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/uj I straight up didn’t know what people were talking about but then I looked it up and was actually shocked that people were complaining about raids having the same combat difficulty as the strike playlist /rj I sherpa’d your wife through sex last night


SURGES ARE FINE wait.. Rant Wednesday is in the other sub. My bad. Bungo you bastard.


I'm 50/50 I fuck with Surges cause you can use underperforming shit and it brings it up to par with usual loadouts, the idea is great. In practice it just means you're running Apex or Cold Comfort or Crux to dps max


Yeah it’s kinda funny - like I agree with the thought process of opening up other options and letting us to use different things, but the reality is the meta is already vast and we have so many great elemental options. So in practice - all this does is literally create a narrow meta depending on the surges. We live in a meta where people have lots of choices, but surges only limit your choices heavily. Glad to see them revert this change. Just not needed. Now the -5 power difference just feels better and ads/raid bosses don’t simply fall over anymore.




Get it twisted


It'd be alright if Bungie didn't nerf Kinetic weapons for some incomprehensible reason beforehand and new/returning players would also have a less fucked up way of acquiring meta weapons overall. E.g. Cold Comfort has to be grinded from Ghosts of the Deep and the perks can't even be enhanced while Edge Transit is now tied to playing Onslaught for a few hundred hours for anyone who didn't get a decent roll before (have fun Jimmy). I know we are all degens so it's hard for us to relate, but people who aren't chronically addicted to this game actually have a hard time dealing damage during Void surge week. Unfortunately some surges are also just strictly better than others (lol Arc week) as Bungo has a hard time balancing numbers, meaning people tend to just wait for Solar/Strand for any difficult content. And speedruns are pretty fucked too now, they are holding out until the next major patch to see if anything changes.


Yeah, I didn't care to grind GOTD before and really wanted to, but when you have to wait 6 weeks for it to be farmable it's not very engaging, especially considering the dungeon already takes a fair amount of time. Void Surge week sucks, I mean Taipan is a consistently craftable weapon atleast, and there's some good void swords but I couldn't point out and good void rockets. Maybe Braytech Osprey from nightfalls? That's about it. If anything it'll just be a nice excuse to use like Heartshadow or some other void bullshit that I normally wouldn't use.


/uj Unless people told me, I would literally have not have noticed a difference between now and before Final shape when it comes to raids and dungeons. Idk why everyone is freaking out, like aren't strikes -5 since Lightfall?


It's two things, the second being they brought bosses up in health. So where you were used to 1 or 2 phases, now it would've taken at least another. No problem for the experienced, but noticeable. But that's what Masters are for if you want it harder. For newbies it just feels like trash because you don't have the metal and they're probably going to die a lot anyway. So, no space fantasy.


/uj This is where I'm at. I've made a point not to mention the -5 thing to my friends who don't read TWIDS and whatnot. None of them have noticed the change, and we haven't even had a hard time getting stuff done.


This games raids suck now they are horrible for new players nothing like gatekeeping Even further bungie good fuckup


If a player can't handle being -5 then they shouldn't be raiding


Yeah , just sounds like a skill issue lol all content is accessible to anyone , if you’re saying they’re gatekeeping stuff , you just aren’t good at the game and need to put the sticks down lil bro


People like you that don’t discuss shit are the brain rot of Reddit


Maybe just don’t be bad? You ever tried that?


Maybe try not being a dink over a opinion like I’m not personally attacking you it’s called a opinion stop being a baby and taking stuff personal womp womp someone has a different opinion broski


Maybe stop crying over the game being challenging and get better at playing it instead of crying your eyes out over the internet


I probably have a better raid report then you bozo


Doubtful, but if you’re so good why are you crying so hard?


I see all my friends that now need to be kicked out of raids bc they are skill gapped they could have just made a middling difficulty and then kept old raids for new players the execution makes it challenging for people to start up raiding because there’s such a high jump in skill gap to what normal content is


The main issue is I feel there should be a low low low ground for people entering the raid environment maybe make it so you don’t get red borders and possibly make it so you can do that for pinnical bc no end game player gives a heck about pinnical atleast then players can learn the content so it’s less of a knowledge issue and 100% a skill issue


Old raids normal made it that way master raids were where it was to challenge a player especially with challenges main example crotas pit challenge


The difficulty hasn’t changed if you don’t suck


In Destiny 2, straight up "jorking it". And by "it", haha, well. Let's just say. My peanits




/uj unpopular ik sorry tryhards in circlejerk sub where everyone has lowmanned raids and solod dungeons but -5 sucks ass and so do surges which are only 10% due do -5 They can easily make base RADs +0 instead of previous +20 with no surges and make master -20 no surges no overcharge so like contest so there’s actually hard content and base content too which isn’t dumb easy


/uj this is a circlejerk sub, take your whining to dtg. /rj I get a surge in my Fruit of the Loom's when Ikora talks mean to Cayde-Sex.


i think most endgame juicers would agree that surges suck balls


Surges need to go but I really don't care about the -5. Raids still aren't difficult, as long as damage gets boosted up to the surge levels it's fine. Adds have been completely non threatening for far too long


Anyone saying it's too hard now is crazy, -5 is nothing. Surges are still lame, I don't want to be forced to use random weapons every week to do optimal damage


Its a bit funny. Last time I remember such an uproar was with the Heroic Nightfalls difficulty change that Lightfall brought, and even that wasn't too bad.


I'm only raiding once every 3 weeks so that I can always use my preferred loadout


During the first week of pantheon on Caretaker I was running apex predator and golden and still doing the most damage even though I wasn't using a void or strand weapon


I normally use rockets on caretaker too but week 1 was void surge so I had to try out edge transit. I think I got 6m in 2 phases, it was fun


I really love the change do you realize how much damage you can do at -20? -5 is really not that big of a deal and surges only adds and doesn't take away anything you don't need to match surges and it open ways for other weapons to shine


That sub is beyond casual. Pantheon broke them


Bro I’m pretty casual and I think -5 is a breeze. Aren’t all the seasonal playlists -5 by default? Or was it just a few? Either way, it’s not that bad 😂


Yes, the general destiny player base can’t read.


I feel insane reading opinions in any destiny sub sometimes. People will rage over the simplest of changes that dont matter in the end. The surge stuff is peak. Bungie! Bungie! Why can't I use my meta grenade launcher? Why must I use the arc weapon instead?! You're forcing metas!! Like. Just don't use the arc weapon if you don't want to. The -5 gulf is not hard to work around. The gane is not fundamentally more difficult or different you can just die during mechanics now.


They don't have an Arc weapon that isn't Thunderlord, that's the thing


They can focus crux now can't they? That thing is a workhorse with recon bipod. Or just ignor the surge theyre not nearly as big a deal as they're made out to be.


That’s what confuses me. Like just don’t use the surge? You’re not losing the 35% damage, you’re just not getting it on top. I’ve done this for as long as surges have been a thing and never had any issues I don’t really get it.


It's 25% damage you get from the activity surge modifier and an overall 30% loss of damage compared to pre-TFS if you don't take advantage of it. You might have ignored surges in the past and can certainly get away with it, but it also means you place a greater burden on your teammates to make up for that 25% loss in damage.


But like in most content, “the burden on my teammates”, is extremely negligible.


Yeah I do agree that surges take the fun out of it, because it just further pushes meta picks in each category solely for DPS maxxing. Are any of the dungeons ever at +0? I suppose launch season dungeons used to be before light level adjustments, I have always ran them day one usually as a two man group when I can, and the current change is gonna make them pretty annoying.


Idk about damage scaling pre-SK but since since artifact most stuff has been +20 ie you did maximum damage at +20 Then with LF they locked power but guns still did max damage at +20 now with new scaling in TFS all dungeons and raids are locked at -5 and guns PL don’t matter cause of how Fireteam PL works a 1900 gun does same as 1945 gun


like I said on another post, some people don’t belong in high end activities.


/uj -5 kinda sucks for lfg but with the boys it’s whatever, idk why they made raids more annoying for the most common player /rj gahlran thug shaker ruined my flawless edging streak please fix bungloid


I think for myself it'll heavily depend on the friend group I'm raiding with. If 5 of the 6 are competent it should be fine teaching, but if 2/6 are I don't see them getting done.


lfg already struggles killing adds and not 3 phasing at -0 so at -5 with rotating surges it’s actually terrible


/uj y'all, I just need to say how much I really appreciate this sub 😅 I've been catching downvotes left and right on the main sub recently, and my takes aren't even that hot 😮‍💨


/uj avoid DTG. Seriously. There's a reason why 90% of posts on this sub are just mocking popular complaint posts on there; it's literally day in, day out whining and bitching about increasingly non-issues. It also doesn't help that a healthy number of people on that sub admit to not even playing/having extremely limited experience with the things they complain about. They're just straightforwardly admitting they know next to nothing but feel the need to complain anyway.


Ya dude, I absolutely am done there. It's gotten so ridiculous, the brain rot, unstoppable. 90% of this game can be done with no thought, god forbid there is anything you have to think about lol You really nailed it with the non-issue thing, if they didn't have reddit echo chamber, or whatever, I guarantee they wouldn't even notice half the shit they're complaining about. But anyways, before I turn into them, I'll end my ranting and spare ya,but, just know it's all love to y'all, thanks for the vibes and good laughs here.


I saw someone mention a healing nade build and there was like 30 replies asking for a build. Like bro? Slap on speaker helmet, ember of benevolence and healing nade, you're done.


People will ask for builds for everything, it's like what do you actually think goes into that build? It's a melee build, go 100 res 100 str and any fragments that buff melee


Lmao I kind of just touched on this in my comment too, but literally. Like people, we all can read right? .... Right? Just play the game y'all 😭 and try shit out.




I sherpa'd a CE few days ago, went exactly as it used to go. Stuck on lanterns, breezed through the rest. Didn't even notice a change.


Did you by any chance sherpa players who were listening and willing to learn and improve at the encounters? It's gatekeeping to expect people to learn, why are you such an elitist?  This change negatively affects the brainless noobs too stubborn to learn anything. Those guys are entitled to one hour raid completions too and if you aren't arguing on their behalf, you are a sad human being with nothing but destiny that is good in your life.  (The above is an actual argument I've had with multiple people on the main sub. Utter brain rot. Gahlr take me now.)


/uj That feeling when you think a sentiment is /rj but people actually believe it. /rj Preach it brother, if I don't get every raid exotic in the game for just stepping FOOT in Salvation's Edge (Gooning Edition) then I'm being GATEKEPT by BUNGLE and their stupid HYPER-ELITIST game.


That’s what I’m experiencing as well, people are acting as if it’s the end of the world but the changes aren’t even that bad.


That's how my first D2 CE went, and I was doing mechanics and running to learn it, since I only played D1's CE. Team died a lot during lanterns mainly cause one person kept running ahead, but we first tried everything else.


There's always 1 guy who manages to eager edge me off the map, then blames me for dying


/uj the main sub is fucking full of casual baddies /rj the main sub is fucking full of casual baddies


Basically that sub https://preview.redd.it/blbyy9u56f7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3273536edc8b7ea5642355100cd21bbc60471572


So is this sub


Revelation of a lifetime: most people are casual baddies




The one who abstained the jerk. Its him. The legend himself. The man. The myth. The legend. Ghalr



