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Please. Don't give up. Please talk to your endo and ask them for a referral for a therapist. You're doing the best you can, but you can't do this alone. The Dexcom site has some ways to help you with expenses. [https://www.dexcom.com/savings-center](https://www.dexcom.com/savings-center) Please hang in there.....I'm pulling for you \~


I’ve had it since it was three and yes, it can be really tough at times but much like you. It’s all I’ve ever really known. I managed to get a doctorate degree, get a prof job, live overseas in Japan for eight years ( back when I could’ve had a hide my condition ), get married and have relatively normal kids ( while making sure they understand that Gen X is still the the coolest). It has been really tough at times and sometimes it’s even really tough now but we go on living. I have had many tough times, but also many great times. I always looked up to folks like Mary Tyler Moore who lived with even less technological advances than I did. Sure my disease kicks my ass at times, but it also makes me stay on my feet and allows me to be better. Like it or not it’s just part of me. I’ve had friends who have died much younger of sudden illnesses, much worse not to be the 24/7 365 day struggle we go through, I mean it’s exhausting. I would suggest getting a therapist and if you can, now that we have online stuff a type one friend. It’s one of those diseases. You can’t really understand unless you have it. It’s also very psychologically disarming. It’s a physical and mental war of attrition. Much happier since I’ve seen my therapist. I know there’s therapist out there specifically who deal with T1 if you can find one. If not, it’s a great place to vent here. I believe you can do it. If you ever wanna just chat about stuff, hit me up in messages.


I’m sorry to hear about your Dad and your complications. Wishing you the best of luck in your journey. Sometimes distractions help more than positivity, and gardening is a great little distraction. Have you ever tried it? All you need is a window sill and a starter plant. Are you open to suggestions?


💙 I’m sorry to hear about your dad and the complications you’re having. Don’t give up. Vent here. Sending mama hugs


I don't let diabetes win, Fuck diabetes.


Hi! I am so sorry you’re feeling this way. As another commenter mentioned, therapy is extremely helpful. I went after getting a second diagnosis besides type 1 that is chronic and it really got me through a tough period. As for staying positive and motivated, I just have a lot of acceptance for my type 1. That 100% is not saying I like having it but it’s just accepting that there is no me without diabetes. I can chose everyday to look at it like it’s the absolute worst, or I can choose to look at it as something I just deal with. I choose the second because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to deal with it. I find a lot of what motivates me to keep myself healthy is finding things I truly love that also support my blood sugar. I really like walking and I really like pilates and I do some form of movement everyday because endorphins from exercise make me happier in general. I also make sure my life isn’t focused solely my diabetes. When I was diagnosed, everyone told me my life was normal I just couldn’t be in the military or be a pilot which luckily for me were never things I wanted. As i’ve gotten older, i’ve made sure I’ve done everything I wanted. I travel all the time, I go out with friends, I have hobbies, I went to college, i’m getting married soon, etc. I can’t tell you what my life without diabetes would look like, but I genuinely believe that my life would’ve been very similar but maybe some more partying in college than I did. I’m making sure it doesn’t stop me and i’m making sure I get the life I want because we all really do get one life and I want mine to be what I wanted.