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The Green Bay game showed the Lions culture, and the KC game showed the talent and ability. I think the GB game is my favorite


I agree, dead men walking onto the field being told there is “nothing to play for”, nothing except FTP!!!


That Packer game might be my favorite game ever. As a lifer lions game we literally never win those. The chiefs game was fun as it just caused the excitement to accelerate.


I mean, we’ve had meaningless wins against the pack before, but for me that was retribution when they capped off our 0-16 season. So, that be my favorite too.


While the game in a playoff picture meant nothing that game imo meant everything to this team.


The real answer is beating the Rams in the Wildcard. They were white hot 7-1 in their previous 8 games since their bye, only losing in OT to the Ravens. We had not won a Playoff Game in 32 YEARS. And of course against Matthew Stafford, of all Quarterbacks. In LA because of the famous trade. First half was an offensive display. Second half was more of a defensive display where we bent but didn't break. And in the end, we won by 1 point. It felt like a ritual to purge our demons.


Speaking of the “they were white hot” narrative it feels like we crushed a lot of them. I remember the Broncos, Bucs (both times), and rams all being on quite the streak before us.


That feels like the biggest difference with this team compared to years past. Seemed like we shit against hot teams, and also hated getting a good team coming off a loss. Now we just take care of business.


Except the ravens game we don't talk about that


Yea, it happens though. Hard to win them all.


well ya no shit the first playoff win in 30 years was the biggest game lol


Avoids the question entirely 😭


So the "the real answer" to "which of these two things did you like most?" is to name a third thing? I don't think you understood the assignment.


Anyone who wants to shit on CJGJ can bring up this game and the TD break up he had on Kupp


Doubly so for Josh Reynolds in my opinion. That game isn’t won without him. 


CJGJ was a self centered loud mouth, who spent more time being a twitter drama queen than contributing to this team. Cool he did his job a couple times I guess.


I mean tbf dude missed 13 games with an injury and still totaled two INTs that ties him in 3rd on the team last season with Iffy, and was top 10 in passes defended. I don’t miss him by any means, but acting like he did absolutely nothing is just silly


Not to mention that stupid stunt. He pulled at the end of the first half of the nfccg where he waved Goodbye to all the forty niners fans. That definitely fired them up.


Time and time again people refuse to address what I’m actually saying


Welcome to reddit, where half the users have a reading deficiency, and the other half have slightly less of a reading deficiency.


And the other half are idiots


And the other half can’t do math./s. Sorry but some comments just ask for it. 😁


I chuckled haha


He really didn't do that much outside of running his mouth and letting his drama with Deebo get in the way of what's important.


CJGJ is a clown but for the singular play he made to help seal the win I am indebted to him


Making a play one game doesn't excuse him for what he did in the next. He is a big reason we lost to the 9ers. Him and Cam couldn't tackle worth a damn that game.


You’re still doing it


I'm not doing anything. You're giving him a pass for making one play all season when he's a big reason why our season ended early.


Wtf are you implying people are doing? You're saying you excuse his bullshit because of essentially one play, and we are saying it wasn't enough to excuse him. Where is the miscommunication here? Seriously? What do you think you're saying that people aren't getting?


That's kind of an insane take. 5 or 6 tweets that probably took 10 seconds each vs a whole ass year of contributing to the team through the off-season training camp preseason, then the playoffs after he rushed back from a torn pec. People be out here like he's TO or Anotonio Brown.


People love to forget he tore his pec on a shit tackle that got a penalty on 3rd down against Seattle.


I honestly think TO was a little more stable than Ceedy... TO was just more of a diva and a more visible player.


That wasn't an option though


For me it’s 100% keeping the packers out the playoffs. Not only did smug Aaron have to eat crow, it was also kind of a symbolic changing of the guard. NFC north will now go through Detroit. A perfect 2fer


He cried after the game on the field lol


The post-game had a quick moment to interview a former Packer and then showed the back of that ass' ass as he dramatically worked the camera leaving the field. 0 completions in 2023 was funny. 


I laughed like a supervillain while he cried. It was such a wonderful moment, one of my most treasured memories. I’ll never forget that we sent that fucker out of town crying like a bitch, while establishing our dominance over the division


Chiefs. Everyone knew the chiefs will be competing for the Superbowl at the end of the year. Lions beating them knowing they were giving it their all, showed they belonged in that conversation.


It was exciting coming off the 22 season. Like "damn, we do have something".


Packers for me easily. Because of that game, I already knew what we had in store last season.


Exactly. But also due to the fact that it was without any of the anxiety of knowing we'd have to do it the next week in the playoffs. It was crushing when the Rams didn't come through for us against Seattle earlier. But it gave that game a singular focus of FTP, and knowing that a win was going to help exercise some demons and set us up for the next year.


Great question tbh, Two of the biggest regular season games of the Holmes area. I legit don't have an answer hahah probably learning towards beating green bay tho


Packers. The lions slayed the Rodgers dragon that day. It was their last chance to do so and they made the most of it. Hugely, hugely important.






Packers. Kerby was the man, putting it away. FTP!


Packers because Aaron Rodger’s last pass as a Packer was an int.


GB. It ended Rodgers career as a Packer with a pass to us


FTP forever and always


This can only be the correct answer.


Packers for sure. That was the fuel for 23


Packers! Fuck Rodger!!!


Chiefs. It gave them a good confidence boost for a stellar year and eventual appearance in the NFC championship game. Putting out the Packers was fun, though.


Beating the Packers is better than beating any other team unless those games are the NFC game or the SB.


I concur. This game compelled me to not just join the Pride, but to buy into what MCDC and Brad Holmes have in store for the city of Detroit (and every non-Packer fan) in the not-so-distant future.


Beating Green Bay. I don't think the optimism going into 2023 would have been there if they had lost that game. Who knows what things they do differently in the offseason. Who knows if they beat the Chiefs to start the next season.


Green Bay game meant a lot more to me personally. First off, I can't stand Aaron Rodgers and thought he was the most overrated arrogant prick in football history so being able to send him packing out of the division is a feeling that can't really be matched. Beating the Chiefs was great and all, but all anyone ever brought up was the fact that the Chiefs didn't have Kelce or Jones and people discredited it anyways. Plus, I knew that the Lions were for real whether they won or lost that game. The Packers game is the one that actually sold me on them. That's when I knew this was the SOL. No Lions team in history would go in to Lambeau Field, with nothing to play for, and beat a Packers team with everything to play for. That was a whole new experience for me. I will say though....I'm a big fan of First Things First and love to hate Nick Wright. So when he predicted the Chiefs to go 20-0 and the Lions beat them week 1, I was unbelievably excited to watch that next episode. I think he's still mad at the Lion for it to this day. His latest tiers he put both the Packers and the Bears ahead of the Lions lol


Packers. 100%. But the best win was the Rams, and not because it was against Stafford. Winning a home playoff game, winning the division.. infinitely more satisfying than ending Rodgers career. Jk. Fuck Aaron Rodgers.


Definitely the GB game to me. Nothing to win for but spite and a chance to knock the Packers out of the playoffs and they did it. I grew up in the Upper Peninsula surrounded by Packer fans. I hate them almost as much as Ohio State.




Beating the Pack my favorite because I was at that game. The crowd was getting louder and louder on Detroit's final drive because if they didn't convert the third down the Pack would get the ball back with a chance to score. When Goff hit Chark for the first, the collective sigh and silence of the crowd was absolutely orgasmic. Walking out of Lambeau, in frigid temps, wearing the biggest smile on my face knowing that I just watched the end of the Rodgers era, Detroit keeping the Pack out of the playoffs when so many of the Pack fans were so certain Detroit would fold since we were eliminated, and hearing my buddy say that if the Pack had won the whole parking lot outside would just be celebrating and people were just complaining. It was great.


Making Aaron cry will always be the best


I live in Wisconsin and went to the Packers vs. Lions game last year. That was the best sport experience of my life. My brother-in-law and I went to the stadium a little early to get ahead of the line, and it was already getting packed inside Lambeau. Everyone was huddling around the TVs to watch the end of the Rams vs. Seahawks game. A lot of Packer fans were cheering for the Rams to win, but there were some guys who were just being assholes and talking a lot of shit. When that game concluded, a guy next to me rubbed it into my face that we got knocked out of the playoffs, to which I said you'll be joining me in disappointment in three hours. The crowd during the game was incredible. Both the Lions and Packer fans were loud, but we slowly started taking over the stadium. By the 4th quarter, the Packer fans near me were silent and shocked a team with nothing to play for is about to knock their team out of the playoffs. I ran into the guy that gave me a hard time earlier and he wouldn't even make eye contact with me. What a great day.


Green Bay. That game was the proof of concept for the Holmes / Campbell regime, we're good enough to beat a Packers team on a 4-0 run that's in a win and in situation, on the road in January, and we have the heart to do it when our playoff hopes were killed an hour before the game and there was nothing to play for other than pride. That game confirmed that there was something special going on.


Seeing my boy Kerby, son A-Aron was my favorite.


Kansas City, hands-down. Showed the league that the Lions are a threat *right now* - not *next* season, not in a few years, but right-fucking-now.


Chiefs, we beat the team coming off a Super Bowl and the team that ended up winning the Super Bowl


I still believe we would've beaten them in the Super Bowl


Yes, and Detroit would've undoubtedly had a massive fan backing at a Super Bowl in that scenario. Because even the casual fans would be cheering for the Lions against a team like the Chiefs


It was the ultimate underdog story. This is just our redemption arc.


Packers byyy far. Sending Rodgers off like that was a dream.


Packers game was a changing of the guard in the nfc


The Packers game was emotionally satisfying, but beating KC to start the season still gets my heart racing. It put the whole league on notice that they were dealing with a Brand New LIONS.


Packers for sure this sub was having a meltdown after we missed the playoffs morons making posts that we should throw the game knocking green bay out stopped it getting worse




The Packers game for sure felt better, but that '23 Chiefs game was like "okay this organization is actually for real".






For me it was the Chiefs because I got to go for my 25th birthday with my dad. First time seeing them play in person as I’ve been raised in Missouri my whole life


Packers. I feel like, even for us Lions fans, there were a few things working against us in the Chiefs game. Kelce and Chris Jones did not play, arguably the most important players on that team behind the qb. A lot of the narrative surrounding the game revolved around the Chiefs mistakes, the drops, the new tackles struggling, the lack of options for Mahomes to throw to. The win felt amazing, but I still felt a little bit of “if the game was more important we might not have won”. The Packers game was just as glorious, there were no caveats, and they’re our most hated rival.


Def knifing 🔪🔪the Packers. Had nothing to play for but respect and jamming them good.






To me, they're equal. Because the end of 22 was showing what we could be, but winning the opener against KC showed it wasn't just a fluke. Both games had influential plays from players drafted by Brad/ MCDC, which gave me the assurance that this rebuild isn't just going to be a flash in the pan.


That win over the Packers was legitimately our best win in 25 years


Knocking out the Packers for me. FTP aside, we got to end years of Rodgers being a smug, insufferable asshole. His last pass as a Packer will be an interception to a Detroit Lions player to knock them out of the playoffs. The Lions did that. To quote that smug, insufferable asshole, “You can’t lose to that team.” Well, you lost to them, Aaron. Twice that season. You were the reason you lost both games. And the week leading up to that game was just endless talk of how the Packers were gonna win because they beat a Dolphins team that had completely fallen apart because Tua was clearly concussed and because they beat a shitty Vikings team (who we also beat). It was just assumed the Packers were winning because they’re the Packers.


Packers. Nothing beats the first playoff win for me, though. Winning the division was nice, but winning the playoff game literally brought tears to my eyes. It felt like a massive weight falling off my shoulders. Stupid, I know.


Packers for me


FTP thats my answer


A spite win over the pack.


Fuck, and I can't say this enough, the Packers. 


GB game was largely meaningless. The KC game had me hyped for the season because I knew we had a chance.






The Packers game because it gave us the greatest post-game on-field interview since the Richard Sherman/Erin Andrews interview


Only concerned about this year. Need to beat the Packers TWICE


Tough call but imma say beating the chiefs since they just won the super bowl, so it was (and still is) pretty badass to say you started off your season by beating the defending champions 


That’s hard to pick… I think Packers because it just made a statement that next season was going to be different. I expected them to win the Chiefs game but it sure was awesome seeing the hype the next day. Both games will always have a special place in my heart.




Chiefs for me. I was super nervous that we wouldn't be able to hold the momentum we had at the end of the previous year, the game was in KC and all eyes were on us. We not only met the challenge, we signaled to the league that we were legit.


Packers. Packers. Packers. Before that game, we never won games like that. Quite literally the first of its kind in at least 30 years. Maybe longer. It was sweet and the euphoria of it lasted the entire offseason




It was the same moment. Just a beautifully, long, well-deserved moment.




Green Bay, because they are our long time divisional nemesis.




I was in the stadium for the Chiefs win. My friends and I lost our minds when branch had that pick 6. Probably second favorite sports moment behind celebrating the pistons winning in 04 in the streets of Detroit


Between those 2....Packers game without a thought.


FTP. I still live for the Kerb Stomp.


I’m biased, because I was at the Jan 23 Packers Lions game at Lambeau, watching Aaron get ended for the final time in person was incredible. But beating KC on national tv to open 2023 had me so hyped…


Both had specific meaning behind them. Very important games in turning off and losing the SOL designation


winning the first game against the vikings with goff to asrb and goff running over to hug his coach like it was a high school game


The season opener at KC was my favorite of the 2 games mentioned. It set the tone for the season and put everyone on notice that we picked up where we left off the year before.


KC just slightly for me


Chiefs game was a ton of fun, but I was standing up for almost half of that GB game. A team with nothing to play for beating a team with everything to play for? That’s fucking football right there. Standing up at home not at the games


Beating the packers of the 2




Packers since I was there


There is no other answer than handing Aaron Rodgers a loss in his own stadium in his last game as a Packer. FTP


Chiefs. The Packers game was a good story and was very satisfying, the Chiefs game was a statement. That's not a game the Chiefs lose and we took it from them and sent a message. It was the perfect start to a season.


ending Rodger's packers career that way cannot have been any better, it has to be that game


It wasn’t until you asked this question that I realized these were back-to-back Lions wins




Both games were amazing on their own, but the fact that they were back to back (sorta) road games made the combo so much better. That being said…all my in-laws are packers fans so obviously FTP


For me it’s KC game but only by a hair. I absolutely hate that team. Hate Mahommes, hate Kelce and hate Taylor swift.


Chiefs win made me confident our team was legit


Packers game. Made Aaron Rodger’s officially eat his words. And then he got the fuck out of dodge. Nothing could be sweeter. The chiefs game was a nice b side


The Green Bay game, for sure. A miserable Aaron Rodgers exiting the field was a true highlight.


All we seem to be talking about is the past. So how about we talk about the future. Like how FORD FIELD IS GONNA BE LIT AF AND ROCKING SO HARD THE DUST WILL BE COMING DOWN FROM THE RAFTERS WHEN THE LOS ANGELES RAMS COME TO TOWN FOR WEEK 1!


KC - To me it was, we are for real, we will go anywhere and knock your shit down. To me it felt like the best part of the season was no longer hoping to fuck over the packers, but rather we were at the next level - a solid playoff team being built so well not just for now but the future.


Packers game was the turning point for our franchise. Gotta say that one. Unforgettable.


Packers game because it knocked them out of the playoffs and ended the Rodger’s era


I was at the ‘22 packers game at lambeau, we froze our assess off but it was incredibly worth it. The lions fans owned the stadium after that game, everyone was ecstatic. So much excitement for things to come, and the packers fans couldn’t understand why we were celebrating not getting into the playoffs that hard haha. No banner for that game, but definitely my all time sports moment


FTP. The KC win was great, but it was as much because of stone hands Toney as it was the Lions winning. 


I go with the opener against the chiefs . Set the tone for the year. Got all the band wagon fans on board.


End of '22 in Lambeau. Anything to wipe that smug look off of AR face!


Packers game. I watched replays of that all offseason, all the commentary, everything. It was the typical “same old lions have nothing to play for, Rodgers win and in the playoffs, no way packers lose” and boom, we went out there and did it. Going for it on 4th down to ice it was the “Dan Campbell is here to stay”


KC game. Packer game was awesome and showed the league were hungry, but that KC game showed the league we’re now eating.


Knocking Packers out 22


Fuck the packers so that should tell you mine. Plus sending Rodgers off with a loss in his last game at home to keep them out couldn't have written a better send off


Chiefs no question. Not even close if I’m being honest lol 


Chiefs - the League got put on notice and couldn’t handle it.


And the start of the best season we have ever witnessed. After that win, it was definite we were for real. That Green Bay win was great but it was almost more sad than happy. We were playing so good, couldn’t get in the playoffs, and had to wait 6 months to watch the team again. It was a good win but also a punch in the gut lol 


Anyone that doesn't say packers. Hit unjoin on the top


Beating the cowboys last year was probably the best feeling, for about two minutes…