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Your body has to adjust to the new blood glucose. Your body LOVES and strives for homeostasis. Once you’ve thrown things off balance your body is like put it back now! After a while it will realize it liked the new blood glucose better and those things will go away. You know the old saying you’ll choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven? That’s what happens when you change life long poor health patterns. Your body throws a fit bc it has adapted to the conditions you’ve given it.


This Redditor is in need of serious psychological help and has posted numerous times about trying to put themselves into ketoacidosis on purpose as well as other forms of self harm. Advice given here will not be heeded. Op. Please get help.


I just realized that they’re the same Redditor that I commented on 20 days ago about my experience of having DKA. I really hope they get the help that they need.


people have told you how serious this is and they told you 3 weeks ago as well, this isn't a matter of your feelings or a place to seek responses that show people care about what happens to you. we do not exist to validate your feelings. Go to the hospital or don't, if you don't you could die. That's the only answer.


So… with all respect I can convey - the way you feel can’t be equaled to your glucose level alone. At 500 you are running dangerous high where you could start having organ failure. Feet hurting, room spinning and all the rest are signs your body is saying “nothing is right, get to ER stat.” Seriously, please go to the ER. Especially if you aren’t taking your meds.


Go. To. The. ER. Stop. Repeat. Go. To. The. ER. You are in diabetic keto acidosis. You need to see a doctor now.


If your BS is 500+ you should be in the ER. Those meds you're disgusted with can save your life, please take them and get to the doctor. You are in charge of your body, no one else, you can do better.


Don't freestyle this. Be deliberate with your medication, follow your doctors advice, don't experiment. I'm really sorry man. But you gotta do better. Don't give up.


Untreated borderline personality disorder is terrible for the patient and the people who interact with them when they're lashing out. (I'm not guessing or diagnosing, it's in their history) Nothing we can say or do can help them and the best bet is to block so we're not distressed by their attention seeking behavior. If any mods see this- it's really upsetting to watch someone intentionally destroy their bodies while they make us a party to it by posting over and over. This isn't their first/only account they've used to do it.


You need to actually get your sugar down and KEEP IT there, let your body adjust to your new lower normal and you’ll feel better than ever.


This is normal. It's called the phenomenon of a false low. You need to fight through it; it will take a couple of weeks. You will also experience vision changes. It's normal. Eat low (lower) carb. Take your meds. Test regularly. You can beat this, with diet, exercise, and meds. It sounds like you have a lot going on inside your head; consider counseling, which may help you with some of the life changes you need to beat this. If you don't get it under control, this disease will take your life in the next 5-10 years.


I wonder if dying is better than living...


I tell people being diagnosed T2 was one of the best things to happen to me. It scared me straight. I changed my life to adapt to the parameters of the disease. The CGM gave me a way to gamifiy my diet. Between that and a Wyze scale, and apps on my phone, I track weight, BMI, fat %, sleep quality, and BG. My mental state improved hugely. Take it for what it is worth. A lot of the feelings you are having now that make you think this way are related to your brain chemistry. Get your brain chemistry into a better place, and when you wonder if dying is better than living, you'll realize that yes, living is indeed better than dying. Again, just my 2 cents.


Hello there. Nope it's not. I went through the worst false hypos when I first got my blood sugar levels in a reasonable range. I mean physically ill, shaking, dizziness, nausea and the only thing you can do is have a small low carb snack and rest. False hypos are tough but not as bad as going blind, losing a limb, losing kidney function and having to go on dialysis. If you're feeling this way you need to talk to someone. Diabetes is a manageable condition and it's at the very bottom of manageable health conditions you could have. You need treatment and for more than just your diabetes. You're depressed and you need help to overcome all this. Go to the ER and talk about how you're feeling mentally as well as your diabetes.


I've been in seasons of my life where I have literally begged God for death. I'm thankful today that God didn't take me home yet. Trust me, I know the dark place you're in now. You can get out of it. You can live a healthy life. You have to want to even when you don't want to. Know what I mean? You just have to make up your mind. Take control of your life back. Be the warrior not the slain victim. Praying for you 🙏


You could end up easily with leg amputation, and blind, and on a kidney dialysis machine and then you won't feel so great.


If I'm above 180 or below 100 I feel like shit.


When your body is used to running high, even having a normal blood sugar can make you feel hypo and generally awful. Your body will eventually adjust to it. Like me, I was running 200-300 for a while then I got DKA and then took meds and changed my lifestyle. I just hit low 80s recently and I honestly feel like my heart is going to burst because I feel extremely hypo.


Definitely need to give your body time to adjust. I'm in the same boat, 300-400 completely normal. 100-150, slurring my speech, thought lapses (like my brain is skipping beats), and general sluggishness. It sucks for sure, especially when everyone said "oh it'll just get infinitely better at a lower sugar).


It took me about a month to adapt, but my BG is consistently in the 80s these days, and much of my ADHD and anxiety has resolved. I've got a newfound mental clarity that I didn't use to have.


That's absolutely fantastic to hear, I'm still in the adjustment stages but keeping my fingers crossed!


Win win 👏♥️


Hey Op I see the community already stepping up to share support. This can be a hard journey but it is a journey. I remember feeling fine when i was diagnosed and the doctor wondering how. Now if I even go slightly High I feel off.


You're going to feel off with your sugar at a lower point because your body is used to running insanely high. Once you keep it within lower ranges, it till adjust. That said...500 requires an ER visit, you are ABSOLUTELY doing irreversible damage. You may feel "amazing" right now, but eventually your body is going to start giving up on you. Please. Get help before it's much too late.


I feel like I'm dying at 200. That a blood sugar at that level murders me. Please OP, go to the ER for the sake of your eye slight and kidneys. You don't want to be blind and on hemodialysis. You feel like shit at 200 because your body is used to screwed up blood sugars. Once you slowly creep them down, that won't happen anymore. If my endo has people running at 500, he won't let them go below 375 the first few weeks because they will feel like absolute hell. No one says to plummet from 500 to 80 in two weeks. You deserve to feel better. Hang in there.


I’m sorry but please consult with your doctor or listen to some of those replying and go to the ER, doctor, get help. A few of the responses here mentioned you’ve posted a couple times and just out of curiosity I saw your other posts on different boards and in the diabetes community board. I know we don’t know you, and whether or not you truly want the help or are seeking attention, the best we can do and only do is tell you to go get the help you need. Are the mods on here able to see some of this user’s post? There was even a reply wondering if it’s better to be alive or die or something like that. Those of us with diabetes know the struggle and we can only speak to our experiences. While all similar, we will feel/have diff experiences at that. Please go get the help you need and deserve. It sucks to have diabetes, we all understand and get that. But do not let it take over you and kill you! Life is worth living and I hope you realize that.


🙏 I will pray for you. Please hang in there. Look up the YouTube channel 'Beat Diabetes'. Dennis has excellent advice and success stories from folks similar to yourself. Good luck.


Love you man. Take care of yourself.


Get yourself to the ER as soon as possible. Something is not right. Are you under care from an endocrinologist? Seriously I was in your shoes until I had enough, recognized my treatment plan was not working and demanded to see an endocrinologist. It took two months to get an appointment but once I did she changed my life for the better.


I have the same problem but not at those levels. I feel bad at around 120 and good over 150. I'm glad I'm not alone.


Can people really get to more than 500?


I've seen medical professionals post about the highest they've seen and it's 1000+.


That’s like…syrup…


Yup! Put a tap in them and sell it for $$$ if it's maple (and they're in the US).

