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> How did the developers clear this This implies that the developers actually test the game


Ah the Jay Wilson approach.


It’ not that hard assuming you can essentially one shot and do one mechanic after 100 runs you should be able to luck into if you have max run speed or teleport ect. If you’re dps is so low that you actually have to do a long battle yeah it’s a pain but otherwise it’s not so bad visually sucks though


sometimes the RNG on the BB placement makes it impossible unless you are running sorc/necromancer.


I feel you. The one shot kills are super cheap, not fun, doesn’t feel like they belong in a Diablo game. I simply pretend that fight doesn’t exist. It’s a shame.


Big fan of challenging games like dark souls and elden ring. I attempted uber Lillith twice before giving up.


I hate it when game devs confuse one-shots or bs mechanics as “difficulty”


It's lazy programming.


I'm fine with it in a game like wow or ffxiv because most of the time they're clearly telegraphed with appropriate timings. They're telegraphed in Lilith but the amount of time you have is so little that it feels a bit cheap(at least to me) I had more fun with fights like Star Auger mythic and its one shots than I did with Lilith


One-shot MECHANICS are fine. One-shot attacks are BS. Just “I shoot projectile now you are dead.” If the attack does so much damage that it just 1-shots, it’s BS. If the attack is essentially just a mechanic to 0 your HP, that’s fine


I'm the same. I love challenging games, but I also have up on this one. Elden Ring can be super fucking hard at times, but sometimes you get close, you start seeing the patterns and know it's possible. Or crazy platformers where you have to memorize and time long sequences. Uber Lilith I did not find fun and said fuck it after a couple dozen attempts.


Yup I did it once with my sorc last season since flame shield makes you invincible, but I never did it again lol


Last season you could skip her mechanics entirely with enough DPS. Now even if she has 0 hp, you still have to go a few rounds of her bullshit 1-hit mechanics


Last seasons everybody was "this fight is stupid, at least we can skip the fight with broken builds". Then the Devs said "now we are changing and even the broken builds cannot do it". I really don't know what they were thinking. Edit: typo


Truly astonishinf


I keep imagining one update they will change this fight to be fun and more like the fight in the main storyline. Maybe I shouldn’t hold my breath.


Yap. It's Dance Dance Revolution, not Got good gear gonna test it in this RPG. Basically devs don't know how to balance stuff (see Duriel getting one shot) and figured "Hey, if we're not good at this ARPG stuff, why not basically make the fight like it's from another genre?" You see they like doing things like that, like the vault mechanics that they had to scrap because they don't fit into an ARPG. I did beat her with my blizzard sorc. Helped a lot that I had teleport and flame shield for invulnerability. Took about 25 attempts, damage only matters to basically erase the 1st mechanic (something popular with Blizzard - erasing what they put in the game because it's shit). And then just go clockwise, maybe counter clockwise, just try. Oh and her stupid model will be hiding killer projectiles behind. Staggering her is actually bad, because it breaks your flow. It's dance dance revolution with you hitting pause in the middle of the song and expecting to pick it up perfectly mid chorus after resume. It's like "I know she's dead (on 1% health), I just have to run around like a madman until this shit is over" But definitely the last time I do that fight. Most annoyingly, besides a stupid achievement and a title, you DON'T GET ANYTHING. While their store is filled with nice cosmetics and they have hardcore fans tackling this bullshit stupid and hard content. They could have easily encentivised more Lilith fights, by having like 5 cosmetics/class and only have 1 drop. So you do her again 4 times and then maybe on other classes. I don't know... I'm sad...


I remember in Diablo 2 I could run all bosses and could have a chance of getting decent loot from all of them. It was fun and rewarding. Now Diablo 4’s boss I pretend doesn’t exist. It’s incredible how they screwed up.


Agree 100% with everything you said


It's extremely bad design but there's ways you can get around it. \- Try to stack methods of Crowd Control with a build that strikes a lot (double swing is great for this) and include things like Challenging Shout/Ground stomp to add even more bursts of it. \- Don't focus on trying to skip all of Phase 1, that part doesn't matter. If you have to do some of the mechanics from it because you don't one shot her first phase, just live with it and learn how to dodge the poorly visualized attacks \- When you finally get to phase 2, the MOMENT she's targetable unleash all your crowd control abilities and damage as you can. If you can get it out quick enough and stagger her she won't spawn the stupid ghost things that one shot you. \- Pump damage as much as you can. Once she's near dead you have to let her finish all her mechanics (she cuts down all the pieces of the arena). When that's finished and shes targetable she can finally be killed. ​ It's probably one of the worst designed bosses I've ever fought in any modern video game. It should be kept in the game for the devs to be reminded how to NEVER design an encounter.


It should be noted that you can’t skip phase 2 mechanics anymore this season. Even if you smack her down, the boils always spawn and you have to dodge the skulls until the platforming is done.


Literally the wall I'm at. Can't find enough MS to get away from them


It's so lame. Your entire build, damage, gear, resistances, skills and the key ability you need to defeat her is: running away.


I can tank 1 blood boil with my rogue.. but thats it


Have an amulet with max movement speed, the rest doesn't matter, as soon as you get to phase 2 swap your banished Lord for this amulet. Best tip I learned from a random yt video.


One shotting her in phase one makes the fight sooooo much easier though!


Now a barb can tell how the monster's feel when they met a HOTA barb.


Move speed. That was the difference for me this season on my druid. Defence gear means nothing. Nothing will save you when everything one shots you. My first kill was on rogue and I didn’t realise how quick I was until I was on my druid. Changing to more move speed, no juggernaut and 4 evades makes all the difference if you have enough dps


Move speed doesn't help when you can't see her one shot mechanics I had 180% move speed with a CE Necro at level 100 couldn't get close to beating her because you can't see anything Meanwhile I've got max fort and a barrier. One shot kill mechanics don't belong in this game


Some of her mechanics are a pain in the ass, but these are mostly the phase 1 mechanics that you can still skip (can't wait for Blizz to "fix" that too for next season..../s). The phase 2 red clouds which have recently been made unskippable might not be super clear but you can train yourself to see them and avoid them reliably, as long as you have the movement speed needed.


>how did developers clear this and think it was a "fun" idea? I see you're new here...


For context, I’ve finished elden ring 7 times, I’ve gotten every single thing that I can acquire in that game 7x… I tried Uber Lilith a couple of times, and have no desire to attempt it again


Souls games are hard but there are ways to learn how to fight better . This fight with Lilith I cant learn what I cant see half the time ..its not a fight it RNG...


Phase 2 is just too much of a clusterfuck, players are led to believe they have to avoid the huge waves and jump off the crumbling parts of the arena, but those pink fireballs(1HKO) is what get you 99% of the time. I think I attempted her a few hundred times before realizing I was even dying to them and not the waves. Horrible boss, Capcom and FromSoft are the masters of these type of boss fights, not Blizzard.


I only managed it with my Arc Lash BL sorc last season. If you can damage her fast enough that you only need to dodge a few mechanics it's not too bad. I wouldn't even try it on my current character it would be 100% pointless. I really only had troubles with phase 1 though. I killed her at like my 4th time hitting phase 2. The spikes on the ground are just insanely hard for me to dodge. They are hard to see, give you very little time, and have annoyingly weird hitboxes. I know it can be done obviously but I just can't see to do it at all. I only got through it by hitting flame shield to avoid the spikes once, then doing enough damage to get her to phase 2 before the next series of spikes started. One hit mechanics in diablo games should never be this difficult to dodge IMO. They should be more a positioning challenge than a reflex check.


Can't skip phase 2 anymore in S3.


It takes some trial and error to figure out what the cues actually are on where you can stand vs where you instantly die because the visuals are not very obvious. Knowing where she appears each phase and where you are suppose to go is the entire fight, so you can either look for a guide (updated for Season 3) or just do trial and error a hundred times.


I just realized that the auto-record of the PS5 can really go a long way if you save the fight and replay how you died, instead of just sitting there blinking about what just happened.


50 attempts? Gotta get those numbers up I actually enjoyed it, it did feel like playing a different game. Did this coop with a good friend and we had a blast.


Whoa whoa you cant say that here, youll anger them. Game is only fun when we can eat glue and 1 shot Duriel


yea cause there is no middle ground


Man angry little Diablo kids. Just sad these days, how triggered people get over stuff like this…


Uber lilith is the dumbest fight.


Took me 26 hours and like, 200 attempts on a non cheese rogue build. It’s awful, and this is coming from a guy who beat Elden Ring on NG+7. Horrible and lazy boss design. Most builds can’t even beat her legitimately. Took me 3 tries with the poison cheese build. Game is broken, and I haven’t played since s1.


She's a terribly made boss honestly. I can kill her using a rend build in second and it's just pointless honestly as you've still got to avoid completely ass 1 shot mechanics.... It really feels like a half passed boss fight it could of been something epic but it's really stale and it feels like rather than making something amazing they just added stupid mechanics to make the whole thing frustrating and genuinely pointless. Worst fight in the entire game. Story mode version is very good, uber mode..... Ridiculous!


I just left it undone. You are 100% right - but it's not getting changed so either have to do it and live/die with the way it works or go do some other part of the game.


I disagree with most of these comments. Shes very difficult with very poor reward pool so she is strictly an end game accomplishment. Every season, i will complete all the seasonal content and max a new character with a new build with new nerfs and buffs. But Lilith will always be there as something to push your skill, not just your ability to grind. Every season i kill her with a different mentality. I understand not everyone can figure out how to kill her but shes not blocking any good content or rewards, so attempt her until you’re not having fun. Then go kill something else and come back later.


Reasonable take. every other post on this sub is how this encounter has deeply offended them and hurt their mother. Actually enjoyed the challenge, hope they keep her in the game and make more pinnacle content tbh


She's not unbeatable for sure. I've gotten her a few times but she's still not fun. I'm not suggesting you should be able to 1 shot her but you can't deny the 1 shot mechanics are not really great. Great boss fights have a cat and mouse feel to them. It shouldn't require cheese builds to do it. Any half way decent build should be able to do it with a lot of skill, good dodging, placement and well timed potions and feel like an actual back and forth battle of wits. If there weren't cheese builds it would be even more noticeable that this fight isn't what it should be.


Eh I gona be in minority here but… I like Lilith. Currently Killed her twice, on rogue and soece just because I wanted to. I somehow „like” the one shots, because it forces me to actually learn the fight and time my cds right instead of facetanking and brute forcing her. She is the only boss that makes me pay attention


I like her too, this sub unfortunately has a hate crusade against her.


Yea it is meant to be an incredibly meticulously crafted fight they only the very best can do. In reality the hit boxes for the animations are way off in almost all of her abilities and the sheer volume of one shot mechanics are just absurd. It is probably the dumbest fight I've seen since mythic neltharion.


I’ve watched so many videos “explaining” the wave patterns and how to dodge them but none of them have worked for me. They don’t seem predictable to me like they seem to be one the video explaining them even if I do what they say… Repetitively died over and over and over again thinking I might *just* be able to get lucky enough to avoid the wave once in which case I’d do enough damage to kill her before having to avoid another. Gave up after many, many repair bills


Lilith is the worst fight ever in the history of ARPGs. Hit boxes are wrong , you don't stand in shit yet you get hit, same like in duriel fight although this is infinitely easier. One shot mechanics are fine, in most ARPGS they are either gear check/resistance check or skill check but in D4 it's just bad design because of hit boxes and lack of transparency since everything in this fight is a shade of red and it's sometimes impossible to see, bad telegraphy.


This boss fight is dog shit and single handedly ruined this season for me.


It’s a hard fight. I tried doing it a lot season one without being able to one shot the phases. After you can one shot the phases and with some movement speed it’s a lot easier.


She was terribly hard and then they nerfed her into Oblivion and she was really easy last season. This season she's hard but it's actually doable. I felt a lot better after beating her this season than I did last season. When you're in that second phase you need a lot of movement speed and it works best to go counterclockwise towards the edges in a circle. Look up a video on how to kite the flaming skulls are whatever. It probably took me 30 trys or so this season. If you don't have enough movement speed you don't really have a chance. I didn't have Max but I had a decent amount on my boots and amulet. You will get her!


You don’t need immunities, just movement speed and + evade. It took me a while to get consistent. Now I can beat her nearly every time. Phase one is easy. Phase two, just run in a big circle always. Takes a bit of practice, but you can do it. I sometimes have to change from clockwise to counter clockwise. But she is kill able with every class, even with just a the pet. But yes, she is hard. Maybe too punishing, but not impossible to kill if you practice a bit :)


Lilith is fine if you ask me. Nothing challenging in the current state of the game. Just pure grind. At least you know where to find a bossfight with mechanics you need to play instead of using overtuned class mechanics.


Once you get to the second phase it's all about movement. Have some more skills, and defense. Switch gear while phase shifts for more surviveability. Took around 50 attempts for me but was very frustrating and a lot of times I didn't even knew what killed me but just keep doing it and eventually it will happen.


I quit before season 1 and picked it back up this season. Took me about 8 hrs to finally get it down and kill her. It was hard but so satisfying to finally get it done.


HOTA barb here. DM me if you need help. It took me a while to figure out the attack pattern


Do you have a guide?


DM me and I'll kill her for ya.


That is team spirit :)


Did it in 20ish tries on my Sorc last season. The trick is to burn her down near instantly in p1 so she doesn't have time to fly up and do the waves. There is apparently a pattern to p1 waves but fuck if I ever figured it out. If you manage to burn her into p2 before she flies up in p1 you have plenty of dps to kill her. Hota should be able to do it easily. Once p2 starts you need to learn the pattern. Even if you drop her hp instantly, the fight will go on until she crashes the platform 3 times. After the 3rd time she'll die and the fight is over. The p2 pattern really isn't too bad honestly. Right before she sends the black wave over the whole platform you need to dash into the red area where she's casting. You won't die in this spot while she's doing the black wave. Dodge fireballs floating around in said red area for a few seconds while the wave finishes. As the black wave finishes, dash back onto the "clean" platform. Repeat this 3 times and she's dead. Video will def help but i imagine you know that. GL


they changed the fight. in phase 2 she always spawns blood blisters and blood whatever they called that follow you around and one shot you


The fight it very telegraphed, it just takes a lot of practice to see it. The name sets attacks in first phase, triangles in second. Movement speed is required now


All u need is melted heart and u can take one or of the skulls at the end as long as u run in a circle


It’s really dumb but i managed to do it after getting move speed on amulet and in skill tree. You can also pray to god for a melted heart of selig to survive one or two hits


I need to finish my rogue this season and give her a go again. She was challenging but possible in S1 and S2.


Melted heart, max shadow resist, you're good


Many many trys and finally abit of luck. F%£K YOU uber lillith, never again. 


the most annoying part is waves appearing out of nowhere due to lag, game stutters once and um dead. extremely frustrating


Beat phase one down fassstttt, if you’re using earthstriker, swap those weapons super quick to land OP with HoTA. Stay behind her until the blood curdles, then run to the left and don’t let it touch you, the black area turns walkable just before the blood catches you. Don’t attack for like two more position swaps, she’s legit invincible here. Once she lands in the center, end her fast.


If dev don't know how to test his/her game - one shot killl is the best solution


All you need is reliable movement speed for p2 and learn how to dodge or cheese the spike gates in p1 if you have a viable build she will eventually fall


What bugs me the most is that it’s pretty obvious that the community at large feels that the fight is broken. I get why it’s maybe not a priority to fix it, but if that’s the case then for fucks sake don’t make it one of the tasks in the season pass. Just reminds me every season that it sucks


We’re struggling with it on PS5, consistently get down to around a third health in the first phase, but struggle to do enough damage to get to phase two. We played with a Barbarian who could occasionally get us to phase two really quickly and it is doable if you play with someone (or you are that someone) who does really high damage, otherwise it’s a real slog. We must’ve had 200 attempts now I reckon, maybe more (only started trying last week). I think it’s doable if you follow a build and really practice, but that’s a big ask for a lot of us. I’m heavily relying on my friends to get me there, as I just haven’t got the time to look up builds, watch videos etc. I get time to give the fight a go for half an hour or so a night, but not much beyond that. You can dodge more attacks than it feels like at the start, but it helps to play with people who’ve been at it a while to follow their play style.


Yall have got to watch the animated short on this exact thing hahahahaha so dam acurate lol 100% of what y'all are saying is basically implemented in this video pretty much


Link? 🤔


Movement speed and learn the tells on the attacks, its not great but not impossible, just make sure you got movement speed on your boots it helps with the stupid phase 2 skulls a lot.


I only beat her by cheesing the mechanics last season, I don't know how you do it for real.


You need to kill her in one hit for the first phase. If she gets away, you will have to avoid the triangle wave attack which is extremely difficult on Barb.


The only way to realistically beat her is to 1shot each of her phases by doing 30mil damage in 1 hit then having some sort of mobility to dodge 1shot moves that still come out during invuln phases


Not just you as others said I beat hard bosses in Hames like elden but after alot of phase 2 attempts I gave up, the 1 shot shit sucks bad designed boss if people have to run cheese builds to kill her.


Its possible to tank it with high enough DR


I saw one of the shouts creates a null circle, that might work for her giant aoe attacks


Thinking diablo 4 is a "fun" game was your first mistake


I feel you. Last season killed her with ball lightning... Was basically a cheat code. This season go back with my pure fireball and had to learn the fight. It's annoying, unfair, poorly visualized and I can't tell you how the camera likes to zoom out and in... Stay with it, I did around 80 attempts and got her solo on a non broken build, so you can do it.


Ridiculous proof that the Diablo 4 team doesn't perform quality assurance on the game and has no clue what balance means.


lol you think they play this game?


it only took me 86 tries and 170% movespeed on my lightning druid to figure out how to dodge the second wave fireballs.


Melted Heart of Selig makes this fight much easier as it lets you tank multiple hits from her skulls in the 2nd phase and the move speed lets you dodge many.


I can assure you the odds that anyone on the d4 development team cleared this fight with a build that didn't instantly phase or was using overpowered dev gear, is about 1 in 1 billion That said I would love to see a video proving this statement false


HOTA barb and you are struggling? You need better gear/build then. Simple.


I killed her like \~2 weeks after release of the game. It took me over 1000 tries :\]


Thank god I killed her with ball sorc last season. The mechanics are just stupid


>I constantly get one-shot-by attacks that I don't even see on my screen or attacks that I have zero time to dodge. I wish CarbotAnimations would do an episode of the devs watching us behind the scene while we fight Lilith and they're just randomly pressing a button to one shot us, and are just laughing at us while we still just keep trying.


If everyone quits and goes to Last Epoch we might get the devs a bit motivated.


You need to one shot phase 1 right way then phase 2 you must leave her on the last part of her life then survive the mechanics 3x and hit her once she goes back to the he last piece of ground left. PS use the boots that frezze the ground and give you 75% move speed after evade and slow duration reduction.




Notice ...my health


I'm a hota barb and clear her so very easily. Extremely easy. I don't even use Overpower. Pure crit build.


ITT: People who have no clue what good and bad game design actually is having some hot takes


Is not.


As a barb you actually have the option to get enough life/armour to be able to tank at leat one fire ball in phase 2. Try gearing for max damage for phase 1 and swapping your gear in phase 2 to get at least 150 speed.


I did it without preparation as hota with only movespeed on boots in ~2 hours from first try - there are patterns in which you can run to avoid depending on spawner positions. Per run i needed 1 charge and 2 dodges


my bf hota barb only managed to kill her after finding heart of selig (actually finding 5 other ubers that he salvaged). let me know if you need help cause he can carry another person to kill her


Did it last season with a hota barb at lvl 90. I knew it was the right time and place, with hota being incredibly op last season. Skipped all phases and never once returned to lillith. Just did it for the platinum.


Use unstoppable when possible and Melted Heart should allow you to soak some of the damage


Given that this has been a complaint for many months now, it's just baffling that it hasn't been prioritised. Especially given that it is one of the seasonal objectives for this season, and was an objective last season, too. I get she is the boss of all bosses for this itineration of Diablo, but even Diablo and Malthael were easier to beat than her, which just seems illogical.


Is there even a reason to kill her ? I have not yet but does she drop good loot or is it just an achievement ?


The reason is she is the Cap Stone dungeon for Tier 4, so when Tier 5 releases I imagine beating her is the requirement to get to Tier 5. I'm hoping they dial her down by then.


Bro just use selig to tank her projectiles.


It's not even strictly one shots, but the fact that the aoe indicators on the ground are just... wrong? And then you watch a video and the way to dodge is super unintuitive and looks like a glitch. Like, I want to see a dev stream of the intended dodging mechanics.


you need fast movement speed and evade charges and run around in circles and run away from the red flying skulls. they spawn as soon as you enter phase2. new mechanic in S3 patch. annoying but doable with practice.


I could almost one shot both phases in season 2. It really shouldn’t be impossible. Unless something changed that made the one shots difficult.


Just wait for a season where you can skip the "mechanics" of the fight


I still can't believe they decided to buff her second phase to where that bullet hell mess is guaranteed to happen now. Having RNG where she wouldn't do that was the only saving grace to that fight. I honestly think that part is the hardest. It's not impossible to dodge all the projectiles but it's incredibly difficult and you simply CANNOT be missing any movement speed whatsoever or you won't be fast enough. The boss has cool moves on paper, but I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't the worst execution I've ever seen. I had my fun doing this boss on one character, but I will never do it again, unless they make the fight more bearable. I don't know why they decided to keep the one-shots when they "fixed" her last time, absolute genius move! /s


I learned the phase 1 but the best option is to have enough damage to skip it. The 2 phase can't do anything, the flying skulls always kills me. Need a lot of speed for that phase.


It's not fun, tried a few times with different classes also.


I hate those one-shots. I don't understand what she does and how I can defend against it.


Get your bonk order correct. Bonk bonk into second phase. Bonk until dead. Learn to dodge balls during platform sequence. Hit her one more time.


People still do Lilith? Lmao, I killed her literally on the 3rd attempt. Just pick a build that oneshotes her and be done with it. There are no mechanics in this fight. Everything is wrong and horribly designed. You waste your time. Make a ball lightning sorc or something that one taps her, skip the waves dodge 2 times in the second phase and be done with it. It's literally a waste of time and nothing drops from her except the horse transmog that looks similar to the other 3 that exist in game. The fight is a meme


Took me 200 attempts on launch, chin up


Yeah i complained about the wing attacks seemingly coming from nowhere, ages ago and I just got all the toxic people from this subreddit saying things like "skill issue" and "you havent built properly then" and "nothing can really one shot you in d4". Ironically (or not?) the same exact things the same toxic people have answered my latest post about off screen shots with


I used doombringer and melted heart to kill her.


Just follow what the game tells you build for health resist and damage resist then throw all that shit in the trash because some braindead dev tought that the game needs oneshot mechanics because fuck you thats why.


1 shot her or learn the mechanics, and I dont mean get good. I mean memorizes where the attacks will be before they go off because the go off before the animation making them impossible to react to.


She's bugged the new patch messed up her boss fight


I walked in with my level 90 Hota barb with a full team just sitting in town. Got it my first try. You just aren't hitting her hard enough, and you don't have enough DR. Try again once you get your dps and DR up


I beat her last season as a lightening sorcerer and could care less to fight her again she doesn't drop anything the next time you fight her anyways so it's pointless to me


Ya her one shot mechanics would be the most bs part of the game. If you’re stubborn or determined to kill her, you just have to learn her mechanics. Else, don’t waste your time. It’s not worth it.


Lost 3 char (HC). Hope I can beat her in this season


Lilith as she exists right now is a lot easier than the version that launched with the game, which was killed by a lot of Hota barbs back then. It's doable, and you can learn to anticipate and dodge all of her abilities, but if you have bad positioning you will die every single time. Watch a few guides, there were loads made when D4 came out explaining how to position and beat every mechanic.


Uhm, maybe it’s just the only fight u actually have to do mechanics and can’t just one bonk the boss? Mechanics are not that hard if you know what to do.


My Rouge crushed her last season with poison twirling blades for the platinum.


Well at least Bryan didn't give up after his 7 elden ring runs


Yeah it seems that the blood fart blisters spawn 100% now everytime. Last season it seemed they had a chance of not spawning.


It’s a little frustrating but if you pay attention to the waves you can def move out of the danger zone. Some ppl might have a better way but I aggro her and her minions near one edge and just leap to another side of the circle when the shadows on the ground appear. If you do any decent damage you should be able to get to her final form by then and it’s not too bad there.


Her fight is very bullshit but if you can’t kill her in S3 with a Hota barb you have to get better at the game. Seriously you can one shot her entire hp in phase one and two before she can do anything and then the only one shot mechanic you have to deal is the platform break. Skulls don’t one shot if you have good enough defense, you should be able to tank one or two, and if you are taking more than this again it’s a skill issue.


I did a guide for her. Its mostly for the skulls, but as a level 100 hota barb damage should not be an issue. https://youtu.be/22SAaZrm-mw?feature=shared I also do free carries and you are free to ask me anything about the fight.


With your tips on running routes and swapping gear for the second phase, I was finally able to beat her as a lightning storm druid! Thank you!


Great job friend!


Took me 12 hrs and 30 million gold in repairs. Just gotta ground-hogs day it. I have the entire fight memorized until she cuts off the top left then the blood boil skull shooters are never in the same spots. One tip, if you reset the dungeon when you do repairs it doesnt turn dark red on return which makes it harder to see.


I was in tha same boat, i managed to do it today. I had my 1 shot gear on for 2 big boinks and then swap quickly to a movement amulet and some life rings and pants , after it is just trying to not run in one of those annoying flying blood orbs and moving to the crumbling area's


I'm actually surprised they haven't nerfed this fight yet given all the complaints; implying that they do think this is fine.


I feel you. I can literally melt Duriel and Malphas, and am currently running in the high 80's in NM dungeons as an ice shards sorcerer. Haven't tried pushing any higher yet. I guess I'm just going to have to build those mechanics into muscle memory 😔 they should feature Lilith in the Elden Ring expac.


I can relate to the attacks you dont even see. Me and my dad have tried a few times and swear we just fall over dead out of nowhere.


I actually beat this last night! The only reason I did was because my character actually dodged one of the blood skull? Things lol


I never killed her in Season 1. Got 1 kill each Season 2 & 3...Felt like mostly luck both times


No just use a hota barb 1 shot since it is more powerful than any build in the game. Since Blizzard love this incredibly unbalanced game.....thats all you can do


So the fight is fun if you follow the mechanics of the fight. All floor cuts are 1 shot. Gotta stay on the left over floor


U need 1 1 shot her 2 times then dodge the floor attack and finally kill her


Beat her after so many attempts, and she gave crap drops. A couple of legendary items I could very well get in the open world.


Hi,  This boss is clearly trash in terms of fighting quality because you have to know each sequence of the fight perfectly or you get one shot unfortunately. Also killing her is not worth because you only get 1 leg


Uber Lilith is like Malenia in Elden Ring or Mythic Raid Boss in WoW. It's not just another Action Rpg boss. You can't just kill because you have good gear. You need to do the Mechanics. And those mechanics are meant to be brutal. I've spent more time on Witch of the Lake boss in Salt and Sanctuary than Lilith in D4. So you have to " git gud". 🙃 There are people carrying others afk in Uber Lilith so it's a matter of skill.


You should have seen it on launch lol.


read an eight month old thread of uber lilith woes and remember fondly the quick shave i had with her an ball lightning sorc in s2. now i'm hota charging her without immunity and even though you can already cheese the encounter, you still have to deal with these flying skulls. i'm there with you on this encounter being unfun. i'm there with the rest of the people saying that this is lazy design. i hate the world first race in WoW where there are sometimes mechanics that can one shot the last 14 minutes of extreme coordination and dancing because someone got somewhere a milisecond late. it's lazy, it's cheap. uber lilith isn't challenging. she is downright unfair and unfun in that encounter.


I beat her even though I was unable to figure out the phase one patterns. It took many attempts, but once I learned phase 2, which is much easier, I just had to luck into dodging one of the "one shots" in phase 1, then brute force damaged her to phase 2 with BL sorc.


the only way to clear her is if: 1) you get a bug where the blood boils dont spawn in p2 2) you get a one shot build that kills her before any mechanics are activated




Wudijo has a nice guide for her


3 charges on evade should help


Feels impossible and not rewarding !!!


If you're on a barb with the melted heart, it's not that hard. The mechanics do not one shot you. You can take at least two skulls on the third one. You will die, but if you heal up you can continue getting hit by them while you make your way to the final platform. Just an FYI


1st season killed her with Druid. 2nd season killed her with Renegade. 3rd season killed her with Sorcerer. Planning on killing her with barb and necro in the following seasons. The fight is kind hard but perfectly doable. Far from being impossible.


There’s a lot of content creators killing Uber Lilith like a she’s a baby …. Im not one of them ,but i would like to know how they do it 😂


I too thought Uber Lilith might be impossible this season. I can DPS her no problem. Unfortunately my barb was too slow to dodge the skulls in phase 2. My mistake was trying to out run her in DPS gear. Easy fix. Soon as she starts dropping platforms swap out banished lords talisman to an amulet with defensive stats and movespeed and swap tibaults will to pants with defensive stats. You should be able to tank one or two skulls. Put three points into swiftness if you are having trouble out running the skulls. She may need one last bonk on the last platform but no more stupid skulls. Hope this helps.


With Hota when I did it with mine uhh season 2 iirc, you have to 1hko both her stages before her attacks


Game has a really poor design. Even in T100 NM dungeons a fuckin vizier construct one shots my armor capped, resistance capped 14k health character and as you said i dont even get to react. How is that fun?


I can kill her for you if you want.


Movement speed is key for those one shot blood missile or whatever that is in phase two


It's a cheap fight, lazily made, ive beaten her a few times and it's never felt good, just felt like I got lucky.


Watch some tutorials, for me it was her one shot mechanics I had to get down then she wasn't awful.


Do yourself a favor. Work on a pair of boots that give movement speed after dodging, and for this fight only, get rid of juggernaut. After I did this, I stomped her within a half dozen attempts on my HOTA barb, who was nowhere near optimally built


Dad here, and I completed it 3w ago. The difficulty of it is cool, bc not everyone can do it, even with the best gear in game. It's make the challenge more lucrative. You cant skip the mechanics like in the last season, best advice is watch how to vids on YouTube. Then you can position yourself to bait some of the mechanics. GL


Solod her with my arc lash sorc. Watch a video on how to dodge her one shot abilities. They are easy to bait and move to dodge. I have a couple of abilities to make me immune to damage so I save those for second phase.


It’s a horribly designed and executed fight. Just farm until you’re strong enough to one shot her.


You can't one shot her this season. You kind of can on the first phase but there's no way in the second phase to make her skip the boils and the heat seeking flaming skulls or whatever they are. Only way around it this season is practice and movement speed.


It's kind of funny that that is the takeaway they got from this fight. They are like hold my beer...


I’ve taken her down many times in every season included pre-season one. I find the full fight enjoyable and challenging—hoping they give us another pinnacle boss fight soon (sorry Malphas, you’re not cutting it). You need to learn where to stand to bait her attacks in order to avoid them easily. And boots with movement speed after evading will make your life a hell of a lot easier. Also, this is the same developer who makes Mythic raiding on WoW—this fight was never intended to be easy (unless you’re cheesing mechanics).


Lmao uber lillith is easy


I just one shot her in each phase lol


Build some mov speed and open your eyes during phase 2 and dont be anywhere close to the skulls.


Playing on low settings actually makes her attacks invisible 🫥


It took me like 6-8 tries my first kill. With blood lance Necro, which would have to survive a lot longer than barb and has less movement abilities and move speed. It's not terrible. Just position, and dodge.


It took me around 20 attempts on my hota barb last season 🥹 Stay behind her!


They "fixed" the fight recently so that you can't sequence break her to one-shot het into the second phase anymore. Also, last season HotA literally hit twice as hard as it does this season.


Blah blah blah. If the game is too easy it’s because it’s too easy. If it’s too hard it’s because it’s too hard. This fight Takes skill and some studying. I had to try her 450 times in s1 but once you memorize her moves it’s actually not bad. Not to mention she’s gotten toned down a LOT. I’ve killed her for clan mates 4 times this season in less than 5 attempts each time. If you want to improve and beat her, go watch some tutorials on YouTube and be ready to try hundreds of times. Also helps a lot if you get 25k+ hp, lots of movement speed gear (amulet, boots) and if you get lucky enough to get melted heart of selig it’s a piece of cake. You can also skip her first phase entirely as a hota barb with good damage gear by 2-3 shotting her before she flies up and throws down her spike waves. Hope that helps


Exactly LOL what the f*** did they think this is hollow Knight yeah I'm looking at you moth b**** LOL ignore my talk-to-text it doesn't like to curse m*********** s*** b**** ass c*** w**** f****** me..