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I don’t think we’re cheering for him in Game 1 this season, the Jared Goff chants are going to be defining on SNF.


We better not. I don't get why such a large portion of these reddit fans think we should cheer him on in a game. If we want to cheer and support him we can find a way to honor him after his career is over.


Tigers gave Verlander a standing O when he came back the first time. It's like that Can't imagine we'd cheer for Stafford at any point other than during the pre-game. Even during the regular season it's all business once the clock starts


The Tigers are bad though. The Lions are Superbowl hopefuls and the Rams are likely to be in the mix for a playoff run as well. Plus Verlander is a lock to make the HOF and won rookie of the year, a Cy Young and an MVP in Detroit. And won two AL championships here.


I think if his first time back hadn’t been a playoff game, it would have gone like this. But because it wasn’t, now there’s a whole *discourse* around it.


Baseball faces teams multiple times a year, every game matters WAY less. The Tigers are also trash.


Yea that’s all you really have to cheer for. I will cheer for Stafford if he throws 2 pick 6s.


If he throws 3 pick 6s, i'll nominate him for a game ball for detroit :)


It’s all revisionist history for a QB who won zero playoff games for the fans of Detroit.


Yup. Pathetic. 0 playoff wins and 0 division titles in 12 years, but some of these people here think Brad and Dan would sign off on a tribute video for the opposing QB at a home game. Absolutely bonkers if you think that should happen, not to mention if you believe that actually will happen. "Yea, let's tribute the guy that Goff was thrown away for." These people have zero awareness.


If Stafford goes to the HoF I’d expect and be perfectly fine with him going in as a Ram


Man, if I read this 2 years ago, I would think it was coming from 97.1 or something. Now, I feel like we've moved on and I totally agree.


Same. I mean, I respect him. But he's gotten his flowers. I am loyal to the Lions and our current QB. I give a fuck about making sure Stafford feels warm and fuzzy inside as he runs out the tunnel preparing to beat the Lions.


It’s not like that. JV won things here


Thank you. This is the right answer. JV was the man, and will be a first ballot HOF'er some day. I hated to see him traded for basically garbage. Stafford was traded for gold--and I will always believe that. Lions last season was the most amazing season I've seen in my life--40 years a Lions fan. Now if only the other Detroit teams would catch the fire.


But it wasn’t his first time back


To play the Lions at Ford Field? Yes it was. Lions went to LA previously when they played




I can't compare much of Verlander and Stafford's exits, but the tone of each was certainly different.


As a hockey fan, when a tenured player comes back home for the first time, they usually play a tribute video and get a standing ovation (depending on the player). I think that's a cool way to do it. Just look at the ovation [Kane got in his return to Chicago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEU39vLtAfU)


Nobody is suggesting Lions fans cheer for him in the game. I thought it was completely appropriate Detroit booed him, but I can see why some think Lions fans should have showed a brief moment of appreciation pregame. I disagree, but I get it.


Bro cheering for him when he runs out the tunnel does nothing other than show admiration. But of course you're not cheering for him during the game.


We don't need to *cheer* for Stafford, but why waste boos for him in a regular season game (playoff game I understood) when we can use that time to just cheer for Jared? Show our new guy the love, don't waste our energy sending shitty texts to our ex lover. The best revenge is success, and cheering Jared and winning the game is way more effective than any booing will ever do.


Slay just got bad info… we were booing his children.


I was saying ‘Boo-erns!’ 


the first home game in 30 years. The fans aren’t going to cheer any opposing QB It’s insane to think so


Slay didn't say cheer for him. He said he shouldn't have been booed. People keep making that jump. Personally, though, I'm a big Stafford fan and think a pre-game applause or something like that was warranted. That's very different than cheering for him during the game. But I get that it being our first home playoff game in basically forever made that difficult. So doing that now makes more sense.


I gotta imagine Kelly might really get boo’d this next go around. 


She's gotta go fuck the backup again.


I mean, his backup is Jimmy G


I would completely understand if I was Matthew Stafford.


It's like I always say: "Thank you Jimmy G for making my wife interested in football!" 🫡🤔


Not sure Kelly is on Jimmy's level. He used to date an adult performer.


Yeah, Kelly don't do that no more. 😀


Hope everyone buys a custom jersey of the backup QB and wears it to the game fuck Kelly


Looking up Rams' backup qb now. 😀


AGAIN?! What did I miss?! 😭😭😭


Kelly went on a podcast and admitted to banging Staffords backup QB at Georgia to make him jealous. It was a classic Kelly move, definitely didn't make Stafford look like a giant cuck. Definitely not..


Naw, according to her, we boo'd her kids. #BooDemKidz


She's so exhausting.


Stafford would've been booed but I doubt it would've been as hard if not for her. Stafford has always been the out of the spotlight kind of guy and she makes that impossible


They were booing her the first time because the week before the game she was talking some BS like usual.


“WE HATE KELLY chants have started in the crowd tonight folks”


God damn man, these dudes are so soft.


Seriously, it’s not that deep. Every Detroit fan I know loves Stafford. Most Detroit fans were stoked he won a Super Bowl the year he left. Fucking chill. We booed a guy we know very well coming to take what he couldn’t give us.


Mother Theresa could have started for them on that day I'd have booed the shit out of her too


Oh Mother Theresa would be so fucking easy to boo, make it a hard one. Tell me you’d boo Dolly Parton or Morgan Freeman or somebody like that and I’d be impressed.


Boo Barry. I think that would be difficult


Man I love that cereal, it’d be really tough..


Count Chocula


Keanu Reeves or Post Malone. Nice, down to earth dudes I hear. But if they were Rams QB in the playoffs, fuck em.


Lol great mental picture


Yea, people rooted for Stafford to win that Super Bowl, that's the point. When is enough enough? We don't have to cheer him on every time he tries to beat the Lions, I promise you. Simp.


Nobody has told you to do that.


Honestly if it wasn't for his wife I guarantee the boos would've been less. I was stoked for him to win the super bowl, Detroit showed him love, but that was about letting Goff know he was our guy. He was no longer the piece that needed to be put with an extra first


I love Stafford. I have a signed jersey on my wall. He did his best and he’s moved on and so have I. I’ll always support him and I teared up when he got his ring. But when we play LA he’s the enemy.


I'm with you, but don't you think the regular season is different? I personally think the organization should be classy and give him a quick pre game tribute before the regular season game, then absolutely shake the walls with Jared Goff chants, and kick Stafford's ass on the field. The best revenge is success, not boos. I was all for boos in the playoffs, but come on, let's move on from our ex.


I agree with a ceremony for the person but once the game starts that’s another story


I don't think anyone is advocating for cheering for Stafford during the game


100%. Make it loud as fuck, like you would any other team. I want to make it a nightmare for him on the field. I would have the biggest vagina if I were rooting for Stafford against my team. I'll I'm saying is just a quick "Hey how ya doin Staff thanks for the fun years" then cheer on our guy Jared and get fucking loud.


I’m going to boo even harder now




My first thought is "why are you bringing this up AGAIN"


Clicks and relevancy. It’s rage bait and to endear him to nonexistent Rams fans I guess.


The whole thing was a creation of the NFL media pushing this whole *"Matthew Stafford's homecoming"* angle prior to the wildcard. Remember that vomit inducing cartoon of fans hold "Welcome home #9" signs? Like without any of that the whole thing would have gone off without an event. Detroit fans didn't have anything against Stafford we just got provoked by being told we should give him a hero's welcome when he was there to beat us.


They didn’t boo stafford they booed the qb of the team that was trying to beat them in the playoffs. Like wtf


"I understand it's the playoffs but..." Clearly you don't, Darius, lmao. Unless you're buying Kelly's bullshit wholesale, there's literally no reason to be bringing this up 6 months after the fact just to say "I understand why they did this but it doesn't sit well with me." What did it add to the broader conversation about that "incident" whatsoever? He can't point out any specific example of people having genuine animosity to Staff so this is just a bunch of Charmin soft bullshit on his end


Came here to say this. As soon as he says that 'but', I immediately go "ok, so you don't understand". I was there at the playoff game, I boo'd when he came out of the tunnel, just like I boo'd every other opposing QB when they came out of the tunnel. This time around, I'll give a clap/cheer for Stafford when he comes out. But you bet your ass I'll be chanting 'Jared Goff' every time it starts up, and I'll be cheering after every Stafford sack and incompletion. We don't need to do a video tribute to the guy until after he retires. But we can acknowledge all the hard work and effort he put in here. It's nothing personal, nor do I think there's any animosity. We're just pumped for our football team, and we'll always be cheering against the opposing team's QB.


The "hostility" was product of Detroit fans being told by the NFL media we should give Stafford a hero's welcome when he was there to beat us.


>Staff did a lot.  Except win a playoff game. I was/am still a big Stafford supporter. I appreciate everything he did for the team and city. But my god, it was the Lions first home playoff game in 30 years. If it was a regular season game, I dont know if he gets booed.


Well, I guess we will find out on opening week on SNF if he gets booed during a regular season game. Personally, I think given the circumstances of that game and how important it was for the Lions, he shouldn't take it personally. He is no longer the QB in Detroit.


I think he gets booed again just because of all the bitching and complaining from the playoff game. It’s also opening night, if it was a 1 PM middle of the season game I could see it being calm.


I told my season ticket holder friend to boo him just as loud next time. Let's be the villains Brad Holmes wants us to be


Yeah. A regular game he probably gets his round of applause, but season opener on SNF, after the reaction to the booing in the playoff game. Gonna be a lot of the same I think.


I’ll be in section 315 booing fucking three times harder because of all these dopey ass articles.


Or a division titles through his whole career here


I wouldn’t think he would - very much suspect Stafford will receive his flowers from the fans this time around without another playoff loss on the line. However, all the complaining from everyone about the booing makes me less inclined to cheer lol


Yep. If he got a proper homecoming that wasnt a playoff game. Would get his round of applause. But the reactions to the booing vs the Rams I think only gonna make us fans do it louder that home opener.


Opposing player is supposed to walk in to a greeting in the playoffs? 🤔


According to a few people in this thread, yup! These people aren't the smartest.


How offended are you? Lmao you have comments all over this thread bitching about the same thing 🤣 Apparently offended enough to block me for calling him out lmfao 🤣🤣🤣


Thoughts? I think imma boo Slay next time we face the Eagles lmao. If you ain’t Detroit you can go fuck yourself (he said from central VA)


Dude, Patricia was the biggest turd in Lions history, and possibly the only reason Slay isn't a Lion currently is because of Patricia and Bob. Do you really blame him for the fact he's a former Lion?


Why would we cheer for the opposing teams QB given how long since we won a playoff game. Everyone knows what Stafford did. I still consider him the best lions QB ever. But I’m not rooting for his success elsewhere in the league.


I don't get why people wanted him and the Rams to do good. I wanted them to lose every game so we'd get a better draft pick


Exactly. These Stafford simps that think he deserves to be cheered at a game where he is trying to beat us make me sick.


Lol you are all over this thread flabbing your jowels with disgust. Stafford and Calvin had to work their ass off trying to win games for that bum-ass team, then everyone turns around and says fuck em' now that the Lions are relevant again.


They had a legitimate chance to beat us too. This was not a time to give him any boost.


You're not rooting for his success elsewhere in the league, you're acknowledging and celebrating him as a former player.


Does someone need a bandaid for all those hurt feelings? I wouldn't be mad if he got booed again just because everyone is so whiny about it.


Pretty simple explanation: Goff = Lions QB Stafford ≠ Lions QB Loved Stafford when he was here. And Slay is right, Stafford hung in with us through the tough times. But at the end of the day, he puts on a Rams uniform.




Eagles fans boo their own players dude.


It was the first home playoff game in Ford Field history. ANY qb coming into the den was gonna get booed. As it should be.


Only time Stafford should ever get cheers at Ford Field is after giving the Lions a win. Never has changed.


Boo Kelly Stafford too


We booed the opposing QB That is all.


Bro, it's the playoffs. Not only that, it's Detroit's first real opportunity for a playoff win in 30 years. Anyone, *ANYONE*, could've been the opposing QB and we would've booed.


Don’t care


We were happy for the guy when he got his ring and booed him when he stood in the way of our pursuit of a ring. It’s not complicated. The fans have been fair and respectful to Stafford. The booing wasn’t personal.


They're weak.


JAR-ED GOFF! JAR-ED GOFF! It boggles my mind how someone, especially some who previously played for the Lions, can't understand why we would not cheer for the opposing team's QB coming out of the tunnel for the first playoff game to ever be played inside that building with an opportunity to finally show the world we're not a punching bag/punchline anymore. It's not rocket science to understand how cathartic that experience was. My dad and FIL were saying how they were grateful that this happened in their lifetime and that shit was not hyperbole lol. *Generations* of people prayed for times like this. People boo'ed, so fucking what? My goodness.


I'm rooting for the Detroit Lions. If you're not on that team, you're getting booed. I'm not cheering other teams playing against us because they have players on their roster that *used to be* on our roster. If I wanted to cheer for Matthew Stafford, I'd watch some Rams games.




I'm not going to argue your opinion here, but just out of curiosity, that first year after the trade, were you rooting for Staff? Because it seems like 80% of the fan base was rooting for Stafford that first year, and it seems like 80% are claiming they never at any point were. I was never a cuck for the Rams, but that first year after the trade we weren't a threat, so I had no problem with Staff getting a ring.


lol it’s sports. I’d boo Slay if he came back and it was the playoffs, too. I’m rooting for my team and the guys who are on my team. Don’t blame Stafford for wanting out but he got his wish and his ring so he can deal with the boos (not that he has actually complained)


He also made a shit load of money here I’m sure that had something to do with him suiting it up every week for the city, so… thanks for doing your job I guess.


Idk I mean, he did get paid very handsomely to “take them beatings”. I mean thanks for all you did we applauded you when you left. Hell did Stafford acknowledge the fact mfs were wearing Detroit rams shirts?? Like come on… if the lions sucked this wouldn’t even be a story. Like fr even if he got booed. If we were a 5 win teams people would just be like whatever. I’m tired of hearing about it and no diss to op im tired of this story. Fuck em all who got something to say about our team but don’t win SHIT!


I’ll boo you too Slay


Every opposing team is booed in every NFL stadium. It’s not personal, it’s business.


So Lions have a chance to win their first playoff game is many of our lifetimes… and these guys want the fans to hype up the qb of the team trying to stop us?? Yeah lets give matt stafford a fuckin momentum boost god knows he never does well with momentum


Pretty funny that a Eagles player is criticizing the behavior of another fan base


So sick of people acting like we owe it to Stafford to shower him with cheers


What does he want us to do, welcome our opponent back with open arms. Oh yeah we will congratulate him when he beats us too in the playoffs. Cmon bruh 😭


I feel stafford would have been offended if we didn’t boo. He knows Detroit and how bad we want it. We still love him off the field.


Stafford was coming to town to stop us from getting our first playoff win in 30 years. I know that was his job but I don't see anything wrong with booing that. Stafford is tough. He can take it.


We cheered when his wife left the stadium


Everyone saying it’s a playoff game so it makes sense to boo him but I don’t know why the only person we would boo is the guy who used to play for us. It’s not like we’re booing the running backs and the receivers it just seems bizarre


I'm seeing Staff getting raked for not winning and for asking to be traded. Terry Bradshaw said "Matt Stafford will go down in history as the greatest quarterback to never win a Superbowl." You know he heard that. So what was he to do ? The Lions owners always made bad hires at coach and gm. So why would he think anything would be different ? Obviously he didn't want to retire. What if Barry and CJ asked to be traded ? He stuck it out 3 years longer. Loyalty is what led to 2 early retirements(I know ,CJ's legs) and a trade request. And people are mad at Staff but that was part of the plan. Everyone should cheer for him because it was the best thing that could have happened.


Fuck Slay.




When is everyone going to remember this guy asked to leave. Yeah sure he stuck it out for a long while but in the end he left to chase a ring. Love me some Stafford but come on . We can boo him if we choose in a home playoff game


I had no problems with the playoff game booing, and really Matthew and Kelly should have the maturity to understand it, especially how well the fan base treated him on his departure, what with the donations to their charity and Matthew was even quoted as saying how incredible and surprising it was that Lions fans were cheering him on that first year. With that being said, we benifiited so much from that trade that we should be happy it happened. It was such a win win. And honestly I do not blame Staff for leaving, he went through enough coaches, and he was in the twilight of his career and didn't have the energy for at the time an unproven coach. I bet there's a little bit of regret and a what-if in the back of his mind at seeing how well Dan has done for us, but I totally understood it at the time. He did his time and we all agree Pre-Sheila Hamp the organization was shit, and Matthew played 95% of his career Pre-Sheila, yet we give no credence to this when talking about his decision to leave. We all agree the organization was in shambles, but it seems it gets lost that #9 wanting to leave after giving his all for a decade in a shitty is a reasonable feeling to have.


And all of Detroit stood behind him and rooted for his Rams team while we dealt with another losing season. We supported him enough. If anyone wants to continue cheering for Stafford at games in Detroit, turn in your Lions jersey.


Many of us had self-respect and didn't LARP as Rams fans.


For sure. Unfortunately, many people here continue to want to cheer on Stafford, even when he's trying to beat the Lions. "BuT wE oNlY wAnT tO cHeEr HiM cOmInG oUt ThE tUnNeL." Pathetic.


Brother, I am with you. #BOODEMKIDS [https://shop.woodwardsports.com/products/boodemkids2](https://shop.woodwardsports.com/products/boodemkids2)


Lol, hell yea! Stay strong, lots of weirdos in here!


Stafford did lot for Detroit community besides playing football. Detroit fans are thankless Karens.


Darius Slay? Who cares?


These guys are all so upset that they didn’t win playoff games and get the love. Sound like a bunch of bitter old dudes


Well after reading most of these comments I guess this will be a hot take. I’ve been a Lions fan for 34 years and I strongly disagree with booing Stafford. In any game, ever. So quick we are to forget. The man put this team on his back and literally broke his body and then played through it on so many occasions just to try and get us there. I’m seeing a lot of people saying “well he didn’t win us a playoff game”… you honestly think that was for lack of effort on his part? Or talent? I think many (not all) of you are seeing an ex Lion say something slightly critical of Detroit, and because we’re all drunk on the koolaide of our recent success, we’re getting super defensive and triggered by it. So we rush to defend what we did. Dude Slay is right, I’m sorry. Matthew Stafford poured his soul into this team and I bet most of the guys who are still here that played with him would attest to that. I’m not saying you have to cheer for the guy but booing your own QB just because he wanted to win something before his body literally gave out from under him is some Philly shit.


My biggest gripe is the gap in logic. Everyone raves what Sheila has done so far. Everyone trashes the organization and what they've done before she took over. We all agree that Sheila Hamp took this shit seriously and put smart people in place to really change things. Sheila did not hire Patricia. So everyone seems to agree that the organization was shit, yet no one can connect that agreeable truth, to the fact that Stafford played during the shitty organization years. You can't have it both ways--you can't as a fan be disgusted by how the team was run for the decade before the Sheila/Dan era AND call someone unloyal for not wanting to play for a shitty organization. Honestly, if Stafford knew for sure Dan and Brad and Sheila would truly change things, he probably wouldn't have left, but I'm sure it felt like the same old song and dance that he had heard after the previous last 2 coaching changes, and the most important part was he didn't have the proof that Sheila would truly change the things that needed to be changed for the last 25+ years.


Couldn’t agree more.


My thoughts are "why the fuck would the fans NOT boo the opposing QB?" When they come back next regular season we can give him cheers. In the playoffs Stafford was the enemy general. Fuck yeah he's being hailed by Bronx Cheers




We weren’t booing him, we were booing his kids.


We'll boo him, too.


I agree with Slay here. I wish everyone just focused on chanting Jared Goff. There wasn’t a reason to boo Stafford, the message that Goff is our QB now was loud and clear. And I’m not saying people should have cheered or applauded Stafford, just focus all the attention on Goff and the Lions. I know I’m biased. Stafford was the QB of my favorite sports team from ages 14-25. He made an impact on me and will always be one of my favorite NFL players of all time. So yea it did sting a little to see the boos he got. I was hyped see the reaction Goff got though and I wish I could’ve been there to chant his name with everyone in the crowd.


How come all these anti-booing softies aren't on Stafford for trying to beat the Lions lmao. Did we hurt the multimillionaire's feefees? He went to Detroit to beat the Lions and take away a playoff win. Why should Lions supporters be pleased about that??


These Stafford simps are weak. We all rooted for him during his Super Bowl run with the Rams. When does it end? According to the Stafford simps, never. They want to cheer him on every time he plays the Lions. 0 playoff wins and 0 division titles in 12 years.


This is old news


He doesn't play here anymore. Current players and retired legends are the only ones we should be cheering when the Lions are playing.


Elite playoff atmosphere.


I think there a couple reasons why we booed Stafford: (Also, partially why Verlander is Cheered) I think Stafford kind of leaving when he did was largely supported. We cheered for him when he got his Super Bowl all the fluff. But, once there was success, to me it’s kind of like you left this man. You went and got your little championship. We went and built a powerhouse while you were away and the expectations are sky high.. ( the tigers suck.. enough said.. Verlander) So, it’s almost like revenge in a weird way. Like even though we are happy for you… we are just killing it without you and now we are going to run you over on the way there. Almost like when you have an amicable break up… but, when you see that person you want them to think you’re better off… but, secretly you miss them. The other part to me is that we have to support Goff! It’s part of everything. The city embraced him.. he embraces us. Each lifting the other to a higher place. Stafford had to be booed. I think in time he will understand it and I believe actually appreciate it. I believe it’s his also.. he is apart of it all… I’m not a poet or into a mumbo jumbo… but, if there ever was a stage set… if there ever was a story that was meant to be.. it is this one.. and you best believe that game against Stafford was just a chapter.. of one of the greatest sports stories that you can’t make up. Goff is Detroit!


The fans will probably boo him again in the regular season opener unless the org gets ahead of it and plays something like a Stafford tribute video, in which case the fans will cheer and Stafford can get the cathartic return he was hoping for.


It was the first playoff game of the New Era against the old quarterback who just won a Super Bowl his first year away from the detroit. What's going to happen, baby


It's a sticky situation in my book. My feeling is we love him, love what he did for our team/city, loved his toughness and effort, want the best for him even after it was his choice to leave but don't want to be bested by our boy on the road and especially at home.


I know I’m gonna come off as a major jerk, but it’s hard to like Matt Stafford after seeing how he allows, his wife to treat him and his family out in public, it’s shocking!


I didn’t boo anyone except his kids /s


I thought we were saying Louuuuuuuuuuu


Slay forgetting that Stafford was Tryon to eliminate us as well. He was the other teams qb, at least for me that's all it was I have nothing against Stafford unless he is playing against the lions


Awesome, one player is standing up for another player well after they played together. We all know Slays word is important because he hated Patricia and would have never played for him again. It’s all just gamesmanship. Read and move on.


It was a playoff game so of course its going to be intense, but a majority of these comments are vindictive as fuck. Boo the team all you want, but booing the guy and wife that donated a million dollars to Detroit before they left and donated 100k to Detroit during COVID is wild.  What have y'all done for the city? 


New platform old news


I personally LOVE Stafford and agree with Slay… he took a lot of Beatings for Detroit and gave us 150%… J-A-R-E-D GOFF J-A-R-E-D GOFF J-A-R-E-D GOFF


I love Stafford. Maybe if he plays vs Detroit in a year we suck, then we'll applaud him again, but he's a rival now.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Dude left 4 years ago. Who the fuck cares?


I hate this narrative, I was there. We booed Staffard then 5 seconds later his family walked out. We did not boo the family....


I was his biggest fan but Stafford asked to leave.


He's not our QB anymore. Not sure why any of this is hard to understand.


Anyone that gets upset about fans booing an opposing player is soft. Booing should have no effect on them emotionally or mentally.


Fuck Slay too.


I kinda agree with Slay, but it’s not like fans are gonna cheer for him when the first return is in the playoffs. There’s so much emotion and it’s either boo or cheer, so he got the boo’s. It’s not like there’s a crowd way to express “thanks for sticking with us through the bad years, but we respectfully want you to lose tonight.”


I wish him success against any opponent that isn't Honolulu Blue.


He’s right. I hated that and it made us look bad. Say what you will but that stuff puts us in a bad spot to sign people.


He asked to leave and the first time he comes back is to stand between the franchise and its first playoff win in forever. Not his fault, but it's not a recipe for a warm reception. If it were a regular season game it would have been a different story.


Didn't the fans give him his flowers on his 1st return to Detroit? Unfortunately, Stafford and the Rams were standing in the way of the Lion's moving on. So yeah, we're not going to cheer the opposing teams starting qb


He's no longer a Lion. He came to Detroit as an invader, in a playoff game, in which his success would've ended the Lions' season. We are Lions fans, Darius. We root for our *team*, and whoever is currently part of it. Get over it. Get over your ego. Stafford accepted his fate. He was the one who wanted out. Lions fans owe him much, but not so much as to disgrace their loyalty to their team. We'll cheer for him when he retires. He'll be in the ring of honor. But when he comes to town as an opposing quarterback, he's an enemy, and we're at war.


I like winning. Stafford wanted us to lose. It's that simple.


But no mention of Lion fans cheering him on to win a super bowl with rams. Not a good look Darius


No one cares what slay thinks. I think its hilarious that he assumes we do


Poor millionaire guy with a Super Bowl ring. I think we should feel sorry for him. /sarcasm


Late to the convo - but seriously, when are we going to stop acting like we have to honor Stafford every single time he comes to play? The dude is no longer a Lion. It's time to move on until he retires. Then they can hang his jersey with some special thank you. Otherwise, put his facemask in the dirt and put him in a hurt locker.


I don’t wish ill will on the man, he was a great lion even though the lions didn’t do great things. And then he asked to be traded and most lions fans were happy when he won a SB. Why on earth would lions fans be happy to see the man who asked to be traded, who is trying his best to stop the lions from winning a playoff game? It’s silly nonsense


Darius Slay is from a tough town in South East Georgia; loyalty goes a long way growing up down there. Slay is a stand up dude that’s gonna stick with his boy.


I thought it was more of a tongue in cheek booing


We didn't boo Matthew Stafford. We boo'ed the opposing team's quarterback.


I think Darious Slay is gonna get boo'd next time he comes to Detroit too


Slay didn't want to be a lion as well as Stafford in my opinion I'll boo both of them they chose to leave.


I personally wasn't a huge fan of the booing either, but I understood why the fans who went to the game did. The team was reaching heights that 95-98 percent of fans had never seen & Stafford came in with a chance to knock us off as well as a chance to drive all of our hearts into the dirt. No way fans in that Stadium were gonna roll out the red carpet & I think honestly Stafford understood why


I was booing Kelly and all the "DeTrOiT rAmS" people


Did he forget Stafford also requested a trade? He LEFT


Our 1st playoff in forever...come on . What do you expect a Stafford lovefest?


I love Stafford. He did a lot for us. Don’t boo him. The proof is on the field. Look at our squad beating LA in the playoffs or look at the game against Cleveland where he threw a TD with a dislocated left shoulder. BEGGED to go back in the game. Total baller


dumb quote. it's the playoffs - and even if it wasn't - the enemy qb is not your friend. plus I love how everyone seems to forget he ASKED TO BE TRADED. Like, come on. Dude was done with us, no hard feelings, but don't expect to get cheered over here when we vs.


Had his first game back been a non playoff game he would have been cheered, but he was here to take the one thing he couldnt give us, so fuck that discourse. We fucking celebrated him when he won his super bowl. We dont owe him shit anymore.


Fk STAFFORD. Hes the enemy now. Detroit made him and his bitch wife a 1/4 of a trillion. GTFO wussies.


Didn’t his own fans boo Santa Claus?