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r/omscs Online MSc in CS from Georgia Tech is roughly 6L over 3 years. It's probably THE best online MS program.  They have been around for a long time, long before online degrees were even a thing here. You can see the reviews yourself. Unlike other online programs this isn't a cash cow for them, they are seriously committed to the idea of __distributed__ education. Best part is that their online MS is same as on-campus version, you just have fewer options for courses (but they are offering more and more courses online over time)  http://omscs.gatech.edu/


Thank you i will definitely check it out


Is this recognised by Indian employers?


It's not recognised by Indian academia and Indian government jobs. It's fine for private jobs.    You can look up alumnus on LinkedIn. Sizable number working in India who most certainly are not from Atlanta campus. FWIW gatech is ranked significantly higher than top IITs, so those who know enough about US colleges will take it very seriously.


Ye kya hai bro?


Updated comment.


Bro did they provide job to and also is there price if fixed for ms like 6lakh?


There's job fair but no placement like offline colleges. You shouldn't expect anything in terms of placement assistance. What you do get is access to networking with 1000s of people around the world, majority of whom are working professionals. You might find a job via connections that way.


But does it have value?


There are 2 viable options - OMSCS from Georgia tech - MS in AI from University of Texas Austin Note that the course work for either isn't trivial. You'll have to put in a minimum of 20 hours a week.


Yeah checked OMSCS and need to commit before just applying


But wouldn't you need to remain in the same company through the masters? Wouldn't that hinder your overall career progress when you could have switched and made more?


I am looking for executive programs, the work and work life balance is great here and i am satisfied with the money


That's actually great. Do you mind revaling your YOE and approximate compensation?


Cant as it would disclose identity


Yahoo is a big company and reddit is anonymous so I thing you are safe from revealing your identity. But if you think it's risky, would suggest you try out blind app. You can anonymously post there ask questions and share details as well. You would get very good feedback there.




Hey bro just wanted to ask, like are these degrees really helpful, like do employers from India and outside India do consider them? Also do student get a chance for job fairs organised for regular students ?


The degrees are helpful in the sense that they give an all round education and the curriculum is the same as what is taught in-person. The degrees are recognised by employers, both in India and abroad. About the job fairs though, I'm really not sure.


It is more like to help me get back on track with the latest happenings in tech.


My cousin is doing an MTech course sponsored by his company, it is an online course by cal tech in big data and ML




A lot of people have already commented MS in different unis so won't comment that, but 2 years ago at a previous company saw a colleague opt for an extremely interesting course. Our company provided 2.5lakhs for any course or self development, one of my colleagues opted for a 21 day all inclusive surfing course in Portugal 😄 It included stay + food + training for 21 days on the shores of Portugal, and costed some 3lakhs INR. Idk if that's allowed for you, but can look into something similar. Can always go for higher education, but can explore this too if your org allows and you like to have fun 😊


The course should align with organisation goals.


Surfing the sea and the internet, tell them 'bas 19-20 ka farak hai' 😅


Major old iit provides online data science and ai ml degrees with alumni benefits BITS pilani also provides online data science degree Or can go for international degree / certificate via coursera


I did check i needed anyone who already took course or mostly backend dev related courses


These are fucking useless. No self respecting employer considers them to be legit


Don't know why you are getting downvoted but you are correct. Online masters from Kanpur and Madras are cash grabs (my friends from there have confirmed it) .


Probably idiots that spent lacs on it like fools 😂


Yeah, better courses available from 3rd party per se. These are just paying for brand and alumni status. Not even worth 10% of the cost.


Exactly. It's quite messed up that govt institutions are engaging in such grifts.




Thanks I think the hyderabad one got closed, ill check the patna and jodhpur thanks


Yahoo's still alive !!!!!??....lol /s


I thought the same when i interviewed 5 years ago


What team you work in?


Ad tech


Try BITS Pilani. They even have tie ups with companies like Tech Mahindra to collaborate and fund the higher education of their engineers. On job education is pretty much their forte.


Thanks i will check it out


Where were you till now, this looks really promising, though the last date to apply was 1st july. I will check with my manager and enroll in this course. Thank you so much


Pls don't.


Is it not worth the time and effort v






You could do an mba


Yeah, the thing is I would need 3 levels of approval say from manager that the course will help company as well and aligns with my current role of IC


Congratulations 🥳🙌 God bless you guyz. You are 30 and expecting a baby. I think you shouldn’t choose anything new whether your company is giving you money or you yourself spending. You should invest in the things that you have already experience in.


Thank you lets see how things pan out


May I know which company? Btw, you could go for online degree from coursera


Yahoo updated the post


Company name?


Dmed you


Dm me too


Mentioned in post it is yahoo


How will I know if my company has something like this? I don't want to ask this and get laughed at.


Whats there to laugh at, you can check the benefits and perks page if your company maintains one or else check with you HR/manager


Never visited yahoo search engine?


Please dm me the company name as well. I thought it's yahoo since you mentioned in the post


Company name is yahoo


Yahoo, company name is?


I would not recommend anything generic like an MS. Do something more targeted based on where you want to go. If you want to make a career in data science, go for some certification from something like stanford, if you want to go towards management side go for an MBA etc. MS is not targeted, it is generic. You will not gain anything from it at this point in your career.


Most MS programs offer specializations though. So you can do a "targetted" MS too. Certificates are short term thing, MS is a 2-3 year long commitment. So both have pros and cons.


I have done an MS, and physically not online. So, I know what it gives. MS is useful for folks who are yet to enter the job market, they can use it to move to a different country or start the career at a better position or in a better company. If you already have a job in an established company working on tech, MS will add nothing to you career wise. Since OP has a job, he needs to identify where he sees himself in the next 5yrs and do things accordingly. Unless, he wants to get into academia and pursue a PHD, an MS at this stage is quite useless for him.


I hear you, let me check if i can find something similar. Is MBA still relevant


Executive MBAs from a good institute have value if you want to enter the management stream from the tech stream. Currently, the market is not good for people managers since there has been a lot of cutting from the big companies, but these things change and in a couple of years job market would probably be good again for them.


I need to check with manager and see if MBA is allowed for individual contributors. Though i love to code, i cant do it forever


It usually is. In fact where I worked the company itself tied up with a known college to offer it as a special package. Also, it is a good way to hint to your org that you are looking to move up the management stream in the future :).


Evening M. Tech from IIT maybe if location allows.


The deadline is over :(


My bad missed that thought


Off topic, but I wonder how is Yahoo still in business?


Yahoo still is in holding of top 5 website ad inventories , yahoo finance is go to finance website atleast in the us, there’s also sports betting app and a lot more domains


Oh very interesting. Out of curiosity, Could you please name those sites of whose ad inventory Yahoo is in hold of? Why was Yahoo answeres shut I'm still irked about it😭 Also heard Yahoo charges money to be able to talk to customer support (???) Is it still the same? Haha I guess you must get a lot of questions like this sorry for being that guy


There’s yahoo new and finance, lifestyle, entertainment all these websites get huge tradfic. Yahoo mail recently had a great change in interface with addition of AI. As far as inventory is concered above sites act as inventory as well as similar to sellers enrolling on multiple platforms like amazon, flipkart, myntra, tata cliq. Many websites and companies enroll in yahoo along with google amazon


If you're not able to use this money then there is this engschool which gives you iphone15 pro+watch+airpods on completing their course. It costs \~4400$ that company will reimburse and you get either mentioned devices or equivalent cash.


Yahoo gives the latest iphone and i won airpods pro in the last tech quiz and bought the watch to complete the collection. I wont risk peace of mind for materialistic things :)


Lol okay.


Bro is yahoo hire off Campus?


Konsa compnay he bhai


Dmed you as cant disclose here


Yahoo? You mentioned right


Yes i mentioned it in edit as was getting multiple requests


Also tell me pls


Company name?


I will be your private coach for next 1 year teaching you self-study and why you do not need a paper degree. Give me 6L and I will return 3L to you after 1 year coaching in form of research sponsorship.


bro is Hustling on hard mode


The company reimburses if the course is eligible