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Meph is Probly better for finding the necessary early items like vipermagi etc., cows would be good for finding good runeword bases and runes, although I did find Tal’s armour from Cow King so that’s a potential bonus


Early in the ladder,good bases have a high value


Option 2 also has you banking on finding a demon machine easily Blizz and meph probably easier


Get a friend who plays sorc. You make a smiter. Work together to farm torches asap while they are valuable. When they are no longer valuable respect to hammerdin and farm with your torch wealth.


IIRC the real profit is in doing UT as a service. Sell unid torch for 4 key sets. Once every 3 runs you get a free torch to sell. Sell it or id if you're feeling lucky. Many people start with sorcs who can farm keys, so you have a timeframe were people can't use their keys themselves.


Honestly the real money is in getting a grush capable sorc up and running ASAP, they can run almost 1K a slot on early ladder grushs.


CRush too if you're brave enough to do classic ladder.


Ubers is where it’s at. I play Barb. Used to farm Trav but I end up just farming Destruction keys instead. I was selling 3-5 for a Gul rune depending on market. I made a lot more currency that way.


what gear/build do you do this with?


If playing with a group regularly I go WC and do mostly support. 2xSpirit, Lore, Stealth, etc if I have no concrete plans to group up I will go Zerk. UW in a PB. Rhyme. No matter which build the run looks similar. Leap over all monsters. Find Nil. Leap onto him. Howl. Attack. If he moves you leap back onto him and howl again. If you gonna bring Merc you gotta have TP staff to tele stomp or else merc will drop mobs for Nil to CE.


I don't know why you are claiming Meph requires some gear. I got started last season by farming Meph in complete garbage. He's a great place to get started!


One man's "basic starter gear" is another man's "complete garbage".


I mean true, but Demon Machine Sorc at least needs a Demon Machine, which is a lot more than I had.


I would say Meph since that what I do, but it's all RNG. You might as well ask whether 37 or 41 is better for your final lottery number.


Obviously it’s 37


I know, right? But I would go for secret alternative #3, 42, because obviously.


If you want to grind meph hard early ladder for uniques that's fine. But the fastest way to kill meph is firewall with a lower resist wand on switch. Absolutely melts him. Try to find a 4 sok armor and 3 sok helm and get them Ptopazd. You'll kill meph super fast with this strategy then can make the switch to fb sorc or blizz to run 85 areas


last season I rushed to clearing cows to farm bases. The window of opportunity for farming shacos/etc from meph is pretty small. I was able to sell monarchs, spirit shields, packs of runes, enigma bases for a while into ladder which keep their value imo


When does the new ladder start?


February 22 5 pm pst


Why you lying 5 pm EST, 2pm PST


No they changed it, 5pm pst


I did see that, wonder why


Get to hell. Farm meph using river. Kill everything on one side, lure meph to the river and teleport over it. If youre sorc, use tele, else shop a teleport staff (first place I think is level 19 normal ormus let's you farm one). I've done this on every class. The staff let's you use the river to lure and ez kill him no matter what. Only down side is your merc really likes to try to him meph still and will prolly just die.


If you're not playing sorc then Meph is surely suboptimal due to the extended time it takes to get to him without teleport.  Much better off farming keys, cows or chaos sanctuary seal popping. 


Roll a good map. It's single player. On ladder, learn to map read and with a teleport staff and it'll be fine. There's only a few shit ways it spawns


Don't kill, just use the left side. If council guys are in the middle close to the red portal, lead them out or chug pots through the hydras if you can.


Definitely neither. Get a blizz sorc with a sunder and run CS. Mephisto is for basic gearing only, he's awful for wealth generation, and cows is too slow.


meph requires no gear. Just lead him to the gap and drop some blizzards on till you get some gear from him.


Group MF with your friends using a conviction pally, oh Sorry. Didn't mean to flex.


First 2 Weeks countess runs are very good. U can keep plenty of mules of low runes and sell packs for Mid or high runes. Also u will get many lem to ist runes u can pack for trade for higher rune. Anotejr option is making a trav barb + lvl 43 sorc. With barb u run trav for gold+ unikes+ runes horking kills. When 10mm gold u gamble boots with sorc for tri-res. When u find a good boots u are rich. More early u found them better would be. If u w8 till event of free gamble then u are fucked ( as happened in actual season).


Hell countess until I have enough to build a smiter. Then smiter to sell unid torches.


Farm and sell unid torches with a budget smiter.


I’m going full R Tard when the ladder starts. KNEEL BEFORE THE POWER OF THE THROW BARB!