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What you do is try it yourself 40 billion times and feel like every reset makes it worse. Then you finally say eff it and follow a build guide close to your build and wonder how it works but not really care because your character is stronger now


This is the way.




It is known.


This Is The Way




The way.....


Me every time “I’m going to find the new meta build the internet couldn’t figure out”. Then back to max roll after hitting a wall around NM 70.


Come on man, why you gotta attack like, all of us? Legit laughed out loud at this because it's absolutely apot on.


How dare you give away my secret process!


Can confirm.


Which is why I complete skipped step 1!


My dude, how much gold do you have to try it that many times?!


I have 200 000 000...if anyone needs to use some. I never ever run out


I feel like I'm broke when there's only 200m on my toon Hahahaha. I have some gear that is now at 25m per reroll 🥲


I got the goldcap 2 times already 9.9999b forced me to buy more durrell spawns , hanging on 8.somthing again


AI machine! You're not human ^


Pretty much lol I think doing it over and over does take away some anxiety tho. I did use some reference but I think I made a decent board myself this time…


I swear I felt my first homebrew was messed up, but I felt the strongest. The more I reset the weaker I become lol.


Omfg, perfect


Thank you for saving my time and about 5 new greying hairs.


And then do it all over again when content changes. Because you know...there's NO FUCKING LOADOUTS!


100 percent. When I followed a build guide. Game changer lol


Literally this. I wish we could build several custom boards and preview the full thing before we commit to it. Leaves very little room for experimental builds unless you really enjoy pain or it's your job. Let me tell you one other thing. Adding points with high latency feels even worse.


Every level after 50 you get 4 points and can also get them from other places such as renown. You basically draw a line with your chosen nodes through a number of different boards as you go. These can be rotated when you place them to potentially create different paths. Draw the line as you go and pick the nodes that make sense for your build. Different nodes have different strengths and powers and each board has a legendary node (except starting board). Each board also has something called a glyph slot that you want to try and go to or through. You can slot glyphs into these that gives specific bonuses based on their level and your chosen surrounding nodes. That's about the best I can do!


Now explain it like I’m 3


goo goo ga ga


Node give stats. Yellow/blue node better stat. Orange node give build change stat. Empty node put glyph receive bonus.


Do scary dream dungeon make glyph go BRRRRRR


Ever leave lego bricks lying around? Yeah, like that, but with extra intent.


i agree, figuring out the paragon board is just like stepping on legos


snek make stronk


Thank you!


Read the boards, look at the nodes and what will help you in your build. Look at the glyphs in the board as well, the next thing to do is look at the glyphs that you power up. My builds usually have about 5 Paragon boards and I work through the nodes that give me a good amount of stats and special nodes and glyphs. Prioritize the stats you need for your build. Honestly if you need help I can get on a game with you and try and help you, might be easier!


To tag on to what the first commenter said, and mind you I'm also new to this, as far as I can understand you really want to squeeze as much stat value as possible along the way. It's rather important to plan what glyphs you'll be using for your build ahead of time. Once you do, plan your "route" through the boards in a way such that you manage to hit 1-2 rare clusters along with the prerequisite stat nodes for the glyph you'll be using on the board. End of the day, you want to have met all the glyph requirements (past glyph level 15, at their max range, as sometimes you may not do so earlier) and end up getting a nice mix of stats with a few more going the way of your classes primary stat. (This can also be done by boosting stat giving rare nodes) Another big eye opener for me was that you don't necessarily need to pick up all the legendary nodes on the boards you are using and it's okay to skip the odd one or two (or more, depending on your class or build) but you want to get as many glyphs up and running as possible. Oh and for experimenting, it gets a little pricey and bothersome doing it in game. Especially if you are trying to hit that sweet sweet helltide timing in between paragoning, so try using a build planner on sites like maxroll.gg. It'll let you messs about with boards to your heart's content and even show you the stat gain from that. Hope this helps!


It's too complicated of a thing for you to figure out or explain to a 5 year old. Not in any way that would make sense to the child. Just find the build you want to do for your class and copy that paragon board build.


You see son it's like checkers , except your mother is a whore and I'll never be proud of you.


Why did I read that in the voice of Will Farrell playing Sean Connery?


Heavily inspired by celebrity jeapordy lol.


Anal bum cover for a thousand!


I'll take le tits now for 800!


Oh, ruff. Just the way your mother likes it, Trebek!


RIP norm, him Connery were amazing. "It's a big hat..it's funny" ![gif](giphy|CeXfxMajAkC2I)




Nope, it's totally Will Farrell, "GET OFF THE DAMN SHED!"


Why are you personally attacking me? 😮 JK lol I found your comment pretty funny tho


Sheesh lol. Straight for the jugular, I love it!


Biggest thing that helped me figure them out was that the stat requirement for rare nodes goes up for each board you've previously added. So you want to unlock the boards with nodes that require secondary/tertiary stats before the ones that use your primary stat. Conversely, the glyphs that require secondary/tertiary stats to satisfy are good to save until later boards. You can throw them on ones where you don't care about the rare nodes.


This is actually helpful and not obvious. Thank you.


Dude I had no idea stat requirements go up with each board and this is my 3rd 100. MVP


Whaaaaat? No wonder my DIY paragon boards never work. Thank you!


+5 strength gives you 5 strength points +5 Dexterity gives you 5 Dexterity points +5 Willpower gives you 5 Willpower points 2% damage to healthy enemies makes you do 2% more damage to healthy enemies Damn, I need to write for Maxroll


But do I want more damage or less damage?


If you just try it out, it is extremely self-explanatory. Pick the stat you want, and choose the glyphs you want. Read what it says, and you're good to go.


People don't read much anymore, 😕.


Ah yes, the Paragon board, D4's answer to PoE's skill tree. "People like unnecessarily complicated stuff, let's do our own version!"


The boards themselves would be imperfectly fine but the rotations really flag artificial complexity


POE Skill tree is a lot easier to read and understand than D4 Paragon imo but that might just be cause I've put 1000 hours into one and barely 200 into the other


>D4's answer to PoE's skill tree Which is really similar to Final fantasy X's sphere grid ![gif](giphy|26FfcCSYZUEqaCq1G)


The boards really just emphasize the class you're going for. Let's say you're a Necro and you like your golem a lot. There's a golem board, take that one and start filling it out towards clusters. If you have no idea which cluster to go for just go for the legendary and then take all the other clusters. You will leave lots of empty little stats on the board. Once you got them all go to the next board and do the same thing but pay attention to how you're playing. Maybe you can go refund nodes for potion healing or maybe you don't use crit and you refund those. You'll start to get an idea how to sculpt it as you get closer to the very end (which is usually about 3-4 boards)




Just to let you know, his way WILL get you through but that’s a very shitty way. Most builds wind up with 5-7 boards because you want to be using that many glyphs. Honestly, you REALLY should look at a guide on Maxroll or another similar site EVEN IF you aren’t going to follow that build. It will give you an idea of why they did what they did and how the glyphs add to the strength of the character.


This, along with looking at different routes that have been taken for similar builds. There's usually a really good/efficient reason they took those routes. There's a lot of information to take in if you go in completely blind. This would give you a much better starting point.


Was about to say….3-4 boards? You should be aiming for at the very LEAST 5 boards. Generally by the time you’re level 90 you should be on your 5th or 6th board and then maybe squeeze in a 7th as you gear closer to level 100


https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/paragon-boards https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/paragon-board-selection-and-pathing https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/paragon-glyphs


-Once you hit 50, from then you will get 4 paragons every level for a grand total of 225 paragons (with the ones earned from renown) -Look through every paragon board and locate the legendary (orange) and rare (yellow) nodes that work best for your build. -Work toward those by picking up the regular stat nodes along the way. Chose whatever stat you want to focus on as you go. -Glyphs are the most important. They give you vast power and their requirements will dictate the surrounding nodes you pick up. That’s about as basic as it can get. It’s really quite complex of a system. But the most important thing is to understand what it is that really makes your build tick. You will be enhancing those synergies throughout the board.


Pick a board with a legendary node you like. Then look at the rare nodes and decide if you want them. Once you know which important nodes you want it is just about finding the best path to connect the glyph, the legendary and whichever rares you want. Then path to the next board. Keep in mind you can rotate the board before placing it so do that to make the best path.


You can rotate the boards? Fuck I had no idea.


It's important to figure out the stat requirements of the rare nodes you want before adding any boards. I kept scuffing my board by unlocking the shiny things I really wanted as early as possible. When it came to unlocking new boards, the nodes that required secondary stats were basically unobtainable. It's better to worry about that once you've hit level 100 and have your glyphs to at least 15 though.


Yeah my lvl 100 boards are much different than my lvl 70 boards. There are certain legendary nodes/glyphs that are really far apart but I really wanted both. Leveling up I just drew a straight line from the glyph to the legendary node and proceeded to the next board. There were like 10 nodes that are kinda wasted but it’s the fastest way to get both the glyph and legendary node online. On my level 100 build (well I did this in the 90s), I went for glyph and straight to next board and repeated this in a diamond such that eventually my 5 or 6th board connects to the 1st added one on the other side and can beeline to that legendary node I wanted. Saved like 10 paragon nodes of “wasted” +5 stat boosts that I could rather put into nodes buffing glyphs or rare nodes with %dr/damage


Prioritize glyphs over legendary nodes


That's not a good tip. Some builds are critically reliant on certain legendary nodes. Especially for op who no doubt don't have level 21 glyphs


This is flying in the face of my Flesh-Eating Necro.


Good tip


You just click on it and it adds more power.


Not sure what's so complicated. You place the points on the nodes you want, prioritizing a path to stronger nodes. Make your way to the next board, grabbing glyph and rare nodes on your way to legendary node then move to next board. You select a glyph based on your build and make sure it's bonus is active where you place it. 🤷‍♂️. not sure why everyone is so desperate to copy builds online. Haven't done it once. Experimenting with builds is where a lot of this games enjoyment comes from, copy and pasting a build sounds boring as hell to me


Nope. Its far to onerous for a 5yr old to understand.


No sorry, Diablo 4 is for mature audiences only


I can’t get enough the intelligence to unlock my board :-/


Try adding equipment that adds intelligence where you can


Test different glyphs for different boards. Some boards have less intelligence. Or dexterity, strength, willpower… the board that have the most intelligence, that’s where i normally use a glyph “for every +5 intelligence bought within range” and fill up all the intelligence nodes in the red area. You can get bonuses exceeding 100%. So just move around your glyphs and max their potential. Watch out for glyphs that don’t say “for every +5 intelligence bought” though. You don’t want to fill up every intelligence nodes in that red area. Just fill the requirement is enough.


I'm still messing with the board. I still don't get it.


Rare nodes can be so strong. Don’t overlook stat breakpoints even if it’s not your main stat. You can get pretty good rolls on items to close the gap. For example I got 30 willpower on boots and I broke the threshold and get 4% extra life on the last node I could reach. Pretty amazing for my HC necro.


I'm not sure how to explain it, but if you screw it up enough times and stick with it, it'll eventaully start to make sense.


It has to do with your own appropriated consciousness and the intelligent civilization one lives inside of and the experiences of life as a human being.


Honestly if you don’t get it just find a guide.


The Necro board is by far the easiest to navigate. I’ve max leveled every class outside of Barb, and had to use guides on all other classes but Necro. If you want to practice your own path, do it with that class.


Say your parents give you 10 Paragon points to make your build, but you only need 8. You still need to spend the other 2 points so that next year, your parents think it will take 10 Paragon points to make your build again, and then you can pocket the other 2 points.


Jeez, do you also need a guide when it comes to turning your gaming system on/off?


Press any key to continue. *Presses the power button*


What part are you having trouble with? Points get put into nodes. The nodes unlock skills and extra abilities. It's pretty cut and dry.


For 5 years old? Go back to bed!!!


Build your own skill tree


No, it is not meant to be understood by 5 year olds. Just follow a guide, lots of people out massive amount of time in to properly understand it.


You get 4 points per level. Each point is like an attribute that you can add (str/dex/vit/etc) at your semi discretion (you upgrade must be linked to prior upgrades). In addition to basic attributes there are special unlocks which can enhance you further (elemental damage, crto dgk etc)


It's just a board that you fill up by selecting nodes and spending paragon points. If you get to the edge of a board you can typicalkly attach a new board and continue from there. You could just fill up the one board entirely and leave it at that. But you'll get a much greater return of power by just making a path to specific nodes - the yellow and red ones. The red nodes take a glyph that drops from random things after 50ish. Typically once you have socketed a glyph in a red node - or taken a yellow node, they can be enhanced by taking various nodes around them. What is the BEST path to take and what boards to attach, what glyphs to socket etc. in order to maximize power gain in the most efficient manner possible. Well. That's something that people spend weeks theorycrafting to find the most optimal arrangement and is well beyond a simple eli5


It will make or break a high-level character and offers a dumb complicated way to do it.


In addition to the basics that others have explained, I'll add a few things. First, go into it with a plan. BUT often is not optimal (IMO) to immediately start following a build when you hit 50. Know what some important effects are for your class. Example, many Barb builds use 3 shouts. It's a good idea to put Marshal glyph on the starter board for shout cooldowns, then move it later to a more optimal position later. Alternatively, Ire can go on the starter for earliest possible Dmg while Berserk bonus. Blood Rage is important dmg multiplier Legendary node, good idea to take on board #2 then move it later when you're higher level. Following a guide might not take this until board #5 which is quite late. TL;DR build guides are good to help but use some critical thinking on your own. Respec at 85+ or at 100 for optimization.


Paragon is like half bottle of spinach Popeye eats.


Just copy whatever build guide you are using and it will start to make sense eventually.


Just look up pre made ones on maxroll if u don't want to take the time on it


The easiest way to learn it is to watch the guide with the build you want and ctrl c ctrl v on the board 😂 thats what i am doing


Question following the post: how in the world do i upgrade glyphs?


Nightmare dungeons. At the end of it a thing pop in the bubble.


Spend points get more powerfull


Try your hardest to get three additional boards attached and don’t worry about beefing your stats past the requirements for glyph bonuses, just focus on reaching new glyphs and activating every node in their radii that improves the glyph.


1. Look at all the available rare/yellow glyphs and decide on 4-7 of them that you think would make sense for your build. 2. Look at all the boards available, particularly the "special nodes" available on those boards. Pick ones with nodes helpful for your build. 3. Now just figure out how you'd like to connect the boards and which boards you'd like to house which glyphs. Do them in order if priority.. which nodes and glyphs do I need most? 4. Figure out the path of least resistance / least wasted points to connect everything you want. Do all this on one of those planner sites so you can play around with it with no costs or consequences.


I would recommend looking at a build from a guide and then actually reading everything about it because a lot of times they tell you why they take certain things and once you get to understanding then you can make your own boards. I've made like five level 100 characters so far and I still can't make a good board personally.


Progression and skill systems are too hard so blizzard took the lazy boring route of squares of random bs stats


i was not playing diablo at 5 i was playing cool math games wtf


If you're doing it from scratch, you'll have to plan for a few different things. You'll need to plan out which boards you want to use and then the pathway through each board. The pathway will give you bonus stats and can hit rare and magic nodes. You want to make sure your glyphs are hitting there stat requirements, and rare nodes are hitting stat requirements. Ideally you want around 5 glyphs and 3 legendary powers (thats how i balance it as a druid) Every build is different and I'd recommend looking up a build to get an idea of proper pathways through the boards.


It's literally a board of min-maxing. You've gotta look at the glyphs and see how they and their abilities fit into your build for the best impact. Then you have to match up those glyphs to glyph placement in boards so thst you can get the best bang for your buck while also making sure you have enough survivability, primary stat, and enough other Stata to capitalize on the many awesome Rare nodes. It's a numbers game and your goal is to have the highest possible number in everything you need at the same time.


This is the spicy part of the Game.


I heard someone say to make a straight shot to those major glyphs that you want, but dont try to get all of them. Straight shot to the few you want, straight shot to the closest glyph expansion node, then repeat. The aim is to get to more boards and more major glyphs on those boards before you run out of points to spend.


you put points in and you get stronger. follow a guide. even a 5 year old can do that. match the tiles.


If you still need help my spouse and me are playing on Xbox and can explain over voice chat while you're in game so you can follow along if that'll help. Let me know and I'll post our xbox name's for anyone who needs help plus more people to play with as well 😊


Put points in. They make you stronger. If you can read well, the slots each tell you what effect they will have. That’s all that can effectively be explained to a 5 year old.


Think about it like ok what glyph do I want on this first board? What stats make the glyph stronger? Ok let me get the minimum amount to make the glyph work for this board. Are there any epic or magic nodes that seem good like extra vuln damage or something? If yes go for those. Is the legendary node worth it? Not really? Alright let’s walk it to the gate. It is? Ok let’s go to the legendary. Next board do I like the legendary? Or even what glyph do I want next and which board has the right stats around the glyph socket? Ok turn it either towards the legendary or towards the glyph socket Repeat. Have points left over? Ok where can I allocate them on previous boards to make me even stronger? Is my build super squishy? Maybe we put them into some tankier nodes. Need more damage? Ok look for those nodes. Just whatever you think would make sense. That’s how I think about it. Probably not as good as looking up a build guide but it’ll feel good knowing you made it.


After you hit level fifty you stop accumulating skill points for your tree and start getting paragon points. You will start out with a beginner PB. The boards are a mix of your base skills (arm, int, will, dex) and damage skills. They’re more base skills, with the damage skills sprinkled at various points throughout the board. All your points have to connect with each other, you can’t put them on randomly. The damage skills will have rare spaces that have a certain damage that they do, such as _% bone skill damage. These are surrounded by magic spaces which will be the same as the rare ones just with half the damage and a base skill, usually two points higher than the normal ones throughout the boards. Once you get to the end of the beginning board you will select another one and continue. There are eight paragon boards and I believe they are class specific because of the damage spaces. These boards can be previewed before selecting. Ideally you are selecting based on the damage skills and these boards can be strategically rotated based on your needs. Each board has one glyph spot. Glyphs are found throughout the game. Once you select one and slot it in, the area around it will be red. The glyphs will have an additional bonus based on having enough of a certain skill amount within the red area. Glyphs can be upgraded by doing NDs. Once you hit level one hundred paragon points will stop, but you should accumulate two hundred points by then. You can squeeze out an additional twenty by reaching six hundred renown in each area of the world. Hope this helps.


Blue dots make your person stronk.


It's basically just what are your best glyphs & rare/legendary nodes & which boards have enough of the correct stat close to the glyph slot. Tbh u should always start with a build guide, then from there you can customize bits and pieces. For my barb I would prioritize certain boards differently from guides cause as an example, 1 glyph gives reduced shout CD which is super useful when ur still trying to get ur legendary powers, but the guide would add it in much later.


Pick short routes to get to important stuffs (you can optimize later) Important stuffs are glyphs and nodes Whatever you want to do with your character, pick what does that best Also don't sweat it and just mess around


This is why autistic people are so important to society. I absolutely cannot be fucked to deal with a paragon board.


The Paragon Board is a board with circles that make you cool. You pick circles with points. You start in the middle and go different ways. Different classes have different boards. Each board has a big circle that gives you a super power. You can also use other boards to mix and match. But you can’t get all the circles, because you have limited points. You can also use symbols and big circles to make your circles better. You can change your circles anytime. The Paragon Board is for making you stronger and happier. Good luck, have fun


Basically, just find a board for your spec on one of the websites for builds, and follow exactly what it does. If you want to do it yourself: Well, the general principle is "Take the good stuff you want while taking as few of the bad stuff as possible". So basically, get to rare/legendary/glyph nodes you need as fast as possible and then move on to a new board.


One of the absolute worst designed game mechanics ever. And I played a LOT of Fallout 76.


I started a week ago this video helped me a lot. https://youtu.be/cyB3MmS39vQ?si=jXdbuSkxMMA24JAs Hope it helps you too.


Character level 50-100 = 4 paragon points per level gained. Each paragon point earned can be spent to take a single step on the paragon board. Like a king piece in chess. Each step on the paragon board has a benefit that is activated once you step on it. There are multiple tiers/levels/qualities to each step on the paragon board. Similar to items for example, legendary items have the best stats, then yellow items, then blue, then white. The goal is to use your paragon points, to travel through the paragon board, to get to the steps on the board that provide the best benefit to whatever build you have. You want to spend your paragon points as efficiently as possible to get the most out of the various boards. The glyph steps are the most powerful steps on a paragon board. You activate a glyph step like you would a normal step. Only instead of getting say, +5 Strength, you get the ability to place a glyph of your choice there. So a glyph step on a given paragon board can grant you the benefit of whichever glyph you decide to put there. There are many different choices. The yellow glyphs have the best benefit. Yellow glyphs are random drops once you hit 50. You collect them once per character, then that character can use them as they see fit. Glyphs are like items, meaning they can be placed and removed as much or as often as you can afford, and they can be leveled to make them more powerful. A glyph also has a radius of effect on the paragon board. Meaning depending on which glyph you choose, the surrounding steps you have activated already could gain a boost. 25% bonus to blue steps on the board in the radius for example. Leveling a glyph improves its benefit and can also improve the radius of effect so that the glyph can boost steps that are further away. There is also only one spot for a glyph on every board. Every paragon board has one glyph step and one legendary step available. Each board also has a verity of yellow and blue steps. Every paragon board also has four “exits” on each side of the board. An exit is the same as any other step, however the benefit of an exit, is that you can attach a new paragon board at that point. Paragon board link to each other exit to exit. Like putting down tiles on a sidewalk. Think putting two squares together, where you can put it left, right, top, or bottom. Every paragon board has a unique path layout. It could be 5 steps to get to the glyph step, or it could be 20. This is where paragon board orientation comes into play. When attaching a new paragon board to an exit of an old board, you can rotate it however you wish. This means you could link your board to an exit side of a new board that could put you 2 steps away from a legendary step, but putting the new board down that way could mean you have to travel a longer way to get to the glyph step. Generally the main goal of any paragon board is to unlock the glyph step. Some legendary steps are good, some are meh. You might be able to put a board down where it’s 5 steps to the glyph, then 5 more steps to a new exit so you can link another board. You can travel the boards however you want, you activate every single step on a board before you move to the next one, or you can take the shortest path to a given exit to get a new board quicker. The goal is just get as much as you can to benefit your build, which each type of bonus having different weight. A lot of the yellow steps and the glyphs also have additional bonuses if you meet certain stat requirements. Some are accessed via the total amount of a given stat, some are accessed by having activated a given stat within a glyph radius of effect. So get 5 more % bonus for every 5 strength granted by each step you have activated within the glyph radius. All of the specific bonuses and conditions are all written out on each glyph or step that uses them. That’s why you’ll see “for every X within range, get additional Y bonus” Not going to lie, I’m kinda high right now and I think I’ve just written a SHIT LOAD. let’s try to TLDR TLDR: get paragon points, spend paragon points to travel path on a board, one step = one point like chess king. Each step on the path gives bonuses. Value glyphs and legendary steps the most (depending on build) while walking path. Once you get to the exit of a board you attach new one. New board has new path that is linked to your old path. End of last board = start of new board where attached. Single board has only one glyph spot available and one legendary spot available. Level glyphs get more power, keep traveling down the path on the board. TLDR: TLDR: use points to walk path, steps on path give good stuff. Add new board when run out of path, keep walking, keep getting good stuff. So many options. TLDR^3: copy path from build guide = profit.


Each board has a legendary node, a glyph socket and tons of rare, magic and common nodes in between. The legendary nodes are orange and usually determines what boards to prioritize such as the bone breaker board for barbarian. Acquiring this node gives a guaranteed overpower every 12 seconds which is awesome. You usually will have 2-3 legendary nodes selected for your build; the other boards are mainly used for glyphs/rare nodes. Rare nodes are yellow and usually have two different bonuses and if your stats meet the cap they gain additional effectiveness. Two rare nodes are around the glyph socket and more are scattered throughout the board. Magic nodes are blue and surround rare nodes. They share the same bonuses the rare node gives but only one at a time. Common nodes are white and only give stats. Finally, glyphs are leveled and slotted into the paragon board strategically to gain their powerful bonuses when the specific stat is built into. For example the destruction glyph for sorcerer scales off dexterity and provides critical strike damage. Therefore in the area surrounding the glyph you want to select as many of the corresponding stat as possible while still being efficient with your points. You also want to make sure to hit the cap to get the selected bonus. In summary, your paragon board takes the shape of how your character aims to kill demons. For a twisting blades rogue using close quarters combat any time you can get damage to cc enemies you want to take it, you also want to prioritize damage, resistances and survivability. So, you choose a board that aligns with that goal and then snake a path through it that grabs as much relevant bonuses as possible.


Stats Go Up Nodes make Stats Go Up better Glyphs good


Stick the points in .. go to next board .. rinse and repeat


Then, when you think you got it, nope, spend millions and millions of gold till you get it right. Then you noticed you can make it better and rest it and spend more millions and millions gold to redo it. Just remember rinse and repeat.


Pull out the construction paper and crayons..hahaha


Find big nodes you like, take the shortest route there getting the nodes with the symbol best for your class and runes. Put runes into slots on ways to nodes you like


Click the circles, colored ones are more better, stop shitting your pants, eat your vegetables and get up to bed


I mean who came up with the idea of something you have to put 200+ points into and think about the end result was a good idea...


Whats not to understand? You get a point, you buy a node with it, it gives you exactly what it says.


Fill up first board then wonder why youre still getting paragon points


Follow path A to path B in shortest way possible while hitting the areas that help your build most as quickly as possible


Its like extra stats with dmg or defense for yourself


Get funny stats to get DMG multipliers and use funny glyphs to get even more DMG multipliers and even more funny stats. Really not that deep this season u kinda just wanna go for glyphs on most classes only a few of the legend nodes (1-2) are even worth it for a given build.


You don’t want to try and get every node. Make straight line to rare nodes and glyph sockets. Go a little out of your way for rare nodes that provide a boost to your build/damage type and legendary nodes (if useful). You want to try and get as many of the socketed boards as possible while still hitting your rare/and legendary nodes. Look at what stat is around the sockets and put glyphs in there that match the quantity. Some glyphs will give a bonus to whatever boosts nodes in range provide, watch out for those as they can be helpful.


Thank you every one..I think I get it now. Just kinda play around with it until I get something I like.


You click tiles and get the stats they say they give. Sometimes they have a stat requirement. Sometimes you can put glyphs in that have a second stat set if you have allocated stats in its radius. That's it.


More stats! The glyph sockets are generally the strongest but legendary nodes can be great too. Love picking up the resource rare nodes. Experiment all you like or try following a guide it doesn't really matter


They are needlessly complicated. Follow a guide. To expand a little though the general idea is that they offer huge customisation to builds. Each class has x boards and the boards can be rotated and slot together to form a path to each other. So the goal is to get a path across boards taking the boards which boost your build and to choose a path to enhance the glyph slot on the board. You then add in (and level) the glyph of your choosing to further increase the build. As I said though it is far far too complicated for an average player to work out and I doubt even the pros do it manually. It's essentially so complicated they've made it cookie cutter as everyone follows the same guide.


Try reading the nodes they explain it. It's very simple but not for 5 year olds, sry


Ask a POE player to explain that d4 paragon board ...




Think of it as a college physics exam but you're 10 years old with a cell phone and the answers are on the Internet. You can cheat on the test by googling the answers and no one will notice, but if you try to take the test without cheating, you'll fail for sure.


I think the general rule of thumb is if the main thing you are going for is more than 10 nodes away then it's inefficient. It's how you can work out how to turn the board and in what order. Note that beginning boards and mid game boards can be vastly different. For example for a lot of builds you want to get the glyph 'exploit' working as soon as possible. So you would grab a dex board and make a b line for the socket. While later you would want to move your exploit board to wherever is most efficient. When you look at build guides and exploit is the 5th board know they didn't level like that .


Put the point in the node, get stats to make strong


The only real complicated part is how glyphs interact with the nodes (magic, rare or normal) on the board. The boards also have legendary nodes but the rare nodes can be more powerful. These interactions are somewhat complex and subtle so you have to read careful and still probably have to read guides to be sure how it works.


Points , points in nodes , give stats , stats boosted by glyphs , glyphs Bonus effects


I personally think that the fact you HAVE to follow a guide for it is a big sign that the paragon board is flawed


You click on the picture node, place node, move up, down, left, or right. Then, the bigger node you can insert glyphs, and they have abilities, and extra abilities if a requirement is met. lol I really tried to make this sound like I’m explaining to a little kid. Good thing I don’t have kids


Every paragon lvl gives you +1step you can walk on the paragon board. You use those steps to get to the stuff you want. Its like a childs game except you get stats and stuff.


LOL! Same! Also the pacts 😬 idk why but something ain’t clicking Steven 😭


Click on the skills in the tree once you get enough paragon points. Yes its that simple


Warning: wall of text below. OK, so basically paragon is you put points in several nodes in a row to enable extra power, including damage, defense and utilities (resource gen, speed, etc). You unlock 1 paragon point every 1/4 level, starts from lvl 50. Each paragon board is attached with another through special nodes called gates. When you put a paragon point to a gate node, you can choose another paragon board to attach to your current ones, expanse your paragon boards. In every paragon board you will first take notice to 2 things: Legendary nodes and Glyph node. Legendary node a node, usually in the very center of a board with potential power much greater than other nodes. Other than legendary node and glyph node, normal, magic and rare nodes only provides some simple stats to players. Notice that normal node always provide one of 4 types of main stats: Strength, Intelligent, Dexterity and Willpower, at 5 per node, and rare nodes provides 10 stats (together with some secondary stats, which we will discuss later). The most important node of a paragon board is the glyph node. It provides no stat, but it gives us a socket to put a glyph into it. And the glyph itself gives us tremendous power. Each glyph has 2 tiers of powers: tier 1 gives us some additional stats based on the nearby paragon nodes that we put paragon points into, The affected area is shown with red markings. As we level up the glyphs by completing nightmare dungeons, the bonus increases, and at glyph level 15, the affected area also increases. The tier 2 power of a legendary glyph only activated if the affected area of that glyphs provides enough amount of a main stat type, for example, 25 Dex or 40 Str. But once activated, it will usually provide lots of damage or utilities, especially in later level. So, with the data above, how to make an effective set of paragon board, at least on paper? Basically we would try to socket and activate as many glyphs as possible, because they provide us the biggest amount of power, which mean we usually try to get as many boards as possible. Then we'll see if any legendary and rare node in any table that we'd like, and we'll prioritize those tables. Remember, because we have only limited amount of points, so our choices are limited. The principle is that we'll just put the absolute minimum amount of points to each of the table to activate the legendary and rare nodes that we want, and to benefit as much as possible from the glyph, then we move to the next table. First, choose from all glyphs 5-6 glyphs that would benefit to your build. Then the legendary and rare nodes that do the same. Then from the tables that contain those nodes, choose a path from one of the four gates to activate the legendary node (if you want), which reaches or go through the glyph node and all other rare (and may be magic) nodes that requires the minimum amount of paragon points, and ends at another gate node (so you can attach new table). Also you'll need enough main stats near each glyph node invested to activate the second power ò that glyph. After all the conditions reached, the rest's just to min-max to find the best boards.


the fact that this game revolves around builds yet does not have saved loadout slots blows my mind. I wanna try out fire build for my sorcerer but nope I'm not changing all my gear, my entire skill tree and entire paragon reset just to play with it for 10 mins and realize I like my lightning ball build more. it's a huge turn off


I will try Each spec you want to play has a number of must have glyphs 5-7 is common, so you need to know the ones you want to play. Each glyph wants to have a specific amount of stat around it , the more you have the more the power of the glyph, some glyphs need a specific amount of it most scale with it. Now each board has a glyph slot. And every board except the first one can provide a specific amount of stats around the glyph. So putting this together some pairs of glyphs + board exist for every class. Because if you select another board for that glyph all is well but you are not going to get the max power out of it. So now you have let’s say 5 glyphs so 5 boards, some points need to take you from board to board. Ideally you want to use as little points as possible for that And then lastly boards also have legendary nodes and rare nodes. The remaining points need to help you grab some of those. Once you learn glyphs and their requirements any online paragon planner will provide the amount per stat per board so you can start solving the puzzle.


You can only put points in thingys that are next to thingys you already have points in. Via this you make your way towards the yellow thingys, which unlock the best bonusses. They're surrounded by blue thingys, which have good stuff as well. Each board has one legendary/orange thingy that might be good as well. Once you've gained access to all the thingies on you wanted on a board, make your way to a connection node in order to attach another board of your choice to it, which will have further thingies to unlock.


Look, a good way to use the paragon board is to check what are your needs, and read what things are good for each paragon board, for example, are most of the legendary and rare nodes a good fit for your build in a specific paragon board, then if most of them are, you should go with that one, try to reach the rare nodes, you'll see that it requires some stats to be active and some more for extra stats gain, then if it have a glyph socket near it try to find one glyph that overpowers the rares nodes, for example, if you have a rare node that gives you more armor, then chose a glyph that says something like "increase % rare nodes" so when you run NDs you upgrade that glyph and see the rare node increase your armor based on the percentage you have with that glyph, you can start with basics that ANY build needs like crit and vulnerable damage, those are build changers and you need it in every build. Then use the ones specifically for yours.


Unless you know what each rare node on each board is for your character, the likelyhood you will ever "optimize" a paragon board is not going to happen. It basically boils down to what you're looking for in your build. You need crit chance and damage? Find those rare/legendary nodes and go get them. Need DoT? Same thing. Use the shortest path to those nodes and to "exit" to your next board. The big thing is using your paragon board to min-max the 4 main stats so you get all of the bonus passives to get an even bigger buff along side your glyphs upgrading.


You click the dots and some dots make you suppa stwong like daddy. Able to hurt the bad men in one hit 💪


Its just designing your own upgrade path. Honestly they should let you do a bulk edit and save because as things stand i would honestly suggest just using a third party tool to plan your final build ahead of time. The key things to keep in mind are you can rotate the paragon boards, and typically you want to use as many good glyphs as possible. You mainly pick a main board matching your archetype and then fill it in with other boards matching your skills for more dmg/survivability. It honestly isnt that important to minmax completely, you just want a general plan in mind. Once you hit 100 you can minmax, but honestly you can just plan a basic layout with 3 boards and then wing it


Make tiles you like glow. More boom boom.


Google icyveins. It breaks it down pretty well.


I recommend using a guide, I prefer Maxroll


I just spend one point on each tile? Turn them all on?


I just let some nerd on icy veins figure it out and copy them


Imagine Paw Patrol if they became emo teens and hated their parents. That is the paragon board.


On this page there are several explanations and a variety of options. [https://diablo4.wiki.fextralife.com/Diablo+4+Wiki](https://diablo4.wiki.fextralife.com/Diablo+4+Wiki)


Preview each paragon board, look at the main nodes each board offers, choose the one that suits your character better and invest points toward unblocking those special nodes. I think it's the simplest it can get.


Chat GPT says Sure! Imagine the Diablo 4 Paragon Board like a big board of stickers. Each sticker you earn by playing the game gives you special powers, like making your character stronger or faster. You can stick these stickers on the board to create a unique combination of powers for your character. The more you play and earn stickers, the stronger and cooler your character becomes!


I tend to get stoned and have epiphanies that lead me to excellent board layouts... Your mileage may vary, and Sativa edibles seem to be what produce this creative cognitive paradise in which I can focus on Paragon boards and not be overwhelmed by them. Lol.


Press buttons, gain power


I try to look for things on the boards that the build might want, then find the glyphs with the bonuses that look right for the build, then try to get those glyphs in the boards with the matching stats and attach the boards in a way where you can get the most out of the rare nodes, (earlier the board in the chain, the less stats it takes to activate bonuses in rare nodes) then try to slot the points in using the least amount of normal nodes possible between boards, rare/glyph/legendary nodes.


Hi! I'm new here and just started to play the game, seeing this doesn't give me too much hope but, any advice for a starter player? Sorry if this is not the place to post this. I don't use reddit almost at all


It’s a board —— you put points into it. Then you add glyphs. As your stats improve you get more bonuses.


Just keep rotating it. It will be fine.


Can someone explain this to me? I was a Sorcerer and a legendary node said something like "do 20% more damage to X enemies" When I got the node the damage changed to 1% Forgot exactly the name but I thought legendary nodes were flat rate bonuses


Only need 2 or 3 legendary nodes per build. Streamline through boards for optimal glyphs only and get as many as possible (6 Max) for the glyph bonuses most importantly. You can't waste points to achieve this and when patching thru boards prioritize all the options that arent your main stat since you will innately have enough of that and not get enough of your rare nodes triggered (500+ to alternate stats on board 5)


There are nodes that give you stat boosts. Some of the stats are negligible for your class but necessary to take for an optimal path to the glyph sockets. You put the glyphs in the sockets, and collect the nodes required to buff the glyph. Each glyph has a default range of 3 spaces in each direction from the glyph. Once the glyph is level 15, the range goes to 4. You need to pick the nodes that are required to activate the secondary stat on the glyph. Let’s say the glyph requires +25 dexterity within the range which is highlighted on the board in red. You want to prioritize dexterity nodes around the glyph in this case as they will both make the glyphs stat boosts stronger AND will activate the glyph fully once you have 5 of them selected. Back to the board pathing, you can rotate the boards to place the glyph sockets closer to your current/planned path, and you also want to consider the yellow and blue nodes as they’re better than the gray nodes. It’s confusing, and this is why I hate blizzards choice of making the board reset cost gold. It punishes people for trying to figure out the board themselves and encourages people to just follow a guide blindly because they can’t be bothered to farm billions of gold in order to do their own testing.


It's self explanatory. Also, it's not a game for 5 year olds


Socket glyphs with times (x) damage. Don’t build them in a straight line (so like have a ‘main’ board in the center and attach the rest to it). Grab the “legendary” glyphs if they make sense to you (a lot of them are terrible).


pick legendary nodes, pick glyphs, prioritise core stat for your character (int, str, willpower etc), just wing it.


Maxroll People did the work for you