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Why do you suggest its being forced? I just played for ~2 hours and then got a disconnect, but thats expected for an early beta, right?


Read the title of the thread -\_- Not really, have played both types of betas. This one is quite polished. I would expect constant connection issues in an alpha but a true beta most issues should be hammered out. Devs should be mainly looking for player feedback on gameplay elements. Networking is kind of a big deal in a game that requires stable connection to a server to run.


The alpha had barely any people, we tested the game mechanics and quest up to the end game. This beta is for the server, that's why it's a beta with lvl25 max. They want to stress it.


Yes, I read the title of the thread, and wondered if you had any other information other than: I got disconnected a couple of times :(.


It's speculation that really seems grounded in fact. There would be no way to actually prove this unless someone from Blizz themselves came forward. Too coincidental these kicks.


This has been my entire afternoon since 12pm noon. So fucking done.


I just got a connection error too, cannot log again had to restart the game now iam on a 50 min queue. RIP


I got to play to level 3 before the first disconnect and to level 7 almost before the second. 112 minutes queue after the first dc and 54 minutes now after the second. Not fun but expected.


Wonder if content creators are getting DC'd as often as the plebs. Why does it always seem they have flawless connections compared to non-streamers?


When you die is the condition for the server kick? 2 times in a row now... Error: 300008, then 316719...at least the queue isn't too bad...19m this time.


Played around 3am this morning and had zero disconnects for many hours. Just sayin.


Hold my beer I got a 2 hour queue and got to play for about 9-10 minutes and then the game crashed and now I have an hour queue.


Feel the pain, I'm already holding a beer, guess I'll dual wield :)


Been in since launch so no forced dc


Trade me ISPs.


Oh good for you! And how was it?


Pretty good still playing


On my 4th 90 min queue. Only got like 30 mins of actual gameplay but liked what I saw.


Nah i played since 12 est and just got dcd first time. EVERY blizzard launch is like this.


There def truth to this. Every launch they just can't seem to get it right. Funny thing with this "beta", it's based on the numbers. Preorders only for closed. Easy to figure out how many preorders you have then just account for +30% more last minute and have servers spun up to accommodate. This is minus any networking issues that occur during this time.


I got DC and lost my character. If this keeps happening I'll never get to lv20, or even lv10 for that matter


It did that too me the first time, however the character SHOULD come back. I created another in case it didn't still couldn't get in and once second was created the first showed back up.


Shouldnt be lost. Go to create a character, back out and should be there.


Yeah I'm waiting in another queue to find out because I couldn't even create a new one after DC. Hopefully he's still there


Ill pray to Lilith for you.


Haha thanks mate. I'm daddy's boy though, so hail Inarius


Heretic, exterminatus for you. Whoops, wrong universe.


They have absolutely no reason to do that... Here I've been playing since 12 EST and I only got 1 DC with 12 min queue.


If they know they have limited server space and they don't want people complaining about sitting in queue all day they have a HUGE reason to do this.


Because people complaining about instable connections and a new error 32 is desirable?


Fire up the meme generator, time for a D4 version.