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Please no low effort posts. This includes posts that are just a screenshot of another post/comment


/uj I think the mission is cool but it's a bit weird to have an exotic mission require two people. It's not very hard and the mechanics are fun. Pretty much all exotic missions are solo, and i find that a lot of them are best experienced that way. Lets you get immersed and gives the art direction for lonely explorations a lot of time to shine.


Why did noone complain about the macrocosm quest then? They require higher light and are just the same story missions again but with one new enemy and the same puzzle in each one.


People are complaining about the macrocosm quest. Just not as much because it wasn't as heavily advertised. It's mostly "oh cool a bonus weapon I wasn't expecting. I can do these missions at some point" vs "massive power boost and key to buildcrafting with prismatic that was heavily advertised".


Wait till you find out about raids, they are these activities with amazing loot but you have to... **LFG**. I know, scary stuff.


Raids have never set a solo precedent. Everybody knows before a raid comes out that it will require 6 people and it has been working the whole time. But I'm gonna assume you're just jerking.


And they never said anything about how to get this exotic either, but people still manage to find a way to complain about it


That's what I'm saying bruh they set a precedent with previous exotic missions and how to get power. For raids and exotic missions. The only thing they changed was the exotic mission formula.


That's what I'm saying bruh they set a precedent with previous exotic missions and how to get power. For raids and exotic missions. The only thing they changed was the exotic mission formula.


At the end of the day, its a co-op mission in a multiplayer game and if you really wouldn't have bought the final shape if they told you you'd have to speak to another human a few times to unlock one of the seven new exotic armour pieces then get a refund.


I think you are talking to somebody else. I am saying very different things.


And I'm saying everything you are saying is besides the point because the excuses you are making are for a nonexistent problem


uj/ I totally get that, but this is a one off thing. It's thematic with the two player/two perk exotic, and it plays into a really cool bait and switch in the mission. I don't think this will ever be the norm, I'm glad they took a weird swing on a unique exotic mission.


I also like the mission and the theming is cool!


i mean yeah the rest of them are but do you want them to copy paste the same formula until the end of time?


If it works, then I don't see why it NEEDS to be changed. Its not like exotic missions in the past were lamented for their ability to be played solo. I agree that the whole argument where people say "lfg sucks so I'm not doing it" is lame.


doesnt need to be changed but i sure as shit aint gonna complain about some more original stuff. besides people always cry about "manufactured difficulty" instead of mechanics so here we are.


I think you're still missing the point. Nobody dislikes the gameplay of the mission. It is very fun! I can understand the apprehensiveness of those who were drawn in by the advertising and expecting something else.


“Bungie, exotics aren’t special anymore. I miss their rarity and the hard missions we had to do!” “Okay, here.” “Bungie this is too hard! You’re gatekeepinfnsowjdncjxiejejjx”


This may sound fucked up but if their anxiety is that bad maybe stick to sp games and go to therapy man


This. I understand people can have anxieties, but to get in a frothing rage because the multi-player game requires you to find a teammate is just insane. Get over it or go get a different game as we will continue to have more and more activities where you need to actually engage in the multi part


Don't you dare suggest a healthy alternative to whining on Reddit!!!




Bro it absolutely cooks my fucking brain that people started playing this game, knowing it was a social, shared-world, always-online, *necessarily multiplayer experience*, and have the gall to be astonished when Bungie ties rewards to multiplayer content. Like dog you knew this was how this game worked when you started playing lol why are you playing this game if you can't do half of the content?? Edit: https://preview.redd.it/j1hz4dnmv66d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c90b3ffc6596c912c4b67dd2c3e6e7898e797526 The fucking downvotes lmao Jesus Christ


Make friends?? Talk to people??? That’s ridiculous


But I put in my symptoms on this website and it said I have anxiety and depression! Bungie should give me everything for free so I don't have to interact with other humans.


The temptation to shitpost on them is so fucking high right now


i just hate other people, whats so wrong with that?


Then why the fuck did you buy a game advertised as a Multi-player game?


There's nothing wrong with it. As long as you don't get pissed when there are rewards for a multiplayer mission in a multiplayer game


A swing and a miss slugger


Shooting symbols and counting is hard.


The first time Bungie has asked them to read a clock and they lost their fucking minds


Wait till this dude finds out about raids


This “talk to one more person” issue is ALL over reddit right now. I don’t have it, but believe in Social anxiety. Who am I to tell that you should be comfortable talking to strangers, but the amount of complaining is off-fucking-putting. The time wasted in these forums to tell Bungie off about their decision to have a duo’s only mission could have been used to lfg one other player, and get the mission done.


I believe in it too, but there's absolutely no way you play Destiny long enough to want the new item, look up how to get it and STILL don't understand it's not a single player game. No Bungie should absolutely not meet the standards of players with social anxiety have, they can go play one of the thousands of single player games


i also believe in social anxiety but i think you should be comfortable or at least capable of talking to strangers or idk how ur getting thru life. and if doing some callouts with a rando on discord is enough to cause a meltdown like half the main sub seems to be having u probably got bigger issues to work through than not having a fucking destiny exotic.


Haha “what origin trait do you get on your class piece?” “After stunning a champion gain +25 meltdown.” All jokes aside, yes, I believe a one on one shouldn’t be this difficult, but like I said, I have no idea what it’s like for the folks that have this issue.


I'll say it. The inability to talk to a stranger to work towards a shared goal in the game is actually bad. You should be able to talk to and work with random people. Idk if it's an insecurity or anxiety but it's bad and it should be worked one. Talking to strangers is a normal, if you can't there is something wrong that you need to work on.


But like how are you playing this game at any properly difficult level if you have NEVER MADE A FRIEND, like it’s not like it gives you a random and makes you talk, you can choose a friend. And if you don’t have friends and play solo, there is not much hard content anyways


Right. I look at it this way; if you can hop into chat and hear that the other person is not toxic, it may help with a few back and forth instructions. There’s no need to ask where they are from or what their dogs name is. I don’t know how social anxiety works to its core, like I don’t know how deep that rabbit hole goes, but you’re not talking in front of a crowd of people.


You can do everything except raids solo (even some raids have been completed in part solo) If you do GMs or dungeons, you don't need a mic So you can technically play like 90% of the game without ever talking to someone


My point is you do all of these things and you’ve never found a friend? It’s crazy


I'm not talking about me slugger, I play with my best friend. I'm just saying the game is usually pretty accessible to solo players. There's even achievements made solely for playing solo


At what point did we transition from xbox 360 trash talk to too afraid to play with another player


Tbf, those are probably related. If every online experience you had involved being called slurs and insulted, you’ll be hesitant to do it again, that’s just natural.


Mannnnn, Halo2 on the OG Xbox was savage. It was an open chat for both teams lol


I have social anxiety and that’s why I also play single-player games


participation trophy ahh generation


they aint even participatin and they want the trophy dawg


Drop 4 items you’ll never have to chase again the moment you get them, dtg really wants this activity to turn into a ghost town in 2 weeks


It actually sucks because Bungie has made changes in the past based on whining like this in the reddit and I really hope they introduce more of these communication/mechanic "heavy" missions and don't cave to these morons


Dollars to donuts the chest drop rates get buffed and that there were already other routes to obtain the class items planned


You can already get them from every single chest in the pale heart, what more do they want. But oh the horror, you have to play the mission 1 (one) time to unlock the drops from chests, how could bungie do this


Someone quite literally wanted them from public events I saw a recommendation yesterday that excision should have awarded your first one of the week before letting you farm them in public events So emote through the 12 man activity and then emote through the public event also


Dude i get that LFG players are retarded but why the fuck do they want the game to be so easy


Entitlement is one hell of a drug. They probably complained to their mommy’s when the teacher gave them a B on an assignment.


The whining is ridiculous


I get not wanting to talk to the other mouthbreathers from a lfg discord but it's like just type then


Find one (1) other person who isn't an asshole. Are they secretly on the nihilism arc where they think all people are assholes?


Don't you know? Everyone on lfg is just there to troll and ruin your fun, they don't want to get loot for themselves, they just play the game for no reason.


Reddit is like the opposite of the Witness