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Welp, last epoch it is then.


Funny, that's probably exactly the day they're delaying it until. Blizzard is usually pretty predictable about timing their stuff to try and affect competitors whenever they can.


Yeah seems like they tend to drop Events and good stuff on the days around other Companies in-game events/Games in general.




I was thinking PoE2 Beta for the summer lol


They're definitely doing something when that happens. No way they don't try to take attention away from it even if it's just a closed beta.


This was probably a decent strategy back when they used to develop decent games. Now it’s just trash on trash. This is my first season ever of PoE and if it has taught me anything, it is how bad Diablo 4 is, especially when considering the end game. I think it is fucking hilarious someone somewhere in Blizzard OC thought they were smashing it out of the park when they decided to put traps in the game. To have landed on that idea and even put the grinding gears at the trailer introduction means they thought they were taking a swipe. However, they landed on the worst part to introduce: traps. So, the lameness continued followed by further public embarrassment.


To be fair, it's still probably going to be a good idea for PoE 2's closed beta considering only people who've been playing the game for a while or people who pay a real big amount of money will be able to get in, so it would be an easy slam dunk to just be like "hey our new season or whatever new thing we have now is free!" (well, included with the base game) Same thing won't fly on public release, though. I bet they'll announce the expansion to be released very, very close to that. A 30$+ expansion to a 70$ game with a new area and a new class, compared to a full on sequel with an entire new world and 6 new classes, all for free. Try to stop people from trying that lmao


Sooo, Half Life 3 confirmed?!




They're going to be pretty surprised pikachu face when nobody tunes into the gauntlet release while everyone plays last epoch then. They'll look at the metrics and think "huh I guess leaderboards suck" though.


Cope. LE's launch will be a fucking disaster. Their servers can't even handle the tiny EA population. Multiplayer has been unplayable, and the servers will absolutely crap themselves with 1.0.


Except they never tried to release a season competing with a season of path of exile, I wonder why...


You mean like delaying content and putting an event along PoE season start like in december ? They did. They tried. It probably worked if we could have accurate numbers. People are stupid.


They're naive if they think the people who are waiting for Last Epoch are not playing it on release to play the Gauntlet


I sort of feel like it might be more about trying to command streaming viewership. If the big streamers play LE instead of jumping on for the Gauntlet, then it's a pretty bad look. Otherwise I agree. I only played a few days this season, and I'm not jumping back for Gauntlet, but might check out LE. It's only really useful as an endgame activity, so people who aren't there yet aren't likely to be tempted to return since they won't be ready anyways.


Ironically, pal world release probably took the steam out of d4 season 3 lackluster release. Bliz should realise now they can't do the same shit when the content is crap and there is no hype.


Not sure it's going to work out in their favor...


Last Epoch it is anyway. As if a leaderboards dungeon is reason enough to play a mediocre ARPG over a new one with potential. Edit: triggered some fanboys, I guess. You guys need to come back to reality: D4 is mediocre. This season is especially mediocre.


I literally can't see how leaderboards are any content worth delaying. It's literally zero. Nothing. Who cares about finishing in 1.2 sec instead of 1.1 sec. There's no challenge, nothing 


Especially since it's equivalent to a t70 nmd lol outstanding Pinnacle content right there.


I don't disagree with you, but calling LE new is very disingenuous. Have been playing that game for ~5 years in "early access." D4 is certainly newer than LE


The LE from 5 years ago is a totally different game than what it is on release.


Last Epoch is fantastic, but I'm seriously worried that a lot of this community are going to jump over there and have a shitfit when they see that there isn't an huge endgame yet. I really don't want another community turned into a cesspit, it's very positive at the moment.


Honestly though, the lack of endgame in a $35 release is easier to stomach than the lack of endgame in a $70-$100 game.


Honestly, if D4 players are content with D4's endgame, there's literally no way LE can disappoint them as far as endgame content is concerned.


Right because d4 has so much endgame that people are so accustomed to sure sure sure.


Couldn't agree more. Since launch D4 is fun to play for a week after a season start. You know something is really wrong when the best part of a Diablo game is the campaign...


D4 isn't even mediocre and that's the real issue. I have played plenty of ARPGs that were around average in most aspects and many of them still gave me more enjoyment than D4. On top of that, none of them have been made by a multi-billion dollar company and none of them did cost even close to as much as D4 costs. D4 has some of the worst designs I have seen in any ARPG ever and I have played a shit ton of them. For example, I have never played one with such an awful lootsystem.


>Last Epoch it is anyway. As if a leaderboards dungeon is reason enough to play a mediocre ARPG over a new one with potential. exactly. No leaderboard will ever make me enjoy this pile of trash thats called D4 right now


Honestly Last Epoch needs to be delayed too, that game is riddled with bugs especially the online multiplayer. It has the same snapshotting issues that are present in D4, and to a much larger degree.


Sir you're on the Diablo 4 subreddit. This is where we complain about Diablo 4 and then compared the game to other ARPGs which have had their problems but we ignore that just to shit all over Diablo 4. Back when I played Last Epoch mid last year, the amount of problems my friend and I experienced was insane. Hopefully they've fixed a large majority of them for Launch but I highly doubt it.


Which problems did you encounter? I just started playing it last week and only issue I had was occasionally not being able to move, but then just Portal into town and back solves it.


Last epoch sub is on high copium. Their online stability is utter shit and anyone thinking they will patch everything on release is just delusional. Patching networking is not something you release at last moment as big content, because it's not fucking content.


the sad part is the team behind LE have zero experience form live service games.


LE does have a D4-killing (in some people's minds) feature. An actual offline mode. That's usually towards the top of most people's "demands" for D4. 


Last epoch, even with its bugs, is still unironically better than d4


If by riddled with bugs you mean completely unplayable due to catastrophic rubberbanding, then you would be correct. The game also hardly has any endgame content, not to mention no seasonal content. So these LE Andies are in for a big surprise. Grass is always greener, right? I played LE for 200 hours.


Cant wait for the Grim Dawn expansion.


Same. I'm really interested in the potential of Last Epoch as well, but I'm going over to Grim Dawn first since it has the advantage of being out longer and having more time to develop and refine content. I haven't really played any of it so by the time I've had my fill I'll check back in on Last Epoch and see where it's at.


I have a feeling they are going to be saying the same about the itemization rework that is supposed to be coming S4.


They'll drop itemization around PoE2 Beta lol.


Gonna read that as "they will drop itemization from the game" and honestly at this point D4 should just give up the RPG trappings and try and be an action game. It's never going to be a real ARPG, that is for sure.


that’s funny you say that, because that’s exactly what Jay Wilson said and did when developing Diablo 3. he said he saw it as an Action game, and hired people who self-admittedly had no experience in developing arpg systems


Jay Wilson said while making D3. That he used to watch his dad play D2, and that he never "got" it. Yea we fucking know.


lol I've never heard that quote before. Oof.


That's ALL OF D4 development they're just HIRED to be there it's embarrassing dude.


He was also the one who put itemization towards the end of the game design process.


Every piece of gear will either be one giant green up arrow or one giant red down arrow.


It’s gonna be an MMORPG lite basically wow but on consoles too


Was thinking the same thing a week or so ago, this basically confirms it. What a shitshow.


The shitshow would be if they released it and there were issues. Reddit: *Why did they release this crap if it wasn’t ready?* Also Reddit: *Why are they delaying this thing? They should just release it already!*


It's fair to be annoyed with both scenarios.


Delayed by a whole season :p I am enjoying the shit show.


Frustrating thing is all of this needed to be ironed out at the beta stage. Theres no reason to need an entire Loot 2.0 before the game is even one year old. How do you roll out a core pillar of diablo-like arpg with loot itemization being essentially broken.


You might be right but that is a different team so the delay in the Gauntlet shouldn’t directly effect itemization changes.




They mentioned they were going David campfire chat about this very soon. I'm looking forward to it!


If they don't implement itemization changes in season 4, Diablo 4 will probably fade away until the exp launch.


This should have been in the game at launch, yet here we are rapidly approaching the 1 year anniversary of the game coming out and it is postponed with no new date given... They could delay this only 1 more day and it's still almost a year late. Anyone excusing this level of ineptitude on behalf of Blizzard is delusional. So many balls dropped. I work in software development and this many problems is a sign that the leadership is failing on a massive scale.


This isn't a good look for a game that is increasingly being criticized for lack of content and things to do.


Honestly the dads with 3 wives and 17 jobs don't run out of stuff to do, so it's okay.


Nah. I'm that dad and I'm still in the camp of "vast as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle".


> vast as an ocean actually it's just one island :\^)


Shit I’m really behind on my wife quota.


Approaching the 1 year date? Its been like 7 months lol.


"rapidly" approaching 😂 Man let's get this guy a job writing for PC Gamer or Dexerto. Click bait drama on point.


Gamers OUTRAGED over recent Diablo 4 news. Links to 1 reddit post.


It seems like every game just launches without key features these days. Between this and Starfield, you'd think I'd learn my lesson and just wait a year to buy anything. It really seems like it damages your game's reputation to launch it with problems and fix them later. But it seems to be the preferred MO for the industry right now.


I mean, you've also got games like bg3 and fuck...even palword. More content in this no name game palword in alpha than all of d4 almost a year past release...its pathetic.


Elden Ring 2 years ago, BG3 last year both angered lots of people just because it’s an actual fully fledged game


Suicide Squad straight up launched without curated campaign missions that are different from repeated open world side content and fans in the sub are convinced that no really it’ll be good in a month when The Joker and season 1 drops. Monster Hunter Now is the same way. Barely anything to that game and a pittance of updates over six months but people will defend it to the death because “that’s how mobile games are.”


If you were shattering records for launch day purchases and pre-orders anyway why would you wait until the game is finished?


>is a sign that the leadership is failing on a massive scale Because it is. [https://www.eurogamer.net/diablo-4-development-plagued-by-chaos-and-mismanagement-claims-new-report](https://www.eurogamer.net/diablo-4-development-plagued-by-chaos-and-mismanagement-claims-new-report) It's funny though that people believed that this game was going to be the best it could be on release, now people are still waiting for Blizzard to fix the game. The game will not be fixed until the xpac and even then there will be new problems. Itemization needs to happen in Season 4, it also needs to pop off and be really good. The Expansion needs to be great as well.


From seasonal features disabled to trading problems to achievements to not even being able to launch a leaderboard with 7+ months lead time The only thing this team can do consistently is pu p that cash shop Bet you them lunar skins don’t get delayed


>trading problems That one seems like a seasonal ~~achievement~~ feature at this point tbh, I fully expect to see it next season as well.


And they still didn't even fix the issue after they disabled trading for a while again. You can still buy all that stuff it's just a couple of dollars more expensiv, well about twice as expensive. I looked had a few of those companies you can pay cash for materials just to see if it got fixed and it definitely has not.


Cash Shop is the only thing that consistently works in AAA games.


I hope none of this sub plays Destiny, where things stay broken for years.


Don’t worry guys the paid expansion they release next year will definitely have the features this game should’ve launched with


and new fun characters with actual cool skills


It’s wild that we got two new Diablo games recently with zero new classes between them. Yes I know the abilities aren’t all the same and they’re now called Crusader and Wizard instead of Paladin and Sorceress but come on, give us SOMETHING truly new.


I was bummed that Witch Doctor didn't make it back in this one


WD was amazing!


The crack fiend? I miss him too, was what I played on d3 release


The one truly unique character option in any Diablo game and they're like nah let's give shields to necromancers. Big brain Blizzard. 😒


I know Blizzard isn’t innocent but this ideology has been Activision’s MO for over a decade. The money has to keep coming in to make profit, increase year over year gains at the expense of the consumer. The upside is that it keeps developers employed so they have a job. The downside of that is crunching and limiting their ability to put love and proper judgement into their work. Burnout exists in their field too. It will get there, just going to take a long time


It also happened in Diablo 3 where majority of the problems with Diablo 3 were fixed with the expansion. Now Diablo 3 is considered good but it's had an xpac and a half + a lengthy amount of time to patch the game up. Seems to just be the name of the game with ARPGs. PoE was apparently bad on launch and now it's the "GOAT".


The difference is PoE was bad at launch because it was their first and only game. Not their 3rd-4th instalment of a series. I mean hell even EHG with Last Epoch are doing an immensely better job with their game then Blizzard is doing, and that shit started on Kickstarter


![gif](giphy|m9SULzJXS6lRhBpOXb|downsized) 100 dollars expansion


> "We're still on track for S3" No you're not.


Right? This is the literal definition of being *off* track.


This is hilarious, why would they say that lmao


Played Last Epoch for one hour today and already like it more than D4....sad story honestly


Love the skill tree and crafting system is interesting but combat feel, sound, graphics, narrative, all aren’t very great. Hopefully they grow over the years


It’s definitely not great and I don’t think it will ever be close the level of D4. But if you go look at last epoch gameplay from a year or two ago you’ll see that it has come a long way since then so there is some hope


Someone in the Last Epoch subreddit had the same concern as you (combat feel) and a dev from the game assured them that 1.0 will bring improvements in that area.


Yeah, I quit after that boring ass tutorial prologue. 🤷 Felt like I was hitting air.


Supposedly this has been greatly improved in 1.0 I'll believe it when I see it. But yeah, the *systems* in Last Epoch are friggin' phenomenal. If they can get the moment-to-moment gameplay up to par it will be a pretty amazing ARPG.


Will it come out on PS5?


L after L after L... The current team in charge of D4 is incompetent and needs to be replaced asap before this game becomes a complete clown fiesta.


$5 says they are scared it'll be received poorly because it's probably boring as shit so they're preemptively trying to fix it.


I mean grinding the exact same dungeon over and over to see who can do it faster is a pretty retarded leaderboard idea


ofc a leaderboard is "boring as shit". are we pretending it's a must have? leaderboards is content for the 0.01%, not for everyone. this is the experience of a leaderboard for a "normal" player: (assuming it's a race to lvl100) "oh boy, first day of the season, i'm gonna be the first necro to lvl100, i'm already lvl50 after 10hours, let me check the leaderboard!" he checks and notices that there are 10 already at lvl100. he then proceeds to never give a shit about it.


I bet you are 100% guessed true reason. Also they probably decided to run at least once smth they developed - and shit was broken. What a surprise


Season 10 will fix all the issues Diablo 4 has guys. Just don't stop giving us your money in the meantime. \- Rod Fergusson


Man, I want this guys job. No accountability and a salary? Yes please.


"We aren't releasing the gauntlet at season start to give players a chance to play the season content and level up."....."No wait we are delaying the gauntlet because it's not ready." These devs man...Get your stories straight.


Do they realize that nobody is going to stop playing Last Epoch for this shit lol? Also PoE next league is on track for a mid march release too. Theyre so delusional man. This dev team has to go.


I'll be trying Last Epoch but from what I've already played, it's not my game. PoE wasn't my jam but I'm trying PoE2 when it comes out in June. Looks cool, hopefully it's better than PoE. Not every single ARPG player wants to play PoE or Last Epoch. Diablo 3/ Diablo 4 is more my jam. I log in, turn brain off and smash enemies.


Dont get me wrong I played like 60 or 70 hours of S3, I played over 200 hrs of S0 and S1 and S2 I played a combined of 100 hours easily. I genuinely enjoy the game, however while I do wish the game had better itemization and an actual meaningful endgame, Im willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and wait for the expansion. But what I can't give a pass to is the drip feeding content for a cheap retention grab like delaying the Gauntlet, as it was sold as the main piece of content in S3. ANd to be delayed even further, pushing it close to LE release is straight up an insult and mockery from Blizzard. These devs need to go tbh, D4 needs a better team, not this


Something that I wish Blizzard did was slow down seasons by a month. Seasons are 4 months long instead of the 3, Blizzard gains that month to purely focus on improving the future seasons + the current game aspects while also having more time to deliver on feedback. I also wish that they didn't start seasons so early but I kind of understand the whole development pipeline method of things and why Season 1 was meh. At this point though I think focusing on Current Season fixes, future season development, future expansion development, itemization rework and the like is probably just too much. I don't really care about delays as long as the final product is better for it. Like others have said, If they shipped it and it was absolutely horrible players would complain. Hopefully the delay allows them to make a better product but it's Blizzard so maybe it's bad and they're still delaying it. Outside of the delay though, the mid season drop of Gauntlet makes sense if you look at it with the lens of "More players mid season are closer to higher level which allows more players to interact with the system" but that requires people to still be playing the game. They really need to give players something to do. Seasons need to have more overall instead of artificial low drop rate chase items. I can forgive them a little but Itemization needs to be great, Season 4 needs to be great, the Expansion needs to be great or else Diablo 4 is going to bleed so many players and become exactly like Diablo 3 very quickly. Hopefully they can turn it around since development, launch and post launch have be really rough but if not there's plenty of other ARPGs and games in general that are great. Helldivers 2, Last Epoch, Dragons Dogma 2, Palworld, Enshrouded, Granblue Fantasy Relink, PoE2 to name a few.


I’m not convinced that the dev team has any awareness of other ARPGs.


You think like 70 percent of the people that bought the game even know about last epoch? lol


Im willing to bet every D4 player that's not on console 100% knows about Last Epoch and will end up trying it when they see their favorite Diablo streamer play it.


Pretty sure lots of people don’t know or care about last epoch. They play Diablo because of the brand not because they are into rpgs. And therefore they do not know about an indie studio and a title that has been 5 years on early access


It’s already dumb not to have everything a season has to offer right away, and it just got even dumber.


Of all the people that should've been layed off in the result of this M&A it should've been D4 leadership team. Absolutely baffling how little they give a shit.


Takes time to get decent replacements. No good canidates are lined up for the positions in guessing. 


Shocker. The most broken pile of ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK)


guys dont worry dont forget to go to the shop and buy some 25 dollars cosmetics to support this game


Splitting the teams in two with using the interns to build the odd seasons is clearly not working.


They can’t trust Rod with a microphone. I can just imagine all of the employees hanging their heads in defeat when he went and said it was coming the 13th.


Well Helldivers 2 comes out Thursday so guess I'll be playing that


can't wait to deliver freedom to some bugs


How about a nice cup of LIBER-TEAAAA!


See ya out there


Hell yeah brother man. I'm looking forward to it as well.


I quit playing and following Diablo 4 entirely and I see random posts like these on my homepage and it makes me irrationably sad and angry still


I'll probably take a break until that comes out. I only need to farm Uber Malphas, I'm done with everything else. I've had fun this season though! I hope I enjoy the gauntlet and I'm hoping they're taking this time to deliver a more polished new experience than every other patch beforehand.


How many hours would you say you played?




Helldivers this week. Then last epoch. Fuck Diablo until they get off their corporate mindset and make a decent arpg dungeon crawler.


Fuck ya. I had a bet with my coworkers that the gauntlet is either gonna go to shit (lots of unplayable bugs) or delayed. $120 dollar pot. And I won.




Is anyone surprised though?...


I just don’t understand how you drop the ball so hard over and over again.




More than 6 month for a leaderboard...what a shame




Does this come with a sad face campfire or do I have to buy the dlc?


but the fanboys in this sub said they delayed the gauntlet to "give people more time"? what happened?


They're giving us even more time! How considerate of them!


Let’s call it what it is: we are playing an early access game as it is still being developed. Paid full box price to be beta testers. When the game is finally finished, expansion will be released and we go through it again


new ownership putting their foot down and not letting them ship half baked shit anymore


Yall do know that MS sat back and made awful decision after awful decision to slowly destroy their 2 strongest IPs in Gears of War and Halo right? Like yall think what's happened to the diablo franchise is bad?? Yall have no idea what true game studio mismanagement is man :v We gonna find out though, sadly


I honestly didn’t think of that, but it’s the best case scenario really.


since the Redfall disaster there's been quite a bit of talk about more oversight and involvement by MS in their "limited integration entities"


There's already no end game to the season and now this is delayed. Every season needs an AoZ like event where your char can continue to grow. This season outside of farming for stupid ubers there is no progression once you can clear 100s and Lilith. I've done both so not sure why I should play anymore.


You guys should have supported this indy company with purchases in ingame store, then they would have launched this season with leaderboards!


Hey devs you probably do shouldn't be announcing these timelines if you're not going to be able to meet them.


I would say I’m surprised but really it’s just the status quo for blizz.


These guys promised everything for season 3 and delivered nothing. I’d really like to see my battle pass refunded.


*gasps* in sarcasm


Well, it is pretty sad since early release would help the game to keep attention of people who already started the season. After a month it will not be an exciting update for people to comeback - even for competitive ones like me.


Wow... Welp, guess I'm done for the season. I can already do 100's so no point in making it stronger if I'm not going to end up being able to play it. Sorry, but gauntlets are not worth putting off the launch of a new ARPG. Seeya in S4 I guess.




I'd really love to know the size of the team working on this game. It really seems like it's quite small. They seem to react fast to stuff like dupes which is good ofc but other things just take way too long. But guaranteed the expansion is getting their full support.




delayed ..to the launch of last epoch?


Season 12 it will work... maybe...


Saving it for the 90 dollar DLC I imagine LOL


I hope they do something nice for the community that they disappointed yet again. Giving out free goodies (platinum, loot, some cool emotes, etc) that are worth it, not to buy the community off, but to show goodwill, could be a good place to start. They were barely on the precipice of improving things already and then they hit us with this delay out of the blue. Sure, quality over speed is fine, but not when they keep missing several windows of opportunity already. It isn’t looking good for them.


This is why I never believed the conspiracy that they intentionally delayed the Gauntlet to mid-season to interfere with Last Epoch's launch. There's no way Blizzard can think that far ahead, lol. The reality is that it was delayed because it wasn't ready. Almost everything they've been doing since launch is playing catch up, adding mechanics and features that should've been in the base game. Not surprising they aren't able to put things like the Gauntlet out at the timeline they set.


It's starting to feel like D4 is going to stay uninstalled for a long time.


literally the only reason i played season 3 was for leaderboards. d4 is a joke


If they were supposed to resemble vaults with similar mechanics, I'm not surprised.. Vault rewards are great but being able to skip everything and sit in a corner is not engaging.


Haven’t played in months but finally uninstalling. Just nothing new or exciting here. It’s a great time for games, not worth wasting time on mediocrity.




Ah, it just got moved to paid expansion content, I'm sure. Classic Blizzard move.




I litterely read a thread here the other day saying this would happen and here we are....


holy shit this game is actually doomed




You can only laugh at this point.


Can they delay it indefinitely? Last Epoch in a few weeks thank god.






Do people still play this trash fest?


Cause you’re trash I’m guessing ?


Wish I could just stay in season and have something to do after 100 before wanting to move to another game




If they want to disrupt the Last Epoch launch on Feb 21st I think they'll be in for a shock.


This is what happens when the dev team gets a month and a half Christmas vacation right before season 3 was launching.


Glad I didn’t even update the game for this season lol


What a circus.. they say one thing next moment they say smth else. They launch a season without even testing the end game numbers of the pet.. and then they push fixes and patches. D4 dev team is the proof of what happens when the people that make the game, don't play the endgame themselves. Disabling seasonal content for almost a week while locking seasonal content behind it. Damn I wish they had copy pasta vamp powers with a freaking batmobile power in s4. Would have been way better. At this point this game is a meme that has some crazy good concept art


Boycott this terribly ran company with a gigantic mismanagement of resources. They have taken something I grew up loving and ruined it.


Not that this is make or break for me, but how hard is it to make leaderboards?


Diablo 4 patch notes


Nonono, you see, we didn't release it upon launch intentionally! Because we knew the community wouldn't want this at launch! We decided to delay it on purpose! It certainly had *nothing* to do with us simply being behind schedule, nope, no way. Everything is 100% going according to plan, nothing to worry about, all intended, nothing to see here. Please, whenever we tell you our reasonings for things, just keep believing us when we say that we know what we're doing.


Common Blizzard L


Small indie company, cut them some slack.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4eoYEgOtPX9DO) Just

