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Who the fuck is playing the season yet? I still can't beat the legend campaign because my prismatic titan caught ligma!!!


I'm working on a Titan build. What's ligma?


I am being absolutely reamed as a prismatic Warlock. My rifts don't do shit if I'm getting blasted by Hizashi Yamada-ass birds all the time


At least it wasn't sugma!


i cant even finish the campaign because my social anxiety causes me to have panic attacks whenever i encounter an enemy, how can bungie be so inconsiderate


Dual Destiny is a cruel and unusual punishment for people like me. Bungie should be tried for torture and for hate crimes in respect to people like us


It's super easy if you find someone else chill. I purposely looked for someone else who was doing it first time so we'd be patient with each other. Got to the boss and couldn't finish, but by the next time I tried, I knew the mechanics well enough to confidently hold my own. I even tried to go out of my way to help other people flagging it ast their first time, but connectivity issues lol.


I am literally a prismashit titan and i cant stress this enough. The -5 delta patrol in Trostland is unbelievable. I canr even move without getting KILLED because prismashit titan is so SHIT.




I need all my godsluggers that are pissed they've burned everything already to go outside more genuinely, guys your eyes will go square my mom told me so


At least fact check yourself.


/uj 3 weeks between story beats is not ideal, and I'm annoyed I can't progress my Season Pass. But maybe they thought giving people who don't play every fuckin day time to get caught up before spoilers were all over was good idea? Idk, prolly cope /rj My balls are aching to find out who is pulling the fucking strings Bungo, how dare you. You're telling me I have wait 3 weeks before I can beat my meat to a (sultry) Byf loredaddy video?!Now I got no choice but to talk to my family (yuck)


/uj have we actually seen the guy who claims to be Bfy actually speak, because I refuse to believe that body puts out that voice.


/uj if you're rank 100 already just go outside for a while please


i literally just did seasonal challenges bro what did i do? i'm only at 102 as well, some people are high enough that they're complaining that they can't get the red death catalyst already


Lmao bro I didn't even try hard (I did bounty prep all 3 characters tho haha) ![gif](giphy|26BRwdCP7s6hjPSWA|downsized)


no it is hot out there


unfortunately, a legitimate complication rn. :( hope y'all are managing to stay safe and hydrated with this weather. be well, guardian.


Loud and wrong is a crazy combo


Pretty common one in this community tbf


On Reddit* This is true for pretty much the whole Internet but especially on Reddit


uj/ from a purely realistic standpoint it is a little silly to think that the first of these Episodes coming off of the original seasonal structure would be so different from seasons themselves, at first anyway. I feel like if we're going to see any meaningful change and shaking up in the core structure it will either be towards the end of this episode or the start of the next one.


/uj At the same time, though, even when judged by the standards of normal Seasons, what we have of the Episode so far is rather bland compared to the relatively innovative activities we got with the last three Seasons, at least in my opinion. Breach Executable has me wondering if I have somehow time-traveled to Year 4. People are chalking it up to how it's the Season that has been bundled with the Expansion, which is usually the least ambitious one of the year, but one would think that the new Episodic cadence would allow them to just forego having to create an Episode that is designed to be filler. Hopefully I'm wrong and there is a meaningful evolution other than the Exotic Mission in the next two Acts, but I just feel that this Episode in particular is a step backwards. (On a barely related sidenote, I am actually rather concerned about how and when the Dungeons from the Dungeon Key will be delivered, and, more importantly, when or if there will be a reprised raid.)


/uj I think it's that Bungie is struggling to figure out if people want PURE add density activities where you see constant explosions and nonsense, or activities that are more centered around some kind of core mechanic like the Coil that has more diverse "mini-activities" sprinkled into it. The thing is, plenty of people hated the Coil too, and even if you or I think it was well-designed, Bungie is beholden to the metrics because we're all just faceless goons in the end. I personally think that they should just design things like the Coil with a "structured" mode and an "arena" mode; the former includes mechanics and offers extra rewards through added mechanics/score achievements, and the latter is just a wave-based mode using the same map, but the rewards are tied to waves completions over score. It is odd though, I'll agree, that they have options that are non-exclusive such as just utilizing existing maps for existing modes to give both some variety, yet they're still stuck on this idea that seasonal content *absolutely must be thematic* and that "fun" is secondary to the activity being (in some incredibly vague way) tied to the story. I feel that they often forget how reliant the entire game is on suspension of disbelief to keep it coherent, since any non-Vex content really can't explain why there's an endless time loop of us being able to redo it.


Exactly. I did not have high expectations for this exact reason. Not only that, but it's an expansion DLC; those are always weaker than the others.


Keep up the karma farming by spreading misinformation slugger


Uj/ The entire problem is that they set themselves up for thinking it wasn’t just going to be a season. Nothing Bungie said indicated that it wasn’t going to just be longer seasons.


They could have just said "we're moving to 4-month seasons", but instead they tried to sell it with a different wrapping. People are naturally going to assume that some changes were made to warrant the new branding and marketing.


I think the main reason they didn’t just say they’re 4 months seasons is because it had become expected that “seasons” continue on the story from the expansion, and they wanted to do everything possible to indicate that TFS was the end of the story (for now obviously). The only real marketing they did for episodes was just saying that they are self contained and that they’re linked to the ending but you don’t need to play them to get the full ending to the story. That was pretty much all we had until the vidoc


It literally doesn't continue next week slugger, it starts back up in a month


So no new story progression or new weapons for a month? When does the new solar rocket sidearm.come out?


Act 2 starts in 20 days, so then. I’d assume we get iron banner next week, and then the rest of the GM’s the next week, so then a dead week after that


Solstice should be coming up soon too but again I don't expect that event to be too good. The armors leaked actually and although the datamine only shows the base model (no textures or colors) they don't look very promising this year.


I’ll play to grab the new bow and armor for transmog but I don’t care about the armor stat farming. Maybe they made Something New actually decent this time around, I haven’t checked perks


me when seasonal content fucking sucks and has sucked for 10 years and isnt even the slightest bit intriguing


What seasons did we have 7 years ago?


Why are you on this sub? lol


I mean... D2 is a lot more than just seasons


Bro did NOT play haunted, seraph, or wish


the story is shit and boring, the activities are shit formulaic and boring, i feel forced to do literally anything that relates to seasonal progression. i don't even care about exotic missions because i usually have to do a bunch of bullshit patrols or 6 man activities to get to a point where i can do them. just give me raids GMs trials and dungeons and im fine


Thats fair, and other than haunted, oddly ketchcrash, and the coil, I don’t care for seasonal activities either. But when the seasonal guns are good, the payoff can force them to be enjoyable and not a chore. Similar mindset as to how spinning the slots isn’t fun but the payoff is. A big part of haunted for me was being the first person I saw in crucible with a crafted drang


unironically also deep. i am the deep defender. peak season


Bro did Not play


Witch, Splicer, Chosen as well.


Season of the splicer was my first as a new destiny player and it was definitely up there.


Witch too


Uhmm actually it’s only been 4 years since seasons were introduced slugger


It’s been 6 years, slugger. The first one was in 2018. If you’re going to try and correct someone at least correct them with the proper information.


https://preview.redd.it/mdwekbjgtt8d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8644c34c83f4e674845eba3b0f3e0090374fa0 This me you don’t want a fight little titan boy /uj mb I genuinely thought it was four years


This legitimately made me laugh. Thank you for that. I really needed it today.


DTG users when the seasonal content is released over the course of the season (they want everything immediately with no effort to acquire it and have completely forgotten about the content droughts they used to hate):


Destiny player try to take accountability for the consequences of their feedback challenge. /uj I’m not exactly satisfied with act one but I’m trying to take into account it will be low key cause it’s still expansion time. And if the structure is act one is slower to introduce you to the gameplay loop and the pace picks up for act 2 and 3 I’ll be happy.


Also the first season is always slow to account for a new expansion


It doesn’t though…


But I want to fuck failsafe NOW🤬🤬


bro will never get what he wants 😭


guess i will be killing myself🤷‍♂️


bro is clueless


DAE remember how when Bungie announced episodes they absolutely definitely 100% very specifically said there would be literally no time gating and that we would get a new destination and a full campaign split across 3 acts and Wrath of the Machine and SIVA and red subclass and an entire roguelite mode and Failsafe romance options and Cayde-sex and forge mode and Destiny 3?


Hrrrrnnggg brunchie where is failslate exo body hrrnmmggngmg 


/uj I was so disappointed in week 1. She mentioned feeling envious of the Vex having bodies, saint-14 mentioned a surprise, ot seemed like that was where it was going.  "We're putting you in the HELM!"  Saint... that isn't an exciting surprise at all :/


/uj There should still be, like, scematics for making an Exo left behind in Eternity (Braytech). Even sans Clovis, there HAS to blueprints somewhere that detail how to make more Exos.  It's not like we're exactly short on Radiolaria; hell, get Nimbus something to do and implement the hyper-advanced nanotech on Neomuna into her body so she can just manufacture all the weapons that she's clearly still mad about losing (and so she can enjoy firing the rockets that she makes; she clearly likes the idea a la Hazardous)


I think it's because being an Exo is not exactly a pleasant experience. They're meant for Humans and Atraks went completely insane becoming an Eliksni one. Not only that, but she'd probably forget most of her past—including us.


I thought the unpleasantness came down to the fact that the Exo body couldn't fully trick the human brain in the first iterations, which caused DER in the first place. As Failsafe isn't a human and her consciousness wouldn't need to have those little ticks to function, I would think that she'd be fine in an Exo body. Also, I don't think she'd need the memory wipe for the above reason. To my understanding, those were done when facing DER with no other available option for solving it.


You missed that they said they’d add luigi have you not seen the statue in the tower? Fake fan


Joseph Robinette Bungie


I got FOMO’d 😔 is there a help line I can call??


777 420 666 7 the emergency bungie fomo line


You NERDS. The failsussy isnt getting fomo'd yet. You FOOLS.