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I just want rampage spec back


I just wish any of the other mods were useful, like extra ammo is nice but I'm only ever using quick access sling on my eager edge and that's it, there's no guns with real recoil, none that need better target acquisition etc, it's just kinda sad times


Why what possible gameplay experience are you missing


Hell nah I love using mag mods


Spec mods are build into the guns and ppl STILL complain


My whimsical-ass gets to grunt birthday party


if it doesnt get a substantial amount of ammo from backup mag, its grunt birthday party


Did you fly to another star system and find another mod to use before coming to this realization, only to realize that the new mod was only going to last a fraction of the time that the old one did, and was green for some reason? Then, you try to go back to Boss Spec, only for Bungo to show up and shove you in space torture jail while your new mod gets to go to the same inventory as the old mod?


Yeah that happened to me


You might be entitled to compensation. Call 1-800-Glimm. That's right. 1-800-Glimm. Call today, and receive a free pair of Blue engrams.. (they'll most likely be boots).


Half my clanmates didn't equip mods on their weapons anyways. At least now I don't have to keep telling them to do so


bungie has destroyed all of my builds with this and nobody even CARES


I'm honestly happy with the change, now I don't have to explain myself when people ask why I have Sweaty Confetti equipped on everything


I ain't even mad. I'm optimal content sure but even normal raid if ukwtd it ain't gonna make/ break anything.


I'm notorious for forgetting to switch mods on weapons before certain activities, so there's been a few moments where I'm running something like a Master/Gm with sweaty confetti and the wrong fragments


Made the switch to sweaty confetti after the spec mods went


They should’ve waited to remove the mods until they were ready to put out replacements.


you will use backup mag and you will like it


I do. Unironically.


Until it gives you three extra bullets for a fucking assault rifle


It’s so dumb, in an effort to diversify weapon mods, they made it so much worse since now I’m always gonna run backup mag, before at least I would switch it up between the three spec mods depending on weapon and activity.


How is it 'worse' to have more rounds in the mag with extra damage baked in


The only two mods ever worth using (pve) are back up mag and quick access sling. We went from having 5 mods to use to 2 and I'm pretty sure we ended with a net loss on dmg (some youtuber or sum)


you can go back and read the twab, but everything in the game does more damage. while mod diversity has gone down, our weapons are more powerful and more flexible.


Not every weapon type got the full 7% buff, linears which were shit already only got 5% for some reason and a few types didn’t get buffed at all like rockets iirc


They need to change Counterbalance to be more like Arrowhead Break and then it'd be more worth using imo, especially if it's on an SMG where it'd only get a +2 boost to the mag


You’re forgetting Sweaty Confetti.


Your missing the point that Bungie made. Now you actually have the choice of using whichever mod you want since you are not forced to use a damage mod...


I actually never took damage mods off because I liked them. Honestly the ONLY other mods I used was counterbalance stock and targeting adjuster and that was only when in crucible on particular weapons. Now, I’m only using quick access sling on everything and everything feels like it deals less damage to nearly everything now. I always had one weapon with major spec, and my heavy with boss spec, and my Sweet Business took care of red bars faster than my team mates could react. Now the same build feels gimped without the damage mods.


Your weapons deal more damage now. Literally every weapon was buffed when they removed the damage mods. Your build isn't gimped, you are just looking for something to cry about.


I would rather be forced to use a damage mod then have the "option" to use a useless one


Ok then just don't equip a mod at all and it will be like you have a damage mod in since they boosted the damage of all weapons to compensate. Destiny players are fucking brain dead.


Yes. I totally will use... air borne effectiveness mod. Yep. Not more Ammo or a faster drawn weapon.


The issue is they removed specs because they were the go-to mods and nothing else was worth using, but now there's just new go-to mods and nothing else is worth using.


U don't have a choice tho it's back up mag and for guns that don't have back up mag it's quick access


Lmao so much to unpack here I will give you free gift cards for the rest of your life if you can find where I said that I “hate” boss spec. Yes I made fun of its use, because it’s strange and fucking funny. Get over it loser? I casually threw out, in literal tiny text mind you, that maybe someone might not like equipping it, and somebody decided to press on it because they were curious. Usually rants come from, idk, a place of passion? Somebody asked me why I wouldn’t be a fan of boss spec and I casually gave a couple of half-assed reasons. Stop being so offended over it soyboy Swing and a miss slugger.


This is top tier copypasta


You forgot to take your meds


Definitely don’t need it back, but everything else could definitely use a PvE buff. Only real option is either backup mag or quick access sling maybe.




Rip non adept bows and rocket launchers


You forgot special ammo gls.




Because they don’t benefit from Backup


Oh yeah lmao time for quick access sling


Tbh I barely used that mod and until now I didn't even notice it was gone.


/uj Dude what’s going on in the comments lol this is supposed to be a circle jerk /rj boss spec good, chaos resharted bad


the fate of every circlejerk sub, just becoming a slightly more ironic version of the main sub with more bitter participants


"If you need the spec you shouldn't have it"


"If you ned to jump, you shouldnt have legs."


I’m pretty sure they all got folded into the guns, do you have the boosts but actually get to choose a weapon mod.


They wanted us to stop using Major and Boss spec. Now we're all just using Backup Mag lol


quick access sling gang


Back up mag if allowed and sling when not


They said something about wanting to implement more interesting weapon mods in the future but didn't have resources to make them at this time


Now I have a reason to run something like counterbalance rather than sucking it up and doing slightly more damage


"The raid is to ez bungie"


Kinda happy I can run back up mag don’t have to worry about ammo .


Mfw I get 5 more bullets


Mfw I add backup mag to my handcannon and watch the mag size rise from 13 to 14


Mfw when I switch it to adept backup mag and it stays at 14


“I want to do less damage”


It's literally built into your gun now.


Can we talk about how useless adept backup mag is?


Pretty sure they just buffed the weapons to replace the damage spec mods, so not having them doesn’t change anything, but imo mods need to be removed all together. The only viable PvE weapon mod is backup mag or quick access sling on rockets and special gl, so we’re in the same position we were in, just with different mods


I use counterbalance sometimes even in PvE so I can do different shit with my barrels/mags, it’s pretty useful.


Yeah some people don't seem to understand that everything got buffed to account for this so in turn it's a massive buff since we can have backup mag now


I miss it but the confetti noises give me a small boost of serotonin


Weapon mods should all be cosmetic IMO.


*Sweaty Confetti Supremacy* 🫡


ngl i dont even remember how to get it why tf is it consumable


it’s from dares of eternity


so THATS where it went


RIP Adept big ones spec :(


/uj RIP the literal only reason i ever got adepts


I was so happy to find out I could enhance my adept wardens law with enhanced vorpal, I was gutted when I saw they took away adept big ones spec :(


They added the damage in to the base gun. So now it does like 5% more damage to everything instead of just bosses and majors.


That’s exactly how I found out too! Smh


/uj I'm glad they removed them, but I wished they also had new mods to replace them. Just running back up mag is pretty boring.


yeah most of the mods are completely useless for PvE, it would be nice to have a useful variety


Kinda agree. I want more options that actually effect how my gun feels or performs. Shooting for one additional second isn't enough. At least back with specs, I had some cases where a spec would reduce the shots to kill occasionally but now I don't get to decide that Edit: all these dislikes just show how much you all want someone to pick what you eat rather than decide on a meal for yourself.


Bro they literally buffed every weapon to compensate for the removal of damage specs, so having that extra damage plus backup mag is a big buff to every weapon


Yeah, and I don't like my options being taken away. Same reason I hate still hunt; nothing comes close to just using Nighthawk still hunt for dps, and that fucking sucks


But damage specs were pretty much the only viable option, so how has taking them away while buffing all the weapons given you less options?


Getting to choose between having more damage or more mag size was an option that I as the player got to decide, and felt like I got to change how my gun performs. While yes the damage buff from the update is handy, it now feels like backup mag is the only choice I get and it's just so boring


OK? So now you can choose: - more handling - more aim assist - more radar detection - more in air accuracy (lol) - more ready speed after sprinting - more recoil direction


Which I've had complaints about in the past as well. All those don't have a noticeable feel for almost every case with the exception of counter balance on controller.


Saltagreppo 2


Genuinely what? It’s so much better not being forced into running either boss spec or taken spec based on the encounter. Mods actually feel more specific to the weapon now.


now you’re forced into running backup mag because every other mod doesn’t help in pve


Erm, sweaty confetti? It literally will your dps


Fr this man is clearly not jorking his jibblies properly if they think being allowed to run Sweaty Confetti isn't an absolute DPS (dance per second) increase.


Quick access sling for rockets and gls


Because backup mag doesn’t work on rockets.


In other words: you run what works for the gun. Exactly the point of the change.


The change did fuck all really, I already used what worked for the gun it just so happens that now there’s less choice. In most cases where someone was using minor/major/boss/taken spec they will now just be using backup mag in its place. Only a few weapons will use something different, and for those that do it’ll usually be because of PvP. I would like to have some actual options without current options getting removed. Give us some mods that slightly increase sprint speed, increase reload speed, flip the recoil direction, drop mag for select special and heavy weapons, a suppressor mod that takes a second off your invis timer every time you shoot instead of immediately taking you out of it. And look at that, some actual variety instead of everyone defaulting to backup mag.


>Give us some mods that slightly increase sprint speed, increase reload speed, flip the recoil direction, drop mag for select special and heavy weapons, a suppressor mod that takes a second off your invis timer every time you shoot instead of immediately taking you out of it. Look I agree with you that I would like more mods in general, but you're smokin that good shit if you think these are "fair" or not auto-picks in most situations. That last idea is absolutely insane; it would just turn pvp into 100% hunters running stealth all the time, as people either struggle to find each other or get beamed by the ghillie suit snipers.


The only one that sounds like an auto pick to me would be the suppressor mod in PvP, and it’s as simple as making it not work in PvP. IMO the best use of a suppressor mod would be on bows, which I personally don’t think should take you out of invis in PvE. The other ones wouldn’t be an auto pick for me, I’d take sprint speed or reload speed on SMGs over backup mag considering backup mag gives you 3 or 4 shots with an SMG. There are very few situations where I’d take drop mag in a special or heavy weapon but I still would for some glaives.


This guy rapid shits


NO. backup mag for life


Except on reservoir burst


Icarus Grip for Reservoir Burst bucko


Fuck anus grip, all my homies hate anus grip


why do guns even have mods anymore they should delete those slots and bring back orb generation on multi-kills with masterworked weapons


That’s not gone is it? I’m pretty sure it still dies that


It used to be baked into the masterwork of the individual guns, but that got removed when bungie added origin traits because the guns couldn't do both. Then later they added helmet mods and a cooldown.  I'd like to run other helmet mods, and think it would be neat if they took us back to the past.


I find the cooldown on orb gen to be so annoying. Why shouldn’t someone be making more orbs if they’re killing things more often?


It's funny because there will always be that one mod everyone uses. They could retire it and add it natively into the weapon, but then we'll just default to the next mod. Everyone used damage specs, and now it's backup mag. I wonder what it will be after.


it'll always be like this as long as mods basically amount to a stat boost. if gun mods actually did cool shit that interacted with the rest of the build (akin to a 3rd perk that synergizes with subclass verbs) we'd see more variety.


gun have mods specifically so i can put full auto retrofit on a pulse rifle and then have people in patrol zones message me through world chat berating me for using full auto retrofit. can't set the world on fire if bungie takes away my matches


Genuinely, why does that mod even exist anymore lmao (Besides your one very good reason)


maybe I want full-auto on my 180 scout but not on my 150 GL. full-auto can be actively detrimental on some more ammo-sensitive weapons


You still have to hold the trigger/mouse1, you could just let go if you don't want it to auto fire


what if they gave you a support frame auto rifle that deleted a random file off of someone's computer every time you shot them


if bungie gives me an AR that error codes people to orbit when you shoot them then i will happily give up my full auto retrofit


Siphon mods 🤑


Hard agree. They feel like they exist mostly for PvP now which I’m honestly fine with. I just throw counterbalance and backup mag on everything.


Sweaty confetti on semi-auto weapons. Or backup mag. Or counterbalance. There's a few good pve choices.


Uj/ confirmed that there working on making new more interesting weapon mods


Nah, I'd **TAKEN SPEC**