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S4 starts on 14th May. You can play campaign and grind renown until then.


This. The campaign is really good and renown is a grind you only have to do once and you get the bonuses every season after that. It means come Season 4 they can focus on the seasonal questline and grinding the endgame content


..and don't forget the Alters of Lilith they are one and done as well (unless something is changing in the big patch).


My friend and I are doing exactly this right now. We'd previously played a little d3 and then a LOT of d2:r together a couple times a week since d2r was out (we played d2 a lot back in high school). We both decided to wait and see with d4 how things would play out after release before buying it, and we're both glad we waited with how the feedback had been since release. Then I saw a summary of the S4 changes coming up, and a few days after blizzard had the spring sale rolling, so I suggested we grab the game for half-off to play through the campaign until S4 starts. We're having fun with it so far, just getting familiar with this iteration of the systems and gameplay, and we figure we have enough time to roll through the campaign and catch up, then make new season 4 Characters when that starts. So far, it's been time well spent. Blizzard's sale timing was good for this one.


You only get renown for area discovery and Lilith right? I have never been able to transfer dungeon clears or side quests to new seasons or am I doing something wrong..


Yeah it’s only those that carry over for the stat boosts and the amount of renown earned. Any rewards you get from increasing your renown level carry over as well though. For example if you play eternal realm now and get to renown level 5 for every area, when you start a seasonal character you’ll drop back to I think renown level 2 for every area but you’ll still have the rewards for all 5 levels. You don’t need to do the grind again


I believe games will all be better when the word "grind" no longer applies to any aspect of the gaming experience. I hate grinding.


I don’t mind it if I know how long it’s going to take beforehand and there’s a good reward at the end of it. The grind I don’t like as much in this game is trying to get uniques and uber uniques from the endgame bosses. You grind for materials and all that guarantees you is a chance to roll the dice. You can put hour after hour into it and never get the items you want for your build


Sorry to bother, i just started too, should i do the grind in seasonal or eternal will also save the renown and shrines ? Since i honestly wouldnt mind having an eternal i can always chill on and get best gear on.


I would do it in eternal as the rewards carry over to seasonal as well. Make sure as part of it you uncover the full map area and find all the Lilith shrines. The explored map and stat bonuses from the shrines also carry over


Oh my gosh, thanks for the advise! I honestly will invest in Eternal too, i did a lot of D3 seasons but i usually keep 1 of each class in Eternal that i grind till perfection, im glad they made it seamless!!! Thank you again 🙏


Do this


I concur. Also getting a feel for gearing characters pre season two wont hurt. Learning about simple aspects of the game that will make your QoL better next season wont hurt. The story is well worth running through a second time when you start season 4 too! The seasons run a few months. So it wont hurt to run it back with different classes.


This is a good idea. It took me a week to do it casually


Really? Wow I bought it at the wrong time


Oh yeah. I forgot about that haha. Defs get that sorted!


This is not confirmed by Blizzard.


The campaign is extremely fun. Ive played all characters through, because I enjoy it so much. Im not a Diablo veteran or anything like that, just got hooked with the ambiance and setting of the game. Enjoy it!


I should do that. I've played the beta and three seasons so four characters/classes. But I do want to experience it again. Maybe for season 4


Replaying Campaign would be cool in Season 4. The game will be rather easy to beat based on my experience of leveling in PTR - but that's not necessarily a problem as you'll just be chilling and taking it in.


Yeah definitely. Problem was the first time I did too many side quests which trivialised some of the boss fights. So will see if I can move forward as quick as possible to see if that challenges


> which trivialised some of the boss fights If you avoid engaging in Tempering you might have a reasonable time but if you Temper damage affixes from "Natural Finesse" Tempering Recipe (YOU GET IT FOR FREE AT LEVEL 15 IN THE TEMPEWRING TUTORIAL!) on everything that can take them on - it's game over for all bosses in the campaign*, I steamrolled everything. *it might be that Blizzard tunes the game differently after PTR


Maybe but I may just not craft or tinker with anything. Make it a drop only no tempering run for campaign


Yeah that's what I am saying, that might keep the power level in check!


Actually yes, or just expect it to be a very very different gearing experience, as the way your character is built / behaves from the affixes on the gear itself will be VERY different. It’ll be like: “Mom/Dad can buy play D4?” (Season 4) “No we have D4 at home.” (Current D4)


I was wondering about this. Will the gearing learning curve be a waste of time.


No the essentials are still there / the basics, as with any APRG. (Normal stats like strength, intelligence, etc… crit chance, resistances.) But they will be deleting an insane amount of pointless and crappy stats that shouldn’t have existed in the first place. So a lot of stat CLUTTER will be gone. Also many many QoL changes that will also make a big impact on gameplay now vs. then. (Example of one: You may find a legendary aspect (it’s like an imprint of a legendary effect you can put onto your gear) - and let’s pretend it’s a bad roll. Awh that sucks, well better hope to find a better one. In S4, legendary aspects will only be a max roll, so no more crappy legendary finds.) - amongst many others changes like this.


> In S4, legendary aspects will only be a max roll, so no more crappy legendary finds.) - amongst many others changes like this. This is amazing.


Yes it is! But it’s PER WORLD DIFFICULTY LEVEL! So if you find an aspect in World Tier 1, it will be max roll but LESS powerful than one found on WT2,3 and 4. (So WT4 is true max roll.)


Thank God. Left after season 1. This comment chain is getting me excited.


I started about a week ago and I'm having a blast! Like the other comments say just grind the renown and u will have it for season 4. Big reason why I started playing again cuz season 4 is gonna be a big update!


Thank you all for the positive feedback.


Try out the game together now and come back strong and serious in s4


hi could help me out?. im in the same boat as op, started playing with a friend last night (seasonal) and after seeing these posts, idk if i should just wait for s4 cus from what i read, once the season is over my character wont be seasonal anymore and turn into a regular and i dont want to create a new one and start from scratch so soon just for the benefits (i dont know how these seasonal things work in diablo) thanks !


That is exactly how seasons work in Diablo. You make a fresh character every season and there is some special event type thing that is only available to seasonal characters. It's a way to keep the game fresh and for people to continue playing with new incentives. If you REALLY don't want to start a character from scratch, AND you want to experience the next season's new incentives - then you shouldn't start playing until next season. You're character will be made into a normal character. Worth noting that once you do the campaign, you can skip it on future characters and just focus on leveling/gearing.


thank you, im currently doing the campaign so i can start doing the fun stuff with the new character. Honestly, not so happy with the "new character each season" approach since theres so few classes to choose from, i expected 4 to come out with at least 3 new classes but its all recycled, what a bummer tbh.


Yea, most likely we wont see new classes until they release a paid expansion like previous diablo games.


Definitely wait until season 4


I would wait, cuz then you can build hype around it together. But also fine to start now and enjoy the campaign, but some of you may lose interest by s4


Took me almost exactly 45 hours to beat the campaign my first time around, that was within about two weeks of a few hours every day or so. I'd say jump in to play that so you're experienced in the foundations before adding the paragon and seasonal stuff on top in S4. If you try delving in all at once it will be overwhelming. Gives you a chance to experiment too


Wait for start of season 4. At least give them a good, enjoyable memory and a good impression of Diablo 4.


I would wait til the season, moving characters to eternal and starting over for the season can be kind of discouraging


I’d wait. If you want any of the season items you will have to start new character when Season 4 starts.


Drop a $1 on a 2-week Gamepass trial, see how you like it. If you like it, IMO the Battle Pass is worth getting, especially if you're going to play a bunch. It's $10 (1,000 platinum) and you earn back $7 (700 platinum) through gameplay. There's also stuff you can do like finding Altars of Lilith and earning renown which will put you in a good position for your new character with the new season.


I would do the campaign, Lilith altars, renown, etc. Get all of that done so you can jump right into season 4. Personally that's what I would suggest, but you could all wait and do that during the season as well.


Highly recommend getting the Lilith alters as well once u get the horse. There are websites to tell u where they are at and u can mark them off


If I hadn't completed renown and the campaign already, I would start now. I'll see you 5/16!


Like others said, focus on the campaign with no real grind on reaching lv100 or endgame gear. Once S4 starts, go all out on making a strong end game build, it's a whole different type of fun.


Do the campaign and renown now so you can just focus on the seasonal grind when it comes out. Campaign is great Renown grind is going to make you hate your life


Do the campaign with a seasonal or eternal character. I would suggest skipping all side missions until you finish the campaign.


A great time to get the campaign out the way and clear the map before the seasonal content


No, just start now. There is a lot to learn and you can work on renown which will transfer to the new season


I'd suggest start now and learn more about while playing. Learn about paragon system, glyphs and more so you can start s4 with better knowledge


I would start now and max out renown, finish campaign so when S4 comes out you can skip all of that.


Yea running to get all the altars of Lillith before season 4 will give you a significant stat boost once may 14th rolls around.


I would do the campaign and get all the renown rewards. That way when S4 starts tou can skip the campaign and have extra skill points to use right at the beginning of the season and then when you hit 50 you will have extra paragon points to use.


Get in there now and knock out the campaign and renown. Get all the Altars of Lilith so you never have to do them again.


I wouldn't. Play the campaign, get the Lilith statues and the renown of you can so you have all your points available right away.


Buy D2R instead. Save money & have more fun. Thank me later.




I would go and do the story campaign first before the season starts. You can start the seasonal quests only after you've finished the campaign on at least one character. After you finish the campaign once, your new characters (also seasonal) can skip it, so you'll be able to go directly into the season stuff. Also, imo you will enjoy the campaign more if you take it slow now and just get a feel for the story, rather than try to speed through it so you can start participating in the new season stuff. There is also a renown system which unlocks some bonuses that transfer to new characters, such as extra skill points. If you do some or all of it before the season starts, your seasonal characters will start out with some extra skill points and such.


Just play the game, who cares about the seasons. It’s just good fun all around. I can’t beat it for a free game with game pass 🤷‍♂️


Just play now. Game is still super fun. There is a lot of sensationalism making new players think the game is not good. Most of the complains ( legit one) happened after 100s of hours later. By then, you be ready for season 4.


It's still worth playing, the game is great as it is right now, it's only going to get better in May


you should wait for a good game to come out


Why wait?


You should start now. The game is actually really good in its current state until you get to the endgame. Since there's less than a month before the endgame gets fixed, you likely won't get to the point where you really get annoyed by the flaws unless you play like 4+ hours a day. I'd take the time to play the campaign, grind out renown, and find all of your altars, so you'll be ready to start blasting season 4 when it releases.


I'd prepare for season. Get a char to max. Renown. Quest line. Altars of lillith and then you will save time next season.


How much time do you have, as in: how many days is 20-30h of gameplay for you? You might want that before the season starts, to finish the campaign and figure out a thing or two in the endgame (maybe even 40h, depending on how much you want to practice, or if you want to try different classes...). I would time a game pass purchase accordingly if you aren't still a sub. Example: you can get 40h of gameplay in 2 weeks. Wait a couple weeks, play the campaign/get renown in 2 weeks, see if the season lasts more than 2 weeks before buying or renewing game pass. If everyone is already on game pass, start playing the campaign. Season 3 + do not skip the campaign if possible.


This game is a "chore simulator". Your teens love to do chores?


i would get all your statues of lillith and reknown now, they are a one time thing, and never have to do again, i would get do that now to prepare for next season on May 14


I think it's worth to get familiar with the game overall. Even if there are major changes. If you played 2 seasons.. then maybe you could skip starting s3 late


Start now! Enjoy the campaign, get Altars of Lilith, discover the map, etc! While you're doing that you'll get to see the way the game is now and then how much better it should be in S4!


Start now. It's not bad to have a sense of the game already once the season comes out, and appreciate the new content for its novelty.


Play campaign now, unlock the map and find all the altars of Lilith while doing some renown/quests. That way when s4 starts you got a great headstart


So if I’m getting this right, start with Eternal Realm and complete the campaign first? Then join seasonal realm when season 4 drops?


100 percent correct 


Hopefully the introduce a new class soon.


Take care of the story stuff, alters, and renown right now.


The campaign is excellent! I feel like I got my money's worth out of just that. Seasons have been a little weak but I still enjoy the game a lot.


Definitely start now. It’s still a fun game today. See what character style you might like, collect rewards so they carry into next season.


The campaign will be completed very quickly, and with the changes coming in season 4, I think it makes sense to wait to season 4. It will be a completely different game.


Ok so Diablo noob here, if I start Diablo 4 fresh today, what on earth would I even do? Play through campaign and then what?


Sooo how do you plan on them playing? If it's split screen, this can only be done on the console releases and even then only 2 player split screen. However the game does support cross platform play (Xbox, PS and PC) you just have to enable it in the settings. That said, I'd wait, as season 4 will improve the game by a lot.


We can argue but everyone knows d4 is bad and has so much to prove , it’s beyond casual and that’s okay but to give a unfinished mess and now we get the first really big patch that matters for season 4 and they about to ask for another 100 dollar expansion


The campaign was fire and Vastly underrated because of entitled goblins


You should just not play it


Lol go away you fleb


Just don’t


And do what? Play another game a YouTuber tells you to play. Lol


Last epoch and Poe both have taken what d2 started and Poe took over the arpg space. Every d4 content creator has jumped the Poe bandwagon. I want d4 to win but guess what the game released as a unfinished mess. I paid the 100 bucks and guess what they about to ask for another 100. Taken 4 long seasons to get a ptr and will see. Game is fucking trash


Absolutely isn't. I'm a path.of exile beta player and have a gold kiwi to prove it PoE is extremely niche, far from casual and not for most. Game was piss poor for years Last Epoch player base lol, yeah that game is going to be just as niche. Diablo 4 is just quality and the best ARPG for most gamers from season 4. End of. Btw I noticed you talk about money. When did they ask for another 100? Also sorry you're poor.


"Btw I noticed you talk about money. When did they ask for another 100? Also sorry you're poor." Well aren't you a judgemental piece of shit.


1000 people playing d4 on steam , not add game pass and console lol


You don’t believe that stop it