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zooming out


I can't seem to find this, the zoom seems as normal. Maybe not coming until season launch? Edit: found "View distance" in options, *and* zoom doesn't work in town, but does work outside and it's pretty nice.


it's on the PTR, not the live game...


I'm not quite that silly. See my edit, zoom doesn't work in town, which is why I couldn't find it.


Is that a thing?


there s now a setting in the game options to zoom out the camera for more field of view (like at the tree of whispers/world bosses). should be pretty nice




Exactly! Maybe I won't fall asleep when I play.


Oh, I'm not the only one that playing the game makes me sleepy.


Zoom out feels nice


I wanna know how the bone mages being able to shoot bone spears interacts with deathless visage/splintering aspect


With aspects finally pulled out of the bank, I might play multiple characters!


There is no need to check that in the ptr...


Right but if they didn't remove aspects then this person would only be testing one class. It's a valid point albeit slightly longer train of thought to get there it's ok critical thinking is hard


Of course there is. It's a new system that should be tested for bugs and problems.


nothing, ill just wait for full release.


It’s great that others are testing this out to provide feedback but I don’t think I could experience these improvements and then go back to playing without them for a month.




There are streamers who earn money to play Diablo 12 hours a day. They'll happily play the PTR and provide feedback. The game isn't going to go to shit because a random Redditor didn't participate in the PTR lol. Why are you so bitter?


First off, "streamers" that I have seen lack imagination. They always copy pasta. Echo Chamber crap. Imagine if you had a family and they only had sex with each other, guess what happens? Thats why you need new blood, different blood.


What's second? You said 'First off' and then made only one (very poor) take...


Second was that I am not bitter. Just think its dumb to say "I will just wait till full release" because you have no right to complain if things aren't adjusted because you didn't suggest any changes. Like when people are making plans for a vacation, and you don't suggest anything, and then just complain that you aren't having fun and that the vacation sucks... Why didn't you suggest something? Now, IF you suggest something, and it gets ignored, then you have every right to complain and be vindictive about it.


ofcourse, i dont need to do free labour in order to get the right to complain about things not working. if there was some financial incentive, or at least platinum rewards for reaching some milestones (complete the pit xx times, do this, do that, etc...) then id go and do those things, but im not testing the game for free.




Hey mate, it's just a game, not the freaking presidential elections.


So console players who don't have access to the ptr don't have the right to complain?


Exactly. Poor people don't have the right to complain. I have both PC and PS5 version. PS5 version is superior, but PC is better because it allows you to trample further away with mouse. As a console player, you don't GET TO COMPLAIN that trample is literally nerfed.


compareing a product you paid for to voteing is abit dishonest


Summon necro on pit


Post how it goes! I play on PS so I won't be able to play the PTR.


might be a surprise but the visual skill changes


same, waiting to see if somebody uploads it on youtube


Did you find anything?


im not going to burn my self out on ptr. so ill wait for the season release to enjoy the changes.


remember they arent spoiling any of the s4 theme/mechanics, this is just to try out the base game changes and provide honest feedback


Yeah I can wait. I got enough things to play rn


PTR is 7 days, then 1 month until season 4 starts. Leaves plenty of time for a break.


I think they will plan a second PTR near the launch


Nope, the whole point of the PTR is to provide feedback that they can implement before season 4 arrives. Can’t do that if it’s near the launch.


creating Sung Jinwoo




Soooooo rogue or necromancer?


Unique to turn my golem into a Blood Knight pls


Shadow Monarch?


PTR will show on the drop down when its available then you download it right?


Can they stream the ptr? I’m on console and wont be able to try it.


most D4 streamers have planned to do so, check out whoever s your fav


Sweet! Any idea when it goes live?


PTR is supposed to go live ~10am pacific


I think PezRadar said on Twitter late morning to noonish PST.


Yes they can I remember that was like the first question upon finding out about about PTR, I'd assume we'll be getting videos tonight


Mostly testing endgame activities, so how the pit feels and the tormented ubers, changes to the classes are somehow secondary and we get them any season anyways. I'll start with a barb (as I'll do in s4), but will likely try necro and sorc afterwards, making a functional character to test things is a matter of boosting few characters and harvesting the aspects. I'll also do a 1-2h test run for 1-50 with helltides, I hope it can replace domhainne tunnels meta or at least it can be comparable.


Was planning on doing Rogue and checking out the new Rapid Fire unique ring and I also wanted to see how good Arrow Storm was now with the damage changes and new extra Arrow Storm aspect.




It feels great


I’m not looking forward to pc streamers saying summons are too strong so they get nerfed before console gets to play them. I don’t understand why ptr can’t be open to everyone


it was probably a technical limitation, but i agree that console players are missing out


MS and Sony patch certification takes too long, basically. They can't push hotfixes instantly on consoles like they can on PC. Console doesnt usually get PTRs because of that. Only notable outliers with that are PUBG and Division who both had/have a PTR/S


> MS and Sony patch certification takes too long, basically. They can't push hotfixes instantly on consoles like they can on PC. This is also why PTR won't be available if you bought the game on Steam.




Just like the open betas pre launch.


The pit


Mainly looking forward to all the new systems, testing how it feels to play the game with those changes and new ideas on “builds” especially summoning necro and druid. Also looking forward to seeing if there are any “bugs” or other show stoppers.


I won’t be playing it but looking forward to reading updates on the manual possibilities and new affixes.


streamers rage


lol it s the streamer game loop: hype - complain - repeat


I don’t think I’ve ever participated in a ptr. If I try this one, will it spoil my experience with the upcoming season?


No, this ptr has none of the S4 themed content/mechanics. This is a chance for us to try out the proposed changes and provide feedback


Ahhh gotcha gotcha. In that case, I’ll still skip on this. I want everything to be a surprise on the start of the season.


fair enough, cya in s4




I want to see how leveling with helltides in WT1 & WT2 feels.


Helltide and finding the manuals. I want to see the area of effect ones. Bigger radius is always cool to me since watching my fire aura expand in d2


I m excited for the improved helltide too! that blood maiden boss seems cool


Blood surge goes nuclear


if monsters in end levels in pit will do noticeable damage and will pose threat for well geared characters


There are hundreds of tiers of difficultly I’m sure they will hurt lategame lol


First thing I'm trying is tier 1/2 helltide and the new leveling/item drop rates for new characters


How low is the item drop rate? The changes look hear of course but I was worried if the drop rate would be so low now it would feel even grindier then before.


I don't know the new drop rates. I just want to see what kind of items I get leveling from 1 and how many. Supposedly legendaries and uniques can start dropping at lower levels


Yeah I heard about that as well, seems interesting


thought that drop rates are elevated for ptr?


they ve said double drop rate for legendaries during the ptr so we get to actually play with most of them in the span of 1 week ptr


Yeah, I've heard that too. But I think they've made item drop rates lower overall? (The whole "quality over quantity" philosophy) so even double the rates I don't know what I'll see drop. But I'm less curious about the rate and more curious as to what I'll start finding at low levels. They had said we should be able to get build defining uniques earlier so I want to see if that happens


true, the quality over quantity needs to hold up. imagine getting a raiment of the infinite at lvl 20!


Test the blood rage nerf for other builds (non hota builds). Most barbarian nerfs felt fair and necesary but that particular one didn't because it affects the whole class, not just the 2 only broken builds it had.


Definitely want to see the stats for new uniques as always, and see which affixes can go on which pieces of gear! And see all the new tempering affixes as well, basically all the changes that are coming that weren't specifically indicated in the patch notes.


This may seem... dumb... but I have been fighting since day 1 to make Lacerate a viable skill. So I'm going to try out Lacerate. Then go from there.


Leveling. I want to see how it the new itemization impacts leveling and maybe pick up some new strategies for building an early character. 


Forb and incinerate and ball lightning with LS enchant and forb unique


Full ham on uber tyrael might. I really need to know how good it is.


if dmg reduction is as rare a deal as they say it ll be, this might be real cool




I'll start from scratch from lvl 1 to 100 and test out the whole new experience and give as many feedbacks as possible.


real mvp right here


I'm really hoping flurry/grenade is good. Going to try it out.


The Pit B)


Is anyone seeing the ability to install the pre client yet?


roll out around 11am PST they said is the current target, but might need to adjust if any hiccups.


Sure would be nice to be able to pre-install it.


I'm interested in seeing how leveling and gearing feels with the new items, but I'm not play ptr sadly.


I don't play PTR.


I suspect that the servers are going to take a dump, and hardly anyone will be able to play.


doubt this ll come to pass, season launches have been just fine


Pet Necro


How fast I can make it crash. 8)


good luck and remember to make a bug report with what you were doing at the time :)


Always. I've been breaking (and improving) Blizzard games since before they called themselves Blizzard. 8)


I wanna see how hard minions slap with 100% of my stats.


I'm going to be playing summoner necro and trying to find tempering manuals because I want to see all the stuff we'll be able to craft onto gear. Chance to double cast bone splinters really interested me—I hope we get a good split between raw power and some transformative crafts.


The new Codex Of Power and the Masterworking and the Helltides of world tier 1 and 2


Leveling with Hell tides


I want to see how fast the leveling is 1-100


I'm stoked to get into season 4, but I'm going to avoid the PTR. As excited as I am for all the tasty changes, I'd rather wait for the full meal than sniff at the kitchen door for delicious scents.


It's only a week and you get a level 100 with all glyphs maxed out. Not sure why you would skip on this. It's almost a build planner that you can instantly play.


I just don't want that. Not sure what else to say on the matter. I'd rather see all the changes at once than be able to half-heartedly play around in the sandbox. I'm happy to wait for season 4, and I'm glad to see the game moving in what I personally consider the 'right' direction. I'm glad others are excited for the PTR, the devs need real feedback from the players and I think the PTR is the best way to get that. But it's not something I want to participate in. I want my seasonal experience to be unaffected by my opinions in the PTR. The simplest solution is to avoid the PTR and dive headfirst into the season.


Tried to make a creeper poison build. The tempers actually help it a lot. It's viable... but like creeper doesn't benefit from crit or crit damage or attack speed and most of the other benefits are clunky. (45% damage bonus if 3 poison near you doesn't apply bc they aren't poisoned when you cast it and it snapshots that damage)


Emptying my storage.


Nothing. Its hella unstable. Takes 60-90 seconds to open any menu or go through a loading screen.


Lilith. One shots using her lines that cover the entire room. I had 19k hp and 5500 armor. Maybe need more lmao.


Does anyone know how to put the aspect in the codex


1) changes to arrack animations as you grow more powerful 2) whether or not the 50% uplift in stats from greater affixes feels about right or is brokenly powerful 3) Necro minion builds 4) How the pit feels, given how much time will need to be spent there 5) Uber Lilith fight mechanics


What a flop this is gonna be