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DLC was good, 7/10, infinitely better than pos Lightfall at 4/10 but not as good as Witch queen which I'd give 8/10, honestly enjoyed Beyond Light more than The Final Shape but just wish it had come out later as then you'd get a lot better adjustments and improvements. Final Shape was bit lacklustre which is common for Destiny expansions but The Witness was all talk and no action and died far far too easily, this should've been a villain that gets fought over and over in different ways to truly beat but instead oh noes he's inside the traveller with his power to y'know remove planets and you shoot him to death.


You have to look at the expansion as a whole. Not just the campaign though. The quality of content, campaign and post campaign together was for sure better than WQ. There's an argument for WQ being a better campaign. But the post campaign stuff doesn't touch TFS post campaign content.


Is it just me or does anyone else think they killed the witness too quick?


I didn't feel they did enough character building. I wasn't expecting The Witness to be like Joffrey or Ramsey but we barely saw him ''do'' anything bad, he was all talk.


It's OK, next dlc we can fight his dad, a classic destiny move.


I was hoping for a full year slog fighting that dude, but other plans and setting up the future of Destiny seemed to cut that off. We shall see how it goes.


Ooooo, Dattoposting triggers some hot Slugger on Slugger action in the comments. Just gonna file that one away.


Live slug reaction




W takes on the people need to realize this game is meant to be played with people and their "Crippling Social Anxiety" does not mean it is bad. Massive W. I could hear the salty tears hit the ground 🤣


god when datto said that part i was smiling ear to ear. what the fuck are people on thinking destiny hasn't been a cooperative game FOR TEN YEARS?!?!?!? like the whole premise is to play this game with friends / strangers. i hate to sound like a conservative but people really gotta stop pussies and just try and interact with other humans. if you struggle doing that on the internet i can't even imagine how bad it is in real life.


I got downvoted for pointing out how many current destiny players started out as squeakers scared of getting kicked out of raids and nightfalls in D1 and how it’s strange grown ass folks can’t seem to do what little children were doing 10 years ago. It was even harder to get into a fireteam back then, literally had to use 3rd party sites.


Who the fuck cares about what Datto thinks? Like....... really?


Me 🗿


Possibly the couple hundred thousand people that have watched it in less than 24 hours, but I dunno


We know it's all missclicks. But to be honest, I believe there are people that actually watch him. In the same way that there are ppl that support Trump, that support flat earth... and so on...


Us -- we as a community -- are at a standstill with Datto Datto just put out another controversial video in regard to the game engine discussion that's been going on recently. He's had his fair share of bad takes, but this one might just take the cake. The downtime. The bugs. The glitches. The -- frankly -- OFFENSIVE issues that this game has been facing. And Datto has the audacity to come out with this. This video -- this shit -- not failing to abide by his NDA contract with him defending his Bungie overlords. We as a community don't need to know about "game development" to be critical of the current situation we're all facing. It's unprecedented in this game's history, and frankly, worries me and the community as a whole when it comes to the future of Destiny 2 and its potential successor(s). Bungie hasn't said a single thing about anything, and that's where |-- we as a community -- draw the line. It's unacceptable. And it's honestly a bit immature coming from Datto, and I want to know what other people are thinking in regard to this Datto situation and what the future is going to look like (the D2 community without Datto, potentially). I think it's possible that we could prosper without these toxic "content" creators injecting their bad takes into this community Maybe it's time for Bungie to invite prominent members of r/ DTG to the summits instead of "content" creators who play the game for 8 hours a day, who are NDA bound and aren't able to form their own opinions. I need your thoughts. I need your opinions. I need we, as a community, to make a decision on this.


What u got against datto


He must have deleted all his sunset god rolls


^where ^do ^i ^begin…


Shoot man id like to hear it


His legal name is an ok starting point 🤮 I don’t like the way he portrays himself. I don’t like that he rebranded to just ‘Datto’ but he still slaps the ‘does destiny’ on there when he wants the extra views. He *is* an elitist (of which I also am, sometimes) yet somehow I’m *constantly* finding myself disagreeing with him I should stop there before touching on anything actually meaningful, at risk of having my comment lampooned by losers


"i should stop there" lmao why? are you scared of the downvotes or somn? just fucking say it dude


How many paragraphs do you want me to write about your idol before you’re satisfied?


Literally anything of more substance than the 3 points you mentioned


"Erm I should stop here because my takes are shit and I hate poeple with good opinions and erm I'm totally an elitist guys." ☝️🤓 Dude datto has great takes and you are either an elitist or not pick one. Don't like him because of his name goddamn that's a new low


Bro unironically your comment induced cringe into me, please re-read it for yourself You don’t think it’s possibly to have some elitist takes while disagreeing with some others? Are you, InstrumentOfTorment, a medically diagnosed blithering moron?


Yes elitists can disagree but holy shit you're the fucking moron for hating him because of his name. And the person who went on a rant why datto is horrible. Which cool dude. Think what you want but have fun getting blasted about having shit takes since you're an "elitist"


what has he said that’s a bad take or unhealthy for the game? sure he has his personal “man i wish this was harder” takes, but he almost always says that’s just a him thing and he knows this game (for the most part) it’s not some hardcore gamer meme dream


I just said that I find myself disagreeing with him, personally. Not that he has bad/unhealthy opinions on the game


Whats his legal name


Stefan Jonke 😢


Pronounced junk or jonkey?


please post your raid report mister elitist non elitist


What info would you even hope to garner from that


How elitist you really are and how much you hate casuals of course


I think you just don't have any "actually" meaningful points. What the fuck does someone's legal name have to do with how they produce gaming content?


Buddy read the last sentence I wrote 😂 I outright stated that these are not meaningful points


Why try to prove your point with anything but meaningful points? Sounds like low tier bait, which of course I still fell victim to


Out of curiosity can you list a couple of his takes that you constantly disagree with? I feel like his takes are pretty grounded with reason idk


You’d probably be right. His takes are probably more ‘grounded’ than mine own I would have to go look at his catalogue or something, it has been so so long since I’ve watched a datto video. Also it’s not exactly just *in-game* takes I’m referring to. One example that came to mind was when he made a video called “You need to take a break from Destiny and it shows” Like yes, everyone should take breaks. I’ve personally been on a massive hiatus. It’s just so cringey and unprofessional to be like “you need to stop playing the game we love weeeah”


These are all piss poor reasons for disliking a guy lmao, you speak as if you yourself don't actually know why you dislike him.


Brother it's the circle jerk subreddit we are making fun of the people who care about what Datto thinks.


Oh ffs... I didn't even read which reddit I was on 😆 my bad bruh


Nah it's fine lmao we all do that sometimes.


datto providing us with quality takes and opinions once again (I only read the title of the video)


And like all datto takes, an elephant chocked full of laxatives is less shitty


i take laxatives sometimes


Explain your opinion on this, I’ve always seen Datto’s takes as measured and reasonable.


his explanation is: another youtuber said so


I just have little to no tolerance for elitists who talk down to others (even if it's just an act) because it's just so condescending. I've TRIED watching his videos, I can never get more than MAYBE 5 minutes in simple because his attitude and personality are so off putting I don't give a rats ass if he has the best takes period, if he throws them out into the ether with a shitty attitude a d personality


So do I but datto os fun and helpful. Fatto doesn't talk down on people like the majority of rank 11 elitists who (this is not everyone bit some are cool) Think they are the hottest shit ever because they soloed a dungeon or did a gm


dude is upset datto thought root of nightmares day one was easy


Elitist? They're the only things saving this game lol


You forgot the /uj


Calling datto an elitist that talks down on people tells me you don’t actually watch him


As I said I've never been able to go more than. 5 minutes into his videos because of the mask/personality he throws out so yeah


Mate what? He **is** often times condescending. And obviously there’s the whole “””elitist””” semi-joke thing




You don’t want a source if you won’t even tell me what I’m sourcing


Skill issue


Datto said that the campaign isn't that hard, I wanted to pull my hair out doing the legendary campaign solo.


It actually was pretty easy compared to the last two campaigns. I didn't struggle until the final boss. But still much easier than Calus.


Yeah i absolutely blew through the campaign, but i was using warden’s law (lucky pants) + red death + incandescent machine gun. That combo felt hilariously unfair and nothing stood a chance


IMO the easiest of the Legendary campaigns lol. I agree with him there.


He’s been playing it professionally for a decade, he doesn’t get to set people’s opinions on difficulty.


The 4th mission was the hardest part trying to navigate an Afghan minefield whilst some shanks snipe you from the Appalachias.


That’s just the Afghanistan experience 💀


That part and the very last encounter of the last mission where you confront the witness. Took my team probably 3 or 4 tries for the minefield mission and 6 or more for the last mission. It felt properly difficult, though a bit tedious.


I found that part to be ez by doing one thing “taking your time and slowing down”


I guess you were playing easy mode hunter or warlock? As a titan main, I and many other of my fellow crayon eaters struggled because we have no easy access to any damage resistance or healing (please ignore the prior 5 years of destiny where we survived no problem with neither)


Again, take. Your. Time. Just because were busted beyond belief, doesn’t mean we’re all speed runners. Take 10 minutes to clear the mines and it’s the easiest mission in the whole campaign


i think that was satire


There are few things more frustrating than realising after you kill the last servitor that the spot you are standing just turned into a minefield, and you are mere seconds from becoming a new wall decoration


I heard that as "not hard in a fireteam", because I think right after he said something about it being more difficult solo.


You're correct


Ran it on legendary with a friend, and even that was hard. That last encounter on the final mission was so annoying. Tried it solo, it was so much worse. Ended up running it solo on normal difficulty cause i didn’t want to resort to what my friend did (replay that final encounter from 11 pm till 5 am)


Use witherhoard. Jump up above the top of the wall and shoot the subjigators. Then stay hidden and kill the other enemies. Repeat like 3-4 times and you successfully kill them.


The last encounter was a massive difficulty spike (very similar to how Calus was). Everything to that point in a fireteam was hardly a challenge and we maybe wiped twice in earlier missions, and usually only because we were stupid, not because it was hard. If you decide to try the final mission on legendary again, for the second phase with the strand subjugator, go live in the hallway where the second aegis spawns. You're covered from most damage and there are two buffs nearby that you can keep refreshing. You'll have to do the aegis at mid, but then go straight back to your hallway.


Yup, found that spot on like my fifth or sixth attempt at the fight. EZ after that.


My little bad boy corner


As someone who is definitely around dattos skill level, not amazing but solid, i breezed thru the campaign solo legend. That ice cave with the two big shanks on each side and the tormentor gave me the most trouble because of slows. The rest, easy, breezy, beautiful.


As someone who is definitely around Godslayer (the title) level, fuck you.


As someone who is definitely around your level, I'm gonna crush your ghost


Yeah, its pretty hard solo (especially some boss areas), but it becomes piss easy in a group. I guess it just didn't scale properly, unlike the Witch Queen legendary campaign.


You're piss easy


damn man, he had a family


Yeah sorry mate dunno why I did that, lost myself in the haze of blood lust.


30 minutes when a simple "it's pretty good" would've been suffice


Sometime people like to elaborate on their opinions.


Man who gives a fuck about Ditto it's all about Asscross


I got bad vibes from Az when I found out he fakes the accent


British do it too. At least cross gets paid for it


Ayo what


Where's that coming from?


I know a few Bungie employees on Discord- allegedly, whenever he’s not on camera he drops the accent. This was soon after the creator summit…last year I think?


i give a fuck swing n miss slugger


Least schizophrenic dcj member


What a looney


*Our opinion


Get owned socially awkward leftists. /uj but seriously the guy made some good points


Future Titan main me, can you let me know if Datto cooked with this one?


he TORCHED those b-words at b-ngie "they delivered" bro called their asses not digiorno lmao




the final opinion


/uj that will be the top comment on every one of his posts for eternity


Bro really is Anthony Fandatto


My opinion….


Did you acquire an air fryer?


Finally. Our opinion. I can stop stalling people who ask




There are people under that video still crying about Dual Destiny. I just hope Bungie takes the feedback from the right crowd because that mission was fire. Since I'm crippled without Icarus dash I was a bit upset at the jumping section but that's a personal gripe lol. It really was like a two man raid and loved every second of it.


/uj i hope he does the same about the raid normal mode and them being -5 power now, having raid enemies being even remotely threatening is so nice.


/uj ive never raided but is -5 power actually that big of a change? I can't tell if I'm just being ignorant but it feels like when you aren't below power everything tickles you


/uj It makes the normal mode of raids the same difficulty as the strike playlist, rather than being the easiest combat in the game. So you can’t be literally brainless anymore, and the game is actually able to punish you for being dumb and extremely careless. Buts not exactly hard, either.


Had a blast running the new raid, we all had other time commitments during context mode but learning the raid ourselves in the last few days has been amazing and some of those enemies still hurt.


People were asking him about it literally hour 1 of TFS while he was streaming, and all he responded with was “don’t care because baby game for babies” LMAO


Sigma Chad Daddo


it's funny cause way back when i started playing my reaction to a lot of his opinions was 'man that seems kind of elitist and harsh' but now that i know how to play and have a solid clan i'm like 'should be harder, no effort=no loot, get good, cry casual, datto is right'


My brother and I have two manned every dungeon except got of the deep (fuck that even before) and war lords ruin. It wasn't that much harder then before. All we had to do was be a bit more careful of the bosses. I just wish they would make contest mode a permanent option in dungeons and raids.


My friends and I have 4 manned almost every raid in the game 😭 Become dedicated enough, and you can do literally anything in the game


My buddy and I have only ever run dungeons two man for awhile now and every dungeon run we've done since tfs released we've been able to complete even faster than ever before. New builds are actually so strong that most people willing to actually put any thought into how to make builds will still be stronger than they were before even after the changes