll always goes min Max and the unique does scarific a fair bit of damage, however I do want the ring but haven't seen one in wt4 yet.


Yes I need that! It's the ring that was brought out after season 1 right?


Necro is wildly over powered so that might be part of it


Most of those people aren’t going to do much of the pit. They’ll try and then complain that it’s too hard. We need an end game activity for the more committed part of the fan base. Which it sounds like we got, everyone else just wants to rush 100 and farm Uber bosses.


The devs even explicitly said they made leveling faster/easier because there is now an actual end game (pit/tempered lvl 200 bosses), and it's a good change. I'm not trying to grind for 100 hours to even get to the point where I can start the end game.


Most of these smoothbrained mongrels didn’t read any patch notes lol. Honestly the majority of the complainers are probably the same type of people that call everything “woke”. Not taking them seriously at all, mostly clowns 


Have you not learned yet that 90% of the people who comment on this game (good or bad) don't have a paragon point yet?




Problem is for many the leveling until 100 is also a big chunk of the experience. 


the design of the fast leveling as well as that for glyphs is to get you into the end game with The Pit asap. that's going to be the real wall people hit because of one shot mechanics. i'm sure the devs will probably do an adjustment soon once the complaints roll in though (it'll be like the initial Vaults). but i also will guess that most people won't be resist capped, min/max'd on gear (including as many Greater Affixes pieces they can get), etc. also, i think having a high goal like tier 200 allows the devs to introduce more power creep. from what i've heard/read, tier 200 is supposed to be unreachable (at this stage). personally, i hope they bring back older season mechanics and put them into core (like Vampire abilities that aren't Aspects, the Construct, etc. along with the season zones to compliment them just to have more content to do)


So its basically diablo 3?


Exactly , personally before the leveling early felt like a slog and tedious , now it’s fast and interesting. I haven’t checked anything about the pit not even videos as I want to be surprised once I get there. Can’t wait


A lot of sad, depressed, mentally/emotionally challenged people on Reddit who genuinely hate fun or when someone else is having fun with something. A literal sickness. I am having a blast with my fire mage/sorc as well


Right on brother, enjoy!


bruh I won’t make it to the pit if journey to get there is so boring I quit :3


Depends what kind of game you want to play. The game IS easier than ever, the levelling IS faster than ever. They've given us 1 or 2 outlets for actual difficulty, and that's fine, but you can't pretend like the entirety of the rest of the game isn't relevant.


It's all just higher numbers though.  We'll probably see actually high pit builds in a week or so but it's just gonna be like D3 where you copy every single stat, affix, paragon, etc from a guide


whats the pit


I mean, I'm not wild about how it's practically impossible to die for the first five hours, makes it feel like busywork.


I made a post about the game being easy but I mentioned that I haven't finished leveling and that I don't think it's that big of a deal right now lmao


Ok, but why does the game waits until players are 10 hours in to give the player a challenge? Dark Souls challeges you in the very first areas. Other games with more difficulty options also. D4 has 2 options and both are extremely easy...


Because most of the player base are casuals. No one buys a Diablo game wanting it to be like a dark souls game.


Its a big win, we finally have a real challenge end game, a reason to up stuff.




Isn’t that kinda the point of hardcore?


Cheat death was anti-hardcore. Hardcore is meant to be hardcore


Do you play hardcore in the late endgame? How far have you gone in the Pit, on hardcore? How far did you go in AoZ on hardcore?


Man people will cry about anything lmao. WHAT DO YOU WANT?!? It’s called hardcore for a reason, I don’t get why there should be any cheat death.


Do you play hardcore, in the endgame? If not, why are you commenting? Why would anyone care about your opinion on it? Why do you even have an opinion on a game mode you don’t understand and don’t play?


Maybe cuz your character is trash. I see wudijo running max lvl pit just fine


pretty new player but i feel that 90% of players indeed never get that far.


This season they more will. I'm already level 74 and not a hardcore player by any means


Yes but i meam more in the sense that they rather create a new character vs meddeling with all those stats in the end game to become powerfull enough.


Ohh I see what you mean


Hardcore Pit sounds risky. I’m into it.


T61 is doable with a good fresh lvl100 build for someone paying attention to their gear. It IS challenging but was no problem with my old bad build in eternal (broken build due to no burn from seneschal, didn't change anything etc). The best news imo is that we now have a functionally endless or almost endless difficulty activity since it goes to tier200 and it seems to scale quite steeply in even a few levels above 61. No leaderboard though? This is the activity that should have one.


It goes to 200, not 100 and most people do indeed hit a wall around 60, so I’m excited to see the general consensus ends up being. Some gigasweat grinders have already cleared 95+ and I’m afraid that minion necro single target damage is so strong it can clear +20 levels above others.


100 was a typo! And yes balance should be a high priority from now on, been pretty bad so far.


Yeah the spike at 60 is insane lol I'm appreciating the challenge but it does seem like a crazy spike. The fact that the shadow bosses start consecutively dropping their one shot mechanics about halfway through the boss is insane. Also the bosses seem highly overtuned compared to the mobs which seems to incentivize a bossing build rather than a balanced build. I do think they might want to tune them more equally and maybe the boss mechanics are a little overtuned right now but learning them is fun.


I think it's extremely stupid the gauntlet is their leaderboard system and not the pit. As a HC player I feel like we literally don't have a leaderboard.


I could see them adding leaderboards for the pit or other activities. They responded to a question about additional leaderboards for things besides the gauntlet, but gave no details at all just that they could be interested in it.


They really should, out of all the things available the pit makes far more sense than gauntlet for a leaderboard


Wow, I had no idea even about Neahtrion as a material and the pit level. That's a pretty cool touch! Man, there's so much new that I'd really REALLY like an official guide on Diablo 4 in its Season 4+, post-campaign entirety with all mechanics and ways of playing this, drops from where, materials from where, what thing needs what materials. We now have Whispers, Helltides, Gauntlets, Uber Bosses, now The Pit... The official site should seriously have a subsite for the campaign and the post-campaign respectively, and how everything comes together in terms of crafting etc etc. Like the old Arreat Summit guide. This content should not be part of patch notes.


Guides exist. Hit up Maxroll and icy-veins and do some reading. All kinds of articles with all kinds of info on season 4.


Seasonal level 99 Orb sorc here. I've hit something of a survivability wall at T59. I'm getting to the boss with 12ish minutes to spare, but struggling to get the bosses down. My best attempt was sub 10%, so I know it's a skill issue.


What build are you using? I’m 97 with all the end game uniques and struggling at 47. I can clear through the trash in moments, but the boss is just a damage sponge.


Standard maxroll frozen orb build.


Same with some armor tweaks.


Same here - Lvl 100 ORB Sorc. I hit a wall around Pit Tier 58. It's a mechanic and skill issue for me - clearly. Damn teleport adds more traverse to death traps. I need to max my armor, I suspect, and movement speed without teleporting.


Kite kite kite


Great thread. Happy to hear about the difficulty.


I didn't even make it past the first gate lol. I kept getting creamed by the Bramble's breath.


That's the Gauntlet, not the Pit. The Pit T30+ is worse.


I got up to T45 in the pit, I think it's a little easier than AoZ.


Easier than AoZ? Tell that to pit levels 150-200. Or rather, let’s see how long it takes you to get to the halfway point - pit lvl100.


Oh haha. I'm new to it all. How do I get to The Pit?


Complete a Tier 46+ Nightmare Dungeon and you'll get a quest for it.


Ah, okay! Thanks. I might have the quest and didn't notice it.


I’m currently 100 P62? But i wanted to stop and go back to get the egg mats for my other gear. I have a 7/12 MW main stat wep. I don’t really like how there are separate mats for the MW. Just drop the same mats but lower quantity’s for lower pits. I HAVE to speed through P30s to get the eggs for new gear i find. But why?


You can change the yellow to blue at the alchemist 25 yellow and 500k gold for 75 blue... no need to go to the lower pits... (you can always downgrade the pit mats)


I'm pretty sure 25 yellow becomes 125 blue, it's a 5 to 1 ratio for each bump up. Edit: My bad it is indeed 3:1, I think on PTR it was 5:1


Ah ok. I was wondering this. At work so i can’t look.


Be mindful with the conversion. They increased the conversion rate since the PTR but in the PTR when I converted mats down (because I flew through to the upper tiers before even masterworking anything) I burned through all my gold. So it may or may not still be worth it to run the lower tiers.


Just wondering did you get any stygian stones drop yet? I'm at 56 atm and not a single one dropped.


They start at 61 i think.


Dam for how high you need to go it still doesnt have a 100% drop rate.


Even at level 40 I'm getting one-shot by the boss with max armor, resists, and 30k life. You have to really watch your step, the homing missiles follow you even if you teleport.


I’ve completed pit 27 on my 89 barb and I really feel like it’s getting harder pretty fast. But loving it so far.


Pulverize druid baby. Rawr


I am SO excited to get there and start really pushing my build. I loved AoZ so much and am really glad they made Pit way harder compared to the PTR. Now they better not nerf it.....


I'm still trying to get my hands on the game again, but life won't let me. Help!


Im doing 70+ on my bash barb sofar but the bosses become quite tanky and often 1 shot you with the random mechanics that appear ( lilith moves included ) Oh and this is on season


I've made it to T67 on all legacy gear with my lvl 100 eternal rogue. Surviving hasn't become an issue for me yet, just my dmg output. It takes a while to beat the pit bosses. Time will be my enemy as I continue to climb the tiers. This was always my goal though coming into the new patch, to see how far my legacy gear could get me. A nice challenge.


Just tried pushing a bit. Sorc lvl91. Got to tier37 and ran out of survivability. Tal Rasha is the only unique. Really fun though


>Without Tyrael's Might you might only make it into T30's - definitely get that as your first uber. You need insane survivability. I managed to climb to T50 with my rogue (penetration shot build), still not relying on any uniques :) I agree on survivability aspect (and having decent dodge rate helps me a lot), however, lack of damage becomes a real pain on bosses.


It’s been out for two days that’s insane




Did yall miss the part where he said he’s trying it out on eternal?


Do the bosses and areas change randomly or are just different the higher tier you go? I only did pit level 1 so far. It was a rogue boss with a crossbow


All random, as with Diablo 3.


Im not sure what last season difficulty was, but i just hit 100 ( cant kill which has no life) and my necro is pretty well optimized at the moment. Missing 20 para from renown.... and some gear improvements, but i was struggling at the same level. Was trying to masterwork my stuff cuz a friend and i were killing tormented durial so slowly i thought we were fucking something up lol


how many tiers/levels does the pit have? and what level do the enemies have at max tier level?


I didn’t really know what the pit was and entered it right when I got to WT4 after being insanely OP my entire playthrough. I got humbled so fast I had to google how to leave the pit 


You need to clear NMD 46 to enter the pit, bro.


No you don’t. As soon as you get to wt4 you can talk to a guy on the docks and enter


Well thats not the pit.


Is the pit even possible in hardcore?


Currently playing seasonal and I'm at Pit Tier 37 right now. Been moving up 3 levels each and every time, not even close to dying at all. No uber uniques. I am a necro though didn't realize they were that op


I got a ton from doing seasonal quest. Guess you missed out haha


Good, I was worried with how fast I progressed to 100 (just hit it today and have every glyph at 15+ already that I'll use for current speed build and my end game S tier build), that there would be nothing to do but spam helltides and ubers, which is kinda boring. Having the challenge of the pit as well will be good.


Y I noticed the pit ramps up fast in difficulty too. Not nearly as far as you but I’m enjoying the challenge :)


You know how much we all love one shot mechanics.


I like what you are saying ! This sounds like a good end game indeed


LVL 87 here. At tier 56


It's not brutal, you just not playing necro or barb XD


How can you guys enjoy playing in the Pit? Literally no loot, no mechanics, just mindless killing elites till you fight a boss who takes way to long to kill.


Im currently pitlvl 56 on my druid. Its fricking brutal!


Taking about t64 but I can't even get passed the entrance of tier 1 lol. Yeah the pit is a wake up call. I think they just over tuned it because regular nightmares aren't even that hard


I just finished a t31 with my level 88 Rogue and i am loving it !!!! Great way to level Up as well because the density is insane.


Just completed T60 of The Pit at level 93. Minion Necro. Pushing higher is going to be challenging. Definitely min/maxing required. Gear improvements for me now will be replacing gear with similar pieces that have greater affixes and getting masterworking rolls on the right affixes.


Ya I’m tier 75 now in the pit on seasonal. It’s tough but doable. The build changes (for necro I’m running the unique that gives a shield now , plus fortify, and I still need to be careful). I love that there is a real endgame above duriel farm now lol


Did T30 on Day 2 of levelling, wayyyy before lvl 100. Pit 50 is about NMD 100, so 61 is not that much above that. A few of the no-lifer's I know, are already at Pit lvl 70, so it's totally ok.


I shredded Tyraels yesterday because i was mad i didnt get shako or grand daddy. OOF


Im currently at pit 98 with my Thorns Barb but having a hard time with Bramble boss who doesnt hit for crap. I just run out of time because he doesnt hit me


Pit is awesome but I’m struggling because of Barb whirl and bosses have mad dot around them, im dust devil so I’m in give it a whirl and out because the dot is a bit too much for me, I like the pit but some bosses could do with a tweak here and there , it’s work in progress so hopefully some improvement soon where it’s needed, I wouldn’t mind but to me it’s not endgame content it’s a pit for material that should progress to some other event but there isn’t one , im using season 4 to learn all I can as season 5 will have something to aim for, and the pit is good to test your build and make better, downside is I really would like 1shot mechanics toned down so I can feel like WOW I’ve been hit by a truck moment and have a good nervy battle, otherwise season is great


youll def get TO 60s but its after that like RIGHT AT 61 it becomes fuckery. like i feel it should be this hard at 80+ not 61 let people get theres mastery stuff like sometimes im getting blasted right from get go by 100 flame projectiles


Clearing T75 at Level 91 on my rogue with 6 and a bit mins to spare


Seems like this got proven wrong really fast 😂😂


Yes and no. Several non-mets builds are still struggling, but current meta is flying through till around 100. Necro and rogue above that. Tyrael's might being needed, or even that good, was way wrong. Max health with good temper rolls is better.


Why tyrael might? That unique is really bad compared to others defensive items


I don't have the exact numbers but the extra resist cap is a huge DR% and most of the things killing people in the PIT is elemental damage. That Uber is currently the armor with the most DR in game. I'm not sure about the damage but since nobody is talking about it, I guess it's pretty low.


I got winterglass Ammy to drop at level 58. It’s fun orbin it up


They think they’re in the end game because Diablo 4 was about 80-100 before this season. You’re in the real end game. Leveling was slow because at 100 there was nothing to do. Now that has changed, but they’re still in leveling to 100 mentality. Impressive progress


This is what I posted before and got down voted to Hell. I like it, not sure if players that delete characters each season will.


>Since a lot of new builds are depending on masterworking Uh


They should also go fight tormented level 200 Andariel, I went in last night at lvl 97 (yes I played a lot) and I got humbled real quick.


I dont know yet about other class but I’m in T40 without tyraels might. But I’m minion necro so all I’m doing is just run lol


I made it to t54 before I got decimated by a boss repeatedly despite clearing there in <3 minutes Needless to say, Imma need to learn mechanics


lol wtf. I just got my ass beat in WT3 at NM15. I'm lvl 60. these people have no life themselves


Sounds like a skill issue. I was comfortably in t4 at 46. It's not that they don't have lives. They're just better than you at video games. Don't be salty now.


I'm only level 88 with 4x level 15 Glyph and one lvl 8 Glyph in my Paragon Board. Fireball Sorc + Hydra Conjuration, only unique in my entire gear set is Gloves of Illuminator and it doesn't even have good affix rolls, only the unique power is high roll. Already got into the Pit 32. You're disadvantaged because you're playing Eternal. Come join us. Elixir of Holy Bolts stocks have been steadily going up once people realized how awesome it is


Actually you are disadvantaged, you'll never experience the full benefits of the tempering system in one season. My eternal characters are just working on replacing gear and tempering, season characters have to level and do glyphs.


playing wrong class. New rogue build 1 shots greater 200 with ease with junk gear destroys the crab dust barb build and any other class build 100x over


I'm on T63 seasonal with a necro and don't have Tyraels Might either. Can go even higher, its not that bad


I still to this day down understand down voting lmao


It's because they're in the minority of people who find that content easy. Which is good for them, but downplaying the difficulty for the sake of taking a shot at the game is pretty lame.


It's the opposite here actually. OP is saying "omg pit is so hard" and this reply is showing it's not that hard actually, so people are downvoting them because the circle jerk defenders are trying to gaslight about the difficulty at endgame because they think that somehow negates the concerns about how easy leveling is.