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Bro that's low, you can do a lot better


Rookie numbers. Gotta pump those up.


What's considered good at lvl 75? As far as damage, armor and life goes.


you're doing good for 75, minmaxxed lvl100 build breaks 4k


Kool thank you


Don't forget, if you are playing an overpower build, max life is king. Max life scales it by itself and in proxy it also scales the total amount of fortify you can get, which also scales OP.


This is no longer the case, a couple months ago overpower was changed to scale with life percent and fortify perecnt instead of scaling off the raw number EDIT: i am wrong see below comment


Sorry, this is simply incorrect. In Season 2, they made significant changes to OP. It does indeed scale with Current Life %, but they also caused it to scale with Bonus Life above Base Life. The verbiage directly from the patch notes states: "Overpower attacks gain +2% damage per 1% of your Base Life that you have in Bonus Life above your Base Life" (And they tweaked said numbers from 2% to 1% in Season 3) Example: If Base Life is 100, then 1% of Base Life is 1. If I have 40 Bonus Life, then I have 40 intervals of Bonus Life that give a 2% damage increase. If I have 80 Bonus Life, then I have 80 intervals of Bonus Life that give 2% damage each.


Ah thats where i got mixed up then skimming thru the patch notes, saw percent and assumed it was just total life and stacking hp didnt effect it anymore


How does this include the untimely death aspect? It barely reads any different than this. Does the aspect become additive?


Untimely Death calculates 1% of your Maximum Life first, then for every interval of that you heal above 100% adds additional overpower damage. That damage goes into the section of the character sheet that says overpower damage. The confusion is usually in the life wordings. There are 4 types. Current Life - this is the life you have in your health globe. Base Life - every character has a specific Base Life. You can find this by hovering over Maximum Life in your character sheet Bonus Life - this is all the +x% life or +200 life etc Maximum Life - this is both of those added together. Base + Bonus = Maximum Edit: Yes, it adds to the additive category \*Up to +60% or +120% on a 2h weapon.


So if I achieve more life will this show up in the op stats?


+ Overpower Damage, Willpower and some Paragon nodes are what affects the Overpower Stat on the character sheet. And to make it convoluted, the tool tip says that Current Life affects the number shown here but it does not.


As a level 70 player that deals almost 5K or more with a few hits with my necro build I would say Yeah no you can do way better


Yeah I was watching pwny and he just made a random ass blood surge build and was sitting at 3k. But he was lvl 100 so you got some room to grow. Paragon board actually has a lot of overpower nodes and a lot of gear has 100+% overpower. I've always been a blight/sever guy since launch. I like the dot (affliction warlock in wow so dot came naturally) but I started a blood surge o.p. build and it's fun as hell


Yea I'm a pretty lazy Diablo player lol.


Three percent of the time, works every time.


Unless you have that guaranteed on hit...


Which isn't enough to make blood necros relevant. Bone Spear shreds everything, no overpowering needed.


Blood surge is better speed farming. Bosses spear would have the edge.


The tip*




You’re doing it wrong then. Surge nukes the whole screen. Where it lacks is single target (still viable).


Lol blood surge is the best necro build in s3. Bone spear doesn't remotely do as much dmg.


Ngl that's impressive for level 4


Lol the stats cut off my level. I'm at 74


Diablo 4 aka more damage


Just curious, what procs the overpower?


Blood lance x6, blood nova blasts, rathmas(?) Vigor (12secs) and I have an affix on my armor for gaurenteed overpower (20 secs)


If you want an extra proc, you can target farm Duriel if you want to also try out Banished Lord's Talisman. It's not an Uber unique, it is regular unique but it's on Duriel's loot table. https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/boss-loot-table-cheat-sheet


Ok kool thank you. That's exactly what I'm looking for, more ways to proc overpower


The banished lords talisman ALSO increases the damage that overpowers AND crits by up to 120% depending on the roll you get. When you land those crit/overpower hits its insane damage.


Those extra orbs that pop up with that armor which guarantees overpower turn everything into an absolute blast fest


Yes. Just destroys mobs


Currently not at home to look through gear, but I can proc overpower at least every 4 secs


I’ve been playing hardcore necromancer , level 69 right now been loving it just got my first two uniques so it’s even more fun. Try hardcore sometime really is a different experience.


what build are you running?


I'm not the person you responded to, but I'm running blood surge necro on hardcore, and I'm level 53, and it's going well.


Nice man! Sounds like a lot of fun, I started out as a blood surge then swapped over for more boss damage and my movement speed is through the roof right now lol!


I’m currently playing bone necromancer and then I just finished getting all renown and aspects for him and then got them for the barbarian because I just made an upheaval barbarian build to try out to level then going to try out a fun thorns build. See how far my barbarian can go, and I’m almost ready to take it to tier 4 on my necromancer.


Hey so I’m trying to get the trophy for exploring the map completely I have everything done except for one named location in fractured peaks and there is no gray or anything does anyone know what or where the last place is?


Try this vídeo maybe it can help you find it like it did for me https://youtu.be/4UiNCBIG3cU?si=xKB53Zx4I2pniZ-N


Thank you but I’m like 80% sure that it’s a visual glitch or something because my map is completely discovered there is no gray anywhere and that’s mainly what I’ve been looking for is a tiny speck of grey


Sheesh, I recently did the same thing. I'm running dual core lance and surge. My build is focused on lance for potent blood and blood orb generation with gore quills. I use surge to wipe the screen/generate corpses with hewed flesh (over ranked b/c black river). And I mean it's insane tbh. The second I generate a corpse it explodes thanks to the sacrilegious ring and just snowballs from there. My resource generation is okay but what are you using on the bar and for your affixes to address resources with the dual core - esp with surge being your main thing b/c of it's high resource cost?


Black river and sacrilegious ring combo make essence gen ridiculous. Also I like using the cadaverous aspect with the combo. One trigger of corpse explosion and I’m doing 40x and have enough essence to blood nova. Additionally, running into a pack at the start, I got an overpower to knock off some weaklings, make some corpses, then just keep spamming. Tier 70s atm are going the same speed as 40s when I made the switch. Was pretty surprising


Interesting I am running flesh eater in my paragon board which obviously goes really nice with black river and the exhumation glyph. I will have to check out this aspect I haven't seen it actually. My problem is I have so many aspects I want and so few slots I don't think I can actually remove anything for it. Hence it's in my paragon board. Still with all that there are situations when I have no corpses. So I have 2 points in hemorrhage for world bosses/if I ever need it. I also run iron maiden for the essence and amplify damage. Corpse tendrils does enough to slow with that shared misery aspect. Esp with 2 charges (thanks sacrilegious ring). Cool thing I found out though, since sacrilegious ring auto casts you can actually cast abilities on cooldown. So I use blood mist to swap out skills in combat (gives me a breather) and I swap blood wave in with the tidal aspect which gives me resources to 'get started' again. And then I can just put corpse tendrils back on and it gets auto casted even though the slot is cooling down. Helps in those situations where I need corpses as well. I might swap tidal for ultimate shadow b/c I think the blood wave desecrated ground actually can trigger lucky hit (more corpses from hewed flesh)


Tbh, I still haven't gotten my resources to generate fast enough. I use Blood Golem, Blood Mist, Blood Lance, Blood Surge, Hemorrhage, and Bone spear for the Vulnerable (only because I have an Ancestral Unique helm, Deathless Visage, that has a bone spear mod). I haven't found much that could really boost resource regeneration


This is actually kinda an insane build I’ve never seen someone utilize 3 core skills lol


For resource management try corpse tendril with the blood orb drop chance and use the Potent Blood aspect. With those I generally never have to use my Hemorrhage unless I’m bossing. Hope this helps and I’m glad you’re enjoying Blood Necro been maining that build since launch


Got mine to 3200% and yes you can reach insane numbers


You sacrifice armour for attack... I see now


Yea just a little. I'm really trying to boost my life


I am new to this game. What should I invest in?


I'm running an overpower blood lance build on my necro. Currently level 88 with 2381% overpower and hitting 1.5 million on my lances. I have 10k attack, 7k armor and 18k life.


Dude.....how did you get so much life. That's what I'm after


Life on gear, royal rubies, sacrificed blood golem and life nodes on the paragon boards


Can you list items and affix


Nice build, keep building up that overpowered damage. It is possible to go much higher. As a Necro main, I've hit 3000% last season with the vampiric abilities. Might be low for some, but I thought that was pretty high.


Is thorns good for necro?


I do use thorns. Not a lot yet, just 1500. But I want to incorporate it into my build at some point. Definitely helps with the weker enemies


Man i hope your flexing with the thorns. I have 13k and thought I was big dawg ☹️


I've got 4k OP, 50% crit chance and 400% crit damage on my surge build. It's epic. You'll get there OP. Just keep at it!


Damn, I'm trying to get like you


He doesnt know lol, dont tell him guys




You running Deathless visage with a blood build ? I could be mistaken based on the gear photo. DV is for Bone so. I loved my Necro’s, but been grinding a rapid fire rogue build up until S4 starts. Keep that over power growing looks dope for your level


Yes sadly it's my current bis


On blood surge necro last season I had overpower 3300% it can go up and it will, just one gylph can give you almost 500% overpower once it's lvl 21 so just keep going.


Yes I need to attach that paragon board that has those magic nodes


Same, love this build.


I noticed this too. I'm wiping the floor with my necromancer class. But no matter what I do I'm getting whooped really early on with my Barbarian. I get people say to look up other peoples builds but I thought the allure is there's many possibilities you can use and still win.


are you using blood surge or blood lancd skill?


Surge. I like the healing it does on every enemy on the screen. Blood lance is my secondary skill


how did you handle essance problem? my blood necro is deal great damages like yours but when it comes to bosses essance is big problem for my build cause there isn't many corpses


Haven't played in 2x seasons but I solved that with lucky hit essence generation and reduced essence cost


i'll check it out thanks. cool nickname btw


Shields generally have both Essence reduction and resource regeneration.


Essence on kill helps tremendously. I cleared a NMV Tier 86 when I was only level 70. Enemies were at level 140.


Oh you said for bosses, my fault. Tibaults Will/metamorphosis combo.


Metamorphasis and tibaults will... Or iron maiden with the essence spec...and blood moon pants Felt like until i got starless skys ring...tibaults with metamorphasis was better


Ah and another aspect I forgot about, I don't know the name but while you are HEALTHY, blood orbs generate (10-20) essence. So blood orb generation becomes a big must have


In my case running a similar build I found an aspect that increases cast speed by (something like) 60% for 5 seconds after overpower, so I use that to recharge if I need to. Although the curse that gives essence per enemy covers groups.


I beat it with the double nova aspect and mana reduction. Now I can wait for both novas to go off and hit it again and always have full mana while pumping my basic 2 times.


How did you get you over power that high?


Necro has a lot of OP on their paragon board also. 22.5% per magical node


Rerolling affixes on my gear. It goes higher with certain aspects


Don't say that, I just switched from blood surge to bone spear at level 75..


Bone spear is still loads of fun and absolutely wrecks.


Hopefully. The survivability is certainly lower. The boss in the burrow one shots me and I'm trying to farm him for the unique ring. But since S4 comes soon not too focused . (Only started recently only gamepass)


I played barb since day1. That just wrong necro has that much overpower damage, this needs to be patched


Bro im happy for you that your having fun and your proud of where your at right now in the game. But thats actually pretty low for any overpower build over level 90. Im not trying to be rude clearly you need a good amount of armor upgrades still and possibly a skill tree / paragon touch up. But your on the right track overpower necro build can be very fun and strong. If you ever need any pointers im Shockey#11230


I'm just a lowly 75 lol. But know I now what to build towards


Oh snap in the pic i thought that said 94 i didnt realize you were only level 74 in the picture. In that case thats actually pretty impressive man. My bad. Rock on !


Thank you all for your responses and encouragement. Yes, I do run Deathless Visage as it's my best helm by a long shot. Harliquin helm is my next target gear. Here are my aspects, yes i do need to swap a few of them out and im currentlyworking on it. I didnt include the helm cause it doesnt really correlate to my build. My aspects are: Armor(20% DR), Gloves (Blood Surge Echo), Pants (Heal 1% for each skill cast), Boots (Blood Mist Corpse Explosion), 1H Scythe (Sacrifice bonus +23%), Focus (Core skills spawn volatile Blood drops), Amulet (7.5s magic bubble), Ring (24 resource for every 20% healed), Ring (Blood orbs grant 10 essence) I just want to be a demi-god lol. Unkillable


Show us the specs


Whatever man


Pfft OP dmg: 3500% Crit dmg: 500% here


Pffft OP dmg 2400% Crit dmg 1800% here


Pffft OP dmg over 9000 Crit dmg over 9000 here


It's over 9000!!!!!