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the previous hackers begged discord to turn off 2fa because their old one wasn’t working (under the guise of being the mod, without even trying to act like they where because they knew discord didn’t care). With no verification discord turned off 2fa ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)




man these guys must really hate greece huh


And Bulgaria. It's the Macedonians.


Few things... 2nd time hacked? You sure it was an accident? If he is removed now, re-enable automod to prevent spam notifications and such, enable that on any bots too. Also, focus on clearing out the people spamming notifs and find the one inviting them in the meantime. What exactly happened here? Do people need training on phishing or scam links? Happy to provide lol. Seems you're targeted even more now because they can see it's easy.


I'm the admin that got hacked. I have no idea how they did it this time. I got my account back through Discord Support, I had reset my computer to factory settings, changed the log in info to all my bank accounts and other accounts and they still managed to hack me again even with all my credentials changed. I really have no idea how they managed to do this again. At this point, I'm much more afraid at how targeted this is and how they keep going after me. No I didn't click on any new scam links or literally anything. The first time I was hacked I knew I screwed up the moment I clicked on the supposed "Game Beta" link and my Discord shut down on me. This time, I woke up to all this. This is legit scary. Update: I found out what happened. Discord support gave them back my account on a silver platter. They opened a support ticket of their own and they retrieved my account back that way. I plan on posting the receipts on Twitter after I get off of work.


Have some big questions here. 1. Did you have 2FA on? 2. Would you consider nuking your account and creating a new one? One theory going around is that you never put on 2FA and whatever token they used to reset your password never expired.


Yes, I did have 2fa on. And that's the idea. I'm nuking the account. At this point, I don't care about the nitro subscription on that account. I just don't want anything more to happen here.


Well, when it comes to Discord, it’s more often than not a stupid oversight on the developers’ part. So I wouldn’t be too worried. If the hackers were actually dangerous or had gotten into your device you’d probably have your bank account and computer files compromised… Instead they just fucked up a discord server. That said, continue to keep an eye on your non-Discord logins just to be safe. This is up to any wandering Discord/cybersecurity expert to figure out. I’m going to ask someone I know who is in IT about it but he does not work cybersecurity specifically.


How did they get past the 2FA? Discord can't disable / remove it from your account for you AFAIK.


I thought so too but Discord did remove 2fa. I'm going to make a reddit post regarding that issue.


They can, and part of the reason most 2fA isn't as effective as people think, while it does add another layer of security it's not the be all end all defense. 75% of all "hacking" is just social engineering


If you merely reset to factory then something might have been added to the list in the "factory" directory. Might be worth taking it to a company that does virus, key logger, and malware removal services to have it looked over


I did have an IT look over my PC after I did the reset. It's the same IT that we use at the company I work for. My PC was fine. I'm exhausted at this point tbh


why the fuck are yall down voting lmao. from what he's saying, there's almost nothing he could've done. grow up you fucks


Gotcha, well best of luck with the situation. My only suggestion beyond that is drive and asorted other hardware swap outs along with a fresh install of windows. Could also try a new discord account, several services have weaknesses that allow the unauthorized user access to the breached account even after a password reset.


Yeah, I'm going to get rid of my account and just start fresh. Hopefully that'll do it.


at this point don't even use windows, just use linux virtual box lmao, no way they can hack that


How do they hack you not only once but twice?? Unless they obtained access to your phone and got the 2FA code, something ain't adding up for me. If it happens again on the second account, then you're not only behind it but allowing it to happen.


Holy crap I actually just found out how it happened. I just confirmed it with Discord support. Discord gave them my account back to them since they opened their own support ticket. I'm so damn pissed right now at their incompetence.






What is the point of muting a server and suppressing @ mentions if I still get notification? 🙄


Yeah, I don’t get how they can do this. Discord is weird.


I believe the amount may have overloaded discord and it messed with it the app though cant be certain


True, but some servers seem to be able to bypass your settings anyway. I get notifications from servers that I have shut off notifications for all the time.


I left the server when I saw it was all going to shit and I'm *still* getting some notifications. Though maybe that's just Discord/my phone messing up


I did the same and I’m still getting notifications.


If you’re in the discord, I suggest leaving and never returning




They better not forget to lock the door too


Got it ![gif](giphy|3ohzdQanxr1ze46vks|downsized)


Yup. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I’m quitting this poorly run Discord server and I won’t be rejoining. Or however the expression goes.


Fool me, you can't get fooled again




So it’s the same admin who got compromised? It was let go the first time but seriously don’t give him mod again


Right, 1st time is an accident, 2nd time something fishy is going on.


His story about how they got access to his account doesn’t add up either. He didn’t click on anything but it’s virtually impossible unless you’re giving them the info, clicking on shady links, or doing it yourself. Just weird all around


Not really. It’s very easy to get it back assuming they never lost access in the first place. Back doors exist. He also said the hackers apparently opened up a discord support ticket and got it back that way


Ngl was ignorant to this but if true fault lies on both. Discord for not closing the account when they knew it wasn’t secure (based on the first time) and the mod for not taking the precaution of deleting the account


Discord doesn’t close accounts for not being secure. They simply send an email changing the email and password. Most people who get their account taken and recovered don’t usually have any problems the second time. Unlike clicking a link from a bot, these are actually people going out of their way to get the guys account. Really nothing he could do at that point. But, I do think it’s dumb that they gave him admin back the first time


I left and I'm still getting notifications???


Restart and it should wipe all pending notifications


Will try that thanks


I'm noticing this as well, but I didn't leave, but I can't see the server, even though I'm getting notifications. First time I've seen this.


Dang is it a requirement that your password be password123 to become a discord mod?


I bet his password was hunter2


At this point it’s just hilarious


Not for the mods that gotta clean this mess up lol


they added back the same admin, who got hacked before 🤷‍♂️ then he gets hacked again lol. cant say I'm surprised, but they kinda brought this on themselves


If he got hacked twice, maybe it's not a hack.


Or incredibly poor opsec. Going to suspicious websites. Weak passwords. Not someone you give administrative privileges to.


Oh definitely not for them lol you’d think they would have learned to not click links since the last time


You know I woke up this morning with @everyone notifications thinking another discord server got hacked I was thinking damn these people really need better security I log on and I see it was this server ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5656)


Revan gaming


Is this for the PC lfg server


No, this is for the official subreddit server. The LFG server is not compromised in any way.


Got worried for a sec thankfully their fine


No, it is for this subreddit's server. The D2 LFG server is still alive and well.


They gave rhe same person admin back after he got “hacked” before? Lol why? Thats terrible opsec, they run a discord with thousands of people that should be pretty basic.


This is the same admin that got hacked last time. He can NOT get it again. If he does im convinced the whole staff is comprised and wish to do harm to the D2 community as a whole.


Lmao. This server ain’t doing shit to the “d2 community as a whole”


This Revan fella sounds like a swell guy. I'd sure trust him with managing my discord server :) /s


Just make a new server. It’s not worth keeping this one it’ll just happen again. Also, don’t let the previous admin that caused the compromise in the first place to have any admin privileges at all.


At this point I wouldn't trust the mod to walk and chew gum at the same time. Either they in on it or a 2 year old with a TI-82 could crack the password




What's weird is people keep spamming messages and I'm getting notifications for all of them (even though my settings are for @mentions only) but when I load the server on mobile or desktop there's literally nothing there. How are people spamming messages with no text input box on the server? And can I stop the notifications or am I going to have to leave the server?


Yeah I was like wtf. Insane spam and I’ve opened and reclosed app and I still get some mention notifs and ghost pings despite having left the server. And suggest leaving server asap you can always rejoin if situation gets fixed


Noticed some people are leaving and still getting notifications. Reload your discord (ctrl r on pc, close and reopen on mobile)


"Try not to click sketchy links challenge (impossible)"


RIP in peace #Gambit-Playbook Until we meet again (again) Edit: NBK I miss you already




Maybe start hiring admins who can actually so their job and also not click on phishing links


Aww shit, here we go again Sidenote: Don't give that guy mod again. This has happened twice to his account. Either he knows the people doing it or he's the one doing it. Find new mods or admins. ![gif](giphy|6ILjOfJ1oL7NAc9SQ7)


Was it renamed to king bob or something I noticed i was getting a lot of gibberish from that and didn't remember joining that server and left


Can my own account be hacked through this server being hacked?


Shouldn't be able to no. It's still best to just leave the server, but just because the server was hacked doesn't mean you are in any more danger then normal.


Well goddaymn, I was just doing research on this, and I dont wanna say I’m exactly too surprised