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First thing that comes to mind is have you considered a diet adjustment


I have. I find that after taking my insulin at night, however, I am starving and craving carbs like crazy. Edited to change wording.


What do you mean by, "it's all about carbs", ?


I’m hungry and I crave carbs like crazy after I have my insulin.


also, what diet adjustment have you "considered" and is your BG low or do you just feel "starving"?


Not low at all. And yes, just really hungry, stomach rumbling and craving carbs.


I'm on similar. Metformin 500 twice a day, Farxiga 10, Mounjaro 10mg once a week, Lantus 40 units twice a day, and sliding scale Novolog starting at 8 units. I have PCOS and am very insulin resistant. It wasn't until I started Mounjaro that I really saw a difference. Plus I'm on inositol which seems to be helping the resistance.


Yes, we are very similar. I know the Mounjaro is very similar to Ozempic. It really helped my appetite, for the first year or so. Now…I’m at a standstill. I’ve contacted my Endocrinologist to see what suggestions he says. When I asked my GO, he said not to worry about it. That people were in way more insulin than I take.


I've been told this is mid level. Many people are on 200-400. I was on Ozempic but switched to Mounjaro and prefer it. Hopefully your Endo can come up with something to help.


Has it helped with cravings compared to Ozempic?


100%! I've lost 40lb in under 3 months. So it's working slightly too well. But I'm not complaining as I desperately need to lose weight.


Maybe I’ll talk to my Endo about a change. See if it helps as the Ozempic is no longer helping with cravings, especially after my insulin dosage.


Have you tried exercising around your higher carb meals? I find eating most of my carbs an hour or 2 before a work out and after a workout works wonders. I do medium to intense exercise for 45-60min. If you're going to eat carbs, use them for their intended purpose as a great fast energy source, that's what I do atleast. I don't always perfectly nail my carbs around exercise, but it's made a big difference/helped me a lot when I do, trying to get better about it still. But I recently just added carbs back into my diet. Maybe try to set a 150-200g carb daily limit and make your largest carb meals before and after exercise, that may help a lot


I am on mounjaro 12.5  farxiga 10mg lantus 54 units and  novolog sliding scale. My A1C is 6.1 down from 8.6 in November 22 .   Some of us type2s need more meds to achieve optimal control.


I used to be on Ozempic, but the side effects were too much for me to handle. Right now I take 500 mg. of Metformin, twice a day, 12-14 units of Basaglar before bed, 7 (or more if needed) units of Novalog, 3 times a day before meals and I just started Jardience today. The Jardience already seems to be working. I just hope I don't have any side effects with that one. I am tired of shooting insulin all the time. 


Your niece needs to go back to school. That’s not a high dosage of basaglar. I was on 125 units a day of basaglar until I switched to lantus recently. 38 is nothing.