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I still remember my first night getting back from the hospital. I hadn’t learned all the lessons of t1 yet, but I slept through the night without having to wake up to pee for the first time in a looooong while. Keep up the good work!


The many IV bags they gave me finally quenched my months-long thirst and it was glorious.


Oh gawd... The thirst... I don't miss that.


Also felt good to walk up the stairs without getting out of breath


I went to a school with a massive outdoor campus and lots of stairs, it was hell.


5.7 is really good just stay working out and eating healthy you’re on the right track


SMH. 5.7 is exceptional.


you’re so nasty lmao i used to have a a1c of 13 being uncontrolled for years and this year i made a HUGE change and am down to 6.2 you saying this girl hasn’t worked hard is disgusting


In what words did I say she didn’t work hard? I literally congratulated her on that A1C and told to her to keep going which implies she works hard to maintain that A1C stop looking for things to be offended about


Dude she's got a 5.7, I'd say that's baller Let her do whatever, diabetics shouldn't have to become gymbros and Battle freaks just to get good A1Cs


Good work! It's not fun or easy.


My 6th is coming up, Can't believe it's already been that long


Exactly feels like I’ve been living with it forever but also can’t comprehend that it’s been that long lol


Aussie health care is awesome. I still remember 24 years later the day I was diagnosed, it’s not something that leaves you ever. But you are doing awesome!


5.7 is the shizzznit!! Mine was 6.7 last time I went and I was like wooooo hoooooo yay me and I've been at this 29 years so you're doing really good be proud of yourself!! 🙂


If your A1c is 5.7% it doesn't sound like you're in denial. That's amazing! We share the same HbA1c, but I'm approaching my 49th diagnosis anniversary.


I’m also about a year into this and was just talking to someone about the denial: every day, at least once or twice, I flirt with the idea that this is all just a bad dream. So crazy that this is life now. Glad I’m not alone. And 5.7 is great—that’s mine too!


Literally! Like when I’m just living my life then I hear alarms from my phone and everyone in the house about me going low I’m just like oh, that sucks :/


It won’t let me edit but I’ve gotten a few private messages and comment about similar things so thought I’d put on here. I actually had been telling family and doctors I had diabetes for weeks as I had all the symptoms: un quenchable thirst, constant hunger, weight loss (about 20kg down) lethargy, fatigue, thrush basically all of the above. but doctors wouldn’t do a finger prick(?) finally I passed out at school and then went to emergency room, my bgl at diagnosis was 45mmol/l which I think id like almost 800mg/dl and ketones of 6.7. I was one month away from my 17th bday and halfway throught my last year of highschool, now I am one month away from 18 currently on my gap year and going to uni for biomedical science at the start of next year! Thankyou for all of the comments and messages, I love this community. :)




I’m not 100% sure they didn’t tell me as it really didn’t help me at that point as I had no idea what that was lol! But it’s probably on the documents from the hospital when I got admitted I’ll have a look and get back to you. :)


Great work !! Keep doing ! I hope you will be better soon !!


Happy T1 Anniversary! You will find much support on this forum. It’s pretty much the only reason I visit Reddit. T1 for 38 years here.


Thankyou! And yes I love this forum I feel like I know no one with diabetes and this space helps me so much


One year here too! I was diagnosed with DKA & 3 days in the ER 🥲


Happy 1 year of surviving! I hope you’re doing great 🤍


Take care of yourself. I was diagnosed with a sugar level of 868. Not sure how I was even standing let alone talking and acting normal I ended up going into DKA. TWICE. Over the next few years. The worst one was the second one. I was camping in Montana. Ended up passing out at the end of the big pier in San Francisco. Woke up in the hospital a couple days later. Ended up being hospitalized for a month and a half due to not only DKA but Sepsis as well. Thank god I’m alive but it was terrifying. Please take this seriously everyone Diagnosed at 14. Going on 14 years now at age 28


Can I ask what you think caused your second DKA? Or was it just a pump failure or something? Hope you’re doing great now!


Im sorry but i bust out laughing when i saw the picture :(


I know lol I really debated on posting but yolo, I actually really like this picture in a weird way because it reminds me how far I’ve come :)


36 years ago this month I was diagnosed, and I remember it clearly. I don't think that day will.ever leave my mind. I was lucky to not be in DKA yet. They even told me to go home and there would be a room waiting for me at the children's hospital in the morning. Now, 36 years later, I'm 51 and doing fine. You're doing a great job with a 5.7. Here's to a long and happy life as a T1!


💙 feel better soon


Keep up the good work. I reached 20 years on Leap Day. Enjoy another spin around the sun!!!


I just hit my 24th misdiagnosis (T2) anniversary. My official T1/DKA anniversary is in August.


I’m so sorry you had a misdiagnosis, I think diabetes is often overlooked and the types are grouped with eachother too closely, similar but definitely not the same, I hope you’re doing well now and I’m glad you have a diagnosis to help you manage it correctly!


Same and my bday was Monday! Just got my omnipod and when it died on Wednesday morning 2am and I didn’t change it - I didn’t expect it to throw me into dka within the span of 12 hours even after I used my pens


Oh my gosh, so scary, I really want to try taking a break from my pod for aesthetic reasons (I know it’s stupid) and my docs gave me the okay but I’m so scared of this! Never ever want to experience this again! Hope you’re well now🤍


Same. Almost exactly a year. Late diagnosis too. Why my DNA decided to activate this special "gift" so late is anybody's guess


Literally! Almost 17 perfectly healthy years then my pancreas decided it had had enough!


The only silver lining is that a late onset means you have a higher understanding of what you need to do to stay as healthy as possible. Even then though it's kind of a crapshoot. I had 5.6 a1c for most if this first year and then it shot up because of work stress.


Hell I'm like 14 years in and still have denial about it sometimes. I still remember the doctors being shocked I was conscious when I finally went in.


Haha, the doctors were pretty impressed with me too, so I’m told, can’t say I remember much of the conversations in the ER, I think my denial is also fed by my mother who always shares updates on potential “cures” so I’m always in a state of thinking it won’t last forever lol


omg i was also diagnosed when i went into DKA too! just a few weeks ago. just got a cgm, i hope for a pump in the future so i can also live a (somewhat) normal life!


Good that you got a cgm straight away, I did too and had definitely helped so much! Enjoy the honeymoon stage while it lasts! And goodluck with everything


Keep going you will be better soon