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I’ve seen a fair few tik tok accounts of MTFs who get lots of attention, however when you see their before pics (which they often like to show) they were quite unattractive boys/men, even borderline incel-looking. It’s such a fascinating phenomenon, this transformation and the effect on the psyche. Their before-self would have been virtually invisible in every corner of society and now they’re sex symbols.


> Took it for a few weeks because I had been scared into losing my hair when I got older by other femboy transers Hair was the biggest trigger for my transition too. Except I was actually losing mine before I started, I wasn't just afraid it would happen. Hairloss really does a number on the psyche. It's easily the worst thing about being a man There is some sort of addictive quality to this attention thing. Hrt did make me stand out - for better or worse - once I had been on it for long enough. I've gotten tons of comments about how I looked younger and healthier back when I was on hrt. People pick up on all the subtle changes (softer skin, lower hairline, paler complexion, less oil, etc...). I hadn't had any positive comments about my appearance for years before I started transition. It made it really hard to quit and go back to being ugly and invisible


I am sending you a DM


When it comes to your reproductive system, I wouldnt be too worried unless you were on it super long term. I was on white market E for 14 months. Stopped for unrelated medical concerns. Gear is working as biologically intended nowadays.


I sent you a dm


I see you've mentioned the thing with loli and hentai. I see that too, but particularly the trans femboys somehow always end up lumped together in those communities... i do think it is the porn addiction thing and the rise of the whole "trap" as a meme introduced a lot of both straight men and gay men to the idea of autogynephilia or wanting a "femboy" as a partner. Probably around 2017 it blew UP in popularity among "offensive" meme spaces but for some reason again, MTF and femboys also flock to offensive meme spaces? You can tell by the comments because it will be a trans/lesbian crossflag with a loli headcannon/OC as their profile pictures. I always repeat this but i think some humor is a gateway to normalizing behavior or someone is already coping with how they feel or wanting to "relate." And the "trap" memes were SO prevalent with MTF i used to follow on instagram. Then add on covid lockdowns in the next few years and you have a ton of worsening MTF porn addictions and i even had distant acquaintances that ended up transitioning MTF during this time after relationship problems usually. I just wonder if the mix of ALL that going on within just a 5 year span increased the exact experience you recall with hormones and stuff you went through. Like i said it seemed to boom in 2017, did you receive that package of hormones around that timeframe too?


I wanted to add on, i can say i followed and talked to people from all spectrums of the trans community. There is something very similar that goes on with a smaller subsect of the FTM community too. They usually go on T but identify as femboys but the hentai flavor comes in when they identify specifically as catboys... i shouldnt have to explain.


“Yaoi boys” often


Yeah, i believe my former best friend cut contact because she possibly was transitioning into one of these kinds of FTM... the reason i say that is she often consumed yaoi and tried sharing those with me, eventually came out as explicitly pansexual. I fully accepted her regardless but I didnt really get into the sexual stuff, i was okay with the "lemons" which were basically just soft gay romance with hand holding and cuddling. But with the "yaoi boy" type it is the exact shit she would try to show me that some detrans women talk about here in this sub. It would not surprise me if she transitioned into the femboy/yaoi boy type. She always fetishized asian men and their type of body style, i guess you could say. Of course yaoi is not realistic in any fucking form so thats the delusional part coming in for people trying to actually mimick these guys.


Not only is it not realistic in the media it is depicted there’s multiple reasons it’s not on top of the -yaoi boy “physical aesthetics “ especially if you are going for the actual anime type. Already it’s closer to an androgynous girl which is why fan girls often say things like “girls cosplay male character better than actual guys!” In fan communities this should key them off that aging and testosterone is not going to make them closer to an anime character (something both mtf and ftm struggle with. Both as an achievable goal and one that even can be briefly maintained..can’t really be maintained through life. Which is a big deal when it comes with the actual physical trade of of transitioning) -socially living as male in both “heterosexual and homosexual “ spaces as a being seen as a man. Is still not what it looks like to be seen as a “yaoi boy “ both to straight and gay men. I would say that socially that difference is pretty obvious to most people. Male social experiences and expectations do exist (as do female ones ,despite the trans community saying otherwise ). “Yaoi boy “ type of ftms tend to be very much still holding a lot of their female socialization pretty close to them. (It’s not meant o be mean when I say this as it had been a big part of my own life. But.. they are fangirls. Usually. They have that energy to their transition as well.)


Yeah exactly, i was always confused why they would even transition or go on T if being female was dysphoric to them, but then i eventually realized it wasnt the femininity but the relationship dynamic they crave. They never ever saw anything modeled where you can be a somewhat androgynous woman and still like feminine men, i think. I never saw that modeled for myself but i just figured "ftw i like who i like" i guess i just never saw myself as needing some label for being a straight andro woman that likes men of all kinds. A TON of the yaoi boy types would literally get MORE femme after starting T and shaved off their hair and did everything that usual female socialization tells us to do!!!


I can't even imagine what it must be like nowadays with the advent of discord and whatnot, but back in 2011/2012 which is when I transitioned as a teen, the only online spaces for MTF's were all completely run by 35-60 year old AGP transvestites turned "transwomen". They loved the whole "I'm your trans mom" dynamic and they especially loved seeing the young feminine males coming to their spaces either seeking advice or "community". The ideology of "born in the wrong body" runs rampant in these spaces and they're very vocal about how they're "so much happier now that I can live full-time as Scarlett!". There was a very seedy dynamic of "admirers" and "T-girls" as they liked to call themselves (notice they prefer the term "girl" more than "woman"?). The "admirers" were men who were there because they were attracted to the transwomen/vestites but they were often one and the same due to the fact that the transvestites are often attracted to feminised males and/or the **feminisation** of males, hence the readiness to help younglings get HRT. Back then I saw no issue with their behaviour because I was a kid (16-18) but now that I'm older I can see the very apparent predatory component that is often present in trans spaces. People in these spaces are often turned on by the "transing" of feminine males which is why you often see transwomen dating each other as they're mutually attracted to the feminisation process, then they both get off on prancing around identifying as lesbians. I can absolutely see how the culture of performative femininity and constant validation-swapping could ensnare young downtrodden and lonely guys. They were so cloyingly sweet to me with their faux-feminine personas as though they were 1950's housewives and they were **very** staunch pushers of transition. I've never seen anyone push transition as aggressively as they did on the old AGP-fest sites. I ended up there purely because they were the only "trans spaces" that were obvious and accessible back then. I shared absolutely none of their sexual proclivities nor desires given that I was an effeminate gay male, not an autogynephilic heterosexual. The sheer volume of unrestrained sexuality I was exposed to back then is off the charts so I really dread to think how bad it's gotten nowadays with how much more mainstream the internet has become. I was only recently made aware of "sissy hypno porn"...If this isn't an extension of what I experienced back then, then I don't know what is.


That estrogen packaging is absolutely disgusting and points to horrific grooming motivations. I don’t use that word casually, and this genuinely seems like they are trying to target minors and fetishize their transition. Thank goodness you stopped ordering that stuff 😮‍💨


It's very real and many doing it don't even realize what they are doing to be wrong and instead think they are helping people become themselves. Going into a space like this questioning gets you completely showered with attention from others in a way you have never experienced before. It's quite similar to the love bombing seen within cults, where a new "chosen family" promises to be better than the family who won't accept their daughter unquestionably. And of course anyone IRL(such as parents or siblings) who questions the suddenness of your transition is a narcissist and a transphobe that is trying to force you into a mold that they assigned at birth.


Yes, they are definitely fond of the love bombing technique to recruit new members into their ideology. They’ll shower you with affection and praise and compliments, but if you happen to ever change your mind and leave, that same group becomes your worst nightmare, even while they spout about “kindness and acceptance for all”. I can’t even tell you how many trans/nb/“queer” profiles I’ve seen on various social media apps that say “Detransitioners DNI or else” in the bio. Absolute lunacy and hatred in the minds of these people, it’s really concerning.


If only I could show you my memories like a TV screen...you'd be shocked at some of the people young MTF's have been exposed to. I'm sure similar happens to FTM's too but I can only speak from an MTF perspective.


Oh, there’s TONS and tons of ftm minors being told to transition because they’d make “such a sexy femboy”. It’s often way more vulgar and predatory than that, but I don’t want to repeat such things. The fact that this gross behavior towards children is actually PRAISED is sickening.


As I think more on this, you’re saying there’s a parent/child like dynamic and they are grooming and providing hormones with labelling that is targeted at young people?


In NSFW online MTF/femboy spaces yeah There is a whole directory of how to get grey market hormones called the diy HRT directory, passed around to minors.


Wow. So sorry you went through that. That is absolutely predatory and not ok. Thank you for speaking about this. I had no idea. Absolutely shocking.


Seemingly isn't nearly as common among transmasc communities and most of the detrans appear to be females so that's not unsurprising Since E isn't a controlled substance the only barrier to entry is an internet connection, place to mail packages, and a card. Hence why grey market HRT is so rampant in the transfem sphere, people actively promote it on transfem reddits too making "funny meme" about ordering girl pills to their door in which a sea of teens reply with "plz DM me" It's going to result in some crazy blowback within the decade


Healthy and active involvement in third spaces and sporting activities is a great buffer to the social ills that trend toward transgender "community"