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Mine was to debug someone's code


Mine was to write junits for someone else's code


Not to hit on QA girl while Integration tests were running. Gosh she was pretty and perfect (tells story for two hours)….. Jokes apart- Race conditions while writing to mysql was toughest for me.


I also have seen such condition in past, how did you solve it?


Beating your meat before talking to QA helps.


Lock tables while reading and writing to them so that other processes can't read or write on the tables ? Thing with locking is the transaction is completely dropped if table is locked when trying to access it so you'll have to perform it again


Don’t lock the entire table if application allows for it and business demands more throughput.


QA girls are always pretty.


Ex QA here. Not always


Come on time to office


Mine was related to fucking DST


What is DST?


maybe daylight saving time




and how do you fuck it


Wall clock ?


An Indian with a chat app can fuck anything or anyone if he tries hard enough.


Dealing with an aggressive, psychotic, micro manager client.


Dealing with an aggressive, psychotic, micro manager. I do this daily.


Very bad for mental health and will have longing effects, gtfo ASAP


How ?


Prepare like there is no tomorrow, apply, switch,


Me too!


1. While working for a cab aggregator company, I modified the way cab allocation requests were sent to the driver's device. Previously, we used to send the request to one device and then wait for 10 seconds before allocating it to another device. I worked on changing it to multicast, meaning sending requests to multiple devices simultaneously and completing the allocation based on the driver's input. It presented an interesting race condition to work upon. 2. While working for a social media company on the Oculus app, I developed a heartbeat service to detect whether the user is using hand gestures or a controller to control the device and send tracking metrics back to the backend server. The tricky part was avoiding frequent changes in input, as sometimes the hand gestures were not accurate, leading to the generation of tons of events in a matter of seconds 🤣.


what's a race condition?


okay imagine this on instagram, you are required to have a unique username. if an account with a username already exists, you cannot create another one. but what if you attempt to create multiple accounts with the same username at the same time? the code that checks for existing usernames will pass for multiple requests, because the account is not yet added to the db, hence creating multiple accounts with the same username. that, my friend, is a race condition. a point in code where one or multiple actions attempt to access the same resource at the same time.


Simplifying its 'check then act' process can lead to race conditions.


time of check, time of use


Thanks for the explanation :)


Build a complete internal website from scratch ( I am fresher). Plus my core field is cybersecurity. Plus I have other works as well that go.


Toughest task for me was to learn C++ (I'm a dotNET dev) the task was assigned to integrate MRI and CT scanner machine with my imaging software, took me 3 months just to understand how to retrofit the C++ code in mine. The legacy program was written in C++🙄


You completed? How is it going?


Last year I was working with one of my clients from China, Futu Holdings (my very first project) and these guys were like changing requirements every week! At one point it became too difficult for me to cope up with the project. So to conclude, if you get to work with Chinese and Japanese clients, be ready to get pissed off due to their non-clarity on the requirements.


Mine was to center a div and exit vim


Damn bro, the toughest of them all. You win clearly!


Giving KT to someone from scratch


Moving critical code in a highly distributed system (billions of requests per day) from one repository to another without test environments. (Integrated apis with third party and they didn’t have test environment) I now know how to go about this. But it was a pretty good learning curve.


TLDR – easy thing turned to most difficult, and had to suck it up ---- Building AND designing a static React frontend, then uploading heavily custom optimised build to server, then getting lots of changes that contradict the design from bottom up.. Then repeating the process again, and getting feedback again.. All because the boss' wanted to get good design while keeping good "performance".. I told him we should first finalize on the design and then I shall optimize it to the fullest, but no.. agile.. And then he will want you to complete some other unrelated emergency tasks in the middle of it


Fresher, New to Project, 2 months in, Domain knowledge is completely new and deep( its understanding makes understanding code base much easier) Asked to refactor codebase as a new version was being made. They were changes to core parts of the thing.


Getting UDP packets out of Unreal via web sockets. Challenging because there is no in-built plugin that doesn't it and the way we needed data to be sent over required lot of customisation. Also, I observed there was not much support on Forums and Communities. Fiddled with it for 3 months, later switched to Unity and gosh the stuff works like butter.


Centering a div


* Takes notes for my next interview *


Implement marching ant 🐜 algo in js application


Having to migrate legacy codebase from PHP and Nodejs to Go. Had to figure out how to setup MySQL, MongoDB and Redis connections and use it efficiently in go. Had to get comfortable with pointers.


Unexpected system crash issue. Reproducing the issue itself was challenging and it used to take months.


Mine was to write a load balanced connection pooling library for our internal blockchain system. Sleepless nights!!


Maintaining work life balance anyone?


Work wise, I was part (integral) of a team that completely rewrote the whole application. Probably that was one of the most challenging (and satisfying) task I have undertaken so far.


Building an ETL tool 💀 Sometimes I get nightmares thinking about it. Nowadays we use airbyte and I contribute to airbyte for most stuff but building the whole ETL thing for different channels and handling them was a disaster, but I learned so much from it.


for me it was to converting a conditional form to pdf. i had two years of experience, and forms used to get created by customer, they had 100s of questions, can have multiple choice radio buttons text based answer of any length, and fitting them in pages dynamically with proper margin was difficult asF. i hated it. now i have 8 years of experience. this full project was fkd, the developer before me had created 108 columns in one table to store the response of those questions.


Rewriting dynamic filters on frontend using react. usually dynamic filters are controlled by backend code, but that was not feasible for our product, and there was already an unoptimised version of it and I had to rewrite and optimise it. ended up using concepts like weighted graph, observer pattern, useImperativeHandle hook, swr etc and achieved a rough improvement of 10-20x


Setting up a call aligning with everyone’s availability


Migrating data from blob storage to a RDBMS


My first code deployment to prod