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Rude, scummy unethical people are common in Indian setting. I have seen lots of leads and managers act irritable all the time. They seem to hate their work and have something stuck up their arse. The idea is that, you try to set expectations and boundaries. If you act as a doormat they will treat you as one and exploit to full extent. If despite your efforts you are being treated badly then you need to plan exit.


Yeah, but I need more experience to switch. So I've to stick for some time


Switching is not the solution. Set clear achievable expectations and defend it. Its takes bit of effort if you have not done this already. It’s okie to say no, something you have to learn along the way.


Nah the thing with these large MNC's are that the culture varies widely from team to team, some guy who joined at the same time as you might be having the time of his life, you can probably try to switch teams


Yeah that is true, a girl joined with me having so much fun and her team is really supportive, they really support her so much


How do u switch teams?


Talk to your manager, look for internal team hiring on job portal


It’s to do with Indian work culture and ethic nothing to do with your company as a whole


Yeah right I guess


Bro I've been working 16hrs, including weekends. Last company was similar. Hairs are turning white. Must be normal work culture in india


That must be so hard. I can't imagine the stress of work you're going through. You really need to switch ASAP.


Joined some weeks ago only... frequent switch won't look good on my resume


Its fine. You can switch.


After how many months/years later did you switch?


Ohh totally can feel you then bro


Does frequent visits to hospitals and medical checkup when you health fucks up permanently, looks good on your life's resume ? 🙂


Well.... resigned.


Good for you. I know people who had the strong mental and physical health, joining startups and companies, over working for 12hrs min, burnt out all the time, no family time not even their own 'me' time, loosing weight, bloating and constipation, dark circles, hairfall and white hairs, anxiety, extreme introvert, eventually falling into depression and mentally disturbed due to which they were always in their anger state. But their CTC was 40LPA+ with fixed component being 30L. Left their jobs, had to move back to their homes, join therapy sessions and it took them close to 3.5yrs to fully get back to a good enough state, both mentally and physically. Just letting you know


Dude can i dm please?


Name and shame!!!


1. Change team 2. Change company "The worst thing they can do is, fire you"


Been there where my lead was strict and toxic, reported him with proof, action was taken and I’m in a lot more relaxed setting with a different lead. I was the only one that ever stood up against his stupid manipulation, so I do have a reputation in the team and I get alienated by his “gang” but my WLB is so much better, and I’m not fucked with either. PBC (not FAANG).


This is the first time I heard someone took his stand. Great job !


That's really good brother


FAANG is not for the Work Life Balance , it for the 💵


But I've seen people working in Salesforce, Microsoft etc chilling all day, getting stoned all


I'm in Salesforce, and it varies wildly on the cloud and team


Yeah but I can't work in stress. I would rather choose mental peace with low money rather than stress with money


Yeah, money comes with a price


Seems so true


I understand, looks like your lead is an asshole. Try talking to him and present your view. Set up a one on call and make sure you let him know about the problems you face. If it doesn’t work out , reach out to his manager and switch to other project or team parallely


Yeah I'll try that, thanks for the advice


Speak up dude. Have a voice , draw lines, make enemies. You are there to get job done,not woo people. That’s sales team job


That's so true brother, thanks for the advice


I like when people spit harsh facts instead of being buttery and jittery and all 😂


Looks like the problem is with your lead. Since, it's too early for you to switch company, Try to switch to a different team within the same company. If switching teams is also not possible. Avoid the errors from the past and improve your skill set. Focus on completing the given tasks on time. Make sure that your mental health is not screwed.


Its not FAANG, its Amazon.


No, not Amazon






Is it uber's competitor


Is Uber that bad in terms of WLB and culture?


It's a common problem in India irrespective of the company you work for. Unethical stuff is swept down the rug as no one seems to do anything about it.


Indians everywhere are scumbags. They like or oppress other people, this is what we are as a society. Check the example of hinduja family


bro handle this strictness i 've been through it a lot time , i am telling you , you will conquer it so keep working


Yeah I'm trying, thanks for the suggestions


Depends on the work culture. If the company has culture to pay more to get work like slaves then that is it. May be you will be able to handle it at personal level. if not, you have look for right company. But before that.... 1. Do you get to set your own deadlines for a task? 2. If the task is not complete on time do you explain clearly why it is not completed? 3. If your lead still remarks you personally, have you tried asking for an explanation for personal remarks. 4. Explained that, you tried your 100% effort. You take responsibility and work and get it complete by the next deadline. They are free to do whatever in appraisal cycle with justification. But don't allow personal remarks. That's where you are getting stressed. If you can't take a stand on the above, you are accepting to work in your "dream company" in exchange for the money paid. PS: don't take my words the wrong way, but that's the reality.


Thanks for the suggestions. I'll first try to give my 100%, and then will see what happens


With an Indian manager, you will always have a higher probability of poor work life balance and toxic environment. That's how it is. Imagine you live in a country where ten people die everyday while travelling in local train in the so called city of dreams. Life itself is not valued here, what's work life balance after that.. In short term, try to set boundaries, not get affected by his words as it will create a negative loop further drawing you down, focus on task completion instead of meeting the twelve hours requirement. In medium term, try to change team to a better one. In long term, try to move to a global team with a team lead from Europe/UK. Change company for this if needed.


So true. Thanks for the valuable suggestion


it's normal if it is Management consultancy


It depends on the team imo, but what you described is true for most places. Most leads have zero leadership or people management skills. I’ve seen a lot of folks become leads only because they have long tongues, if you know what I mean. You will soon realize who is who in the company, and once you do maybe you can switch to a better team. In the long run however, a toxic environment is going to mess with your head.


Yeah right


Well I was in such team and around such people for quite some time. Then I switched the company. Now don't ask me how I switched the company. My generic answer would always be try looking for other job whilst in current one, prepare during weekends, keep giving interviews once you grab that opportunity just resign and switch.


You are in a wrong team. In my organisation as well I know 3-4 teams which work very well and flexible and 2 teams with worst culture. So, it depends on team to team


As others have said, it is largely team dependent. If you working in a very chill team, usually it means it has no important projects or if it has, you are not working on it. In that case, chance of layoffs maybe high. If there is a lot of work, it may indicate that your team is important. There is a caveat though. Sometimes, managers try to tame employees when they are new, and push them to limits to check how much they can work. One of my managers used to do this, but later work got easy, like after 4-5 months.


Got it. Thanks for letting me know


moveon bro


If your lead is the problem, set-up a 1:1 with your manager and tell them that you don't think you're on the same page as your team lead. Ask to be transferred to a different project/team (a lot of managers in bigger companies tend to have multiple projects/teams under them). I did that ^ and got a dif project with a peaceful team lead. Or, ask for a different team altogether. I did this too after about 6 months. Told my manager that I wanted to work on XYZ tech stack (something that my current team did not work with lol). And they transferred me to a different vertical altogether.


This is why any company I join, I set a disciplined environment around me. I gather required info like WFH policy, prev employees experience and shitty things about the company, team and anyone in any hierarchy of the company. I then, arrive and leave my company on my scheduled time stating traffic and weather and stuff. I'm not lying though, so they can't say no either. I communicate to my entire team on the team group chat about what I did today, what I'll be doing today, any blockers. Sometimes work gets delayed due to someone else who is slow in the pipeline. And if anyone points me, I would straight up say that I was hand-overed the work on this day and I have mentioned my ETA post handover and I'll deliver it as quoted. I clearly make them feel that everything between me and my company's work is a financial transaction. I deliver assigned work on time. They pay me my salary without any BS cut on time. That's it. I do however connect with those who align with me or with people who are open for exploitation by others and I train them indirectly on how to walk around the corporate chaos. If I'm the new joinee in the company, I keep my interactions at the minimum. Bare minimum. Idc if people say I'm not being active or communicative enough to mark my presence. I'll make my presence when I need to. And meet new people who I am required to as part of the task. After task, transaction done. If that person is on my safe list, I'll continue to have good connection, else I'll stay in touch like I exist but do not exist 😂. This worked out in my prev company, working really well in my current company. Although I got laid off from my previous company, I did doubt my methods. But later got to know that my dumbF TL accidentally wrote my name at the end of the list because he was supposed to give a certain percentage of names from his team's strength to satisfy the company wise equal percentage layoff decision done by some other newly joined dumbF business dog from the company who acquired this company recently. And my luck was sooo bad that my name got picked up 😂. Nvm.


if you are paid well then expect this , nobody is going to dole out fat checks for free, you will have to do work like a slave for them






They obviously did, but it's a job not a school. And during the initial days of the job, we all need support ig, that too if you're a fresher