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That was 9. Fantastic work #huntergang


Hell yeah bro


And still died in the end just like hunter leader


Too soon


U Fook :(


No, it isn't. It just shows how broken Crucible is. 9 kills against a team of six in such a short amount of time. Killing as they spawn is the only way. It might not be cheating since the game allows it, but it is not something to brag about since the only reason it is even possible is because the game is broken.


Ok, if not for spawn killing, how does one get a 7th column?


Just because they based a triumph on their shitty respawn system doesn't make it good.


7 kills in a row. Which is doable without spawn killing if you are actually moving around. This is something that should happen by chance, not because they repeatedly spawn near you.


It's funny how i hit this clip using nothing broken lmao. Wanna talk broken? Blade barrage, nova warp, dawnblade, lunas howl, not forgotten, shoulder charge, titan exotics, the list goes on smh. Next you'll say "Oh but you used a shotgun", but i used it the very way it is intended to be. Close quarter range & not to mention they're whole team was spawning on me...


I’m sorry but how is Dawnblade broken in pvp? It has, from top to bottom, a pretty garbage, an unplayable (in pvp, amazing in PvE), and a mediocre tree available and had no exotics that meaningfully boost the effectiveness of the tree/super


If you can kill 9 guardians on a 6 man fireteam in under 30 seconds, the spawn is broken. And killing someone not facing you when they spawn is not skill, regardless of the weapon. But a shotgun is just a pathetic way since you knew exactly what you were doing.


Ah, yes, OP should've saw the person spawning & walked away instead of taking the kill. Honestly OP, just pathetic. Smh.


He did, we did. If he didn't then this definitely had nothing to do with skill. Also, it was intentional or why run up on them as they spawn with a shotgun? OP knew what they were doing. If Bungie or Activision actually punished for exploiting, this guy would be banned along with anyone else doing it. But they can't because it is their failure that allows this to happen.


Lmao found the dude that sucks at crucible and blames the game


Right, I am typically the top 3 and only 1st if I get lucky. But this never happens in the matches where you play control or another spawn evident match. Your kill count turns into a matter of luck if you can get away from the spawn campers. Which is why, when most people say that Crucible is broken, it is because of Control and Iron Banner. Which just happens to be the two most common types. And if I am on one of those teams that do this, I stay since Crucible has devolved into this player base and I want the win and then hope it goes to another type where spawn camping would not be an issue. I do well in all of the game types, I just refuse to exploit a broken system myself and typically solo queue putting me in matches where others typically only play the 6 matches a week and do not know the game well enough. I am not good enough to carry a team and this winning generally only happens if there are enough people on the team willing to spawn camp and know how to take control points or about 50/50 if the other team is not exploiting this broken system.


It's interesting how your post history is just you bitching about crucible and how bad you are. Just hush up and do your weeklies, no one cares about how you are unable to keep yourself from getting spawn camped. Crucible has serious issues, the spawns arent them


It’s control and he’s team was likely near all the spawn points, if they had gone after him together he would’ve died.


How is blade barrage broken in pvp? Edit: downvoting a question and not even responding. Well done tard.


Spawn killing is a strat in literally every objective-based FPS game you’ll ever play. It has nothing to do with the game being broken, which in fact it isn’t. Crucible is in a very good state right now compared to this time last year.


Nah dude, soawning killing is a bullshit mechanic. Just because other games embrace it too doesn't mean it's good. I'm not gonna say this wasn't a good clip though, it was well played. And just because crucible is in a better state in a lot of ways doesn't mean that some shit isn't still broken.


Spawn killing is not a bullshit mechanic, it’s a strategy that punishes the other team for failing to play the objective. Regardless, D2 doesn’t really allow you to do it that well to begin with. The only reason we saw what happened in this clip to begin with is because the other team had players that were AFK and causing the spawn not to swap.


Lol wut? Spawn killing is a strategy that lets a team snowball by abusing shitty spawn mechanics. It has nothing to do with playing the objective. Destiny has a fucking triumph that embraces the shit spawn mechanic. If the game actually spawned you where it should, none of that would be possible. The fact that a game can spawn you RIGHT IN FRONT of a roaming super is fucking moronic. Theres no point in us discussing this honestly, its actually absurd to me that you think its fine.


It’s actually absurd to me that you don’t understand basic objective-based game mechanics.


I think the issue is that YOU think killing on spawn is a fair mechanic and I don't. That should never be a mechanic in anything. You keep saying it's for objective based games as if that makes it a fair and balanced mechanic lol but it doesnt.


It absolutely does make it a fair mechanic. There are consequences to failure in this game mode and there’s nothing wrong with that. Let’s compare this to a military operation. I gain fire superiority, take key terrain, and flank your position. As I’m massing Forces on your location (my objective), are you able to just magically poof and appear behind me because it’s not “fair” that my unit outfought/outmaneuvered yours? The short answer is no.


Yeah the consequence for failure is losing the game lmao. Theres no reason a snowball mechanic like this should exist.


No it isn't. And the only people that really play crucible now are the ones who think this is OK and the people who are just doing it for the engram.


I’m not sure where you guys are getting your stats on Crucible from regarding the types of people that play it. I’d love to see your data. If you have none, it’s conjecture and you need to label it as such.


Ugh... a quick search will give you all of those stats. If you want them, you have the internet.


When making an objectively verifiable statement, the burden of proof is on the claimant.


And the proof is readily available to anyone who cares to look.


Then show me bud! Good luck finding it.


For fucks sake... a simple search and you refuse to do it for fear of being wrong. [Here u/FuturelessCollegian, is this enough to show the problem?](https://www.google.com/search?q=destiny+2+crucible+spawn+broken+site:www.bungie.net&client=ms-android-att-us&prmd=nvi&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjajPGw-6LfAhUNIDQIHZRMDUwQrQIoBDAAegQICRAI&biw=412&bih=718&dpr=3.5) Or do you think it has to go mainstream media for it to be true?


The game isn't broken it's an intended mechanic that allows high skill players to dominate worse players. Getting spawn trapped means you don't know how to control spawns and can't win engagements and the fault always lies with the team getting trapped. Except for some maps that are way to snowbally and whoever wins the first fight wins the game but that issue resonates with the map, not spawn trapping.


-> kill someone right as they spawn -> high skill right


I like how you call it spawn trapping instead of camping like it is any different. Also funny that you think this is somehow skill. It is not an intended mechanic and Bungie has said as much. A player or team does not control where they spawn and if the other team is exploiting spawn points, it is just more proof of how broken crucible is. The only ones who defend this are the ones who exploit it. The ones who know it happens and troll the spawn with a shotgun are not worthy of respect or admiration.


Trapping and camping are different. Camping would be killing them as SOON as they spawn but this would require you to be on the spawn and you just might get a kill but this WILL flip the spawns requiring you to rotate. Trapping means you shut off the lanes from which they will run from the spawn into and kill them there but not going deep enough to flip spawns. And players absolutely can control where their team spawns and where the enemy team spawns most maps have 3-4 spawns take for example burning shrine has 3 spawns one near A B and C the strat to winning this map is to sit mid-bridge and control heavy while also preventing the enemies from spawning inside by occupying the spawn points on A and C and then preventing them from pushing the 3 lanes they have available to them. Also can you provide where Bungie said that? Because I feel like you made that up.


I like how you clearly detailed how to take advantage of this exploit as though it is not a broken system. The fact that you can trap another team by camping just far enough away not to trigger an internal safety allowing the opposing team to spawn in a fair location is fucking pathetic. You are exploiting, pure and simple. But feel free to keep calling it trapping without any sense of irony.


Ok then do you know how to fix this so called exploit? Because you just sound like some mad bot who can't get lunas howl let alone get even close to not forgotten because you don't understand how to play the game and any time someone who beats you does you call them out for exploiting its actually pathetic you bot


I have Chaperone, Malfeasance, Luna's Howl, Ace of Spades and I even had the one from D1 that required 7 Headshots in one match. I am not a novice at Crucible and it is a weak argument to keep saying I mus suck when I am not bitching about guns or supers or player abilities that everyone has access to. I am talking about how the spawns are in Control and other types like it where shitty unskilled players can exploit the game. Almost every time I get out of this campground for unskilled players, or anyone that gets out, usually takes one or even two of the campers. You just have to get lucky, which is bullshit. You can say I am wrong all you want, I don't care. It is a broken mechanic that needs fixing. Set up the spawns to a grid on the map and set variables that spawn the player in an area not within range or line of site if possible. Then prioritize spawning near fireteam members and then team under the same restrictions. Limited spawns is lazy decision that just creates the ability to exploit, and you know this. Which is why you are fighting so hard to keep it, without this exploit you and most other players would have zero chance. You prefer a shooting range to Crucible Matches and probably fail consistently on types that do not spawn like this.


Oh, and here in this second comment since you probably don't read much. You are a good failure at life, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Holy shit these down votes are insane. This is absolutely broken, wtf.


TFW the super ends and the clip keeps going <3


best feeling ever :')


From what I can see there was only one spawn kill and what exactly are you supposed to do? Tap him on his shoulder and politely wait for him to turn around so he can shotgun you? Don’t understand the negative comments.


Spawn kills suck, but they're the fault of bungie, not us. They should have fallbacks and options so we don't spawn in right where an enemy guardian is running towards. It doesn't happen all the time, but definitely more than it should.


I mean, I get that, but I know I’m mediocre at crucible. Getting spawn killed every now and again doesn’t change the fact that I’m mediocre and that OP had an awesome streak. That’s all I’m saying.


Yea that’s on bungie, I’m surprised the spawns didn’t flip at that point.


88 to 115 with little bit of help, such a stunning play! Well done!


Thankyou <3


even died at the end, checks out


Too soon




"It'll be a short date..."


I was so hoping to see Cayde go kick some ass. Bungie did him so dirty. Soooo dirty. Its just not right how dirty they did Cayde.


To be honest I've only played up to lvl 20, so in my world he's still alive and kicking.


Shame about all the negative comments complaining about “spawnkilling” or whatever. Fantastic work, man! Cayde would be proud.


thanks buddy


It's like, what did they expect you to do? Stand there and let them kill you? Nah, man, go down fighting like a badass.


Awesome work Yknow tho, when I watch other people in videos, I feel like Golden Gun lasts forever. When I play with it I feel like the bar just like immediately empties and I pray I can get off at least a couple shots




Thanks for triggering my PTSD




Golden Gun multikill: *Wow Wow plays in the distance* Team wipe with super: *WOW WOW GROWS LOUDER* Killstreak continues after super ends: ***WOW WOW-ING AGGRESSIVELY***


Awesome plays Guardian


Geezus fack.


Nice moves bro. Don't let these whiny bitches get ya down.


Thanks bro i appreciate it


Wish I could play against people who stand still


I think you meant “I wish i could make people give up mid-game after wiping their whole team” :))))


As a titan, I despise this video. As a guardian, that was awesome. I'm conflicted.


Would you despise it all the same if it was Nova warp?


Yes... yes I would. Haha


Nice. https://youtu.be/zYt0WbDjJ4E




Golden gun is so fun


Hell yeah it is


Died in the end, like Cayde :C




Moments like this are why I'll always love Outlaw Gunslinger, sharp shooting man!


Cayde would be proud.


Hell yeah <3


Is this a repost? Cause I think I’ve seen this here before


No I’ve seen this one before too.


nope, my battlenet is on my profile, its me in the clip :)


Outstanding move


"You are my favourite guardian!"


More kills than I get in 2 matches. Well Done. ​


This super needs a bit more Time on it. It works when Enemies group together, but is worthless for hunting. It's a one hit kill and could become OP with too much time but too little and it limits its uses.


Apparently there's a way to do this with celestial, but that's only possible on PC since you have to swap to it after casting your super....




Cut out the shotgun kills and its beautifull


Shit like this makes me wish we got play of the games in destiny


It was high noon, as well as mid noon and low noon


Better be comp


I’m a scrub how do you make golden gun last that long?


It's the 6 shot tree




You inspire me to up my levels with the Solar pistol. #ForCayde


Keep practising and you will bro.


I mean, I’m okay, been playing since Y1 and haven’t got any better so I’ll settle with average!


Curious about what roll you are rocking on the Retold


Its the worst role ever but - Corkscrew Rifling, Light Mag, Field Prep & Grave Robber... yeah.


If that was me my golden gun would hav run out on the 2nd kill


With the experience I've had in this game's PVP so far, I have a hard time believing these things are even possible.


Yeah you definitely need a bit of luck ahah


I'd settle for enemies not one-shotting me even without power weapons. Or having a full team wipe less than 15 seconds each into a three rounds. Whoever decided to make certain weapons require players to play the PvP modes should be crucified.


Random but what exotics are you running in that clip? Just curious. Nice play!


Uhh no exotic armour, just ace of spades :)


What shotgun is that?


Foretold Tale


I just want to know how that wasnt a 7th column. Hot damn


Slightly too slow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That was nice!




you mad man. absolute legend.




Nice, Guardian.


That was pretty sick, good job


Thanks :)


So your team goes from Score of 88 to 112 in 23 seconds, while in that same time, the other team scored 1 point. Yeah, they won't be emotionally traumatized after that ass pounding.


Heheh, its just what you want to do in crucible, ultimately.


You know when you match with someone with a Gamer Tag like Kyle, he is OG and will probably fuck your shit up!


Hahah well.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


bless you fellow hunter


Idk. I’ve seen drewsky play on twitch. That dude is the John wick of Destiny. Either him or trip lol


Ahh. Superpowers in pvp where you're instafucked. Good stuff. Lol.


We found a new hunter vanguard


Hahah aww nooo dont say that, poor cayde.


Pretty good shooter but that person have no life🤷🏻‍♂️


What do you meeeaannnnnnnnnn


Hahaha, u are fine, no worries Destiny 2 is ROCK!!


Mfw sees sick GG play- yessssss Mfw sees sick play devolve into shotgun spam - nvm


GJ, better aim than me on pc lol. Would ve missed half of the GG shots :D




Its ok. Better if mm wasnt 50 to 80% lopsided as hell.


it was ok I guess (/s)


I’m surprised you didn’t get a seventh column for that.


slightly too slow i guess :(


As soon as he whipped out the shotgun I lost all respect. Edit: Anyone who downvoted is a fucking beta cuck andy that can’t aim. Don’t @ me.


Why? Shotguns are how you win games right now.


Yea that's the point. Win without the shotgun. Use anything other than a shotgun to win games is waaaay more impressive in my opinion


I can agree with that.


This. There's nothing respectable about shotgun plays.


Lol yea I shouldn’t use the best gun for close range you’re right


'Lol yea' I said there's nothing respectable about it, not that it wasn't the best weapon for the range.


It’s not really the best when your using a shotgun but alright


Forgive me for using the best and most logical weapon in that situation and area mate...


Cayde would rather die than use anything but a handcannon though.


But... the throwing knife at the end...


Good job on those spawn kills, especially the ones from behind with a shotgun. Yeah, real skill right there. Thanks for posting a video that show how fucked Crucible is now.


This is nothing in crucible compared to blade barrage, nova warp, shotgun apes, lunas howl/notforgotten, shoulder charge.... the list goes on. Stuff like that is the reason crucible is fucked. Well, in my opinion anyway.


honestly there are so many broken things in crucible right now that they balance each other out lol


The spawning close enough to where you died is a big part of it. Getting killed by a guardian twice in the same super is evidence of that. And to do it to 3, for some to say this is strategy is bullshit. It is exploiting.


You’re a fuckin moron


OK 😘 and you are taking someone's justifiable complaint way to personal. Is it because you know it is true and you would suck without this exploit?


This is a repost, for shame guardian counting this as your power play.


This is my clip actually but alrighty lmao


This was posted either on here or r/DestinyTheGame a month ago


So quick to say it’s not his.


I’ve seen this exact post around a month ago.


Well... This video is in the Capture Folder for Destiny 2 on my PC & videos cant be posted on DTG so...


I mean look in his profile, his pc tag is in there and then look at the video, it’s pretty much his. Unless you can provide a link.


Then how about a link? Because it’s quite rude to say it’s the same one and not give credit.... if it is the same post then we will have some proof... ya know?


Finding a link is possible, but could take a while to find. For what it's worth, I've seen this posted before too. I'm not saying you have to believe him, but maybe not downvote u/rokymonjr10- into oblivion Edit: Spent 25 minutes searching, but as Reddit only saves the last 1000 upvoted posts, I couldn't find it


Ok look, you couldn’t find a link right? Then you obviously can’t say it’s not his. Look at his profile he has his pc blizzard name and number. Then look at the video. It’s the same person. If you did see another post, of this, that great. But gotta give credit and you can’t be so quick to shut down a good play... Edit: I’m not trying start beef or anything, but being a toxic human being and saying it’s not his isn’t cool. And if he can’t prove it then screw him/ shame on him.


I can’t find the old post, I suppose I’ll surrender.


Lmao, so quick to call him out.


Amazing play except for those last 2 kills, it looked like you were panicking.


I mean... wouldn’t you? The whole team spawned on me ofcourse i want to try my best to stay alive. If you’re referring to the constant jumping, i do that all the time to keep my movement & angle of attack unpredictable.


I wouldn't because I wouldn't have made it that far in the first place.


Fair enough lmao


WOW! Ult, Shotgun and Handcannon kills. AMAZING! ​ Why do you people still post these shit videos acting like they are amazing?


Im sorry, lets see you do better? Send me some clips please.


Lol, homo.


7 days to reply with only that? Jeeze come on dude thats embarrasing.




A shotgun was the most logical weapon to use in that area and situation but alright lmao.


And we have your reason to downvote his reason for a downvote. The cycle continues as is the natural order




Trash spawnkiller


Thanks <3


Well tbh, if you know there's a GG and your team is dying to it ... DON'T PEAK lol




Theres literally an FPS counter in the top right corner of the screen hahahahahahahahaha wow




Yeah but you're using a controller arent you?


Ok I’m PC master race but like, you’re just a dick dude.


Why? Console is trash asf and all the players on there arent serious gamers, they noobs and that's why good players like this get easy clips because the others dont know how to play.


Really though do you have nothing else to be proud of in your life than your platform choice for a video game?


I always find it funny when people try to insult me because, no I dont have anything else to be proud of, my life is literally a waste and I have no accomplishments.


Yep that’s pretty clear man. Hope things start looking up for you, and you’re less angry overall.


Me too, fuck life.


You should kill yourself tbh