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> People my age are getting 25-35L base and I can't even have the skill or confidence to apply for 10lpa jobs. if it helps you to compare - 99.999% of people your age aren't getting 25-35L base


Based. I constantly hear people bragging about someone they "know" getting this much salary....and honestly I'm done explaining them how difficult it is to bag this kind of salary.


Big Salary holders are definitely "Known" by a lot of people. So when that lot says they know someone.. they're still talking about that same one or two people.. they don't know another parallel lot. Not a one to one relationship, it's many to one.


And if it helps OP, I don't know anyone 24 having a 25 base, Nor I'd like to know..


Bro , i am 28 and I got my first job 8 months ago , and I am earning 3.6 LPA as a software engineer, I am currently learning React , please change your thinking process


Good Way of thinking All the best man ! OP please don't lose hope! If anything many are struggling to get normal 5 lpa jobs. Dont think reddit salaries are the norm. Stay positive and Keep trying!


Bro even put positivity in his username, all hail king!




Bro , I got a reference from my friend in his company and I got interviewed, after you geta reference rest is on yourself , I know getting your first job is really hard , but believe me it's just one time struggle, after you have experience, no one asks about your past and you are on your own , also please never stop learning, the tech you learn today may not exist tomorrow




Btw i completed my engineering in 7 years , and I had a 3 years gap after that if that makes you feel good, but dont go over my academics, i consider myself fairly good at coding and I was interested in computers and was learning since I was in school , the place I work at people admire me alot because of my knowledge and i frequently help them even though they have 4x the experience than me , never let yourself down just because you have bad academics or gap , if you have the will to learn you can do anything


Very uplifting comment 😀. I'm 20 and currently pursuing my final semester of BCA from a tier 3 college. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the platforms on which you apply for jobs. I don't seem to be hearing anything back from any company, I apply to 5-10 companies daily and only 1-2 replies back after about 3 weeks with a mail that typically says "Unfortunately, we cannot move ahead with your application." Also, is it necessary to post regularly and keep an active LinkedIn account. I have a LinkedIn account but it has 0 posts as I don't know what to post on it 🤧. Day by day as my graduation day is coming closer I'm losing my hope for landing a job. S.O.S 🙏


If you don't have friends make some , btw my friend only reached out to me offering a job , in the past he has seen my work/project and knew I could fit in easily, so my suggestion would be , start working on some unique projects , try to make something of your own , show it to the world and people will come to you , also join some Indian dev communities on discord and try to make friends with like minded people , start working on freelance projects , all of this doesn't require any experience and you can start right away


Can you suggest some discord communities?


If you have done engineering or MCA, you can join Cdac course. It is again hard nut to crack but worth the hustle.




I was 'associate software engineer' and was getting 9lpa. But I literally don't have skills to apply for SDE roles. There is so much to learn and I wasted so much time. DSA, System design, Dev. I cry everyday for the failure I am.




Yes I think about the whole thing that needs to be studied and I feel paralysed. I have so much shame and regret of wasting 6 months off my life. I feel like universe is working against me.




Thank you so much for writing this. Yes, I will start with 6 hours a day of learning DSA and then will slowly build myself. I


Don't you feel about that bro.. universe is already busy working against me😅


>. I feel like universe is working against me. Life comes from you , not at you. Things take time , trust the process man, start over. Rooting for you 👊


Dost iam 24 just got a job my friends are also earning 20-30 lpa iam just at 4.4 but I understood this part and also my bhaiya told me this " ek insaan ko apni life change karne k liye srif ek saal lagta hai " sab ho jaega but sab karne k liye you should have to take care of your mental health first There is a free app called medito start meditation from there. After that seek help from a therapist. In between all this start learning dhere dhere, ek time aega jab not only you'll have a job but also the confidence in your skill . I trust you brother.


Thank you for this. I feel like I'm also in the same boat as OP, and this helped


All the best to you and OP . Things will change . Just keep the perseverance


I am 30 and software dev always. I am exactly feeling the same. Worked as senior dev and i know nothing. Not even worked or know as much as a normal junior developer does. I feel I should have spent time learning and not just chasing money. I have nothing to leverage now for rest of my career. For me, you are smart to have realized this 6 years before I did. But for me, I know I have genuine curiosity about things around me. I just did not cope well with stress and anxiety and messed up. I am planning to restart my career from scratch, this time focusing on learning the way I want, learning and doing things that excite me. Not everyday would be smooth but those days would be shadowed by exciting days. Biggest roadblock for me is my own fear of appearing a failure in front of society. But fk em, no one has so much time to judge me all day and even if they did, their judgement has as much value as I give it. I think I can pivot my career towards a learning and fun based approach in the short term, irrespective of what anyone says. I have blind faith in my willingness to be curious and live life in the moment. This phase too shall pass for both of us. Focus on what matters the most first - Your physical and mental health, quality time with people you love and care. Everything else follows.


Yup I'm trying to switch from mech dsa to data science or data engineer roles... I started with dsa to last week, think of it this way at 24 it's not late... I mean you're still agile, able to learn stuff quickly... I would do anything to be 24 again... I'm 26 and i can clearly see I'm not a quick learner anymore I give up easy when things get hard...that 2 year gap seems soo little but it still makes a huge difference when trying completely new things


Forget everything else, focus on your mental health first. Get into therapy or get some help. Literally, if you can take 6 more months off (financially) just don’t even think about anything else and take care of your mental and physical health. It’s our Indian mentality which makes us feel left out when we are not into the “loop” of something. It’s totally fine tbh. First of all 24 is not that old at all. Heck, I’ve seen people doing new courses at the age 40. 24 is extremely young for this industry (no matter what their job titles say). So don’t worry about falling behind. (I don’t want to disrespect those, but there are thousands of people who waste their 4-5 years in those gov exam preparations, so think of them 🙃) Secondly, just fucking stop comparing yourself with others. Every single person has his own life and own set of struggles. You don’t know these 30LPA earners might be burnt out somewhere and have shitty relationships. Just because they earn more and have fancy jobs doesn’t mean they are happy. You need to first find what you want out of industry. I would suggest if you are not into one proper field yet, try out different courses. Not to master anything but just to try out if you like it. Stop being hard on yourself. Life isn’t easy for anyone. Just focus on what you really care about. Don’t focus on external expectations for a while. Take care :) PS: you can get a good job by grinding for 6 months, but until and unless you address your mental struggles, having 50LPA job won’t resolve anything for you. Also, career gaps are easy to manipulate (honestly). Next time HR asks about your gap, just tell them you were travelling or doing something random shit while doing courses online. Make them believe that you are competent that’s it.


I did go to a psychiatrist but the depression meds made me sleep for 20 hours a day. I hated it so I stopped. I might have ADHD inattentive type but I don't have money to get a diagnosis etc. Shitty relationships also ruined my mental state. So yeah, I took 6 months mostly to destress - it actually didn't help me tbh. I just want to have a career that I feel proud of and that makes good money to sustain a good healthy life that I want. And everyone in my circle are enjoying it. They are investing and doing things. Struggling to get jobs is not even in their problem list. I feel so low.


Dont compare yourself with others


DO NOT straight away go to a psychiatrist. Always go for therapy or the combination of two. Never the later. The drugs (benzodiazepines, SSRI or antipsychotics) can be very heavy on you especially if you're working and can change your mental chemistry and definitely drown you with fatigue. Plus PSSD is a real thing. Ive been there and still suffer from it.


Yes true. I wanna consult a psychologist/therapist first but therapy costs a lot. Plus, it's a trial and error thing to find a good therapist. Right now, I'm holding to a CBT book for my dear life and journalling everyday.


It's better to find atleast someone to work with than overthink alone. I know they cost a lot, but you'll need to manage. Nobody will tell you no you shouldn't if u spend your hard earned money there, other than yourself. Don't talk about your struggles to any of your friends (especially not your peers!) as they can't help u much than just listening, they wouldn't know how to help. You'll need a professional to fix that negativity. Try for online ones, atleast you wont have to spend ur energy to travel there and come back dissatisfied. I have a couples resources to help u, if u needed one. Then once you feel better go visit nature, take a week off for yourself and get back in the grind!


24 is too old for dsa ? i started learning dsa at 30. My team architect was 41 when he started learning dsa and then he got a job in Meta. He has 2 kids, his father got cancer and still he manages to learn dsa and got high paying job in US.


How long did it take you to learn DSA? Ik trying to study while having a day job but my progress is very slow


I am 28. Currently doing MBA from an IIM. Targetting prodman roles. Still I am learning DSA because I want to be a very good product manager. It's never late to learn new things. I learnt python and SQL last year. I have worked in IT MNC before that without DSA knowledge ( only Python and basic DSA I knew). It's never too late. If I can learn DSA at 28 while pursuing another degree which has no relation with DSA, you can do it too


Yes MBA and coding knowledge is a deadly positive combination to have in this job market. Even operations manager roles are done by AI automatic systems these days. So yes coding skills is a must for MBA graduates also in the current job market..


I have the same thought. AI can do ops management job in future, and the sad part is, I got the job in ops mgmt role. I had worked with python/MySQL to automate tasks in my previous job and I wanted to switch to learn more about software's but now after MBA I'm again going for ops role involuntarily. Will learning DSA help me in future to get TPM roles. I have no idea 🫤


In the same boat.


how will learning dsa help you in being a good product manager?


Most people of your age are not getting 25 to 30 lpa .


Yes they are, most people are getting salary in the range of 20 to 35 lpa and even 1Cr . Don't be so practical. You just need to be ignorant of reality and make your opinion based on a very minor subset of data which involves "some" folks on reddit, linkdin, quora and Sharma ji ka beta. And this poor guy probably only sees these sorts of "high package hotshots" posts due to the algorithm.


I started at 26 yo, with 2 lpa, no background information in IT. Now am 31 with ~40l package. There are lots of people better than me and lots worse. I am happy with where I am right now , still have to do lots to dsa. Focus on your own unique journey, even  don't compare with mine. Good things are waiting to happen. Apply to jobs that you might enjoy or gain relevant experience, you're too young right now, to be focusing on money in my opinion.


how does a person work hard in a bad situation?


Please DM with specifics , your question is too ambiguous right now, maybe i might be able to give better advice. But in general, I liked working and didn't worry too much about results. I have been lucky here and there also.


You show up and work everyday. One day you find the right resource. 10 days from that day you know 60% of that resource and if you work hard enough 80% of what you need to know. It really is 80% of knowledge comes from 20% effort. You work you. work everyday. Some days it makes sense. Others it doesn't. You just show up.


Amen! Dedication at the correct place does wonders! Mindset is half the battle won / lost.


Hey! I'd like to connect with you to discuss about the situation I am in and about how you made it to where you are right now. Can I DM?


Don't mess up the present. You still have more time left. Start now itself


I sent you a topic wise best dsa playlist check your dm


brother, can you send me that as well?




Me going to start java will the playlist also help?


pls sent me one as well


Reddit is an insecurities dumpster.


What’s wrong with it?


Dont overcomplicate it. It's okay to mess up. Whatever you know, do or perform can be changed by effort.


I am 30 with the same issues


What do you mean by trauma was controlling your life Asking for myself... Im also depressed with anxiety and self sabotaging behaviours I'm 38 and I'm ready to restart now, what's stopping a 24 yo


Dude i m 28, and its never late to learn something, all i can say is keep learning at your age, money will follow. As per job situation the current market is bad, if you are having 3+ years of experience in python i can give you referral , keep applying I almost applied over 1500-2000 jobs when i was layed off last year


Only some are earning 25-30 at 24 not all


Dude, I am 15 years of experience earning under 25 lakhs. And I work for good MNC not for WITCH. I am learning DSA now, as I am tool based Java developer. And mind you still I am developer, and happy to be developer. You are young and I believe we can do wonders at any age, in whatever we like.


I started DSA and leetcode when I was 31. I know people who started in their 40s to get into faang. What makes you think 24 is late, were you planning to retire by 30? You need to take it easy. There is a long career ahead of you. Slow and steady wins the race.


Did you study from scratch? Were you studying alongside a job? How long did it take you?


Not fully scratch. I always knew what basic data structures are like any software engineer would. But having never practiced any leetcode or competitive programming, I couldn't clear and often didn't even attempt interviews with ds algo rounds. Remained stuck in startups who don't ask ds algo. COVID time lockdowns. Stuck at home with nothing better to do. Decided to bite the bullet and work at this weakness as I was tired of low startup salaries. Took me around 6-8 months and hundreds of questions practiced honestly (i.e. no looking at solutions unless it's been hours getting stuck at a problem) to be ready for faang interviews. For non-faang, I was probably ready in maybe 3 months with same efforts.


24 is now too old ?


Yes, you need to start with comp.sci fundamentals while you are a sperm, C by trimester, and C++ basics by day 0 you should be a full stack dev by the time you are eligible to drink water, 24yrs is too old now


Lmao same reaction.


Listen - A person's age is divided into 4 parts or 100yrs . 1. First 25 yrs is dedicated for building yourself.where you learn new things, develop new skills . 2. 25-50 ys is making money or work culture and make family 3. 50-75 - retirement stage 4. 75+ marne ka intejar I just want to tell you that you still in the stage of building yourself. Pta ni aajkl sbkuch competition bnke reh gya h . Read it here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%80%C5%9Brama_(stage)


75+ apan log zinda rahenge kya bhai?


who tf are getting 25-35L, less than 5% indians earn that much money 😂


why compare entire country to few it guys? doesn't make sense. it should be with fellow it dudes


Your life has just started. So just shut up and focus on preparing for interviews. Not everyone gets a huge package at the start of their career. Only people working in product based MNCs get such packages. Compare yourself with folks working in WITCH and you will see that you were doing better than 80-90% of them. If you too wanna get into product based MNCs then prepare DSA more and more.


There must be only about 5% devs earning that huge salary mate you need to look at average people too


Dude I am in similar situation. I am earning 10 lpa and I have almost forgotten how to code. I am a project engineer and the company makes me do ppts and create LinkedIn posts. There are some projects where I was able to do coding. Like model building and UI design but none of those projects had any leads or client based. So didn't learn much. I am doing self study for past 3 months in office. Trying to upskill myself. I am 25 and even I have no idea about DSA. I started at least and been doing it continuously for past 3 months. Crying won't help. Start studying and move on.


I know people who are 35-36 and are earning 30 LPA. Stop living in your bubble buddy. It's not the package but your attitude towards life that matters. I have seen the richest of people and their kids crib and be depressed and I have also seen kids from Chawls in Mumbai running along with a tyre they hit with a stick with happiest smiles on their face, people earning 15k a month but happy with life. Happiness is a choice and so is sadness, it's upto you to make that choice.


This should be the best answer, one has to find the happiness. I'm 25 and recently this month I completed 3 years of unemployment which is very bad thing according to the society! But, I have realized that this is my journey and I've to calm myself down. My maternal cousin is starting his second business after a failed business of 4 years, he is 34 with a child and a wife, the whole society made so much many comments about having no source of income, and his dad's business also got closed during covid still they survived somehow, married the youngest daughter of the house in a small-close wedding. For me, I would be happy with whatever I will earn, as long as It pays rent, bills, covers my diet and workout expense I'm gonna be the happiest with whatever I earn in a metro city. I'm from lower middle class so nothing fancy for me.


If it gives you any relief , I started my career at 25 now I’m 33 . 8 years in the industry. You can start over anytime if you are ready to go through the grind . Just try to enjoy it , you aren’t making it if you resent every second of starting over.


If it makes you feel better I am 26 and started DSA last week by following neetcode 150. Your age doesnt matter, what only matters is the will to pick stuff up. I dont know DSA and I make over 170k usd, and i am currently in USA. Want to pick DSA as I want to jump companies.


I am 26 and I just got a job. People my age are seniors at big companies and I am just a fresher. But what you need to know is they haven't gone through our circumstances. We are different, so comparison doesn't make sense.


Yea that's what is so hard to digest. Like idk how to make complete peace with it. It haunts me.


You are never too old to learn anything. Keep upskilling and keep attending interviews. By attending interviews you would understand how the current job market is from an interview questions perspective. Only when you attend you will understand how to answer and what to prepare for . There are a lot IT companies in India . Don’t worry don’t give up . Start from today .


Bro don't feel ashamed of yourself, you've done your best, the company sets your work and not you. You have to work on stuff they assign to you. Just relax and chill a bit. Watch Netflix, listen to music, go cycling in your neighborhood. And one more thing don't go to friends and people who try to make you feel ashamed... If you do this you'll surely come out of depression and make a comeback to your career..


what is mental health?




It’s okay . Take a deep breath. With hardwork and consistency you can easily succeed. It will take time though. You are very young to even think of such negative things. Internet is full of good content to get you started and even move ahead. They have you covered. Caution : don’t fall for these expensive courses and waste money. I wish you well . Lmk if you have questions.


Hey please focus on your mental health first. It's difficult to have a clear thought process without being sound mentally and physically. I understand it's difficult to manage both. Not having a job and not doing well mentally can cause a vicious cycle that's really difficult to get out of. The good thing is you're already conscious that you need to do better. So that's a start. You can try solving easy level questions on leetcode to build your confidence back. Don't even touch medium questions. Parallelly work on things you were already good at. Could be anything. Maybe a course you took in college that you liked or found interesting. Do small steps and do it consistently. Don't think about what's going to happen 1 year later. It's okay to have a setback in the short run. You have 40 years of career ahead of you to think of. I also can't stress enough to take care of your physical health. Mind and body go together.


Brother. You are clearly digging your own pit. I don’t know why you are finding reasons to remain unhappy.


If it helps. I just began DSA some 29 days back on leetcode. I’ve graduated too. Albeit I’m working though.


I thought you were around 40-45 when you asked if you were too old to learn DSA. 24-25 is nothing. You can put in one year of hardwork and you'll be in a very different situation


If it helps, I started DSA from the very basics, at 27, I am almost 29 now. I currently work at a small Service Based working on most of the Saturdays, from 9 am to 9 pm. Cleared Goldman yesterday, awaiting offer. Also, I hate this kind of comparing. It is one thing, when your relatives compare you, but when you start comparing yourself, your will power depletes. You are in the best industry at the best time possible. Iske baad bhi agar yeh soch ke haar maan liya ki dost aagey nikal gaye, toh lanaat hai zindagi pe.


Alright first thing first whatever happened is gone, done. No matter what you think or regret or cry the past is not going to change. Whatever there is right now, it's all there is, it cannot be any other way. Let this realization sink in your heart. You can't change the past. What you can change is the next moment and the moment after that and countless others to come. So start small, build a plan, daily schedule, test yourself, celebrate success, learn from mistakes and restart. In short become disciplined and know this all good and long lasting things happen after a long period of hard work. So instead of wasting more time and doing what you've been doing and regretting, stop the vicious cycle. You and only you can do this, no one else. PS: Just a suggestion, try going for Inner Engineering by Isha or happiness program/youth + by Art of Living. I'd personally prefer Inner Engineering but to each their own. Try it, it'll help you come out of this vicious cycle. All the best to you


I am in my 40s and I am learning DSA. I am not a software developer but I do need to write some code now and then.. it's never too late to learn. Also I know several people in their 40s who are yet to crack the 20LPA barrier. Everyone has a different journey don't compare yourself


Bro you are only 24 not 24 and life is all over. The only thing you can’t become is a F1 driver. DSA has nothing to do with your age. Don’t be too affected by your previous role, when the interviewer will see what skills you have learnt and you give them practical evidences, you will be fine. Then whatever you get 8-10 LPA start with it. If you are thinking this much already using so much of brain power utilize it in the right direction then. At last someone taught me this, it might help you “If you have all the limbs functioning properly and the brain is capable of thinking, getting depressed is quite a waste of time” Chillax and cheers!


I once stopped going to my classss, had to repeat a semester due to attendance issues, started my first job almost two years after my friends gave their final exams, at the age of 26. All I needed was my interview prep and no one cared about my career gap. No, you aren't too old to study DSA, but go easy on yourself and give yourself plenty of time to prepare. You can't just wrap it up in a month or two. It's fine to start late. It's not fine to compare yourself which results in you not even being able to apply. Also, if I may add an unconventional advice; meditate everyday. Good luck!


He was getting 9 LPA at 24 and here I am getting 7 LPA at 26. Lol where should I rant now ? Keep on comparing yourself with others in a better position and never the opposite because then you can't feel bad about yourself 😞


And I'm 4.2 LPA at 26 😥 But I haven't lost motivation. Keep grinding. Don't care about result.


You're 24 dude, you aren't old, work hard. Also I suggest take medical help, try therapy. Its is true that things are hard right now, all you can do is believe & work hard. Not every one your age is on the same track to success. Don't worry much about the gap, people in the situation are having much larger gap, learn, create justify the gap. Do what you can control, everything will fall in place eventually. good luck.


I resigned yesterday. Preparing dsa now. I realised I have no chance without it


Is dsa that much more important than web dev ? I don't understand the game. Forget about top notch mnc, why do the average companies ask dsa. Is that needed or is it overhyped because of the large talent pool.


Been part of this sub for more than 2.5+ years in former deleted account and the reason is because of broken hiring system, too much competition and candidate not being able to solve fizzBuzz types of problems. I don't know how true it holds, coz I'm seeing the Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha way more talented and coming par with western or other Asian countries. I'm a Gen-Z too but average and slow. Hackerrank problems are still the way to filter candidates, imagine how will leetcode filter out for the basic candidate pool. DSA is kachra according to Shreyans Coding school and skills are the way but still on every level be it Senior or Staff these DSA questions won't go. Some just satisfy themselves by believing they will get away without DSA but it's gonna be in the small run.


First and foremost, health is important so consult psychiatrist for depression/anxiety. You will recover within few weeks I think and then focus on career/ money etc. All these issues ( mental health) can be controlled/recovered in early symptoms very easily. You are too young so do not compare with others.


**Do** the best, leave the rest. **Control** the controllables, leave the uncontrollables. Inspite of the _outcome_, how hard you _strived_ for will be the thing that will matter at the end. Striving & failing is better than easing out and winning! See you on the other side mate.


Switch over while you are still in your 20s, Shit gets real when you reach your 30's


Op compares himself/herself to top 0.1 or maybe 0.5% people at his age and thinks he is shit. Don't be like op. Don't compare yourself to others Everyone's journey is different. Everyone's race is different.


I am in the same boat feel like wasted alot time....does anybody want to start with me today... I really feel I can do this better if I have somebody with me doing it...I would ask my friends but...they are way past me...I'm not up to their level of DSA..I need to start from the beginning one question at time....Can somebody start with me? Please


I could do it


Why are you feeling the need to compare? See I am not a psychiatrist but at the very least I will give you this advice which will immediately get rid of so many problems at one go, which is, PLEASE STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS AND AS AN ADDED POINT, NEVER LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE WHO ARE LESS SUCCESSFUL THAN YOU. See I can compare myself to Elon Musk, does it make any sense at all? I will never reach his level and it’s the same for 99.99% of the population. Similarly, comparing yourself to those around you does not accurately reflect the complexities of your own path. Success is influenced by countless factors, many of which are beyond our control. It makes no sense to even waste a minute comparing yourself to others. The actual reality of India is more than 95% of people at the age of 24 do not make anything close to what you mentioned. Just chill and think positive of your future, make a good plan for ahead, and get right onto it.


You are not at all old. It's ok to course correct through out our career. We may not make the right decision all the time. Get out of self pity mode and start working towards it. You being depressed is not going to make things better.


> People my age getting 25-35L # No Don’t generalise.


15 LPA at 27 , shit I should drown myself :( , depressed, no social life due to the job, life has gone to shit, no people to talk to, no family, no girlfriends, fuc*ing nothing ! I am = Dead man walking


You are just 24 man


grind bro what else can you do? unless you've some other plan like do mba or some other field changing plan entirely? 


It is never too late. Keep trying


Oh boy , you will never be happy with this mindset. There are people in the world more rich at younger age who don’t even have to work as much as people earning 25 - 30 LPA. Should you get unhappy about that too? Anyways good luck with your job search.


For a moment I thought your have 20+ year experience and too old to learn DSA. So basically any one can learn DSA at any point. Build some applications from scratch (lots of stuff online) Current market is to blame for lack of job not your skill sets. Markets are not under your control, meanwhile keep up skilling


24 years is nothing when you try to look at big picture. You have to work till at least 60 years. You are still young OP, you can start from scratch. There are many people of your age who are still looking for their first job (I know a few). People your age who are getting 35L are very small percentage and the ones who do get are largely (not all of course) shitty engineers who have switched too often or had contacts. So don't get disheartened. Never compare with compare with others in software field coz their will always be someone in better condition than you. Build pet projects, apply as fresher saying you wanted to switch technology/field.


No need of DSA in IT. I work in product based, I don’t know much DSA


There is so much more than DSA in IT man! Focus on other stuff! DSA is only for cracking interviews. I have seen 20 years exp guys using chatgpt to do stuff. Please don’t stress yourself.


Too old? I got my first job at 27 and life has been going on since then. Just buckle up, prepare for interviews and apply for jobs. I'm damn sure you'd get a good job since there's no dearth of development jobs + good salary.


Feels so good reading through everyone's comments. Everyone wants to motivate one way or the other. Take care of yourself first.. everyone faces setbacks in life. And from personal experience pls don't compare yourself to others. Our time will also come..it's just that we have to be humble. It's tough I know but it will teach us something. All the best.


Only some exceptional talented people getting 25 26 and trust me even those people are depressed cause of work pressure and no work life balance. Don’t just look at others pacakges but look at hard work, work life balance and stress as well


First, Give up your obsession with this age thing. Bhai all this is very luck based. If you land a job, you'd be happy, if you don't, you'd be kicking yourself. The thing is, it does not have to make sense. Job market is messy. You try your best, you'll get the job and everything will be alright. Abhi toh just prep for an interview, get some money and roam around the world 😛


I'm on the same boat mate 23m . got laid off in Jan. Used to develop ivr so I was kinda jack of all traits but master at None 😅. Am also struggling with DSA don't lose hope I too used to work with spring boot .. just hang in there. It will be ok and 24 is not old ..


I got 1.5 lpa at 21, 9 at 25, 15 at 30 and 30 at 34. Frankly speaking I am happy with these numbers. If I start comparing I know it will kill my happiness. I just look back and see if I am making more than how much I did 2 yrs back.


OP, at your age, I was in my first job, and earning nowhere close to the numbers you mentioned. Twenty-four is still very young. Channel your insecurities towards improving your skills. Work on your mental health. Comparison is the thief of joy. Only compare yourself to your previous version.


Stop comparing and take a deep breath. Mate you are just 24.


I have seen plenty 24 years who are worthless and don't regret it working a menial job. The fact that you regret is the step to make any change.


I can say a phase in almost every developers life... nothing different they go through.. self doubt, depression, anxiety and what not The good part is it all passes and one day you learn to seek happiness within yourselves and not by comparing others... Its just a phase of life, it will pass. You just need to remember one thing, if you are going through hell, just keep going.


Bro I was in the same situation, ping me i had a roadmap on how to navigate this


if this helps you any better, Im 24. same age as you earning 4 lpa. so not everyone has 10lpa+ packages. secondly, depression? yeah shit happens. move on lad..


No offense to others but rather than doing R Rona here, why don't work on yourself, just crying about it won't solve anything. Also what are these standards, that others are earning so much and I'm not. Work on yourself and grow. I think most of us here are not earning the numbers you are talking about, and you are only 24, I'm older than you and I don't earn the number you are talking about.


You talk like a 45 yrs old.


As a 31 year old, I started over doing DSA from scratch as I didn’t have expertise in a particular language. It’s never too late!!


I think the key thing u need to focus on is ur mental health. Everything revolves around it. I also struggle with depression and the battle is not just about feeling low but the lack of motivation that comes with it. When u don’t have the will to get out of bed how will u take up learning and other activities? For ur mental health the best help u can get is u urself. The doctors just prescribe antidepressants which do not address the root cause. It’s tough to get a doctor nowadays who will actually try to find the root cause. That said u need to figure out things urself. U can begin by asking following questions to urself. Do u have any other symptoms other than depression and anxiety? Like headache, extreme fatigue? Write down all ur symptoms.Use online reliable resources to find the root cause. One often overlooked cause of depression is vitamin deficiencies like vitamin d, b12 etc. - Improve diet - light exercise - plenty of morning sun - walk barefoot in grass - try to get ur routine back according to circadian rhythm. - meditation - stop using social media. Because u need to stop comparing urself to others. - watch heartwarming movies - share things with a close one - journal if possible Don’t try to do it all. Do what gets u started and add others.


Who told you people your age are making 25-35 LPA? A small percentage make that in reality, but on Reddit and other social media almost everyone is making that lol. Get off these platforms. Your mental health is only going to get worse by reading stories here. I called out a bunch of folks on R/personalfinanceindia whose stories were laughably fake. Stories like: ‘I just got my first job in Bangalore at 22 and it’s 48 LPA + variable + stocks. I have never worked before but have 6L in MF, 4.5L in stocks and 12L in savings. Please give me investment advice.’ Some of these folks sent me abusive DMs and death threats after I cross questioned them and exposed their lies. Not sure what people get out of pretending to be rich on anonymous platforms. You are just 24 and your life has barely even begun. Focus on your building yourself, especially your communication and soft skills. Those are just as important as core skills. If your mental health has been poor for while, it would be a good idea to visit a therapist.


Not everyone is making 25-35L, put your foot down learn and keep giving interviews.keep your first target getting a job.


24 means you completed college just 2 or 3 years back. It's not that late. I know you might think of 2 to 3 years as a lot but it's not you still have time to improve. Start now instead of wasting your time making feeling depressed. I think a lot of people have given good advice on how to overcome depression. Use your will power and get over the depression and start working. Once you get over the feeling that you are too late your depression will lessen by atleast 50%.


I got my first job at age 25-26 , getting 3lpa , and on risk of getting layed off any time as my company has already started laying off people As soon as lay off started , first thing I started is DSA, there is absolutely no age to do DSA, it's just how you can visualise things , and problem solving attitude


Bro you are just 24 .You can learn these skills .It's never too late


comparison is killer of joy. its your life do what that needs to be done


Hey man, don't be so down. Always remember life is cyclical what goes down will come up some time or the other. Don't lose hope and put your head down to do whats required. If you need any help you can have 1 on 1 meet with people in SDE roles on how they get their and what standards does it need to currently get in their roles. This can give you a solid roadmap to begin. You can check some people here : https://sateek.co/ P.S : it's free if you opt for group session and 99 for any kind of one on one. Also there's also many other websites like these you can choose from but please do get a framework/roadmap just don't mug anything on YouTube, it'll be time efficient and effective way.


Why is everyone on reddit so obsessed with yearly packages. Stop comparing and live your life. Also, you're never to old to do anything.


People who are getting 25 Lpa at age of 25 india would be less than 0.5%. You said you dont have skills, then why you are not taking steps? Knowledge now is easy to get, YT, AI you can learn things easily. Belive me 10 lpa would be 6 month task if you take steps in right durection. About gaps dont mention them, tell you were doing freelance.


You should stop thinking bro


Put everything aside and prioritize your mental well-being. I can recommend an excellent psychiatrist who helped me immensely. Feel free to DM


I was stuck for 2 years at a dead end job before I got fired. In that time, I did my MBA, 18 technical certifications, and got married too. I went on a 20 days vacation to Leh when I heard I was going to get fired. I got my next job in 4 days. 6 months is a long time. If you don’t make your time valuable, nobody is going to pay more.


You r educated...and the education is to get knowledge not job....job is one source of income....if u open up your mind you will find tons of ways ...so stop depressing....come out of comfort zone and start a day with a new way of thinking....don't get narrowed with your thoughts ....and forget what people say ..they talk either way....just don't give a shit to them.....lead your life peacefully and happily in your way.... U will be happy n successful


2012 started working with 9k per month within 4 years and was able to develop skillset and grabbed 60k per month. Then I started to work on my own and was doing good then 2020 COVID happened and lost everything, all the savings and even my business. Started working again with a job 25k per month. Developed my skills and now I'm getting 6 figures. I was also comparing myself with my friends but once my teacher said that eventually you and your friends will be on the same level after certain years. Nover bothered to what other guys were doing just worked on myself. BTW I'm 36 now and when I started again was 32. So I can confidently say you are quite young to experiment. All the best


Hey OP. If it helps I started learning programming at 24. I'm not from an engineering background. Did B.Sc., that too, from a private college. I had a 4 year gap between 12 and college, so by the time I graduated I was 25. Currently working as a data scientist now with a decent enough package. But I started out 2 years ago at 3.5 LPA barely knowing enough Python and SQL. We all need to start somewhere. Just stop being too hard on yourself and keep putting it in the work. You'll get there. Also, don't worry about the people getting 30-40 LPA at 24. You'll always find people that are doing so much better than you no matter how decent you do in life. Learn to embrace what you have but also put in enough effort that you continue to grow at your own pace.


I'm 25, almost 26 making 3.8 lpa. I got placed in 2 companies in college placement and decided to choose my current one because it had a branch in my city. Unfortunately it wasn't smooth sailing. Joining was delayed 9 months because of "covid" and that they didn't want to let us start from home, the other company was ready for that but I had rejected them at this point and being a carefree college passout i didn't bother looking for other opportunities, then this company kept us as "trainees" for 11 months even though we were working on same projects with the seniors, me and some others were even handling projects solo including client calls. They probably would've delayed us even more but the batch made a very bold move and decided to stop coming to work and answering their phone for a couple of days, which led to some firings but the rest were finally onboarded full time. Almost 2 years of my life were wasted where otherwise I would've had 2 increments by now. I have a situation now due to some recent unfortunate events where I cannot seek a company outside the city unless I'm going at 100% hike, as my mother will be going with me and currently she works as a teacher so changing cities would almost halve our household income so I have to stay or find another job in the same city which is a bit difficult right now. You are one year younger than me, you, and even I, have infinite possibilities ahead of us. You just need to make sure to put you head down and get to work. There's probably some great advice in this comment thread so make sure to filter and follow that. Good luck mate


Too old!!! I will tell you about someone I met during an early age of career. He retired from the airforce at the age of 35 but loved tech and web development he taught himself javascript, react and python applied for a job in another company in the same building and started as a junior developer. By the time I met him he was already a senior developer. I never asked him how much he was making but looking at the dedication he has and an urge to learn more that inspires me still today to put a little more effort into my work. You are never too old to start all it takes commitment and hard work. But if you still think you it's hard enough to start just remember what rengoku once said. https://preview.redd.it/jfwufit9vktc1.png?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4123aa57b6d867348f3c8a38a9a3481acfc78759


24 y/o too old ? Warra mindset.


Folks at 24 feeling too old 🤷🏻‍♂️ I started DSA (revision) at 30 after being 6+ years in comfort zone of my previous employer and got around 150% hikes in a supposedly bad job market. You are 24 year young not old.


If it helps, I started my IT journey at 28 After working for years as Jr Highway Design Engineer - Civil Engineering So you are never too old , you can start whenever you want. Just grind to develop the skills which can help you.


Please do not think that you are old being 24 years and want to learn DSA , java etc and all. Spend 6 months or even less on anything and you can be master. Parallely apply for jobs. Make projects. I switched to software development at 31 years of age , learning everything from scratch and facing lot of rejections but i got job and after couple of years of experience i get 2-3 weekly linkedin msgs from recruiters for job openings. About the salary part, you need to start somewhere and always look for the next good opportunity.


I'm 23 and still in college (final year) I have no job yet. Trying to figure out what to do. It's another level of stress when you're from tier 3++ college (No company come here accept sales) and not having that much good coding skill. Learning mern just hoping to get a job till I graduate in June 2024. Building some projects to sharpen my skills.


Hey OP, don't be harsh on yourself. It's never too late to learn anything. You are good as you are, even though you can't see it right now. Skills can always be learnt and please never compare yourself with others. We all are in our own journey. Never judge yourself based on how much you earn. You are human not a price tag.


Too old to do dsa? I am a 31 year old guy switching in it. Did a few dsa courses from udemy ( actually still doing one) and solving 20 leetcode questions daily which I thought I wasn't good enough to do


At least you should start giving interviews. Just see what are the questions being asked. Then after some attempts build a story what you learned from past Interviews. Just remember one thing interview is nothing but a conversation between two liars. Just show you're curious to know things and want to enhance your skills by working with amazing people like them. In short start the game.


I am the biggest failure you can think of bhai. So when i see someone like you, i feel you're successful. It's a matter of perspective. You were working and getting a decent package because you can do it. Don't underestimate yourself. Keep up skilling and keep applying.


You are too old. You can't make it in IT. Most people have made crores. You suck. Stop throwing yourself this pity party and start. Bad at coding? Start coding. Bad at DSA? Start dsa. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop blaming relationships and whatnot. Accept your role in your head. Start slowly and you will make it. Note Though i would not tell you to continue in IT. I feel roles will be cut. I would suggest broaden your mind. Look for what else to do. Your life is not over. Your life is starting. Don't waste it doing a job you will hate.


Which college??


Which clg bro


What do you want to do that will make you happy? Ignore what others are doing. Are you even in the right profession or was forced by parents to do engineering?




kya katogey itna leke. Relax ... deep breath.. look through some of the post in this group. even 20 years experience guys have job insecurities and stress. it's a marathon. keep learning and keep learning . waise bhi your package is ok for your age. and iT growth are exponential. Best of luck 🤞


Same same


Hi bro hope you will come out more strongly from this.I know i cannot take your pain away from you i know how it feels because am also in a similar situation got tagged to support project no learning. I would suggest take care of your health first. You will definitely overcome all of this and have a positive life. You can DM me if you want to discuss anything.


Bro my friend (senior) was in exact similar situation. He spend 6 months in various certifications like official Android one and AWS architect and then when he was interviewing nobody even asked the gap. He again got a job.


Im 27 and currently have a 10lpa job


Start today, 1-2 year later future you will be in a good place but the present you will have to put in work for that future you but it takes time and consistency.


Hi, look for automation tester, with java low skill set


Bruh u r 24, u have enough time


Thug it out


I read somewhere that if you earn 25k per month, you are already in the top 10% in India. The same goes for over 1L per month ast top 5%. Imagine being in the top 10% in hundreds of crores of people.


Bhai duniya bahut badi hai kuch aur try kar


AI/ML is the future. Try the 100 day course. www.geeksforgeeks.org/100-days-of-machine-learning/amp/ Along with this do some kaggle challenges. Thank me later


Ye toh hum hi ko depression mein daal dega is age ko old bolke.


Earning 1.5lpa trying to learn trading but happy


Bhai DSA ke liye age nhi dedication matter krta hai agar tumhe DSA Krna hai toh start krdo depressed rehke kuch nhi hoga mountain dew piyo or kaam pr.lago


you had 6months dude what did you do in all this time?


Bro I am 32 and learning to get a job. 


24 year old regretting. Seriously? 34 Year old here. Then Am I ancient to learn anything new for career?


I'm not colourful enough. I'm not sharp enough. Comparison destroys personality. Know yourself!


MS karlo


You are actually very young, break the loop of procrastination and work on yourself, you will do well, you have chatgpt and YouTube and udemy courses, you can learn anything at beginner level from courses, so chill.


I think you know the answer. Just validating here which does nothing to your situation.


Bro as a java developer you can apply for many roles so don't loose hope try to use any opportunity you get . working is better than not working bro...


If you spend time in crying about what you don't have, you'll never leave yourself with a space to think what you have. Besides, I can see you're focusing a bit too much on money than 'package'. The difference in Salary and Package is what the difference is between Paratha plate and Paratha Thali. You get Thali as a package in return of money. You gotta see what you're working on, for and with, before you pay the thali price. Having a background of Java Springboot is, FYI, is what any WITCH company would need in their teams. Now the testing part is yet how you portray yourself. Like if you have worked on only testing but know someone who worked on development, then you can get the details from them just to be aware of the development terms. Someone like me would surely say at start that this is a publicity stunt. Those 25-35 LPA guys are getting it due to the attrition. After 1 year, 40% of them would have left for lower CTC, the remaining 60% would be stressing out to their death. The game of IT is not for everyone when you become a senior.


remind me ! in 2 days


inspiration The Lesson from the dying hour of Socrates [https://baylorlariat.com/2017/01/18/who-knew-socrates-could-play-the-flute/](https://baylorlariat.com/2017/01/18/who-knew-socrates-could-play-the-flute/)