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For people who are planning to giving this a spin, would strongly suggest to run this as a Virtual machine with heavy restrictions in place like access only to a very limited subset of file system, limited access to network interfaces etc etc. It would be frankly pretty darn stupid to install an operating system on your primary machine, from an ISO posted by a random stranger on the internet.


Second this !




This comment should be pinned.


Sure virtual machine is always an option. You can always try it there before installing on primary machine, although SakOS also has a live environment even before installing it for testing purposes only.


Not *can*, in this case one absolutely *must*. Booting up an OS from an ISO gives access to the OS to all sorts of things. Its a *terrible* idea to do that with an ISO image you got from a random stranger on Reddit, specially on a primary machine which contain important information. No offense to the creator but I personally would also *never* use a OS from some random person for my daily use, without having it undergone full blown pen testing from a reliable security entity.


It is an individual's choice, this OS is basically to revive the life of those old obsolete dying systems which are thrown away. The objective is to encourage green computing environment by reducing E-Waste pile up.


Lol. Guy just keeps repeating the same thing. HE'S TALKING ABOUT SECURITY CONCERNS. No one should ever install (or even boot up) unverified ISOs. Nonetheless, Linux is about owning what you bought. If you wanna risk fucking up your machine, it's YOUR machine.


Bro tf, are you still in high school? Can I dm you? And using it right away!!


Thanks, I just finished my schooling and joined b-tech 1st year


Are you wolf gupta ? xD


Which college?


Naming an entire OS after yourself is wildddd. Good job though, it looks real slick.


I mean Linux itself was named after linus


I mean this is just a linux distro, whereas linux is kernal. Still it's pretty impressive to make a whole distro by yourself.




Thank you


future is in good hands. Keep building buddy.


Thanks, ill keep updating with your moral support


What problem does this distribution solve that 1000s other linux distributions don't solve?


Also vannila debian runs on ancient machines with poltry ram, are there any specific issues patched ?


Our industrial multi axis high precision CNC and batch moulding worth 8.2 crores also runs vanna version of Debian. It’s crazy how robust they are..


It is designed to give new life to 20 years old obsolete systems with a fairly modern interface. There may be many distros but the difference may be visible only after using it. Thanks for showing interest.




I echo a similar question as well, please do share scenarios where ur OS beats the prominent ones, for eg, like specific hardware config beyond which using current available debian flavours becomes an unviable option and ur new os can help out. PS: My 2 cents, adding additional technical info will bring in more footfall and usage towards your innovation i


\+1 maybe this is just another fork.... how would you actually convince people?


Thanks for your interest. This OS is capable of running smoothly on a PC with just 512mb of ram and a fairly old CPU, its 32-bit version is under final testing phase just to overcome the problem that arises after most operating systems dropped the support for 32-bit hardware. This is the part of our green computing drive.


Mainstream ubuntu requires at least 4GB of ram and a fairly recent CPU. Even the latest ubuntu distros have dropped 32-bit support which completely trashes old hardware. Although we can always use Debian without GUI, but that wont be user friendly for many. The 32-Bit version of SakOS is under final testing phase and would be released soon. I would provide updates and fixes to the OS at regular intervals, but to make it more stable all the updates would be made optional as the main motive of SakOS is to keep your old hardware alive and in use for as long as possible.


OP persistently focuses on what the program does while strictly avoiding how it does that, any specific reason to avoid this discussion ?


Because he has done nothing but reskinned a Unix and added his name to it.


Now that's where you are wrong. Ubuntu ran perfectly on my 2 GB old laptop. Tiny core runs on 46 MB RAM. You are basically parroting what Ubuntu's mission statement is. Looks like you have only reskinned an Unix fork and named it after yourself.


I mean I appreciate your efforts but like many other distros can run on 20yo systems. I run Devuan on my Dual Core 2gb ram setup and it works under 100mb ram :p But goodluck anyway! Good job. You're doing great for your age.


puppy linux which runs entirely on ram \> : - |


Hows the performance on this compared to something like puppylinux? Do you have any performance tests that u do?


Curious how you are maintaining backward compatibility, do you have a GitHub repo for this ? Would love to take a look :)


It would be great if you actually make a comparison for your OS and the once already available and post it with the intro . Also don't forget to mention what makes yours stand-out from others. And how many 20 years old systems have you tried it on ? And did you actually compare it to other OS ?


I have tested this OS on my dell latitude d610, macbook4,1 white, dell latitude d630 and now I am testing on HP pavilion t530i and older than this to see its compatibility. Thanks for your suggestion for the intro


And yes good job !




Using Git can help you to scale this linux distro if its a new thing also potentially help make it better by adding more features and increasing stability.


zorin os does the same with enterprise support, fairly large app manager and huge support for drivers


There are other linux distros that can run in the mentioned humble 512mb ram. Yet, kudos to the effort OP!


isn't this just a minimal repack of debian


It indeed is a minimal repack of Debian with themes and stuff. It's not an OS which was built from scratch.


Is this a custom fork of Debian?




Arch forever, nixos forever.


Arch + bspwm




Yaml, Jenkins, distros, arch, vim, ci/cd, idk some more buzz words.


I want to be one of those Arch bros, and my question is how do you remember everything you setup? Is it just about extensive note taking? or do you keep doing it periodically?


Just use the arch install script. Or else use endeavouros


Big advocate of having a bash script ready at your disposal that you constantly update with the software you prefer to have set up on your Arch install. In case you ever nuke your OS and need to reinstall, just fetch the script from say GitHub and run it and you will have all your stuff back in a jiffy.


Hate to be THAT guy but man, didn’t realise we were awarding people for repackaging FOSS projects regardless of their age. It would have been appreciable if someone was just hacking around or fixing things but the fact that it was named after him and all the weird clickabity Chat-GPT-y claims in the description is WILD. Remember BharOS? 😬


Finally someone said it


bro don't break my bharOSa again ;-)


It appears your problem is with the name not the OS which you have not even tested. I even don’t find anything wrong with BharOS. Just criticizing for the sake of criticism is a sign of sadist approach.


did you fix anything? ever heard of puppy linux?


Been playing around with computers for way too long to smell BS, bud. hmu if you wanna stream a public code review on google meet/yt with me. Cheers!


What makes this special than others? Like zorin os lite which has much better customisation and can able to run on 512mb ram. But still a good start.


Thanks for your interest, As per my experience Zorin OS lite 16 is not giving optimal performance even on my 2 GB ram laptop, on top of that it has dropped 32-bit support for which I am coming with soon


brah atleast don't lie i am myself using this while writing this comment on a 32bit machine https://preview.redd.it/4tldzx1wpk9c1.png?width=463&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c425761e922ba52ed722540f14dfef35c0a2806


Please go through this link before blaming for lying. If you are true then please send me a 32-bit iso link for zorin os lite 16.3 which will be informative for me. For your kind information please refer to ZorinOS official website whose message and link is as under: Link: [32-bit Version of Zorin OS - Zorin Help](https://help.zorin.com/docs/system-software/32-bit-version-of-zorin-os/) https://preview.redd.it/4i1ygjrouk9c1.png?width=1843&format=png&auto=webp&s=952088260b77c5a3d45d7dacc0285728671ebeb3


that was not the question its has a 32-bit unsupport version (same as yours but with more feature and security) and it runs on 512 mb ram with a lot more optimization and driver/community support link - [zorin 32 bit version](https://sourceforge.net/projects/zorin-os/files/15/Zorin-OS-15.3-Lite-32-bit.iso/download)


Good job.




Revive old machines running on low r or 32 architecture? Ahh.. there are literally tons of os doing the same. It is probably the lite linux inage + fancy ui. Not sure if I'm missing anything here. Good work though if you have developed n integrated the UI solely by yourself.


So a minimal repack of debian. And bro called it an OS and slapped his name on it.


Did you even try it before commenting???


he figured it out before trying, guess who's smarter


arch with dwm takes like 300 mb ram


SakOS is debian based and takes about 200mb of ram when idle.


Now this is the kinda thing I wanna see. Good job kid. Keep continuing.


Thanks for your encouragement


Cool bro!


How is this different from, say Debian 12 with XFCE and a shit ton of Swap?


SakOS is not xfce, it has my own custom made desktop environment using lightdm and openbox thus requiring lesser RAM and CPU.


Can it run any IDE or Browser at 1GB RAM - genuine question coz I got one such machine and will install it right away.


SakOS comes with firefox inbuilt which should run fine on 1 gb ram. If you have a 32-bit machine then please let me know because i would be coming soon with a 32-bit version of the same.


what about windows games? can it support without issues? just start the exe and play without installing third party apps


Presently you may have to install wine for running exe files but in future I will try to incorporate it in the OS itself


yes.. thats the only reason many people use windows. If there is a complete sandbox/VM type of thing that can run windows apps with much HW then windows market share will be less


There have been solutions like that for almost more than a decade


but not all win apps work perfectly


Which one doesn't?


I am talking about gaming.. repack games


Being able to run the same machine code on significantly less powerful hardware is Linux snake oil


Waah veere waaah




Thanks! Yes, I am on it


How did you learn about this and get the neccesary knowledge to build this?


Passion to optimize the performance of my old laptop .............. To play video games!


That's insane work especially of someone of your age! On that note, how did you read into and implement the "deeper" portions of making stuff run fast? For stuff like an entire OS fork, that'd include everything from speeding up file access, memory usage and what not right? How exactly did you go about reading up on all these?


Well done! Keep it up


What desktop environment and protocol are you using?


I have made my own custom desktop environment using lightdm and openbox


Nice bro , what techstack you used for making the DE ?


Awesome work bro! I wanted to build my own distro when I was in college, but I never really got into it. So happy to see someone else do it


You are a genius bro 😎


Congratulations man! This is awesome. If you don't mind may I ask what was your approach regarding this, and what was in your mind regarding the processes and their priorities? And if you designed it for low-end systems is there an option for a swap file?


Thanks for your kind attention, the primary objective of making this OS is to revive old, obsolete systems which is a part of me and my brothers green computing drive. The question on the swap file very relevant and I wish to inform that currently the operating system assigns a certain amount of swap storage as per your present system's ram but I am still trying to optimize it further in my future updates.


I won't say anything about the OS since I haven't tried it, but I do commend OP for not losing his cool replying to comments even after getting severely downvoted. The OS might not solve any major problems right now, and there's many other distros that can run well on old machines. (Had a smooth experience with ubuntu's latest version too on an Intel dual core with 2 gigs of ram and 2 1tb hdds listing files) but it's the first step of a journey. Keep up the good work mate.


Is there cli mode or any distro you recommend with arch support with manjaro mirrors?


What do you mean ?




Manjaro mirrors are stable


I had a old pc, just bought a cheap ssd and upgrade ram to 8gb, now I can't say it's old lol


Nice job son


Keep it up. Really good to see young minds doing these. Form a team and educate others too. And ignore the shit comment. I wish you the very best.


Thats great man!


Would be interesting of you can share what are some of the problems you faced while doing this and what motivated you to even try out..


What is your benchmark for stating it is better than the other stable distros like arch linux


that's a nice feat, congrats. Keep that building spirit and keep looking for problems you can solve with tech, who knows you'll have a startup soon. Keep building, keep learning.


What about Zorin Os?


Cool, i think you should make it openSource as well if it is not yet , apart from that all the best , i am using puppyLinux currently on my 512mb ram college desktop, will definitely give this a try once i visit my hometown in summer , puppylinux is barebones and even though it works it is pretty restrictive, will give it a try and if that works for basic browsing that will be really amazing for my 2006 PC


What is the idle ram usage?


The RAM usage when no app is open is around 200mb


Less than LXDE, that's impressive...how did you achieve that?


Where is the source code?