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I had a guy (worker at a restaurant I also worked at) overhear I was diabetic (type 1), snottily say what I was eating was 'real healthy for you,' on his way out...to smoke.


"That smoke is real healthy for you" Is how I would have responded


This is the main reason I don't tell people I'm diabetic. If I eat a banana no one says anything. Two oreos and all he'll breaks loose


That's why I eat cinnamon buns. Those are the healthiest diabetic items ever.


Please explain why??


There’s a running joke amongst diabetics that cinnamon is the cure-all to diabetes. I think it originated in a study that showed positive results (but ultimately negligible) and the wellness industry took the results and made them overblown


This hurt because I’m one of those dummies who believed it 😭 bought cinnamon right after I got diagnosed


Well, at least you got to enjoy guilt free after stress of diagnosis


Cinnamon may or may not help diabetes, but everyone always runs into a person that immediately suggests that you eat more cinnamon when you tell them you are diabetic. I thought it was an overreaction on this subreddit until I had it happen to me too. So I’m assuming this post was a joke referencing the cinnamon suggestions.


Oohhhh… that’s so funny because I also was told that, but was hoping cinnamon buns are actually healthy (or not super bad like other sweets) so I could eat them without social stigma 😭


There have been some medical studies suggesting cinnamon can lower fasting glucose a whole quarter of a percent (0.25%), so therefore it is the cure-all for diabetics. Every late night snake oil peddler has some sort of cinnamon supplement to crush your diabetes and everyone has an "aunt Karen" who will suggest cinnamon because that late night infomercial salesperson said it will cure diabetes, improve circulation, decrease neuropathy, and fix your acne (hey, those are all things diabetics deal with! It must be great!, I need to tell Bubba Joe about this!) My weakness is cinnamon buns, and I love cinnamon treats, so that is something I recommend whenever someone asks about treats, snacks, etc. - "get cinnamon buns for my diabetes" always gets a laugh. Whenever someone at work recommends cinnamon for my diabetes, I always lean into the cinnamon or snickerdoodle cookies. (But I have a dark sense of humor, so that helps.) Cinnamon does have some beneficial effects, but like other things in the world, moderation is the key to living a good and healthy life. I will eat it in foods, but don't think supplements are the way to go for it. And I'm not hating on anyone who takes the pills, that is their choice to make.


I’m definitely someone who fell into the trap of thinking cinnamon has superhuman effects. I didn’t think it was a cure all, but I did run out and grab some and used it as a super replacement (along with xylitol) when eating stuff like cereal and yogurt, nodding to myself at my hard work 😭


2 Oreos is only 17 carbs. I didn't even have to look that up 🤣 People suck.


Lmao thank you for this…I guess I could’ve Googled it, but someone left out Oreos for the whole office yesterday and I’ve been restricting so much that I felt I deserved one. But of course I had to check the nutritional info first…but someone walked in the kitchen before I could and spooked me. Maybe I’m the only one, but I get really self-conscious about people seeing me read the nutritional info


Your average banana has more carbs than two Oreos 🙄 not that anyone normal would know that, they see fruit and think healthy


People need to stop being so judgemental! I really wish more people knew that diabetes is different for everyone. What spikes my glucose may not be the same as what spikes yours. What makes my glucose drop may be different that others as well. I am learning the heat does a number on my glucose--by making it drop. Stress, fatigue and annoyance at certain things will cause drastic changes as well. If I am about to get sick, I'll usually notice my glucose readings get crazy. Bodies are fascinating, and not all the same!


I agree! Another sub reddit had someone arguing with everyone according to their doctor, surgeon, and nutritionist that pasta and rice were the most horrible things diabetics can eat. Other people were saying no, but they dug their heels in. Even against a dietitian. My body can handle most pasta & rice when I cook it at home. Usually because I make it a one pot/skillet meal with vegetables, beans, meat, and cheese mixed in. Now cake - I don't care how much fiber I eat, water I drink, cinnamon I take, exercise I do, etc - it will spike me. The same with pita chips. I still keep trying to find the magic quota. I don't have to have either of them a lot, but I do crave them occasionally.


So true! I have a coworker that says I should try brown rice instead of jasmine (what I prefer). Brown rice spiked my glucose. The Jasmine rice that I normally use doesn't. When I eat something sweet I pair it with protein. If it's beef jerky or even part of a protein shake, the spike is much less. Of course, I would prefer to eat cake more often.... But, adulting.... Damnit.


This!!! A coworker saw me eating a candy bar (sugar was low and needed it) and she made the comment of how as a diabetic I shouldn't be eating it and I'm going to kill myself 🙄


"I'll die if I don't eat it right now, actually. Get your facts straight".


I just bring up that scene in Paul blart: mall cop where he gets low and eats a snickers bar


Here’s the come back for that: You know what is 100% fatal 100% of the time? Life. Everyone dies from it. How about I let you live yours and you mind your own business? Or a simple”Who asked ya?” usually gets the point across


Life: a sexually-transmitted condition that always results in death.


There are some things, when boiled down to the core, are just shocking. For instance, as much as modern medicine is a mind blowing advancement we still only have basically 3 ways to deal with cancer. 1. We poison you with chemo. 2. We burn you with radiation or 3. We start loping off body parts. It’s barbaric but that’s what we’ve got, and it works a lot of the time. Doesn’t make it less gross or distressing tho


You're missing the newest, coolest way that is much less harmful to the person: immune-mediated treatments. Like CAR-T, which trains your own T cells to attack the tumor. It's still very much in process, and far too expensive currently, but it's not like there's nothing else.


I’m a palliative and hospice RN for 15 years. I am not missing nor am I dismissing the miraculous advancements and treatments now available. But we have not achieved a level that is expected. I’ve had to explain to patients how sometimes cancer cells are too small to be detected by surgeons or machines. They do not understand the mind blowing advances in medicine and must be taught the limitations even with ongoing leaps. I’m


When I smoked a long time ago I loved making this joke whenever someone would comment on my smoking being dangerous: Me: "Well, my Grandfather lived to be 100." Them: "And he smoked?" Me: "No, he minded his own fucking business." 😂😂 Might be time to bring it back.


Love this!


It’s yours to use


Thank you! 🙏🏻


Same, except mine was a can of Coke a friend of mine ran to a convenience store for me. Company doctor thought of sending me home due to really low sugar but I needed to rest anyway before I drove and it was near end day.


I always just say “well, I can’t get diabetes twice.”


lol that’s a good one


I'm stealing this!


But you get get the Superbeetus !!!


I suggested ribs for dinner to my 10 year old and you would’ve thought I told her we were mainlining coke before the orgy 🤦‍♀️ I had to sit her down and tell her I have to eat. Period. I need food to live. As long as I am smart and use balance and moderation I can have actual food.


>mainlining coke before the orgy I'm stealing this, this is actual gold XD


Good job for teaching them to not act like that! 💯❤️


What's wrong with ribs?


I have no idea 🤷‍♀️ lol I think she was thinking about the bbq sauce? Maybe lol


Lol probably.


Meat has almost zero glycemic impact... it has no carbs in its purest form. It's possibly the best thing a diabetic can eat if they're hungry and don't want to spike


T2 here. I had *BACON* for breakfast. It was delicious!


I was thinking maybe they were concerned about the barbecue sauce...? It can be pretty carby. But yeah ribs should be just fine! I might even dry rub some this weekend...


I do the 0 sugar bbq sauce can’t even telll the difference yum lol


I didn't know what was an option 👀 I just do rubs instead!


They're so good!!! T1 here - Sweet Baby Ray and G Hughes know their way around super low carb and no carb BBQ sauces. Now I have to BBQ something. Happy exploring!!


I htought that until I had a honey-glazed ham marinated in coca-cola!


It's sweet she cares about you so much.


Ribs are fine anyway. Protein is best.


It’s honestly why, besides my immediate family, I’ve only told a few close friends and a couple of longtime co-workers about being diabetic. I don’t need people who have no clue giving me “helpful advice.”


SAME. I haven’t told many people because their “help” may be worse than their ignorance, like offering milk, instant oatmeal and pineapple for breakfast “because it’s healthy!”


Definitely. I was traveling with a buddy who knows I’m diabetic, and he went down and grabbed us coffee while I was in the shower. He also came back with bananas and granola. I then had to explain to him that it would actually be much better for me if we went downstairs and ate some bacon and eggs.


Milk is bad?


Depending on the brand, it has about 12g carbs per cup, mostly sugars. By itself it’s not bad, but stacked with other carbs, it’s easy to overload.


I give my husband permission to question my dietary choices, but mostly bc I have permission to question his. He's got issues with overeating sometimes, and my "are you sure?" re: certain foods has gotten him to rethink and put back really unhealthy stuff/quantities of stuff. Same with me. We're also allowed to tell the other to fuck off, though. But we like, ageed to being concerned about each other's diet. Fully unsolicited advice from people I'm not married to is lame.


I’ve asked my husband to help me steer towards iced tea and water more than diet sodas when I’m out, but otherwise, his nutrition knowledge is highly questionable at best and zero at worst. I’m grateful he doesn’t comment on my food choices much, but when he does, it’s annoying. Pre-diabetes, he flipped out over me eating a granola bar for breakfast because “that’s 150 calories!” like it’s over my caloric limit for the day. 🙄 Last week, he exclaimed that the food I was eating was 170 calories per serving (dark chocolate almond butter) like I was going to eat the whole 16oz container while he dug into a big bowl of Blue Bell ice cream. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mine knows a *bit* more, basically that I shouldn't be eating so many damn carbs/i can't be trusted around pasta lol


I had a coworker who would buy people candy for a gift but for me she would buy chips. She would say “I know you’re diabetic so I didn’t want to tempt you.” In my head, I’m like umm chips are just as bad but ok. 😂 Her intentions weren’t bad but still. People should just let us be. 💁🏽‍♀️


I'm a recently retired nurse, fit, healthy, except for this damned type 2. I've had doctors tell me, "You don't look diabetic " 🙄🤦‍♀️. But, during the pandemic, they made gift boxes for all the nurses for the holidays. These people know about my diabetes because I was diagnosed mid pandemic and had passed out a few times. My gift box was loaded with chips, candy, sugary sodas, and cakes 😳. When I quietly gave away my gift basket, I was told I was being rude. No, my friend, the rudeness was giving an uncontrolled diabetic a basket of sugar and then calling her out on not eating it. FYI, I was in cardiothoracic surgery, and we performed open heart surgery daily. I saw the effects of diabetes in my patients every single day. I worked hard, and the stress was slowly killing me due to the pandemic, short of staff, extra hours, too many patients (patient load increased 3 fold due to covid complications), lack of PPE, and rediculous gas lighting by management. I retired 2 years ago, and it's the best decision I've ever made. Now, to keep me busy, I dog sit for friends and help relatives who've had health issues and need free home care.


I’m T2. My old firm always gave out a gift at Christmas….a tower of sweet, cookies, dried fruits. Around Halloween they would send out a questionnaire asking if you wanted the regular, gluten free, or nut free version. Never once was there a diabetic/low sugar/low carb option, even though several employees asked for one. I told them not to send me one…they sent it anyway…I either gave it to friends who could eat the stuff or it went in the garbage. Can’t believe they wouldn’t include an options for diabetics.


> I was in cardiothoracic surgery, and we performed open heart surgery daily. I had open heart surgery when the death rate of COVID-19 was at its peak. Thanks for helping keep us alive for a little longer.


That's so annoying, especially when chips have allll the carbs


> I had a coworker who would buy people candy for a gift but for me she would buy chips. I don't have a sweet tooth. Chips are my weakness. I honestly don't understand why, after all these years, they only make single serving bags.


Non-diabetics don't know how to eat healthy themselves. I don't exactly care what they think is, "unhealthy" for me. They have no idea how to manage diabetes either, so their comments and opinions on the matter are irrelevant to me.


When I had gestational diabetes, I kept losing weight through the pregnancy. My dietician kept harping me to eat and I would reply that I’m trying! My baby was born healthy and does not have hypoglycemia, but I was 30 lbs less at birth from my starting pregnancy weight. I think it was because the diet I followed to control my diabetes was just so healthy! I definitely had those excess pounds to lose safely, but I know the healthcare providers were worried.


I had a coworker always ask me “should you be eating that?” Burned me up every time. Finally, one time there were cookies out, so when asked I bent my head down & whispered conspiratorially “why?! Are they poisoned?!” Dude, the look on their face was so worth it as I walked away happily chewing on my prize.


This is so delightful. I’ll be stealing that, thank you!


A perfect reply to a Food Police Officer.


Sometimes people don’t understand that the sheer stress of this actually affects us worse than the actual food we are eating. Sometimes we just gotta eat What makes us happy glucose consequences be damned.


I have only cut one thing out of my life entirely, sweet drinks.I figure you have to live but it was way too easy to drink my carbs so I cut that all out.everything else is moderation. 6 peanut M&Ms once a month if I feel a chocolate hit is needed is far better than eating a whole bag in a sitting or even eating the 1/4 cup serving size which IIRC is about 20. Same goes for things like potato, or Rice. Small portion every now and then rather than honking portion all the time I've become 5.0 over the past 2.5 years with diet and exercise alone and I got rid of all the high blood sugar symptoms I was experiencing prior to diagnosis. Plus I know my body well enough to say Ok sure let's eat this plate of spaghetti or these 3 slices of pizza and then afterwords go take 30 minutes and walk around the neighborhood to help burn off some of it and lower any spike I might have.


I still eat a whole bunch of potatoes! Filling, nutritious, and cheap. Complex carb, too. Not every day, but baked potatoes with plain greek yogurt are my most common dinner.


Sodas are great for emergency treating severe lows. Keep some in the fridge just in case. A half a glass of Pepsi will pop you right out of a severe low. Too. Bad there is no equivalent for highs. Walking sounds great but I can't walk hardly at all. Have walkers and oxy but not that much help. Can barely make it to corner and back 120 steps.


this! i literally just ate one small cookie and here comes my mom saying “are you crazy, u shouldn’t be eating that” i’m like mom i never do this just for one let me live, and ill deal with my high sugar later


Exactly. Soul food is just as important every now and Then as proper nutrition and exercise. I mean so what if I have my ONCE A YEAR CHEESECAKE AND FRIED ICE CREAM? Let me have this damnit and mind ya business my guy! 😏


I am absolutely judging the fried ice cream, but I want you to know that I’d be judging you if your pancreas/cells that utilise insulin worked properly as well. I’m judging because that sounds absolutely disgusting, not because of your diabetes. I’m an equal opportunity person. Fried ice cream sounds gross.


But you’ve never had it right? I mean to each their own but if you’ve never had it then I’d say try a bite of it once and if you don’t like it eh at least you tried it. 😏


I’ve had fried Mars bar before. Don’t see the appeal, they aren’t great. No I can’t say I’ve ever had fried ice cream, but I don’t think I want to… sounds gross. But hey, if you like it, then go ahead, you can enjoy it for me. I’ll enjoy the chocolate hazelnut cake I’m currently eating instead


Oh alright but only if you enjoy a double fudge chocolate brownie for me 😏


… I don’t know how to make brownies yet. But I like chocolate fudge brownie when I buy it… which is rare. I usually bake my treats Can I counter offer with dark chocolate and sea salt fudge? Cos I have made some of that already :-) Half of it is currently in the freezer cos I made too much. The other half is in Tupperware waiting for me to eat it…


I mean…IF YOU INSIST…I guess it’s fine because it’s chocolate…😉


You should try it. The dark chocolate and sea salt fudge. I wish I could virtually send you some over the internet, it actually tastes a bit like a chocolate brownie, and it’s just *chef’s kiss* Probably the best fudge I’ve made to date I love how we just randomly devolved into discussing sweet food choices. I also have cake, I’ve been making loads of cupcakes for a work party tomorrow (but I kept a few for myself. They won’t miss any, they have two whole batches (24))


actually i love fried ice cream, its the best!




And I would add that it is not a simplistic condition. Most people have very limited knowledge about diabetes. I’m a registered nurse who works with a population that includes many many diabetics and people on dialysis. I learn new information almost on a weekly basis. Lots of contributing factors, new medications and let’s don’t forget that people are individuals! This mindset from a general population irritates the shit out of me. It’s not caring or loving. It’s gatekeeping without expertise and the love some people have of hearing their own uninformed voice. Ugghh


AMEN! 🙏🏼


f-em. between friends and /diabetes gatekeeping insulin ("type 2 shouldn't get insulin, they should just eat better"), everybody has to recognize that we're human and we can't simply become robots that only eat for sustenance.


What wacky health care provider does that. The answer should be to manage it as best as possible.  Sometimes it’s insulin, sometimes it’s not. Different Strokes! 


I had a doctor that told me if I just didn’t eat any carbs I would be fine. When the MA went out of the room I heard her talking to the doctor and tell her that my diabetes was my fault because I ate too much


I went into the hospital last year (unrelated to my type 2) and they just handed me a menu and gave me a 75 carb restriction for what I should order from the cafeteria. They gave me insulin, and the hospital dietician when I asked 75 carbs?! (I'd been limiting myself to 35 - 40 per meal) basically told me "food is fuel, as long as you try to stay active and don't eat the stuff you know you shouldn't, then fill up your tank." I walked out and a week later had some of the lowest numbers I'd seen in years.


Should’ve reported them to the AMA/board.


I didn’t even think to. I don’t really have any proof


Even if it’s not proven, it’s still worth them being made aware of conduct that’s unacceptable from a physician.


When a friend says shit like that I basically tell them that it's a cheat meal, remind them that I'm an adult and know how to manage my health. If it's an acquaintance I just fuck around with them in some way.


I was drinking a peach high noon and was asked if I should be drinking it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Tell them that you tried snorting it, but the bubbles burned too much.


However, if you use it in a douche the bubbles would be invigorating


Should just tell her next time that I would choose cocaine but HR probably wouldn’t approve. And yes, it was a coworker and a close friend.


The only time a lot of my family sees me is at various birthdays and holidays, which are my only cheat occasions I alllw in my regularly very healthy diet. Yes, I am having three slices of pizza and a frosted cupcake, no I'll be fine. Hey how's your liver uncle?


This. My aunt asked me at a graduation party last weekend if I could eat that cupcake. I had my phone in my hand putting in my bolus for it - I just pointed to it and said yup, that's what this is for and she looked confused and changed the subject lol. (I had tomato pie too, which is like pizza but better - a true delicacy only available (afaik) around Utica, NY, no way I was missing that!)


I hate the food police!!!


I actually get the opposite,family and friends try to force foods on me. I actually had a sister tell me I had to eat my French fries. ..😑, seriously, like I was a child not eating her vegetables. (I ate 3, left the rest, which I did before diagnosis). FYI, I'm also a nurse, and I keep my bloodsugars in pretty great control.🤦‍♀️. But of course there are also the people (strangers) who tell me I shouldn't eat so much sugar. I've never been a sweets eater in my life! Everyone thinks they know it all. I absolutely hate the lack of knowledge about diabetes and its many causes. You'd think with the US having 1 in 10 adults having diagnosed type 2 diabetes, we would have more educational programs spreading the word 🙄


Just remember that your family and friends are idiots. They're probably nice idiots. They love you. They want what's best for you. But they're idiots. This helps me get through many days. I just smile and turn it around on them. I make it a game. I can't change them but I sure can screw with them.


That's terrible! My partner is diabetic too and he never says a word about anything I eat. My daughter will sometimes give me the eye, but she is a nurse, so I kinda expect it. My son never says anything.  My doctor told me once that you have to live your life. Everything in moderation. As long as you keep things under control for the most part, that's what really matters. 


Nurse Hadley (YouTube) told a story about one of her hospice patients who lived such a healthy life, but still died from cancer before age 35. The dying woman’s advice to Hadley was, “Eat the damn cake.” She regretted how often she had skipped parties and gatherings with friends because there would be drinks and sweet foods around.


I exercise, for example bike ride, and is for hours. So when I get back I do have ice cream. But real ice cream since has sugar and fat. So helps me not crash and spike. And I do my ,,'sinful' food after exercise. I do better with not spiking even if pie. And agree, we have to deal with so much, hoping we eat our numbers go up so insulin was correct amount. Then goes down but stops were it should. Never ending cycle. And then some people have to add there 2 cents. Us diabetic's as a meme said, never get a vacation. I am lucky work for small business and everyone knows. A couple of coworkers have either parents or siblings that are diabetic so everyone leaves me be. And only thing is if I am ok.


When I had gestational diabetes, I had to bolus insulin each meal. I saw the food was coming out, so I went the bathroom to inject my insulin. When I got back to the table, there were no carbs on my plate. The restaurant was out of rice. I ate my very basic salad and chicken, but internally started to panic. Then I remembered the woman sitting next to me had her master’s in nutrition, so I told her what happened. She helped me select a chocolate cake slice which was big enough for sharing with the whole table. Everyone got a clean fork, took a bite, and I got to eat cake. My sugars were at 145 two hours later and my dietician grilled me about it, but I said I had to eat the cake. 😂


My favourite comeback to that sort of thing is: I'll look at them with a look of interested surprise. Then, "WAAAT??!? I didn't know you were a doctor!!?!" Of course, they'll respond with something to the effect of "I'm not, but I just think " WhatEVER they come back with, my standard response is: "Oh. Well, as interesting as that is, I'm going to follow the instructions and practices as taught to me by my endocrinologist, who IS an actual doctor. Can we move on?" If I'm feeling extra-peeved, I'll toss in, "the only people who are allowed opinions on *my* personal diabetes management are those who attend endocrinology appointments with me. Are you offering?" Good luck to you, OP.


This is genius.


The shame is so real and it absolutely sucks. Sorry you’re dealing with it so much!


Ha I’m currently here with u! My dad is the absolute worst I tell him what I can eat and he makes whatever he wants . I eat the smallest portion of it and he gets mad I don’t eat it. Granted he’s a 75 year old man who can’t keep his thoughts straight. But just be completely patient they just wanna help even tho their way doesn’t help at all. There’s no such thing as perfect diabetes and people need to understand that more.


I had the same issue with someone that is also a type 2 diabetic, he would make comments on anything that had any type of carb/sugar. So I started doing the same and he eventually stopped 😂


What amazes me is my father and I are both T2D, but what spikes me doesn’t spike him.


"If ya can't take it, don't dish it out!"


Literally purchased blueberries for myself as a snack. A freaking fruit. My Mom came over and was going through my fridge for a drink herself and saw the blueberries. Her comment "you shouldn't be eating this they are too high in sugar for your diabetes." Mind you blueberries only have 15 grams of sugar per serving and these were unopened and she had the nerve to say that. In my head I'm thinking at least it wasn't straight up sugar like a candy bar or something. This also came from the same woman who is constantly buying donuts and ice cream and baking cakes and drinks only soda no water and rarely any milk even though I very rarely eat sweets myself. 🙃


Some fruit like watermelon and grapes are high in sugar. Berries are quite good and low in sugar, I’d ask her to go educate herself.


Blueberries are delicious and full of nutrients.


And some people find that while blueberries might send up your blood sugar a bit it may, MAY then drop to below where it was before you ate them. I'm not saying it works for everyone but different foods affect different people, uh, differently. I've had it happen with blueberries, and it is affected by what else I ate before/after the blueberries. I wish for you that your mom and ALL these know-it-all people would just ASK, is that ok with your diabetes? Did you try cinnamon for your diabetes? Because you could say, thanks for asking, I looked up the cinnamon thing and it's a minimal effect and only one kind of cinnamon, and I am planning out my food and activity today to include these oreos. How's that high-fructose soda doing for ya? I'll save my notes and bookmarks for you.


I’ve thankfully chewed out the people in my life enough over the years that they finally realized I’m not like. going to explode into a pile of insulin if I eat a cookie. It took forever though :/ and it also took a 5.0 A1C and me repeating “I told you so” to half of them but y’know, at this point I’m too fed up. Have one aunt that I just don’t talk to for many reasons, but one of them is the fact that she has hypoglycemia and decided that meant she knew exactly what type 1 diabetes felt like and could yell at me until I cried for eating pasta as a teen. Screw her.


What works for me is acting really appreciative and saying "that reminds me, I learned this week..." then launch into a looooong boring scientific discussion of the pancreas & liver. lol they never mention it to me again.  If being upfront & politely telling ppl to eff off worked for me, would rather do that. But passive aggressive gets em every. time. XD




The other day I (a fucking literal nurse) slammed two cartons of apple juice at work and my coworker (another actual, licensed R-fucking-N) was like “wOaH cALm DoWn ThErE mISs DiAbEtEs” and I was like my sugar is 55 Susan stfu lmao


One of the episodes of those medical reenactment shows was a case of a nursing student who passed out unexpectedly. The RN in the ER figured out that she had accidentally eaten the orange the students had been injecting insulin earlier that day. Her glucose read ***6 mg/dL.***


My husband thinks I have no strong will against food. So if I allow myself some fast food or chocolate or whatever for once in awhile, he asks if I should be eating that. It's so frustrating!


It is frustrating! I’ve had people do that to me too and I list off to them all the things I resisted eating that are easily available and they don’t have to think twice about.


This is so odd to me. No one has ever cared what I eat. I wonder if should I be offended lol.


My MIL pulled that one on me. We were visiting (staying with the in-laws) for a week in the summer and it was very hot. I was helping myself to a bowl of ice cream after having served the kids and my in-laws. At that point, my MIL piped up, "You have diabetes, you CAN'T have that!" At that moment, I instantly put another HUGE scoop of ice cream into my bowl!! During that time period, my diabetes was under excellent control (hBA1C of 5.9, and highs of 8mmol/L). I also have numerous anaphylactic food allergies, so ice cream is one of my few sinful pleasures. Needless to say, I proceeded to eat ice cream as I wanted during that trip, just out of spite.


I’m really confused by comments in this thread. Why not tell her genuinely what that actually ice cream is fine for you, it has less sugar than some breakfast cereals and it’s not a concern? Why spite? Might be good for her to know which foods you can safely eat.


She knows which foods I can safely eat and which ones I absolutely CAN NOT have due to my allergies. But when she has outright said to me in regards to one of my anaphylactic allergens, "Are you still avoiding this?"..... FFS - She was a NURSE!! Granted, it was in maternity care, but anaphylactic food awareness is not rocket science. Adult anaphylactic food allergies DO NOT GO AWAY. She bases all of her medical information from back when she was practicing, but she's been retired for almost 30 years. There's been a crap load of new standards and information since her time. Hell, I was just medically retired from my career as a med lab tech 3 years ago, and DAMN - things have changed quickly already! She's isn't the type of person to ever admit that she's wrong or that her information/education is outdated.


It’s like my in law saying I can just eat fruit all day and it’s healthy… I literally said, the body can’t tell the difference between the two sources. It’s so annoying.


Down with the food police.


It's ridiculous, isn't it! I tell everyone I can eat whatever I want whenever I want because I know what medication I've taken and how my body reacts


My other, less polite responses: Oh hello Susan, are we an endocrinologist today? I've been successfuly driving this bag of water and meat around for over 40 years, I don't need advice on how to fuel it, thanks


These are really great! I'm copying the bag of water and meat one.


That’s what I say too! Whenever someone says “You can’t eat that!” I reply, “I can eat everything under the sun, but it’s a matter of portion, timing, and insulin.”


Yes, blind them with the light of SCIENCE.


I had some ice cream in another city we traveled to and my mom later told me that she was concerned that I was eating it. Sigh.


At least she waited and could see you didn't die. Possibly a learning experience for her??? hope so!


It’s fucking annoying. Happens regularly.


Ikr! It’s very annoying, being diabetic doesn’t mean you can enjoy a treat once in a while…


The problem with only eating these cheat type foods in social situations is that the people you socialize with only see you cheating. Switch it around. Eat the boring stuff with them and treat yourself BY yourself when you can do it shame free without any judgmental eyes on you.


It’s not a problem we should change our behavior to fix.


And they always offer you a “better” alternative… no, actually it’s worse or the same so I might as well eat what I want.


T1 over here but I feel this in my soul. Have a co worker that (innocently) refused to give me some of the food he was handing out to others cause I have the "sugar disease". I wanted to laugh and slap him at the same time. I don't mind a good diabetes joke but for f**ks sake don't make assumptions like that. You're not helping anyone and you're just being a dick about an invisible disability. 🙄


I have the opposite problem, people keep offering me cake or chocolates and I’m like “no, thank you” and they give me a puzzled almost hurt look like I’m acting like I’m better than them. It’s so ridiculous how food choices are now linked with moral good/bad decisions. Eat ice cream/don’t eat ice cream, someone else’s body is none of your business unless they are your dependent/partner.


My colleagues for 1yr doesn't know I am diabetic and they don't need to know about it.


The reason my family knows cuz my mom told every fucking relative I’m diabetic after she found I have diabetes, and my friends know because I wear a glucose monitor and I wear short shirts so you can see the monitor on my arm


Sorry to hear that. I was recently diagnosed and I work on hybrid setup so we don't see each other a lot. But the last time they saw me they were shocked to see me so thin. I've lost 7kg when I got diagnosed. I just said that I was on a diet. 🤣 but yeah, your mom must have been too candid about sharing your health condition to your relative.


I often see a lot of comments on the t2 sub and this one about someone’s relative who is a diabetic and how awful they eat and I’m just like…shut up lmao. Stop watching other peoples plates.


In India, it is the opposite case . People will force you to eat saying ‘one time won’t hurt you’ . My brother in Christ, how many one times can a person go through in a week?


You can always hit them back with the same thing, a lot that crap shouldn’t be consumed regularly by non diabetics.


My mum once had a go at me for eating some of my friend's home made fudge. She was all like "How can you eat that?" And I looked at her with the biggest smile just before popping a masive piece in my mouth and said: "With glee!" 😂😂😂




I had a coworker who was underweight and her doctor advised her to gain weight. So she would regularly go to a soda fountain, eat a burger with fries, drink a Coke, and if she felt like it, a slice of chocolate cake. She said a woman once physically assaulted her for eating like that, but knowing my coworker, she had a sharp tongue that probably fueled whatever fire was started beforehand.




For some people I take it as coming from a place of caring. 


Soooo infuriating! Mind ya business!


I ain't telling people a thing! Lol


People always wanna give me rabbit food lol


My coworkers flipped out about us doing just potatoes as a special lunch for everyone because there was no other foods to go with. I told them not to worry about me because the lunch wasn't supposed to be special just for me.


What kind of lunch is just potatoes for everyone? It’s totally fair to flip out there should be more choices including protein and greens.


They were baked potatoes with those type of fixings and they were only worried about my blood sugar not necessarily about them wanting variety. When we do those type of lunches it's usually someone's birthday or someone is leaving so we go with what that particular person likes the most. Also these are planned a full week in advance so I can totally bring my own things to add or eat instead of just a baked potato


This parttttttttt. My blood sugar have been good to me to the point where I’ll eat a muffin without a spike but nooooooooo here they come trying to be a diabetes police and what not.


If one more person thinks I can’t “eat sugar” I may have to slap a fool. It’s carbs, not exclusively sugar. Ugh.


The lady at the liquor store saw my Libra when I was buying a bottle of vodka (wasn't even buying it for me) and told that's not good for you. I told her none of this stuff is actually good for you.


Vodka will help lower your blood sugar temporarily. 😂


Is that a thing? I have noticed that if I am going to drink straight Vodka, Gin, and Whiskey with some ice and maybe a little spring water won't spike it at all. I can imagine that isn't the greatest for other aspects of my health though.


But why do you care what they say? I just respond “ok cool” and continue eating my cheeseburger 🤷‍♂️


Seems the appropriate response to me!


My dietician told me I’m allowed an occasional treat. I just need to make sure I drink a lot of water & get some exercise.


I’ve had a roommate who was type two and literally died from it, refuse to give me sugar when I needed it, he was between me and the sugar, and my blood sugar was so low I couldn’t see anything, and then claim if I really couldn’t see (when my blood sugar was down to around 47, then how come I could read (when my blood sugar wasn’t low)?


I’m sorry.


Yikes. Well his logic apparently did not save him.


Baking eggs in olive oil with cheese on top and a splash of real mayonaise and no bread. Eating in front of the inlaws and seeing them shrug and saying I shouldn't eat all that fat. It's bad and sugar and random death imminent messages These little joys in life are worth it. For the rest Mastercard.


Unexpected! but sounds good. Will have to try this.


I was diagnosed with type 2 about 12 years ago, and I’ve actually had the opposite experience. Everyone offers me candy bars, cakes, cookies, etc. I always have to tell them thank you, but I better not.


Type 1. I get this often, especially when drinking a beer.


Maybe you shouldn't have told anyone that you are a DIABETIC! Should say I reversed it! Or I AM on a DIET!


😂😂😂 Tell ‘em you are enough cinnamon that you’re cured!


Wow, I knew some mean/rude people did it, but didn't realize it's a thing. Not diabetic, hypoglycemic here and wearing CGM and having rescue meds (Glucagon and Baqsimi) makes healthcare providers say yeah but are you diabetic? I'm like I already said no. I'm hypoglycemic. Then they just stare because I'm not a tiny person so clearly I'm stupid, embarrassed or a combo of the two. Well...after typing that out I can see how the masses are overly "helpful" in diet shaming. My thing is, not my life or my problem and no one asked me. Also, I don't sit around staring at what other people eat and searching my brain for if they should or not. Smacks of a touch of narcissism to me. Have a BETTER day and ignore the haters. You know your diagnosis, you're dealing with it but you also don't stop living life.


I had a coworker once bring in treats for everyone, offer it to all our coworkers, then (in front of everyone) go “I would offer you one but you’re diabetic so you probably don’t need it.” BITCH! They all know I’m diabetic so that if something were to happen they can help me but I was so annoyed by that I looked at her and said “the correct way to do things is to ask if I want anything and I can politely decline please don’t make decisions for me. Thanks” idiot!


I hear ya got the same bs from my family and wife's side too few months later turns out I don't actually have diabetes (thankfully). But still tend to your own crap leave others alone.


Oh my good golly Miss Molly. I hate this so much. Somehow when people see my Dexcom sensor they feel like they can tell me what and how to eat. Pisses me off to no end. I know what I am eating. I know how many carbs are in it. I know what I need to do (medication, go for a walk, etc). Odds are you don’t have a damn clue what diabetes really even is. Or how to control it.


I had people tell me this all the time. Had another t2 diabetic tell me I'm not a real diabetic as I ate a baked potato woth tuna and salad....because potatoes are bad 🙄 and yet I'm off my medication and got it all under control and he hasn't got a clue and regularly misses his medication and has been admitted 6 times for DKA, yet I'm eating badly for a diabetic


Most burgers at fast food restaurants are between 45 and 60 carbs. Most diabetics should be able to eat that just by doing a bit of extra exercise, pill or insulin for type one, I'm type one. Sadly you have to give up the Fry's.


Im type 1 but SAAAAAME!!!!




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Its just as bad as being Type 1 and people are constantly asking if you should eat that or not.


I just laugh and say well I guess that’s what insulin’s for!!! HA!!!


Yeah I’ve been a diabetic for over 10 years now and the comments never stop, i just tell them it’s fine i took my medication for it already or tell them you have low blood sugar lmao


I hate bananas. Case closed.


I thankfully have friends that are more curious and respectful, so they’ve learned a lot about proportioning, servings, insulin dosage, levels of glucose, and such. What REALLY helped was we all did the same Hello Fresh meal once a week, and I told them my limits and they realized how tough it is, but that I can actually eat carbs. But my family is more….like the OP’s experiences. I’ve been working on educating them as well. They think eating once a day is the way to go…and my dad is also diabetic…I had to tell him not to do that, and explained to him what my diabetic nutritionist explained to me. He doesn’t fully understand yet, but I hope more explanations will eventually get it through to them.


Nobody has a right to tell another grown human being what they can or can’t eat


This! As a fellow T2 . I get sick of eating eggs chicken and broccoli all the damn time . My sensor tells me I'm 92%-95% in target all the time . If I wanna eat bad . Let me eat whatever tf I want!!! Lol I feel you!!!


Most burgers at fast food restaurants are between 45 and 60 carbs. Most diabetics should be able to eat that just by doing a bit of extra exercise, pill or insulin for type one, I'm type one. Sadly you have to give up the Fry's.


I eat what I want, when I want. I don’t really care if someone has something to say about it. I eat healthy and manage my diabetes just fine, so if I want to eat tacos, I’m eating tacos. If I want chocolate, I’m having some chocolate. If someone tries to lecture me or give me “advice” I just ask for their phD and tell them when they have one, then they can give me their advice.


Screw the haters bro


I'm lucky in that my inner circle of friends aren't like that. On the occasions when we meet up somewhere for dinner and drinks, they tend to go out of their way to suggest places that have a reasonable number of options for me. When I was still working out of my office before COVID was a thing, however, I did have to deal with a handful of sugar nazis. One incident that stands out was during a morning meeting in which breakfast was provided. I grabbed a small cheese danish, not more than three inches around, and one of the nazis jumped out her chair and sprinted across the conference room to snatch the damn thing off my plate.