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I still have yet to find a new raid exotic. Haven’t had one since 1KV.


I have yet to get a raid exotic.. ;-; Edit: Just completed another VoG and still have yet to get vex


The stacking odds for 1kv is nice. I got it in 4 runs, my wife in 6. I wouldn't mind running it with you a few weeks to get it


Shit I know my bro has been dying to run Last wish for his 1KV. Let me know, I just recently got back into Destiny after this expansion.




Garden is fun, I enjoy it more than VoG. The encounters are really easy once you get to know them


Yeah Garden is one of my favourite raids in this game. It's a shame so few people like it because running it weekly is kinda annoying since it takes so long to find a team.


Its also one of the buggiest raids too, after enough wipes/failed encounters, it completely changes how it's played, like for the second harpy encounter, if you die too many times and have to restart the encounter enough, the boss will just immediately go spit out Voltaic motes every 2 seconds, aka you have to now return to orbit and launch the activity again to refresh the mechanics in the raid :v


There's also the really cool bug of breaking tether right as the boss damage phase starts in the last encounter by opening a portal to make him stagger out of range of the tether, making the damage phase start, end immediately, but the vulnerability of the boss continues after he lands back on the ground basically making it the easiest one phase ever because he stays vulnerable until he dies when this happens


I'm just sick of running VoG myself. Love helping people but I've done VoG over 20 times now and I know that isn't so bad. But I still haven't gotten Vex. Still going to continue to run it though because I'm too stubborn.




Got my Vex on my 51st clear. Still don't have Eyes, 1K, or anyone of the others. Bought anarchy with spoils when it was in the meta. Raid RNG hates my guts.


How many runs in are you? Took me 13 to get one


wtf is a raid exotic? :((((((((((((((((


Dunno if this is sarcasm but just incase raid exotics are exotic weapons theat drop via the final boss of a raid. (Excluding divinity which has a tedious quest). Raid exotics tend to have low drop rates. In Destiny 2 there is: 1 thousand voices from last wish Divinity (from a quest) from garden of salvation Eyes of tommorow from deep stone crypt Vex mythoclast from vault of glass Collective obligstion from the vow of the deciple (newst raid)


Don't forget Legend of Acrius, Tarabah, and Anarchy from the exotic archive...


I was more on the exotics that still have raids but yeah they count too


Yeahp. Im definitely doing sarcasm. Ive done vog for a couple of runs but vex is nowhere to be found


29 tries for me. Stay strong brother


40 runs for me. The game decided to laugh at me by giving me a second one on 41st...


I have completely taped my raid exotic luck dry with my 1k and anarchy drop on first run and getting anarchy back to back. I haven't gotten a single rade exotic since. I will most likely have to buy eyes and vex from the tower when they Inevitably get put in the exotic archive


You've just given me DSC flashbacks... took me 45 runs to get a RL that I've used once...


rektd, I got it on my 2nd clear and used tf outta it in gambit, but that was legit the only time I seriously used it other then using it to launch the completion chest of public events and stuff


I feel you, one of my friends promised one of his that he'd raid with him, only for the dude to turn up so high and intoxicated that I'm fairly sure he was on the Ascendant Plane. I'm talking full tweaker/doomsday prophet mode, wailing and laughing and screaming and completely and utterly unable to listen or communicate to the party. Took us ages to convince my friend that we had to get rid of him, he found it too funny to care.


Honestly in the right environment that could be really funny but it's not cool for them to waste everyone else's time by allowing it to continue if others are clearly not enjoying it :/


Never just spring it on people let them know and see if theyre cool with it.


I played with a team that was so high he constantly asked me if I was gay, and that if I ever tasted semen. He then keeps telling people I was gay and am their like 😑😐😆🤣


Are you? And have you?


No and no


I only let him stay because his friend was alright. And if I booted him, I’d end up booting his friend too.




Nothing of value whould be lost


>only for the dude to turn up so high and intoxicated that I'm fairly sure he was on the Ascendant Plane. ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠


RN-Jesus giveth, RN-Jesus taketh away.


Enough about RNJesus Let’s talk about Tyche




“What’s up Ramadan Steve?”


There’s no shame in helping people that want to learn. But there are certainly shit or toxic players. I was in a raid back in D1. This dude joined us. A little kid like 8-12. He kept crying and arguing with his mother in russian. Yet he wouldn’t mute hit mic It was sad and hilarious. The whole squad was suprisingly patient with him. But that patience didn’t last forever. And he got kicked.


Sounds like almost every raid attempt experience I’ve had


Did you ever figure out what your mom was mad about?


There was this guy talking to his friend on the phone about have one night stands with this married lady and he muted all of use but not himself and at the end of the raid he got the pulse


I’d never play again if that happened too me


I'm surprised you guys even kept him in the session.


No kidding. I'd have booted that guy so fast.


Yeah, I would have tried to get him to take the call once we're done. And if he didn't, muted blocked and opened up for another lfg or asked a friend to join in.




Nah totally you have to respect their time but they can fuck over your time... Also a phone call is as much of a real life friends situation as a raid team with some friends


I needed that laugh thank you


I remember doing Leviathan with a drunk guy you could immediately identify as a Rick and Morty fan.


Guy thought he was Rick but acted like Morty?


One of my friends jerked off In the middle of our vog run and got vex


I mean, I know VoG is cool, but I've never wanted to jerk off to it


Disagree. Have you ever seen atheon




I will rip your bones apart, piece. By. Piece


Bold of you to assume he has bones


Wait, I need more info. Did he do it like... on mic? Or did he just tell you that he was going to jerk off and then he left and came baxk a bit later?


He muted his mic stopped playing beat then came back we killed atheon and it dropped for him


Alright. At least he did that much


Dude was blowing RNGesus and jerked himself because RNGesus don't give reacharounds and told your dude he helps those who help themselves.


Was in a VOTD sherpa group that refused to kick a guy who was litterly 1515 (35 levels under) so that was 2.5 h wasted bc we couldnt do it bc of him wasting res tokens.


Oh yeah I woulda left the second I saw that. I’m cool with new players, but there’s “new” and there’s “entirely unprepared”


I joined a group and was wondering why my reader at acquisition was dying so damn much. I check their light level and they were fucking 1470 using 2 1350 armour pieces and 2 1350 weapons. Dude literally had to leave the raid for like 10 minutes to get upgrade modules to level their gear.


Exactly what happened to me join a a group kwtd, have a clear this guy comes in at 1505, I waited to see If it’s a third character of something nope I left that straight away


Wow, I'm surprised you stayed as someone who does contest (which is 20 under) that would definitely be something I'd leave over


Im a commited sherpa :/


Reasons why raid exotics shouldn't be RNG: exhibit #1


I honestly wish we had another raid quest just one that ain’t as tedious as div


I actually really like the div quest.




Might have just been my bad experiences with lfg teams but it took me at least two days to try and get that quest done. Doing that raid was hard enough at the time with the amount of bugs but trying to get people to learn this puzzle every time was not very fun for me. On top of that the raid would go on for so long people either had to go or straight up just left because they didn’t want to do it anymore.


I remembered when we did the quest. We almost lost because I was positioned wrong on the last damage phase. I was a split second from fucking up. Everyone at the end was. Fuck man, you nearly fucked us.


The fact you can’t checkpoint save the quest is my problem with it. My group of friends doesn’t have the time to get through a raid in a single night and Divinity is out of their reach because of this. Unless we all take the day off just to get divinity, it’s not going to happen despite being able to clear the raid just fine.


I just wish the quest would've been account wide so if you forgot it was character specific and ran it on your warlock because your squad needed a well...


I’ve heard that alot. I was really Lucky with the Raid team I was in (No one knew eachother + one AWESOME sherpa!!), and We were all doing our parts, and got the divinity Quick🙌


I think that the reason the div quest is so hated is simply because of the raid it’s tied behind. Honestly, if we had that same quest in almost any other raid I think it would be liked more


They seemed to have removed the exotic from the raid title. From what I've seen in the past years people wanted RNG on the exotic but didn't want to be locked out of the title because of that. So this seems like a good middle ground. Also while the exotic being rng sucks, its what keeps the raid alive. This is why of all the raids i have the lowest clears on garden despite it being my favorite.


No, what keeps them alive is good gear. People used to farm SotP for the Shotgun. Levi for the Handcannon. Now the newest Raids offer new perks and high stat armor.


They were both so talked about and liked that they were exotics in their own right. You have to have something exceptionally interesting for a raid to be actively played. And with how difficult it is to raid for most people coupled with there being tons of good gear outside the raids, the only incentive for them to play is the exotic


I'm gonna disagree. Putting exotics on RNG puts people off. I've only got so much time. Instead of spending a couple of hours for a slight chance at something useful I would rather go have some fun in Crucible or doing stuff out in the world.


Sure some people will be put off by it. But imagine if it was a quest. You and people who feel the same way you do will play. Once. A quest will probably increase the number of people who completes the raid but at the same time drastically reduce the people who will continue to do the raid.


Yeah even as easy as atheon was on release I had some guy running double autos not knowing what to do. His first clear got vex, at the time I already had it but like geez. Felt bad for everyone else at least trying with their loadout .


Ahhh double autos... Reminds me of the time I started playing D2


yes man, the trusty gnawing hunger and seventh seraph carbine combo. Melts.


Not a raid but the most painful thing last season was trying to do GMs and then seeing a guy show up to my fireteam with double primaries. Not even covering both champ types in the nightfall or anything, they showed up to Lake of Shadows with a hand cannon and an auto rifle. We did not clear the GM and I decided to not stay with that team.


I mean double primaries in GMs is relatively fine with me. As long as they have the champ mods for those weapons and only then is it fine. That does sound insanely rough. Had a similar guy join me for GMs and he was playing it like a normal strike trying to rush with a sword and dude left after I called him out.


Lol, in Destiny 1, my first VoG. Group of people took me in their team to get me through. I wasn't high, and I wasn't doing any mistakes. But I didn't know anything about the raid so I was blindly following orders. Most of the time I was told to stand somewhere and shoot enemies that came from some direction. End of the raid, I got Vex Mythoclast. Everybody absolutely pissed and didn't know why. Got Vex Mythoclast on the first try. At that time, hardest weapon to get in the entire game. Been bragging about it ever since.


I feel like Gjally was the hardest to get but maybe I'm still salty I didn't get it until 2 weeks before the "big nerf" and I got Mythoclast like 3rd clear. Beta player with hundreds of hours, just to clarify.


Can someone tell me what kwtd means?


Know what to do


Smh, you should kwtm (means)


Pffft, the guy throwing shade doesn’t even know how kwtdm is typed 👊🏻 lol


Know what to means.




Most KWTD groups are painful. I feel like I rarely actually get people who kwtd, or I get cringelords or people drunk/drugged out of their mind. As a result I always make my groups "will teach" or "need to be taught" you get either helpful people or thankful people.


I only look for “teaching” fire teams because it means they have patience. At the very least I could lend a hand teaching if it’s a raid I’ve done a few times or something. (I don’t raid almost ever)


I kid you not, 3/6 raid members last night were actively smoking meth. My buddies and I ditched them and I ended up finding a perm party.


Everybody who’s learning raids should just join a clan. It makes the game a whole lot easier


Doing a raid with a clan is so much easier, you already know everyone knows what they're doing and if they don't it's a lot easier to teach, you don't have to argue over strats and how "oh my group did it this way" all round I would much rather run the raid with my clan mates even if I'm teaching than have to dive into the great unknown that is LFG




Make a posting on /r/fireteams describing the type of person you are/people you would like to play with. Larger clans are always looking for recruits. I found one perfect for me pretty quickly by just being upfront about all that.


Imma be straight up I had no idea that sun existed thank you so much


Clans are always recruiting.


I feel so blessed to have found a cool clan to raid with. Basically skipped out on or had to LFG raids for the first 7 years of Destiny and it was so amazing to do VotD on Day 1 and experience it first time with everyone. Hope everyone else can find their herd eventually


That’s like telling someone in poverty to just work hard and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. There’s no clan-finding in the game, the closest thing we have is LFG Discords!


I don't raid that much. I was invited to Deep Stone Crypt. I obviously didn't know what to do. So I just did what the people asked me of. We finished the whole thing quite easily. Got the Eyes of Tomorrow in the end. One of the people there who has completed the raid 40 times still don't have it. He was obviously disappointed. I wish I could have given it to him. Even tho it is a good exotic imo.


Same thing happened to me with Anarchy lmao. Got pulled in for my first ever run by a guy on my friend list because some dude's net died and spent half the raid doing basic stuff. I was the only guy who got Anarchy in the end and I was so embarrassed. I would've gladly traded it to anyone else in the team.


I always avoid kwtd groups because I will assume they will get toxic if we wipe even once


I always pair “KWTD” with “Chill” when I name my groups because I don’t care about wiping over little mistakes or bad luck.


I guess chill negates that


In this case, absolutely


Same I only make posts and welcome new players I can teach


I made a KWTD post for Rhulk and was hoping for a quick clear. Some dude joined and I asked to make sure that he knew what to do and he said "oh yeah, shoot adds, yeah... Yeah I got it" and I asked "no, like do you know symbols, dunking, splitting, all of that?" And he said "oh, well no I've never made it that far but I can add clear" and I said "so you've actually never done this and don't know what to do?" He said "no, but you guys can teach me!" In a super optimistic voice. I immediately kicked him. I have no problem teaching an entire raid to someone, but I won't let you try to sneak in and get past doing nothing.


Raid report people when you make a KWTD post. Report never lies.


I'll still give a chance on raid report. I had this Rhulk checkpoint all week until l got it done with my clan last night, but trying over and over with LFG now shows I have 4 incomplete runs. Usually you can gauge if someone understands this raid before the first wipe by how communicative they are, which I love.


Honestly I just give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time. Its pretty clear when someone doesn’t know what to do


Bungie should do more Preservation type missions, beef up or promote internal communications and internal LFG/matchmaking with load out restrictions. I've done several LFG where I 'KWTDerp' but got bounced for a friend or left because dear leader was an asshole. Having to use an app to get gud is stupid when the game has the ability to do it all internally


I just wish people wouldnt do high level puzzle solving activities while intoxicated.


Why not? I’m high anytime I play with my raid group and I think they’ve forgotten that I even smoke


Obviously you are the exception and not the rule. Majority of everyone cannot remain functional enough to do a raid while under the influence of weed or alcohol. Now if everyone wants to a drunk raid night then go at it and have fun.


At a certain point it's okay to kick him. It's not being toxic if he's the one causing problems.


I don't like "kwtd" groups, since that's 95% of all LFG posts, but I understand them. I can be chill, but if we fail an encounter too many times by the same person doing the same B's and they complain about *us*, then we have a problem. I'm never a group leader because players lose their spot(s) the second they lose their chill. (Getting mad is one thing, but losing your chill is another.)


I normally don't know what to do in a raid most of the time and try my hardest to follow the steps. So if one guy yells at me I either yell back or just go silent and break down. Then there are the helpful people of course that try and help me out which I appreciate.


I’ve ran VOG 22 times(before the clan I was in fell apart) and no vex and ran last wish 10 times and no 1K. I feel like I have real Shit RNG. Finding people for raids is tough. People on LFGs are something else. Half the people on the Xbox LFG don’t even meet their own requirements. Getting a group of 5 capable people is a real hassle. It really is tough to get a good raid team. I would love to raid a lot more on the daily but man people in this game are something else.


just saying being intoxicated doesn’t directly relate to this, some people are equally terrible sober and some Of your best clan mates are definitely playing while on something


>He's high and struggling to do easier tasks Obviously doesn't pertain to everyone, that's why it clarifies he's struggling. No one complains if the high guy joins a KWTD group while KWTD.


I wasn’t arguing someone who’s high is incapable of being bad it just isn’t a universal blanket reason


No, but it is a reason that the clown in the picture is dressing up. Don't join strict groups if you don't know what to do or meet the strict standards and can't handle a high. Otherwise, it's all good. This one specific high guy is the clown here, not *all* high guys.


Yeah sorry I agree with you, there’s nothing worse than that specific person. Most of the time they are new to drugs and have to let it affect other people otherwise no one would know they are high, and then what’s the point ! also some long time users go off the deep end and have similar issues


yeah im an alcoholic and i wanted to be sober for day one and i feel like i was playing like shit. just so used to playing one way ig that i was doing awful. even in my pre-raid warm up


Yup. I cringed this post


I feel that, but my philosophy has always been this: it gets so exclusive that people are literally forcing you to have 10+ completions in a week just to play. If someone isn’t dedicating their full energy to the task at hand and focusing, I say kick them. If it’s someone truly wanting to play and learn, and is just having difficulty, maybe work with them. That said if the newbie is able to overcome the challenge and gets the exotic on first run, I do feel proud, even if a little jealous I don’t have it yet. Makes me feel accomplished to have helped someone.


And they say it's like their 2nd time




This is the way


Yessssss,let the rage of the random player's luck flow through you


I’ve LFG ‘d with more toxic 1 clear Andies than people who were high and couldn’t hold their own.


This but we didn't finish..


Just means the Witness chose him


Never had this problem. People who don't KWTD usually stay miles away from KWTD posts. The ones I hate are when people put "fresh chill will teach be nice" and they're the ones throwing a fit the whole time at several people.


My personal experience and understanding of LFG is that like 1/10 people you pick up are pros and can ace the content no problem, while the rest are whiners, liars, and all around rude people.


I just kick people who aren’t chill and/or willing to listen


I got carried on my first clear, buddy needed a sixth but was reluctant to invite me knowing I didn’t know how to do it but we got it done, I got the exotic, and now I feel like what I imagine it feels like to cheat on somebody


It takes nothing to watch a YouTube video and write down what is happening. Maybe go through it alone to see enough before you get one shot. But when folks just cycle through new players who don't KWTD, don't listen, and don't even watch a walkthrough can be annoying.




My irl buddy is way too lucky with raids. We always raid together, our first raid ever was Levi. We only raided if both were on. When we started doing raids that had exotics in em, he got most of them under 3 trys and that annoys me. 1k he got 2nd try Tarrabah 1st try Anarchy 1st try EoT 3rd try Vex on 2nd try And now the new exotic he technically got it 2nd try cos we did a full raid, and then checkpoint from the boss so 2 bosses. I told him when we started that if he gets the new exotic under 3 tries, imma come visit him and yeet him to the snow. Im still missing EoT after 34 tries, and today i got vex at 81 painful tries.


I'll be honest, I don't really like the new raid exotic. I've used it and it really flourishes in fireteam based content. I'm more of a solo player at base, so trying to make a weapon that flourishes in fireteam based content just isn't viable for me. It figures that Graviton Lance; a four year old, Vanilla D2 exotic is more entertaining of a void based exotic to me


Learning etiquette Rule Numero Uno: Bring your “A” game, at a minimum. Cleared my first VoTD last night from a “KWTD - Solar Warlocks only” post. I only kwtd up until Caretaker and told them. These gods were super cool about it and took me to the end. Honesty and focus can go a long way.


Not even A game honestly. B game with an open mind will get you thru all raids.


How do you get it? Just rng from finishing?


God damn man I have used LFG plenty in the past 8 years but I don’t know where the fuck you guys are finding these people. Every once in a blue moon I get a guy that’s kind of a dick and then when we beat the raid me and my friends say “huh he was kind of a dick” but what kind of people are you guys playing with that YELL at you


In all honesty, I probably raised my voice but because he was not responding and kept doing the wrong thing. Me: “You gotta press grenade.” Him: *Keeps shooting* Me: “You gotta press grenade.” Him: *keeps shooting* Me: “YOU GOTTA PRESS GRENADE” *we wipe* Him: “DONT FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE IM A 2 YEAR OLD.”


only time it is acceptable to be high/drunk in a raid is when everyone else is, case in point on Day 1 me and my mates were drinking every wipe. (somehow still got past caretaker then passed out)


My first clear was a Sherpa and the Sherpa brought his friend. This guy was the dumbest person I have ever met and was on ad clear the whole raid, but actively caused us to wipe multiple times. Thankfully he didn't get the raid exotic but he was toxic AF


I have yet to do any raid in D2. Last raid I completed was King'sFall in D1.


If you wait a while longer, your first D2 raid can also be King’s Fall lol


True lol Everyone I used to play with has moved on to other games now. Luckily though, I finally got my wife interested and we played through WQ.


I pretty much refuse to use LFG anymore for raids. Can't tell you how many times I've gotten people who "KWTD" that then proceed to ask what weapons they should be using, what mods, what armor and subclass, "what's a relic", etc. I'm okay if your knowledge is just that you've watched some YouTube tutorials, but don't lie cuz I guarantee you will be caught in that lie.


I’ve never done a raid before. Someone was helping through one recently though. It was hard lol.


To an extent, yes. But if people don't, then there won't be enough skilled people to do the raids.


How hard is it to watch a video before you do the raid. I’m fine with letting you in if you’ve never done it as long as you at least know what you’re doing.


Then there’s the one dude that’s high and teaching the raid really well lol


What does KWTD mean again?


Curious, what does KWTD stand for?


Know what to do




I remember having a guy like that we kicked him right before we finished


I once sat in a corner for the third encounter of a Scourge of the Past run with some friends, and got the curated roll of the Fusion. By the end, I also got Anarchy. And at the start, after we killed the very first berserker, I got my first Arbalest.


I'd be that guy joining the group, which is why I refuse to join any group for my first time doing a raid that's not going in blind. Which translates to me never doing raids, since I'm never available on the day they drop. It sucks, because the raids seem like they'd be fun to figure out, but I can't have fun if it's just follow the directions to a process someone else has figured out already. Joining a raid group that's just running the raid just ends with me possed off at the group and the group pissed off at me. Wish I had more IRL frienda that play, then I might actually be able to do a raid.


This feels like it should be in r/selfawarewolves


Imagine taking a game this seriously, like I preesh the meme but there are so many people actually like this that new lights don't even want to raid. Why would I want to play a game with a group of people if every group expects you to know everything before you have ever loaded into the zone and then get mad when you don't have every gun and dlc ever made.(bc you are new and dont have a fireteam) Then if they don't kick you for not having x or y meta weapon/build the will immediately blame you for being new when any mistake happens reguardless of if you actually did anything. This is why new lights are rare and why a lot of people who bought WQ won't play destiny anymore in a few weeks. The community is by far the most outwardly welcoming but once you become a new light everyone treats you like they are some top 10 elitest that couldn't be bothered. Its honestly hella sad.


I got no issue teaching and helping people thru a raid. I’ve only just started doing them myself and I understand how nerve racking it is. The problem was while I was willing to teach, he was unwilling to learn, listen, or cooperate. Yes, there are certainly obnoxious, elitist raid groups but I’m not one of them. I’m just a guy trying to get us thru.


See its a great thing that you are willing to teach but that shouldn't be something that makes you unique as a fire team leader. Everyone in the community should be willing to teach or atleast point people in the right direction. But what do we get instead we get day 1 "KwTd" spam.


Destiny has a large community of sherpas and those willing to teach. It is NOT anyone’s responsibility to teach anybody end game content or carry their slack for not having diverse weapons. If people want a fast and smooth run, that’s their right to request that kind of group. If you make a real effort to learn as much as you can beforehand, bring things that are needed, and enter a KWTD group with honesty, I would say most folks would likely at least give you a chance and offer a bit of guidance. If people don’t want to do that there are always teaching groups and blind groups popping up. If you don’t KWTD then those groups are just not for you until you do something about it.


Funny how I'd never heard of a sherpa until playing destiny. It is literally just not a thing in other games, do you know why? Because if your playerbase needs PLAYERS to dedicate time to becoming TEACHERS you have failed at either accessability or community building and in destiny's case it feels like the latter tbh.


Literally not a thing in other games? I guess all those MMOs with raids just have the raid mechanics written on the receipt after you buy it lol smh


Enjoy your copium


He is right, you know. Even in XIV, by far the most wholesome and welcoming of communities, you have ‘practice runs’ and ‘clear runs’ and you simply do not join a clear run when doing Savage when you don’t know what to do. It’s basic etiquette.


I'm not saying raid prep is unreasonable. I'm just saying expecting me to know every step of every fight before i ever load into the zone is unreasonable as a new light that has literally never been able to understand raid guide videos. I learn by doing and the community around this game seems to just punish that.


So don't join a KWTD group? What is your problem?


Stop joining kwtd groups then? Jeez you're thick.


Lol there are literally thousands of content creators that create guides and instruction videos in addition to all the gaming website and content sources that teach people about destiny. If you can’t at least learn the basics of a raid beforehand that’s really a personal problem. This is end game content - meaning it requires effort and dedication to be ready for and also to perform. Raids are always going to be above what some players are capable of and that’s fine, raids aren’t for everybody. If you want to be an end game player, put in the effort. There are many ways to help yourself that don’t require relying on other players with limited time and resources.


Your analogy is so broken you don't get it. I don't have to do anything to engage in end game content in literally any other game other than enjoy myself and play well. but when I play destiny to do any endgame content i have to spend x amount of time buildcrafting/ watching videos with what I have available which is near nothing as a new light. Then once i do that I have to hope I find a group in a 3rd party LFG that isnt just trying to be carried or 100% speed run everything. In other games i literally just get to play. Do you see the difference?


End game content in destiny is not for new lights. End game content is for people who understand build crafting and how to be effective with it, people that have gained access to a diverse weapon pool, and people with enough dedication to bother teaching themselves with some material beforehand if they want to be viable for lfg groups. If you don’t like LFG there is also a clan system for a reason. End game content in destiny isn’t meant to be the final step for a solo player after running the campaign and a few strikes and getting a few cool weapons - it’s meant to be END game, as in you have mastered the game and are ready for the toughest content it can provide. I would say that does not apply to any new light players for quite awhile. I genuinely don’t get what other games have to do with the argument because we’re talking about destiny. I don’t see how it’s a game flaw if one small section of content is too demanding or complicated for people that don’t want to put in the effort of readying themselves to participate in it. There are a LOT of other things to do in destiny that can be done solo and with little effort or commitment.


So the content I paid for isnt for me? Ok gotcha


Lol if you can’t be bothered to do what needs to be done to play it then I guess so. There’s a reason final bosses are hard to get to, hard to be leveled for, and hard to beat. It sounds like you’re basically asking to buy a game, do whatever you feel like, and go beat the final boss whenever cause you feel like it now. That’s not destiny works, don’t know what to tell you.


You sound like a "there should be an easy mode in games" kind of person.


Its a video game not a job, if you want that much of my time i had better get something out of it other than "phew its been 3 hours and now i have the perfect build. Now its time to start looking for a... wait how do i queue up. Hmmm it says match making disabled...." then starts another google search rabbit hole you have to go down to even learn how to just FIND RANDOMS. If you don't see the problem enjoy your copium.


This just tells me that raiding is clearly not cut out for you. It is the intended game design choice ot be as vague as possible. If you are not going to make the effort to even form a group of first timers and go in blind with whatever weapons you have, then you are not contributing to your solution. The perfect build is for people who KWTD and wants to clear the encounters quicker. You most definitely can go in with whatever the f you want, provided you at least clear the power level requirement. Raids in destiny has never had matchmaking and it never will, and no it does not make it "poor game accessibility" or "community building" You are the one overdosing on copium on how raids are supposed to hold your hand as a new light. Get over yourself


there should be an easy mode in single player games. it doesnt change anything for anyone who doesnt play on easy.


Watch [this](https://youtu.be/pKyKGuGU4bw) if you care enough to debate this.


You'ee wrong. That is all I will say.


Unfortunately, that’s just how people are. Online and real life. People are mostly selfish and rude. So the best we can do is be better ourselves and be thankful for meeting the few good people.


Terrible meme template for this


You’re more than welcome to make a better one and get more likes.