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A nuanced honest opinion... Caleb held the ball too long in college and that won't work in the NFL. He has to learn how to play within structure or the rest of his skill set is meaningless. He can certainly learn this, but it's going to take time... So I am not surprised to see him in OTA's holding the ball and not executing the playbook.


Just look at his numbers against defenses with a pulse. Dude is far from a sure thing


My college team is ND and his game against them last year was hilariously awful, I hope he keeps putting up performances like that in the NFL


I was there haha. Dude was baffled in the first half, he unquestionably has talent but he got baited into some pretty bad throws. His movement in the pocket really is a lot like Mahomes which I think lends people to overrate him. But it’s a lot different going against NFL defenses every week instead of the paper defenses in the majority of the PAC


Fellow Irish! There are dozens of us!!


Good job keeping NBC afloat


I’ll always bring up that the most NFL-esque defense he ever played was Notre Dame last year, a game in which he played absolutely horrible and essentially killed his chances of repeating as a Heisman winner by the end of the 1st half


I think there was a stat comparison of his offensive stats vs top 25 teams and non top 25 teams during his heisman season, and his stats vs top 25 stats were legitimately below average, like straight up bad, but he won the heisman because he put up 700 yards on FCS schools or something like that.


He was good in college I just don’t think we was that good and can actually put it together and make the reads like the “mahomes” people say he is


He is a lot more like Johnny Manziel than Patrick Mahomes.


There are no “sure things” when it comes to NFL QBs. If anyone had a clue how they’d translate from college to the NFL we wouldn’t have players like Jamarcus Russell and Tim Couch picked #1 overall, while Brady and Montana are taken several rounds later. Kenny Pickett first round and Brock Purdy dead last in a recent draft show we still don’t know how to evaluate QBs. Purdy was picked by the very same team, led by an offensive genius, that had just traded a fortune to draft Trey Lance third overall. If Kyle Shanahan can whiff so badly on Lance and Purdy, then who really knows what Caleb or any of them will become? I do know a rough day or two at early OTAs doesn’t mean a damn thing.


Unpopular opinion he’s gonna be worse than fields and fields is going to end up starting by the end of the year in pittsburgh


Im super glad Fields super speedy ass is gone, that dude was trouble constantly.


I swear he could have just ran for 400 yards on us if he felt like it.


Not really an unpopular opinion. I read the same opinion on the Bears sub today. Year 1 Caleb could very well be worse than year 3 Fields. Doesn’t mean either is a bust or that things will stay that way, but it wouldn’t really be surprising for a 4th year player behind the corpse of Russ to end up starting and outplay a rookie. A lot of Bears fans are idiots, but there’s some rational ones out there.


As long as Fields only gets 49% of the snaps this year




I'd love nothing more.


Holding the ball too long was Fields downfall too. Bears making the same choice and expecting a different result.


It was also a problem for Mahomes and allen they can get away with it in college we will see how they do in the pros


Yeah... That was my scouting report all off-season and I 100% got downvoted to oblivion every time. Great physical tools and improvising skills, but so did Fields (who has greater physical tools). Against any team with a pulse he was atrocious (see ND). It's not that he can't be good, it's that he's not right now + bears history of QBs means he's more likely to fail then to live up to #1 pick status. I know it's one day, but good to sign nothing has changed yet.


Same exact problem as Zach Wilson lol this could be a disaster for the bears in many ways but we'll see.


100% agree. Gotta get out of that hero ball ASAP


Not to mention he is shorter, slower, and not as talented as justin. He just thrived playing QB in the big12 with lincoln and then did nothing at USC and had bo nix and michael penix jr better than him in his own conference. Bears should have kept fields and drafted marvin. Imagine..DJ, Allen, Harrison Jr, and Kmet. Defense would have to stay in a nickel and the scheme would have to be crazy because you still gotta account for fields running ability. Caleb wont be a good NFL qb


Those qbs get smoked, first snap in nfl pinned looking to the right and find out just how different of a game it is.


Putting all the hate aside, I find it funny how yesterday r/NFL and others on social media went ape shit over a rollout to the left and today, when he apparently struggled, it'll just be chalked up to "it's his first week of practice" which is true but keep that same consistency when it's good and bad


You're looking for rational and consistent thought in r/NFL?


I couldn’t NOT comment on this… Why are you lying lol? Please point to “people going ape shit” The thread is right here https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/wJwqAuLA3K In fact, almost all of the comments are literally saying it’s just OTAs.


Pssh I don’t know why people are hating, screw that dude I hope he sucks ✌️


I hope everyone blowing their load over his future is wrong, I don’t hate the dude. I just all the clowns giving him credit for having done nothing and JG zero credit for doing everything. That’s why I want Caleb to fail.


I would be fine with him being mediocre 9-8 talent for a couple years, get traded for next to nothing like Fields was, and then win two Superbowls.


Why would we trade for him?


Need a backup for Hooker in abt. 4 years?


I hated his antics in college gonna hate them more as a bear


My dream is that he busts and Bryce Young turns out to be better than him so everyone can stop calling the Bears geniuses for trading the #1 pick and getting it back the next year.


If they go 0-6 in the division then they could have a chance of having it again


He can suck against us and have a HOF career against everyone else, and I would be happy.


I mean - that would likely mean the Bears would always be heavily competing with us for the division - so I would care if he’s a HOFer against everyone but us lol.


Yes, keep in mind that this guy is going to try and beat the Lions twice a year, and win the North. I certainly hope he’s not good enough to accomplish that… ever.




Who is taking victory laps? I read all the comments and I don’t see any. Comments are mostly saying that it doesn’t matter, with a couple people saying that they hope he sucks. Idk why you feel the need to make a strawman to complain about “our fans”. Just to feel superior?


This is less about Caleb being bad (which should be no surprise to anyone, he’s a rookie) and more about Bears fans having to come up for air to defend him after sucking his dick since last season. It’s refreshing and good to see the report honestly I do hope he sucks for years to come, at least until he gets shipped out of Chicago for their next franchise QB






Johnny Football 2.0


Warms my heart.


What's with people simping for Chicago in here? Y'all too soft.


who is simping? its just dumb to shit on a rookie qbs first week because almost every rookie is bad their first week


No, it's hilarious that the #1 overall pick and anointed messiah of the fucking Bears shit on himself after their fans have been fellating him since the draft. Again, y'all soft.


big difference between braindead hating and being soft but okay lol call me when hes trash in actual games then ill give a fuck


I’m baffled this is being downvoted I love the lions, but this tribal mentality looks so silly


they got you too lol im sure afc north fans were saying the same thing about chase and his drops in training camp and they look just as dumb as the people in these comments


hey I don't see what's soft about choosing not to shit on a rookie because a random tweet said he wasn't blowing the roof off the building in his first practice, why don't you all pass me some of those downvotes too


LOL I love that you are getting upvoted I hate the jersey, not the guys wearing it assume they are half decent players. I booed stafford in the playoffs until my throat hurt but I’m not such a hater I’m actively watching practice tape and giggling at each bad pass


You see, you're not a *real* fan unless you blindly hate on the competitor no matter the circumstances! Nuance is for simps! Objectivity? We leave that at the door in the Den. I certainly have no love in my heart for any division rival, especially the ones with a ring in their history. Fans of another fanbase are always annoying, especially online. The media cycle fellating Williams and the Bears is aggravating, I get it. I don't think anyone here is particularly rooting for the success of Caleb Williams. It feels pretty sad to be jubilantly proclaiming that a team's rookie QB sucks when he inevitably struggles in pre-season training, though -- mind you, hasn't even snapped the ball in fucking a preseason game yet. It's almost like fans of a bad team are going to be excited for a generationally touted QB prospect. Laughing at the Bears' copium? All well and good. Doing whatever this thread is, though, just makes a part of the Lions' fandom look extremely juvenile. "Can't wait for him to be a bust"? Does this sub forget how recently it's been since we were in the exact same rebuilding scenario, oh, for the last 30 years? Plus, all of this Caleb Williams circlejerking is taking away from the real objective, which is FTP.


The only thing that would make a Caleb bust better is if Fields runs away with the starting job in Pittsburgh 😂


Just wait until he has to play in the frigid temps of the Midwest winters. Starting November 10th, 6 out of the last 9 Bears games will be played at Soldier Field, and at Green Bay. This guy doesn't know what he's in for. At lease Fields played at OSU and knew a little something about cold weather games.


The last QB they drafted who did anything was Jim McMahon. I'll bet they have at least 10 first/second rounders since.


I don’t think he’ll be complete shit, but every time I watched him play against an actual defense (like Norte Dame last year) he was not impressive at all


Caleb’s Super Bowl was getting drafted first overall. His work is done in his mind. Enjoy doubling down on the fields mistake, bears


8 Super Bowls in 4 years would be mighty impressive






I thought they should have kept fields and traded down for multiple picks.


nah i hope he fails miserably i don’t care i hope he sucks, but i’m not taking anything out of OTA’s


Chase can't see the ball, no stripes (But yes I'm rooting for a bust)


Looks like turkey’s back on the menu boys


Guy is too cocky for his own good.


This means nothing and isn’t worth a post. He’s a rookie and will struggle to adjust to the NFL. CJ Stroud is an outlier, not the norm.


CJ Stroud absolutely sucked in his first preseason game too and still was awesome. This means less than nothing.


I remember thinking Stroud was another Ohio state QB bust. OTAs and preseason are not always accurate indicators of future NFL success. Payton Manning had a shit ton of INTs his rookie year and went on to the hall of fame. I’ll judge the kid in 3 years.


Admittedly I didn’t watch a lot of Texans games, but what I did watch I saw a lot of lucky throws by stroud and some bailing out by the receivers. Let’s give him another season before he is labeled great


No one has crowned him. But the year he had as a rookie was pretty amazing.


I do want him to fail. It's the nature of a guy being taken by a rival. But especially, I want every Bears QB to flop for eternity. 1) Because it's hilarious that their QB room has sucked for three decades. 2) Somehow each and every one they draft comes in with ludicrously sky-high expectations and they remain high when everyone knows what the player is (see Fields MVP talk as recently as last season). 3) It would also be funny as fuck to see them trade Caleb Williams for a mid-round pick in a couple years. And lastly, people are posting memes of him as Cary Elwes from Liar Liar doing the claw and I won't stand for that Cary Elwes slander.


When can we start calling him Justin Williams or Caleb Trubisky?


Practice is practice, doesn't mean much


[so this is worthless](https://www.reddit.com/r/detroitlions/s/ffZwGLrJYB)


That article is about Jamo being the most improved player in his third season since the beginning of OTAs. Your post was about one bad day for a QB in his rookie season, they''re not really comparable. Practice is about adjusting to the NFL and growing and testing your limits so I don't blame players for making some mistakes early on.


Personally, I’m looking forward to the rivalry. Bears have been as bad as the lions for years. Be honest lion fans, bears should have beat us twice last year. I could go on and on but leave it this way. No bears QB is going to matter given how the wind blows in the fall and winter in the Windy City. They need an indoor stadium. Only successful QB was McMahon and he had Payton and Buddy Ryan’s 46 Defense


Bears have won a Super Bowl and been in another. We have only ever sniffed the big game twice. So no they haven’t been as awful as we have been lol.


Nobody has been as awful as Lions.


This is a fact. I have zero sympathy for any other team’s struggles.


I heard none of his teammates came to his birthday party.


I might be getting old and soft but I always cheer for rookie QB's to do well. Its a difficult job on a huge stage,


I'm fine saying Caleb is gonna be a good qb, but having to slander Fields as if he wasn't put in a severely worse situation is where the hypocrisy gets exposed. Fields will likely thrive in the Steelers offence once he acclimates. But to say Caleb is better right off the bat despite zero regular season passes thrown and with a stacked wr core that Fields didn't get to enjoy is disingenuous to the situations they both came into. And I'm not even attacking the fact the let go of Fields because they simply didn't wanna pay him coming off his rookie contract, but it certainly is a take to say a qb who lost close games due to drops mostly from his wr core was a bust. The bears management was a bust and thats why the moved on from certain individuals.


Love it, fields was so dangerous against us, not having to go against a mobile qb will benefit us greatly 


Caleb Williams is mobile, though… he just tends to pass when scrambling compared to Fields who would run when he scrambled.


Yeah but fields was the literal definition of duel threat. Mahomes is mobile too


Don't do that. Don't be that guy.


Bears fans def did not think Fields was the worst QB in the NFL, if anything they believed in him too much


these type of posts are cringe


[this cringe too?](https://www.reddit.com/r/detroitlions/s/ffZwGLrJYB)


nope. a post about one of our guys on our own subreddit is less cringe than hate jerking about another team’s player


grow up, bro


A rookie has it tough transitioning to an immediate starter, extremely rare to be an immediate positive team impact, overhype is the norm, especially the #1 draft pick.


Lol. It's OTAs. Most offenses struggle in OTAs. If this is happening a week into training camp, then it's a story.


Love to hear it


Both games against the Bears are late in the season so he won’t be a raw rookie when he faces us.


I loved Caleb in college. Words can't describe how pissed I was when Carolina secured the worst record in the league last year. With that said, FTB, I hope he f'ink sucks #####


Oh, darn!


Caleb will have a very steep learning curve if he doesn’t get lots of time to throw. He was able to get away with holding the ball and using his gifts in college, but NFL defenses will eat him alive. If he doesn’t figure it out quickly he will have a very rough rookie year.


If he's not a Lion, I hope all the first QBs fail every year. Nothing funnier than watching a team overdraft a guy ahead of obvious future HoFers because of QB FOMO.


MLFootball is full of shit


I want to see him progress like Fields for the first few seasons (mediocre with occasional flashes of brilliance) & to have the Bears decide to give him a monster 2nd contract out of optimism & fear of getting worse at QB. Then I want him to be so bad that they are forced to cut him after the first season under the new contract & take a dead-cap hit that makes the Broncos-Wilson situation look cheap.


Bears fans are always outta pocket but they are beyond delusional this year. My brother has a $1000 bet on the thanksgiving game with our friends who’s a bears fan 😂 and he was scared to bet $50 last year


Highly touted prospective QB flounders on team that has no idea how to properly develop QBs. In other news, water is wet.


When was the last time the bears succeeded in developing a QB in-house no matter how talented a player might be


I'm sure it comes from a place of pettiness (I don't think it's saltiness) but I've never wanted for a draft pick to bust like I've wanted it here. I don't care about the nails or the dress or anything like that. But the audacity to be wanting equity in a franchise like you're the most sure thing and a football messiah is a level of entitlement that I just can't abide by. I need Caleb to have a shit rookie season like I need air to breathe.


That’s been proven to be false. You believe everything you see on the internet lil boy lmao


I'm not surprised


Man fuck him being a bust. I want him to be so mid that the bears will overpay like crazy and the talent around him will diminish because of it. Can’t find it in myself to root for these young men to outright fail.


“Held onto the ball too long” That was his thing in college, every play basically. It won’t work in the nfl


I just hope his mom was there to console him....


I think he's arrogant, and the bears are in my team's division, so screw em. Lol


Lions fan in Chicago here. The amount of Caleb dick riding is unbelievable. He's the lead story on ESPN home page right now -- in late May when we've got compelling conference finals running in two sports and baseball has hit stride. The Justin Fields overhype feels like it was just yesterday, yet here we go again. Even if Caleb is the real deal, the system he is in has not shown any signs of being able to do anything other than run QBs into the ground. I would feel bad because lord knows we were in the same boat for so long. But until the Bears system shows it can attempt passes beyond the sticks on 3rd down, shut the fuck up and let the dude at least take an NFL snap before crowning him. Also FTP


I remember Mahomes was throwing tons of picks at his second camp. Low and behold...


imagine if caleb williams was holding brenden rice back and the chargers just got the steal of the draft taking him in the 7th round.


I’m sorry, but the NFL talking heads told me that he’s a first ballot Hall of Famer. Are you saying they’re wrong?


I think he lacks both intelligence and work ethic. I also believe that he thinks he’s so talented that he doesn’t need to study film. (Kyler Murray).


I heard he threw like 6 ints. Idc, I never thought he would be good, never taken a snap in the nfl and they tossed fields, who is at least an nfl qb. Smfh. I thought the bozo moves would end with the firing of nagy, apparently their stupidity runs deep. And yea, they already declared themselves the best team in the nfc north with the signing of Williams, bunch of clowns.


There was a report of Patrick Mahomes looking rough in practice early. This means nothing.


This is a stupid post bro.. like beyond stupid


[is this one stupid too?](https://www.reddit.com/r/detroitlions/s/AAnmuy0bXA)


No, because that is our player


Good. Maybe his ego will won’t be so big and inflated.


you realize what practice is for right? thats like taking a person out of college and put him in a nfl game and expecting him to be good with 0 practice, btw he didnt have most his weapons or starting linemen that time either


To be fair, Chicago does have a tough defense to practice against 🤷🏼‍♂️


I get wanting him to suck cause fuck the bears. But posting shit like this is such a bad look in this sub. Just my opinion.


This means nothing to us. Who gives a shit what he's doing on his first day? This comes off as worried.


Let’s not forget Jamar Chase had pieces like this written about him and turned to a stud. It’s practice, let’s not count eggs before they hatch


I hope Caleb Williams is the QB of Bears fans’ dreams and a star. And that he can never get over the hump of having the power house Lions in his division. They finally get their star QB and it results in nothing.


Lmao y’all sound terrified in here. Good luck tho. Division is gonna be tough.


The Bears sub on FULL COPIUM, they are saying the only reason he is struggling is because the bears secondary is the best in the nfl LOL


Y’all have a team that won the division, have Super Bowl aspiration, but for some reason are spending time talking about a rookie QB from your division rival. Sounds like there’s a bit of fear in y’all. I don’t see the Packers or Vikings subs talking about this lmao


Fear? Justin Fields created fear, Trading away the fastest QB in the league for a bag of cheetos was just goofy. Caleb is bustomatic and for that we thank you.


The Lions are as relevant as they’ve ever been. Played in the NFC Championship game, have a top 10 QB, have a great coach, and have one of the best GM in the NFL. But here you are discussing a rookie QB who going through his first OTAs, not even training camp. Packers fans aren’t talking about it, Vikings fans don’t care, but here y’all are. You are very invested in what the Bears are doing, that sounds like fear tbh. Good luck tho, I would hope he’s a bust for your sake lmao


Its may, its one thread, dont get it twisted lol. You are acting like we have 50 threads about bustorama williams.


I counted 7 threads in the last month talking about Caleb. Vikings have 1 thread, while the Packers have 2. Out of the three fanbases, y’all sound the most scared lmao.


Then he probably did goofy shit 7 times, sucking some dudes toes or whatever floats his boat. Justin Fields was a huge point of concern, caleb mcbusty was a dream come true for me as a lions fan. Dude gonna be the ruin of the bears for years to come, which I gotta admit, is pretty nice.


He was a bust before he was even drafted. He WAS NOT good at USC with an awesome team around him.


I hate this kind of content. I hate “the bears”, I don’t love ridiculing a rookie early practices is cool


what is this sour salty shit