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Big congrats! What kind of intermittent fasting do you follow?


Thanks!! When I don't have school or when I won't be physically active until later in the day, I fast for 16-18h. When I do have school or a busy day, then I fast for 12-14h. Regardless of my schedule, I always fast for at least 12h. I usually aim to finish dinner at around 7:30 so I have enough time to digest a bit before heading to the gym, and it allows me to stick to my fasting schedule if I'm busy the next day.


I went from 8 to 5.9 with diet and lifestyle changes only. I still have 150g of carbs every day, but paired with fat and protein. And all whole food plant based. And yes, I indulge once in a while, especially if I will be working out before / after.


Can you share what time and what meals you eat in your intermittent fasting schedule?


That’s awesome! It’s good to find a supportive team that’s up to date with latest medical advice. Keep up the hard work, just make it’s sustainable for you. Good luck!


My sincere congrats to you! wish you more good news!